My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!

I recently rescued a beautiful red male crowntail betta from one of those horrendous cups they keep them in. Well, I didn't really do my research and I bought one of those half gallon "betta viewer" tanks. I really didn't think twice about it since there are so many of these tiny cubes and bowls for sale at pet stores and they are recommended for bettas. Anyway, I found out that he needed a much better setup to live a happy life so I have bought him a 1.5 gallon tank with a filter. This is the original video I made so you can see how much I have upgraded his living conditions. I now know that it's recommended to have at least a 1.5 -2.5 gallon tank for a single betta. I really think there is a huge problem with the retail pet industry, however. They should stop selling those tiny tanks and cubes which are actually bad for the fish. Please comment, like, and subscribe (if you liked the video, of course).

My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 55

Betta 8 years ago 25,016 views

I recently rescued a beautiful red male crowntail betta from one of those horrendous cups they keep them in. Well, I didn't really do my research and I bought one of those half gallon "betta viewer" tanks. I really didn't think twice about it since there are so many of these tiny cubes and bowls for sale at pet stores and they are recommended for bettas. Anyway, I found out that he needed a much better setup to live a happy life so I have bought him a 1.5 gallon tank with a filter. This is the original video I made so you can see how much I have upgraded his living conditions. I now know that it's recommended to have at least a 1.5 -2.5 gallon tank for a single betta. I really think there is a huge problem with the retail pet industry, however. They should stop selling those tiny tanks and cubes which are actually bad for the fish. Please comment, like, and subscribe (if you liked the video, of course).

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Most popular comments
for My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!

BlackSummer - 6 years ago
the betta looks kind of bloated
Twin Tides
Twin Tides - 6 years ago
I bought that two weeks ago!
Harry Joseph
Harry Joseph - 6 years ago
Thanks for the Video, I got tired of the screaming bleeding-hearts telling you that you need at least 2.5 gallons, better 5, or maybe 50 gallons would be ideal !!! I raised 4 Bettas in 1.5 gallon tanks like in your video and they all did fine in that environment. I can't read a Bettas mind, but they seemed pretty happy to me. Their coloring was good and they were very active. I basically had 4 tanks with 4 different colored Bettas in them. I started with one, but then I would stop by PetSmart, or Walmart and if I saw one I liked I took it home. I did full water changes weekly mostly on Sunday mornings, but if I missed the water-change-day NO big deal, there was always Monday or Tuesday ! Bettas are pretty hardy fish and don't require that much baby-sitting in my opinion. That is why people buy them ! All 4 or mine lasted about 2.5-3 years.
ChaeKer - 6 years ago
Bettas do good in a 2.5 gallon
Bettas do better in a 3 gallon
Bettas do better in a 5 gallon
Make up your fucking minds.
Rudy M
Rudy M - 6 years ago
Great video! Great tank!
gamercentral666 - 7 years ago
My beta is in a ten gallon
Maggy Vanity
Maggy Vanity - 7 years ago
I recently got a new Betta couple ago. he was the only one left & his water was so dirty.. I had to get him & i got him this tank but I will be upgrading it as soon as get a new job.
Clarissa Izaguirre
Clarissa Izaguirre - 7 years ago
I've always kept my Betts in 1.5 gallon tanks and they usually last me around 3-4 year one even lasted me 5
Furman Toadstool
Furman Toadstool - 6 years ago
Woah! Almost half the normal life span!!!
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
wow. looks like you actually care lmao. great job w/ your research :)

10. comment for My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!

Becca Ruland
Becca Ruland - 7 years ago
I live in az too and you really don’t need a heater here. I do use one in winter but other then I would not suggest it. Your betta is so cute.
DarterGaming - 7 years ago
Is it glass and can the base come off?
Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas - 7 years ago
Nice. I prefer live plants, simply because I personally think artificial ones tear their fins.
JoniJosi Coyote Verlingieri
JoniJosi Coyote Verlingieri - 7 years ago
I have quite a few bettas all in different size tanks. The smallest tank is 3 gallons but I know what you mean about how happier they seem in the bigger tanks. I bought a couple 10 gallon tanks because I also have some cory catfish. I added several of my bettas one each to the new 10 gallon tanks and yes they love them. I also have a couple 6 1/2 gallon tanks and there a nice size also. It is sad when they name the 1/2 gallon, 1 gallon and so on Betta tanks because how in the world can a betta be happy in those little things. Anyway your tank looks nice. I bought some of my décor their and a few tanks. I find petsmart and Petco's tanks are a little better with the lids and such and some actually come with the heater. Most tanks you buy though do not come with the heater but do come with filters. A couple tanks my 6 1/2 gallon tanks the filters were so bad I had to replace them. Thanks again for sharing.
Casara123 - 7 years ago
I have this tank does anyone know how to clean out the filter box? I mean the power box
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
yay for upgrading! you should try live plants, next. my betta loved the difference from synthetic to living
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn - 7 years ago
does it comes with filter cartridge  when you buy the tank?
Victoria Vx
Victoria Vx - 7 years ago
Do u use a lid so he does not jump out ? Do u still have him? What's his name
InfinityPets - 7 years ago
Victoria Vx There's a lid on the tank!
xGenoXI - 7 years ago
My fighting this is in 20 gallons is that enough for him?
Tank4U - 7 years ago
i had the exact same tank the 1/2 tank and i switched to a 1.5 like that

