My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

Download Amino and join me in the Betta Keepers community! iOS and Google Play: Search "Betta" on the Explore Page to join the Betta Keepers community! Follow Me: AQUAPROS How to participate in GIVEAWAY: 1.) Download Amino App 2.) Join the "Betta Keepers" Amino group 3.) Follow Me: AQUAPROS 4.) Like and leave a comment on the post shown in the video! Betta Tank Supplies: Tank ► Filter ► LED ► Plants ► MUSIC: In This Video: Today we talk about why Richard my betta fish might be going blind! Thanks For Watching Guys!!! Don't Forget To 👍 The Video!

My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Betta 6 years ago 22,542 views

Download Amino and join me in the Betta Keepers community! iOS and Google Play: Search "Betta" on the Explore Page to join the Betta Keepers community! Follow Me: AQUAPROS How to participate in GIVEAWAY: 1.) Download Amino App 2.) Join the "Betta Keepers" Amino group 3.) Follow Me: AQUAPROS 4.) Like and leave a comment on the post shown in the video! Betta Tank Supplies: Tank ► Filter ► LED ► Plants ► MUSIC: In This Video: Today we talk about why Richard my betta fish might be going blind! Thanks For Watching Guys!!! Don't Forget To 👍 The Video!

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for My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

AQUAPROS - 6 years ago
Download Amino and join me in the Betta Keepers community!
iOS and Google Play:
Search "Betta" on the Explore Page to join the Betta Keepers community!

How to participate in GIVEAWAY:
1.) Download Amino App
2.) Join the "Betta Keepers" Amino group
3.) Follow Me: AQUAPROS
4.) Like and leave a comment on the post shown in the video!
K I L L E R B R O 3 6 0
K I L L E R B R O 3 6 0 - 6 years ago
You should put in a few shrimp to eat up after him and try to make his life more comfortable since he's going blind and old soon
Madeleine Andersson
Madeleine Andersson - 6 years ago
AQUAPROS BTW, what do you think about Bubble eye goldfish? I hope you never get that fish, I think it's cruelty. I've left a Youtuber that had them, so I unsubscribed right away. So please never buy a bubble eye goldfish
Madeleine Andersson
Madeleine Andersson - 6 years ago
AQUAPROS please get some "Doctor Fishes" it would be so cool // Madeleine, Sweden
Chrissy Polans
Chrissy Polans - 6 years ago
AQUAPROS Richard is a really cute fish name. Happy he's in good hands
Skins and Celtics Fan
Skins and Celtics Fan - 6 years ago
AQUAPROS couldn’t you knock him out and surgically like use tweezers to remove the scales
Cute fish
Cute fish - 6 years ago
Moss balls don't do well in water over 60 degrees.
Marimo or moss balls in the wild are only found in icy cold water in Iceland, Scotland, Estonia, and Japan.
I had 12 moss balls in 10 years and they always ended up looking like a rug covered with algae a few months later.
Suppliers of these moss balls are dishonest they won't tell the customers they need to be kept under 60 degrees water.
Moss balls are not hardy and they need cold water to do well.
Moss balls are algae magnets unless you have a machine to roll them 24-7 in cold icy water.
alyssa slabaugh
alyssa slabaugh - 6 years ago
What is the best floating plant to give betta fish that doesn't have high maintenance
Somchai Sookvimonpaisal
Somchai Sookvimonpaisal - 6 years ago
L Lawliet
L Lawliet - 6 years ago
Man I really like your betta its sad to know he's gonna go blind...
Sastryka Ajnano
Sastryka Ajnano - 6 years ago
Cek my betta at IG @cupangperkasa_bdg from indonesia, we accept worldwide shipping and paypal for payment
Kasper's Aquariums
Kasper's Aquariums - 6 years ago
Would love to have some Red Root Floaters... Can anyone hook me up?
Adreneline - 6 years ago
And also his back is arched meaning he is old
Adreneline - 6 years ago
When they get blind they are getting close to death sorry but both my fish lived 3 years and same thing happened

