My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror

Exercise Mirrors are good for Betta Fish because it provides them with physical as well as mental exercise. *Remember* Only leave it in for up to 5 minutes 1 to 2 times a day! If you have a question feel free to ask because I check my messages every day!

My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror sentiment_very_dissatisfied 133

Betta 13 years ago 70,816 views

Exercise Mirrors are good for Betta Fish because it provides them with physical as well as mental exercise. *Remember* Only leave it in for up to 5 minutes 1 to 2 times a day! If you have a question feel free to ask because I check my messages every day!

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Most popular comments
for My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror

Connor Kruithof
Connor Kruithof - 7 years ago
the tank is animal abuse
Jeanne Betancourt
Jeanne Betancourt - 7 years ago
Nice vid but that's a death box
Roger Mercer
Roger Mercer - 7 years ago
Moonlight Bettas
Moonlight Bettas - 7 years ago
It depends on the Bettas personality, some can thrive in a 1 gallon tank. She needs to clean the tank though. 1 gallon is better than the cup there in.
llConstantinosll - 7 years ago
I only wish I could put you in a toilet and live there for the rest of your life. Let's see if you'd like it.
Joy Barton
Joy Barton - 7 years ago
Beautiful betta. I hope you got him a bigger tank even 2.5.
mskrazi yana
mskrazi yana - 7 years ago
you sound like your so educated but really you are clueless . PLEASE do you're research properly ! for starters that tank is a prison for your betta, you need a bigger tank for him and secondly a betta that flares is an angry betta , anger is not good for us let alone a betta. it's not good to make them flare as its actually stress ! please do your research before you make videos like you have the correct information!
joshua thomas
joshua thomas - 7 years ago
torture chamber
im triggered
joshua thomas
joshua thomas - 7 years ago
wtf is this tank

10. comment for My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror

Adenture kid
Adenture kid - 7 years ago
I've seen tanks but this tank kys but beautiful betta
damn thats a small ass tank
nick paine
nick paine - 7 years ago
bigger tank. what the hell
nick paine
nick paine - 7 years ago
I'm sure your fish loves losing brain cells crashing itself into walls.. you should use at least 3 gallon tanks for 1 beta. especially if you're gonna use excerise equipment
Neganigma - 8 years ago
A tank that small and you still dont give him a place to hide. No gravel, no leafs, no space and on top of it you piss him off and stress him out on purpose. You're a horrible Betta owner.
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 8 years ago
you need a 10 gallon tank for your betta with a filter and a heating system they also live in live plants out in the wild just some advise
neomi beavers
neomi beavers - 8 years ago
That tank is just too small my dude.
shanice turner
shanice turner - 8 years ago
look like my fish
*Danni* - 8 years ago
high quality mirrors have a thin coating of rubber so he doesn't get hurt
KarlBoy97 HD
KarlBoy97 HD - 8 years ago
way too smalp for the fish im not hating but eh
araeshkigal - 8 years ago
The mirror is designed to create a "threat" to which the fish responds by flaring. These guys NEED to use their muscles to flex and puff up and "protect their territory." It is necessary for physical and psychological health.

The mirror is not just a toy to be just left in there forever, so if your fish was stressing out, it is probably because in his tiny fish brain, he was never able to "win" the challenge and "scare away" the "other" fish. Over time this would have a devastating effect on his health.

Also, what many others have said about this fish is true. This tank is tiny. He really needs 5 gallons (minimum) to be happy. I know pet shops sell them in itty bitty bowls, but that's horrid and shouldn't be done. It is done today because that is the way it was "always" done.

Keep in mind, these fish were originally sold to be fighting animals. Longevity and happiness weren't high on those "owners'" list, so the fish were packaged for transit and not much more.

20. comment for My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror

Maghi Demirjian
Maghi Demirjian - 8 years ago
Wow smdh.
tiny Mindded inc.
tiny Mindded inc. - 8 years ago
my betta is in a 7.5 its a little to small
Paul Melitante
Paul Melitante - 8 years ago
what your tank is small than mine my betta fish tank is 5 gallon and it is serious health 4 your betta fish change your small tank okay and it help my fish exercise for few minutes but my betta fish is not flaring anymore Why is the reason
Las Lunas
Las Lunas - 8 years ago
Thats no tank, thats a puddle. I'm surprised that he's still alive :D
Raiha Amjad
Raiha Amjad - 8 years ago
I do not want to be a hater, but that isn't a tank, that's like a prison! That is no better then the Cups they come in!
A Betta needs Atleast 5 Gallons to be healthy or happy! If you can't afford that, I suggest a 2.5 Gallon tank.
Keeping a Betta in that small space is cruel! And you shouldn't place that mirror in such a small space.
It can make him get stressed! Which is very unhealthy and can cause serious issues or death.
And to me he already looks stressed.
Sparky The Cringy Fox Fur
Sparky The Cringy Fox Fur - 7 years ago
LeaDoes RANDOM okay maybe it's small but just think of what they were forced to live in if you bought them from the store.
Kathea May
Kathea May - 8 years ago
yea I had mine in that tank then the very next day I got a 1 gallon one and now he as happy as any fish can be!
Kailash Lang
Kailash Lang - 8 years ago
This is a beautiful jail cell
SilenceStabber - 8 years ago
Nice jail
Pete Wentz Where
Pete Wentz Where - 8 years ago
I got 2 betta fish today and the tank I got is 1 gallon/ whoops I have a divider but I wanna get a larger tank asap
shinnyeo - 8 years ago
when you see how fast betta can dart, you would realize that is not a tank that is a cell
JackieJea - 8 years ago
you should just put him back inside the plastic container

