Male and female betta fish together

My male betta (gizmo) and female betta (gloria) together!! Sadly my female betta (gloria) died :( !!! But as far as my male betta (gizmo), he now upgraded into a new 5 gallon tank , which i hope to put a few tetras into as well. As for now i've made a video of him in his new home.. which you guys can check out :)!!

Male and female betta fish together sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Betta 14 years ago 54,988 views

My male betta (gizmo) and female betta (gloria) together!! Sadly my female betta (gloria) died :( !!! But as far as my male betta (gizmo), he now upgraded into a new 5 gallon tank , which i hope to put a few tetras into as well. As for now i've made a video of him in his new home.. which you guys can check out :)!!

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Most popular comments
for Male and female betta fish together

Michelle Av
Michelle Av - 8 years ago
When I put my female in with my male betta he swims around all frantically and excited. They are a breeding pair I have 2 batches of adolescents from them so I cant keep them together because they instantly breed when they see each other he worries about the bubble nest after lol.
Brady Seville
Brady Seville - 8 years ago
I prefer female Siamese fighting over male Siamese fighting fish because they females never fought each other if you put bunch of them in the same community aquarium.
Eshylo Arviso
Eshylo Arviso - 9 years ago
What happens if I put a Vail tale male and a female in the same tank
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
+Katy Just
Swim in Peace (like Rest in Peace, only for fish).
Katy Just
Katy Just - 8 years ago
+ReviewCam SIP?
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
+Eshylo Arviso They'd probably mate and then it's SIP for the female betta
WarriorWolfeh - 9 years ago
It depends on the fish's temperament if they can live with other fish. I know my male betta isn't aggressive, he has never puffed up once at me or my finger, he actually just comes to me when he sees me cause I mean food and he LOVES food! I feel if I found a similar calm female it could work out.
Mahir Motion
Mahir Motion - 8 years ago
i got a calm female and male living together its amazing and her tail is turning white witch means mating so i keep the filter on so he cant build a bubble nest and they just mind there own business they were born and raised in captivity to not be aggressive at least i think they were or their just both nice
B.A. Y.X.
B.A. Y.X. - 10 years ago
Anybody pls tell new what plant is that ?!?!?!?!?!?!!
B.A. Y.X.
B.A. Y.X. - 8 years ago
It's ok, thanks anyways :D
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
So sorry I didn't know you're in Singapore just tying to help.
B.A. Y.X.
B.A. Y.X. - 8 years ago
There is no such thing as petco in Singapore :)
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
You can get that at petco. They use it in geico or reptile pets.
Youngwoon Kim
Youngwoon Kim - 10 years ago
I haven't known it is safe to put female and male betta fish together in one tank. I also wanna try to put male betta into my sorority tank which have 4 female betta fish. 
Yoggiecast - 10 years ago
My male and female betta are living in the same tank they seem to not bother each other much..
Sidneysolove - 10 years ago
The female fish first reaction to seeing a male ..............
Its a boy=-O =-O =-O
Michelle Garcia
Michelle Garcia - 11 years ago
Where did you get your half moon fish because if you are taking him back I will buy him how much did it cost
Paul Gilchrist
Paul Gilchrist - 11 years ago
They sell half moons at Petco where I live for $5.99. Supposedly they are on sale and normally retail for $7.99.
Waleed Zeidan
Waleed Zeidan - 11 years ago
so could they go together

