My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)

This is my 4 section divided betta tank, all set up!! This aquarium is 100 cm long, 30 cm high and 25 cm deep. It rooms 75 litres and is divided in 4 sections! I divided this tank with black filter-carpets, 3 cm thick. With these dividers the waterflow goes easy trough them, but they are enough thick to block the sight from the betas to see eachother. Ive got 2 bottom filters in 2 of the sections, and also 2 heaters in the other 2 sections. If you place your filters and heaters like this, you will get a perfect filtration and similiar temperature in the different sections! I really pleased with my set up and my bettas lives great lifes in it! I really recommend this type of division for a betta tank. Its both more cheap and takes up less space than if you have your bettas in own loose tanks. =)

My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 87

Betta 10 years ago 134,080 views

This is my 4 section divided betta tank, all set up!! This aquarium is 100 cm long, 30 cm high and 25 cm deep. It rooms 75 litres and is divided in 4 sections! I divided this tank with black filter-carpets, 3 cm thick. With these dividers the waterflow goes easy trough them, but they are enough thick to block the sight from the betas to see eachother. Ive got 2 bottom filters in 2 of the sections, and also 2 heaters in the other 2 sections. If you place your filters and heaters like this, you will get a perfect filtration and similiar temperature in the different sections! I really pleased with my set up and my bettas lives great lifes in it! I really recommend this type of division for a betta tank. Its both more cheap and takes up less space than if you have your bettas in own loose tanks. =)

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Most popular comments
for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)

Andrea Shelton
Andrea Shelton - 7 years ago
Great tank! Your tv was very loud in the video. I love your tank!
carisa s
carisa s - 7 years ago
I love this tank. Great job !
Saikat Sengupta
Saikat Sengupta - 7 years ago
Damn those black filter carpets are so costly here on Amazon
Sarim Taqui
Sarim Taqui - 7 years ago
which breed is this cat of
synne eriksen østerås
synne eriksen østerås - 8 years ago
it looks beautiful!
Mark Quadrozzi
Mark Quadrozzi - 8 years ago
Really great setup. The first Betta has such a nice color.
River Song
River Song - 8 years ago
Hey Alexandra, could you tell me a little bit more about those 2 filters? Where did you get them and how do they work? Thanks :)
Will G
Will G - 8 years ago
How did you make the dividers?
Will G
Will G - 8 years ago
Do they stress if they see each other?

10. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)

Le Tam
Le Tam - 8 years ago
monizk - 8 years ago
if I get 3 females will they fight I don't want to divide
SohiHien - 8 years ago
You need more then three. You need at least five to make a proper sorority and they should have a 10 gallon or larger tank. Less then five will likely make one of them being picked on so much it could die. You need 5 or more bettas to spread out the aggression.
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
monizk - no, the females usually dont fight as long as you keep them in a pretty big space! :)
Giovanni Perri
Giovanni Perri - 8 years ago
could I put my school of 8 great whites in there would they fit I think so like if you agree
Aldrine Cantrell
Aldrine Cantrell - 8 years ago
What are those white thing in the oxygen?
Aldrine Cantrell
Aldrine Cantrell - 8 years ago
Alexandras Pets oh thanks
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
Aldrine Cantrell - thats just a pair of white rocks! :)
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
Im gonna be using screen tank divider and not sponge dividers like the one your using is because just think of it. What kind of harmful bacteria can thrive in there
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
Kenneth Reyes - actually, filter cartridges is made with good bacteria so there is nothing in it who can harm the water =)
Katrine A
Katrine A - 8 years ago
This is beautiful! Do you use CO2 systems to keep your plants alive?
Abigail - 8 years ago
Do those dividers work? I was thinking of this as a divider and was wondering if it works to keep them from fighting
Donna Kim
Donna Kim - 8 years ago
You should get a koi betta their very beautiful
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
Donna Kim - i actually did! :D
Donna Kim
Donna Kim - 8 years ago
love the betta tank good idea
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
Donna Kim - thanks! i actually miss it, but it was a hell to clean XD
Elizabeth underhand
Elizabeth underhand - 8 years ago
what is the tank called? :D im get my halfmoon betta in october! and i want a tank like that x)
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
Elizabeth underhand - this tank is soecial ordered from a glass master! :)

20. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)

Oshi - 8 years ago
you are such a Swed, I can tell just by your way to talk. hahah
Oshi - 8 years ago
It's fine, everyone thinks Is super cute with a Swedish accent!
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
Oshi - yeah, in sweden we actually dont learn how to speak english with a correct accent. you simply have to build your very own accent :)
AZI3623 - 8 years ago
That bubble net shows that he wants to breed..
Sylvia Bond
Sylvia Bond - 8 years ago
bettas bilued bulle netes because it is a breeding beraved.
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
Sylvia Bond - that is correct =)
Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi
Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi - 8 years ago
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
oh, they're beautiful!!