20. comment for My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!

Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
He looks a lot more happy now. Great that you did research .
Chromosomie - 7 years ago
Okay so I got this fish tank and put my comet goldfish in it I have 5 of them but is it okay if they're in there
Aquilist - 6 years ago
PLEASE tell me either a) this was a joke or b) since making this comment a year ago, you've moved them. PLEASE tell me this!
david dior
david dior - 7 years ago
damn, bettas r living the live at that tank. here in indonesia, putting a betta in a tank that large is "weird", people here put them in a 1/4 gallons and that is already "big enough"
Uday Das
Uday Das - 6 years ago
Betta don't need big tank?
Sabrienne Alice Olanio
Sabrienne Alice Olanio - 7 years ago
I love hearing your genuine concern for your betta and your concern over the pet industry. Subscribed
Giancarlo Soto-Cervantes
Giancarlo Soto-Cervantes - 7 years ago
Still way too small dude.
Unboxing Tech
Unboxing Tech - 7 years ago
If you don't have the space, then don't get a fish. Also most fish keepers inform people about the cruelty of keeping any fish in a gallon bowl. Although, I'm happy you upgraded him to a 5g.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
I prefer a bigger tank, but I think a 1.5 gallon is the absolute minimum. Not everybody has the space for a 5 or 10 gallon. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to have fish. Goldfish are put in 1 gallon bowls all the time, yet hardly anybody complains about that. However, I have upgraded him to a 5 gallon. I have two others, one has a 2.5 gallon tank and the other has a 3 gallon. I think 5 gallons is absolutely perfect, if you have the space to house every betta you have in one, which most people do not.
Kallie K
Kallie K - 7 years ago
Betas should be in 10 gallons
Ava - 7 years ago
Kallie k noooo it's very good but it's not necessary
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 7 years ago
ONE betta in a 10 gallon tank? That's ridiculous. I realize 1.5 gallon tank is way too small, and I only kept him in this for about two weeks until I learned that he should be in a 5 gallon tank, which is what one betta should be in.
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
Kallie k
I agree. But this is minimum. Atleast he isn't putting them in a fish bowl.
sonja creech
sonja creech - 7 years ago
Blue Tail Bettas
Blue Tail Bettas - 8 years ago
Still too small 2.5 gallons would be great
Daniel Gunter
Daniel Gunter - 8 years ago
Good man. Bettas are quite intelligent. It's great to give them some space.
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
to small, you need to do more research.

30. comment for My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!

