My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!
Betta 8 years ago 25,016 views
I recently rescued a beautiful red male crowntail betta from one of those horrendous cups they keep them in. Well, I didn't really do my research and I bought one of those half gallon "betta viewer" tanks. I really didn't think twice about it since there are so many of these tiny cubes and bowls for sale at pet stores and they are recommended for bettas. Anyway, I found out that he needed a much better setup to live a happy life so I have bought him a 1.5 gallon tank with a filter. This is the original video I made so you can see how much I have upgraded his living conditions. I now know that it's recommended to have at least a 1.5 -2.5 gallon tank for a single betta. I really think there is a huge problem with the retail pet industry, however. They should stop selling those tiny tanks and cubes which are actually bad for the fish. Please comment, like, and subscribe (if you liked the video, of course).
Bettas do better in a 3 gallon
Bettas do better in a 5 gallon
Make up your fucking minds.
10. comment for My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!
20. comment for My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!
I agree. But this is minimum. Atleast he isn't putting them in a fish bowl.
30. comment for My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!
No need to show off
50. comment for My NEW And IMPROVED 1.5 Gallon Betta Aquarium Setup!
I would definitely love to get another 5 gallon, except I'd like to make it a cold water tank with some white cloud mountain minnows. But until then, this Tetra tank would be ideal for what I'm looking for, color of the LEDs, the relaxing sound of the water flowing through the filter, and perhaps a few ghost shrimp (maybe a snail--not the kind that breed like crazy LOL). Primarily a low maintenance tank for ambience and easy to take care of critters.
But yeah, when I'm get ready for a 5, cold water minnows, and maybe some subtropical fish like danios.
You're welcome :) I really want to get this tank, too!
I really am starting to have a problem with the way the retail pet industry basically sells bettas as toys. There is a lot of misinformation out there about them and it's a shame because they are beautiful fish and I think they all have their own little personality.
Thanks for the advice about the tank. I'll definitely consider that when I go to upgrade to a bigger tank, which I plan to do in the near future.