My three Betta tanks

Three betta tanks. Aquael 45, Baby biorb & Azoo Rythem

My three Betta tanks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

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Three betta tanks. Aquael 45, Baby biorb & Azoo Rythem

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Most popular comments
for My three Betta tanks

Tamás Leskovics
Tamás Leskovics - 9 years ago
2010 fish bowl illegal fish care european unio,,,,,,,,,fish tank oke beautiful tank in betta fish live plant
Tonya Smith
Tonya Smith - 11 years ago
Petco tells me that I cannot keep any other fish with my Betta. How are your fishes with your Betta.
faith1277 - 9 years ago
Because the people that work at Petco/petsmart/Walmart are novice aquarists, if they keep fish personally at all. Female Bettas can live together (called a sorority). A male Betta can live with tank mates if those tank mates have short fins, and are not too bright/colorful... Meaning a male Betta might confuse them with other male Bettas and fight for territory. Some particularly aggressive Bettas can't live with other tank mates regardless.
Ay H.
Ay H. - 11 years ago
bettas need a 5 gallon tank, not a stupid small bowl ! bowls are for soup ! not for fish !
Katarina Paukertova
Katarina Paukertova - 11 years ago
I just adore this video! Such lovely tanks you have - clean, peaceful and roomy! Love it!
mersf559 - 11 years ago
your last betta must be very thorny with that big ass bubble nest lol
Slimy Hipster
Slimy Hipster - 11 years ago
Dont. Bettas arent pictures you cant just hang a bowl on a wall. You need a good tank and a reliable owner. For the Bettas sake dont get one and if you did I suggest turning it someone that knows what theyre doing.
Antonio Ayala
Antonio Ayala - 11 years ago
I love you bowls & tank there great.
betafishsushi - 12 years ago
did u make the 3rd tank
lovepeacenotwar1982 - 12 years ago
have u seen the wall mount takes for beta. i seen them on amazon for 17 buck... they are awesome... i am goint to get a bunch and hang them like pictures lol

10. comment for My three Betta tanks

gamerfanman - 12 years ago
the last one all the way!!!!!!!
gold finch
gold finch - 12 years ago
cool tanks!!!!
cjsherrera - 13 years ago
Very beautiful. thanks for sharing :)
RagedPanda00 - 13 years ago
Elvenin - 13 years ago
So beautiful. How do you keep them so clean?
Alyssa Bachmeier
Alyssa Bachmeier - 13 years ago
cool tanks! i have to keep up with alottt of tanks in my house. i have 5 betta tanks, 1 ten gal withh 2 goldfish, one 3 gal, and a 50 gallon turtle tank! you've got it easy...
Donny Miller
Donny Miller - 13 years ago
Nice tanks! You should checkout my betta. He's a character and I promise it wont be a waste of your time.
Richard M
Richard M - 13 years ago
@ExileMCR ive had a betta in a five gal with 8 other fish and all the fish lived for two-three years
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
...And how many gallons do each of them hold?
MissYensid12 - 13 years ago
@azoo1969 Which Betta Tank if your favorite? Because I was thinking about getting some sort of a biorb if I get another is the Aquael?

20. comment for My three Betta tanks

Dezzy Desiree
Dezzy Desiree - 13 years ago
how did u manage a Betta and all those fish? how is the Betta not attacking them???
Matt Mendham
Matt Mendham - 13 years ago
first tank in Vid may be too crouded? i counted 6 platys/mollys and your betta in that tank? tank looked around 15 - 20 ltrs? your betta deserves .......BETTA!!
Walter Winiana
Walter Winiana - 13 years ago
That's a cool setup for your fish bro - well done
Rocio Victoria
Rocio Victoria - 13 years ago
How do you set this type of tank. My beta always die and how you grow bamboo in your aquarium. Can you help me? your tank is beautiful. Thanks
Rosy Lee
Rosy Lee - 13 years ago
super nice!
Remy Basi
Remy Basi - 13 years ago
i like your tank.
gia5191 - 13 years ago
thank you so much so how many bettas would i have to get ?
gia5191 - 14 years ago
How come (in your first tank) the male betta didn't fight with all the other fish?
Prince Kehy
Prince Kehy - 14 years ago
these tanks are sweet, especially the first one. The third one looks like it could use a lil trim. Mind checking out mine and commenting on it? I'm trying to get a rugged natural look, and i'm not sure how close I've come.
chief601penguin - 14 years ago
cool tank i usaully have all gold fish because they are my favorite one of all

