My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)
Betta 10 years ago 134,085 views
This is my 4 section divided betta tank, all set up!! This aquarium is 100 cm long, 30 cm high and 25 cm deep. It rooms 75 litres and is divided in 4 sections! I divided this tank with black filter-carpets, 3 cm thick. With these dividers the waterflow goes easy trough them, but they are enough thick to block the sight from the betas to see eachother. Ive got 2 bottom filters in 2 of the sections, and also 2 heaters in the other 2 sections. If you place your filters and heaters like this, you will get a perfect filtration and similiar temperature in the different sections! I really pleased with my set up and my bettas lives great lifes in it! I really recommend this type of division for a betta tank. Its both more cheap and takes up less space than if you have your bettas in own loose tanks. =)
10. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)
20. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)
my bettas a crowntail named CottonCandy (aka Chubsters) ^^
30. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)
Its beautiful.. The set up of the tank just compliment that corner so well. & the colour contrast, really brings out n brighten that area space.
I too have 2bettas that i have kept in a bowl thats 1g which blew bubble nest the 1st day he was in there.. Of cos bigger is better, with any fish. Bubble nest can b they r "comfortable" in the tank to breed/not.
Dnt compare to dogs wag their tail bc they happy..
Like the tank, but.. Does any1 find her voice annoying?
50. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)
Try (ithink)52x52cm filter form/filter form. Then continue to scroll dwn till u come cross the bigger sheets;its easy to find(comes in yellow, blue, black&white;long/thin/thick ect..)
They come in 2-3cm thick the last time i had a look. They ship fr china somewhere(not lik its a prob or anything)
I keep shrimps in mine and they are fine.
So its clearly something is wrong with ur set up.
Its simple design that is easy on the eyes.
Love it coz it has real plants.
Try get amazon swords, java fern or aubias they are hardy plants in a low tech aquarium.
I put a plant fert in my tank tetra flora makes my plant more lush green.
Yay, tomorrow is wednesday!
I'm exited to see who you get! :D (if that's still your plan)
You would have more room to build some different structures and make it more unique.
I think it's a huge upgrade from the previous tank but yes, if you're looking to continue improving it, that is how I'd personally go about it. I feel like the more space they have, the more interesting/happy they are.
Also, if you were to do that, you could probably purchase a female for the two or a tank mate for each of them.
Bristle noses are supposed to go well with them, or any type of cat fish. I know people like to have many males because of their beautiful looks but I don't know, I think two would be perfect with some other fish.
As I'm sure you've observed, they love having places they can hide, large leafy plants and driftwood are perfect.
100. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)
was grimm in the mini bow thing?
i was just on youtube all day looking for this video and now its here!
I love it, and your fish are so happy!!
Congradulations on a beautiful tank and I can't wait to meet the new bettas you get.
You make such good choices on how to set up tanks, care for the fish, and on what new bettas to get (so healthy and beautiful but mainly I mean such wonderful personalities! :D