My Betta fish couple mating!1

Took this video on Wednesday, August the 9th of 2006 around 2-3 P.M. (FACT: Bettas mate until the female is depleted of eggs! The bubble nest is real, my male betta made all those bubbles. Crown tail Male and Round tail Female This is -I think- a 10-gallon tank that I bought from Wal-Mart. It was a complete kit, with filter. I cannot recall the price, but I think it was about $30?) Update: 12-18-08 I no longer have these bettas or any other fishes. I gave up my fish hobby after my baby was born. I have a really busy schedule, therefore have no time to care for the fishes. Also, both of these fishes are deceased. The fry(s) did not survive b/c of me. I'm not a breeder, therefore didn't really bother to buy a seperate tank to incubate them. I just didn't have any room in my bedroom for another tank.

My Betta fish couple mating!1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 37

Betta 18 years ago 335,519 views

Took this video on Wednesday, August the 9th of 2006 around 2-3 P.M. (FACT: Bettas mate until the female is depleted of eggs! The bubble nest is real, my male betta made all those bubbles. Crown tail Male and Round tail Female This is -I think- a 10-gallon tank that I bought from Wal-Mart. It was a complete kit, with filter. I cannot recall the price, but I think it was about $30?) Update: 12-18-08 I no longer have these bettas or any other fishes. I gave up my fish hobby after my baby was born. I have a really busy schedule, therefore have no time to care for the fishes. Also, both of these fishes are deceased. The fry(s) did not survive b/c of me. I'm not a breeder, therefore didn't really bother to buy a seperate tank to incubate them. I just didn't have any room in my bedroom for another tank.

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Most popular comments
for My Betta fish couple mating!1

Tarik Džakić
Tarik Džakić - 7 years ago
Šta je ovo
Allan Martinez Ramirez
Allan Martinez Ramirez - 10 years ago
Tienen que es tar de su mismo color
Swag Dog Yo
Swag Dog Yo - 8 years ago
is that soap cause if it is it's bad for them it Bern's there skin
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
(c) veiltails, because you have to ask more money than the store (costs of the set up, food, time, ...) and why buying a fish which you can get for less? Betta breeding costs about 400$ for the 1st spawn, then a lot of the costs reduce but you still have food, electricity and water costs
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
(c) of deformed fish, most breeders euthanize the entire spawn from the moment they notice one of the parent fish is an offspring from a petstore betta Also remember its not 10 fishies like guppies, you'll have 200 fry, about 100 males which all need a seperate jar (jars are good for temperaly housing of betta males, but not for permanent) which all have to be heated and kept clean (cleaning each jar out every other day) and they need 4 times a day live food Also, no one wants to buy (c)
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
They are breedable but its not recommended because they're just muds, they're the result of 2 random betta's put together on an asian fish farm, you have no idea what genes they cary and most have diseases and deformations the will give to the offspring Get 2 quality betta's from a known breeder, because once you have 'petstore betta' in the breeding line, it takes years and years to get it out of the fish' genes. If a hobby breeder accidentally buys a fish with petstore genes, he'll have a (c)
TJ Hardy
TJ Hardy - 11 years ago
yes you can my betta fish from walmart are breeding
Sabrine Crystal Santos
Sabrine Crystal Santos - 11 years ago
The male is much more beautiful than the female beta!
Sharon Chua
Sharon Chua - 12 years ago
is the size of the nest an indication of a healthy male? D: my betta's nest is pathetic compared to yours >_<
Ahmad Thamer
Ahmad Thamer - 12 years ago
haw much is the fish tank you have and the fish is the male going to kill her i want to buy that kind of fish the one i had past away in the fish tank in the sky i had a 2 betta fish and thay never fight i want to get new one haw much is the one you have ?

10. comment for My Betta fish couple mating!1

Lili Huang
Lili Huang - 12 years ago
brine shrimp, but you can crush the regular pellets and feed them that too i think
A - 12 years ago
Male and females do fight if put in a small tank
daichanislove - 12 years ago
only males fight with one another, females can be together and so can male and female :3
Hung Dang
Hung Dang - 12 years ago
True, the name came from japan, =fighter fishys!! :)
Tone1zone - 12 years ago
hello i have a question ..when the eggs are layed and they hatch and need to eat ..what do they eat
Veronica Phillips
Veronica Phillips - 12 years ago
very nice work on capturing the exquisite beauty of this wonderful event.. your betta fish are so beautiful! Your tank is also very nicely decorated and clear, nice! Did the breeding work? If so, babies? :)
Cookie Cat
Cookie Cat - 12 years ago
JETSTA916 - 12 years ago
true but theres an easier way, just check the poop hole, females wil always have a little white tip
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 12 years ago
you are very lame for typing that dumb shit smfh
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 12 years ago
the easy way to tell if its a female is 1) female is much smaller and has much shorter fins 2)and female is less brighter more of a dull color the males are much bigger brighter longer fins and is aggressive

