Melafix to treat sick betta fish

Melafix is a great natural, antibacterial treatment that can be safely used on betta's who are suffering from: fin/tail rot, eye cloud, and mouth fungus. This video demonstrates the correct ratio of Melafix to administer to bettas according to aquarium capacity.

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Betta 9 years ago 13,320 views

Melafix is a great natural, antibacterial treatment that can be safely used on betta's who are suffering from: fin/tail rot, eye cloud, and mouth fungus. This video demonstrates the correct ratio of Melafix to administer to bettas according to aquarium capacity.

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Most popular comments
for Melafix to treat sick betta fish

91Ctv - 7 years ago
hi there, can we use the melafix in the principal aqua or only the hospital? does it kill the benefical bacteria?
Moose Thestrawberry
Moose Thestrawberry - 7 years ago
What about if you have a 3.5 gallon tank?
Evelyn Davis
Evelyn Davis - 7 years ago
Will this help Bettas with Velvet?
Lauren Quoip
Lauren Quoip - 7 years ago
Great video!!
ASHTONIC JAMES - 7 years ago
can I use fish medicine instead on what your using
Derpdinkdoctor - 8 years ago
Melafix and bettafix can and will kill your fish. DO NOT USE THESE. They put an oily slick on the water surface, which any labyrinth fish (bettas and gouramis) will inhale. This damages the labyrinth organ and will kill your fish via suffocation. Also, 2.5 gallons is the bare minimum for keeping a betta, but bigger is better. Do not keep any fish in a tank less than that. Bettas live in rice paddies, or in other words, gigantic swamps of reeds and clear water. The water dries up once a year, and most of the bettas in the paddy die. It's not an environment you want to recreate, it is incredibly stressful to your fish, who feels pain and is smart enough to learn tricks. Anyways, I'm rambling, but PLEASE do NOT use these medications with bettas or gouramis, and keep them in bigger tanks that are heated, filtered, and cycled (not just leaving the tank to run for a few days before adding fish). Thanks.
Kimberly Jones
Kimberly Jones - 8 years ago
when applying this do i have to remove the filter
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 7 years ago
Kimberly Jones no. only the carbon.
Charlie Lim
Charlie Lim - 8 years ago
Hey love the video. Quick question. Are you diluting it in the tank water, conditioned water or just tap water?
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 7 years ago
conditioned water
Maghi Demirjian
Maghi Demirjian - 8 years ago
Anything with the word FIX in it will coat the betta labyrinth organ and will suffocate them. Stop misinforming people. This will kill your fish and or make them suffocate slowly
Richard Feng
Richard Feng - 7 years ago
no, bettafix works
ASHTONIC JAMES - 7 years ago
Maghi Demirjian so can I use fish medicine

10. comment for Melafix to treat sick betta fish

Bonnie 1000
Bonnie 1000 - 8 years ago
What do I do if I have a really tiny fish bowl
Zenxol - 7 years ago
Blurry Face 2.5 actually
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 7 years ago
Bonnie 1000 your betta should be in a minimum of 5 gallons
Cool Tue
Cool Tue - 8 years ago
You get a bigger one
Trinity Weekley
Trinity Weekley - 8 years ago
Thank you you helped by beta
Kaiya Welch
Kaiya Welch - 8 years ago
I have a 2.5 gallon tank and a half moon betta male with some pretty bad fin rot. I got melafix and didn't want to stress him out so I put .5 teaspoon in. About an hour later, I put in .25 teaspoon. I am planning on finishing his dose by the end of the day. Should I just dose it all at once tomorrow or should I keep doing this? Or Should I not have slowly introduced it at all and just have done it all at once. Need some answers! Really want my beautiful boy to heal!
nenaj1 - 8 years ago
Bucket of 40 ounces of tank water mixed with slime coat and 3 small drops of hydrogen peroxide 3%. Add fish for 4 seconds then return to tank. Wait ten minutes then add fish again for 7 seconds and return to tank again. Works wonders.
christinagreekct - 8 years ago
+Marisa's Betta Fish yes this medicine fixes it
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
Will it help with mouth rot
Kaitlyn Maddux
Kaitlyn Maddux - 9 years ago
OK, my Betta has a injured tail from another fish that bit some of it off. and I wanna know since I have a 1 gallon tank how much will I put
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 7 years ago
Kaitlyn Maddux you had a betta and another fish in a 1 gallon????
Emily Betz
Emily Betz - 9 years ago
My betta has fin rot and mouth fungus. I've been treating him with Melafix for 6 days, and he just keeps getting worse. I just brought him home 7 days ago and put him in a 1 gallon tank with nothing in it. I change the water every 2 days. I am accurately measuring the melafix with a medicine dropper. It just doesn't work.
Brandon Chan
Brandon Chan - 8 years ago
you should probably try pimafix. sounds fungal
em ma
em ma - 8 years ago
did you change the water with the melafix? i've also seen using 35% hydrogen peroxide working well for fin rot, but it could be risky.
Elliot Hewlett
Elliot Hewlett - 9 years ago
thank you
Shawn Marquez
Shawn Marquez - 9 years ago
Are you single?
Bonnie 1000
Bonnie 1000 - 8 years ago
Shawn Marquez R U Serious
Angєlαα Vαnιтуу
Angєlαα Vαnιтуу - 9 years ago
Thank you!!
Well put, unlike most who are unsure..
Stephanie Wyss
Stephanie Wyss - 9 years ago
I would NOT Recommend MELAFIX as it killed my First Beta Fish. The Second MELAFIX Treatment, was VERY UNSUCCESSFUL although very small by prescribed milliliter gave him POP EYE, and Cloudy Eye . . . from Experience the best Recommendation for a BETA FISH is SIMPLY API AQUARIUM SALT as directed from PETCO, as well as AQUEON Betta Bowl Plus, (from PETCO as well) which is a Liquid Water Conditioner (which has trace Elements Specifically formulated for Bettas) Thank You, as I have had many Betta Fish, and the MELAFIX as well as the PIMAFIX are TOXIC to Betta Fish! DO NOT USE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KEEP YOUR FISH ALIVE . . . As, to me they are my Pets! Please do NOT use WAL-MART Salt, as it is too POTENT . . . although the Water Conditioning Pellets are ok, if Used Properly from Wal-Mart. Not everyone can afford PETCO Prices, but when having a Betta Fish, it is well worth the Money! ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR SICK BETTA FISH! Sincerely, Stephanie

20. comment for Melafix to treat sick betta fish

DroopyJack Gaming
DroopyJack Gaming - 9 years ago
Great video! I was worried about my bettas fins and I needed to know how to treat him. You helped so much! Thanks!

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