My Texas Fish Tank!

In this video I show my new aquarium and the fish I got for it! The tank is 75 gallons and I decorated it to make a Texas flag! I bought two alligator gar for it and they are doing great so far! Hope y’all enjoyed this tank video! FOLLOW ME ON OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram-thefishwhisperer1 Facebook- The Fish Whisperer Snapchat- fish_whisperer11 CAMERAS I USE! Slow mo- Gopro-

My Texas Fish Tank! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Betta 7 years ago 16,939 views

In this video I show my new aquarium and the fish I got for it! The tank is 75 gallons and I decorated it to make a Texas flag! I bought two alligator gar for it and they are doing great so far! Hope y’all enjoyed this tank video! FOLLOW ME ON OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram-thefishwhisperer1 Facebook- The Fish Whisperer Snapchat- fish_whisperer11 CAMERAS I USE! Slow mo- Gopro-

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Most popular comments
for My Texas Fish Tank!

The Fish Whisperer
The Fish Whisperer - 7 years ago
Any guesses on what other fish I’m getting?
Nathaniel Kue
Nathaniel Kue - 7 years ago
Yo don’t put ur tank next to window
HangeryGamingHS - 7 years ago
what part texas you in??
9soccerplayr - 7 years ago
bass, catfish, and turtles
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
It’s a guad but he should get one shad instead of feeding it to the bass keep him! And name him: Lucky!
Optimistic Kadyn
Optimistic Kadyn - 7 years ago
Coleen Taylor
Coleen Taylor - 7 years ago
The Fish Whisperer OMGODESS they are so cute where did you order them from
Mika On The Fly
Mika On The Fly - 7 years ago
Cover your address man
Gavin Ent
Gavin Ent - 7 years ago
A Bluefin Tuna? Just kidding probably a bluegill and bass
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 7 years ago
The Fish Whisperer Rio Grande Cichlid?
Sam Barrera
Sam Barrera - 7 years ago
Gavin S
Gavin S - 7 years ago
Cyber_Nick very illegal
Logan Koepnick
Logan Koepnick - 7 years ago
The Fish Whisperer minnows
Bisnu Giri
Bisnu Giri - 7 years ago
The fish whisperer please get acone snail but handle it very carefully. :D
Andrew Jirak
Andrew Jirak - 7 years ago
You should put some sick looking cover in there
Fire line Fishing
Fire line Fishing - 7 years ago
Ur dum
db bassing
db bassing - 7 years ago
You put your address in the video
That Murder Inc.
That Murder Inc. - 7 years ago
Goldfish lol
TIDE PODS - 7 years ago
Jacob Sizemore
Jacob Sizemore - 7 years ago
A Peacock Bass?
The Fish Whisperer
The Fish Whisperer - 7 years ago
Lonestar Bassin' Yep!
Fire line Fishing
Fire line Fishing - 7 years ago
Fire line Fishing
Fire line Fishing - 7 years ago
Large mouth bass
Steven Schwar
Steven Schwar - 7 years ago
Blue gills? Small mouth? Channel Cats? Texas Cichlid?
Whiskers da Catfoosh
Whiskers da Catfoosh - 7 years ago
Can you please either put a Pictus catfish named Whiskers, or a Porthole catfish named Waffle? Either one of those would make my day!!!!! Remember though not to put fish in that tank until a week or so later!
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 7 years ago
Get a Texas cichlid
TNNT 2546
TNNT 2546 - 7 years ago
Isaiah Wince If he didn't, would kind of be a shame...
TNNT 2546
TNNT 2546 - 7 years ago
Isaiah Wince I mean, that is the State Fish...
Isaiah Wince
Isaiah Wince - 7 years ago
The Fish Whisperer Guadalupe bass
Cyber_Nick - 7 years ago
Lonestar Bassin'
Lonestar Bassin' - 7 years ago
The Fish Whisperer guad?!
WereAllThatBored - 7 years ago
I'm guessing the 29 thumbs down are from people who are panicking about you not letting the tank cycle before adding fish...
Michael Ramczyk
Michael Ramczyk - 7 years ago
he leaked his address
Anthony Deleon23
Anthony Deleon23 - 7 years ago
Put a red tail cat fish or blue gill
karl stevens
karl stevens - 7 years ago
Love your vids! Awesome pets but you going to have to build them there own pond one day!
Kelly Bowman
Kelly Bowman - 7 years ago
U need a bigger tank their going to die
Chris Hindman
Chris Hindman - 7 years ago
This is great
Pink Diamond
Pink Diamond - 7 years ago
My 2 fishes left me and the baby's cause the mommy fish and daddy fish had baby's but mommy and daddy fish died so I miss them so much
Si Canel
Si Canel - 7 years ago
beautiful aquarium... like.