Ishan Kabir
Ishan Kabir - 8 years ago
my betta has it's own 19 galleon tank
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
Ishan Kabir
No need to show off
DANF - 8 years ago
hey there , i live here in Costa Rica,Central America .That means i live in a tropical region , should i need a heater for my betta fish?
Ava - 7 years ago
DANF probably not bc they are tropical fish
Elijah Petersen
Elijah Petersen - 8 years ago
1.5 gallons are perfect for Bettas. All these people that say "oh you need at least 5 gallons with a heater and filter," most likely have no experience or have even had a Betta in a smaller tank. I once had a 0.5 gallon with a Betta in it for 4.5 years.
Ms Morzina
Ms Morzina - 6 years ago
Elijah Petersen, did betta need air pump
Mouachi VUE
Mouachi VUE - 6 years ago
Bettas can luve in there but they will be streesed for the rest of the time
Zachary _86
Zachary _86 - 7 years ago
Elijah Petersen to small its need 2.5 but 5 gallon is preferred
Zachary _86
Zachary _86 - 7 years ago
Elijah Petersen you are fucking stupid. It's need a 2.5 gallon. If you can't afford the tank then don't keep the fucking fish. How about if you were the size of a betta and you were put in there with no fucking heater or filter. That is abuse no fish should be put in a half gallon. Fuck you
Rachel Tojio
Rachel Tojio - 7 years ago
How sad. I know someone you hardly cleaned the fish bowl and fed the betta once a week but it lived for 4 years. Just because it was alive don't mean it's happy.
Alaina Mark
Alaina Mark - 7 years ago
Ohh haha
Alaina Mark
Alaina Mark - 7 years ago
MyNameIsLAURA how long did it live I put mine in a 15 gallon tank and it lasted 10 years
MyNameIsLAURA - 7 years ago
My first Betta was in a 10 gallon tank
Alaina Mark
Alaina Mark - 7 years ago
Elijah Petersen if you use at least a 2.5 gallon tank your betta can live up to 7-10 years when kept right
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow - 7 years ago
He may have been surviving, but he was not thriving
Kiki K
Kiki K - 7 years ago
my Betta has been alive for almost seven years. He is in a seven gallon tank. Don't get a .5 gallon tank. A dong can survive in a small cage, that doesn't mean it's happy/thriving
Misty Skies
Misty Skies - 7 years ago
Elijah Petersen was the Etta happy? How would you know? I have kept bettas in small tanks, but bigger tanks always made my bettas happier.
Blue Tail Bettas
Blue Tail Bettas - 8 years ago
Elijah's Aquatics that does not mean the betta was happy
Keith R
Keith R - 8 years ago
it's like goldfish and bowls, no Bueno.
Al Vara
Al Vara - 8 years ago
Get some plants with roots and float them take the plastic out
Jason otelo
Jason otelo - 8 years ago
I got the same tank great buy
Kahla Peck-Snyder
Kahla Peck-Snyder - 8 years ago
it really depends on the betta what size tank is  right for them, but nothing should be kept in  anything less than a 1.5 gallon, maybe you could put snails in that 1/2 gallon haha :) I tried a betta in a ten gallon once but he was very sick when I bought him and he died :( I'm restocking my ten gallon soon and stocking the 1.5 with a betta and a red cherry shrimp
Ballistic Vic
Ballistic Vic - 8 years ago
Name him harambe
Vicious Otter
Vicious Otter - 8 years ago
Fake plants are expenssive, useless in the tank ( no O², no effect on algea ) and can harm the fish. Anubia and cacomba are cheap and praticaly unkillable.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
The quality of my tank water is always top notch.  I do two 25% water changes per week, and I test my water every other day to make sure it's absolutely perfect along with keeping the temp at a constant 82 degrees and adding aquarium salt.  The chances of them getting any bacterial or parasitic infections is slim to none, and if it does happen, I have a "hospital" tank where they would begin to be treated with the proper medications immediately.  I'm not an idiot.  Don't try and tell me for one minute my bettas are going to get sick and die or have a poor quality of life because I don't have planted tanks yet.
Vicious Otter
Vicious Otter - 8 years ago
Your opinion don't change that real plants are better for any animals, even for us, than fake one. You made your choices but if your beta strat to have withish cotonball looking things on his fines you'll know who to blame.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
That's a matter of opinion.  I'm a very intelligent person and I learned quickly. My bettas are thriving and they all have at least a 3 gallon tank.  They are thriving and there is nothing anywhere that says they HAVE to have real plants.  A lot of people have reported disasters with them because they can't keep them alive, etc.  All of the plants ion the tanks with my bettas are super soft.  They never get scratched or rip their fins, etc.  I take care of bettas better than 95% of all people who have them.
Vicious Otter
Vicious Otter - 8 years ago
The thing is, you have to learn BEFORE having the pet. But I was not "slamming" you with plants, I even gave you two species you can have for 4-6$ ( cacomba can but cut and planted again and again = infite plants ! ), anubia are nearly impossible to kill, and bloom once a year.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
How about giving me a little time to learn before slamming me on the plants?  I plan to get real plants for all of my bettas.  My bettas right now are probably healthier than 95% of all bettas kept by other people.  I spoil the shit out of them.
Mike Raeken
Mike Raeken - 8 years ago
