My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization

Thank you for 130 Subscribers! When I started this channel I never expected to have 130 of you eager to watch my videos and be a part of my betta's lives. Thank you so much! Today I show you how I store all my betta supplies and what it is made up of! Ikea Sofa Table: Music is Royalty Free from

My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization sentiment_very_dissatisfied 68

Betta 8 years ago 88,994 views

Thank you for 130 Subscribers! When I started this channel I never expected to have 130 of you eager to watch my videos and be a part of my betta's lives. Thank you so much! Today I show you how I store all my betta supplies and what it is made up of! Ikea Sofa Table: Music is Royalty Free from

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Most popular comments
for My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization

ST0RM - 7 years ago
No chemicals?
Valerie Thomas
Valerie Thomas - 7 years ago
Dollarama?! Your a Canadian yay why am I so excited? Lol
Castleclasher 80k
Castleclasher 80k - 7 years ago
I had the middle one you had but the filter sucked so I got a 30 gallon
Dj Lightning
Dj Lightning - 7 years ago
HOW! HOW IS A SMALL SECTION WITH FISH THINGS MORE PUT TOGETHER THEN I HAVE EVER BEEN? Nice job with keeping everything together! Props to you.
Jackson Ray
Jackson Ray - 7 years ago
Do you need a siphon?
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
+Ella Ray 2007 vlogging channel It certainly helps! You could remove water & waste other ways, but for the low price of the siphon it is much faster and easier to have a siphon :)
Shan Bland
Shan Bland - 7 years ago
on occasion i go thru my supplies to organize stuffs, but after a awhile it starts to look like a hoarder's house! and i don't know why i can't manage to keep ALL my filter media in the same place. instead, i have to spread it out to multiple cabinets and drawers in the house, same thing with their meds and nets. smh. there's no rhyme or reason for my fishnet to end up in the garage.
Kenzie ziegler
Kenzie ziegler - 7 years ago
I have a question. So if I buy some stuff for my goldfish like a ph balancer, ammonia killer, and tank cleaner liquid and I use them all together, could it harm my fish?
Maria Sanchez
Maria Sanchez - 7 years ago
awful audio
Noob Tube
Noob Tube - 7 years ago
My name is Draco!!!!!

10. comment for My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization

Alex Pickles
Alex Pickles - 7 years ago
Thank you that was very helpful. I would like to be the owner of several bettas but for now I have two
chris daniel ortanez
chris daniel ortanez - 7 years ago
but cool fishys
Alma Munoz
Alma Munoz - 7 years ago
cute but audio isn't so good
Hamsters chickens and fish 10
Hamsters chickens and fish 10 - 7 years ago
The audio is bad
Lindsay Carolyn
Lindsay Carolyn - 7 years ago
How come you have 3 tanks but 4 bettas?
courtney michelle
courtney michelle - 7 years ago
Lindsay Carolyn she doesn't, what do you mean?
-Bellapup- Cosmic
-Bellapup- Cosmic - 7 years ago
Can u do a collab with Blazing Bettas u two girls are the best fish tubers
Alexis Smith
Alexis Smith - 7 years ago
The Betta fish lover Cosmic if you think they are great check out Taylor Dean Nicole she's my favorite YouTuber so far
Summer Surfs
Summer Surfs - 7 years ago
I love Draco! !! (:
Jelly J
Jelly J - 7 years ago
I have a question how many times a day do u feed a fish?
Dj Lightning
Dj Lightning - 7 years ago
I feed mine every other day since my dad says it can mess up our water
ayeee !!!
ayeee !!! - 7 years ago
Jelly J once a day
Trina Glencross
Trina Glencross - 7 years ago
You probably won't see this but I feed my fish two times a day are your fish still alive
larry turner
larry turner - 7 years ago
I feed mines twice a day
Adolfo Palacios
Adolfo Palacios - 7 years ago
Jelly J only once a day but they could go with eating every 2-3 days
my crazy mind
my crazy mind - 7 years ago
I'm new to tank keeping, I too have a betta. plan on getting more because I fell in love!! he is a sweet heart. I wish there were more organized tank you tubers like you! hopefully with your insperation I can be. Happy I found a new you tuber to follow!
PET_ENTHUSIAST22 - 7 years ago
Your organisation and setup is seem to be really really meticulous!