30. comment for My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror

Bat Shit Lazy
Bat Shit Lazy - 8 years ago
Gemini Neda
Gemini Neda - 8 years ago
+Your God has left this planet thats freaking lit i just got mine today its small and i feel really bad about it i want to get a bigger day
Jason Tello
Jason Tello - 8 years ago
Good for you
Cindy Yuan
Cindy Yuan - 9 years ago
Ur tank is a bit small for him
Im bob 15457
Im bob 15457 - 9 years ago
James Whitton
James Whitton - 9 years ago
I know this videos old now, and you were trying to look after your pretty little pet, but your first reaction was absolutely right. This can really only stress your fish out. I mean look at him, he's not happy with it in the tank. He doesn't need any exercise, although a good size, proper tank would be much better for him. I honestly hope you've progressed to a proper tank and stopped using this thing-itll be much better for you any any fish you may still have.
Alexa Reinwald
Alexa Reinwald - 9 years ago
poor little betta! he needs a real tank
Julia Daniell
Julia Daniell - 9 years ago
Horrible tank. These small tanks will shorten the lifespan of a Betta, plus torture them for the remainder of their short miserable life. There is no filter or heater. That's not even a tank. It's a box. They won't live long being unhappy and crammed in this tight space. Would you like being crammed in a box? No, you wouldn't and neither does he. I see this video is from 2011, that Betta is long gone by now. At least his suffering is over. People, educate yourselves on these fish before you get them and cram them into tiny boxes. They're fish, they need room to swim. It's what fish do. A 3.5 gallon is the bare minimum for a Betta. And it must have a filter and a heater in order to keep your Betta happy and healthy to ensure life longevity. The gravel bed, whatever substrate you're going to use, houses bacteria all fish must have in order to survive, and the filter is a must for bacteria development as well. You can get away with not having gravel just fine, you cannot get away with not having a filtration system. By the way, mirror exercise is very good for a Betta. It creates mental stimulation and builds their confidence because they flare to an unknown enemy for a while, then when you take the mirror away (after about 5 mins) it's as if they have scared the enemy off. Bettas, especially males, need this mental exercise. It's awesome physical exercise too because flaring causes them to stretch their fins. Their fins will grow a little longer because of it. I highly recommend mirrors and little floating balls, even little homemade obstacle courses. They love it.
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 9 years ago
1. That "tank" is a bowl, and is way too small for bettas. I hope he doesn't live in this structure.
2. flaring exercises are healthy for your betta only a few mins a day, and there is nothing wrong with it as long as the fish isn't causing harm to himself
3. Moderation in flaring exercises is key
4. There is not enough gravel in the tank (it holds GOOD bacteria)
5. The temperature needs to be controlled for bettas , as they are tropical fish. approx 80 degrees
Carissa Yu
Carissa Yu - 8 years ago
+HitlerRants Daily
In the wild, they can survive in very shallow water, but that water can stretch for miles and miles. In a tank (esp. one that size), your betta obviously cannot swim for miles and miles--they'd hit the tank.
Wallywutsizface - 8 years ago
+HitlerRants Daily Bettas need lots of space. In the wild, they can end up in small puddles, but those are the worst possible conditions for it. Betta tanks should be a minimum of 2.5 gallons.
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 8 years ago
Actually if you do good research you'll find my comment has facts. Bettas naturally live in shallow water, not small quarters.
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 8 years ago
+HitlerRants Daily You sound so intelligent.
A. Queiroga
A. Queiroga - 8 years ago
+HitlerRants Daily Your tank is smaller than that? That means you are even more stupid than her, you cant even take care of a fish. What dissapointment
HitlerRants Daily
HitlerRants Daily - 9 years ago
my tank is smaller than that shut up faggot. my paper said they live in small areas. also the glass magnifies it,to be honest the fish sees that as a full on aquarium for bigger fish