Your tank is awesome. I think the required tank size really depends on the adult size of your betta species. I saw one in the store, it was huge (at least larger than other bettas) and it seemed it needed a 5 gallon. Some looked really small and the owner said that's the maximum size it can get. They could live comfortably in a 1.5 like you have here. I have mine in an 8.5 and it's one of the smaller species. I know the tank is oversized but I used to have guppies and tetras in it. They didn't work out and I got my Betta. he's so happy in that huge space with natural plants. Also, nice tank you got there :)
OrisueCrew - 8 years ago
I am thinking of getting this tank for my apartment. I would just be keeping one beta in there and have some aquatic plants. How do you feel about this tank now that you have had it for a while? Is your betta still active and happy? Thank you for your time.:)
Eli Browne
Eli Browne - 7 years ago
The company (Tetra) also sells a three gallon version that looks the same and has the same stuff. I'd recommend getting that because it's a bit more space without being insanely large and also will work with community fish if you decide to get those as well.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
+Alexis Wilson small*
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
it's too smal. 5 gallon is best. 2.5 gallon is minimum
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
bettas actually do better in 5 or more gallons but your tank is minimum
Nicholas Szymura
Nicholas Szymura - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson You need 2.5 gallons or more no less
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
Katie's Pets 2.5 is min
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
GalaxyCat 799 you have to add water conditioner anyway
Katie's Pets
Katie's Pets - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson i have a one gallon and my betta is happy
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
I wanted to get a 5 gallon but my dad thinks you cant use tap water but I told him you can if you have water conditioner to it but he keeps saying "I'm not gonna risk killing the fish". so we use spring water XD  I have a 2.5 gallon
L. M'cGamer
L. M'cGamer - 8 years ago
well the minimum is 2.5 but yeah 5 gallon is better
Dexterxed Brent
Dexterxed Brent - 8 years ago
my word these so called betta fish "experts" sounds like feminists
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow - 7 years ago
Maybe because we don't want the damn fish to die or be suffering
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
LMAO that's awesome...
Jeff James
Jeff James - 8 years ago
Alexis Wilson why dident you fucking kill that bitch
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
Sorry about the dog.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal you didn't have to be a smart elic about my other comment. I forgot to read the description because I was crying. an ass hole killed my dog (ran over her) and didn't stop to apologize. she was hit on Lola road a week ago. They didn't even stop to say sorry. I'm pissed off and upset. I miss her
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
I am an expert. I am a girl
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
Tell me about it.  One of them even said to me "fix it or get rid of the fish."  What an ass!
J C - 8 years ago
My brother got this tank and it killed all of his fish :(
J C - 8 years ago
No it did. The filter had something wrong with it that we didn't know
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the tank did not kill all of your brother's fish.  He obviously did something or did not do something that led to their death.  A tank is an inanimate object.  It can't kill a fish.  I've been using this tank for months and never had a problem.
Twilight Betta
Twilight Betta - 8 years ago
Only reason my male betta I saved is in a 1/2 gallon tank is because it is only for a short period of time. Until a week or so so I can buy hopefully a 1.5 gallon tank for him. I had to save him today because he has ammonia poisoning and I didn't want him to die...but I will be doing water changes daily since it is so small.
Twilight Betta
Twilight Betta - 8 years ago
+Alexis Wilson Yeah he's in a storage container now but it works! It's about 1.5 gallons. But I will try to update it to a 2.5 gallon.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
+Twilight Betta Its ok if it's temporary. I kept mine in a net breeder in another tank for a say so I could set up hopes tank. for full story see my videos "beta vlog" and. "meet hope"
Twilight Betta
Twilight Betta - 8 years ago
Plus I didn't really have much money but he will get a bigger tank soon...hopefully next week....
sam pollard
sam pollard - 8 years ago
Thank you for upgrading his home. I have about 8 of them and love em to death. Make sure you look up the nitration cycle.
Grace M
Grace M - 8 years ago
Your betta is making the bubbles because he is getting ready to mate it's called a bubble nest so if you would like babies now you know
J C - 8 years ago
He knows
AnimalLists - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry if I missed it, but how much did if cost? And where did you get it?
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
This one cost $30 at Petco.  They have a similar one to this one at Wal-Mart for $20.  However, I don't recommend buying this one as they actually should have at least 2.5 gallons and thi sone is only a 1.5 gallon.  If you go to Petsmart, they have a real nice Marineland 3 gallon tank for $35.  For the extra $5 it's much better.  Also, I got a nice National Geographic 2.5 gallon tank there for $25.  If you are looking for affordable tanks that are at least 2.5 gallons, then I would go to Petsmart over Petco.  You're looking at anywhere from $25 - $50 for a nice tank for your betta.
AnimalLists - 8 years ago
Because i'm trying to look for a decent one and they're not very cheap in here
Cynthia Taylor
Cynthia Taylor - 8 years ago
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
You need to look at my other videos before commenting.