10. comment for Male and female betta fish together

Li _0ro531
Li _0ro531 - 11 years ago
I like your setup a lot!
Dustin Carr
Dustin Carr - 11 years ago
I have a male and a female in a 10 gallon together in my room. They get along, I bought them teh same day and put them in at the same time. I have a heater, filter, gravel, live plants and a fake log with a rock under part of it. I feed them pellets and blood worms, the male usually keeps to himself but the female follows him around, although lately he had kind of been hovering around her. I hear alot of shit online from people telling me its dangerous but mine get along fine
Zaonii - 7 years ago
Dustin Carr How are they doing now?
James Kaplonek
James Kaplonek - 11 years ago
I have 5 neon tetra with my male betta. Yes he ate 2 of them when they were small (I started with 7) but the others have since grown a bit and now he leaves them well alone and tries to go after my small shrimp instead :D
Matthew Rising
Matthew Rising - 11 years ago
you can't put tetras in with a betta because the betta will try to eat the little fish
Gabrielle Girvin
Gabrielle Girvin - 11 years ago
Don't your fish fight? I've heard so many things about betta fish. How you can't keep 2 betta's in the same tank because one will eventually kill the other. I'm looking into getting betta's I want more than one. But there's too much controversy in the research I've done and I'm very confused. But your fish look completely content with eachother. Please get back to me. I'm very confused.
Chelsea L
Chelsea L - 11 years ago
I clicked on this video for a fight.
Muse Betta
Muse Betta - 11 years ago
Just from the vie
Savanah Lee
Savanah Lee - 11 years ago
This is so cute. Nice tank and fish
Daniel Bishop
Daniel Bishop - 12 years ago
they are PRECIOUS!!!!!
ReviewCam - 12 years ago
Ignore the fish police:) Keep a watchful eye on the female and male bettas though.

20. comment for Male and female betta fish together

ReviewCam - 12 years ago
The bettas are very pretty and so is the tank. I love the pink/purple colors on the female betta:) Hopefully the plants are aquatic, silk or plastic and not regular house plants. BTW: Bettas do not need air stones (except when they're sick, where the supplement oxygen means they don't need to swim to the surface for oxygen and can rest, so don't worry).
TONS OF VANARCHY - 12 years ago
Don't listen to these people. These fish have lungs and don't need air in the tank. Read about them and do your research and you'll be amazed and know how to keep them for many years. Only question I have is that houseplant in the video I'm sure is poison unless you got it from a pet store as an aquatics plant but it looks like a reg house plant that can even kill a cat. ;)
JW lya
JW lya - 12 years ago
this tank is gross !
Mariah - 12 years ago
@themousemonster, they will be aggressive towards there mirrored image. They are always aggressive towards other males unless they have a big enough tank.
Fabulous - 12 years ago
I can see by the water that you had VERRY high ammonia lvs, this could have made the fish weaker and the male might not have been strong enough to keep her away & that's probably the cause of the female dying
Bibbabble - 12 years ago
That tank is too small.
TropicalKIng1990 - 12 years ago
have u bread them yet?
Animelover24 - 12 years ago
it is okay it been 2 years but still did you got these two form pet smart?
Lilly Hansenn
Lilly Hansenn - 12 years ago
ok............. first of all, I totally understand that your bettas may (have) been living together at peace for a little bit, but eventually the male will get protective of his space, and kill or try to breed with the female, if your female died with ripped or missing scales or fins, then she probably was a punching bag for the male. i recommend that if you do put two bettas of the opposite gender together, use a divider, or a jar for the female. i also recommend a heater if you don't have one
Alex Ross
Alex Ross - 12 years ago

30. comment for Male and female betta fish together

young savage
young savage - 13 years ago
Checkout my two male and female veiltail Betta fish please and thankyou
Maria - 13 years ago
@puffic33 you can keep between 5 to 7 females together in a 10 gallon tank with lots of hiding places and plants u can add 1 male but u will have to keep a very close eye and also with the females they will nip at each other but if they get very aggressive make sure u have back up tank. they wont mate because the male would need to make a bubble nest and spawn but its best not to keep the male and female together because u might end up with dead fish depending on how aggressive the fish is
anni50ful - 13 years ago
these fish are tropical - heater filter and air
benny lopez
benny lopez - 13 years ago
did she have any eggs or anything ?
ringmaster1209 - 13 years ago
will the attack eachother or is it ok to put them togoether
XSyntax - 14 years ago
@whiteboypatrickkelly but some good came out of it i got a beatiful halfmoon female and a red and purple female =D
XSyntax - 14 years ago
@whiteboypatrickkelly lol it wont work now anyway because the stupid petshop sold me two male plakats =.= no wonder he was beating up my new girls i guess i'll have to take him back =(
XSyntax - 14 years ago
THEY DON'T FIGHT? this weekend i'm thinking of getting a boy i have two girls now but i plan to take a mirror to test his aggressivness yours seems really gracefull and calm =D

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