Male Betta Fish and Gold Fish In Tank Together

so ive had my male betta fish for about a week and i just put in the gold fish and my betta fish is like trying to start a fight with the gold fish, even thought the gold fisg is just minding his own buisiness... but the guy at the pet store said that betta fish could be in the same tank as a goldfish

Male Betta Fish and Gold Fish In Tank Together sentiment_very_dissatisfied 44

Betta 16 years ago 44,787 views

so ive had my male betta fish for about a week and i just put in the gold fish and my betta fish is like trying to start a fight with the gold fish, even thought the gold fisg is just minding his own buisiness... but the guy at the pet store said that betta fish could be in the same tank as a goldfish

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Most popular comments
for Male Betta Fish and Gold Fish In Tank Together

Andi Dang
Andi Dang - 7 years ago
your tank is way toooooo small
Burping Gecko
Burping Gecko - 7 years ago
I think that a goldfish beta combination is likely to work but not in a tank so small! Both species like space and betta need areas of the tank that have still waters and places to hide. The largest problems are temperature and the aggressiveness of male betta. For temperature, goldfish are cold water fish and bettas are subtropical. However both can be acclimatised to a higher/lower temperature so I advise keeping the tank at a temperature to suit them both (24-26 degrees C). Finally male betta are very territorial and are perfectly fine to live alone (so your not being mean if you separated it, although goldfish usually like a friend to keep them company) and so will likely pick fights with the goldfish. A way to stop this is to make sure the goldfish is put in the tank first, that way it is established as his/her territory so the betta will be less territorial. Always watch out for fin nipping and if you see any injuries caused by the betta fighting separate them. However this may not be the case, it all really depends on the personality of your fish.
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
that isnt even a tank a tank is maybe 5gallons ir more. any fish territorial or not doesnt respond well to not having space. that isnt a tank it is a bowl. a 5 gallon isnt suitable for a betta and another fish together. if its a 10 gallon you can put a betta in with other fish but be careful some bettas still wont like it. it will depend on its personality. you can really get a 10gallon cheap. go get one and try again. even 1 betta shouldnt live in that tank unless hes sick and needs a small area. i am not critisizing you i did this to my betta as well. when i finally put him in a 5 gallon with filter and heater he has to be the happiest betta in the world. he cannot have other fish with him then he gets aggressive. i have another betta in a 10gallon with a shrimp 3 guppies and 4 white clouds. they are all so happy together. they also have a heater and a filter. try again please. please dont use these stupid bowls. when you upgrade you will see why its really abusive.
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
also invest 3bucks in some live plants. they need to be able to hide. 10bucks for a 10 gallon at petco sale just ended but they have it every 3 months. please invest 20 bucks 10for tank and the rest in plants you will see right away the difference that it makes
Marie Florek
Marie Florek - 8 years ago
Beta will kill any other fish...they are very aggressive. Have had betas for 25 years. Trust me on this. Let them live by themselves or put a separator/partition in the tank.
barkha pandit
barkha pandit - 8 years ago
my goldfish(king) is hurtng my betta(prince).. i have to bring new home for betta
rocky 12mar
rocky 12mar - 8 years ago
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Chris Welch
Chris Welch - 9 years ago
average lifespan of goldfish is 10 through 20 years but the oldest goldfish was 43 years old
Juan Jose De La Cruz
Juan Jose De La Cruz - 9 years ago
one time I did that and my beta started to bite the goldfishes tail so I had to put the goldfish in a separate fishbowl
Inferno Gaming6
Inferno Gaming6 - 10 years ago
Never EVER trust pet store employees, unless the store sells only fish. They will hire ANYONE. 
Burping Gecko
Burping Gecko - 7 years ago
Inferno Gaming6 in the uk they are quite good. Our major pet retailer, Pets at Home, employees have to go through 19 tests and a load of textbooks before they are hired.

10. comment for Male Betta Fish and Gold Fish In Tank Together

everafterblogXOX - 10 years ago
Wow the pet store guy said the same to us and we ended up with 3 dead goldfish 
jesus garcia
jesus garcia - 11 years ago
Bettas are warm type fish, and goldfish are cold type fish so either the tank was too cold or the betta ate the goldfish
Amanda Mc Carthy
Amanda Mc Carthy - 11 years ago
I had my beta with my goldfish and he did fine, but make sure u have a great filter or the goldfish will kill the betta from all the ammonia
Allison Victoria
Allison Victoria - 11 years ago
Once your goldfish gets bigger, it'll stop trying to pick fights! I have two goldfish and one betta in a 15gal aquarium and they're all happy and healthy!
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
Allison Victoria 15 gallon is way different than a bowl. look at that thing the fish are in
jimmy ferns
jimmy ferns - 11 years ago
thats sick m8 goldfish is gonna die in tropical water its a cold water species
sir teamkiller
sir teamkiller - 12 years ago
bettas are not like that the goldfish would probaly nip his fins
sir teamkiller
sir teamkiller - 12 years ago
bettas are pussies
TropicalKIng1990 - 12 years ago
cool :) i dont see any poblem :)
Elushka29 - 12 years ago
I have a goldfish and male betta and female betta in the same tank !! They love each other !! Never had any problem !! They been together 9 months
Sarafina Donald
Sarafina Donald - 12 years ago
219Zookey66, I definitely agree with your response-especially about keeping that tank clean. My fiancee and I keep our goldfish housed in a separate tank from our bettas because bettas are so much more sensitive than goldfish, and our goldfish are twice as big as our two bettas.

