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Many have tried to keep a white shark in captivity. Here's why that's so difficult. There are several aquariums...
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Relaxing music and beautiful Fish Aquarium. Helps Relax & Fall Asleep FAST! 2 hour long. Music for relaxation,...
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Sometimes the aquarium can be fun. Sometimes the fish and animals just don't want to behave. SUBSCRIBE TO AFV...
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Take a HD POV aboard Shark Attack where you tube through a shark filled aquarium. Thanks for watching!
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Home made( Aerator) Oxygen system for aquarium. no more energy source and electricity bill 100% free energy
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Setting up your new Betta Falls Aquarium! For additional questions please call 1-888-255-4527 from 8am to 4pm M-F...
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Multiple Betta Aquarium V.2.0 Betta Tanks for Multiple Bettas 2 male betta fish in the Multiple tank More Videos:...
The "My top 5 Tetra species for your aquarium" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
For about five years, I’ve been breeding Columbian tetra (Hyphessobrycon columbianus). It is an incredibly prolific and hardly species. I have to travel about 35 miles to a pet store that will take up to 50 fish at a time. I get $1.00/each store credit for them, there. A closer store will take 12 at a time and give me $1.25/each store credit.
I enjoy the aquarist hobby for the joy of keeping (and breeding) fish and recently became interested in aquatic plants. I’ve had at least one aquarium most years since the early 1980’s.
Thank you for a very informative video on your top five tetras. I see that you have a terrific YouTube Channel and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful and entertaining videos.
New Subscriber,
E. J. Brinegar
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