General Gordon
General Gordon - 9 years ago
That is such a tiny tank!
Curtis Caldwell
Curtis Caldwell - 9 years ago
that's a horrible home for a betta! you shouldn't make videos on bettas if you don't even know how to properly care for them. for a betta to be happy, you need at least a 3.5 gallon with a heater and a filter! either learn how to care for bettas, or stop posting videos.
Jason Tello
Jason Tello - 8 years ago
Jeez dude she's just a kid and probably doesn't know better
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 9 years ago
+Curtis Caldwell I agree, it's way too small. However, I have a 2.5 and my betta is very happy =) When I got him I was unaware that they should not be in small containers like the one in the video. As soon as I realized this, I upgraded him.
Lukas Gravelsins
Lukas Gravelsins - 9 years ago
this is evil this is a tiny tank for this betta just because they can survive these terrible conditions doesent mean they should
Carissa Yu
Carissa Yu - 8 years ago
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 9 years ago
+Lukas Gravelsins AGREED!
MAGGIE MAY - 9 years ago
poor fish. animal abusers SUCK. even the oblivious ones.
Jessica Rinella
Jessica Rinella - 9 years ago
Mine was in a small tank like this and he was really happy, was really lively and attentive and built little nests. He lived for over two years.
Carissa Yu
Carissa Yu - 8 years ago
It's a myth that bubble nests mean a betta is happy. Blowing bubble nests is actually an instinctive betta behavior.
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 10 years ago
Why the bowl? The water is yellow! Omg come on tropical fish here no heater? No filter? sighh
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 9 years ago
+Lexi Kent Agreed, the "tank" is WAY too small, and temperature control is needed. Filter depending on how often water changes are made. But this is way too small for bettas.
ammaraee - 9 years ago
I don't think the water is yellow, I think it's from The yellow picture located in the back.
ammaraee - 9 years ago
I don't think the water is yellow, I think it's from The yellow picture located in the back.
ammaraee - 9 years ago
I don't think the water is yellow, I think it's from The yellow picture located in the back.
razedWrong - 10 years ago
Louie is very good looking, i think" Louie"and my betta "Pepe" could be cousins.he loves me alot, he considers me "Eldad"
Mauricio_Ibieta - 10 years ago
so, in stores they literally sell devices to troll your bettas? thats mean :(
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 8 years ago
Mauricio_Ibieta its like tricking a person
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 9 years ago
+mauryelhombremono Flaring is healthy in moderation. As long as the mirror is only in the tank for a small amount of time it's good for them to stretch their fins and promotes fin growth. Again, as long as they are not harming themselves.
Love Goldens
Love Goldens - 10 years ago
My betta doesnt flare at all at his reflection
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 9 years ago
+mauryelhombremono males should never be put together. They will almost definitely fight each other.
ilman96 - 9 years ago
+Sarah Brodie ooo didn't know that the females could flare too... i see... but only the males have beards right...?
Love Goldens
Love Goldens - 9 years ago
+ilman96 not all male bettas flare. Ive only had 2 male bettas that flared at their reflection. The females I once owned flared more than the males I owned
ilman96 - 9 years ago
+Sarah Brodie maybe its a female
Mauricio_Ibieta - 10 years ago
maybe he can coexist with another male.
Deathpenalty926 - 10 years ago
You need gravel on the bottom, a filter, a heater, a thermometer, and more decor. That tank is WAY too small. Don't get a huge tank, just get like a 3 or 5. And I think that's false information. Good video though.
Sparky The Cringy Fox Fur
Sparky The Cringy Fox Fur - 7 years ago
Deathpenalty926 you don't need a filter or a heater because I got them for an old betta fish and it died from them
Shayne Bidwell
Shayne Bidwell - 10 years ago
I like how you don't like using the mirror but you use a tank that small. fish need space too, all fish. Buy a bigger tank please.
Romana Haque
Romana Haque - 10 years ago
you know nothing about bettas

