My Betta fish couple mating!1
Betta 18 years ago 335,519 views
Took this video on Wednesday, August the 9th of 2006 around 2-3 P.M. (FACT: Bettas mate until the female is depleted of eggs! The bubble nest is real, my male betta made all those bubbles. Crown tail Male and Round tail Female This is -I think- a 10-gallon tank that I bought from Wal-Mart. It was a complete kit, with filter. I cannot recall the price, but I think it was about $30?) Update: 12-18-08 I no longer have these bettas or any other fishes. I gave up my fish hobby after my baby was born. I have a really busy schedule, therefore have no time to care for the fishes. Also, both of these fishes are deceased. The fry(s) did not survive b/c of me. I'm not a breeder, therefore didn't really bother to buy a seperate tank to incubate them. I just didn't have any room in my bedroom for another tank.
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