Marina EZ care betta aquarium kit

I unbox the new Marina EZ care betta fish tank kit. It is a tiny .7 gallon aquarium kit for bettas. Thanks for watching:)

Marina EZ care betta aquarium kit sentiment_very_dissatisfied 61

Betta 9 years ago 37,549 views

I unbox the new Marina EZ care betta fish tank kit. It is a tiny .7 gallon aquarium kit for bettas. Thanks for watching:)

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Most popular comments
for Marina EZ care betta aquarium kit

LittleImpaler - 6 years ago
It's not your fish. Worry about your fish and your tank.
Chanda mama TV
Chanda mama TV - 6 years ago
It is made of what glass or plastic
Hickster58 - 6 years ago
Chanda mama TV Plastic
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish - 6 years ago
Got mine for $7.98.....
the fer sisters
the fer sisters - 6 years ago
I want this for my betta fish this tank my fish caramelo is really small so ithink she well like this :)
Alcatel Evolve2
Alcatel Evolve2 - 6 years ago
$15 at random pet store, $6 walmart
Hickster58 - 6 years ago
Alcatel Evolve2 I also bought it 2 years ago. Walmart didn't carry them back then, or at least mine didn't. I'd also rather support a small petstore than walmart.
Guppy Guyz
Guppy Guyz - 6 years ago
Is it glass or acrylic
Hickster58 - 6 years ago
B_W Fishing
B_W Fishing - 7 years ago
I paid 7 dollars at Wal-Mart
Marley Bennefeld
Marley Bennefeld - 7 years ago
My betta Jude his spine bent and he died in this tank
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
Marley Bennefeld Sorry to hear that:(
Beautymillion - 7 years ago
the fish my fish is happy in a 1 gallon tank with filtration and heater and they swim every inch of it and they’ve been living for a year now and they are perfectly healthy, I had beaters all my life and leave it all living in a 1 gallon and a 2 gallon, i’m sick of all this debate between takes 2.5 is minimum but I think a 1 gallon is ok if you do just take care of it I think it would be fine, sure it shortens the fishes life span just just a little bit, but they still live long

10. comment for Marina EZ care betta aquarium kit

Jeremiah Mann
Jeremiah Mann - 7 years ago
I bought a beta for $2. Who gives a flying fuck if it lives long? Go get another if it dies. They have no feelings or thoughts....its a FISH people. lol
Lily Stone
Lily Stone - 7 years ago
I am sorry. but I couldn't pass this! you are absolutely HEARTLESS. actually spend time near and around the fish, I have come to realize that my betta fish Charlie recognizes my voice as well as my brothers. when I come in the room talking with the phone the fish will swim to the top of the tank where I often open the lid and drag my figer at the top of the water. Now when my brother enters, he doesn't really do much unless hes talking. My brother use to sit there and say for example "Charlie, Charlie, Charles" and he would well react of course! he is very curious but also very lazy, I spoil him to death. he is in an Old ten gallon that I used for guppy breeding. Next time stay the hell away from these beautiful animals, let someone who cares give them love.
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
Jeremiah Mann It's actually been proven fish do Have feelings! Price should not matter, it's the poor animals life that does, people like you should not own animals! Do everyone a favor and do not watch or reply to any of my videos!
mghostproductions - 7 years ago
This is a small tank.
BlueBear - 7 years ago
This is a small tank.
Raji Sljivo
Raji Sljivo - 7 years ago
Boi these animals live in streams hundreds of miles long and you give it a 0.07 gallon that's for guppies.
Lily Stone
Lily Stone - 7 years ago
XD Guppys are Also supposed to have a 2.5 - 5 gallon tank as well!
Aquaswordz - 7 years ago
Warning ⚠️ This comment section is full of people saying how small the aquarium is
Jon John
Jon John - 7 years ago
7$ at Wal-Mart
BoxyNine57 - 7 years ago
I have one of these but put it away for a little while. I put my two beta fish into two normal size fish bowls and they don't like it. They liked this one better. I've tried bigger tanks and they just seem depressed. But when I put them in smaller tanks they enjoy it much better. Is this bad??
Lily Stone
Lily Stone - 7 years ago
bettas are very interesting, Although I think this is a matter of stress! as they are used to solitude. Maybe you could try putting in a moss ball for them to play with! my betta loves them, hes in a ten gallon So ya know XD
HippieAG - 7 years ago
I used this and my betta loved it! I put a little plastic plant in it too. My betta wasn’t very upset and it would always go up to me when I’m near. At first I thought it was 2.5 gallons before watching this. But I have to admit, this isn’t a bad tank at all. My betta has a 5 gallon i Think now and my betta fish ( pebbles ) enjoys both.
evelyn rose dorp
evelyn rose dorp - 7 years ago
That is way too small!!
sneks, sneks and MEMES
sneks, sneks and MEMES - 7 years ago
I used this aquarium and or was absolutely terrible. I switch to a 3 gallon (with filter) and my beta seems much happier and healthier. PLEASE DON'T GET THIS TANK!