50. comment for My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror

Marcin Tel
Marcin Tel - 10 years ago
Beautiful but tank is to small, please change it. It is not true that Betta splendens likes small tanks.
Angie Rodriguez
Angie Rodriguez - 10 years ago
For those talking about the size of the tank, Betta fish don't like big tanks, big spaces make them feel stressful. Their natural habitat are rice paddies, so big tanks, especially without hiding space, might make them uncomfortable.
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 9 years ago
+Angie Rodríguez This tank is actually too small. The betta has no hiding place, not enough gravel and only one plant. A good size for the betta to thrive is 2.5 gallons. Yes, bettas come from rice paddies, but they have much more hiding space, plants , and are able to establish a territory in the paddies. I would never recommend this very small container. Pet shops are uneducated and do not give out proper instructions for bettas.... or other various animals/fish at that. I had bought a tank this size when I got my betta and immediately upgraded when I realized how unhealthy it was for him. Large tanks are just fine as long as they have plants, hiding places, and if they are big enough tanks they can have suitable tank mates like tetra, certain snails and certain algae eaters.
DropsOfPluto - 10 years ago
Rice paddies are shallow, but they are quite large.
Tena Davis
Tena Davis - 10 years ago
The Rice Patties still have more room then this cube. Rice patties are shallow, but they is way more swimming room. 5-10 gallons should be a minimum for any betta. 
simtitan1 - 10 years ago
Put a betta in a 10 gallon, and I bet you will take back what you said. 
weak turd
weak turd - 10 years ago
nasty water
Tracy O'Connor
Tracy O'Connor - 10 years ago
Your killing him in that tank .
Sammi Dee
Sammi Dee - 9 years ago
+Vinh Nguyen Just because they survive doesn't mean they are thriving. That's pretty cruel.
General Gordon
General Gordon - 9 years ago
+Vinh Nguyen wtf how?
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
did you read the ad at the start
Vinh Nguyen
Vinh Nguyen - 10 years ago
When my dad was a child he kept a betta in a light bulb A BULB! They lived for a few years.
DP2050 - 10 years ago
So you bought something for your pet, before even doing research on your pet? ....heh some humans are so primitive...
Makayla Rawr
Makayla Rawr - 10 years ago
A betta needs a 2.5 gallon tank. This "exercise" of yours also causes stress which will give it a heart attack.
roush26 - 10 years ago
My betta looks just like this and he died today, he's had swim bladder for like 3 months, he finally gave up, the snail was eating it in the corner. My other betta fish is next to my computer, he watches videos with me.
papercandles - 10 years ago
How big of a tank do you have the betta in?
Alessia Baglione
Alessia Baglione - 10 years ago
Your fish is so hyper ! Cute tho
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
actually, you train  both the bettas fins and colors by mirror exercising it in this way. its not ment do be any torture for the fish to use a mirror. its more like a way to take some nice photos. breeders often uses these kinds of methods to make the fishes flare on camera, and to get nicer photos of them :) just make sure to not use the mirror to often though! thats when it gets more like torture for the fish. the fish simply sees himself in the mirror, and believes its another fish, and then starts to flare. if you will train your fish to flare, make sure you use the mirror as most 1 time a week, and only for a couple of minutes. if you mirror exercise your fish too long or to often, it will start think hes not alone in the tank, and then he will be unsure and scared.
fat tony  D'Amico
fat tony D'Amico - 10 years ago
This is not good for the betta
Alex Oxendine
Alex Oxendine - 10 years ago
That kind of seems like torture
Love4animals - 10 years ago
TheLions Vlogs
TheLions Vlogs - 10 years ago
that tank is too small to do it
TheLions Vlogs
TheLions Vlogs - 10 years ago
well that i agree
Love4animals - 10 years ago
Its not the greatest to do it. The tank is a bit to small
TheLions Vlogs
TheLions Vlogs - 10 years ago
so as she said if you do it over FIVE minutes then they will get stressed
TheLions Vlogs
TheLions Vlogs - 10 years ago
not unless you do it for over five minutes and they do it all the time in the habitat
Love4animals - 10 years ago
Yes because flaring stresses them out
TheLions Vlogs
TheLions Vlogs - 10 years ago
+happy hamsters
TheLions Vlogs
TheLions Vlogs - 10 years ago
umm so ur saying that what they do in their natural habitat all the time is torture?
Love4animals - 10 years ago
matt dorrugh
matt dorrugh - 11 years ago
Your Betta fish is pretty
Laura Seeger
Laura Seeger - 11 years ago
THE TANK IS TOO SMALL!  You should have at least a 2.5 gallon tank and others argue at least a 5 gallon.  Mine is in a 10 gallon with lots of plants and a fake ship in the middle for hiding and he uses all of it!
kayla w
kayla w - 11 years ago
where did you get it
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 11 years ago
I would smash that stupid cube against a wall. Get something HUGE for your betta and some heating. At least people pamper their dogs and cats and they're not dieing in pet stores, but the fish are ALWAYS the ones mistreated.
Alfi Stanley
Alfi Stanley - 11 years ago
Luke Harpus
Luke Harpus - 11 years ago
Gun Gav
Gun Gav - 11 years ago
I wish i could sue the people who made the excercise mirror
Heather - 11 years ago
Poor fish
Alan Estrada
Alan Estrada - 11 years ago
He doesn't have enough room to exercise
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
@babyv83: oh I never knew that. Lol. Cool! Thank you! I put a new small blue fake plant in his tank today and he flared at it for a while but then what it looked like excitedly swam through it and was not flaring after that :)
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
The first time you used the mirror did your betta "flare" after you took it out? I showed my betta Marley the mirror, he flared for like 3 min then I took it away. He stopped for about 2-4 min after the mirror was gone, then kept doing it on and off for about 4-5 min. Maybe there's something he doesn't like by his tank? but everything that was there before the mirror is there still now... IDK... i'm confused. 
