My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!
Betta 8 years ago 15,572 views
This is the third video about my betta. When I purchased him I only got a half gallon tank to put him in. I quickly realized that was wrong and so I went out and upgraded him to a 1.5 gallon tank. I observed him for about a week and decided the 1.5 gallon betta cube was still too small for him and so now I have upgraded him into his own 5 gallon tank! I've noticed a considerable change in my betta and it's most definitely for the better. For instance, just yesterday he started to build his very first bubble nest since I've had him! AWESOME! Anyway, his name is Barry, and I think he's a super cool betta. Thanks so much for taking the time to watch. Please like, subscribe, and comment!
The reason is because your body becomes used to the very hot weather. If it's 110 degrees outside and you come into your house that is at 75 degrees, believe me, it feels really cool. You are going into an environment that's 35 degrees cooler than outside.
Also, if I kept my interior temp at 67 degrees in the summer the electric bill from the air conditioning would be astronomical. Most people can't afford it, and even if they could, they wouldn't keep it that cool.
10. comment for My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!
Great video.
20. comment for My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!
30. comment for My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!
Some bettas are fine with shrimp, some are not! You can usually tell how aggressive a betta is just by observing him without a tankmate. Does he flare whenever you come near? Attack new objects in his tank? If he seems mellow he'll be fine with shrimp. Mystery snails are cool too!
Love that log decor. :)
Just trying to help out a few lives.
50. comment for My NEW 5 Gallon Betta Tank - He LOVES It!
Good luck with the transition. I tried to go from fake to real but it was disastrous. My water quality was fine, my lighting was great, etc but the special substrate I bought started to turn into mud! I threw it out and went back to silk plants.
The only live thing I have in the tank now is a moss ball.