30. comment for My three Betta tanks

Juan Chong
Juan Chong - 14 years ago
very nice tanks
TheNinjacat10 - 14 years ago
your bettas are really awesome i wish mine was still alive by the way y didnt the betta fight the guppies?
mario turambar
mario turambar - 14 years ago
what is the name of the song? it´s sounds good
shaelikestaquitos - 14 years ago
@azza7717 some can be housed in a community tank :)
Seth_k. - 14 years ago
Those are some happy Betta's. and I have 2 Bettas and what is this song could.
azza7717 - 14 years ago
dosn't your betta kill your platys coz i was tolled that they wll kill other fish thats in the tank with them
smokeycroissant - 14 years ago
lovely betta
shaelikestaquitos - 14 years ago
Hey I really like the look of the Aquael 45 and the Baby biorb, but I was wondering which one was better? like overall, because they bought have pretty much the same design :)
Juan Chong
Juan Chong - 14 years ago
nice video
valeri95 - 14 years ago
no its a betta
Jonathon Holman
Jonathon Holman - 14 years ago
awesome tanks!!
XxBubbleBearXx - 14 years ago
Oh my god the 1st fish is Beautiful!!!! Nice fish and tanks!!! :) Put filters in!
dziadek1981 - 15 years ago
eeeee what`s the name of this song ;]
omega7arts - 15 years ago
It's good ^^ Only the betta will cause problems breeding, that's why it's there I guese, so It doesn't get Over over stock xD
lorelome - 15 years ago
The first tank looks a little overstocked... Also, spherical tanks are outlawed in some countries because they can cause fish to go blind. :( But you're a very talented aquascaper!
nosyiam - 15 years ago
I loved the last one how many gallons is it?
BigNastyreborn - 15 years ago
bad ass bowl
David Torrez
David Torrez - 15 years ago
I have a 12 gal tank spherical as yours (glass). I have a nice CT Betta male and female... you think I may be able to get platy, shrimps, snails all together? if yes then how many?
steva30 - 15 years ago
I came home lastnight and went up to my beta"roofus" tank n couldnt find him... i looked down n inbetween my feet there he was dead... stiff as a board... SCREAM! why did her "commit suicide!!
enigmaE5 - 15 years ago
hey i've had my bettas for about 2 months now in a 3 gal tank each and one's tail was missing over night...since, i've done a 50 % water change and added aquarium salt too his tank and his tail is growing back... i'm assumoing the color will come back because the half moon i bought last week had torn fins and they colored in beautifully. try it. aquarium salt at wal- mart is a dollar and some change..... forget the medication real talk and a heater helps wonderfully.