20. comment for My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization

FrostyNugg3ts - 7 years ago
Would a 20 gallon tank fit well on that stand?
sharoon stone
sharoon stone - 7 years ago
ur awsome mam so many nice things for fish :)
Savannah Chatterton
Savannah Chatterton - 8 years ago
I have 10 girl beta fish and 3 boy beta fish
Betta, animals, and more
Betta, animals, and more - 8 years ago
I love it how your channel is called better betta and you are a better fishkeeper then a average in would...
Gail Stokes
Gail Stokes - 8 years ago
those are my favorite fish
Laine Mackie
Laine Mackie - 8 years ago
Oh my gosh I named my first betta (when i was only around 8 or 9) Horatio
Seth - 8 years ago
I'm a beginner and thinking about buying some fish, and I have a few questions: What would you say is the best fish for having 2 of? And what is the best tank for them? What accessories should I get for them? Any tips or tricks for having fish? Any equipment I should use? Heck, just make a video about it and put the links in the description
KingQueen Cersei
KingQueen Cersei - 7 years ago
cactuscrazy 2001 platies are VERY good fish to have, they can come in a variety of colours and don't get to big, they are hyper too. Maybe you could get two females? Make sure you don't get males because on occasions they can fight. If you get a male and a female they will breed and overpopulate the tank, the best thing would be to get two female platy. But make sure they haven't been in a tank with a male beforehand otherwise they will still keep giving birth to the fry.
They like quite a bit of room to swim so I would suggest nothing below 10 gallons for two of them. They are hardy fish, they like plants and ornaments, whether they are real or fake, because they like things to swim in and out of! Also make sure you learn about the cycle of a fish tank before you buy the fish! The best water conditioner to use is prime, and it's the best value for money. Platy fish will also need a heater and a filter. Hope this helps☺
Kiki K
Kiki K - 7 years ago
Hey! If you want a more personal fish, I'd say a betta, of course, you can only have one of them though. Neon tetras are food fish,they aren't really smart though. I'd say at least four or five though and the tank size depends on the amount :). Black mollies might be good, just look at Google for supplies (or ask me). If you have room, like 100 gal room, you could get two goldfish. I'd say 40+ gal for them :).
Julia Carter
Julia Carter - 8 years ago
Rachel Burton
Rachel Burton - 8 years ago
I aim to be as organized as you are. Underneath all my tanks is a total train wreck compared to yours. Also I love your videos! :D
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)
Betta Fish
Betta Fish - 8 years ago
oh my, I feel ashamed

30. comment for My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization

Endfinx - 8 years ago
I named my betta fish Draco after this video
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Maddy :)
Samantha Day
Samantha Day - 8 years ago
awesome set up!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Samantha Day Thank you! :)
Isaiah28Farming - 8 years ago
Love your organization and the cute way you have it all set up!! Love your channel <3
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Isaiah28Farming Thank you so much! :)
Rye Bread
Rye Bread - 8 years ago
I love the matts you put them on, I never thought of that before and will have to try and find some
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+MurphyandLilly Thanks!
Anna Ritchey
Anna Ritchey - 8 years ago
Do betta's have to have a filter? I just got a small female and i got a 2 gallon glass bowl. I got a small heater for it as well. is that enough? I wan her to have the best life she can.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Anna Ritchey With the heater and filter, she can live a wonderful life. There are quite a few filters you could fit in the tank, like suggested, I'd recommend a sponge filter or one that is under the gravel. :)
Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson - 8 years ago
You can use a sponge filter. Cheap and effective.
Anna Ritchey
Anna Ritchey - 8 years ago
DPineAppleSquad - 8 years ago
Anna Ritchey I don't recommend bowls but u can get a 5.5 gallon aquarium at Walmart for 31 dollars which is really chip for a 5 gallon.the 5 gallon cones with a filter and you will need to buy a heater or you can get a 10 gallon for a good price too for 37 will of course need gravel and other stuff but I really recommend a 5 or 10 gallon tank
Glitter Bettas
Glitter Bettas - 8 years ago
What filter do you have for the 5 galoon
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It's the Tetra Whisper filter in size Medium.
AllAboutFishies Sweets
AllAboutFishies Sweets - 8 years ago
i wish i am organized as her!! all i do is stuff everything in my drawers where nobody dares to touch because although it's all messy i know where it is. my only problem is i have too many hose from my canister filters
T-Zay - 8 years ago
You are by far the NEATEST fish keeper I have EVER seen! I want to organize my space so bad along with my fish stuff.
Natural Hair Chick
Natural Hair Chick - 7 years ago
T-Zay I try my best to organize my fish area as well and the best I can do is to have a container for all of the stuff I need. She's really and truly by far the most organized fish keeper I've seen!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
a beautiful aquarium, I liked a lot, thank you for sharing, I Subbed, visit my first aquarium, and give me your opinion
The Unknown Arrow
The Unknown Arrow - 8 years ago
i have a huge tank for a dozen of my goldfish, and it has a huge filter. :L a least it's really clean. It used to hold my huge fish that about 3 or 4 years, and died of old age. <3
Rachel Chan
Rachel Chan - 8 years ago
does having them next to each other ever make them flare up? :) love this video!
Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 8 years ago
Rachel Chan well since the one in the middle is round it's hard to see outside the tank so probably not
Tiffany Blackmon
Tiffany Blackmon - 8 years ago
Come organize my fish room please lol!!
Andrew Morehead
Andrew Morehead - 8 years ago
At the beginning, you say aquariums, but the plural is aquaria.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
According to Google, both are acceptable :) It's an either/or situation.
briana chavez
briana chavez - 8 years ago
Where did you get the mats under all of your tanks?
KPD DiGiaco
KPD DiGiaco - 8 years ago
I have a 3 gallon and a 10 gallon I also have filters and heaters but when do I need to do a 100% water change or any water change
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+KPD DiGiaco I do a 50% water change in my all tanks around once a week :)
Night Wolf
Night Wolf - 8 years ago
im gonna buy the table you have! :D you are a huge inspo to me, you really are! thanks for making videos <3 lovee
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+boo pie Thank you so much! :)
Carissa Gonzales
Carissa Gonzales - 8 years ago
I follow you on Instagram!!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Animals Rock Thanks! :)
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
I love bettas too, but have you considered rescuing other fish such as those tiny little rosy red minnows
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish room! Everything is so colorful!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you so much! :)
iGRiZZLYxSNiPESx - 8 years ago
Hey I was wondering if you bought the fish tank top for the tank or did it come with it ??
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+iGRiZZLYxSNiPESx It came with the tank :)

