My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror
Betta 13 years ago 70,757 views
Exercise Mirrors are good for Betta Fish because it provides them with physical as well as mental exercise. *Remember* Only leave it in for up to 5 minutes 1 to 2 times a day! If you have a question feel free to ask because I check my messages every day!
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10. comment for My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror
The mirror is not just a toy to be just left in there forever, so if your fish was stressing out, it is probably because in his tiny fish brain, he was never able to "win" the challenge and "scare away" the "other" fish. Over time this would have a devastating effect on his health.
Also, what many others have said about this fish is true. This tank is tiny. He really needs 5 gallons (minimum) to be happy. I know pet shops sell them in itty bitty bowls, but that's horrid and shouldn't be done. It is done today because that is the way it was "always" done.
Keep in mind, these fish were originally sold to be fighting animals. Longevity and happiness weren't high on those "owners'" list, so the fish were packaged for transit and not much more.
20. comment for My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror
A Betta needs Atleast 5 Gallons to be healthy or happy! If you can't afford that, I suggest a 2.5 Gallon tank.
Keeping a Betta in that small space is cruel! And you shouldn't place that mirror in such a small space.
It can make him get stressed! Which is very unhealthy and can cause serious issues or death.
And to me he already looks stressed.
30. comment for My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror
2. flaring exercises are healthy for your betta only a few mins a day, and there is nothing wrong with it as long as the fish isn't causing harm to himself
3. Moderation in flaring exercises is key
4. There is not enough gravel in the tank (it holds GOOD bacteria)
5. The temperature needs to be controlled for bettas , as they are tropical fish. approx 80 degrees
In the wild, they can survive in very shallow water, but that water can stretch for miles and miles. In a tank (esp. one that size), your betta obviously cannot swim for miles and miles--they'd hit the tank.
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