my bettas a crowntail named CottonCandy (aka Chubsters) ^^
Savage Clash
Savage Clash - 8 years ago
Wow what a amazing tank it goes to show how much you care about them lovely thank you for giveing them a good life a person that they can call family. You should get a 8 ft tank :) it looks like your tank is 5 or 6 nice. My tank is 3ft I might put a Betta in their all get. 6 ft tank.
folsomfish - 8 years ago
subbed :)
Tropical_Papi - 8 years ago
Ok great tank but can you answer the common question that a lot of comments seem to have? Where did you get this tank? and how did you set up the dividers? We aspiring betta enthusiasts want to have a good set up too!! help us!
Tropical_Papi - 8 years ago
+Alexandras Pets thank you for the generous reply. best of luck in the horseworld!
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
hi there! im not very active on this channel anymore so thats why i dont answer comments. i dont do fish-keeping anymore as well, unfortunately. i stepped into the horseworld instead :P but to answer your questions: the tank i got in this video was handmade and ordered by my own wished size. the background and the lanp that seems to fit the aquarium is baught in a petshop online so they didnt come with the aquarium. to divide the aquarium i used black filter cartridgepads that you can buy in most aquariumshops or any show that holds pond-care. they come in large sizes pads, you usually order them in different sizes and thickness. i recommend 1.5 or 2 cm in thickness to stabilize the pad. the good thing about using this material as dividers is that you dont need glue or anything else. just cut out the size you want att press it to place between the front and the back wall of the tank! bury the bottom in the sand for extra stabilizing. im sure you guys can find this material on ebay! try search for "filter cartridge pad" or something like that. thank you all for your amazingly kind comments! :D <3
Joshweng Sibag
Joshweng Sibag - 8 years ago
Why I'm always watching your videos?? Am I in love with your bettas, or I'm in love with you??
Joshweng Sibag
Joshweng Sibag - 8 years ago
+Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
aaaw thats so sweet! <3
pakapol chotima
pakapol chotima - 8 years ago
lol nm

30. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)