Ryan Ellis
Ryan Ellis - 10 years ago
If you leave a mirror in a beta fish tank it will kill its self by bashing its head against the mirror. Beta fish are natural fighters and will kill or be killed in a tank with another beta fish
CaffeinatedCactus - 11 years ago
betta's dont just flare when they are angry or upset, altho i would say that he couldve just been flaring because he was still been excited since you put the mirror in earlier. anyways betta's flare when they're happy too. 
CaffeinatedCactus - 11 years ago
he's a really pretty fish tho!!! i LOVE his colors :) 
CaffeinatedCactus - 11 years ago
that tank is extremely small for a betta... i think betta's require at least 2.5 gallons! my betta is in a 5 gallon and i think its still too small haha im thinking of getting him a 10 gallon 
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
awaah that's sad :/  yeah ill have to invest in a real one
CaffeinatedCactus - 11 years ago
no it technically doesnt matter but if theyre fake make sure they are silk plants. plastic could rip a betta's fins. i actually lost a betta that way :( but right now i have some real plants because it helps to provide oxygen in the tank and also real plants dont rip fins and tails! so yay :) 
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
oooh okay. Thank you I didn't know that. I want to upgrade and now i know that it's ok to get a bigger one. LOL. As long as I have plants. Does it matter if there fake or real? 
CaffeinatedCactus - 11 years ago
well their natural habitats are rice paddies which are like giant ponds. they're very shallow but they also have a ton of space. oh and about them not liking big tanks, they do!! they love em! but they also like lots of hiding spots so a couple plants would make em very happy :) my betta likes to sit in em haha  
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
I read that there only supposed to be in no bigger then a 6 inch tank because they "don't like big tanks." But from the other videos I watched they have giant tanks. So idk... Lol, I want a bigger one for my betta. Mines in one of those small round bowls. 
Caitlin Mann
Caitlin Mann - 11 years ago
Yeah I showed my Betta his reflection last week and he hasnt been the same since.. very scared and jumpy. I wish I could undo the effects =/
Sabrina Julevic
Sabrina Julevic - 11 years ago
the water looks so dirty you need a bigger tank for him he can barely move in there he will be a much happier fish in a 2 gallon tank trust me would you wanna be crammed in small room? also i noticed he didnt make a bubble nest this doesnt necessarily mean he's not happy but when i had a small tank a bubble nest was never made as soon as i got a larger one the next day my fish made a huge bubble nest not trying to be rude just wanna let you know ...btw nice fish
Avery Criss
Avery Criss - 11 years ago
my bate dose that too
Alicorn Princess 22
Alicorn Princess 22 - 11 years ago
If left in there too long, it could stress them just a little bit.
Yohance Mark
Yohance Mark - 11 years ago
that will cut your fish speaking from experience
kangboon lai
kangboon lai - 11 years ago
Hi nice fighting fish
Sahar N
Sahar N - 11 years ago
your fish looks cramped
Lush Tavey
Lush Tavey - 11 years ago
Most beautiful betta ever
Dominique Ellis
Dominique Ellis - 11 years ago
Smh the fish doesn't need a 5 or more tank my Betta is healthy and I had him for 1 yr in a gallon tank no filtration or lamp I just make sure I change the water leave the poor girl alone its her fish let her do as she plz
Σπύρος Καισαρίδης
Σπύρος Καισαρίδης - 11 years ago
completely wrong!!!!
Daniel Jusino
Daniel Jusino - 11 years ago
Flaring too much can tear its gills. Use it In moderation.
BFFsJoliandCourts - 11 years ago
His coloring is beautiful! My Betta is blue and green and has red spots in his fins and his name is Henry!
Liliana Murillo
Liliana Murillo - 11 years ago
your fish is nice i like they color i want a beta fish im getting a blue or purple so ya
Abie n
Abie n - 11 years ago
I agree u ppl need to relax! It's a mirror they are aggressive fish for a reason, u guys r being cruel by not letting ur fish have a challenge! THINK ABOUT IT!!
GreenLittleRobot - 11 years ago
Anyone calling this animal cruelty is a freaking moron. It's a damn mirror. Aggressive fish are aggressive by nature. My foot long jaguar managuense attacks the glass anytime he sees someone in the room and hes been doing that since he was one inch. Please get a clue. If anything the fish feels victorious when the mirror is taken out two minutes later. As far as the tank size, yea it could be bigger but could be a lot worse. I've seen people keep betta's in a 10 ounce bowl.
GamesBeforeBros - 11 years ago
You are nitpicking and that is the only thing that is uncalled for. Whatever way you read my comment in is not my problem, check the tone of the voice inside of your head, don't try to check me. Have a nice day.
FugitiveCon - 11 years ago
My point being, the "look, kid," and the "seriously" was uncalled for. There are better ways to address people, especially children.
GamesBeforeBros - 11 years ago
As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to educate yourself on the care and requirements for the pet you are committing yourself to. If you're old enough to have a pet, you're old enough to educate yourself on it.
FugitiveCon - 11 years ago
Yes. I was in 2 days ago. 95% of the tanks aimed for bettas are 1 gallon or less.
GamesBeforeBros - 11 years ago
I wasn't being sarcastic. I was being blunt/honest. Have YOU been either of those lately? Go pick a fight elsewhere. If you don't like it, keep it moving.
FugitiveCon - 11 years ago
Instead of being an sarcastic jerk to a child, you might want to start directing your responses to the companies that make such small bowls. Have you been in a pet shop lately?
Kristinalove456 - 11 years ago
Tank really should be 2 gallons or more..... Mine is 5
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
I hope the edges aren't sharp.
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
Poor Betta. Is it alive still?
mindzii8 - 11 years ago
How can you even call that a tank?
Brianna Granados
Brianna Granados - 11 years ago
That tank needs to be 1gallon or more

