No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever)

Bubble Bowl BEST ONE! (around 10gallonish) Bubble Bowl Similar size as mine (around 7 gallons) Bubble Bowl Similar size as mine 2 (around 7 gallons) Desk lamp (I used the clamps to mount it) GE CFL light bulb (14w 6500K) The exact bulb I used (osram 14W coolwhite) I can't find it...sorry Philips CFL 13W T2 Daylight 6500K, 4-Pack miracle gro organic choice potting mix 2~3mm gravel 20lb bag 2~3mm gravel 5lb bag Mini round shape magnet scrubber 50W heater Heater cover so plants won't get burned Tiny thermometer The book that I read to make this aquarium: Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(Hard cover) Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(digital) A tutorial of how to initially setup the soil: It's not the bowl, but I setup the bowl exactly the same way. This was my very first attempt at Walstad method setup right after reading her book - first hearing about the book through one of Dustin's Fish Tanks videos. I actually did this bowl around 2 years ago. The videos are taken from my other youtube channel that was about this bowl. It’s kind of abandoned now, since I don’t have the bowl anymore. I put together all of the videos and decided to put it here, so I could share my experience with all of you. Hope this helps. Walstad method setup is great when it works. However, as I have mentioned in my previous video, it can be difficult and time consuming for the first 2 months or so, until the plants establish themselves. After 7 months or so, vallisneria took over the entire tank, and there were hardly any space for my betta to swim around in. Also, the bowl just looked way too overgrown. I trimmed the vallineria, and it didn’t recover very well. It mostly turned brown from the tips and started to melt. So, I decided to move my betta to the 5 gallon one that most of you have already seen : The above link's tank has all of the details about light, substrate, plants list, and everything else in the description. It is the same setup as this bowl - 50W heater with heater cover so the plants wouldn't get burned, 14W CFL coolwhite, light duration, organic soil, 2~3mm cap gravel...etc. For the CFL, I'm going by 2~3 watts per gallon rule. that's only for fluorescent. anything higher will most likely cause accelerated algae growth. I did give it some controlled amount of direct sunlight. I have blinds and the window is facing west, so whenever I had time, I would let the bowl get 1~2 hours max of sunlight. It was not every day, just whenever it was sunny or maybe weekends. It's not a requirement to give it sunlight. It did not cause more algae growth. It actually made the plants grow faster. But I think you should give sunlight only when the plants are already established and thriving. WATER CHANGE: I didn't do water change for the first week. then I couldn't wait and put in my betta. that was a mistake. It takes average of 2 months for this kind of setup to get established. What I mean is all the plants have settled and grow very well. Only then, is the water "safe" for livestock, IMO. The plants are the filter. If the plants aren't doing well, the livestock won't do well. So, after putting in my betta, I did water changes often. nearly daily of 5~50%. but also, I put such a thin cap gravel, which was another mistake, the soil leached out too fast. so I had to add more gravel. I did 5% when there was surface bio-film. I did 50% when the water became too brown. I rarely did 50%. the usual daily water change was around 10~20%. after 2~3 months, I only did weekly water changes of 10~25%. While all this was going on, my betta did get fin rot, b/c I put him in too early. He did recover completely, but it took a while. I should have put him in around 2 months mark. maybe even 3 months. IF you don't put any livestock, you don't need to do daily water changes. Only do water change if the water becomes too brown. maximum of 50%. If your cap is thick enough, water should get too brown around once a week. if your water gets too brown in 2~3 days or earlier, you cap gravel size is too big, and/or it's too thin. after 3 months or so, water hardly became brown. I put a 1cm thick polyurethane mat under the base of the bowl. This bowl's diameter is about 39cm or 15 inches. around 7.5 gallons, or 30 liters. I got it at a local gardening store. Gymnopedie #3 Played by Kevin Macleod

No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 402

Betta 7 years ago 807,937 views

Bubble Bowl BEST ONE! (around 10gallonish) Bubble Bowl Similar size as mine (around 7 gallons) Bubble Bowl Similar size as mine 2 (around 7 gallons) Desk lamp (I used the clamps to mount it) GE CFL light bulb (14w 6500K) The exact bulb I used (osram 14W coolwhite) I can't find it...sorry Philips CFL 13W T2 Daylight 6500K, 4-Pack miracle gro organic choice potting mix 2~3mm gravel 20lb bag 2~3mm gravel 5lb bag Mini round shape magnet scrubber 50W heater Heater cover so plants won't get burned Tiny thermometer The book that I read to make this aquarium: Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(Hard cover) Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(digital) A tutorial of how to initially setup the soil: It's not the bowl, but I setup the bowl exactly the same way. This was my very first attempt at Walstad method setup right after reading her book - first hearing about the book through one of Dustin's Fish Tanks videos. I actually did this bowl around 2 years ago. The videos are taken from my other youtube channel that was about this bowl. It’s kind of abandoned now, since I don’t have the bowl anymore. I put together all of the videos and decided to put it here, so I could share my experience with all of you. Hope this helps. Walstad method setup is great when it works. However, as I have mentioned in my previous video, it can be difficult and time consuming for the first 2 months or so, until the plants establish themselves. After 7 months or so, vallisneria took over the entire tank, and there were hardly any space for my betta to swim around in. Also, the bowl just looked way too overgrown. I trimmed the vallineria, and it didn’t recover very well. It mostly turned brown from the tips and started to melt. So, I decided to move my betta to the 5 gallon one that most of you have already seen : The above link's tank has all of the details about light, substrate, plants list, and everything else in the description. It is the same setup as this bowl - 50W heater with heater cover so the plants wouldn't get burned, 14W CFL coolwhite, light duration, organic soil, 2~3mm cap gravel...etc. For the CFL, I'm going by 2~3 watts per gallon rule. that's only for fluorescent. anything higher will most likely cause accelerated algae growth. I did give it some controlled amount of direct sunlight. I have blinds and the window is facing west, so whenever I had time, I would let the bowl get 1~2 hours max of sunlight. It was not every day, just whenever it was sunny or maybe weekends. It's not a requirement to give it sunlight. It did not cause more algae growth. It actually made the plants grow faster. But I think you should give sunlight only when the plants are already established and thriving. WATER CHANGE: I didn't do water change for the first week. then I couldn't wait and put in my betta. that was a mistake. It takes average of 2 months for this kind of setup to get established. What I mean is all the plants have settled and grow very well. Only then, is the water "safe" for livestock, IMO. The plants are the filter. If the plants aren't doing well, the livestock won't do well. So, after putting in my betta, I did water changes often. nearly daily of 5~50%. but also, I put such a thin cap gravel, which was another mistake, the soil leached out too fast. so I had to add more gravel. I did 5% when there was surface bio-film. I did 50% when the water became too brown. I rarely did 50%. the usual daily water change was around 10~20%. after 2~3 months, I only did weekly water changes of 10~25%. While all this was going on, my betta did get fin rot, b/c I put him in too early. He did recover completely, but it took a while. I should have put him in around 2 months mark. maybe even 3 months. IF you don't put any livestock, you don't need to do daily water changes. Only do water change if the water becomes too brown. maximum of 50%. If your cap is thick enough, water should get too brown around once a week. if your water gets too brown in 2~3 days or earlier, you cap gravel size is too big, and/or it's too thin. after 3 months or so, water hardly became brown. I put a 1cm thick polyurethane mat under the base of the bowl. This bowl's diameter is about 39cm or 15 inches. around 7.5 gallons, or 30 liters. I got it at a local gardening store. Gymnopedie #3 Played by Kevin Macleod

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Most popular comments
for No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever)

Vihan Subramaniam
Vihan Subramaniam - 7 years ago
I love how hitchhikers just appear like that, or were they put in by u?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, everything in this bowl were bought.
Jos John
Jos John - 7 years ago
How much rupees for this bowl
Shelby S
Shelby S - 7 years ago
amazing! This must take mad patience to maintain
7thWardCharizard - 7 years ago
His fish look so beautiful and happy
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
The power of live plants :)
Emma Lundmark
Emma Lundmark - 7 years ago
Damn I should try this
La Reina
La Reina - 7 years ago
What is a “bubble nest” and why did he make it?
BTS TRASHEU - 7 years ago
1:34-2:07 they look like grasshoppers
MetaView7 - 7 years ago
I want to build one too.
What are the air bubbles? Oxygen? or Methane gas?

10. comment for No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever)

Shakeel ahmad
Shakeel ahmad - 7 years ago
its in without changing water?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check the description for details on water change.
omenar77 - 7 years ago
Water change daily ? And did you use tap water ?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check the description for water change. Yes, I used tap water with dechlorinator.
AMM0beatz - 7 years ago
Will this kind of set up work on a 20 gallon?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, it can be scaled up. some people have done over 100 gallons.
Jasemine_Hyena - 7 years ago
fish bowls make oxygen hard to get for the fish, even with the plant, and contrary to popular belief, bettas are not healthy without filters and with plants
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
he did fine in this bowl. it's important to add one AFTER the plants have been completely established, which I didn't know. it takes 6weeks to 3 months for all the plants to get completely established depending on the setup.
Akim Ginolos
Akim Ginolos - 7 years ago
I just want to ask what fish is that 1:54
Alloniya - 7 years ago
Do this fish still living?
Pater ReggaeR
Pater ReggaeR - 7 years ago
So this is Not a good Video, because you dont Talk about all the animals in Your Bowl. And why they are in It. Sad.
Sharker da Shark
Sharker da Shark - 7 years ago
blimp bloomp
blimp bloomp - 7 years ago
Hey foo, how much food do you give to your betta, and how often do you feed him in one day?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I usually fed him once a day. around 6~ 8 hikari betta gold pellets. I did feed him 3 different kinds of betta pellets.
Eugénie Kiren
Eugénie Kiren - 7 years ago
but you chaneged the watter or not?
Eugénie Kiren
Eugénie Kiren - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn now i see it, thnx you for your answer. It is such a great Video , thanks you that you made it here
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I did. check the description for more details on water change.

20. comment for No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever)

M M - 7 years ago
Is the beta wild caught? :)
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
no, he's called pineapple betta.
Rahul Thachilath
Rahul Thachilath - 7 years ago
Clustern xx
Clustern xx - 7 years ago
Please don't put bettas in bowls without filtration and heat.
Clustern xx
Clustern xx - 7 years ago
This is just me saying this in general. It looks like this person was doing well with water changes and such, and there was plenty of space, so it wasn't a problem here. But doing this requires a lot of efforts and experience, so I don't suggest it to inexperienced people.
LOU ALEX - 7 years ago
can goldfish do this?
Sarah De Kok
Sarah De Kok - 7 years ago
What is this song
CHUU-ING GUM - 7 years ago
how you clean it?
Jemina Khanom
Jemina Khanom - 7 years ago
Nice ... awesome... i want 2 try it too
Mohsen Aghdam
Mohsen Aghdam - 7 years ago
Awesome brother
trevor f
trevor f - 7 years ago
What do you think caused fin rot? Water parameters or stress?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it really depends on the size of your tank. that sounds like a lot of lumens. basically, if you have high light, you gotta have high nutrients and high co2. otherwise, balance will be off and you can get lots of algae. walstad setups usually require low light b/c there isn't high co2. and small setups like mine, I think florescent works better. 2~3watts per gallon.
trevor f
trevor f - 7 years ago
Final question and then ill stop bugging you lol, would a LED bulb of 16k lumens 100w equivalent and 5500 k spectrum work fine to promote healthy growth
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's hard to say without knowing more about your setup, but yea. usually 15% daily, or maybe every other day should be enough until your tank is fully established. it' really depends on how well your plants are doing. also, if the water become too brown, 50% change ever so often is a good idea, too.
trevor f
trevor f - 7 years ago
If you do frequent enough water changes, say 15 % daily would that be enough to avoid fin rot
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it was definitely water quality. this bowl was my first attempt, and I added him before the bowl was fully established. if I were to do it again, I would wait 8~10 weeks.
Lőrinc Szalma
Lőrinc Szalma - 7 years ago
I curse the time when I stopped aquascaping and sold all my bloody expensive tools and stuff.