20. comment for My Betta fish couple mating!1

Vinai Sinarong
Vinai Sinarong - 12 years ago
To tell if it's a female look under the fish and check if there is a white dot if not its a male
Moua Thao
Moua Thao - 13 years ago
ahhahaha but i dont like crown tail
Meg Weis
Meg Weis - 13 years ago
@MissMissyRin no thats the bubble nest where the male will put the eggs until they hatch
Moua Thao
Moua Thao - 13 years ago
my male tor up my female man i was hella mad man...
young savage
young savage - 13 years ago
Check out my two betta on my page please and thankyou
Glacial winds
Glacial winds - 13 years ago
sigh my pet beta fish just died i miss him already his name was moraise PRONOUNCE MORE-EESE. R.I.P. OCTOBER 30 2010 - AUGUST 22 2011
Blocky CupCube
Blocky CupCube - 13 years ago
@CaThErInE0124 I think the answer is yes
WhittyJr - 13 years ago
@Sunday286 yes i'm trying to breed too
1234Bettafish - 13 years ago
you guys should come and check out my male dragon scale betta mating on my channel!
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
mine wont stop making bubble nests HELP

30. comment for My Betta fish couple mating!1

stephanie - 13 years ago
YAY i have a medium sized male and a female as smal as yours and i thought it was to little but its not cool bubblenest btw
Teng Khab
Teng Khab - 13 years ago
do u had 2 take the female out after the mating or when Plus how u gonna take the female out without destroy the nest
Embcii Bee
Embcii Bee - 13 years ago
how do i know my betta is ready to breed? or do i just put a female and a male in 1 tank/ bowl?
iJacksFishTanks - 14 years ago
Wow your lucky.... All my male trys to do is rip my female apart... I dont get it.. He has his bubble nest and she has the vertical stripes on her side but they wont breed...
AeolusCE07 - 14 years ago
@TheKennydude u have to introduce them for like 3 to 4 days either have side by side bowls or tanks or split them apart with a piece of see through plastic or what i did was put a Clear vase in the middle of the tank so the male cant get her :D
Original Ken
Original Ken - 14 years ago
man my guy betta fish killed the girl betta fish
Johanna Zevenbergen
Johanna Zevenbergen - 14 years ago
This fish is the Ron Jeremy of Betta's, looks at that bubble nest lmao!
michoakanito - 14 years ago
Brendan Wu
Brendan Wu - 14 years ago
my male betta won't flare.
Alex Starkey
Alex Starkey - 14 years ago
okay look up breeding ritual youl find it easily online but be warned its stressful and can be dangerous if not done right
devonmeloan - 14 years ago
dude i wil give u alot of subs and everything if u tell me ho w to breed the bettas gimmie a list or sumthing il give u a shout out and subscribers just gimmie a list of what i gotta do i tried but it was in a 1 gallon tank and they didnt go together the female got torn up
devonmeloan - 14 years ago
@watchmyshoes22 dude what kind of fbetta fish are good for eachother are crowntails good or what what kinda betta fishhes do i need can u go to my videos and look at them to see if there good for eachother or not and ill give u a shout out on alot of my videos plzzzzzzzzzzzz ur my only hope my male betta fish keep bitting my females tail and flaring in her face but dosnt mait or rap around what do i do
devonmeloan - 14 years ago
my male betta fish keep bitting my females tail and flaring in her face but dosnt mait or rap around what do i do
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny - 14 years ago
I'm looking for a good/nice spawning tank setup but all i keep seeing is epic noobs making pathetic attempts at breeding crappy pet store bettas!
sammy meisenzahl
sammy meisenzahl - 14 years ago
@kic123456 y kant the male mate the girl
Jordan - 14 years ago
cool fishy sex
Koiq - 14 years ago
@zachzachmorgan it depends on the species of betta, you should know that, "pro"...
YuckyLuckyDucky - 14 years ago
Zing Christpher
Zing Christpher - 14 years ago
why my betta cant mate with my girl
Cee Vue
Cee Vue - 14 years ago
@FTWlife the male makes the bubble nest