100. comment for My Betta Fish Interacting with his Betta Exercise Mirror

GamesBeforeBros - 11 years ago
Look, kid. Your fish is not reacting like that because it is exercising. It is a betta fish, it is aggressive and it thinks that another male is in its territory. You are not exercising your fish, you are stressing it. Seriously?
Biggest Potterhead
Biggest Potterhead - 11 years ago
Have the exact same tank, heater and everything, this tank is perfectly fine!
Biggest Potterhead
Biggest Potterhead - 11 years ago
I have that tank!
TBK Reptiles
TBK Reptiles - 11 years ago
OK well you can say betta either way beh ta or bay da. It's like car a mell and care a mell.
Xbox Gamerz
Xbox Gamerz - 11 years ago
that is true
Xbox Gamerz
Xbox Gamerz - 11 years ago
all males are active
Daisy Centeno
Daisy Centeno - 11 years ago
the effect is it will get tired and lose his energy and sometimes the fish bumps here head in the mirror that cause fishhole :"(( i had betta fish and i try mirror and he die :(( RIP Stephano :((
6.9M views - 11 years ago
what happened to your betta fish?
Lily Kotoko
Lily Kotoko - 11 years ago
He thinks its another male. Naturally when they see another male they fight for dominance.
Nic_ 921
Nic_ 921 - 11 years ago
What are the effects
Hannah Michel
Hannah Michel - 11 years ago
this betta looks exactly like my male Betta O.o
Mariana Hidalgo
Mariana Hidalgo - 11 years ago
The reflection makes it think its another betta, they can't be put with other betta makes because they will attack them, and or get stressed. What is happening to your fish isn't healthy, it's giving him stress and a kind if heart attack,
Eric Yu
Eric Yu - 11 years ago
He is trying to kill his reflection
baku lao
baku lao - 11 years ago
My betta actually likes swimming alone in a 20 gal tank. Inside are live plants, a heater (78 (deg) & a sponge filter to keep the ammonia level very low. The trick that I found to get it to exercise w/o the use of a mirror is to turn on the light on the fish tank then turn off the light of the room at night . It will see its own reflection on all 4 sides of the glass tank and will flare up like crazy. After 10 min, turn room lights back on and fish tank lights off to end exercise.
Erica Alexandria-Roth
Erica Alexandria-Roth - 11 years ago
Actually, betta fish don't need extremely large tanks. Every fish is different. Now if it's slamming into the sides and swimming in circles, you should upgrade to a bigger tank, but you don't need fucking ten gallons for one fish. Filtration isn't a requirement, but it does help, and depending on where you live a heater isn't necessary, but if you use one and the temp goes up in your room, discontinue using it so you don't overheat your tank until your room temp drops again.
breyerhorsecraxy - 11 years ago
I would update your video description, if you now think otherwise. On another note, I've heard on several forums and other websites that showing your betta his reflection (or even a printed picture of another betta) can be good for them in moderation - when the picture/mirror is removed, they think they 'won the fight' and it boosts their confidence. Also, it gets them moving around and active, though there are other ways to get them moving, too. Shark, my betta, loves playing games :P
Lilith - 11 years ago
Bettas don't live in small puddles. They use these puddles to escape from fights and predators. Also, just to travel around. They LIVE in large but shallow areas of water. The water is like knee high, but stretches for miles upon miles. If they look lonely in the 5 gal, add compatible fish. And 2.5 gal is actually okay, he may just like a smaller space. They should have at least 2 gal, in my opinion.
beetle beetle
beetle beetle - 11 years ago
wow you really don't know what you are talking about
awesomestperson101 - 11 years ago
Sorry i meant stressing him and just don't give him a heart. Attack
awesomestperson101 - 11 years ago
You are torturing that poor giving him stress
Inthe starsxx
Inthe starsxx - 11 years ago
AND if your room is warm enough, you do not need a heater. Sheesh
Inthe starsxx
Inthe starsxx - 11 years ago
Not really. Bettas are found in little puddles. They do not require a 5 gallon. Some of them even enjoy living in a 1-2 gallon. My betta was more happy when I first had him in a 1/2 gallon than being in a 5 gallon right now. So stop, all Bettas are different.
Arlene Hogan
Arlene Hogan - 11 years ago
I made my own mirror for free! I have a video on YouTube, just search for Arlene Hogan and tap on the video with the betta fish
Anh Phan
Anh Phan - 11 years ago
your betta is beautiful and I love him. People commenting about the tank is too small, but betta does not need a very huge tank. The fish looks lonely in a big tank and it is not very necessary.
Alexa Jones
Alexa Jones - 11 years ago
Holy crap! That tank is so small! Bettas need 2.5 gallons max. Rey are tropical fish and need a heater. Unless you want your bettas gills to tear, I suggest ou don't use that mirror. Bettas don't need a excersize mirror if they actually had room to swim... Which your doesn't.
chris franklin
chris franklin - 12 years ago
Flare it's gills? Dumb how get a right size tank and get back to the kitchen
Madie Grace
Madie Grace - 12 years ago
clean ur tank
CandyBears - 12 years ago least she stooped using it
Виктор Крум
Виктор Крум - 12 years ago
Guys where can I buy the same mirror?
SuperTeenamarie - 12 years ago
Your not exercising him, your just stessing him out. If you want to give him exercise, get him a peoper 5 gallon tank.
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
morons i tell ya xD
Gancanna - 12 years ago
If a male Betta doesn't flare in a mirror, it's old. It generally means they are past breeding age.
Gancanna - 12 years ago
It never ceases to amaze me how many people pronounce it like the Greek letter Beta despite it being spelled Betta.
Astrid Gootner
Astrid Gootner - 12 years ago
What does the mirror do for the betta, I want to get on for my betta Phillip
Nanashi - 12 years ago
what was the effect?
MegaHorrizon - 12 years ago
ur an idiot learn how to look after animals properly there only for your enjoyment when they are looked after well
MegaHorrizon - 12 years ago
dragoninnight - 12 years ago
Mirror practice is necessary though, it help improve fins and tail of betta.
dragoninnight - 12 years ago
Trust me, your tank perfect like is fine (except the water, you really need to change it ), I have see other betta in so much smaller place (like small bottles) and they re fine.
Username Checks Out
Username Checks Out - 12 years ago
Your tank is lovelyy!! Where did you get it?!!
TheAZchambers - 12 years ago
thts good, if you want it to be happy n healthy give it a nice home =) a little 5 gallon with some live plants will not only look better but give your betta a chance of having a happy life