10. comment for My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

Michael Lou
Michael Lou - 6 years ago
That’s a lot of bloodworms for one betta......
Naughty Donkey
Naughty Donkey - 6 years ago
Bro I'm on that amino!
Patty F
Patty F - 6 years ago
It's cruel to keep breeding them that way
schopenhauer1962 - 6 years ago
Beautiful betta fish. But I have some questions: 1. that looks like a lot of bloodworms for one fish ... they told me between 3-6 worms depending on the temperature of the tank. 2. I have several male bettas but one is particularly old and he lost color at the base of his tail, his behavior has changed over the years. he is more aggressive and does not swim a lot anymore. I had to remove his two tank mates (corydoras aureatus), they were with him for more than three years. He has a large planted tank , filtration and hiding places. He is over six years now (exact age unknown, I bought him as an adult).
XnFM - 6 years ago
It's worth noting that bulldogs weren't bred for the appearance of the scrunched up face, they were bred for the functionality of it. They were bred to fight bulls and the shorter snouts help them to gain leverage on whatever they're fighting.
Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen - 6 years ago
Then why keep buying these type of fish if it's a known condition?
ZombieDeathStalker - 6 years ago
Fish cosmetic surgery? Or just get him some cool shades. He cool.
Animal_ Lover
Animal_ Lover - 6 years ago
Aden Cummings
Aden Cummings - 6 years ago
That betta looks like a mini arowana
Adam949 - 6 years ago
What about removing this specific scales?

20. comment for My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

Nicolas Montaudon
Nicolas Montaudon - 6 years ago
A dragon themed tank?
CREEPONATER Minecraft - 6 years ago
I had a blind betta once.
Jonathan4275 - 6 years ago
Remove the scales?
Virtual Geeks
Virtual Geeks - 6 years ago
Why can't "fish doctors" cut the scales short without hurting the fish?
BlackHuddy - 6 years ago
I'm not cruel but can u cut the scale back kind of like u would with dropeye
Anthony Cosme
Anthony Cosme - 6 years ago
I wish all the best for Richard. He is the best blind or not.
Alexandru F Sullivan
Alexandru F Sullivan - 6 years ago
I'm not trying to be mean so no misjudges please. I wonder if those scales are part of the eye retina or they just cover the eye. If the second is the case, is it possible to peal off that particular scale in a fish safety mode? Fish lose scales throughout their lives and grow them back slowly.
Sylvester Shan
Sylvester Shan - 6 years ago
Aye Richard looks exactly the same as my fighting fish, and yes he also has diamond eye too. But some weird thing is that my fish's right eye "pops", I didn't take a closer look yet since I just saw it, but I can see the pupil clearly. Beforehand it was semi covered, you can still sort of see the pupil, but now you can see it clearly. I'm not too sure what happened, water parameters seems good, it's not pop eye either, and it did happen before to the left eye, but the left eye is now covered up again. There are no sharp objects in the tank either, i'm not sure but he is still acting normal and eating normal, which i guess is a good thing.
Karen Vandevander
Karen Vandevander - 6 years ago
Such a shame about Richard's eyes. I'm thinking the only way to rectify the scale issue would be to physically remove the scales covering the eyes. That would definitely require special and expensive equipment, and very steady hands. Hopefully the scales will not completely cover his eyes.

I was hoping you were going to breed Richard as he is beautiful; however, is this a trait you want to perpetuate? Personally, I would not breed him, but I'd keep him as a pet.
Jakob Schilling
Jakob Schilling - 6 years ago
I would'nt rescape it too much