30. comment for No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever)

johncedrick nisperos
johncedrick nisperos - 7 years ago
How many gallons is this
HANSE Jung - 7 years ago
How do you manage your co2 there woudnt be enough co2 for all that plants
Dr.Amita Sahu
Dr.Amita Sahu - 7 years ago
Felix Camero
Felix Camero - 7 years ago
I discovered something if anyone cares. I do a lot of gardening/botony and I found out that my soil and I think my soil only is perfect for dirted tank. I thought instead of buying dirt I used my gardening soil since I grow so many plants and exotic plants and trees. I went to the part of my yard away from my redwoods because they make the soil very base and less acidic. I went to where my hydrangeas and poinsettias where growing and they are huge especially my poinsettias they are tiny trees and my hydrangea is about 5 feet. If anyone knows they both like acidic soil and so I went around there collecting soil and testing the pH and all of it was twords 7.5 ish and or 7 exactly. But this was heavy clay soil and not nice soil like where my redwoods are. After this I took a barrel and put all of that soil in part sun and shad during winter/fall. After a couple months the soil became loose and lost some of it's claylike texture and to my surprise a mini feild of 2 ft tall cala lilies grew there and when I found out I had dug up my cala lilies I got upset so that took 4 days to carefully move the bulbs back. Finally I got some soil and put it in my 2.5 gallon first just to test it out the first week was terrific I had clear waters and so I put it near a window where it would get some sun in fall and winter and 1 to 2 hours of sun in the summer. Finally I put some semi aquadc plants and another aquatic plant that I do not know the name of. Also put some hair grass. The hair grass almost melted fully away and the semi aquatic plant Wich is a close relative of the lucky bamboo took care of the extra nutritionts. And then I took out all the plants except the hair grass. I forgot about it for 4 weeks and I did not see the water turn brown and I forgot to mention the 1 inch cap of gravle I put on. When I came back to the bowl I saw the hair grass took over and some duck weed I put in previously had taken over. And I have not done any water changes since ever. And so after I did this I took it down and tried this again to make sure this was for real and I just put it back up and everything is up and running and my hair grass again is melting and that's where I'm at and I also added some micro swords. I also set up a 10 gallon bowl useing this soil and to my surprise I think I think the nitrogen cycle has already started mainly due to my fire amazon sword has 3 runners and my micro swords are taking over and my dwarf sag I just put in is putting on some new leafs.
Gustavo Btos
Gustavo Btos - 7 years ago
amazing.. nothing more..
The Ramdom Channel
The Ramdom Channel - 7 years ago
This is beautifull! I didn't know it could be done... Id like to try one day!
Syahirul Aiman
Syahirul Aiman - 7 years ago
you should find pairing female for your betta. they too deserve living in pair as human as well. the bubble nest tells everything the way of livings nature. nice setup anyway.
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 7 years ago
Syahirul Aiman That's good in theory, but Bettas are notorious for killing other fish even their own kind. They are known as "Siamese fighting fish" for a reason, they are very aggressive! They also can get stressed with other fish due to how territorial they are by nature. Really they are happiest alone.
A10 - 7 years ago
What's with the depressing music?
Sean jhayro Flores
Sean jhayro Flores - 7 years ago
crying right now
The Canine Nutritionist
The Canine Nutritionist - 7 years ago
Please don’t support the tropical fish trade by purchasing fish. If you enjoy watching fish, consider downloading one of the many colorful and realistic fish-themed computer screensavers available on the Web. Don’t support businesses or fairs that give fish away in contests or promotions. In the United Kingdom, it’s illegal to give fish as prizes or sell animals to children under the age of 16, and guardians must provide a “suitable environment” for all animals. A similar law is in effect in Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Avishkar Kumar
Avishkar Kumar - 7 years ago
difficult in cleaning
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I've never cleaned this bow the entire time. only water changes here and there.
HuRaNa DeReN
HuRaNa DeReN - 7 years ago
What is black one??
Fernando Martinez
Fernando Martinez - 7 years ago
Idk how I got to this video and its 12 am but Damn this was so beautiful, props to you.
VoidWalker89 - 7 years ago
i dont understand, what is this?
dezztini lol
dezztini lol - 7 years ago
Seemed like something off of the discovery channel or a movie cool
Ryin88 - 7 years ago
What worms did u feed the beta??
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
they were newborn mealworms.
KonyolRonyon - 7 years ago
Do you know why my water have so many micro floating particles? I can't get crystal clear water, do I need hang on the back filter because I'm using sponge filter and I thought it was not a good enough. Any advice would be nice.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's hard to say without seeing your tank. what I do is use a cup to remove the surface bio-film. a small water change.
Rid - 7 years ago
Lonely fish :(
Something SomethingSomething
Something SomethingSomething - 7 years ago
Looks great, and claustrophobic..
TV's Head
TV's Head - 7 years ago
I'm planning to make a Fish bowl tank like yours. But I'm stress about those aquatic plants, it look like expensive if transfer to other countries.

50. comment for No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever)

Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 7 years ago
Cool stuff
M. M.
M. M. - 7 years ago
You have done everything possible to make this gorgeous but if you scared about your livestock you would know round glass is just animal cruelty. Fish get disoriented and everything is distorted. Have you ever looked at your surroundings through a clear glass filled with water. Besides all that, that fish is too big for that bowl. Just because it laid eggs doesn't mean it is happy. Animals can also produce babies because they feel it is a last resort before they become extinct.
Sam Winters
Sam Winters - 7 years ago
Ahmed Razaan
Ahmed Razaan - 7 years ago
M. M. this is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. keeping fish in small bowls is bad but this is a 7 gallon (very big) bowl. And it did not lay eggs it was creating a bubble nest and male bettas do that only do that if their surrounding is good, and their water.
Sam Winters
Sam Winters - 7 years ago
And how do you know what country I am from
Sam Winters
Sam Winters - 7 years ago
The bowl is 7 gallons
M. M.
M. M. - 7 years ago
Sam Winters Aha that is why those things are banned from Dutch stores. Atleast Dutch animal rights are better than in your country.
Sam Winters
Sam Winters - 7 years ago
M. M. Wow that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard
Liam does stuff 12
Liam does stuff 12 - 7 years ago
How did you do this without there being a film over the water
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's 7.5 gallons.
Liam does stuff 12
Liam does stuff 12 - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn also how many gallons is that bowl?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
when it's working, there's hardly any. but in the beginning, I just use a cup to remove it.
Dwi Ahmad
Dwi Ahmad - 7 years ago
I really want to make this one.. Can you please make a step by step guide?
Dwi Ahmad
Dwi Ahmad - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn thanks
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Pedro Martinelli
Pedro Martinelli - 7 years ago
Te drift wood give a Natural environtment than too many plants.
Deo_Speravi - 7 years ago
This is very new and interesting to me. Clearly there's no water flow in this type of set ups and there's no fluctuation of Co2 because there's no water change almost for long periods of time. But, how is it working for plants without water movement? Is there a link that I can read?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
It's explained in this video:
Ace Jessie Ferdinand Gonzaga
Ace Jessie Ferdinand Gonzaga - 7 years ago
This is amazing. The best part was letting the plants grow by themselves.
David Camargo
David Camargo - 7 years ago
how the plants get their nutrients to grow that big?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the soil is regular organic garden soil. the compost in the soil feeds the plants for a very long time. also, the fish food and fish waste add nutrients for the plants. I never cleaned the substrate.
Shan Bland
Shan Bland - 7 years ago
another benefit of all those plants with a betta.... it breaks up his line of vision to the "intruder"(which is really just his own reflection) he must go flare up at and defend against. this makes for a more relaxed fish.
Irvin Jaffe
Irvin Jaffe - 7 years ago
Other than feed the betta, did you add any food for the shrimp and otocinclus?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I fed the shrimp, hikari shrimp pellets once in a while. and otos, I barely fed them. but once in a while, I gave them boiled spinach. I boiled for 10 minutes or so until it was very soft. both shrimp and otos loved it.
Irvin Jaffe
Irvin Jaffe - 7 years ago
What an inspiring video... gorgeous!
Top Fish For 10 Gallons
Top Fish For 10 Gallons - 7 years ago
I wish I could do that with my tank but my Cory’s just root them
Sasori - 7 years ago
He hawt he brazen but most importantly he hunt
Blaze The Kid
Blaze The Kid - 7 years ago
Where did you get a 7.5 gallon bowl
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's in the description. check there.
Hannah Kim
Hannah Kim - 7 years ago
That is a big bowl and very nice set up for a betta, oh and nice shrimps that would be like paradise
Shaggy Maggy
Shaggy Maggy - 7 years ago
Can I use Soil fertilizers available in Plant Nurseries.
Shaggy Maggy
Shaggy Maggy - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn whats the substrate u have use
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I never used ferts in this bowl.
Shaggy Maggy
Shaggy Maggy - 7 years ago
What light u have used on this Bowl?
Shaggy Maggy
Shaggy Maggy - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn yes, i just saw it. I am sorry to bother you.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
all your questions are explained in the video link that I gave you.
Shaggy Maggy
Shaggy Maggy - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn can u share picture of CFL
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Γιωργος Παυλου
Γιωργος Παυλου - 7 years ago
how often you do water changes and how much?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's in the description. check there.
Ocrown Gaming
Ocrown Gaming - 7 years ago
Very cool tank
cheeseball - 7 years ago
I love that tank... my dream!
Explore More
Explore More - 7 years ago
How u change water ..??? In how many days u replace water?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
for big water change, I used a hose. for small water change, I used a cup to gently remove and add water. for water change, after the tank has been established, I did around 10~25% water change a week. I think I wrote about water change in the description. check there.
se7en1976 - 7 years ago
No idea why I clicked this but glad I did. What a great commitment.
Rahul N
Rahul N - 7 years ago
Hi.after how much days shall I add livestock.plz respond
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
If the plants are doing great, like growing well, and if you get algae, you could add the cleaning crew like snails or cheap shrimp around 2 weeks or so. don't add anything expensive at that stage. but if you add the cleaning crew, I think you should do water changes more often, like maybe 10% each day or every other day. for fish, I would wait 2 months. but again, only if the plants are doing well and growing well. after the tank has reached balance, you don't have to change the water often. maybe 25% each week. it really depends on how well your plants do. your tank could reach balance in 2 ~ 3 months, or maybe a little earlier.
Rahul N
Rahul N - 7 years ago
I have a 8litre bowl and the substrate or gravel is of it ok.plz reply
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, that should work, too.
saurav sharma
saurav sharma - 7 years ago
today i bought fish pot. within 5 hours all 4 fish died. i dont know why.
Miguel Castro Silverio
Miguel Castro Silverio - 7 years ago
Hola muy bonito trabajo, pero las peceras de bola no son muy adecuadas para los peces. Un cordial saludo.
Gaia Carney
Gaia Carney - 7 years ago
Thank you very much for creating & sharing this! This approach is new to me, usually aquariums make me cry
•it’s Blue•
•it’s Blue• - 7 years ago
Dose anyone else find this beautifully relaxing?
probo sanjoyo
probo sanjoyo - 7 years ago
i love it
Tiffany Chan
Tiffany Chan - 7 years ago
Is that a heater at the back? Your bowl looks crystal clear! :D How do you get rid of the algae?
AquaTerra-Life - 7 years ago
Wow, this looks really awesome! Maybe I should get me such a bowl, too. Thanks for sharing, I really love to see the progress.
Heliogenesis - 7 years ago
I wanna be your fish
Sparklygalaxywolf - 7 years ago
I recommend to have a filter in each tank or bowl
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
he was pineapple super delta betta.
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 7 years ago
How did you manage the algae ?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
healthy and fast growing plants release chemicals to fight off the algae. also the clean up crew help. check out my planted series in the playlist. the "secrets revealed" icon one explains a little more.
B - eepz
B - eepz - 7 years ago
What did you feed your betta? I want to know cuz I want to make something like this but smaller, contains mostly egeria najas.0
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I fed him 3 different types of pellets mostly. hikari betta biogold was his favorite.
Patchwork The Noodle
Patchwork The Noodle - 7 years ago
Ok, now THIS is acceptable! He seems very happy :)
chevyengine307 - 7 years ago
How you keep the glass clean
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I have a mini magnetic algae cleaner. but if the plants are doing very well, and your tank is balanced, there shouldn't be much algae. I hardly had to clean this bowl. check out my next video about the bowl. the thumbnail says, "secrets revealed"
Russell Alami
Russell Alami - 7 years ago
Very very beautiful
Ug AZTA - 7 years ago
Sooooo beautiful and large bowl...
Zuzanna Gębicka
Zuzanna Gębicka - 7 years ago
The sphere-shaped aquarium is very harmful to fish and more specifically to their sidewalk. (Read online)
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
This concern has been addressed too many times for me get into it. what you say holds water in some cases, but it is not absolute, imo. I usually try to take "online" information with a grain of salt. my betta was fine in this bowl.
Tania Orca
Tania Orca - 7 years ago
Aquarium is too small
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's over 7 gallons.
Literally fry heaven
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
no animal should be kept I a bowl not evan shrimp this is abuse bettas need a bare minimum of 10 gallons PLZ UPGRADE THE TANK TO PROPER SIZE FOR YOUR STOCKING THIS LIKE KEEPING A DOG IN A CLOSET THERE HOLE LIFE
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn bettas should have more horizontal space
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
this is walstad method - over 7 gallon bowl as mentioned in the video. the plants the filter.
Le Passant
Le Passant - 7 years ago
I knew it was a gymnopedie at the first notes, Satie is pretty much recognizable even for me
Esha Jagdeo
Esha Jagdeo - 7 years ago
So beautiful
Riyaz Mananadhar
Riyaz Mananadhar - 7 years ago
How do u do the water change weekly?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I usually used a cup to gently remove and add water. if I was doing big water change like 50%, I just used a hose.
Betty Crocker-Page
Betty Crocker-Page - 7 years ago
Jahangir Ali
Jahangir Ali - 7 years ago
I thought this was going to be a video about growing plants without farts. I was intrigued. Then I watched and learned I was wrong...
Nemo7The7Pirate7 - 7 years ago
the way he expectedly looks up...