20. comment for Marina EZ care betta aquarium kit

TheAilaS - 7 years ago
I just bought this one for my amano shrimp because my betta tried to eat him.
Natalie Rose
Natalie Rose - 7 years ago
I know everyone says this but I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!! You NEED at least a 2.5 gallon tank for your Betta fish
Sam - 7 years ago
i have this and my female betta loves it. i have it with lots of deco so she wont be bored.
Sam - 7 years ago
3 :).
brianna johnson
brianna johnson - 7 years ago
Samantha Rose how many drops of water conditioner do you use?
CactiCostumes - 7 years ago
PLEASE U DON'T HAVE TO BUY A 5 GALLON TANK they really dont need that much room as long as u have a heater and a thermometer its fine just do regular water changes the filters get cleaned so the beneficial bacteria is useless 2.5 gallon is the smallest u can get if you want happy betta. Thanks.
Jill D
Jill D - 6 years ago
Yes you don’t need 5 gallons but you need at least 2.5
Beneficial bacteria is not useless are you crazy?
Michelle Thomas
Michelle Thomas - 7 years ago
sometimes i hate pet owners...ugh like really dont do this and feed this and dont buy that. muthaf$$$$ when you supply the money i will buy the sh$$ til then until i get a bigger tank or better quality food. Shut up sit down and let me care for my pet dang.
Abigail J.
Abigail J. - 6 years ago
Danna Cardenas well they should if they plan on getting a betta. No one should get any pet without doing research.
the fer sisters
the fer sisters - 6 years ago
Bettas with Katie it cost 22.00 something dollars
Brittany Fogarty
Brittany Fogarty - 7 years ago
Bettas with Katie thank you for saying this, so many people argue with me when I say to get 2.5 at the smallest and keep them in a 5 gallon. People are like “fish only live a couple months” and it’s cause they live in too small terrariums with no filter and too cold temperatures! My betta live 4-5 years old on average I’ve been keeping betta for years and used to breed.
BlueBear - 7 years ago
Bettas with Katie thank you i just bought a 2.5 tank from pet co today.
Frenchie Nintendogs
Frenchie Nintendogs - 7 years ago
Bettas with Katie ikr I got a 5 gallon for my betta

30. comment for Marina EZ care betta aquarium kit

Danna Cardenas
Danna Cardenas - 8 years ago
Bettas with Katie calm down not everyone knows that
NoahKing - 8 years ago
I got it for $7 at Walmart I'm gonna put shrimp or snails in it
Kill Them
Kill Them - 6 years ago
NoahKing ye same
sneks, sneks and MEMES
sneks, sneks and MEMES - 7 years ago
Hickster58 you should not be promoting this tank it is absolute position to beta fish! They need 2.5 gallon minimum, a ACTUAL FILTER, a heater
sneks, sneks and MEMES
sneks, sneks and MEMES - 7 years ago
NoahKing please upgrade this is terable for you beta
Sam - 7 years ago
NoahKing nononono. not shrimp. they need a filter. betta fish and snails only
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
NoahKing :)
NoahKing - 8 years ago
Hickster58 Thanks!!
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
NoahKing Good luck with it!
Tribenix - 8 years ago
I got one big packet. Check out my channel to see my betta fish video
CrazyBirdyBird - 8 years ago
Thats not a tank...
Bettas with Katie
Bettas with Katie - 8 years ago
mattRlive some bettas may "survive" in small tanks, but they are never healthy, happy and thriving. The minimum tank for a betta is 2.5 gallons.
CrazyBirdyBird - 8 years ago
Yes if an animal can survive in poor environments for a while, companies sell useless stuff like this for them.
Not only is it poor excuse for a tank, but it is actually harder to care for small tanks.
mattRlive - 8 years ago
betta can live in small tanks
_ eel
_ eel - 8 years ago
that tank is OK I upgraded to a 1.2gal tank I will soon get a 2.5 then a 10gal
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
It's ok if you don't have the space, but bigger is always better:) Your betta will be happier in the bigger tanks you are going to get!
_ eel
_ eel - 8 years ago
I have that tank for my betta it's real good small but worth it
nylah brown
nylah brown - 9 years ago
Hi I love ur vids hey I'm I have a blue one if u want to go check out my channel Nylah brown
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
How is it now? Does it work when you pour the water in it? I want to get it for a mini shrimp tank.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
Yep, removed water and a small amount of waste, but nothing like what you see in the commercials for similar tanks.
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
+Hickster58 did it remove the water at least?
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Dorito Rex I tried it again and it did not seem to remove much of anything. It may be because of the plant in the way or something, idk. I am not using the tank anymore, moved my betta to a bit bigger aquarium.
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
Can you do a video of how it works I wanna make a desktop cherry shrip tank with it
[FC] ItZ DVUS - 8 years ago
Aidan C | You don't put a Berta with other fish. That's the reason why it "ate my other fish by mistake". Don't put Betta fish with other fish
_ eel
_ eel - 8 years ago
+Hickster58 sorry for what I said it's not a good tank I upgraded
_ eel
_ eel - 8 years ago
+Hickster58 I have this tank and a heather for my betta he is fine ate 5 or 6 fish by mistake but he is fine I got mine 2 days ago so shut up its a good tank and it works well
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
Sorry, I have been really busy with work and moving into my new apartment. I have already made a vid, I just need to upload it. 
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
r u still going to do it
Jeanet Garcia
Jeanet Garcia - 9 years ago
OK (I'm using my friends account)-infinitypets95
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
I sure will, but have to wait until it gets dirty. Probably sometime this upcoming week I will:)
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 9 years ago
You can not keep a betta in a tank this small, ever, this is a glorified bowl. And a heater is absurd necessary the minimum isn't 70 or 75 degrees, it's 76, with the ideal being 78 degrees Fahrenheit , this is about 25 Celsius.
_ eel
_ eel - 8 years ago
I have a tank and I put a heater with it my betta is fine he ate a lot of fish by mistake he is full but he is fine the way he is in that tank
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
Get the, "new" no clean aquarium. As it is 2.5 gallons.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Aly Homewood Yes I agree that this tank is very small, and I have mentioned in many of my vids that I do not keep bettas in this small of tanks permanently. I like these types of tanks for temporary tanks.

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