pakapol chotima
pakapol chotima - 8 years ago
What do you use as a divider?
anfearspuinse - 8 years ago
Where did you find a tank with these dimensions? I've wanted to do a divided tank like this but can't find one the right size :(
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
anfearspuinse - hi! i ordered this tank from a glass master here in sweden! :D
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
custom tank, I think
Sylvia Bond
Sylvia Bond - 8 years ago
where did you get this aquarium is 100 cm long, 30 cm high and 25 cm deep.
Ryan Duminiet
Ryan Duminiet - 8 years ago
She got it custom made.
maéré slater
maéré slater - 8 years ago
pretty good idea, easy way to divide a tank price less ;-) ;-)
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
maéré slater - exactly! and re-movable! :D
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
I love your wall paper..
Its beautiful.. The set up of the tank just compliment that corner so well. & the colour contrast, really brings out n brighten that area space.
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
Thashka Ranasinghe - thanks!! its so fun to sit and make plans and drawings of how to set up the tank!
Prasit Dutta
Prasit Dutta - 8 years ago
ha ha ha.... fuck you....
FenrIcarus - 7 years ago
your parents never teaches you how to respect people?
AZI3623 - 8 years ago
Indiot spotted..
Ryan Duminiet
Ryan Duminiet - 8 years ago
SO rude and uncalled for, get respect you brat!
goldenretriever 878
goldenretriever 878 - 8 years ago
Jenna Padrta
Jenna Padrta - 8 years ago
hiya! I love love LOVE your setup! Where did you get your substrate, it looks great!
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 8 years ago
Jenna Padrta - hi, and thanks! i got it in a petshop. im sure you can find it on some website as well! :D
Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez - 9 years ago
What filters did you use. I'm planning on getting a 10 gallon tank and dividing it into 4 section. I wanted to know if I needed 2 filters and 2 heaters like you.
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
+The Diabetic's Journal
I too have 2bettas that i have kept in a bowl thats 1g which blew bubble nest the 1st day he was in there.. Of cos bigger is better, with any fish. Bubble nest can b they r "comfortable" in the tank to breed/not.
Dnt compare to dogs wag their tail bc they happy..
Like the tank, but.. Does any1 find her voice annoying?
The Diabetic's Journal
The Diabetic's Journal - 8 years ago
+TheAmazingNicke That's not accurate.  Bettas will build bubble nests when they want to spawn.  It has nothing to do with them being happy or not.  I have one betta who has a 5 gallon tank and he will build maybe 5 or 6 bubble nests a year and then I have another betta in a 3 gallon who will build one or two a month.  It depends on the bettas age and personality.  The whole "bubble nest means they're happy" thing is a myth.
TheAmazingNicke - 8 years ago
+Oscar Hernandez you can use craft mesh or the same material as alexandra:)
Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez - 8 years ago
+TheAmazingNicke I've been looking for some dividers as I already have my extra 10 gallon tank but have not filled it up yet. Do you know any dividers that I can use that would be good for by bettas?
TheAmazingNicke - 8 years ago
+Oscar Hernandez sounds good! :)
Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez - 8 years ago
+TheAmazingNicke I have some extra live plants that are not too big, like you said I don't want to add too many plants so they have a lot of space to swim.
TheAmazingNicke - 8 years ago
+Oscar Hernandez you could, but if your going to have decorations the swim space will automatically get smaller. If your betta does a bubble nest he's happy, but if he don't do any he's not happy. And I would recommend live plants :)
Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez - 8 years ago
+TheAmazingNicke could I get 3 sections instead of 4?
TheAmazingNicke - 8 years ago
You shouldn't divide it in 4 sections, I would recommend 2 sections. If you're going to have bettas they will be happier with more space. I promise :) I got 2 bettas in my divided 10 gallon :) they always do bubble nests! :D
Lauren Riley
Lauren Riley - 9 years ago
I love your tank and your fish are beautiful!  the background is amazing.  What is it and were did you get it?
Flameheart FL
Flameheart FL - 9 years ago
What a beautiful tank!!! Your fishies look so happy!!! Awesome setup!
gz pete samurai
gz pete samurai - 9 years ago
I like your videos a lot alexandras pets
Indra Fox
Indra Fox - 9 years ago
Nice tank
sydney raney
sydney raney - 9 years ago
do you have any videos on how you made your dividers?
David Ha
David Ha - 9 years ago
7:08 really? do you leave the air bubble machine on top of the tank like that? LMAO
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 9 years ago
there is no water in the tank of course X'D
Diah  Amelia
Diah Amelia - 9 years ago
aku suka aquarium nya bukan betta
Beanybunny - 9 years ago
for the love of fish
for the love of fish - 9 years ago
Love your tank and bettas
for the love of fish
for the love of fish - 9 years ago
and if you could be my second subscribers that would be awesome
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah - 9 years ago
great video, and beautiful tank!
Raymond Wong
Raymond Wong - 9 years ago
the tank's set up looks awesome but think deeply if one of the betta fish gets sick then the virus could spread around then the others betta fish will get affected
gcab1000 - 9 years ago
No difference with a community tank. If one gets sick, put in a quarantine tank
Logan Wolf
Logan Wolf - 9 years ago
i wish i had a tank like this it beautiful

50. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)

