No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever)
Betta 7 years ago 807,937 views
Bubble Bowl BEST ONE! (around 10gallonish) Bubble Bowl Similar size as mine (around 7 gallons) Bubble Bowl Similar size as mine 2 (around 7 gallons) Desk lamp (I used the clamps to mount it) GE CFL light bulb (14w 6500K) The exact bulb I used (osram 14W coolwhite) I can't find it...sorry Philips CFL 13W T2 Daylight 6500K, 4-Pack miracle gro organic choice potting mix 2~3mm gravel 20lb bag 2~3mm gravel 5lb bag Mini round shape magnet scrubber 50W heater Heater cover so plants won't get burned Tiny thermometer The book that I read to make this aquarium: Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(Hard cover) Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(digital) A tutorial of how to initially setup the soil: It's not the bowl, but I setup the bowl exactly the same way. This was my very first attempt at Walstad method setup right after reading her book - first hearing about the book through one of Dustin's Fish Tanks videos. I actually did this bowl around 2 years ago. The videos are taken from my other youtube channel that was about this bowl. It’s kind of abandoned now, since I don’t have the bowl anymore. I put together all of the videos and decided to put it here, so I could share my experience with all of you. Hope this helps. Walstad method setup is great when it works. However, as I have mentioned in my previous video, it can be difficult and time consuming for the first 2 months or so, until the plants establish themselves. After 7 months or so, vallisneria took over the entire tank, and there were hardly any space for my betta to swim around in. Also, the bowl just looked way too overgrown. I trimmed the vallineria, and it didn’t recover very well. It mostly turned brown from the tips and started to melt. So, I decided to move my betta to the 5 gallon one that most of you have already seen : The above link's tank has all of the details about light, substrate, plants list, and everything else in the description. It is the same setup as this bowl - 50W heater with heater cover so the plants wouldn't get burned, 14W CFL coolwhite, light duration, organic soil, 2~3mm cap gravel...etc. For the CFL, I'm going by 2~3 watts per gallon rule. that's only for fluorescent. anything higher will most likely cause accelerated algae growth. I did give it some controlled amount of direct sunlight. I have blinds and the window is facing west, so whenever I had time, I would let the bowl get 1~2 hours max of sunlight. It was not every day, just whenever it was sunny or maybe weekends. It's not a requirement to give it sunlight. It did not cause more algae growth. It actually made the plants grow faster. But I think you should give sunlight only when the plants are already established and thriving. WATER CHANGE: I didn't do water change for the first week. then I couldn't wait and put in my betta. that was a mistake. It takes average of 2 months for this kind of setup to get established. What I mean is all the plants have settled and grow very well. Only then, is the water "safe" for livestock, IMO. The plants are the filter. If the plants aren't doing well, the livestock won't do well. So, after putting in my betta, I did water changes often. nearly daily of 5~50%. but also, I put such a thin cap gravel, which was another mistake, the soil leached out too fast. so I had to add more gravel. I did 5% when there was surface bio-film. I did 50% when the water became too brown. I rarely did 50%. the usual daily water change was around 10~20%. after 2~3 months, I only did weekly water changes of 10~25%. While all this was going on, my betta did get fin rot, b/c I put him in too early. He did recover completely, but it took a while. I should have put him in around 2 months mark. maybe even 3 months. IF you don't put any livestock, you don't need to do daily water changes. Only do water change if the water becomes too brown. maximum of 50%. If your cap is thick enough, water should get too brown around once a week. if your water gets too brown in 2~3 days or earlier, you cap gravel size is too big, and/or it's too thin. after 3 months or so, water hardly became brown. I put a 1cm thick polyurethane mat under the base of the bowl. This bowl's diameter is about 39cm or 15 inches. around 7.5 gallons, or 30 liters. I got it at a local gardening store. Gymnopedie #3 Played by Kevin Macleod
I want to build one too.
What are the air bubbles? Oxygen? or Methane gas?
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100. comment for No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever)
Your fish look happy, say hi to her/he, Trey from Bern, Switzerland.
obviously the tank has water, PLENTY water, and it does need "bushes" for air filtration.
it might answer lots of your questions. I got my shrimp online here and there a while back, sorry can't remember where.
o o
But the video is so beautiful :)
it was the best fish bowl I've ever seen
3 Month later, im loosing my mind, where am I, wo am I !
5 Month later, still waiting... Im trying to figure out, How to escape...
shrimp as well...
it's important that the plants do well from the beginning. starting with lots plants would yield better result, IMO. or starting with few plants that grow very fast.
this video should answer most of your questions.
should we put any food for it ?
is sunlight enough if there is no light setting
I bought them online here and there a while back. sorry can't remember where.
Thanks for sharing your videos and writing such great and thorough description in the box.
I've got an alpha bowl
It's an ecosystem!
(But it still looks cool)
Why was this in my recommended
That many fish are able to live in a smaller group than recommendet is also clear. I had a Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki for two years, alone. Now I have a group of 18 and they behave completely different. They never stop nudging each other and lying in piles one over the other.
Your otos can't be too unhappy, otherwise they wouldn't have lived so long. I didn't know you had two of them, so it's alright. I just would have had a big problem, if it had been alone.
and what are you doing, to keep water always clean.
Watch your video
I started the aquarium.
But the color of the water
More and more green.
I do not know why.
Is there any problem?
The floor is like a video.
This is South Korea, the temperature is high.
The water temperature goes up to 27~28℃
Even with a cooling fan.
Maybe the plants have melted
Does the color of the water change?
The hairgrass turned brown.
My setup
The tank is 35x25x30cm
1 inch organic soil(vermicompost and chicken manure compost)
1.5 inch black sand
Baby tears, Pearl grass cuba, hairgrass, Yamato shrimp
LED light 36pcs, 8.64w
Hanging filter 5w
thanks a lot! youre a pure hearted youtuber mate. keep it up. i hope more people discover your intentions
just a follow up question.
right now, it has detritus worms with the plants and a lot of it... what should i do at the moment? will the detritus worms eat my plants while im gone? or should i just let them be cuz according to most of my research, theyre good for the bowl? im gonna leave for indonesia for 2 weeks straight and i plan to leave this bowl with no livestock so it can do well without me. should i clean the bowl and plants first before i go? how do you get rid of detritus worms anyway? should i also cover the bowl with a net so no mosquitto larvae can enter it?
im also planning on replacing the java fern (since its paling) with horse hair grass? im not sure whats it called but it basically looks like freshwater grass from the pet store.
also, when you put the shrimp in, did you have to do water checks and something to assure water quality? i dont have those sets and its pretty expensive.. so should the planted aquarium for quite a long time be enough for the shrimp? do you feed your shrimp btw or you barely need to cuz the plants/algae do it for u? if you do, what do u feed them? flakes? hahahahahahaha
im so sorryyyyy i just have so many questions cuz doing research online gives you SO many answers that vary
i wanna make one like urs ;)))
if it's a question, I added them after 2 months or so. I didn't add them from the beginning.