50. comment for My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!

Dragon Sule
Dragon Sule - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal the need a 2.5 gallon or a 5 gallon
Dragon Sule
Dragon Sule - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal hey for your betta fish you should use silk plants. Because betta can reap there fin on the plastic.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
Thanks.  I don't lay all the blame on people who put them in small enclosures, though.  I started out with a little half gallon tank on the advice of the so called "expert" who works at the pet store.  I realize now even a 1.5 gallon is not enough.  I currently have 3 bettas and one is in a 5 gallon, one in a 3 gallon, and the other in a 1.5 gallon.  The minimum I would ever put one in is 2.5 gallons.  I have to say that I was pretty foolish for making an impulse buy on a living thing like that before doing my research. I'm glad I know better know and learned the right way to take of these cool little guys.
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
And it does look great. I hope you're feeling better, and I will subscribe
Taylor Freytag
Taylor Freytag - 8 years ago
I literally did the upgrade. I have to have a budget, but I keep upgrading so it probably OK...
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+Taylor Freytag Awesome!  You will see a big difference in your betta as long as you keep the water conditions right and don't overfeed.  I just upgraded my betta to a 5-gallon and the difference in him is amazing.  The next project is going to be getting rid of the plastic plants and planting real ones for him.  I want to try and replicate his native habitat as close as I possible can.  These poor little fish are so misunderstood.  I even made a mistake when I got mine.  I started off with only a half gallon tank.  Totally wrong.  I didn't know any better and the stores were selling them so I stupidly thought it was alright without doing any research.  I really feel bad for how these fish get treated.  They treat them like toys and not living, breathing beings.  Those tiny little cups they put them in...  I won't mention any names, but I go into well know top retail and pet store chains and see bettas almost dead in those tiny cups floating around in their own waste and uneaten food.  It's shameful.  I wish I could build a million gallon tank and save massive amounts of bettas, but I'm only one man.  I can only save a few.
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
How about naming him Orkid? That's a pretty name
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
I initially bought a half gallon "tank" as well.  I didn't know any better and the pet department employee said that it was the best one to start with.  Basically I got bad information.  Still no excuse for not doing my own research.  However, I learned in a few days that I needed to get a better tank, so I got a 1.5 gallon with a filter.  Eventually I upgraded that betta to a 5 gallon and now I have two more bettas and one has a 3 gallon and the other has a 2.5 gallon.  There is a lot of bad info out there about bettas.  No other fish are kept in little cups like that, so I wonder why they do it to bettas?  I know bettas don't get along well with other fish, but surely the pet store could at least keep them in 1 gallon jars like a lot of breeders do.
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal Oh, when I mentioned starter tanks I meant the 1/5 gallon ones they keep near the bettas. People compare the starter bowls and cups that the bettas are kept in and feel the 1/2 gallon is fine. One gallon is the min for a female, and 2.5 and up for a larger betta. You can also add other fish to a larger tank such as neon tetras which seem to get along with bettas. Weird since bettas are aggressive and tetras are so timid LOL
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal
I would definitely love to get another 5 gallon, except I'd like to make it a cold water tank with some white cloud mountain minnows. But until then, this Tetra tank would be ideal for what I'm looking for, color of the LEDs, the relaxing sound of the water flowing through the filter, and perhaps a few ghost shrimp (maybe a snail--not the kind that breed like crazy LOL). Primarily a low maintenance tank for ambience  and easy to take care of critters.
But yeah, when I'm get ready for a 5, cold water minnows, and maybe some subtropical fish like danios.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+ReviewCam It's definitely a great starter tank, but I just picked up a 5 gallon starter kit for the same price.  If you have the space, I recommend going with the 5 gallon tank.  I made a new video today showing the new 5 gallon tank off, so if you want to check that out you can get an idea of what that one is like.  Here's the link for the new video:
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal
You're welcome :) I really want to get this tank, too!
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+ReviewCam Thanks!
Californiahip - 8 years ago
I have the same tank
Fish for Life
Fish for Life - 8 years ago
I subbed you can you plz sub me?
Fish for Life
Fish for Life - 8 years ago
Nice vid ;)
Fish for Life
Fish for Life - 8 years ago
Name him jackson
Nessa E
Nessa E - 8 years ago