20. comment for Male Betta Fish and Gold Fish In Tank Together

Luke Harpus
Luke Harpus - 12 years ago
Add the goldfish then add the Betta IF you have a betta then add any fish that means GET OUT OF MY TERRITORY YOU CRAZY FISH no affence meant to you Mistakes happen it happened to me once adding telescopes to an established tank of fish (Other goldfish)
gnhking - 13 years ago
@gnhking anther thing the gold fish can not be bigger than the betta in fact it is better if the gold fish is smaller like a feeder gold fish
gnhking - 13 years ago
@kellypeet first of all how old was your betta when you put your first gold fish in the tank because the pet store guy i know and i know him really well because his wife worked with me . he sead the yunger thay are when you put a gold fish in the tank with them the better in works out and get along.
Courtz121297 - 13 years ago
the betta is showing agressiveness by flaring his gills....
heyitsprincess2000 - 13 years ago
I had two fishes. One was a goldfish and one was a betta fish. They were in seperate tanks. One day, i decided to put both in the same tank. When I put the goldfish in the betta's tank. The betta fish went to the goldfish and nibbled on him. Luckily, the goldfish wasn't hurt. But, he died on November :(
End Berry
End Berry - 13 years ago
ur camrea sucks
Tiffany Thornton
Tiffany Thornton - 13 years ago
I highly advise putting them in separate tanks. The ammonia levels in the water created by the goldfish alone will be too much for the betta to healthily tolerate.
Lees BiggestFan
Lees BiggestFan - 14 years ago
@TheJacobWoods yes haha howd u find it
twily sparklez
twily sparklez - 14 years ago
You need a biger tank
Joey R
Joey R - 14 years ago
wow... lol.. sad tht it died.. if the goldfish is really pissed. it will destroy the betta.. i tested this.. on accident.. i did the same thing you did here.. but my goldfish was white and red.. she sliced the betta to ribbons...

30. comment for Male Betta Fish and Gold Fish In Tank Together

Luimeril - 14 years ago
bettas and goldies do NOT go good together. they need different temperatures, goldies being coldwater and Bettas being tropical. goldies can get HUGE, over two feet long, and either the goldie will kill the betta, or the betta will kill the goldie. :/ the guy at the pet store doesn't know what he's talking about. bettas can be kept with certain placid fish, and goldies need HUGE tanks.
XxBubbleBearXx - 14 years ago
Hi um ur not suppossed to put a goldfish and a betta together.
White Noise
White Noise - 14 years ago
People must really hate fish to keep them in such small cups like this....
nafaka12 - 14 years ago
You Probably won't believe it but i had a betta and a goldfish, and they got in a fight and the goldfish killed my female betta..
Big Mean Squeeze
Big Mean Squeeze - 14 years ago
quality sucks, but very interesting
Litameena-chan - 15 years ago
thats why you never trust the pet store people. =/ I hope both fish are still alive.
Rmzizou - 15 years ago
what kind of filter did you buy? can you tell me the brand name and model of the filter? and can you tell me how much you got it for? Thanks so much
pavy415 - 15 years ago
I have the same tank have u keept the betta with a different fish in this tank after the gold fish died? Or have you keept any other fish and if so how many in the tank?
Lees BiggestFan
Lees BiggestFan - 15 years ago
the betta quit chasing him around but the gold fish did die a couple weeks later.
pavy415 - 15 years ago
Please tell me wat haopen did u take?them out or did the betta give up and accept him?
Mandie - 15 years ago
Bettas can never be in the same tank with other fish unless the conditions are right and that's normally in a heated tank...but bettas are extremely aggressive fish and will fight anything that moves, even his own reflection!
darkstarnolight - 15 years ago
meh i have all together 7 types of gold fish a crowntail beta and a very large bottom feeder and from day one my beta hasnt had a problem with anyone actualy the feeder fish tried feeding off him on the first day which he didnt like but he got over it and made himself a home in a castle none of the other fish can get in and their all living fine but those gold fish are hell on my filters
neodorkiss - 15 years ago
thats a cool tank i just got a betta today, they are beautiful fish!!
19Zookey66 - 16 years ago
The betta will probably not kill the goldfish. They only fight with other betta (normally). The biggest problem you will have houseing the two together is the temperature difference required by the two different fish. A different problem: The recomended tank size for a single tailed goldfish is 20 gallons each. Goldfish are very dirty fish and Betta's have very delicate fins and will get amonia burns easily. Do many water changes to keep that water clean. Good luck with your fish.
Lees BiggestFan
Lees BiggestFan - 16 years ago
well the guy at the pet store said it would be ok to put them together... its benn a coiple days and the fish are friends now.

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