100. comment for No Filter, No CO2, No Ferts Bowl - 6 Months Growth (My first ever)

Blumac5 - 7 years ago
For some reason I wish I lived in that bowl
JohnTaylor Pelletier
JohnTaylor Pelletier - 7 years ago
Looks super cool I would like to try it with me fish nice video as well really pretty
Steven Dawood
Steven Dawood - 7 years ago
Shrimp eat fish sometimes
Gus - 7 years ago
The fastest 4 minutes of my life.
Ryan Rafter
Ryan Rafter - 7 years ago
Ermahgerd! No ferting! Its disgersting! Don't fert in the fishberl!!
Padol Véreš
Padol Véreš - 7 years ago
3:08 he is so cute with its peeping eyes :)))
keepan2 - 7 years ago
The ph would be high as fuck
hotiee Senfayyy
hotiee Senfayyy - 7 years ago
nyah nobody
nyah nobody - 7 years ago
This is so peacful wow
Janet Mai
Janet Mai - 7 years ago
Barbyl W
Barbyl W - 7 years ago
Now that's the way they're supposed to live. Gorgeous!
Koushik Sarkar
Koushik Sarkar - 7 years ago
why there is no algae?? mine is full of algae in just 2 weeks, please suggest something to get rid from algaes.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if you did the walstad method like me, soil with gravel cap setup without filter, I think it's your led light. I used a cfl light. low watt led lights can accelerate algae growth quite a lot. I would change it to a cfl. 2 watts per gallon rule. have you seen my video explaining this bowl?
Koushik Sarkar
Koushik Sarkar - 7 years ago
I do same as you do, plants are HM, STAR GRASS & AMAZON PLANT, Have some new born Molly , a 9 watt led that runs 6-7 hours a day,I even change water per week but algaes grow noticeably, what should I do to stop this algaes??
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if you give me more details about your setup, I might be able to help more.
Seda Şeyli
Seda Şeyli - 7 years ago
Where’d the shrimps come from
Seda Şeyli
Seda Şeyli - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn Looks really nice
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I added them 2 1/2months in.
Christine Ong
Christine Ong - 7 years ago
how does it stay clean? it looks hard to maintain, but really nice
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the healthy and fast growing plants take care of the algae. also the nerite snails amano shrimps help. this is the lowest maintenance tank I've ever kept.
lucas Emilio
lucas Emilio - 7 years ago
Hoe do you change the warter with all those plants
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
for small water changes, I used a cup to gently add and remove the water. for big water change, i used a hose, like any usual water change.
Alice w
Alice w - 7 years ago
After watched this video,I want to have one this in my future
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago
Rhizoclonum algae take over my tank but my plant still growing. My tank is already 7 weeks. My question is, will algae go away by itself once my plants establish? I did blackout and it does nothing to this algae. I dont want to resort to checmical use like excel. What do you think? My val growing fast
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn one more thing, my led dimmer have dawn mode,sunny mode, to night mode. I set them all to white light with difference intensity. Should i just set all of it to same intensity throughout the day?
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn i had many dwarf sag in those empty spaces, but since it all covered by this algae i had to removed them. I used ada amazonia soil. So what i should do is siphone loose algae , water change, experiment with lighting, and wait for my plants to take over? Got it, thx for your help
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Ok, just saw your pics. yea, algae has spread quite a lot. at this point, what I would do is take your betta out temporarily while cleaning the tank. I would use a toothbrush and manually remove all the algae. do 50% water change and siphon out all the lose algae. one of the reasons you're getting algae is there's lots of open space without plants in the front section of the tank. all that open space is just soil. plant soil is it? that'll leach out lots of nutrients and all that nutrient is staying in the water. the nutrients need to to be taken up by the plants or else algae will use it. until the plants are growing well, you gotta do a little more frequent water changes to get rid of the extra nutrients the soil is leaching out. after cleaning, I would put more plants in the open space in the front. or if you don't want to risk getting more plants, you gotta do more frequent water changes...I would do 30% every 3~4 days. and yea, experiment with the dimmer and duration. from the picture, it's impossible to tell how bright the light actually is b/c the camera automatically adjusts the brightness for the picture.
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago , here you go. I just try my LED dimmer today
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
phosphates help grow algae, but it also helps plants to grow. with led dimmer, you might have to play around with the brightness and duration and see how things react. again, maybe if you let me see your tank, I might be able to help more.
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago
I checked my tap water for phosphates and it's pretty high. Do you think I should switch to RO water? Also i bought LED dimmer, Should i increase lighting duration? since im reducing lighting intensity
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
liquid carbon will help, but I think it'll also help the algae. I couldn't say if you should start over since I've never seen your tank. but if you think the algae problem is too great and you can't fight it, yea, resetting might be the only option.
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn im planning to dose liquid carbon and see how my plant do. What do you think? Or should i tear down my tank and start all over?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yea, if there's algae and plants growing at the same time, algae will win over every time. only defense plants have are by releasing chemicals to fight off the algae. that's why in nature, when the plants are very healthy, algae can't take over the plants, but will grow on rocks and branches and whatnot. but only the healthy and fast growing plants will be able to release enough chemicals to fight off algae. if the plants aren't healthy or grow too slowly, they can't fight off the algae. if there are enough healthy plants in the tank, algae won't even grow on rocks or branches b/c the entire tank water is full of algae fighting plant chemicals. but that usually takes lots of plants. if you look at very lush and successful algae free tanks on youtube or on the internet, you can see that the entire tank is full of plants. that's why algae can't grow. if you're dosing with ferts each week, the ferts must be taken up by the plants. so at the end of the week, if the you get more algae growth instead of more plant growth, you gotta do big water change to get rid of the ferts. for the light duration, it's a balance you gotta achieve for your specific tank. it'll depend on whether you're dosing co2, water volume, how many plants you have, and how much you dose ferts. as mentioned in the video, I did 13 hours of CFL light a day for the first 2 months, then 12 hours of CFL thereafter. this is pretty much unheard of anywhere on youtube or the internet. but it worked for my specific setup. growing plants can be really easy or it can be very difficult if algae outgrows the plants. sometimes by luck, everything'll work out, and other times if you're constantly fighting algae, it can be very frustrating. I personally never won against the algae when it took over the tank. I have successfully killed off 100% of the algae by using algaecide, but they came back 2 weeks later with full force. so it's all about balance and initially winning the battle against algae so that the plants grow fast and healthy and take care of themselves by releasing algae fighting chemicals. There is a method where you dose lots of ferts, then one week later, do a huge water change. repeat this each week. this method can grow plants reaaly fast. but this method might not work for you since algae is already established. I have also used hydrogen peroxide to kill off cyano bacteria and algae by spot bombing them, and that gave enough time for the plants to establish themselves and the those spots, the algae didn't grow.
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago
First month, I turned my lighting on for 8-10 hours (too much i know).Put ferts once a week. And then diatom appear on glass and my nerite snail get rid of it pretty fast. Then it start to appear this brown hair algae (small amount) on vals and didnt cause any harm. At the same time , there's BGA (cynanobacteria) hijacked my dwarf sag and started to spread all over substrate and plants. As a last resort , I did blackout treatment and it's gone and never come back. My plants was a bit lethargic (yellowish and some dying leaves) but its doing okay now. And then this brown hair algae suddenly growing fast and spread everywhere. My theory is they took over when my plants were weak. I did ferts last week and my plants seem growing well but so did the algae.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
with, led lights, finding the right balance can be hard to pinpoint b/c every manufacturer's leds are different. even what wattage for what volume of tank can be nearly impossible to say. I think if the algae is growing too fast, I would suggest dimming the led to a lower setting and see what happens. but it could other things that might be off. the reason algae growth happens is b/c there are lots of nutrients in the water, but the plants aren't absorbing them enough, so the algae grows.
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago ,im using this lighting and my tank dimension 60x30x35 cm. Is it too strong?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's hard to say without knowing your setup. sounds like your light is too strong maybe, or it's wrong type of led. only way I know is to physically remove them, then maybe spot bomb it with hydrogen peroxide. or I guess you could bomb your tank with algaecide. but they will come back if something is still off in your tank. Your plants should take in most of the nutrients and release chemicals to fight algae. if the algae is winning, it can be very difficult to reverse it.
artificial authenticity
artificial authenticity - 7 years ago
2:05 me when someone mentions pizza
Cool Whip
Cool Whip - 7 years ago
3:04 “look at my bubble best!!!”
PPLAWAK - 7 years ago
Why the water not dirty? Did you always clean it
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I hardly cleaned it. the healthy and fast growing plants take care of the bowl on their own.
Moo - 7 years ago
I wish this never ended :')
boo 23
boo 23 - 7 years ago
Got giving hate but try a Square tank
boo 23
boo 23 - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn oh ok
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I did move my betta b/c the vallisneria took over the bowl.
Glimmer Carlson
Glimmer Carlson - 7 years ago
A beautiful example of how a fish bowl can be a wonderful thing. Today it's almost become an automatic response to yell NOOO to fish bowls. The Waltstad method is brilliant! Do you ever perform water changes or do you just top up the water? Thank you for this lovely update!
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
after the plants were established, 2~3 months, I only did 10~25% water changes a week.
Felipe Lz
Felipe Lz - 7 years ago
Poor fish!
hearts4bboy - 7 years ago
its so peaceful i was lost in the video when you were feeding your beta fish lol, awesome tank!
kreadiv - 7 years ago
this was so peaceful and interesting, the music was lovely, reminded me of howls moving castle.
EaZzy Win
EaZzy Win - 7 years ago
C'est un beau bordel la dedans xD
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Riccardo - 7 years ago
What about the algae on the glass of the tank?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if the plants are growing well and fast, they'll release chemicals to fight off the algae. also snails and amano shrimp help.
eddyy132 - 7 years ago
annaimc 2016
annaimc 2016 - 7 years ago
By the way can you please guide me how to set up a planted aquarium
annaimc 2016
annaimc 2016 - 7 years ago
my email
annaimc 2016
annaimc 2016 - 7 years ago
FaZe The Incredible Hunk ZombieSlayer
FaZe The Incredible Hunk ZombieSlayer - 7 years ago
I could watch this all day!
FaZe The Incredible Hunk ZombieSlayer
FaZe The Incredible Hunk ZombieSlayer - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the music is in the description. check there.
Alexis Young
Alexis Young - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed this video. So satisfying
cnidarian c
cnidarian c - 7 years ago
That's a beautiful aquarium. Nice work with the video too. I actually felt really relaxed watching it. Thank you.
조윤경 - 7 years ago
This is sooooo beautiful. You are talented at growing something. Subcribed!
Geofrey Hervin GG
Geofrey Hervin GG - 7 years ago
This video just added one new hobby to my profile
K Bye.
K Bye. - 7 years ago
Seeing the bubble nest made soooo uncomfortable. lol
Robin Schatten
Robin Schatten - 7 years ago
Whats the name of the plant that are swimming on the water?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
duckweed and salvania are the floating plants.
Aurélie Camontes
Aurélie Camontes - 7 years ago
Put a fish in a bowl ? Yeh worst idea ever. .. pls don't do that and go do some research before getting fish ty
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
this is over 7 gallons, as mentioned in the video, for one betta.
Lucy dogborn
Lucy dogborn - 7 years ago
good idea fir shrimp, never have to feed your betta again XD
Harish Gupta
Harish Gupta - 7 years ago
One of the list satisfying videos ever.
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
this is amazing.
vince King
vince King - 7 years ago
My gravel is too shallow...
David coelho
David coelho - 7 years ago
What I'm doing here? I don't even have a fish hahaha
Leo1239150 - 7 years ago
Nicolas Coorens
Nicolas Coorens - 7 years ago
poor fish in a little jar ! fucking humans
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's mentioned in the video. it's over 7 gallons.
Debashis Deuri
Debashis Deuri - 7 years ago
Little fella ❤
Knight - 7 years ago
which fish you have put in it that black one ?
Knight - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's oto cat. I had two in the bowl.
BlckCloud73 - 7 years ago
The fish "specialists" at Pet Smart are going nuts over this.
ruskinlumbs - 7 years ago
I was wondering how you attached the heater to the wall of the bowl? you've inspired me
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I used a heater cover. the suction cup on the heater cover helped.
Firebelias12 - 7 years ago
Fish Story
Fish Story - 7 years ago
Nice I created a neon tetra tank.
Kikle Nguyễn
Kikle Nguyễn - 7 years ago
You should add a female beta in there. That fish looks sad
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
they might fight. he was happy b/c the entire bowl was his property. bettas aren't schooling fish.
sibi sanjay
sibi sanjay - 7 years ago
Wow Amazing! I would eliminate the unnecessary stuffs you removed.
Adis Ristiyanti
Adis Ristiyanti - 7 years ago
So relaxing while watching this video. I really love it.
milan gurung
milan gurung - 7 years ago
This fish dont have friends
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
he's a male betta. it's hard to put another betta in there.
American horror GOREY
American horror GOREY - 7 years ago
How many hours of light? I just switched to low tech from co2 setup. That looks beautiful.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I did 13 hours for the first 2 months, then 12 hours thereafter. might want to check this video out:
rabbitears2006 - 7 years ago
That is an amazingly beautiful bowl!! I would love to have one myself, do you have any recommendations?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
thanks. check out this video:
lulu veloy
lulu veloy - 7 years ago
This music make me want to kill myself
Trey - 7 years ago
The music and the video is amazing, I will build my first aquarium like yours - this Autumn with my dad, thanks for the inspiration.

