My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!

This is the third video about my betta. When I purchased him I only got a half gallon tank to put him in. I quickly realized that was wrong and so I went out and upgraded him to a 1.5 gallon tank. I observed him for about a week and decided the 1.5 gallon betta cube was still too small for him and so now I have upgraded him into his own 5 gallon tank! I've noticed a considerable change in my betta and it's most definitely for the better. For instance, just yesterday he started to build his very first bubble nest since I've had him! AWESOME! Anyway, his name is Barry, and I think he's a super cool betta. Thanks so much for taking the time to watch. Please like, subscribe, and comment!

My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Betta 8 years ago 15,572 views

This is the third video about my betta. When I purchased him I only got a half gallon tank to put him in. I quickly realized that was wrong and so I went out and upgraded him to a 1.5 gallon tank. I observed him for about a week and decided the 1.5 gallon betta cube was still too small for him and so now I have upgraded him into his own 5 gallon tank! I've noticed a considerable change in my betta and it's most definitely for the better. For instance, just yesterday he started to build his very first bubble nest since I've had him! AWESOME! Anyway, his name is Barry, and I think he's a super cool betta. Thanks so much for taking the time to watch. Please like, subscribe, and comment!

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Most popular comments
for My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!

Fat Rabbit
Fat Rabbit - 7 years ago
Oh man I am so proud of you. I saw the original video but this is fantastic, thank you!
Reni Rn
Reni Rn - 7 years ago
A pulse 160 or 280 would look so dope there
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
i bought 3 betta fish for the betta falls tank (literally like, .3 gallons per cup thing) then i started reading about bettas. i still live with my parents, so they're all like oh yeah sure you can have 50 tanks in your room. no bri. but they're in 1 gallon bowls with a heater and bubbler atm. I'm starting to save up to get them each 3.7 (*just changed my mind to a 5 like yesterday bc its ideal*) gallons with a filter, heater, and bubbler. like if you're as triggered as me
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
5 months later hes gonna have a 5000 tank just for the betta
Dana Rodgers
Dana Rodgers - 7 years ago
Very nice! I'm getting a betta this weekend and had already decided on a 5 gallon tank but I am on here looking for decorating ideas. Yours is very cool
kingdemon89 - 7 years ago
kind of boring, 5 gallons tank with only 1 fish
kingdemon89 - 7 years ago
LMAO, I'm dead from laughing
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
actually a 5 gallon tank is ideal for a betta fish. 1.5 is bare minimum but it's not recommended. 3.5 is okay too. also, just because you live in a country with bettas don't mean you know anything about them
kingdemon89 - 7 years ago
Lmao, don't know anything about bettas? Oh please, you Westerners imported these fishes from my country FYI
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
I guess you don't know anything about male bettas. One male betta in a five gallon tank is perfect.
SPARTAN BOSS - 7 years ago
How tf can you survive in a house that is between 75 and 82 degrees? I live in Wisconsin and I keep my house at like 67.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
People in Arizona normally keep their homes between 75-85 degrees F inside. I usually keep my thermostat anywhere from 76-78 F.

The reason is because your body becomes used to the very hot weather. If it's 110 degrees outside and you come into your house that is at 75 degrees, believe me, it feels really cool. You are going into an environment that's 35 degrees cooler than outside.

Also, if I kept my interior temp at 67 degrees in the summer the electric bill from the air conditioning would be astronomical. Most people can't afford it, and even if they could, they wouldn't keep it that cool.
Kelly Lawrence
Kelly Lawrence - 7 years ago
I am getting a girl betta and she will have a 5 gallon tank no questions asked. Bettas do better in glass than plastic one hundred percent :)
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Yay your betta looks so happy! :) You should check out my 5 gallon betta tank too

10. comment for My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!