30. comment for My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

My Time!
My Time! - 6 years ago
bookmouse770 - 6 years ago
Don't you remember: How to torture Helen Keller, move the furniture. If your fish has vision problems keep the tank as is. I know, my husband has vision problems, be kind.
Fadewood Exchange
Fadewood Exchange - 6 years ago
I have the same aquarium but the 20 gallon version. I haven't set it up yet because I'm stuck with the glass lid that has black on it so my Fluval LED gets blocked. I see you either got a custom one made or found the exact same lid but a clear version! If you could point me in the right direction mate that would be amazing. Also good luck with Richard and the move!
Bobby Rossy
Bobby Rossy - 6 years ago
Couldn’t you sedate him and cut off some of the scales?
ShelbyRae Lane
ShelbyRae Lane - 6 years ago
I like Richard's present tank.
xguesswho222 - 6 years ago
if u rescape the tank u should do some stands of taller stem plants for richard. im sure he'd enjoy them
Jacey Darling
Jacey Darling - 6 years ago
I have a betta that was born blind, he can't find food on his own at all, I have to tap his pellets so he can sense the movement. If anyone wants to see I uploaded a quick video of it, hope it helps someone!
MrMovieman174 - 6 years ago
Nice click bait
Oh The Mirth
Oh The Mirth - 6 years ago
My shiny silver betta also went blind over time.
Lionblaze Wang
Lionblaze Wang - 6 years ago
I'm going blind just trying to look at Richard in the video
Da Bellman Zoo
Da Bellman Zoo - 6 years ago
i think you should get richard a seeing eye fish - a female beta!!
Zyrex - 6 years ago
Male bettas fight alot but theres a low chance the male would if hes blind but the female might just ignore him
princess Luna kusuma
princess Luna kusuma - 6 years ago
i bet next we going to see he buys new betta fish :))))) and no one mad at him neglecting his betta because hes white and has fancy tank , meanwhile i have a bowl and people being rude even though my betta healthy and happy
Jewell Boettcher
Jewell Boettcher - 6 years ago
princess Luna kusuma So you're saying because he has a good tank and you have a bad tank, he should be picked on for being able to care for more than one betta, and you, although you can't even technically take care of one, you should get praise?
princess Luna kusuma
princess Luna kusuma - 6 years ago
typical white people, they mad and rude when we get little tank for our betta ,BUT they couldnt keep their betta alive themselves even though they have all of those fancy equipment LMFAO :))))))) poor betta, mine is in a bowl and healthy as fudge, look lokk how white people blaming anything but themselves (blaming ooh its because of the scale bla bla bla whatever) bicth its because u suck with yer fancy stuffs deal with it u suck
King Navin
King Navin - 6 years ago
No actually Betta can live in small container but water need to clean more often.but it may differ in other countries.I am from Asia so we dont have four seasons
Jewell Boettcher
Jewell Boettcher - 6 years ago
The producer of this video bought a betta who had poor genetic material and has scales growing over his eyes.
So you say, "Oh, he takes good care of his betta and gives him the right things he needs to survive and thrive, but unfortunately bought a bad betta. I guess because he takes good care of his betta I better hate on him. What's something wrong with his betta? Oh, he just so happened to buy a betta with bad breeding and genetics, so i should hate on him for not being able to see the genes in the betta when he decided to buy it!"
To be honest I don't care about this Youtube video producer at all, but still. You're just trying to justify your abuse without putting thought into your statements.
Nathan Shipp
Nathan Shipp - 6 years ago
princess Luna kusuma you need help.
Ammy Marsh
Ammy Marsh - 6 years ago
princess, your betta is NOT healthy if you have them in a bowl. They need temperature regulation and a water filter to even come close to being healthy..I kept a betta in a bowl for four years as a kid and even I know that he was not living his best life because I know better now.
Victor - 6 years ago
I like bettas their Fearless
Pamela Fox
Pamela Fox - 6 years ago
Glad to know about the Dragon scale bettas.
Alan cross
Alan cross - 6 years ago
I used to feed my betta with tweezers. Just so I didn’t have a mess to clean up.
dude who likes dinosuars
dude who likes dinosuars - 6 years ago
Apparently aminos doesn’t like having members under the age of 13. I wonder if anyone even cares if someone is under 13.
su kye
su kye - 6 years ago
Feed too much?
Posty Maloney
Posty Maloney - 6 years ago
Wow the app is actually pretty good. Definelty going to set up a new tank for a betta now
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 6 years ago
Can you not surgically remove the scales? Before he does go blind you should get a feeding ring(if the food is floating pellets or flakes) and only feed there.