50. comment for My three Betta tanks

azoo1969 - 15 years ago
Yes. Just an ordinary platy......but nice looking all the same.
ExileMCR - 15 years ago
yeah everybody says the plant thing that goes around the pump comes with it. thanks for the advise azoo
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
It comes with air pump, line and air stone.
ExileMCR - 15 years ago
oh forgot. does baby biorb come with air pump or is it separate?
ExileMCR - 15 years ago
yeah ill go with platy since i have dwarf frogs with my betta. Thanks
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
If your getting the baby biorb with a betta, best not put another fish in. The space is quite small and the betta would probably get very territorial and attack the other fish. At most 2 small platy. I have an Otocinclus in mine and they get on fine. Dont put in any corydoras of any kind as the ceramic media is sharp and would harm him. No tetra as they will nip the fins of the betta, or the betta will eat the small ones. I would not go for a guppy unless your betta is docile.
ExileMCR - 15 years ago
yeh im gonna buy the bio baby for my betta this upcomin christmas. so do other fish work well with your betta or not cuz i may do that 2
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
Used the standard plastic stand, just moved it at an angle until it fitted.
Toni Wheatley
Toni Wheatley - 15 years ago
big bubble nests he is ready to mate with a female
NL3044 - 15 years ago
Hi, how did you fit your heater tot he wall of your baby biorb? i have the stand and all but i just cant get tit to fit onto the wall without the glass hitting the wall or the adjuster getting in the way.
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
The bubbles are fine. They are not that strong on the baby biorb. If you move a betta from a very still setup it may take a while for him to get used to it. it took 4 days for one of mine to chill out. However a must is some sort of cave for him to hide in if he wants, especially when getting used to the bubbles. I would also advise adding another pack of ceramic media, you dont get enough in the kit. This boosts the biological filter a lot. i dont have any poor water readings.
octojillian - 15 years ago
i'm thinking about purchasing the baby biorb for my betta and I've read that they bettas don't like the bubbles of the tank, is this true? how have your fish done with the filtration and everything else that comes with this tank?
Jake Charnock
Jake Charnock - 15 years ago
I have the same biorb plant. it's a bastard to clean though.
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
The plants are an extra purchase and they are from the biorb range and can be expensive for what they are about £5 to £15 for the biorb ring. Post a vid on utube when you get set up.
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
The biorb comes with ceramic media which you must NOT replace as it acts as the filter media & if you change it to gravel your set up will become toxic real quick. I found that the biorb did not come with enough media so i bought another bag & added that which has increased the effectiveness. I don't get any toxic readings at all. But keep fish numbers low & feed every other day. i never buy new filter kits. Just discard the white and black media and keep the sponge. saves a fortune.
vracula - 15 years ago
hey dude thanks for your advice, I bought an aqua el after viewing your video,they are so much easier to clean and maintain than the bio orbs,although i love the central bubbling feature of the bi orb.
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
All my setups were bought online in the UK. Search for best prices.
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
Should be fine. If you keep the water level up to the outlet the water disruption is reduced. Also either plant or keep ornaments in the set up to further break up the flow. None of my betta have ever been bothered by the flow.
vracula - 15 years ago
do you think the flow of the betta tank is little storng for the betta,I got a aqual el too now and am worried that the flow of the filter might be a bit too strong
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
Actually Betta fish thrive in smaller setups if alone. Also all my setups have filters,heaters and weekly water changes and quality checks. Feeding is also kept at a minimum. However i would never use anything less than a gallon as its too hard to maintain good water. all my tanks have zero ammonia/Nitrite and trace nitrate...and thats down to the local water in the taps. I would agree however that there are some very poor setups available....but not mine.
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
The small "ball" is a 15 liter baby biorb. They cost £40 to £50 from almost all aquarium shops and is available online everywhere.
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
Now bookmarked. Thanks.
azoo1969 - 15 years ago
Not sure what you mean, but Betta males have to be apart or they fight each other, thats why i have got them in separate tanks.
alex2mitch - 16 years ago
when will your new betta vid be up????
azoo1969 - 16 years ago
Not sure what wattage, it came with the setup. Its a duo fluorescent tube though.
azoo1969 - 16 years ago
My Betta was a placid guy so he did not bother them. In fact one guppy gave the Betta a hard time so i had to remove that guppy!
vracula - 16 years ago
hey dude i love that aquael setup ,can you tell me what kinda bulbs it uses.
azoo1969 - 16 years ago
The Aquael is best for my needs. My Betta prefer the still water as opposed to the bubble stream of the Biorb. Also as its glass it has less distortion and is less prone to scratching. Another plus is that the filter media is in the lid so is easy to get to, no wet hands! However Biorbs are much stronger than glass and the electrics are safer, so if kids are a consideration the biorb is best. I also never change the biorb cartridge, theres no need, just rinse and dose with stress zyme.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Which do you prefer, the aquael 45 or biorb?
azoo1969 - 16 years ago
Yes. I have a blue and white marble SD, with a cool vampire dorsal. I will upload when i get a chance
azoo1969 - 16 years ago
Thanks. Opinion is divided over keeping guppies with a Betta. However my Betta is a pretty docile guy and has never bothered them. He seems happy to ignore them. I have kept Betta with guppies before and always been fine. I would not keep them together in a smaller set up though, they need their space or they get territorial. The only problem I ever had was one particular mad guppy which hassled the betta!. So I just removed the guppy to another setup. However Platies are best choice.
alex2mitch - 16 years ago
i would get 2 females in their nice looking ones then that would look great.
alex2mitch - 16 years ago
I love the way your tanks the best one i think is the aqual 45 tehn the baby BiOrb then the betta Azoo rythem
alex2mitch - 16 years ago
You have really nice set ups in your tanks.
alex2mitch - 16 years ago
Same with mine but mine whas brutally attacked and killed by the two females, if you look on my page i have a video of him. My baby BiOrb, then i have my second vid with my new betta siamesse fighting fish(not crown taail this one)
azoo1969 - 16 years ago
Yes he's a crown tail. Unfortunately he recently died as the result of a fungus attack, despite water quality being good! One of those things I suppose. I have replaced him with a marble white / blue super delta with a vampire dorsal fin.
alex2mitch - 16 years ago
nice! that looks like my betta in my tank on my video have look at mine. Is it a Crown-tail siamese fighter male?
azoo1969 - 16 years ago
Don't plants don't last long either! I just have to replace them. As it happens the azoo tank is the only one with real plants. All the rest are plastic. I find that liquid plant food makes the real plants last longer.

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