50. comment for My Betta fish couple mating!1

Cee Vue
Cee Vue - 14 years ago
wow...that's a huge ass bublble nest...did your betta do that by himself...?
yang Lee
yang Lee - 14 years ago
wow that was cool! how do u knw wen they r ready to spawn?
Xavier Grotesque
Xavier Grotesque - 14 years ago
how do they get the bubbles for the nest
XxBubbleBearXx - 14 years ago
For one thing, it's not a ("P0rn video") It is nature. Nothing wrong with it.
KaylaJo96 - 15 years ago
Nope! A good number of fish need filters because it circulates the air so they can breathe, but Bettas are known as "surface breathers," meaning they get their air by swimming up to the surface and taking in oxygen. In the case of betta fish, filters aren't necessary, but they make cleaning the bowl/tank much easier.
aLySsA bReAnNe
aLySsA bReAnNe - 15 years ago
i love your bubble nest! its perfect!
Katie Stuart
Katie Stuart - 15 years ago
!! What a beautiful bubble nest!
Kedan Reti-Champs
Kedan Reti-Champs - 15 years ago
no, that's only 2 males
aLySsA bReAnNe
aLySsA bReAnNe - 15 years ago
y arnt they killing eachother? i thought that wen ever u put 2 beta fish in aq tank they kill eachother?
califaa12 - 15 years ago
hahahahaha el nido gigantesco
Kim Chedgy
Kim Chedgy - 15 years ago
wow that male's bubble nest is huuuuuuuuge
thewiitry - 15 years ago
i'm getting one do they need to sepparite
Eric Alekson
Eric Alekson - 15 years ago
I put my bettas together to breed and the next day the female had the males entire bottom fin in her mouth! She ripped it right off! I guess they just weren't ready yet!!!
Toni Wheatley
Toni Wheatley - 15 years ago
what did you feed your betta fry becase i got 50+ betta fry
xSawl - 15 years ago
maybe the male fish is abusive and he nibbled it out
Toni Wheatley
Toni Wheatley - 15 years ago
so many bubbles mine blows like 3 bubbles and then quits lol mine is lazey
SugarBabyLove105 - 15 years ago
I had 2 blue bettas that tried to mate and the next day I found the female dead
Jose Orjuela
Jose Orjuela - 15 years ago
my fish like dried bloodworms
Jose Orjuela
Jose Orjuela - 15 years ago
i got a girl betta and a boy betta but the girl is not interested in them i am so frustrated
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson - 15 years ago
mY betta did build his nest and they've been in there for a day so I hope that the male engages the female soon it's a matter of time...any suggestions to lead the male into engaging the female?
John Doe
John Doe - 15 years ago
its not really that hard
Casey Dobzanski
Casey Dobzanski - 15 years ago
how is that offensive?
SmokeyTheBruin - 15 years ago
horny lil betta :)
neodorkiss - 15 years ago
i never knew you could put a male and female betta together lol that just goes to show how much i think! lol. i really want to get a female.
bloo222222 - 16 years ago
Yea mine did the same I gave them random food till I found one they liked they are so picky hope this helps good luck with em tho just don't put 2 males together the other male will fight with the other male and they will fight to the death.
Joe Musashi
Joe Musashi - 16 years ago
External fertilization. It releases the sperms to fertilize the eggs.
jk oj
jk oj - 16 years ago
fanks for replay mate cheers
jk oj
jk oj - 16 years ago
hi can any 1 help me i had 1 female blue fighter i brought a male blue fighter and the female chase's the male like mad seems he dusnt want to know her and he keeps flareing his gills at her and the 2 days i have had him his not eating i have now sepreated them they have been appart a few hours n the male is not eating since i brought but female couldnt b beta she seems reli happy n changes colours any help please please please reply
lmnelson26 - 16 years ago
I have Microworm Cultures for sale, a very important part of raising Betta Fry. microwormcultures(dot)com
mikee1333 - 16 years ago
is that red light a heater and nice fish they look magical
Pmndz - 16 years ago
so did u get any live babies? =]
Esmim L
Esmim L - 16 years ago
I don't breed them. I have fishes for my enjoyment only.
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
you had a really nice set-up
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
well, yes but there are better ways of putting it.
Esmim L
Esmim L - 16 years ago
I'm sorry to say that this video was taken over 2 years ago, plus I no longer have any fishes. These bettas have also long deceased, and I couldn't get the babies to live. They both had about 3-4 batches of babies, but I just didn't have the time on my hands to care for them. I won't be answering anyone's questions or comments. I'm also not a breeder. I only had these bettas for pets, and never meant for them to breed. They just somehow were attracted to each other & mated. Enjoy the video.
Esmim L
Esmim L - 16 years ago
they cannot mate unless there is a male & female. the female cannot get herself pregnant.
Jose Avila
Jose Avila - 16 years ago
Fish porn.
funcola123 - 16 years ago
holy crap feaken large buble nest
cclementi6 - 16 years ago
thats way too small of a tank for two bettas...
Sam Vang
Sam Vang - 16 years ago
how big is your tank because it look small if it small u need a 10 gallon tank
Lam Nguyen
Lam Nguyen - 16 years ago
sorry to bother you, but do you really need the water at Ph7 or what vause i do not know my water lvl. in order for them to brred?
acosta155150 - 16 years ago
damn thats a big ass bubble nes... t
Kaycey27 - 16 years ago
The male makes the bubble nest for you
Xaid the Nobody
Xaid the Nobody - 17 years ago
It's not for the purposes of porno, pervert.
BetWinston - 17 years ago
you don't have to. It just means he's happy and healthy. Nice video btw. Mating bettas is a difficult task.
sangoluvr9 - 17 years ago
u should do reseach on this first but i use a 10 gallon tank and fill it half way
Nathan Swift
Nathan Swift - 17 years ago
That's the nest of bubbles that the male makes in preparation for spawning. During spawning the male, and sometimes the female too, will catch the eggs and spit them into the bubble nest where they will stay until they hatch into what is known as Fry (baby bettas).
Kali Mann
Kali Mann - 17 years ago
UH... NOOOO!!! Male bettas pick up the falling eggs when they fall from mama, then the males put the eggs inside each bubble, the males blow the bubbles it's really cool!!!
aleopad2004 - 17 years ago
Interesting. XD I have a betta fish, too... :P You guys can look at the video if you want. =)
Anthony L
Anthony L - 17 years ago
dam, that's the biggest nest i've seen, mines is only a fraction of that