50. comment for My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

Tom Simpson
Tom Simpson - 6 years ago
Put almond leaves in the tank they are very good for the tank
I'm WWinning
I'm WWinning - 6 years ago
My sweet little Betta girl went blind and I spoon fed her very successfully :) She knew to come to the top and get her food off of her spoon. I also used the large aquascaping tweezers when I fed her blood worms or flake food by just dangling it infront of her face. I hope that helps. Betta's are very smart and they blow my mind each day with how adaptable they are :)
Jamie McHenry
Jamie McHenry - 6 years ago
Richard is such a beautiful fish. You didn't list the substrate in your supply list. I'm starting a new tank and it would be perfect where did you get it or what is it called please.
Mackenzie Ferguson
Mackenzie Ferguson - 6 years ago
AQUAPROS, I would reach out to Inglorious Bettas (Gianne) or Betta Territory (Joep Van Esch). Both are incredibly knowledgeable about Bettas and have been breeding/showing them for years. They should be able to help you sort through the contradicting info. I believe that Cory McElroy had a few videos with Gianne and may be able to put you in contact with her. If you're interested in Facebook groups, Betta Breeders United and Bettas 4 All are great groups! Wishing you and Richard all the best!
Amanda Bernetsky
Amanda Bernetsky - 6 years ago
Richard is the best <3
Hernan Torres
Hernan Torres - 6 years ago
Beautiful babey boi
JustAnotherInsectNerd - 6 years ago
Yah this is why I don't really like dragon scale bettas, I think my koi hmpk's gonna go blind too...
lisa HAIR
lisa HAIR - 6 years ago
I think you should leave it as is because he is used to it and if he ever becomes totally blind he would know how surroundings.
Dennis Flanders
Dennis Flanders - 6 years ago
What's your feeding schedule for Richard?
Dennis Flanders
Dennis Flanders - 6 years ago
I would love an app like that for the fish I keep :(
Deidre Lattimer
Deidre Lattimer - 6 years ago
One of our bettas - Oliver - seems to have poor eyesight. He's always "missing" his pellets. He might take aim several times before he gets one.
Tahiti Kruse
Tahiti Kruse - 6 years ago
One of my guys is partially blind (cyst on his eye) and he does great!! He bumps into the plants once in a while :) but other than that he does great! Go Richard Go!
morgan jeffries
morgan jeffries - 6 years ago
This scape seems to be the most successful because you didn't spend too much time on it. All the other scapes start out looking great and end up being an overgrown disaster. I think you should leave it as it is especially since Richard is losing his sight. He needs stability
Duppy - 6 years ago
There are goldfish that have wenns that grow over their eyes and people do surgery and cut it back maybe the same can be done on a dragon scale.
Jewell Boettcher
Jewell Boettcher - 6 years ago
Duppy Bettas are much too small for that, unfortunately.
Tyler Mcfadden
Tyler Mcfadden - 6 years ago
I want a betta like that love the vids Mike
Gerald Wallace
Gerald Wallace - 6 years ago
This was new info for me. Thank you.
Mike Bircher
Mike Bircher - 6 years ago
It's called "Diamond Eye." We think it's a bummer, but in reality, the fish doesn't even care, or notice really. The majority of them can still see (a little, anyway) even with a full scale over their eye.
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 6 years ago
Mike Bircher because if it did care it would try to scratch the eye area often.
MirelurkQueen - 6 years ago
Richard is like my boy amaryllis, losing his sight. One thing I do for amaryllis is i got a bright colored ring to float on his water and i always drop my food in the ring. I also tap the glass lightly before i drop the food in. At this point, i just have to tap the glass and he knows to go to the ring to get his food. Another thing with blind bettas is to keep the tank setup pretty much the same so that they dont get confused and bump into everything once they lose their sight.
Caudopunk - 6 years ago
Richard is so handsome! Fish can definitely live a full happy life even without sight. I adopted a female Oscar almost 3 years ago who is blind in one eye and she's still going strong. I just had to modify my feeding routine to make sure she can find her food :)
Rebeça Sabourin
Rebeça Sabourin - 6 years ago
I had the same thing happen to one of my dragon scale. Still lived a long and happy life.
Just Doin Florida
Just Doin Florida - 6 years ago
If you put cherry shrimp in there to clean up the moss balls, would Richard try to eat them?
Doomshine - 6 years ago
Just Doin Florida my 2 Betta never tried to eat any shrimp. It depend of each fish.
Rioaquatanks - 6 years ago
Even if Richard's scales cover his eye's he will still have a awesome life in whatever tank he ends up in after the move. It's always nice seen Betta with a big tank and not a cramped little cup.
Red 09
Red 09 - 6 years ago
If it's getting hard for him to see, is it really a good idea to change his aquascape too much? Shouldn't he be in a relatively "stable" environment so he doesn't bump into things? :(
Oh The Mirth
Oh The Mirth - 6 years ago
Fish can detect the environment around them with their lateral line system.
heartinng - 6 years ago
hi I have a question, is it possible to clean a planted tank without a siphon?
K o r i c
K o r i c - 6 years ago
The betta in my profile picture went mostly blind. I don't have any advice as to avoiding the issue, but when you notice their sight going, it's a good idea to start training your fish to come up to the top if you tap lightly. I trained my guy here, and it made feeding him much easier. The metallic in his body also caused him to develop a build up/tumor on his side that ended up fairly sizable (This was simply the opinion of me and several other betta community enthusiasts). He almost lived to four years old. I don't know that ethically I'd buy another high-metallic or dragonscale again even though it is very doable to keep them.
Golden Fish Tanks
Golden Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Pretty betta!
Austin Russell
Austin Russell - 6 years ago
I’m almost positive that you can very carefully cut the scales before they fully cover the eyes just like Oranda goldfish
Andrew Becker
Andrew Becker - 6 years ago
Shouldn't you keep the aquascape the same so if he does go blind he would have general idea of where things are?
Kat Nguyen
Kat Nguyen - 6 years ago
Maybe try to invest in polarized camera lens? It'll help with the glass reflect and Richard's scales! Personally, I have leaf I trained my betta to eat off from the top so it doesn't make a huge mess.