Your fish look happy, say hi to her/he, Trey from Bern, Switzerland.
Dharaneeswar Reddy
Dharaneeswar Reddy - 7 years ago
Wow... You created Nature
kreng victoriano
kreng victoriano - 7 years ago
Where are those shrimp came from? Did you put it in there?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes. after 2 1/2 months of setting it up.
Mr. Paul
Mr. Paul - 7 years ago
so cool! i love it
Heisenberg - 7 years ago
amazing!!! @foo the flowerhorn...i ws inspired by your design and came up with this ( because i couldnt find organic garden soil, I used existing controsoil.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
looks great!
EyeKnowWhere YouLive
EyeKnowWhere YouLive - 7 years ago
The blue, red, and yellow shrimp will breed and it won't look pretty, I suggest keeping one and having it live with the crystal shrimp.
ziranshu Zhang
ziranshu Zhang - 7 years ago
how to deal with aelge in this bowl?
Gaming Lucario
Gaming Lucario - 7 years ago
Hey check this out.... a very good moderate aquascaped discus fish tank......!!!
Honey Lemon Queen
Honey Lemon Queen - 7 years ago
1:43 rip shrimp
BlackPage - 7 years ago
Does it ever get to a point where you don't have to change the water?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it can if the balance is nearly perfect. but I changed water once a week even after everything was in pretty good balance. just for the peace of mind.
TheSexsar - 7 years ago
good job.. I want to be that fish
Wickedluck - 7 years ago
Is it just me or I find this satisfying
Kristine N.
Kristine N. - 7 years ago
trypophobia warning 2:58 I jumped from my chair looking at the bubbles TT_TT
Alex Fish
Alex Fish - 7 years ago
It’s amazing how you can do that. I like your dragon scale make betta( just a guess)
Adam Venn
Adam Venn - 7 years ago
Why did you do the water change on day 2? I have similar cloudy water and im trying to establish if its the natural cycle or something else...
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
that's the day I planted the plants. I disturbed the soil while planting, so the water became cloudy. I did a huge water change to get rid of it.
قناة ماهر - maher channel
قناة ماهر - maher channel - 7 years ago
Give them a cubic inch of water to swim. They are fish not monkeys. They need water not bushes
Keith Kogane
Keith Kogane - 7 years ago
you dont know what youre talking about
obviously the tank has water, PLENTY water, and it does need "bushes" for air filtration.
David L
David L - 7 years ago
So how do you go about cleaning the tank? Like changing the water and stuff? I'm afraid if I do that for my beta that it'll die...
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
this video might answer your questions
nk - 7 years ago
Tuto's bro..
Regina Phalange
Regina Phalange - 7 years ago
What all do I need to get this setup, if you don't mind? As far as heater, plant types, where'd you get your shrimp? My guys I have in just each in a one gallon tank. I live in a studio motel at the moment and cannot do bigger. I feel horrible. But, I take the best care and maintain the tanks well, they got nice hiding and such. They seem happy, but haven't built a bubble nest yet, it's really bothering me. I also don't have a heater, im worried putting one in such a small tank will over heat them. Would you recommend an heating pad or a light above the tank shining in? Thank you for any info you provide, if you provide.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
they sell small betta heaters on amazon or ebay. heaters would make them happier. I don't think light would heat up the water enough. check out this video:
it might answer lots of your questions. I got my shrimp online here and there a while back, sorry can't remember where.
Regina Phalange
Regina Phalange - 7 years ago
that's an amazing set up. So perfect for an betta. Id really like to get my two guys in this type. Thanks for the video.
Peter Tran
Peter Tran - 7 years ago
This is awesome
soldado junior infantaria costa
soldado junior infantaria costa - 7 years ago
IMBrown - 7 years ago
What kind of shrimp species do you have by chance?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the ones that did very well were amano and blue velvet. yellow and cherry did well, too. but CRS didn't do well.
Fishan Chips
Fishan Chips - 7 years ago
That betta looks so happy.
Rudy Yeye
Rudy Yeye - 7 years ago
Theres no space lol
gniewomir lol
gniewomir lol - 7 years ago
pretty, but bowls should be banned
me eating
me eating - 7 years ago
If I get 100 subscribers I will give out free dilldos
vivek guna
vivek guna - 7 years ago
Am i suppose to change water or no need ?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, check the description.
Iyram Zen
Iyram Zen - 7 years ago
why in the world is the tiny lobsters in there ?
o o
Thanh Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen - 7 years ago
with a system like this do you ever change or add water?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, check the description.
My fish is lonely
My fish is lonely - 7 years ago
You just gained a subscriber.
Black Country Piker
Black Country Piker - 7 years ago
Hi, I currently have a 60ltr biorb that's geared towards marine. It's really difficult to maintain this so was considering swopping over. If cleaned very well do you think it's possible to start something like what you have? Awesome transformation by the way
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, I'm pretty sure it'll work. wow, a planted 60ltr biorb would look awesome. check out this video before you start.
April Chan Sabio
April Chan Sabio - 7 years ago
You don't have to clean the bowl ehh???
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
after the plants have been established, and there's a good balance, it doesn't need cleaning. there should be hardly any algae. check the description for more details. and also check out this video
Look at This Fish
Look at This Fish - 7 years ago
Wow, this is amazing! It's the beauty of projects like this that got me into the hobby to begin with. That is a beautiful tank you have there. Subscribing for sure!
Dopy Yogi
Dopy Yogi - 7 years ago
Will this work on a big tank ? It's practically building an eco system that won't need anything to keep the creatures alive that's amazing
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes it can.
Asish Pradhan
Asish Pradhan - 7 years ago
Hey..did anyone notice the fish at 3.29 looked as a Buddhist monk ..
ChinchillaInTheHeat - 7 years ago
this video has a very minecraft feel
rogermocca - 7 years ago
That lonely fish. I feel sorry about that
{ Rhea }
{ Rhea } - 7 years ago
RussianDoggo NeiDogoo They're very territorial, and would fight over space!
Samsara OJO Neibolt
Samsara OJO Neibolt - 7 years ago
* Rhea * I don't think he has heard that two Bettas would fight each other for their "beauty" if I'm correct*might be wrong though*.
{ Rhea }
{ Rhea } - 7 years ago
rogermocca Bettas are not social-dependant animals. Trust me, they don't really like eachother. I think you're projecting human desires onto a fish lol.
Raj F
Raj F - 7 years ago
Beautiful!! Indeed.
Hannah Claire
Hannah Claire - 7 years ago
look at the sweet little baby so proud of his bubble nest!!
laila otineru
laila otineru - 7 years ago
Absolutely amazing!!! Loved the entire vid!!
Faizal Abdillah
Faizal Abdillah - 7 years ago
betta were known for thriving insufficient oxygen supply
El Virus
El Virus - 7 years ago
The music is so sad :-(
But the video is so beautiful :)
lenastar12 - 7 years ago
Normally they dnt eat shimp
Yes Vord
Yes Vord - 7 years ago
Like por haber usado gymnopedia :')
Dheel Adheel
Dheel Adheel - 7 years ago
wow, this is beautiful
olaPRASINAgiatre - 7 years ago
What did you use for the plants?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the list is in the description of this video:
Micha - 7 years ago
Don't know why but combination of this music and watching that lonely fish made me sad :o
slyy - 7 years ago
I just made one of these with a dragonscale male and he loves but for some odd reason he hates me everytime i walk over to the tank he flares up
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I guess maybe your betta is very dominant and protective of "his" bowl.
BastiSkills - 7 years ago
Des is a no good aquarium
Gabriel Camargo
Gabriel Camargo - 7 years ago
the beta looks like he's saying 'I made this bubble nest, I'm proud'
OneVidButMostSubs - 7 years ago
betta's aren't livestock :/
Jung Shin
Jung Shin - 7 years ago
So peaceful, I can watch this all day☺️
Yuri Dimitrov
Yuri Dimitrov - 7 years ago
it was the best fish bowl I've ever seen
Cade Christopher
Cade Christopher - 7 years ago
Lucas 300
Lucas 300 - 7 years ago
Dear Diary, now 7 weeks are over and i dont know what to do. Still waiting.

