New Betta Fish and His Planted Tank Set Up
Betta 8 years ago 12,373 views
We got a new male koi Betta fish. We set up new planted tank it is a 2.5 gallon with a sponge filter. We added black sand as substrate and plants. The plants are Anubias, Amazon Sword and Marimo Moss balls. We added Flourish roots tabs to help feed the plants. We don't have a heater in the tank at the moment as the tank runs at a stable 78f without one. Tank Set Up. Flourish root tabs. Whisper Air Pump Sponge filter. Marimo Moss balls. Let's connect! Instagram *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links.
10. comment for New Betta Fish and His Planted Tank Set Up
I have one at home named Kaiyo, he's male :)
Also, I appreciate how interactive you are with the users.
2 weeks ago I got a betta fish at a Petco 200 miles away from home and he survived. His name is Peppermint.
20. comment for New Betta Fish and His Planted Tank Set Up
30. comment for New Betta Fish and His Planted Tank Set Up
Damn I have so many dreams!
I want a betta tank, a shrimp tank and much more!
50. comment for New Betta Fish and His Planted Tank Set Up