National Geographic 10w Aquarium Heater Unboxing and Installation

Unboxing and Installation of the NatGeo 10w Aquarium Heater. I open it, explain my initial thoughts, and install it into my happy but cold betta Draco's 1 gallon aquarium. Link for the heater at the Canadian PetSmart ( Product Features -Heats temperature to 80 F -Shuts off at desired temperature -Plastic -Compact -Dry Run Protected -Adjustment free -Red light indicator Subscribe to know when I post an update on this heater. So far, I'm extremely pleased, and so is my betta! I'm a new channel dedicated to betta fish and their care. Like to share the love. Music is by

National Geographic 10w Aquarium Heater Unboxing and Installation sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Betta 9 years ago 8,708 views

Unboxing and Installation of the NatGeo 10w Aquarium Heater. I open it, explain my initial thoughts, and install it into my happy but cold betta Draco's 1 gallon aquarium. Link for the heater at the Canadian PetSmart ( Product Features -Heats temperature to 80 F -Shuts off at desired temperature -Plastic -Compact -Dry Run Protected -Adjustment free -Red light indicator Subscribe to know when I post an update on this heater. So far, I'm extremely pleased, and so is my betta! I'm a new channel dedicated to betta fish and their care. Like to share the love. Music is by

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Most popular comments
for National Geographic 10w Aquarium Heater Unboxing and Installation

Francisco Oliva
Francisco Oliva - 7 years ago
Hey, I love your channel. I was wondering if you could clarify something for me. I recently bought a small 10 watt heater for my 1 gallon tank. The heater says it is preset to 78 degrees F. So does that mean that it will always be on and I will have to unplug it if the water goes above 82 degrees ? I bought the Temp Tec heater on amazon just fyi.
Jaden Huang
Jaden Huang - 7 years ago
I hope the top is round becuse i bought the national geographic 2.5 galloon tank and there is 2 tiny slots for the heaters to be.I really want a full complete tank and i want live plants it would be cool.
the_big_bang_artist 25
the_big_bang_artist 25 - 7 years ago
and I am a beginner I dont have mine yet I'm just trying to get tips
the_big_bang_artist 25
the_big_bang_artist 25 - 7 years ago
OK so the heater goes inside the tank right cause I have my nice living with me ( she's like 2 ) and I dont want her to mess with it so can you give me advice
Maryann Wiggins
Maryann Wiggins - 8 years ago
Loved your video. Like you I too couldn't find reviews for this heater. It is also hard to find but I finally found one on Ebay. It is now in my 3,5 gal Betta tank and Fin is loving it. I have two thermometers 1 digetal and one in tank, both are registering the same degrees. the light is on and it has reached and maintains 80.7 degrees and the light is still on. Shouldn't the light be off. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
Maryann Wiggins
Maryann Wiggins - 8 years ago
Hi I loved your video. Like you I couldn't find any reviews. The heater was also hard to find but I did find one on Ebay. It is now in my 3,5 gal Betta tank, fully submersed. The heater has reached and held 80.7 degrees but has not shut off. My room temp is 69 to 70 degrees. Any info would be appreciated. Fin is loving the warm, he laid right on top of it. Thanks
Helayna Bradac
Helayna Bradac - 8 years ago
Hi! I am a first time owner of a betta. He is in a half gallon marina tank. It's specially made for betta fish. He's doing great in his new home! I was wondering though would he be fine without a heater. I have him somewhat near a window on a stand in my room so he gets some sunlight but not too much that it would hurt him. Does he need a heater or would he live fine without one?
Filip Torres
Filip Torres - 8 years ago
Helayna Bradac Half a gallon is too small a 5 gallon is good for 1 betta
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Helayna Bradac I'd strongly recommended a heater, simply because the sun's natural rising and setting would mean the sun would be in different positions throughout the day, and that could cause the temperature to be unstable. If the temperature shifts are too dramatic, it may make him stressed. To be safe, I'd suggest getting one. :)
Kay Wilkerson
Kay Wilkerson - 8 years ago
Great review, I also have this heater, I own the 10watts and 25 watts. I swear by these heaters. It's a excellent heater for a great price.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I swear by this heater too :) As long as they keep selling this brand, I won't buy any other heater :)
Third Street
Third Street - 8 years ago
How is this doing now?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It's still doing great :)

10. comment for National Geographic 10w Aquarium Heater Unboxing and Installation

Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Is the heater good? I'm thinking about getting it for my 2.5 betta fish tank.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It keeps it right at 80F in my tanks. If it goes up to 82F that's safe, as long as it is stable at that temperature :) I also did a lot of researching before buying my heater and I thought this sounded the best, too- the reviews for the other ones honestly scared me lol. Too many horror stories, when this heater had none as far as I saw. I'm glad with my choice so far :)
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta what degrees does it usually keep at? I've been researching tons of small heaters because I don't have one right now and the national geographic one seems the best. Thanks :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I personally love it. I think it's great. It has never overheated my tank, but keeps it warm like it's supposed to. I now have one in each of my betta's tanks- I wouldn't use any other heater after using this one, I swear by it. I love the security of knowing it shuts off automatically and also turns on automatically. :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
Did he bite ur fingernail
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta lol
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I'm not sure if he bit me, but he certainly tried :p It just felt like a little tap, nothing painful or anything. My fault for wearing shiny nail polish :p
Animal lover 33
Animal lover 33 - 8 years ago
Can you sub to me?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Will do! :)
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
oooh! What a great video:):) Love it:D
BetterBetta - 9 years ago
+Bella And Bettas Thank you!
Iyush Iscca
Iyush Iscca - 9 years ago
i new sub.jst subbed to u .Awesome vid.sure a big thumb voice is sweet.
Iyush Iscca
Iyush Iscca - 9 years ago
me too.thank you.
BetterBetta - 9 years ago
+Honest Boy1 Thank you! That means a lot :)

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