NO FILTER On FAIL! No Maintenence Fishtank FAIL part 2

No Maintenance Fish Tank. More like MO- Maintenance fish tank. This sucker had NO FILTER ON for Probably over a week long. Fun fun. You can see how the NO Maintenance tank turned into a Maintenance Monster in a short amount of time. NO FILTER will do that to you. Wish me luck as I scrub this sucker. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

NO FILTER On FAIL! No Maintenence Fishtank FAIL part 2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 40

Betta 7 years ago 24,190 views

No Maintenance Fish Tank. More like MO- Maintenance fish tank. This sucker had NO FILTER ON for Probably over a week long. Fun fun. You can see how the NO Maintenance tank turned into a Maintenance Monster in a short amount of time. NO FILTER will do that to you. Wish me luck as I scrub this sucker. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for NO FILTER On FAIL! No Maintenence Fishtank FAIL part 2

Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Check out the new video of YOUR TANKS!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Here is an update on the NO MAINTENANCE TANK! It took a beating!
Burak Duran
Burak Duran - 7 years ago
Sae balığı kullan dostum ,sakal yosunu diye birşey kalmaz
Simu - 7 years ago
brad clark
brad clark - 7 years ago
phone rings "no ones here" keeps ringing
Carissa M
Carissa M - 7 years ago
Have you considered adding a timer for the light? They have them for like $5 at most home improvement stores....
2nd Chance
2nd Chance - 7 years ago
So it's okay to run straight tap-water into your tank and then add your dechlorinator. Seeing that I'm going to upgrade to a 55 or a 75 gallon this year need to figure out how to do massive water changes thanks in advance
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
2nd Chance it's not the best, but I do it- just do it fast!!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Here is a look at how I battled ALGAE and WON in the No Maintenance tank recently ;)
Storm2aRainbow - 7 years ago
my first time here and you drop me on my head...geeeezzzzzzz lol

10. comment for NO FILTER On FAIL! No Maintenence Fishtank FAIL part 2

bioteach - 7 years ago
Two words: Backup Filter
Where is the corner or sponge filter incase something happens to the Fluval?
Reefish keeper
Reefish keeper - 7 years ago
that terrain what fish like
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 7 years ago
I siphoned a small Molly into the sump pit I use for my water changes. I have no idea how long it was there, but it managed not to get sucked into the sump. I found it when my wife dropped something and it rolled into the sump pit. Fish are amazing!
Casper Shaw
Casper Shaw - 7 years ago
lol you're talking to yourself ... people walk in and their like who the hell is that dude talking to .... may think im a freak xDDD dude your picture is of you licking a plant .... xD
Brett Jolly
Brett Jolly - 7 years ago
you should get some siamese algae eaters they should eat that stuff up keep the plants clean
karen pereira
karen pereira - 7 years ago
So, first of all LMAO... songs and jokes... I can't believe you use some chemical to fix it (okay I use marine blue for any foul smell). You have to do a water change once a month, it's an aquarium. Leave the hoses under the tank so your wife can do it... no one wants to scare the children. hahaha Peace and Hugs KP
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
Excellent voice in Dustins newest single- Skank Water
Brad Jones
Brad Jones - 7 years ago
I reckon it looks sweet..
I did click on the video because I thought it was moss though lol.
Alien Worlds Reef
Alien Worlds Reef - 7 years ago
New Name: Lots Of Maintenence Fishtank!
MrMovieman174 - 7 years ago
No disrespect but you are the stereotypical fish tank guy. I admire that. I maintain a 90 gal at my uncles and convinced him to go from a half empty stank salt water to a nice planted community. I just swing by and do my maintenance and leave with swag like you. Keep the videos up man!

20. comment for NO FILTER On FAIL! No Maintenence Fishtank FAIL part 2

John’s tanks and more.
John’s tanks and more. - 7 years ago
Put some apple snails, they eat algae like spaghetti, not saying they could fix it I'm just saying it makes it slightly better.
Andrew Collamore
Andrew Collamore - 7 years ago
your goofy lol
J.J. Meyer
J.J. Meyer - 7 years ago
FX4 on that tiny tank? A bit over done.
Cecil Robin-Murphy Bradwell
Cecil Robin-Murphy Bradwell - 7 years ago
get this man

a damn go pro
Sharfin Bean
Sharfin Bean - 7 years ago
This cracked me up! Your wording on some of the tank situations is halorious! Tank on skank tank!
Момчил Божинов
Момчил Божинов - 7 years ago
I digg it
Dreaded88 - 7 years ago
Does Fluval make any kind of Beeping-Alarm to show it's not getting power, like a USB Battery? Possibly, run an Arduino Systems Monitor that can report it's status to your PC, or Smartphone?
Would your wife, or the manager/owner of the lcinic be willing to spring for an
Personally, I think it might've been a kid who vandalized the tank! >:(
Electrician to install what's called a Floor Pocket, right beneith, or inside of the cabinet? This would help.
Danny Farrell
Danny Farrell - 7 years ago
To be honest, I think it looks good like that
Dylan Miller
Dylan Miller - 7 years ago
I forget, did you use mineralized soil? Peat and other organic ingredients can do that if they're not removed.
Bostonguy01 - 7 years ago
looks like a swomp