10. comment for My Texas Fish Tank!

Halonic Healer
Halonic Healer - 7 years ago
A Guadalupe bass maybe? A Crappie (we call them white perch here at Sam Rayburn)? An Opelousas catfish?
Jonathan Collins
Jonathan Collins - 7 years ago
Nathaniel Kue
Nathaniel Kue - 7 years ago
Don’t put ur tank next a window u gonna get Algae growth faster than normal
B Hem
B Hem - 7 years ago
Make sure you put a lid on the aquarium because they are jumpy
Sox4Life - 7 years ago
Very cool
Snapdragon - 7 years ago
Jeowasnt HERE
Jeowasnt HERE - 7 years ago
Do recommend

a heater
Phamtom Rose
Phamtom Rose - 7 years ago
Jeowasnt HERE if you paid attention. You’ll see he’s got one.
HangeryGamingHS - 7 years ago
just saying alligator gar get 8+ ft so maybe you should release them in the pond when they get to big
Hunter Perkey
Hunter Perkey - 7 years ago
Little Miskito fish
Hunter Perkey
Hunter Perkey - 7 years ago
Add a little catfish

20. comment for My Texas Fish Tank!

Hunter Perkey
Hunter Perkey - 7 years ago
Add plants
Hunter Perkey
Hunter Perkey - 7 years ago
Feeding videos
Hunter Perkey
Hunter Perkey - 7 years ago
Need a stone bubberler
Eric Fish
Eric Fish - 7 years ago
But love your vids
Eric Fish
Eric Fish - 7 years ago
In five month they are going to out grow your tank
Ben's Channel 2004
Ben's Channel 2004 - 7 years ago
what size tank do i need for a small bluegill or greensunfish
Brandon Olewiler
Brandon Olewiler - 7 years ago
Ben's Channel 2004 I have a greensunfish in a 50 Gallon bowfront with a bit rock pile with lots of big crevices I’ve had him for about 5 months and he is happy
Elrsy James
Elrsy James - 7 years ago
Move to the front of the class
Florida Rigged Fishing
Florida Rigged Fishing - 7 years ago
Love the gravel idea but if you wanna keep your fish really healthy and lively and keep good bacteria in the water I would recommend a canister filter there really not that expensive and you don’t have to clean as often as the ones you have on your tank already
MrChunkymonkey23 - 7 years ago
What online store do you use
Legit Challenges
Legit Challenges - 7 years ago
When the bigger put a lid on top so they don’t jump out

30. comment for My Texas Fish Tank!