50. comment for My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization

Mari Kurokawa
Mari Kurokawa - 8 years ago
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Mari Kurokawa Thanks :)
Dragon Sin
Dragon Sin - 8 years ago
Your so organized and neat
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Israel Mendoza Thanks! :)
Karissa Schwerin
Karissa Schwerin - 8 years ago
I love that you holiday decorate your tanks! What a great idea! I am definitely stealing your idea ;)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)
Hotchner Pittman
Hotchner Pittman - 8 years ago
Draco? Draco malfoy?
Hotchner Pittman
Hotchner Pittman - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta​ Same here! Everyone always says Draco is a jerk, but he's my favorite character also :) Excellent choice for a name:)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Yep! Draco's full name is Dracomalfoy after Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. They are my favourite movie series to watch and Draco is by far my favourite character, so I named my betta after him :)
KigerHeart AO
KigerHeart AO - 8 years ago
My right ear enjoyed this video :D, very nice tanks you have ^^ Can't wait to have fish aswell.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I'm very glad your right ear enjoyed it! Thank you :)
Jason Wilhelm
Jason Wilhelm - 8 years ago
Omg congratulations on the 9000 views.
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
BetterBetta and now your 200 away from 1500
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! It really is amazing, especially because the video description is me thanking for 130 subscribers.. And today I'm 8 away from 500! It's crazy :)
lame sare
lame sare - 8 years ago
I also have the terta 5 gallon tank, I'm worried the filter might be too strong for my betta. He seems to not swim as much when it's on. I have mine on the lowest setting so hopefully that helps. Is yours also on the lowest setting?
Alexis Ryuun
Alexis Ryuun - 8 years ago
i'd try putting a sponge in the intake, it should soften it a bit
lame sare
lame sare - 8 years ago
My betta is a half moon, I'm a little worried his fins will get sucked up in the filter. I'm not sure if it's strong enough to suck them up though. I'll have to just keep an eye on him. Thanks a lot (:
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Sarah Madeline Mine is on the lowest setting, but my betta's don't seem to have an issue. I have veiltail bettas in those tanks, which are known to be slightly better swimmers than half moon / crown tails, so your betta's tail type may play a part. If you worry the filter is too strong, you could try placing a tall plant and/or ornament in front of the filter to soften the force. There are also plenty of videos on YouTube on how to 'baffle' filters, which involve using panty hose, or sometimes plastic bottles, etc to absorb some of the impact :) Hope this helps!
Jonathan Bondad
Jonathan Bondad - 8 years ago
I absolutely love this setup. Great idea!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Jonathan Bondad Thanks!
Ocean Mariee
Ocean Mariee - 8 years ago
Do you think that stand would hold a 10 gallon tank, and/or a 40B with a bearded dragon? How sturdy is it?
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
Ocean Mariee im sure it holds 40 gallons I have a really cheap table with a 30 gallon with water and a ten gallon betta tank
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I would probably say yes. It's a pretty strong stand. Right now I have a total of 13 gallons of water on it and it isn't showing any signs of stress. :)
M C Fisher
M C Fisher - 8 years ago
i had used to have a beta fish in my 3 gallon but i now have a 20 gallon tropical comity tank great video
romymunis - 8 years ago
Personally I abadoned the inert or plastic tanks decorations to have everything real and live plants, to a high tech aquarium for my bettas, but seems you have all necesary to care them.
folsomfish - 8 years ago
subbed :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you!
DewyV - 8 years ago
Wow, where did you buy Journeys tank? And dracos tank? And how much..I'm just wondering cause I'm getting a new one soon
DewyV - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Thanks <3
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Journey's tank came from Walmart, and so did Draco's! Journey's is a 3 gallon about $40 and Draco's 5 gallon was about $50. They are both Tetra :)
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 8 years ago
excellent. your neat. And no cords everywhere like most people.
Logan Knudson
Logan Knudson - 7 years ago
BetterBetta SUPER ORGANIZED!!Love it
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Ty, I saw it you got it from ikea. Tyty
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Hi can you tell me where I can buy the table you have.. Ty.. So jealous of your arrangement and I really like to get one.. Ty
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta thank you too.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you so much! :)
trixirita - 8 years ago
I love Walmart and Dollar Store fish decor. They love really nice and are super cheap. A ornament at petsmart would be like 50$ compared to a dollar store one being 8$