J Cole
J Cole - 7 years ago
I would recommend adding neon tetras and ghost shrinp
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
you don't know how aggressive he is first off, second you'd have to have a 10 gallon tank. neon tetras are schooling fish meaning you need at least 5 of them. more are recommended. if you added that to the 5 gallon it would be overstocked.
J Cole
J Cole - 7 years ago
That's a really good decorated tank
Gracie Is Lunciounse
Gracie Is Lunciounse - 7 years ago
Hey am I hallucinating or does it look like the betta might have a bit of fin rot. Did he come marked as a crown tail? Because his fins look pretty torn up if he is a halfmoon. His fins look like they have rotted in, but have left the main "branches" of the tail resulting in it looking like spokes of a wheel. Just trying to look out for Barry .
Reni Rn
Reni Rn - 7 years ago
There are so many species of them tho so not to compare them all too half moons his fins look beautiful in my opinion
Laken Yorba
Laken Yorba - 7 years ago
Gracie Is Lunciounse I don't think he is a half moon
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
LOL they just keep getting bigger hopefully next video you don't have him in a 10 gallon lol. Great video.
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
actually 10 gallons is great for a betta. bigger is better.
Jake the gsd
Jake the gsd - 7 years ago
Get silk plants, the plastic can tear his fins, but pretty tank!
Reni Rn
Reni Rn - 7 years ago
So true
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
agreed. live plants are really good also and are healthy for the fish
PetKeeper 323
PetKeeper 323 - 7 years ago
Awww so nice
Love for Animals
Love for Animals - 7 years ago
Perfect! So nice of you to upgrade his tank... TWICE! He looks so happy and loved! :)
Great video.
Rebekah Brockway
Rebekah Brockway - 7 years ago
he looks so happy. I'm gald to see someone who cares for and loves their betta! ;)
Faith Girl
Faith Girl - 7 years ago
Is that the Aqua Culture 5 gallon starter tank?? I've got that one, and I love it!!
Myra Lawson
Myra Lawson - 7 years ago
So how often do you have to change the water in this tank?
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
you're doing a great job but taking him out every week could really stress him out and leave him with ich, or fungus etc. you should leave him in the tank every so often while using the gravel vacuum
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
I do a 25% water change once a week which also includes vacuuming the tank, cleaning any algae, testing for proper water quality and adding any necessary chemicals, etc. I also remove my betta from the tank when I do the cleaning and put him in a smaller holding tank so I can look him over closely for Ick or anything else that doesn't look right.

20. comment for My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!