Jacob P
Jacob P - 7 years ago
Can’t be Texas themed without guns or bullets
Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson - 7 years ago
Alligator gar? Those things get huge. I hope you have a plan for when they outgrow the tank.
MaGma RaYz
MaGma RaYz - 7 years ago
I wonder where he lives?
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
I’d move that far from the window. It would cause an algae bloom if it’s to close. Also put a mini long horn skull!
Thaddaeus Allen
Thaddaeus Allen - 7 years ago
Give the gar a little bit of structure
Kenny Galloway
Kenny Galloway - 7 years ago
Don't get a green sunfish unless that's the only fish you want they are savages lol
ian - 7 years ago
Youre not going to be able to keep those fish long term...
The Angry General
The Angry General - 7 years ago
I didn't know fish could be delivered by mail. It seems like they would die after a day or 2 in shipment.
Wakin Goldfish
Wakin Goldfish - 7 years ago
We've got the same hob...
retro gamers
retro gamers - 7 years ago
Where did u get them from
Random Robert Renditions
Random Robert Renditions - 7 years ago
I hope you put a top on that thing or you will soon have some dead gar. I also hope you went ahead and did your research on cycling an aquarium before adding fish as you said you set it up just got it last week. Chances are you probably didn't. All ya'll youtubers following each other. First it was challenges, then catch and cooks, then (irresponsible) fish keeping for views, what's next?
Carson Aquariums
Carson Aquariums - 7 years ago
Don’t add the bag water and u need lots of plants
Drew Campbell outdoors
Drew Campbell outdoors - 7 years ago
What size tank is it
Kevin - 7 years ago
Get another tank and put a baby Bass inside ! that will so awesome see them eat
Austin lol
Austin lol - 7 years ago
Yeah, I’d add some driftwood and plants. Looks great
Wezley Head
Wezley Head - 7 years ago
You should never put fish in your tank straight from the bag, this is because as you open the bag, you let oxygen get into the bag and because the fish have been using the oxygen in the bag, it's producing ammonia and because the ph is low, the ammonia doesn't affect the fish, but as soon as you let oxygen in the bag, the ph goes back up and the ammonia is really bad for the fish.
Gerald Keever
Gerald Keever - 7 years ago
Good thing you put the address of whatever house you are living in going to school... If that was the address of where your pond with the bass and turtles are you would most likely have unwanted visitors coming and trying to fish your pond. Don't underestimate Google maps with the satellite view. I looked it up and found bayou whatever easy. I'm a long time subscriber and in no way mean any harm. I'm just saying it was that easy... Great vids as always. Hope the gar grow big and strong.
Casting Costas
Casting Costas - 7 years ago
Gerald Keever what he said. There are some sceevy people in the world.
Optimistic Kadyn
Optimistic Kadyn - 7 years ago
Plz make more
Nepho _
Nepho _ - 7 years ago
Please don't release your pet fish into a river. If you know you're not capable of taking care of them for their full lifespan just don't buy them.
crazy pata
crazy pata - 7 years ago
Nice man cool tank

50. comment for My Texas Fish Tank!

