My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization
Betta 8 years ago 88,994 views
Thank you for 130 Subscribers! When I started this channel I never expected to have 130 of you eager to watch my videos and be a part of my betta's lives. Thank you so much! Today I show you how I store all my betta supplies and what it is made up of! Ikea Sofa Table: Music is Royalty Free from
10. comment for My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization
20. comment for My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization
They like quite a bit of room to swim so I would suggest nothing below 10 gallons for two of them. They are hardy fish, they like plants and ornaments, whether they are real or fake, because they like things to swim in and out of! Also make sure you learn about the cycle of a fish tank before you buy the fish! The best water conditioner to use is prime, and it's the best value for money. Platy fish will also need a heater and a filter. Hope this helps☺
30. comment for My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization
50. comment for My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization
have you ever thought of using live plants? java fern would be best i think
stil some nice looking tanks stay well
wish you well