30. comment for NO FILTER On FAIL! No Maintenence Fishtank FAIL part 2

Jeanne - 7 years ago
LMAO You should have called this vid skank tank lol
edgar57639 - 7 years ago
Keep up with it stop being lazy go in once a week it's for the children
edgar57639 - 7 years ago
That's trash!!! problem being it's set up wrong they probably had to turn filter off from clogging
Duster fish tank fail DOH!!!
Grant Llarenas
Grant Llarenas - 7 years ago
i think you have too much lighting..
EO Rhino
EO Rhino - 7 years ago
Would a tripod have been useful?  Are the Browns going to the playoffs?
EO Rhino
EO Rhino - 7 years ago
What substrate was that and did you not disturb the substrate when you were changing...?
Plain Vids
Plain Vids - 7 years ago
Has anybody told you that you look like the shamwow guy?
jim brown
jim brown - 7 years ago
yeah cool man, good shit. Easy sub here.
YourBrother - 7 years ago
atleast the fish are loving it, we be pesky humans
Dhritik Poddar
Dhritik Poddar - 7 years ago
Dustin...your videos are awesome but one thing I would like to say is that the quality of this particular video is not good enough(360p) to see it clearly...I hope in future your video quality will defintely improve
.. your fan Dhritik✌
RICK LETT - 7 years ago
+He's kinda has to drag everything around by himself. Needs mucho slack on this one.
david diehl
david diehl - 7 years ago
I would put a camera in to see what exactly is causing the problem. Weather they over feed, lighting or people are messing in the tank.
visualkeirockstar - 7 years ago
long fin rosy barb would take care of it.
Avy Aulonocara
Avy Aulonocara - 7 years ago
"...on my nonprofit wifi." Lmfao
But at least the tank is really well-scaped. :-/
Aquatic Haus
Aquatic Haus - 7 years ago
Can I do a 2ft tank with no filter but a mini water pump that acts as a wavemaker for water movement ?
GManPro - 7 years ago
Aquatic Haus if you got plants and keep up with it I don't see why not
J C Biotank supreme
J C Biotank supreme - 7 years ago
You need more towels on the floor
Mary Tanner
Mary Tanner - 7 years ago
I'm surprised there's not 1,000 babies in there.
Mary Tanner
Mary Tanner - 7 years ago
Oops. Spoke too soon.
Sister Denise Clark
Sister Denise Clark - 7 years ago
LMBO Your Too Funny
Ledora Hunt
Ledora Hunt - 7 years ago
Happy birthday
MP - 7 years ago
I'm gonna mark out for a second and say that I just placed an order for several plants on your website. I'm gonna try to grow them with Seachem fluorite and regular water changes. I'm too big of a pussy to try a dirted tank right now, and I killed everything in my tank last summer with some ghetto ass root tabs I ordered on Ebay from some meth addict...
I recently talked my wife into letting me upgrade my tank from a 45gl to a 120gl. If I try dirt and fuck it up, she will reconsider the tank upgrade. Anyways, I look forward to receiving my order and re-scaping my tank. All I have is a full carpet of dwarf sag, so I'm pumped to see how things are gonna look when I'm done.
Kevin spacey
Kevin spacey - 7 years ago
siamese algae eaters would tear up that algae in a day or two..