Mike Davis
Mike Davis - 7 years ago
What website did you go on to order your fish?
Hmoob Yaj
Hmoob Yaj - 7 years ago
Where do u buy that fish from?
Arthur Curry
Arthur Curry - 7 years ago
awesome man, excited for the updates
Michael May
Michael May - 7 years ago
Flip some creek rocks and get some baby crawdads.. Mine loved them!
David Joseph Scalf
David Joseph Scalf - 7 years ago
Are you gonna name them?
Gavin Ent
Gavin Ent - 7 years ago
Feed them tiny frogs
David Joseph Scalf
David Joseph Scalf - 7 years ago
That’s an awesome fish tank bro. I think you should get a LMB in there.
Gavin Ent
Gavin Ent - 7 years ago
Can you please tell use the price for the entire set up and please show us how to build it? I REALLY WANT IT! TEXAS is the best state!
TexanJ - 7 years ago
Nice Job!
Travion Bell
Travion Bell - 7 years ago
Super premium package packing job goin on
Cambren Sievert
Cambren Sievert - 7 years ago
Next fish is a Guad for sure
Julian Courtois
Julian Courtois - 7 years ago
Get a Oscar
Gavin S
Gavin S - 7 years ago
A 75 for gar? Should've got spotted gar alligators grow 2 feet in the first year
The Fish Whisperer
The Fish Whisperer - 7 years ago
I’ll only have them for 3-4 months!
Camilo Rojo
Camilo Rojo - 7 years ago
Chilean fish tank!
Manny Moreno
Manny Moreno - 7 years ago
That's a cool tank!
tiefsa - 7 years ago
I'm jealous of the Texas flag fish tank. If I made a Wisconsin fish tank, the flag below would look silly (It's really detailed and not cool like the Lonestar State Flag.)
MOfishing - 7 years ago
Get a baby turtle
MOfishing - 7 years ago
Feed them different kinds of insects
J_jalen_w 18
J_jalen_w 18 - 7 years ago
Prob a green Texas cichlid
Jackson Specials
Jackson Specials - 7 years ago
Feed them minnows first then feed them shiners once then get big enough
Sparkman Brothers Outdoors
Sparkman Brothers Outdoors - 7 years ago
What website did you get that fish from?
bassbeast117 - 7 years ago
"has texas themed tank thats going to have texas fish in it, buys fish from new jersey for tank"
sergio sanchez
sergio sanchez - 7 years ago
What are u going to do when they grow big?
Mike Hoffman
Mike Hoffman - 7 years ago
sergio sanchez 5:50
14fishing - 7 years ago
Add some plants
Billy Loomis
Billy Loomis - 7 years ago
Where do you buy them online?
Gavin Ent
Gavin Ent - 7 years ago
Billy Loomis yea I want to start an aquarium of my own and that fish ordering system seem legit and probably the easiest way to start an aquarium.!
Finnish Aquatics
Finnish Aquatics - 7 years ago
will odrz yes they grow or if they dont their guts will grow and eventually kill the fish
will odrz
will odrz - 7 years ago
Dylan Rakosnik they wont grow very big in that tank they have tp have alot of room to grow to full size
Nicholas_outdoors 99
Nicholas_outdoors 99 - 7 years ago
Dope vid best tank vid on YouTube and that is the best tank bottom
Dylan Rakosnik
Dylan Rakosnik - 7 years ago
Idk if you explain it later in the video since it's a minute in, but how do you feed the starfish?
Evan Kainer
Evan Kainer - 7 years ago
the starfish is dead
Billy Loomis
Billy Loomis - 7 years ago
The Fish Whisperer I sent you an email
Jacob Freeze
Jacob Freeze - 7 years ago
Looking forward to some new videos
hillbillywine101 - 7 years ago
I never ordered fish on line. Cool
hillbillywine101 - 7 years ago
Cool as shit. I think the gravel well eventually mix, especially if vacume it.
Eva Hernandez
Eva Hernandez - 7 years ago
I'm so excited for this series
Sky Croft
Sky Croft - 7 years ago
You should start doing vlogs
75g Discus Tank
75g Discus Tank - 7 years ago
Did you cycle the tank first?
Jimmy H Fishes
Jimmy H Fishes - 7 years ago
Cool fish and tank bro but next time don't put the bag water into the the tank... it's too risky and can contaminate your tank....
3 pound Crappie fishing
3 pound Crappie fishing - 7 years ago
Nice channel. Check mine out if u get a chance
Ovalle Bass Fishing
Ovalle Bass Fishing - 7 years ago
I saw this on Snapchat. I was so excited. Awesome tank and gar!
queef - 7 years ago
nice vid, but i suggest you find a new home for the alligator gar maybe get a blue gill or some minnows. but that tank is too small for an alligator gar as they can get far to big for any home aquarium. Also i wouldn’t get a bad if i were you because they will ruin your substrate texas flag. do some research about some good fish for that tank and good luck!!
queef - 7 years ago
shoot lol didn’t see u say that u will release them. Hope everything goes well
queef - 7 years ago
also a bass of about 5 inches will eat those baby gar. I’m sure you’re aware of that since you fish.
Eric M
Eric M - 7 years ago
You should get some plants (real or plastic) for cover
catyear75 - 7 years ago
I'm not even a Texan and I Love that tank !
Wild Guy
Wild Guy - 7 years ago
65th comment
Rings Shimrei Ayao Shimrei
Rings Shimrei Ayao Shimrei - 7 years ago
Kyle Burt
Kyle Burt - 7 years ago
Put some structure in there for the little guys
Aqua addict
Aqua addict - 7 years ago
Well now I. Gonna so a American flag tank you should put I. Your backyard pond
Aqua addict
Aqua addict - 7 years ago
That is so cool I have a feeling this. Idea will get more than a million views
Brayden's tips to fishing in Maine
Brayden's tips to fishing in Maine - 7 years ago
What are tou goi g to do with them when their adults
rizu 0606
rizu 0606 - 7 years ago
You shouldn't have let the bag water get mixed with your tank water
rizu 0606
rizu 0606 - 7 years ago
Is this you first aquarium video? I mean I've always seen you catch wild fish... Anyways excited and happy to see this video.. All the best!!