Love your videos! <3
Cameron Williams
Cameron Williams - 6 years ago
What all plants do you have in the tank???
BSA aquascaping
BSA aquascaping - 6 years ago
Richard will be fine :) i hope it!!
Averon - 6 years ago
Beautiful Betta, shame about the breeding though

What's the plant that you have on the top? The mini lily pad looking ones. Thanks!
Averon - 6 years ago
Thank you! I wanna get some of that for my Betta tank.
AQUAPROS - 6 years ago
Salvinia minima
Danielle Hooke Goodbody
Danielle Hooke Goodbody - 6 years ago
Beautiful fish. What are the floating plants on this tank?
baikia777 - 6 years ago
It's Salvinia
Brock Bonte
Brock Bonte - 6 years ago
Pretty sure it's frogbit
HPGaming - 6 years ago
Danielle Hooke Goodbody Sylvania I think
Cade Silvers
Cade Silvers - 6 years ago
Did he jump out?
AQUAPROS - 6 years ago
Tanya Van Stone
Tanya Van Stone - 6 years ago
Don't forget pugs... I read it's like breathing through a straw. Brutal!
AKumaPuma - 6 years ago
I just recently lost my blind betta fish and while I had him it was difficult finding communities for blind betta fish and caring for them. Seeing the comment section to your video makes me incredibly happy that there others with blind bettas that are receiving lots of love <3
akira ziehl
akira ziehl - 6 years ago
I have that same sea turtle figure
Trenton Walker
Trenton Walker - 6 years ago
That don't matter cuz Richard is a real one
Jacob - 6 years ago
Hay if he is not eating use garlic guard to stimulate eating, it is good for fish and is a natural antibiotic
Kaalo Lovett
Kaalo Lovett - 6 years ago
I've seen some people do surgery on their fish to remove the scales. Not sure if it is worth it ( i would be nervous)
Little Red
Little Red - 6 years ago
Betta not bayta.
animalgames tv
animalgames tv - 6 years ago
I dessgree for selectev breeding
Luis Mondragon
Luis Mondragon - 6 years ago
What's a good tank size to keep a betta in? (im not talking about a cup or something small, I want to know about an actual tank
Arctic Aquariums
Arctic Aquariums - 6 years ago
That is so sad, poor Richard :(
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson - 6 years ago
What a gorgeous betta! :D
maddie - 6 years ago
when my previous betta went blind he could find the worms but his aim was terrible so I got a bloodworm feeder cone to help hold the worms still so he could strike multiple times without them moving far
Rahul Bajracharya
Rahul Bajracharya - 6 years ago
I have joined the betta group and followed you
Rahul Bajracharya
Rahul Bajracharya - 6 years ago
I have done everything you have said in the give away
Lionel Luther
Lionel Luther - 6 years ago
What are they giving you to plug this Amino app since you are basically doing a commercial for them
Vy Bui
Vy Bui - 6 years ago
Bettas can be scary.