Mic Micson
Mic Micson - 9 years ago
Did you use glue for stick black filtercartridges to the glass?
Hollis Brown
Hollis Brown - 9 years ago
You can add an African Dwarf Frog to each tank. They do really well with each other, and they're sooo cute. They leave each other alone. Just a thought.
Hi 2
Hi 2 - 9 years ago
My African frog killed my two fish the fish aren't betas but they ripped the fish apart I don't recommend them
Hollis Brown
Hollis Brown - 9 years ago
I love it! Great job! You've inspired me. Lol
Afterhours - 9 years ago
Was did you use as dividers??
Rhythm F.
Rhythm F. - 8 years ago
carbon filters?
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
Try (ithink)52x52cm filter form/filter form. Then continue to scroll dwn till u come cross the bigger sheets;its easy to find(comes in yellow, blue, black&white;long/thin/thick ect..)
They come in 2-3cm thick the last time i had a look. They ship fr china somewhere(not lik its a prob or anything)
moselc.09 - 8 years ago
+AlexandrasPets I looked up filter carpets and filter cartridges and im not seeing anything. Can you provide a link?
AlexandrasPets - 9 years ago
I used black filtercartridges! Search for it on petshops or on ebay :)
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 9 years ago
Is that an under gravel filter system? I had one that came with my tank from Walmart but I ended up taking it out because my beta got stuck to it twice. I thought he was dead.
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
Your gravel was not deep enough thats the only reason i can think of.
I keep shrimps in mine and they are fine.
So its clearly something is wrong with ur set up.
Elena Sefo
Elena Sefo - 9 years ago
does it still work? is it safe for the fish?
GunndaBallong - 9 years ago
what do you use to let the water get oxygen ? :)
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
Air pump(filter)& plants..
Roy Salaysay
Roy Salaysay - 9 years ago
they can't create their bubbles from that filter so sad for betta >.<
taco cupcake
taco cupcake - 9 years ago
amazing tank!
Frank Vergara
Frank Vergara - 9 years ago
Thanks for the idea on dividers. I just ordered some black carpet filter media on ebay. Tank looks badass, keep it up
TRbetta - 9 years ago
Nice tank, decoration, plants and bettas! I have recently bought a new halfmoon betta, would you like to see the video I made about him on my channel and let me know what you think of him? I would really appreciate it!
Julie Kenney
Julie Kenney - 9 years ago
How often do you need to change the water.. Really cool
Gabi Vasquez
Gabi Vasquez - 9 years ago
what makes you beautiful in the background
Subera Begum
Subera Begum - 8 years ago
Look in pets at home
Pit Dawg
Pit Dawg - 9 years ago
What are the dividers made of?
Flo Green
Flo Green - 9 years ago
+AlexandrasPets I have my beta in a 20 long could you tell me were to buy a divider so I can have 2 bettas.
AlexandrasPets - 9 years ago
They are made of a black cartridge carpet :)
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
big black ugly heater
AnthsQuariums 01
AnthsQuariums 01 - 9 years ago
Really cool idea with the filter carpet to divide. Looks amazing.
Alyssa Clark
Alyssa Clark - 9 years ago
One Direction and bettas. perfect. :D
Anton - 9 years ago
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 9 years ago
get rid of the gravel, it looks awful, its just cause i hate gravel use white sand instead its easy and cleaner for your fish
??Simeon Curtis
??Simeon Curtis - 9 years ago
I think the gravel looks cool
savannah rose handel
savannah rose handel - 9 years ago
gravel is essential for a good bacteria to thrive and allow your tank to cycle. That really is just your opinion. I don't like having sand in my betta tanks. No need to be rude.
Havens Animals
Havens Animals - 9 years ago
+Lexi Kent woah..easy there. It's gravel, and for the record, gravel is easier to clean
Olivia M
Olivia M - 9 years ago
holly this is betta paradise good job looks really really really really really really good
Autumn Flint
Autumn Flint - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank!!! Where did you get the black filter carpet at?
sharugan's fish
sharugan's fish - 9 years ago
I like it the background is Amazing it looks like 3D and when you were speaking at the same gime i heard a song i know that :D
Vanessa Richardson
Vanessa Richardson - 9 years ago
Love this! Did you attach the dividers or do they just sit there ? I'm going to try this!
Mariana Chavez
Mariana Chavez - 9 years ago
I like your tank
MyGoldiesAndMe - 9 years ago
That's perfect, love it !!
Cá Xiêm Đá Biên Hòa
Cá Xiêm Đá Biên Hòa - 9 years ago
i like <3
Zoe Gowdy
Zoe Gowdy - 9 years ago
How much did that tank cost?
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
irritating voice.  argh !
Michael Jeremy
Michael Jeremy - 9 years ago
like your voice
HISURF808 - 9 years ago
OMG goals
anthony pope
anthony pope - 10 years ago
That's nice how much it cost you as I live in the uk and I wonder if I could get one
Subera Begum
Subera Begum - 8 years ago
Look in pets at home
Shakudo - 10 years ago
Beautiful fish and very nicely made tank! I enjoy your videos! Greetings from the Netherlands! I am currently busy with my own little fish tank for my Betta fish who is coming soon.!
AndreH - 10 years ago
very nice!
Nikhil Gupta
Nikhil Gupta - 10 years ago
Thank you for making these videos to inspire so many people to not abuse their bettas!
David Pham
David Pham - 10 years ago
can you tell me what filter and heater you are using?
Julie Ha
Julie Ha - 10 years ago
I love how u care about he bettas n love them esp happy about how happy they r. Beautiful tank
Joseph Luis M.V
Joseph Luis M.V - 10 years ago
Your tank is beautiful.
Its simple design that is easy on the eyes.
Love it coz it has real plants.
Try get amazon swords, java fern or aubias they are hardy plants in a low tech aquarium.
I put a plant fert in my tank tetra flora makes my plant more lush green.
Zoey B
Zoey B - 10 years ago
Yay! It looks amazing!! I can't believe it, it looks AMAZING!!! You did a wonderful job!!! :o) I finally got a Betta, it's a Veiltail male turquoise, named Poe! He lives in a 5 gal. He is so happy! Your fish look really happy, too!!!! :o)
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 9 years ago
+AlexandrasPets I love your fish! So amazing, and you didnt even put them in bowls! Your an awesome betta owner, but do you have a heater? I just cant see, maybe you do but if you dont they will be happier and more active!
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Omg thanks for your kind comment! :D
AquaticWhiteBoy - 10 years ago
where did you get the background?
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
I bought it on :)
Justins Fish Tanks
Justins Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Great job. They love you!
Rakel chilli
Rakel chilli - 10 years ago
you've got a new subscriber :3 ♥
Rakel chilli
Rakel chilli - 10 years ago
no problem :3
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
thank you so much! <3
Werner John
Werner John - 10 years ago
Thank you!