50. comment for NO FILTER On FAIL! No Maintenence Fishtank FAIL part 2

Paul G
Paul G - 7 years ago
Hey Dustin,First time commenter,  I have followed this tank since you first set it up.  Correct me if I'm wrong but you used a ton of osmocote. I think that is contributing to your algae problem.  I think if you changed the substrate you could really get closer to no maintenance.   I tried the osmocote at about that same time and I'm still finding it in my aquarium.  The stuff takes forever to dissolve.   I'm a recent convert to pool filter sand and find my plants are doing just as well in it.  I think your landscape would look awesome with the pool filter sand.  You always talk about how cheap it is, why not show us how to use it.  Keep up the good work and tank on!
jayden chow
jayden chow - 7 years ago
works for me no water change
Cari Duncan
Cari Duncan - 7 years ago
Can you add Amano Shrimp to help with the Algae.
Lelani Dixon
Lelani Dixon - 7 years ago
Give us a final look at how the tank looked when you finished.
Tainted Meat
Tainted Meat - 7 years ago
That is one nasty tank !...It could be the worst I've seen in my 50 years in this hobby but I know you can handle this !
Lars K
Lars K - 7 years ago
So why do you know what A** smells like....:)
Christopher Meadows
Christopher Meadows - 7 years ago
have u ever tried hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle to clean it
Christopher Meadows
Christopher Meadows - 7 years ago
looks like alot of hair algae
Scowling Wolf
Scowling Wolf - 7 years ago
need snails me thinks
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
I was hoping you would'nt whip the python out in the toilet hahaha
James Goose
James Goose - 7 years ago
DIrty D, pls edit these. Unedited videos are like tanks full of algae - they don't look so great! Make them sexy like you make your tanks!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
you see i've stepped it up with the edits recently for yazzzz :) Here is a look at how I battled ALGAE and WON in the No Maintenance tank recently ;)
GManPro - 7 years ago
The Budget Aquarist I get that part, but his videos are very watchable, it's not like it's shaking dramatically, it's still easy to watch and I agree people want better quality videos, but editing is a reason why some people lose enjoyment of YouTube, it becomes a job more then a hobbie
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 7 years ago
G Man Gotta agree with the other guy....all the shakey cameras and turning around and stuff is a little rough to watch. We all want Dustin to succeed, and there is nothing wrong with pointing out nicely what would make the videos better. My wife and daughter HATE to watch shaky cameras...and if they turn off the video, that's not helping D at all. Best regards.
James Goose
James Goose - 7 years ago
I don't think I'm having much of an impact, buddy.
GManPro - 7 years ago
James Goose you're the reason why people are getting tired of YouTube. Just let them make videos the way they want to. It takes away the fun of it
Ruthlyss Targaryen
Ruthlyss Targaryen - 7 years ago
James Goose it was a live stream, no editing required.
James Goose
James Goose - 7 years ago
I don't need to be a YouTuber to offer suggestions. Especially when I'm saying something so painfully obvious as editing improves your video's presentation. Do I need to be an automotive engineer to say that cars should be painted? Of course not - its obvious. By the way, Dustin has mentioned before that he needs to start editing so you're just being silly.
Nike Swoosh
Nike Swoosh - 7 years ago
Disagree. Editing not necessarily needed. But could have turned off the live and then come back live towards end.
david diehl
david diehl - 7 years ago
James, don't see any f your videos on here.
Avy Aulonocara
Avy Aulonocara - 7 years ago
James Goose Editing schmediting ;-p
James Goose
James Goose - 7 years ago
hahaha get that caveman with the nice teeth to do it for you!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
+James Goose gahhh editing blows- but ok
Roger Dedham
Roger Dedham - 7 years ago
Wow it looks like my 75 gallon window aquarium without any lighting because I'm poor tank. Lol
Jumalten001 - 7 years ago
Honestly I would setup an automatic Flourish Excel pump, that stuff clears out algea super quick.
Mike Radcliffe
Mike Radcliffe - 7 years ago
Jared Friesen flourish comprehensive is nutrients, so yes. Flourish excel is a form of liquid carbon used in place of pressurized CO2. The active ingredient is gluteraldehyde which is decent at eliminating types of algae.
Jared Friesen
Jared Friesen - 7 years ago
Jumalten001 really ? Wouldnt flourish just feed the algae
Tim Bracco
Tim Bracco - 7 years ago
Would a wrap around background help block some of the light
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
+Tim Bracco that'll kill the scape look- but it's probably a good idea
Anthony Lujano
Anthony Lujano - 7 years ago
Yo d. I know you the man at fish tanks and all. But that's being said. I have a no maintenance tank that I do 60% water changes every two or so mounts and no algae. I run mad carbon in the tank have a fitted tank and the plants went crazy. Took all the plants from that 10 gallon and filled a 40 breeder with it. Try the carbon son.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
+Anthony Lujano I might just have to try this out ;)
angelo hahn
angelo hahn - 7 years ago
Is he a firefighter??
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
this shirt was given to me from my guy John in NYC (no I am not a fire fighter :)
Rob Lewis
Rob Lewis - 7 years ago
Looks awesome
mef1975 - 7 years ago
Florida Flag fish will eat that algae all up if you starve them. They ate my wisteria too. The amanos would probably get eaten too. I also have my tank on like a 6 hour light cycle because of ambient light that almost never goes off (maybe 4 hours of darkness, if that). I put in a pothos vine and riccia fluitans to help with excess nutrients, but yeah, duckweed is great. Also had to dim the lights a bit. You should stick some black nerites in there just for the heck of it.
Richard O'connor
Richard O'connor - 7 years ago
Wow algee farming.
Helen Eisler
Helen Eisler - 7 years ago
Check water a parameters. Also, maybe add more plants.
John2891 - 7 years ago
you're a genius.
eisenklad - 7 years ago
platies dont mind alge... i let my tank filter unplugged for a few months after i had an anchorworm outbreak. decimated all my glass and neon tetras and red platies.

idk if i have hair algae or just thick bacteria colonies.... time to rebuild
John Martin
John Martin - 7 years ago
I use a old toothbrush to twist that hair algae up like spaghetti!
Lisa S
Lisa S - 7 years ago
Needs more super fast growing plants and some floating plants that will help to compete against the algae. Also some good algae eaters would help.
David Lazzaro
David Lazzaro - 7 years ago
Are you the sham wow guy?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
soon I will be the Sham wow guy
PB Fishing
PB Fishing - 7 years ago
It actually kinda looks cool just clean the glass
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
wife's not having that :)
Occasional Aquatics
Occasional Aquatics - 7 years ago
I like the algae look!
TheGeneralKirov - 7 years ago
No Fail. Just put in some dwarf apistos ;)
Damo - 7 years ago
Top video as usual Dustin.
Best wishes from England fella.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
You want the beats back eh? (thanks brother!)

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