100. comment for My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

David Coghill
David Coghill - 6 years ago
My betta is also suffering from this and going blind.
I'm conflicted on the issue. On the one hand, this was my first fish and bettas are still probably the ideal introduction to the hobby, but the breeding practices and the way they are sold to the public are very questionable sometimes.
Rae's Aquaria
Rae's Aquaria - 6 years ago
Noooo! Not the dreaded diamond eye! It's so common in metallic bettas like black dragons. It's the main reason why I won't breed that color variation. But I'm confident that Richard can live a happy and healthy life :)
Galaxium - 6 years ago
Rae's Aquaria my male betta splendin died from diamond eye
Magz 123
Magz 123 - 6 years ago
My Betta Lavar has a tumour behind his eye into his head. It started as a tiny spot when I got him three months ago. Now it's big. I don't quite know what to do.
The Glocktor
The Glocktor - 6 years ago
I love this tank design
brendan preiser
brendan preiser - 6 years ago
hello i have a fish tank thats been up for about a month and i was gone for a week while my sister fed my fish. i came back to a bunch of algae on the glass, water and rocks. i got the glass algae off but the rocks and water can't get cleaned. i added tetra algea control and its been a few days and nothings really happened. I've done a water change but still nothing. the algae on the rocks is impossible to scrub off, any advice
brendan preiser
brendan preiser - 6 years ago
i was thinking about bleach dips or peroxide but i was afraid of killing fish because I'm a beginner and theres a greater chance of them dying
Vincent marceau
Vincent marceau - 6 years ago
brendan preiser get the rock out bleach them.
Arman Jahangir
Arman Jahangir - 6 years ago
Your betta fish is so smart
Daniel Keeping Fish
Daniel Keeping Fish - 6 years ago
I have the exact same fish with the exact same thing going on.
Am training him to eat in the same spot when I tap the glass a couple of times.
Betas are smart. They'll figure it out.
Catherine Hoang
Catherine Hoang - 6 years ago
I bought a blind betta a few months back. I'm with Daniel- the fish learn pretty quick, you just need to monitor and make sure that they eat the food given
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
My mum always said I'd go blind if I keep playing with it....
Trying to get some more views and subs on my channel guys. Have a look if you fancy it:
MsLinanator - 6 years ago
I have a Paradise male—-not a dragon scale—-that has a terrible vision problem. I have to feed his frozen food to him with tweezers right in front of him. Try to feed him bug bites, but he has a difficult time seeing it and doesn’t see it unless it is falling......even at that, he loses them. I have a feeding saucer in the bottom of his habitat and try to feed over it so food will fall into it. He’s kind of taught himself to look in it for food. Richard is so pretty. Hope he’ll adjust, and think he will.
MsLinanator - 6 years ago
Emily Brobst great idea. Thanks. Your poor baby. You are such a great Mom!
Emily Brobst
Emily Brobst - 6 years ago
MsLinanator I also have a bind betta. Mine is a baby and is completely blind. When feeding bug bites I put him in a small cup and he is able to find them when they sink to the bottom. Maybe try that if you think it wouldn’t stress him too much.
Roni Hidayat
Roni Hidayat - 6 years ago
bata fish from indonesian ??
EverythingCREATED - 6 years ago
I have the amino app!! I made a plant amino, and I’m part of the reptiles amino. If you want to join the plant amino, the ID is I even have a chatroom for aquatic plants!
Christine sherry
Christine sherry - 6 years ago
Do you know anything about koi fish
CXG - 6 years ago
How did you get bloodworms (that seem to be) so small?
75g Discus Tank
75g Discus Tank - 6 years ago
Try training your betta with establishing a feeding spot before he can’t see.