What's up guys? Scarce here! Roleplay
What's up guys? Scarce here! Roleplay - 7 years ago
I LOVE that tree stump ornament it's so cute where did you get it?
Jenny_ - 7 years ago
I've seen it at Walmart for like $9
Chlexie L.
Chlexie L. - 7 years ago
You're so thoughtful to your betta- I just got one and did the 5 gallon tank as well after researching all these videos
Tyrone Rips Up Cats Kang
Tyrone Rips Up Cats Kang - 7 years ago
I got my betta in a 125 gallon all by hisself. da lil nigga don't kno how good he got it.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
Thanks. Yes 5 gallons is the perfect tank for one betta. Somebody commented on one of my other videos that the minimum for a betta should be 10 gallons. That's absolutely ridiculous IMO. 10 gallons is way too big for one betta. 5 gallons is absolutely perfect.
Mark - 7 years ago
Is he still alive? Wonderful fish owner and tank!
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
Oh yeah, still alive and kicking, or should I say still alive and FLARING!
WeaponX Official
WeaponX Official - 8 years ago
I got my betta in a 10 gallon planted tank and he love it ...
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
Oh man that's not good. Guess he's not a fan of shrimp! Maybe 8 was too many? Try putting in 2 and see what happens.
WeaponX Official
WeaponX Official - 7 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal I put 8 ghost shrimps in the tank and next morning I found the all dead .. I was trying to so how he deals with tank he's lonely again
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
That's great but in my opinion a 10-gallon tank for one betta is a little too big and maybe a little wasteful. However, if you've got the space then I'm all for it. Maybe you could add a tank mate?
Bryana zzstu Basch
Bryana zzstu Basch - 8 years ago
if the water is warm then you won't need your heater!!
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
I actually did need to use the heater for about 3 months as it does get down into the low 60's for a couple of months in the winter here in Arizona. I just unplugged it about 3 weeks ago as outside temps now get into the high 80's/low 90's.
TaylorYT - Vlogs
TaylorYT - Vlogs - 8 years ago
Awesome video! I had a Betta in a 5 gallon tank. Sadly, he died. But how is your fish doing now?
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
I can tell he's getting old, but he's still healthy. The thing is you don't really know how old they are when you get them, unless you breed them. I've had him for almost a year now and I'm guessing he might have been close to a year old when I got him. However, he's still very active and still looks great.
Vicki Walker
Vicki Walker - 8 years ago
I used to have a Betta that I rescued from a cup in Walmart . I had him for about for five months and he ended up with that Popeye disease . I read up on what to do for him and ended up getting an anabiotic from the pet store for $11 . It cleared him up and I had him for two more years ! The guy at the pet store was laughing at me and told me he probably only cost me a few dollars why would I bother with an $11 anabiotic I should just buy another fish ! Just like anything else their life is in your hands doesn't matter how small they are. I was upset at him for that . Every life matters no matter how small and I think it's wonderful that you take such good care of him !
Jenny_ - 7 years ago
+Vicki Walker Wow that dude was such a heartless jerk!!! How could he even say that?!!! I'm glad u didn't listen to him and saved ur fishy from a tragic death!
Kay Skywalker
Kay Skywalker - 8 years ago
glad to see you giving your betta a good sized tank. He's happy if he's building a bubble nest and is ready to breed :)
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
bubble nests don't mean that he's happy, but that he's down for breeding, meaning he's comfortable and healthy.
Megan Jewell
Megan Jewell - 8 years ago
So great to see such a loving betta owner!
Huy Nguyen Ho
Huy Nguyen Ho - 8 years ago
I have same tank

30. comment for My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!

AJ Gaming
AJ Gaming - 8 years ago
5 gallon for a beta he must be happy
Miss Mac
Miss Mac - 8 years ago
The way you talk about him, I can tell Barry Betta is one loved fish :)
bryan on
bryan on - 8 years ago
can I have the heater
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
heaters are like $10 :/
RiceNoodles - 8 years ago
love this one so much better then the last one
RiceNoodles - 8 years ago
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
You don't want protein build up on the surface of the water so thats why I have a bubbler or air stone to prevent that.
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
Every beta owner needs a tank this big at least.
Ashley - 8 years ago
How did you change the filter speed?
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
On the bottom of the filter there is a little switch that has 3 settings. Slide it all the way to the left for the lowest speed.
LumiNeonz - 8 years ago
Especially if you've already bought the heater, I'd definitely recommend adding it. It's even more important to keep the temperature stable than it is to keep it within that 75-80F range. The heater will make sure your tank doesn't dip in temperature during the night or on colder days.

Some bettas are fine with shrimp, some are not! You can usually tell how aggressive a betta is just by observing him without a tankmate. Does he flare whenever you come near? Attack new objects in his tank? If he seems mellow he'll be fine with shrimp. Mystery snails are cool too!