100. comment for My Texas Fish Tank!

panzerfaulst12345 - 7 years ago
Dude! This is awesome! I have always wanted to learn more about aquarium keeping. Looking forward to updates! Hell yeah dude!
Fishing Nation
Fishing Nation - 7 years ago
John Rutledge
John Rutledge - 7 years ago
Put the blind Bass in a tank
Brandon Smith
Brandon Smith - 7 years ago
That Murder Inc.
That Murder Inc. - 7 years ago
That's bad ass. God bless Texas
ninjaman12310 - 7 years ago
Rio grande cichlid, bluegill, Guadalupe bass
Luke Garrett
Luke Garrett - 7 years ago
You should try to get a Guadeloupe bass
Placeb0 - 7 years ago
What site did you order them from?
The Fish Whisperer
The Fish Whisperer - 7 years ago
Marks Fishing
Marks Fishing - 7 years ago
That's awesome never seen a baby gar before
alexpal12 - 7 years ago
ok now i know where you live xD
Mook Master flex
Mook Master flex - 7 years ago
Get Texas chiclids
Tyler Rogers
Tyler Rogers - 7 years ago
Put the blind bass in the tank
Ahmad Istiqlal
Ahmad Istiqlal - 7 years ago
To bih
Edgy turtle films 105
Edgy turtle films 105 - 7 years ago
Trying to get likes...
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Robert W lol true but the tank to small for the 5+ pound bass
Robert W
Robert W - 7 years ago
303 Bassin At least he won't get lost.
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Tyler Rogers it’s too big
RC MAN 23 - 7 years ago
I can tell u now, get rid of the hang on back filters and get a canister filter. Get like a fluval 406 or a aqua top or sun sun. Fluval is a wayyyy higher quality, but it cost more. And definitely get a top. Dust and stuff will get into the tank
Buttermybutt - 7 years ago
Won't they grow bigger then you?
Steven Schwar
Steven Schwar - 7 years ago
record alligator gar was about 8 ft 320lbs
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 7 years ago
Get the rio grande/Texas cichlid
Broncos 18
Broncos 18 - 7 years ago
WowAmazing set up
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Blake Elzi yaya
Broncos 18
Broncos 18 - 7 years ago
303 Bassin sup
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Broncos 18 wassup
Texas inshore Angler
Texas inshore Angler - 7 years ago
I really wanna get some gar for my tank where did you get them and how much did they cost
Angling With Ian
Angling With Ian - 7 years ago
Don't release them that's illlegal too
Gavins fishing addiction
Gavins fishing addiction - 7 years ago
Try to put some plants in there
Gordon D.
Gordon D. - 7 years ago
That is the dopest fish tank I've ever seen! XD
kid outdoors
kid outdoors - 7 years ago
kid outdoors
kid outdoors - 7 years ago
catfish?? sucker fish
Boo TV
Boo TV - 7 years ago
TheGamingPotato22 - 7 years ago
Bass, gar, bluegill, crappie
Broncos 18
Broncos 18 - 7 years ago
TheGamingPotato22 bass and gar get to big
Cam Aquatics
Cam Aquatics - 7 years ago
Get a baby bass
Cam Aquatics
Cam Aquatics - 7 years ago
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
Cool beans
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
Kaden Roberts
Kaden Roberts - 7 years ago
Nice video
Dishdude 33
Dishdude 33 - 7 years ago

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