When he can’t see, it will be hard for him to get food.

For now, only feed food in one spot and shine a flashlight in the spot before feeding.

Before he becomes blind, he will associate the light in the corner with food.

When he becomes blind, he will still be able to kinda see light through the scales.

Shining the flashlight will get his attention and he will remember that the light means food.

When he is blind, he will hopefully swim to the spot.

This will help with helping Richard locate his food.
Cara Moeller
Cara Moeller - 6 years ago
Still a beautiful betta and love the tank
Hunter Burkhalter
Hunter Burkhalter - 6 years ago
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 6 years ago
Can you pull the scales out that are covering his eyes?
Mindy Xie
Mindy Xie - 6 years ago
Andy Pastuszak I'm leaning more towards growing back. My clumsy boy got caught behind the thermometer before and ripped off some scales. They grew back after some time.
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 6 years ago
Would the scale grow back, or would it just scar over and stay that way?
Mindy Xie
Mindy Xie - 6 years ago
Andy Pastuszak healing would mean the scales would grow back making the procedure more painful that it needs to be. Being blind won't be the end of him since he can be trained to eat at a certain part of the tank. Decorations can be changed to adapt to his inability to see, too.
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 6 years ago
The fish will heal, and the pain will subside. But at least the fish would be able to see again.
The not so Bald Eagle
The not so Bald Eagle - 6 years ago
Andy Pastuszak being such a small fish it would be almost impossible and I would imagine it would be very painful for the fish
Prune & Co
Prune & Co - 6 years ago
It's called diamond eyes, it's very common with dragonscale bettas
TJ'S FISH CHANNEL - 6 years ago
old age or low light in your aquarium
Rose switzberg
Rose switzberg - 6 years ago
Diamond eye maybe :)
iore bos
iore bos - 6 years ago
If his eyes are covered can you do surgery on the fish to remove those scales?
My grandpa used to do that with his wish if they had the same problem .
Spectre - 6 years ago
The fish is so small that it would be very hard to remove those scales without damaging the fish
Ashley Pajak
Ashley Pajak - 6 years ago
Oh nooo! I'm sorry to hear it did happen. My Red dragon is the same, partially blind in now both eyes. I haven't tried the Indian almond leaves. But Sesshomaru is really happy in the platy tank, lots of room to explore.
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 6 years ago
It's betta with a soft e. Beta (bayta) is the second letter in the greek alphabet.
Aj Bogdanovic
Aj Bogdanovic - 6 years ago
Your looking for r/unpopularopinion
* *
* * - 6 years ago
Who cares, people have different pronunciations. I say it as 'be-ta'.
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 6 years ago
Correct. That's what I said. bay-tah is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. The soft e (bet-tah) is the fish in the video.
Best Mop Mop
Best Mop Mop - 6 years ago
Andy Pastuszak You're wrong, It's bet-tah not bay-tah
da wolf
da wolf - 6 years ago
Love your video keep up
Gabriel Martucci
Gabriel Martucci - 6 years ago
poor little guy
Purple Chair Gaming
Purple Chair Gaming - 6 years ago
Jeffrey Luce
Jeffrey Luce - 6 years ago
Justin Nguyen
Justin Nguyen - 6 years ago
Zolik - 6 years ago
Zolik - 6 years ago
I love your videos and I can’t wait for the next video thank you for making my day
Matthew Dacøsta
Matthew Dacøsta - 6 years ago
AQUAPROS - 6 years ago

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