Love that log decor. :)
Jacob Shaffer
Jacob Shaffer - 8 years ago
nice video berry looks exactly like my crowntail betta exact same pattern and everything
The Betta Keeper Mason
The Betta Keeper Mason - 8 years ago
I have that same stump décor in my 10 gallon
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
My 2 male bettas share a 4ft long community tank with cories, sharks and tetras...bubble nests are good for breeding, my ghost shrimp were all eaten by the cories!
Sophie Wood
Sophie Wood - 8 years ago
much better size tank, well done for doing the research!!! :)
MeLina C
MeLina C - 8 years ago
What was the name of the tank you got?
Kyra Kremser
Kyra Kremser - 8 years ago
Melina C I believe it's the Glofish 5 Gallon Aquarium Kit at Walmart
Huy Nguyen Ho
Huy Nguyen Ho - 8 years ago
Melina C it just a 5 gallon tank I think, maybe no brand but it very cheap close to 30 buck I have one
lol - 8 years ago
that is one the most heathy looking betta I've ever seen he looks so happy
Piper Sauers
Piper Sauers - 8 years ago
I wouldn't put any kind of shrimp with betta's. Especially males. The shrimp will nip at the bettas fins and will try to slowly get rid of the fins to where the dish cant swim. then they will try to kill the betta. It also could be the opposite. The betta (especially males) will chase, nip at, bite, and stalk the shrimp. the betta might bite it and the shrimp might not like being chased and start nipping at the bettas fins.
Just trying to help out a few lives.
Harley Queen
Harley Queen - 8 years ago
No airstone in your tank?
ShadowGin3 - 8 years ago
an airstone is not needed since he has a filter. The water going back to the tank from the filter will help aerate the tank anyway. In addition, Betta is considered a labyrinth fish meaning they can take oxygen from the air and water so even if the tank is low in oxygen or he has no filter the betta will still be okay
Matt - 8 years ago
They breathe the air from the surface. They have an organ inside them that allows them to do that.
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
+Vision Well I don't know how they do it but they do, you can Google it and if they didn't then no way they could live in those tiny cup's at Walmart. They come to the top all the time to gulp air, maybe that's how but its true.
Ally Tiffany
Ally Tiffany - 8 years ago
+Vision they breathe air but it doesn't mean they can stay out of water
Harley Queen
Harley Queen - 8 years ago
+Kelly Suzanne How? O.o
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
Bettas make their own oxygen anyways
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
Not necessary.  It creates too much current and they don't like it anyway.  The filter works fine. Besides, I do a 50% water change once a week.
spaceboyxyz - 8 years ago
heyhey. awesome decision to upgrade his tank!! in my opinion a 5gal is a minimum requirement. 10 gal would be even better. my bettas got happier and happier the bigger the tank got. all those mini tanks and cups is a punishment for those beautiful animals!
Ayoki . . .
Ayoki . . . - 8 years ago
spaceboyxyz I have a 5 gallon tank with a filter, heater, water conditioner, LED Lights, and natural betta water. I honestly don't think ALL betta's need a 10 gallon. Some of them are quite expensive, at least in my area. My betta has a lot of spaces to hide in and he is flourishing in color. Honestly, don't be like other people, don't push people to buy the biggest tank ever. Not even trying to be rude here, just wanted to say something :3
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
That is a awesome tank!! He looks so happy! He will live a long, happy, healthy life!
Stampymittens - 8 years ago
ATTENTION everybody who thinks bubble nests mean your betta is happy or is being territorial is WRONG. Bettas make bubble nests because of a mating routine (males). You see, if you look up a betta breading video the female's eggs go in there (the bubble nest)... Thx 4 ur understanding. #BettasAreAwesome!
Matt - 8 years ago
+Stampymittens it's not unusual for females to make bubble nests it's just rare.
Stampymittens - 8 years ago
+Matt huh. Strange. Maybe look it up?
Matt - 8 years ago
+Stampymittens it's a female because I can see the white spot where her eggs are. And she doesn't have long fins. But she has a bubble nest.
Stampymittens - 8 years ago
+Matt usually males make bubble nests. You might have a male if she makes bubble nests...
Matt - 8 years ago
I have a female and she lives in the half gallon this guy has and she has a bubble nest. So is she happy? Does she want to mate? I've had her for a year and 6 months now.
Stampymittens - 8 years ago
+Stampymittens loss*
Stampymittens - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal Exactly, if there is a small tank the nest will just cause more space loos for the betta. So I do agree with you.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
That may be true (it's also speculative, as many people believe it DOES mean they are content), but I understand that they will not make bubble nests unless they feel the conditions are adequate. This would hint to the fact that you have set them up with an acceptable environment. Mine make bubble nests all the time. I think it's a good thing that they feel their tank is a good place for them to breed.
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
My bettas have started making bubble nests too. I thought they were happy at first, but I think it's more of a territorial thing for them...marking their territory. They can see each other through the divider and don't like it. I'm gonna put another divider up, creating a small space, and I'm gonna fill that small space with plants. I'm gonna make it really thick, so they won't be able to see each other as well. I tried that without the extra space in between, and it didn't work. They just maneuvered around the plants so that they could see each other. The space in between will prevent them from doing that. I'm really hoping it works well, because I don't want to have to buy another tank or find a home for one of them.
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
+Darly O. Yeah, but it wasn't just because of the bubble nests. They were also very agitated and flaring constantly at each other. I could tell they were stressed out. Now that they can't see each other, the flaring has stopped and they are swimming around and enjoying the tank and don't seem to be stressed out. They seem happy now (: They are still building their bubble nests too
Darly O.
Darly O. - 8 years ago
You didn't have to do what you did. Betta fish blow bubble nests because it is typical breeding behavior for them. When a female betta lays her eggs, the male puts each egg into one of the bubbles he blew. It isn't about territory or health. They are just preparing for the arrival of a female, like they would do in the wild.
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
+AnimalLists That's true too! I forgot there is more than one reason they make nests (:
AnimalLists - 8 years ago
Bubble nests also show great health :)