Hey there definitely upgrade to a min. of a 3 gallon. They are these little tanks on that are called "aquarium critter keepers" or something like that and they're only $8 and made from acrylic. Keep your little cube tank as a hospital tank in case he gets sick which makes it easier to dose medication. Check out it's a fish forum and the people there are super informative!
Alaina Mark
Alaina Mark - 7 years ago
Vanessa Preciado minimum is 2.5
Nessa E
Nessa E - 7 years ago
yep. ok sure.
Katie's Pets
Katie's Pets - 7 years ago
Vanessa Preciado i have a one gallon and my betta is happy
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal Its so nice to see someone notices something doesn't look quite right and upgrades without people telling them to.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+Vanessa Preciado Hey BTW, I just got a 3 gallon for my second betta.  I'm quite happy with it.  It's a Marineland "Nook 3."  The front curves out for a better view.  I think I got a good price on it, too.  I got it at Petsmart and it was regularly $40, but if you applied for their card you could save $10, so I did that and got it for $30.  It came with a filter and lid with LED light.  Not too bad.  Right now I have one betta in a 5 gallon and one in the 3 gallon.  They seem to be very happy and healthy.  I've been learning a lot about them.  My crowntail's fins are developing gorgeously.  He looks SO much better than when I took him home form the store.  It's really a shame the way they keep those fish.  You would think pet stores would know better.  Anyway, they are really nice fish and they do have individual personalities.  My crowntail is aggressive and grumpy (in a  good way), and my half moon is a sweetheart.  It's so funny to see how different they are.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+Vanessa Preciado I actually just upgraded him to a 5 gallon four days ago.  I'm on the end of a bacteria bloom right now and the tank is clearing up quite nicely.  He just started making a bubble nest this morning and it's getting HUGE.  He keeps working on it almost all day!
Nessa E
Nessa E - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal I don't think you can add a tank mate in anything less than a 5 gallon. There would be too much bio-load in a 3 gallon and causes ammonia spikes.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+Vanessa Preciado I'm definitely going to upgrade him soon. I like these cubes like the one I have and I was delighted to find that they have the same exact setup in a 3 gallon. I think that would be great for him and then I may also be able to think about adding a tank mate for him. Maybe I actually joined that forum you mentioned and there is a ton of great info in there. That's probably the most info on bettas that you can find on the Internet all in one place.
Maris Kay
Maris Kay - 8 years ago
There is a huge problem with Bettas in the pet industry. They are basically sold as novelty pets. I'm sorry for my tone in my earlier message. I just felt a bit miffed as people do treat Bettas as throw away pets and not a living thing, but you have to live and learn right?. But you did a good thing in getting the new home. I do still suggest a 5 gallon tank and a hang on back filter. I am not sure how much this cost you. But my 5 gallon cost 14.99 and the hang on back filter I have cost 11 bucks. I admit I had the small filter less tanks before and had to do my research. After getting the bigger tank I realized how much healthier he looks as when in the filter less tank his fins began to fray and looked ragged. But the filter does not solve everything. You should do water changes and test your water often to make sure your nitrates and ammonia aren't too high and also check on your ph I suggest the API Master Test kit, it give you about 800 tests in liquid forms so the reading is more accurate. Ph too low or high will stress them out. I would suggest no heater. It sounds like your room temp is fine. The ones with no dials and automatic shut off will take your tank to the 90's or higher. Anything under 2.5 gallons needs no heater due to the risk of overheating. Only buy one if you plan to rehouse in anything bigger then 2.5 gallons. Also the acrylic can't handle the heat like glass. If you want I can get you pics of my aquarium and the list of products I use. Incase you would like to ever rehouse. Let me know and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. If you haven't seen her vids yet check out Solid Gold she has goldfish but the care is roughly the same, just not as many water changes.
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+Marissa Karto I wasn't insulted at all. I just took it as constructive criticism. I'm not afraid to admit when I made a mistake, especially when it comes to animals. My main goal is to make sure he's happy and healthy, and also to enjoy him as a pet.

I really am starting to have a problem with the way the retail pet industry basically sells bettas as toys. There is a lot of misinformation out there about them and it's a shame because they are beautiful fish and I think they all have their own little personality.

Thanks for the advice about the tank. I'll definitely consider that when I go to upgrade to a bigger tank, which I plan to do in the near future.

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