Mob Hunter
Mob Hunter - 12 years ago
Im Getting A 5 or 10 Gallon tank for my Bettas on Chrismas =D. Oh Yea your saying Betta wrong its pronounced Beh-Tah not Bey-da. And That Mirror Can Injure your Betta.
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
all of what you said is true...........
angelswave88 - 12 years ago
That tank is way better then the little cup he came in. And depending on where you live you dont always need a heater.
Amanda Leigh
Amanda Leigh - 12 years ago
Why are you picking on a 14 year old's accent? Also, if you are going to be that critical you should probably make sure you know the difference between "to" and "too."
Pamfilo22 - 12 years ago
So many people arguing.. at least the fish is not in a cup like in the stores. She seems to care for her fish not fin rot or any damage on the fish it is fine. Nice betta :) get him a betta leaf, mine loves it. Its from the same brand as the mirror ball thing.
Hello. - 12 years ago
Sweet bro, i have the same tan as you xD
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
I dont have an oscar.............i only have a female betta tetras and a cory dumbass
erin carson
erin carson - 12 years ago
your betta is so pretty.
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
Wow research dum one.......Just because they are labrynth fish a bowl is no place for a betta..........Corydoras and gouramis are surprisingly also air breathers and dont tell me they can live in bowls.......look up anywhere Bettas can live in a bowl......But cannot thrive...and will not live a full lifespan....Bettas can live up to 10 years with proper care
zanocco641 - 12 years ago
i have the same tank haha
mperez25 - 12 years ago
What effect did it have on your Betta????
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
Just because I didn't like the effect that it had on Louie.
Tom Henry Liberty Report
Tom Henry Liberty Report - 12 years ago
Why'd you stop using it?
yap wee kiat
yap wee kiat - 12 years ago
its really to breed
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
I stopped using it shortly after I got it.
TheAZchambers - 12 years ago
those mirrors are great for injuring bettas
DollyDisaster124 - 12 years ago
I have a betta i got yesterday! He looks excatly like Louie! like literally! I am naming him Paradise but his nickaname is louis :) (pronounced Louie)
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
2 things....your saying betta wrong...its Beh TA not Bay Da.....and you tank is like idk WAY TO SMALLL BETTAS NEED 5 GALS AND a heater and btw your betta doesnt need to exercise if you have a big enough tank...omg
whiskandbowl - 12 years ago
That bowl is way too small for a betta. They need at least 2 gallons and a heater.
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
Neither. I got it at a local pet store.
westin mason
westin mason - 12 years ago
which pet store like pet smart or pet co.
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
A pet store. But I don't use it anymore
westin mason
westin mason - 12 years ago
where did you get it from
Angelly Cabrera
Angelly Cabrera - 12 years ago
it looks like he is swimming around the tank trying to go pass the mirror and bumps into it and falls.where did you get that mirror?
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
Thanks! And honestly, I don't really use it anymore haha!
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
Why thank you! And some bettas won't is perfectly ok!
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
It provides stimulation and something to keep your betta active.
avacorona - 12 years ago
I have the same bowl
Mrs. Butler
Mrs. Butler - 12 years ago
Young lady,thank you for that class in a Betta's needs as far as the mirror goes. I instinctively would place a tiny stuffed animal in front of the bowl and Betta fish would start flaring, so I thought this might be a good thing since he doesn't have another fish in a bowl next to him to get him to flare. Tomorrow I will go to the pet store and buy that mirror. Toodles and thanks again!
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
I don't know to be honest. Because I don't know how many years he was alive before I bought him. I have owned him for about 1 year.
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
@shanoo dn How old was your betta mine is currently 9
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
I'dRatherBe AtTheZoo
I'dRatherBe AtTheZoo - 12 years ago
he is beautiful, but please just get him a bigger tank!!!!!
shanoo dn
shanoo dn - 12 years ago
microiguana - 12 years ago
naaaaaaah it really doesn't mean it's fine. The reason bettas can survive in such horrible small conditions is because in the wild during the dry season, the paddies they live in periodically dry out. The bettas are left to live in little holes in the mud, often made by water buffalo. Since they evolved to breathe air, they stay alive until rains come- but the time the fish are happiest is when they have open water to swim in. They will survive in small amounts of water, but no more than that.
Emma novisybjs
Emma novisybjs - 12 years ago
okay girl try not to use it anymore it causes stress
lolboysz - 12 years ago
I love exercising my Betta but another way is putting it by another Betta lol that's what I do also they flare when they wanna mate at females I have a female and a male well my brothers male and I ecercise hima ms for the female she will respond but if not I let her follow my finger then let her do a couple jumps watch my vids if u want also subscribe to me pls :D
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
Thank you so much! And of course it's okay! In fact my betta has changed to almost all blue in his tail but I love him anyway! :)
mekashiyu - 12 years ago
Your fish looks beautiful! My bettas name is Gyro and he's red with a silver body and theres like silver streaks in his tail but his tail is turning pink ... Is that ok?
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
hes not happy! he lives in a tiny BOX! they should have at least a 1.5 gallon tank. aww forget it..... u probably hear this evry day... im not gonnna even try
mekashiyu - 12 years ago
By the way your betta is beautiful! My betta is a "dragon betta" well he looks like a dragon XD and he's red but his fins and tail are turning pink or light purple... Is that bad?
mekashiyu - 12 years ago
Missyensid12, Not to be mean but I was at the pet store and I was was going to get the excercise mirror for my betta, Gyro, and the person said it stresses them out :(
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
Trust me I'm trying...But space won't allow. He is very healthy and making bubble nests often so I assume he's fine for now :)