3 Month later, im loosing my mind, where am I, wo am I !

5 Month later, still waiting... Im trying to figure out, How to escape...
Vinu Balan
Vinu Balan - 7 years ago
wow. liked the greeny atmosphere inside the bowl. very pleasant visual and stress relieving. only disturbing was beta consuming the offsprings of the shrimps
Ryan Carter
Ryan Carter - 7 years ago
awesome vid bud loved it
David Nairn
David Nairn - 7 years ago
very nice, but you need to give him a girlfriend
Riverend DelPiero
Riverend DelPiero - 7 years ago
I masterbaited to this
Zero -.
Zero -. - 7 years ago
poor lil guy, it seems lonely
{ Rhea }
{ Rhea } - 7 years ago
Zero -. Betta fish don't get lonely.
Mark McColl
Mark McColl - 7 years ago
That's amazing, you essentially created your own ecosystem.
Max Fitzgerald
Max Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
Beautiful really awesome
Hessel Bleeker
Hessel Bleeker - 7 years ago
Shalini Benjamin
Shalini Benjamin - 7 years ago
One of the most satisfying's beautiful. ..just one question.. how do you clean the bowl? Change water?
Arjen West
Arjen West - 7 years ago
How comes you dont get algue problems without adding co2 with that many plants?
stimpypvp fanboy
stimpypvp fanboy - 7 years ago
how isnt the tank filthy?
Christian Ortiz
Christian Ortiz - 7 years ago
beautiful!! greetings from Chile!!!!!!
incredible - 7 years ago
that little dude lived a happy live
gedasma - 7 years ago
Jesus, if the little fishy died in the end I would have bawled my eyes out.

shrimp as well...
Abhinandan Kundu
Abhinandan Kundu - 7 years ago
itsss greattttttttttt....which soil you have used?
John Kennedy
John Kennedy - 7 years ago
I have three low techs up and running as we speak. Can you please answer two questions for me? Did you ever have protein "film" on the water surface (im having this issue on all my tanks)? Can these low tech 10gal + aquariums be successful without a powerhead pump? Thank you.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, that's surface bio-film. mostly bacteria. the tank is heading toward balance. my setups got bio-film for 2 months or so. after that nearly none. but still some here and there from time to time. you can use paper towel to remove them, or I just used a cup to remove them. cup method was better. that was the 5% water change I mentioned in the description on one of my videos. this method can be done in 10g or bigger, but only thing is that in bigger tanks without powerhead there could be cold spots without moving the water around. regular heater might only heat part of the tank. you probably need to use under gravel wire heaters if you're gonna go no powerhead route.

it's important that the plants do well from the beginning. starting with lots plants would yield better result, IMO. or starting with few plants that grow very fast.
Amber Doodles
Amber Doodles - 7 years ago
Where did you get a bowl like that?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's in the description. check there.
Marie Lohr
Marie Lohr - 7 years ago
How often did you clean the bowl?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check the description.
Vandal94 - 7 years ago
Does it need water change
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check the description.
Kamodoo - 7 years ago
I am sad for the fish bc hes probably bored :(
shres - 7 years ago
its day 3rd of my Walstad tank and the entire aquarium water has a brownish water. Is that ok or did I mess it up?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if it's little brown, it's ok. if it's very brown, I would do 50% water change if there's no livestock.
El Heavy - Oficial
El Heavy - Oficial - 7 years ago
¡¡It's so beautiful!!
Mike Bircher
Mike Bircher - 7 years ago
I'd like to see with with some white clouds in it. Or some Endler's guppies.
Irshad Irshad
Irshad Irshad - 7 years ago
Name of plant ??
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the list can be found in the description of this video:
The gallant dor
The gallant dor - 7 years ago
Also what does the shrimp eat?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I fed them hikari shrimp pellets and boiled spinach.
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
This is fascinating, I would try this but I take the bettas out at a certain point. It was really crowded
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yea, I moved him to another tank. check the description for more details. or the first pinned comment.
rotten kat
rotten kat - 7 years ago
peaceful 4:07 seconds of my life
Tamila West
Tamila West - 7 years ago
How do you make this tank?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Nerfing Maniac
Nerfing Maniac - 7 years ago
awesome! i love what you've done
kavinraj viprapathy
kavinraj viprapathy - 7 years ago
very beautiful. i need like that. i want tips for grow. what r the liquid using. what are the plant s are place. tell that name. like that tips. please sent that
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
this video should answer most of your questions.
onemilestone - 7 years ago
what kind of fishes can be put inside ?
should we put any food for it ?
is sunlight enough if there is no light setting
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
you could probably do very small fish like guppies or bettas. I fed my betta pellets every day. doing only sunlight is very difficult to do. check out this video. it might answer more of your questions.
SpreadTheLaugh - 7 years ago
So sad lonely fish =(
Wanda Sidalge Castillo
Wanda Sidalge Castillo - 7 years ago
This was so peaceful and beautiful to watch
Hunter - 7 years ago
People stay complaining about bettafish living in bowls but little do they know wild Bettas live in puddles...
Kolli Rahuldavid
Kolli Rahuldavid - 7 years ago
Where do u buy those types of plants can u please share the links and list out what kind of plants are better for bowl and normal aquarium
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the list is in the description of this video
I bought them online here and there a while back. sorry can't remember where.
VeryAngryBird - 7 years ago
Tap Tap Fish IRL
Jon T
Jon T - 7 years ago
That poor fish having nowhere to swim. ☹️
UPSET LAB - 7 years ago
devdas - 7 years ago
wow! the bowl is very good and i love the crawfish and the fish, they are sooo cute!!!
Sulfuric Acid H2SO4
Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 - 7 years ago
he alredy had a buble nest,why don't you give him a mate?
Sulfuric Acid H2SO4
Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I'm not really into breeding.
john eric santiago
john eric santiago - 7 years ago
You made it beautiful. But its so sad to be alone there hahaha
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
thanks. he's male betta. I can't put more bettas for they'll fight.
Polly Ngo
Polly Ngo - 7 years ago
Can I ask what did you feed it at 0:56, I'm raising 2 betta(s) and feeding them protein pellet but they don't seem to like it... They eat very little and they look skinny :(
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
that's newborn mealworms. they are very hard to find. I contacted a mealworm breeder to sell me the newborns. if your bettas aren't eating pellets, you might have to try another kind. some bettas are picky eaters. the food that ALL bettas will love is frozen bloodworms. try that. I'm sure they'll eat it. the way I do it is, break off the bloodworm cubes, rinse them in tap water, and only feed little at a time. don't plop the frozen cube in the betta tank.
YOU BETTER STOP!! STOP - 7 years ago
Too small for betta fish. You need to research before getting a fish. Bettas may be small fish but they need a bigger tank.
Bigbang's Cutest Maknae Eva
Bigbang's Cutest Maknae Eva - 7 years ago
Betta needs 2.5 gallon, and that is 7 gallon! The betta must be very happy because the bowl is very nice
RedDiamondz - 7 years ago
elemental dragonwolf dumb fuck
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's mentioned in the video. this is over 7 gallon bowl.
Dewizzle - 7 years ago
Omg a bubble nest that's so cute
Papa LP
Papa LP - 7 years ago
Son of a bitch...
Raul Diego
Raul Diego - 7 years ago
awesome natural handmade work love it created good nature love it I'm inspired by you since I'm interested making one to
The End
The End - 7 years ago
no co2 know co2 is water right?
fck you
fck you - 7 years ago
The End .... H2O is water ?
MysticVids - 7 years ago
Day 69
Manae Matsubara
Manae Matsubara - 7 years ago
This video is so relaxing but yet full of excitement! I have a Terrarium that I've kept alive for almost a year now and I think this will be the next best challenge! I'm currently in college and the place I'm renting doesn't allow any pets so this will definitely be an awesome idea to try and get a sense that I'm taking care of and keeping something alive. I want to place it on my desk so I can look into the bowl during my study break(:
Thanks for sharing your videos and writing such great and thorough description in the box.
Bijith Bhaskar
Bijith Bhaskar - 7 years ago
Peace and harmony Dats all the the video
Marcos Vera
Marcos Vera - 7 years ago
Pobre pez.
Kip2GO - 7 years ago
Huh betta bowl, peasants....
I've got an alpha bowl
irism - 7 years ago
Miniscule! So pretty!
Jane Lin
Jane Lin - 7 years ago
That was awesome! I've never been so jealous of someone's fishbowl before!
It's an ecosystem!
Nathanaël TUMMERS
Nathanaël TUMMERS - 7 years ago
the bowl is to little to put a fish in there
Nathanaël TUMMERS
Nathanaël TUMMERS - 7 years ago
ok i thought it was a classic little bawl
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's over 7 gallons. it's a very big bowl in person.
Cool Big funky
Cool Big funky - 7 years ago
Nice now I going try it on my 250 gallon tank
Jackson Peck
Jackson Peck - 7 years ago
When it gets really green it starts to look like that scene in finding nemo where they try to get the tank really dirty

(But it still looks cool)
Clorox bleach squad
Clorox bleach squad - 7 years ago
Very cool but you should watch out for the species of shrimp before they start a shrimp hand xD
Sophia Violette
Sophia Violette - 7 years ago
how would you go upon starting a grow ??
Nurul Fildzah Zatalini
Nurul Fildzah Zatalini - 7 years ago
this is so satisfying
HALONUT101 - 7 years ago
One of the most relaxing things I've watched in a while .
Hot Water Videos
Hot Water Videos - 7 years ago
What did you heat it with?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
there was a 50w heater. you can see it in the beginning of the video.
REDCOOT 22 - 7 years ago
This is a very beautiful video!
Sad Walrus
Sad Walrus - 7 years ago
how do youneo water changes with all the plants lying around? beautiful bowl by the way
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I just used a cup to gently remove and add water.
I am Stupid kkk
I am Stupid kkk - 7 years ago
Day 286 I added piranhas
Mr. Unoriginal Memes
Mr. Unoriginal Memes - 7 years ago
Cool, but...