50. comment for My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!

I'm WWinning
I'm WWinning - 8 years ago
Great video! Barry looks so happy! Please do more Betta video's if you don't mind :) Some ideas are: Cycling and Nitrogen Cycle, Partial water changes (How to,  how much (%) and how often), filter changes (how to and how often), feeding (how much and how many times a day). We have a sweet new Betta, in a 3 gallon and she loves it! Thanks for your helpful videos! :D
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
I'll keep those great video ideas in mind and try to get another done soon.  Thanks so much for watching the video and commenting :)
Carolinagirl1028 - 8 years ago
So glad to see you upgraded his tank, what a great size for him and he looks much happier! The one thing I would recommend is make sure your plants and decor doesn't have any sharp edges since their fins can rip easily. I see in the comments where you have more betta fish now, I can definitely relate to how addicting they are. I started out with one betta for my son and now have 4 altogether. They are such a joy to watch and have such amazing personalities to be a fish. Best of luck to you and to them!
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
I have 4 now, too. I have two Crowntails and two Half Moons. The Crowntails are Barry & Brutus and the Half Moons are named Benny & Bentley.
Flameheart FL
Flameheart FL - 8 years ago
Barry is so cute! That name is such a coincidence because I have a betta named Berrie and a deformed genetically modified zebra danio (A.K.A. Glofish) named Larry. And when you put their names together...... Barry :D Awesome tank set up, by the way! Barry is so lucky!
Spencer Steffes
Spencer Steffes - 8 years ago
Love to see people who know how to care for bettas. I have my betta in a 10 gallon tank wth a filter and heater with plants and caves. In Arizona I dont think you will need a heater but I live in Wisconsin so in the winter it get deep into the negatives sometimes.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank, it's wonderful seeing a Betta in such a good sized tank. The cycle process takes approximately 4-6 weeks and can be rough on fish. Be sure to do regular water changes every 4-5 days to keep the toxin levels down until the tank goes through the nitrogen cycle. Depending on how aggressive he is he will most likely kill ghost shrimp. Bettas are very territorial. 5 gallons is not really big enough to add tank mates without him causing them harm. However if you have a more peaceful Betta you may get away with it. I look forward to seeing what you do with this tank in the future.
Clouder - 7 years ago
josh freeman I’m about to put my betta in a 2.5 I think that’s good considering 1. He is in a 1.8G bowl!! right now and 2. The recommended size is 2.5 g
josh freeman
josh freeman - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets I agree so much with you I have a 5.5 Gallon and my betta is so happy and I can't stand it when people put there betas in bowls and tanks smaller than 5
Krissy - 8 years ago
this is one great tank!
hamster's, Betta's and piggys
hamster's, Betta's and piggys - 8 years ago
great video just subscribed
Vampire Lover
Vampire Lover - 8 years ago
awesome upgrade! I've watched all three of your betta videos & kudos to you for wanting to provide a better life for a pet you chose to bring into your home. He's a lucky fish!!
Maza Klan
Maza Klan - 7 years ago
The Diabetic's Journal you should post a video of all your bettas in their tanks :)
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+Vampire Lover Thanks!  I actually have 3 bettas now.  I've got Barry (this video) in a 5-gallon, Benny has a 3 gallon and Brutus has a 2.5 gallon.
Joy Aquarium
Joy Aquarium - 8 years ago
Nice video!
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+Joy Aquarium Actually when I put the filter on it's lowest setting it barely pushes him around at all.  I don't think it's a problem.  If the filter only had one setting that was too high then I would have to rig something to keep him from getting pushed around, but it doesn't seem to be an issue with the way the setup is now.