100. comment for My Betta fish couple mating!1

Anthony L
Anthony L - 17 years ago
it's the bubble nest
Pandadentist - 17 years ago
are thoes the eggs
Jonathan Bondad
Jonathan Bondad - 17 years ago
did it need at heater and filter?
calvin546 - 17 years ago
wow nice bubble nest
Steve - 17 years ago
I have a few betas now and a spare tank so would like to mate them. Please mail me with some tips!
panhead88 - 17 years ago
yeah i know that but did u do anything special for him to make it so big? or did he just make it without anything special?
panhead88 - 17 years ago
how did you get him to make the bubble nest so big? did u feed him more? use almond leaf? what did u do? please tell!
Nick Zielinski
Nick Zielinski - 17 years ago
No, after birth of spawn, the male will kill the female if you don't remove her usually.
flyinrhino - 17 years ago
wats a bubblenest?
Garofoli - 17 years ago
Are they in the same tank all the time? I thought they could only be in the same tank for only when they are ready to breed so they don't kill each other.
aniaby - 17 years ago
that,s fantastic!
Tommy Danh
Tommy Danh - 17 years ago
lol did u wait all day to plan this?
ualuuanie - 17 years ago
Thats what the ref. book at my local libary said and I saw my female betta dead at the bottom of the tank after it laid its eggs. Was at work so not sure if the male killed it but went to the libary to check it out and thats what the ref book said.
ualuuanie - 17 years ago
Err u guys do know right after all the eggs are laid the female must be taken out of the tank if not she will start eating the eggs and the male will kill her right?
beatlesfreak100 - 17 years ago
Jade Murphy
Jade Murphy - 17 years ago
they're not fighting if neither of them are injured
will so
will so - 17 years ago
WOW!!! this nest is very big!! OMG!
spartan381 - 18 years ago
thats a uh big nest
tambam89 - 18 years ago
How did you condition the male? Did you use live fish food?
Esmim L
Esmim L - 18 years ago
at 2:00-2:03 you can see the egg drop and he sucks it into his mouth...
Esmim L
Esmim L - 18 years ago
If anyone wants to post a video reply, your welcome to !
Esmim L
Esmim L - 18 years ago
yes. u ALWAYS take out the female or she'll eat the eggs or fries (babies)
Esmim L
Esmim L - 18 years ago
I just put them together to breed
Esmim L
Esmim L - 18 years ago
uhmm.. i gave them away only a couple survived ^^
Esmim L
Esmim L - 18 years ago
that meant they weren't attracted to each other. fish are picky just like humans LOL ^^
Lue Her
Lue Her - 18 years ago
You shouldn't put so many gravels and decorations in the breeding tank. The eggs could fall onto and under the rocks, then the male won't be able to find them.
spartan381 - 18 years ago
i bet if bettas watch this, they will get horny
sicilianotoronto - 18 years ago
omg, you think they're done, and then they go at it again at the end.. talk about betta porn. haha!
Esmim L
Esmim L - 18 years ago
Esmim L
Esmim L - 18 years ago
The first time they mated it was about 12 babies, then 12 days later they mated again... this time about 21 babies =)
ken inf
ken inf - 18 years ago
First thing that i noticed is that the bubble nest is HUGE!!

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