Why was this in my recommended
zezu zaza
zezu zaza - 7 years ago
if a person do like this hoby, he/she has soft heart
Aditya Raskar
Aditya Raskar - 7 years ago
How did it built nest if it was living alone and did ur betta gave eggs
Aditya Raskar
Aditya Raskar - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn then how they breed
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check out this video. it might answer most of your questions.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
no, you don't have to put a female. He'll just abandon the nest.
Aditya Raskar
Aditya Raskar - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn plz tell me how to decorate a bowl for betta without air filter and it the bulb compulsory for it?
Aditya Raskar
Aditya Raskar - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn ok so after the male builts the nest we have to put female in bowl
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
he's male. males build the nest and wait for a female.
Mr. Marooned
Mr. Marooned - 7 years ago
John Kennedy
John Kennedy - 7 years ago
It doesn't look like a 7.5gal tank. Maybe spheres are bigger than they appear on cam
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yea, this is a very big bowl if you saw it in person. there's no reference point to compare on the video. I guess it can look like a small bowl. I should've put our cat next to it like in the other video or something :) the diameter is 15 inches. that's around 7.5 gallons. but when considering the actual water level, it's probably less, but nobody says 10g aquarium as "actual water volume based on the water level" is...I suppose :)
in. awe
in. awe - 7 years ago
Sergio Parodi Vazquez
Sergio Parodi Vazquez - 7 years ago
It seems happy.
J C - 7 years ago
I would live in their it's so beautiful...
CaT Vee
CaT Vee - 7 years ago
That fish is literally so lucky.
Mikayla Snow
Mikayla Snow - 7 years ago
Was the music supposed to be sad?
Hatsune Miku
Hatsune Miku - 7 years ago
Sounds like minecraft music
monkaS - 7 years ago
i could make a mean minecraft house to this music
Hi Bye
Hi Bye - 7 years ago
You just wip up a new beta bowl growing with great plants and I can barely grow an amazon sword fml
munchichi8 - 7 years ago
When you said pearling in the video, is that when the plants give off O2 bubbles because of the sun?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Orian L.
Orian L. - 7 years ago
Where did you order the plants?
livii - 7 years ago
So you don't need a filter? So it's self sustained?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the plants are the filter. it is nearly self sustained, yes. but I do do water changes.
Davide Vagnozzi
Davide Vagnozzi - 7 years ago
can i activate the ViaAqua 50-Watt, only in winter?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
If your house keeps stable temps now, yea, I think so. check out this video before deciding :
Keine Pinghits
Keine Pinghits - 7 years ago
Really nice job, but please, If you can, move the fish into a cubic aquarium of some sort, round bowls are quite bad for the fish, Google it to find out more, I can't explain it properly right now.
TheSurlyScientist - 7 years ago
Keine Pinghits it isnt that bad. The bowl would only be bad if it was SMALL, and had no plants or anything in it. It also depends on the fish you put in it.
Little Tangerine
Little Tangerine - 7 years ago
How do you change out water?
Hydreigon the great
Hydreigon the great - 7 years ago
Dont you hate it when someone says something stupid and expects likes, like if you agree
Patty C
Patty C - 7 years ago
aw this made me really happy. so tired of seeing those poor beta fish at pet stores stuck in those super tiny, rediculous containers. even most people who own them (not all, but a lot in my experience) don't give them the best set up. thanks for posting this. it made me smile and I'm now a subscriber!
Patty C
Patty C - 7 years ago
sarea dawayen
sarea dawayen - 7 years ago
Just watching the video is so calming, gotta watch for more.
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 7 years ago
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 7 years ago
Normally, I wouldn't condone bowls. But under these conditions and care, I approve! :D
Dana Panda
Dana Panda - 7 years ago
This is beautiful... and the music is so's relaxing.
Pentor - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn thanks so much you the best!!
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check the description. I have the links there. for the plants, I got them online here and there. sorry, don't remember exactly where.
it’s time for brake at flake
it’s time for brake at flake - 7 years ago
I have the same thing but much bigger, since i placed a betta, ~22 neon tetras, 5 catfish, and a few ghost shrimp. by amazing coincidence, all the tetras were female, and the catfish were all male. I didnt even know the differences of the genders for the fish, so i expected some males and females.
Gabriel Codina
Gabriel Codina - 7 years ago
This is like the walstad method.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, it is. check out my new video explaining this bowl.
zyen ender
zyen ender - 7 years ago
do u put the shrimps?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, I added them 2 1/2months into the setup.
Gone Bad
Gone Bad - 7 years ago
that fish is lonely :(
Mystiicstory - 7 years ago
why does the music sound so sad like the betta fish was trapped in prison?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I think Satie brings out different emotions based on the day's mood. He was a male betta who was very territorial. this was 7.5 gallons - a pretty good territory size for a betta. I think he was happy b/c he got to protect his territory. and there were no intruders.
Brilliant Bettas
Brilliant Bettas - 7 years ago
Amazing set up and pretty fish! Worlds best fishbowl! Great video!
SpiritOfWolf91 - 7 years ago
I think the oto is breathing a little bit too heavy... And why was it alone?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
at 3:52, he was completely frozen because of the camera. it's really difficult to film fish. lots of times they don't do normal stuff, or in the oto's case completely freeze, or sometimes freak out. the otos lived there over 5 months or so fine. never sick, and always ate boiled spinach fine, and mostly they just grazed algae on plants all over the tank. they hung out together for a while in the beginning, then later, they just did their own stuff. all I can say is that there's more than one way to skin a cat, as they say, and sometimes conventional widsom isn't always completely true, I think.
SpiritOfWolf91 - 7 years ago
At 3:52 you can see it in the upper left corner. I know that otos are able to breathe atmospheric air, as well as bettas. But that seemed a little bit to much exhaution.
That many fish are able to live in a smaller group than recommendet is also clear. I had a Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki for two years, alone. Now I have a group of 18 and they behave completely different. They never stop nudging each other and lying in piles one over the other.
Your otos can't be too unhappy, otherwise they wouldn't have lived so long. I didn't know you had two of them, so it's alright. I just would have had a big problem, if it had been alone.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I don't think the oto was breathing heavily. sorry I don't see it. I added 2 ottos at around 2 1/2 months mark. they were still doing great after 7 months mark. contrary to popular belief, they can do fine in smaller numbers if the setup can support them. when I moved the tank to the 5 gallon high cube, I didn't move the otos with it b/c I wasn't confident they would do well in the new setup. I gave them to a LFS.
Arioska G.
Arioska G. - 7 years ago
My husband and I will try to replicate your work on this bowl. we will use a tank though. Do you think the shape of the container affects the project in any way?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
no, the shape doesn't matter. good luck.
TYGR115 - 7 years ago
Awww what a cute little fishy
King Nguyen
King Nguyen - 7 years ago
I think those plants only need lights to grow.
Husny Jati Nugroho
Husny Jati Nugroho - 7 years ago
Mar-See Yaaa
Mar-See Yaaa - 7 years ago
i honestly couldnt care any less about owning fish but this video was so relaxing
Mercedes T
Mercedes T - 7 years ago
that's so nice
NightmareNessii - 7 years ago
do you clean the bowl completly sometimes?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yea, someone else mentioned that in another video. I've never seen my betta distoriented. I think if the bow is small like 1~2 gallons, b/c the curvature is much higher, it could occur. also b/c there were lots of plants, maybe that helped my betta know where he was at all times. this bowl is huge if you saw it in person. it's 7.5 gallons. but maybe fast swimming fish like tetras might be more susceptible to disorientation problems in a small bowl. I've never seen my otos disoriented either.
NightmareNessii - 7 years ago
thanks for the quick answer! :) i heard a lot in forums that fishes shouldn't be kept in bowls because they don't have many orientation points. whats your opinion? is it different with betta fish?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
no, I never did. the biggest change to the bowl was 50% water change. I did that rarely. usually smaller water changes. I only did 50% during first 2 months when the water became too brown. for planted tanks, I wouldn't go bigger than 50% water change.
CP - 7 years ago
This is one of my favorite videos.So relaxing nice music Thanks
not Ainsley
not Ainsley - 7 years ago
That choice of song made the video sound sad
Caro PerRod
Caro PerRod - 7 years ago
Loooved you video❤️
HeadlessTheHeadcrab - 7 years ago
What type of shrimp did you use, because I've never heard of a freshwater shrimp. And crayfish don't count as shrimp.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
there are lots of different kinds of fresh water shrimp for fresh water hobby. I got bunch of different kinds of shrimp b/c I was a novice with the shrimp.
Angel305 - 7 years ago
Can somebody tell me what "pearling" is? I didn't find any comment about it in the comment section nor in the description.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes it can. in the bowl though, cfl never made it do that to that degree.
Angel305 - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn doesn't that happen without sunlight, too?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's when plants release oxygen bubbles.
b3m oney
b3m oney - 7 years ago
This is so beautiful i cried :,) thanks for the vid m8
Tyler Kirkes
Tyler Kirkes - 7 years ago
Do you keep your lamp on 24/7 or do you turn it off at night?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I had it on a timer, around 12 hours a day.
Silagane - 7 years ago
How do you keep it clean or how tf do you clean it? Or how do you put in new water?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check out my new video, it should answer your q's.
adrian gonzalez
adrian gonzalez - 7 years ago
That's a beauty bowl , but now is like a jungle haha maybe you need to get a 10 gallon tank and transfer all plants
John Kennedy
John Kennedy - 7 years ago
Looksso clean. Prob requires algae scrubbing every other day
John Kennedy
John Kennedy - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn i bought bio active live gravel. Should I add soil along with the gravel? I seen your other vid saying you used top soil for the square vase plants (those are awesome btw)?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
don't start it yet. I'll be uploading a detailed video on it in a day or two. watch that first, then try it.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
after the plants got established, I never cleaned it. only water changes here and there. this was the lowest maintenance setup I've ever kept. the 5 gallon one was even better.
Ve Vee
Ve Vee - 7 years ago
Its a beautiful tank Im surprised he didnt try to eat the adult shrimp!
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 7 years ago
Just sent you a message about algal turf scrubbers, which operate much the same as plants, but remove the algae.
Ribz X
Ribz X - 7 years ago
idk why i cried lol
Simon Walter
Simon Walter - 7 years ago
Now that was hypnotizing to watch. Thank you very much for that. Faszinating and beautyfull
Agatka Grzyb
Agatka Grzyb - 7 years ago
looks amazing! your fishy is probably very happy there.
hanna guist
hanna guist - 7 years ago
G.G Nameless
G.G Nameless - 7 years ago
Your beta is beautiful
G.G Nameless
G.G Nameless - 7 years ago
As a matter of fact, the entire pond is
Bebo18 - 7 years ago
Great video!
Toby Rannamaa
Toby Rannamaa - 7 years ago
How did you change water?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I used a cup to gently remove and add water.
Sor Sor Science07
Sor Sor Science07 - 7 years ago
look at that happy little guy in there.
Raffy A.
Raffy A. - 7 years ago
I kinda wanna transform into a fish so I can live in it.. It's so serene.
Anna Kowal
Anna Kowal - 7 years ago
What its that song?
Tem Mie
Tem Mie - 7 years ago
What's the name of the music ?
Connie Young
Connie Young - 7 years ago
Unfortunatel, I am unable to find any aquariums of this size and shape within my price range. is a 3 gallon bowl good enough for this?
Connie Young
Connie Young - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn okay thank you, i actually looked a bit more and I was able to find a perfect 6 gallon glass bowl for around $25 :)
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it might be possible. but I don't know if you can fit a small enough heater in there. if you can find one, it might work.
Ganbare Goemon
Ganbare Goemon - 7 years ago
Ivan Janitra
Ivan Janitra - 7 years ago
You need to make vlog about your fish tank
Nate Cue
Nate Cue - 7 years ago
You know I kinda feel bad thinking about how the fish have that space only and no where else to go which is sad and scary
khaki91 - 7 years ago
Nate Cue the bowl is 7 gallon. Plenty of space. A lot of bettas I know live in a gallon tank and are perfectly healthy.
Nate Cue
Nate Cue - 7 years ago
Just Breathe Well I guess you are right but they do live in a bigger space in their habitat
Just Breathe
Just Breathe - 7 years ago
Nate Cue you're a big human looking from the outside. of course it seems small to you lol.
Nate Cue
Nate Cue - 7 years ago
The music goes with it
tia - 7 years ago
this is beautiful (´∀`)♡ I admire the creator so much
Abhijeet Chaudhari
Abhijeet Chaudhari - 7 years ago
How often do you changed water?
Abhijeet Chaudhari
Abhijeet Chaudhari - 7 years ago
How much gallon bowl it is?...also put video of for setting up this bowl
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's mentioned in the video, 7.5 gallons. also if you check the description, everything should be answered there.
Kalyan chakravarthy
Kalyan chakravarthy - 7 years ago
how does the water is so clear even after 5 months. doesn't u change the water??
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I did change the water once a week after 2~3 months. also the plants keep the water very clean.
Anisa Hna
Anisa Hna - 7 years ago
is therw anyone who has played Cube Escapw before? the BGM in this video reminds me of it and make me feel a bit afraid/?
javier arancibia
javier arancibia - 7 years ago
Anisa Hna what a great game! Seasons is one of my favourites (with Case 23)
Aniket Shetty
Aniket Shetty - 7 years ago
looks beautiful ! so there is no cleaning required ? the water doesn't get dirty after a few days ? ( I'm sorry if this is a stupid question )
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
after the plants have been established, which could take 2~3 months, and if the plants are growing and healthy, there's no cleaning. but I still did weekly water changes.
Carrieanna Blanchette
Carrieanna Blanchette - 7 years ago
if anyone asks what my aesthetic is its this video.
Nader Jaber
Nader Jaber - 7 years ago
Beautiful video
Vall 19
Vall 19 - 7 years ago
really??? you don't change the water after 1 week?...