trixirita - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta I found the same ornament at PetSmart and Walmart, it was a hollow fake log with a bunch of holes to crawl in and out. The Walmart one was 9$ while the PS one was 36$. Yikes!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Exactly! It's crazy how the practically the same ornament can be $5 cheaper in one store than another. I love finding good ornaments at dollar stores :)
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 8 years ago
oh ! no! you use wardely fish food. they say not the best food to use.
have you ever thought of using live plants? java fern would be best i think
stil some nice looking tanks stay well
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 8 years ago
just use the kiss method and you can't go wrong " keep it simple stupid"
wish you well
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I am definitely looking into live plants as we speak. Java Fern is definitely on my list, along with the beginner plant Anubias and I really like the look of Myrio, but I have to find a better light source if I do get that type because it requires high lighting. Just doing all my research before jumping in! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thankfully I don't use that anymore! I think I switched my food type just about 3 days after filming it. I now use Omega One micro pellets. I think my fish like it better :) I heard that is wasn't the best food to use either through a betta fish forum I'm in. That's what made me switch almost immediately :)
Destruction is Creation
Destruction is Creation - 8 years ago
Have you considered live plants? I have a couple tanks like your with betta's and my fish love them! Not to mention the obvious health benefits :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It was YouTube (and my fish-loving older cousin) who opened me up to live plants. I'm excited to start using them because I agree that when done correctly, they can look amazing!
Destruction is Creation
Destruction is Creation - 8 years ago
Nice! My friend got me into them a couple months ago, and now I swear I'm subscribed to a billion different planted aquarium channels just dreaming of a fully planted tank haha
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I actually am leaning strongly towards starting experimenting with life plants! I think they look great and everyone loves health benefits :)
Doodle Donkey
Doodle Donkey - 8 years ago
I had that brand of food and my Betta started acting really lethargic. I switched to aqueon and he got better. If your fish are sick it's probably because of the food.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I switched them over from the Wardley ones over to Omega one about a day or two after filming this. I can certainly agree that the higher quality food improves the health of your fish! Horatio's chronic fin problem seemed to begin healing itself up. If I hadn't already switched over, I'd definitely take your advice. I didn't realize how much of a difference the food quality can make.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Nice one. I will copy it. Ty
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks and you're welcome :) Glad to see you like it enough to replicate it! :)
Belle Sara
Belle Sara - 8 years ago
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you so much!
Betta Josh
Betta Josh - 8 years ago
Awesome video! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
kenny sunny
kenny sunny - 8 years ago
always enjoy your video! please keep uploading
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)
DerpyDino - 8 years ago
How much is the tetra 5 gallon tank?
DerpyDino - 8 years ago
ok TNX :D
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It was around $40 CAD and I got it at Walmart :)
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
Awesome video! Your tanks are goals!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you so much!
Sam's Bettas
Sam's Bettas - 8 years ago
You deserve more subscribers!!!!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! This made my day :)
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Great video! I love the white stand you got to put all the tanks on. The holiday ones are so cute I would have to find some when the holidays come around. :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks, I love them too! They come out really early - I remember I bought that Halloween Pumpkin in late August :p
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
this video was fantastic!! all of your supplies are very organized
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you !
Bright-BlueBerry - 8 years ago
Great video!! Do you have 3 bettas in total?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! And yes- these are all of my bettas!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Great video!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks !
JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
I love your holiday ornaments! What a great video, I loved it!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)
Brooky-Lynn - 8 years ago
That's so cool!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago

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