Yay, tomorrow is wednesday!
I'm exited to see who you get! :D (if that's still your plan)
BettaFish2002 - 10 years ago
great video! I love the tank!
Bettafishylove - 10 years ago
Nice! that's so pretty and hard work defiantly paid off!
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
yeah it really did! :D
Animals Are Awesome
Animals Are Awesome - 10 years ago
Space Pets
Space Pets - 10 years ago
I have the same see star!
Space Pets
Space Pets - 10 years ago
Love it.
Suroor Mazam
Suroor Mazam - 10 years ago
Silverstreek x.
Silverstreek x. - 10 years ago
What about halfing the tank? You could then add more natural decor and plants. 
You would have more room to build some different structures and make it more unique. 
I think it's a huge upgrade from the previous tank but yes, if you're looking to continue improving it, that is how I'd personally go about it. I feel like the more space they have, the more interesting/happy they are. 

Also, if you were to do that, you could probably purchase a female for the two or a tank mate for each of them.
Bristle noses are supposed to go well with them, or any type of cat fish. I know people like to have many males because of their beautiful looks but I don't know, I think two would be perfect with some other fish.   


As I'm sure you've observed, they love having places they can hide, large leafy plants and driftwood are perfect. 
FarAway2454 - 10 years ago
Wow, looks as beautiful as I thought it would. Excellent job! Can't wait to see the new members of your Betta family :)
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Thanks! And its still not all done yet ;) yeeah me too! I will go with my littkesister to that great store again on wednesday to look for a new baby! :D <3

100. comment for My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)

Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
can you put your other tank (that grimm was in) on ebay beacuse i relly want to buy it
Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
+AlexandrasPets ok
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
yes, I sold the black Deco O tank, but i kept the white one just in case ;P
Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
+AlexandrasPets oh ok cool but did ou sell the tank
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Sparkling Bettas Grimm is the Crowntail i have. He is the first betta i bought. He lived in a mini bow at first, then the white Deco O and now in the third section from left, in the new tank! :)
Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
+AlexandrasPets wait grimm was in the black tank
was grimm in the mini bow thing?
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
I will save my Deco O tank just in case, because i like it so much ^^ and the black tank is already sold. But check on ebay! Thry usually have Deco Os on there! :D
Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
omg i was waiting like a year lol
i was just on youtube all day looking for this video and now its here!
Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
+AlexandrasPets lol
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
hahaha youre so cute! :)
Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
+AlexandrasPets ok cool thnx!!
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Hahah aaw you are so kind!! Yeah like my whole job-reward this month was spent on this beautiful tank. and i regret nothing! ;) i will keep you updated as soon as i got some changes about the tank and the bettas! :)
Werner John
Werner John - 10 years ago
Wow!! That's GORGIOUS!

I love it, and your fish are so happy!!

Congradulations on a beautiful tank and I can't wait to meet the new bettas you get.

You make such good choices on how to set up tanks, care for the fish, and on what new bettas to get (so healthy and beautiful but mainly I mean such wonderful personalities! :D
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Omg thanks!! :D <3 i really aporeciate these kinds of comments! Yeah, me and my sister will go to the petstore on wednesday to look at a new one!! :D im so excited!! :D
Awesomebettafish - 10 years ago
It looks so good! I wish I had a tank that looked like that.
bella rose
bella rose - 9 years ago
+Michael Her actually its 3 gallons each side :)
Michael Her
Michael Her - 9 years ago
But Alexadra great tanks
Michael Her
Michael Her - 9 years ago
Its funny how you like it but it still 2.5 gallons for each to swim around in..... And people hate keeping bettas in small tanks
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Aaww thanks!! I will add more plants to it so its not 100 % dona yet :D
InfinityPets - 10 years ago
Do a vlog

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About My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)

The "My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section divided betta tank!)" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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