and what are you doing, to keep water always clean.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
no, I changed water. check the description for more details on water change. after 2~3 months, I didn't do anything. the healthy growing plants release chemicals that fight algae growth naturally.
pratik pratik
pratik pratik - 7 years ago
Without fertilizer how plant grows ?? what u feed them ??
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the organic soil provides much of the nutrients. also fish food and waste contribute.
Acacia Rogers Art
Acacia Rogers Art - 7 years ago
Holy plants! Yup that's a lot of grass lol. Very cool. Your shrimp are pretty too
Kunal Seth
Kunal Seth - 7 years ago
I have a Bowl that is almost Half the Size of your Bowl... but i doubt if the Heater would fit in that Bowl.. I was wondering of doing the same thing to it, like how you had made this Bowl. Please suggest me of how i can go about doing this in a smaller bowl.. Thanks.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
hmm, without a heater, the temps will fluctuate, unless your house keeps same temps all year long. at temps lower than 26°C, the plants will grow slower. at temps over 28°C, the plants might not do well if they are not established yet.
Creative Animales
Creative Animales - 7 years ago
This is what I'm doing kind of I'm adding ghost Shrimp and moss balls
Oceanti - 7 years ago
That's amazing I can't believe this is your first!
83kaszas - 7 years ago
this is beautifull,how the heck u keep out the algaes?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it b/c the plants are healthy and growing. plants release chemicals that naturally fight algae. so many people have asked me this question. I guess I'll do a video in the near future on it.
Franklin Delano Bluth
Franklin Delano Bluth - 7 years ago
Song ?
GogolBordelloLover - 7 years ago
What a gentle betta, he eyeballed the mature shrimp and moved on. Mine went shamu rampage on my cherry shrimp, hunted every last one of them down! Then for a while after, kept checking their hiding places to see if any were left.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
savage! yea, each betta has different temperament, I think. mine didn't go after the adult shrimp, but hunted down every shrimplet he could find.
ngc charle
ngc charle - 7 years ago
did you changed the water ? or it is the same water for 6 month ?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I did. check the description for more details.
Peaceful RAGE
Peaceful RAGE - 7 years ago
Cool, other than feeding the fish, does this tank sustain itself? How does it stay so clean? Cause im assuming the shrimp and the sucker fish keep it clean
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check the description. I wrote in detail about water change there.
Peaceful RAGE
Peaceful RAGE - 7 years ago
cool! how often did you change the water?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, the tank sustains itself as long as the plants are healthy and growing. but I also did water changes. plants release chemicals that naturally fight the algae. and yes, the shrimp and otos definitely help.
ChiraFuchiち - 7 years ago
now i want a same thing like this.
joe shisha
joe shisha - 7 years ago
Does anyone know the type of fish @1.55? It licking the glass. I need that fish for my aquascape aquarium
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's otocinclus.
Cengiz CGL
Cengiz CGL - 7 years ago
For real : "WAAAAOOWWWW"
Minh Đức Nguyễn
Minh Đức Nguyễn - 7 years ago
Hello, your video and your music are super beautiful and helpful. I did a tank like yours, but mine have so many algae on the glass and the surface of water. Its make my tank look so dirty, have you any Idea for this problem? Thanks so much and waiting for your reply !
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if you tell me the details of your setup, what plants, and how long you've been running it, I might be able to help more.
Hafiz Muhammad
Hafiz Muhammad - 7 years ago
2:12 someone pls explain
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if you get mixed colored shrimp, like blue, yellow, and red all in one tank, they will breed. the babies have no color. they looked like regular wild clear-brown color shrimp. not desirable I think. also, most shrimp are very sensitive to high temperature. if the temps go over 27°C, they might have a hard time. especially CRS shrimp are very sensitive to high temps and water parameters. so don't get CRS. Cherry shrimp and their cousins do a little better at higher temps and they are a little more hardy. cherry, blue velvet, and yellow shrimp all did pretty well. amano shrimp also were very hardy. amanos don't breed in fresh water, so you can get that with other shrimp. so if you're gonna get shrimp, just get one type of shrimp and maybe amanos.
Mr king fox dune
Mr king fox dune - 7 years ago
Ian Sheckler
Ian Sheckler - 7 years ago
Hi foo, i need help...just wanna ask if a starved flowerhorn for 4months will be able to make a recovery and grow, because my friend gave me his flowerhorn he said that it didnt grow at all, looks the same when it was a fry...because he starved it and had poor water quality, i was wondering if it can fully recover and grow? Thanks foo love your vids!
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
sorry to hear that. yea, 4 months is quite a long time for him to be stunted. little fellow must've been very resilient to have survived that long in those conditions. it hard to say how much he will recover, but with good water quality and lots of good food and love, I'm sure he'll make a good recovery. probably not as big as normally kept fh in an optimal condition, but you never know...he might make a full recovery. good luck.
hapless pebble
hapless pebble - 7 years ago
Isn't the bowl too small for a beta..? especially multiple
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it's 7.5 gallons. 15 inches diameter. I think many people mistake it for something like 1~2 gallon bowl. this thing is huge if you see it in person.
Green Green
Green Green - 7 years ago
A sea jungle
Airil Hayes
Airil Hayes - 7 years ago
omg thats for sure one if the beautiful tank set up you got there, for sure it's making the fish feels like home heh
Thomas J. Scharmann
Thomas J. Scharmann - 7 years ago
Jade Byrd
Jade Byrd - 7 years ago
do u still have any of the water plants like the water lettice and others..if so would u sell any cheaply?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
no, sorry. when I took down this bowl, I threw away all the plants except for what I used on the 5 gallon one. there must've been hundreds of dollars worth of plants there.
Mad Max
Mad Max - 7 years ago
Mmmm shrimp.
William - 7 years ago
I love it. how often do you water change? I wish i could have a tank like that. :(
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if you don't put any livestock, just do 50% water change when the water becomes too brown. but after 2~3 months, I only did 10~25% water change a week.
Nextgengamer Jc
Nextgengamer Jc - 7 years ago
all the plants or the shrimps don't stress the fish .
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the shrimp are more afraid of the betta.
Nextgengamer Jc
Nextgengamer Jc - 7 years ago
wait how many times did you change the water after adding the beta ???.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
after 2 months, I changed 10~25% water a week. I used tap water with water conditioner that de-chlorinates the water. good luck.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
b/c I added him early, nearly every day until the 2 months mark. you should wait 2 months and make sure plants are doing very well before adding betta. check the description of this video for more info on water change:
Alkhemist 95
Alkhemist 95 - 7 years ago
It grew a betafish too
songha kim
songha kim - 7 years ago
Watch your video
I started the aquarium.
But the color of the water
More and more green.
I do not know why.
Is there any problem?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yea, plants that have not established yet can be more sensitive to temperature. at those temps, they might be ok, but any higher, they might have a hard time. once they are established, they might be able to handle higher temps. plants can melt in the beginning, but if they have new growth, everything should be ok. the color of the water should get brown, not green. when it gets too brown, do 50% water change. the water will continue to get brown for 2~3 months or so. but it should not get brown every day. green water is b/c of a type of algae bloom. if your plants are healthy and growing, you won't get much algae. it's b/c your plants are having a hard time, that's why you got algae bloom. another thing, you shouldn't use LEDs for this kind of setup. CFL(compact florescent light) is the best. I used OSRAM 14W coolwhite color. since your tank is similar size, you should try that. I actually tried 3 different kinds of lights. that was the best one. when I used a LED light, it got algae very fast. b/c you have a filter in there, it'll make your water brown faster b/c there will be more water movement. plants don't need a filter in this kind of setup. the pearl grass should be doing pretty good. is it? how long ago did you set up the tank? do you have livestock in there?
songha kim
songha kim - 7 years ago
Oh, Thanks for the reply
The floor is like a video.
This is South Korea, the temperature is high.
The water temperature goes up to 27~28℃
Even with a cooling fan.
Maybe the plants have melted
Does the color of the water change?
The hairgrass turned brown.
My setup
The tank is 35x25x30cm
1 inch organic soil(vermicompost and chicken manure compost)
1.5 inch black sand
Baby tears, Pearl grass cuba, hairgrass, Yamato shrimp
LED light 36pcs, 8.64w
Hanging filter 5w
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
there might be too much light and too much nutrients in the water. it's hard to say without seeing your setup. if you don't have any fish in there, do a big water change. if you tell me your setup, I might be able to help more.
Steve S
Steve S - 7 years ago
How you clean algae from inside of bowl? cloth on stick?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it hardly got algae. but you can use a mini magnetic algae scrubber. check the description for the link
Steve S
Steve S - 7 years ago
can you eat the prawns?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if you're hungry enough, I suppose.
syizuka miraii
syizuka miraii - 7 years ago
so peacefull..i like it.
bezoticallyyours83 - 7 years ago
Gizelle Becker
Gizelle Becker - 7 years ago
Do you have to clean and change the water with this type of tank?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check the description of this video: everythings' explained there.
Tucking Fypo's
Tucking Fypo's - 7 years ago
Nice Pineapple Betta :)
Clerence Manansala
Clerence Manansala - 7 years ago
Tarzan the betta fish :(
Jourdan Ibe
Jourdan Ibe - 7 years ago
Lloyd Lo
Lloyd Lo - 7 years ago
did you get a detritus worm issue in here after making the plants grow? did you get mosquitto larvae for having the bowl empty with no fish?
Lloyd Lo
Lloyd Lo - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn oh okay. will do. i think ill clean up the bowl and throw away aa much of the contents right now. except the rotala which i want to keep. i might just buy hair grass for my plants and a short growing plant so the bowl doesnt get over crowded. thanks! i will do the tips ive learned from your videos like how to use potting soil (i know our soil is organic cuz fert is expensive and i doubt the florists sold us this potting soil with pesticides when our plant is just a hardy xmas tree)

thanks a lot! youre a pure hearted youtuber mate. keep it up. i hope more people discover your intentions
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
detritus worms go away if there's no more food. they won't eat the plants. you should just leave them there until your plants have been established. yea, put the net for mosquitoes. basically, you don't want to disturb the plants too much after you plant them. uprooting a plant is very shocking for the plants and can take a long time to recover. basically plant the plants, and don't ever mess with them until they've grown and you gotta trim them. I fed the shrimp hikari shrimp pellets once every 2 days. if you wait a month or two, and the plants are doing very well, and your water is very clear, you can put the shrimp in. if you leave your bowl for 2 weeks unattended, since it's initial setup, it's hard to say what's gonna happen.
Lloyd Lo
Lloyd Lo - 7 years ago
do you think i should clean up the detritus worms first before leaving it for the trip? or the bowl will do fine with them inside, and i should just wait til i add a fish inside to eat them
Lloyd Lo
Lloyd Lo - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn omg thanks for noticing/reading my queries. thank you!