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
Yeah I know. I stopped using it lol :)
MissYensid12 - 12 years ago
Yeah I know. But unfortunately I have been unable to get the tank that I originally wanted because of space issues :( I'm really dissapointed about that but Louie is still happy and healthy so I'm trying to figure something out :)
VINSIA - 12 years ago
You should get ur Betta a bigger home, preferably an aquarium! He'll be A LOT happier :)
keseyjo - 12 years ago
He's exhibiting a dominance behavior. Betta's are very territorial. I wouldn't put the mirror back in with it if I were you. You don't want to stress him out, especially in a tiny tank like that. Bettas actually need at least a 5 gallon tank by themselves, so if you can afford it, I would upgrade him. I'm not trying to be rude, just informative to the best of my knowledge. Try looking at a website called bettatalk, it's very informative and tells you the right way to take care of bettas. =)
flyingbluewaffle - 12 years ago
The reason the betta flares up and starts going crazy is because bettas are very territorial, with the mirror your making it think there's another betta is in there (which it would usually fight to death), your not giving it mental excercise, your giving it mental stress if anything.
Cheyenne Martin
Cheyenne Martin - 12 years ago
Very informational :) And a very lovely Betta as well
Kristen R
Kristen R - 12 years ago
Beautiful Fish . ! You Can Visit My Channel && Watch My Betta YOLO Flaring At Himself, Please Watch It(:
Hampton - 12 years ago
I rescued my betta, Azul, from petsmart.(Named him Azul because EVERYTHING in his tank is blue. the gravel, the hood, HIM) The first time I ever saw him flare was at the background on his 1.77 gallon tank. It had little fish on it, and he decided he didn't like them. LOL scared the heck out of me, I thought he was actually hurt, not just flaring. Felt like an idiot. I love my betta!
rockandrollgirl09 - 12 years ago
Where did u get the excercise mirror from
Erin Jones
Erin Jones - 12 years ago
i love ur fish but plzzzzzz plzzzzz plzzzzz get him a bigger tank he should have at least 2.5 galoons and a heater he is a tropical fish
Carrie Agans
Carrie Agans - 12 years ago
Aww! Your Betta is really cute!:) My Betta see's his refletion and flares at himself alll the time! But i moved him in a new tank so maybe it will take him some time to get used to his surroundings.
minty riley
minty riley - 12 years ago
u need a bigger tank! it probably doesn't like how small it is! plzzz get a bigger tank for the sake of ur fish!
madalynisabelx3 - 12 years ago
that's really cool. you should try to get some real plants for your tank.
fkrowland - 12 years ago
Pretty sure that fish is freaking out...Beta fish generally attack/eat each other.
Marley Ulrich
Marley Ulrich - 12 years ago
in nebraska ?????
Kempanna Kenchappa
Kempanna Kenchappa - 12 years ago
iDewMagic - 13 years ago
nice betta..check out my betta plz..=D
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@TheMohawkman100 If you really want it then you can just order it online.
Dylan Lucero
Dylan Lucero - 13 years ago
@MissYensid12 Kewl--- i just got some new stuff for my betta,my local pet store is petco.. they have all the stuff i need, the only thing they dont have is the exersise mirror.... but they have all of the other zoo-med products.
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@TheMohawkman100 I got it at my local petshop. You should be able to find one there or if all else fails then you can order it online.
Dylan Lucero
Dylan Lucero - 13 years ago
Where did u get the ExerciseMirror?
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@AcidfartProductions Thanks and I will
AcidfartProductions - 13 years ago
Nice, check out the video of my Betta.
Laura Radulescu
Laura Radulescu - 13 years ago
@MissYensid12 Yes, top fin makes a nice 5.5 gallon tank that isnt too big, it's a starter kit so it's a tank, filter and such for about 50 dollars brand new. The only thing is that filter isn't good. I managed to replace mine with an AquaClear 20. You're better off buying a tank and hood separately and then getting an AquaClear filter :) It's much cheaper this way. Keep in mind if you're getting a larger tank you will need to cycle it!
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@thejapanesezombie I'm currently looking for a 5 gallon tank...I'm trying to find the perfect one for my little buddy. I'm thinking about a 4 gallon Baby Biorb...but do you know of any other good 4 or 5 gallon tanks?
Laura Radulescu
Laura Radulescu - 13 years ago
aww I'm glad you care for your pet like that :) Maybe you should invest in a bigger tank for the little guy, you'd make him pretty happy in a 5 gallon aquarium!
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@NathanDahlin I'm glad it helped you out!
Nathan D.
Nathan D. - 13 years ago
I wanted to show a friend how male bettas flare out their gills when they see another male (or their reflection in a mirror). I looked through at least a dozen YouTube clips, but ended up linking to yours because it provided the best example, starting at about 0:54. Thanks for sharing!
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@MissYensid12 But, if you are interested in other fish as is a great idea to have a community tank.
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@EveryoneLuvzBetaFish Well, you can put neon tetras, a bristlenose pleco, white cloud mountain minnows, ghost shrimp, and many more. Just make sure that you research before you decide for sure. I still haven't decided what I am putting in with my new betta that I will be getting for my Biube. But, betta fish do not get lonely. They are solitary creatures for the most part. So, you don't just have to go out buying new fish because you think that your betta is lonely.
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@EveryoneLuvzBetaFish I will make a video showing the Biube soon. Btw it is about 9 gallons. So anyways, it will be fine if you make the current not as strong with a clamp or something. Good Luck :D
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@EveryoneLuvzBetaFish Well, I have never heard about it affecting their bubble nests... And no, you do not have to have a bubbler or filter in order for them to survive...I do not. But, I am currently setting up another large community tank in a Biube...and it will have a betta in it. It has a filter(which has a strong current), but I am going to put a small clamp on the tube connected to the filter to make the current not as strong. I would suggest doing that.
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@EveryoneLuvzBetaFish thank you :)

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