Joy Aquarium
Joy Aquarium - 8 years ago
And you should try tetra 1-3i filter, or cut a portion of water bottle and put half in the filter and half in the water so the betta won't get pushed around
Ashlynn Valentine
Ashlynn Valentine - 8 years ago
if u have any questions go and join my aquarium club its free and all that u do is ask questions and they awnser your questions on any fish or water mammal u have
Ashlynn Valentine
Ashlynn Valentine - 8 years ago
I did the same thing so don't worry I have had to do 3 new tanks before I realized I needed bigger and got 10 gallon but I'm getting a divider and then another one
BettaFish 2017
BettaFish 2017 - 8 years ago
Please make another video when you have put all the live plants in their.
BettaFish 2017
BettaFish 2017 - 8 years ago
Wow, you are such a great guy Chris!
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+Aisha Shah Thanks!
Loz Lolly
Loz Lolly - 8 years ago
Barry's one lucky little fishy ☺ love your betta vids, can't wait to get a betta fish as my baby boys first pet. love your set up
StephMullyy - 8 years ago
Barry is a wicked name XD mines called Dennis
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank!
ThatsSoRepti - 8 years ago
2.5 gallons is the minimum, as it can house some decorations, filter and heater with swimming space :)
ThatsSoRepti - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal yes bigger is better I agree!
Good luck with the transition. I tried to go from fake to real but it was disastrous. My water quality was fine, my lighting was great, etc but the special substrate I bought started to turn into mud! I threw it out and went back to silk plants.
The only live thing I have in the tank now is a moss ball.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+ThatsSoRepti The minimum I would get for my bettas is 2.5 gallons.  However, I think 5 gallons is perfect for them.  I haven't needed a heater yet, as the room temp in my house is always between 75 - 85 F. I have also started testing the water every other day and I do a 25% water change once a week.  My next project will be getting rid of the plastic plants and putting real plants in.
ThatsSoRepti - 8 years ago
+ThatsSoRepti no hate, and btw its a hit or miss with shrimp as they are a bight size snack for bettas.
Amanda P
Amanda P - 8 years ago
super awesome! I'm convinced I should upgrade my Benji to a 5 gallon. I rescued the poor guy from a .5 gallon amonia and bacteria ridden tank in a university dorm. He has a 1.5 gallon now but I am upgrading very soon
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+Amanda P I definitely think you should.  I cannot believe the difference in my betta since I hooked him up with the 5 gallon tank.  He's way more active, always building bubble nests (he's got 2 going at the moment), and all around just looks healthier.  The 1.5 gallon cube is OK, but I think you need at least 2.5 - 5 gallons for your betta to really flourish.

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The Complete Betta Fish Life Cycle in 3 Minutes

40,028 likes 3,448,189 views 8 years ago

Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...



7,142 likes 2,397,046 views 13 years ago



HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish

5,848 likes 1,287,858 views 10 years ago

Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...


5 Things You've Heard about Betta Fish That...

17,930 likes 1,130,913 views 8 years ago

I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...


NoClean Aquariums - Betta Fish Tank

3,342 likes 1,081,354 views 11 years ago The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...

About My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!

The "My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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