just a follow up question.
right now, it has detritus worms with the plants and a lot of it... what should i do at the moment? will the detritus worms eat my plants while im gone? or should i just let them be cuz according to most of my research, theyre good for the bowl? im gonna leave for indonesia for 2 weeks straight and i plan to leave this bowl with no livestock so it can do well without me. should i clean the bowl and plants first before i go? how do you get rid of detritus worms anyway? should i also cover the bowl with a net so no mosquitto larvae can enter it?

im also planning on replacing the java fern (since its paling) with horse hair grass? im not sure whats it called but it basically looks like freshwater grass from the pet store.

also, when you put the shrimp in, did you have to do water checks and something to assure water quality? i dont have those sets and its pretty expensive.. so should the planted aquarium for quite a long time be enough for the shrimp? do you feed your shrimp btw or you barely need to cuz the plants/algae do it for u? if you do, what do u feed them? flakes? hahahahahahaha

im so sorryyyyy i just have so many questions cuz doing research online gives you SO many answers that vary
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I never got detritus worms, but there were mysterious microscopic little critters here and there. most of them looked like water fleas. never got mosquito larvae b/c I don't get mosquitoes inside. for your bowl, it's too small of water volume to house a betta with this kind of plant setup. you should use organic potting soil, not rice husks. you shouldn't give it sunlight until the plants are pretty well established. your bowl's water volume is too small to give it direct sunlight for too long b/c it'll heated up too fast. your plant selection will out grow the small bowl too fast and won't have enough room for a betta. you should definitely try to grow the plants first, and don't put any live stock for 2 month or so... you shouldn't have a betta in there. but you could probably get 2 shrimps after the plants are well established. but shrimp are very sensitive to temperature. if your temps go abover 28°C, the shrimp could have a very hard time. bigger tanks are always easier to take care of than small ones. less than one gallon ones are notoriously difficult to take care of it. if you want to put a betta, I would get 5gallons(20 liters) or more.
Metro Salem
Metro Salem - 7 years ago
ndo a
ndo a - 7 years ago
This has to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
The Rice Man
The Rice Man - 7 years ago
That bubble nest triggered my trybophobia
Nintenboy01 - 7 years ago
I would add a kuhli loach
May Ford
May Ford - 7 years ago
Just wondering, what were you feeding your beta in the day 7 clip? Also, do you think this would work as a community beta tank?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it was newborn mealworms. it could work as a community tank, but you would need atleast 10gallons or bigger, and it's gotta be full of healthy and growing plants. I would wait atleast 2 months for the plants to get established.
Yuna - 7 years ago
What recording camera do you use?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I used lg g4 for this bowl.
Paola Sánchez
Paola Sánchez - 7 years ago
This was so relaxing, enjoyed every second of it.
Cadely Paton
Cadely Paton - 7 years ago
This was so relaxing omlp
B4DA$$ - 7 years ago
Watching this while eating fish
windrabani nugraha
windrabani nugraha - 7 years ago
how to clean it
Jack P
Jack P - 7 years ago
nice work
wybielacz 420
wybielacz 420 - 7 years ago
i wana that
CarcarloPravettoni e
CarcarloPravettoni e - 7 years ago
I want to live in that bowl
Info Brunei Kitani
Info Brunei Kitani - 7 years ago
is that true
Big Benis
Big Benis - 7 years ago
real life Abyssrrium
lunaticxdreams - 7 years ago
This is a very beautiful video and I honestly can't wait till I raise (another) betta of my own but cmon.. that little shrimp that slowly fell at 1:43 was so cute and funny
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 7 years ago
where can find these plants ;o;
i wanna make one like urs ;)))
Manish Walia
Manish Walia - 7 years ago
IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRO! CHILL! CHILL!!! - 7 years ago
3:09 that was so cute! He was like "look what I made dad"
diamanta komalasari
diamanta komalasari - 7 years ago
omg the shrimps look so cutee
Jayson Gonzales
Jayson Gonzales - 7 years ago
even though it's beautiful I feel bad for the Betta because of those plants. taking so much space
Мабушка - 7 years ago
Oh ! This is most beautiful video about Betta I've ever seen ! Secret underwater garden ! May I ,please,ask You - where you got this beautiful big bowl? Thank You.
Мабушка - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn Тhаnk you so very much :)
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the link to the bowl can be found in the description, check there.
onetoothcally - 7 years ago
gotta be the happiest betta ever
poopngriddles - 7 years ago
How often do you have to clean it?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
after the plants got established, around 2 months or so, I never cleaned it. only water changes here and there.
melmardiamond - 7 years ago
i wish my room was that bowl
Brave Star2
Brave Star2 - 7 years ago
Big life in small area...
lapissed - 7 years ago
tf how did you make an ocean inside a bowl
e- man
e- man - 7 years ago
the music is depressiv
lylskeets - 7 years ago
lovely music for the background. Could watch your visa all day. So relaxing. I have an old 10 gal rectangle tank. If it doesn't mean I may try this.
Andrew Perry
Andrew Perry - 7 years ago
so peaceful...
Álvaro Wanderley
Álvaro Wanderley - 7 years ago
How could the shrimps survive with no filter?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check the description of this video: it's exactly same setup and everything is explained in there. I used a cup to gently remove and add the water.
Álvaro Wanderley
Álvaro Wanderley - 7 years ago
+Foo the Flowerhorn How often did you change the water?
Álvaro Wanderley
Álvaro Wanderley - 7 years ago
+Foo the Flowerhorn Thanks. This tank was awesome
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
the plants are the filter.
wey De
wey De - 7 years ago
throw that bowl out of window to get more view
Sacharissa Zerlina Tsarwah Thirafi
Sacharissa Zerlina Tsarwah Thirafi - 7 years ago
did you change the water regularly? if yes, how??
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes, and no. check the description of this video: it's exactly same setup and everything is explained in there. I used a cup to gently remove and add the water.
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 7 years ago
shrimp in established planted tank, endgame free food.... the circle of life
A Azraai
A Azraai - 7 years ago
What is this call? I really interested about this
Soap the Sheep
Soap the Sheep - 7 years ago
I had two, they had babies and they lived for like 3+ years
Tara Na
Tara Na - 7 years ago
what's a bubble nest?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
male bettas make the bubble nest, and when a female lays eggs, the male carries the eggs in his mouth and put them in the bubble.
Tara Na
Tara Na - 7 years ago
This is the prettiest tank I have ever seen.
Thoại Tài Trần
Thoại Tài Trần - 7 years ago
It's so sad and relax too... when I heard that music and watching your fish slowly floating in beautiful bowl.
xLu1G1x - 7 years ago
Beautiful bowl. Congratulations.
Snappy Snapfire
Snappy Snapfire - 7 years ago
Awesome Video and Bowl ^_^
Chinh Nguyen
Chinh Nguyen - 7 years ago
Kent Yap
Kent Yap - 7 years ago
What is the aquarium temperature? I think the lamp which is quite close to the surface of the aquarium must have bring up the aquarium temperature. How long do you switch on the lamp for each day?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
around 81°F. around 12 hours a day. check the description of this video: it's exactly same setup and everything is explained in there.
OYSTER - 7 years ago
oone word.Cute as duck niggs
Triggly Happy
Triggly Happy - 7 years ago
I need to get a life :(
Moon Shadow
Moon Shadow - 7 years ago
The music almost reminded me of Minecraft!! ..
clorox bleach Forager
clorox bleach Forager - 7 years ago
It was based of erik satie!
Hungry Pumpkin
Hungry Pumpkin - 7 years ago
that's "gymnopedie no. 2" by erik satie, in case you wanted to find it.
Desmascouz 2k17
Desmascouz 2k17 - 7 years ago
Moon Shadow weirdo
Kid Sundance
Kid Sundance - 7 years ago
Sam Eijkenboom yup....
Sam Eijkenboom
Sam Eijkenboom - 7 years ago
Kid Kool rip
Anand krishnan
Anand krishnan - 7 years ago
It looks great but 4 that many innocent lives were sacrificed..
Zae Zu
Zae Zu - 7 years ago
i dont understand anything regarding the explaination. but the music is so calming, and your dedication is really impressive :)))
Sean - 7 years ago
I thought those colored shrimps preferred a much cooler water environment. In fact some will pump it through a cooler. But overall I am glad to see your work
Sly Tendencies
Sly Tendencies - 7 years ago
2:00 just a crip and blood gettin along:)
Lil Ladiboi From Bangkok
Lil Ladiboi From Bangkok - 7 years ago
Sly Tendencies when animals is cooperating with others than some humans
Syrena Webb
Syrena Webb - 7 years ago
awesome work! love it!
Havoc - 7 years ago
what a charming little guy in that bowl amazing!
Neu Dii
Neu Dii - 7 years ago
I have no idea what I'm watching but its pretty. all of it.
Jonathan Owen
Jonathan Owen - 7 years ago
4 minutes pass so fast
Elise Streams
Elise Streams - 7 years ago
oddly satisfying
willyam mak
willyam mak - 7 years ago
Is this a soundtrack of game Symphony?? XD
majim - 7 years ago
does it smells?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
no. not even a little bit.
Crusoe - 7 years ago
Why the sad music?!?
Jota Ge
Jota Ge - 7 years ago
you feed your fish with tiny food
Crow the Nocturne
Crow the Nocturne - 7 years ago
looks like my betta, Mr. pinky white but he has a bit of blue/purple ._.
t Ak
t Ak - 7 years ago
This is amazing! How big is your bowl?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
it was 7.5 gallons. 15inch diameter.
Haendra Yanna
Haendra Yanna - 7 years ago
love it..
My pretty hot Momma
My pretty hot Momma - 7 years ago
The Custodian
The Custodian - 7 years ago
Amano shrimp can only breathe in brackish water and you have way too many shrimp in there
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
amanos breed in brackish, but live in fresh water fine.
BADD1ONE - 7 years ago
very nice
Jonathan Van de wal
Jonathan Van de wal - 7 years ago
Suddenly, shrimps
Tichomír Dunlop
Tichomír Dunlop - 7 years ago
Spontaneous generation.
Swazi Hitler
Swazi Hitler - 7 years ago
Jiro no he didn't he said that the betta was hunting the babies.
Little Big
Little Big - 7 years ago
Jiro well as far as I've seen Bettas can't eat those larger ones. To be honest I'm more concerned about that male betta ( saying from personal experience) IDK maybe I'm wrong but I really doubt that
Jiro - 7 years ago
Little Big He literally said that they did.
Little Big
Little Big - 7 years ago
Jiro no Bettas don't eat that large shrimp
Ve Mo
Ve Mo - 7 years ago
You're not referring to water conditioner, right? I've never heard of water clarifying products but probably because I haven't looked haha. I'm getting ready to redo my betta tank into a Walstad so I'll look into it if I run into that problem again!
Jiro - 7 years ago
suddenly, the fish ate all the shrimps
Ve Mo
Ve Mo - 7 years ago
Andro Borg Wondering this too. I had a dirt-planted tank following the Walstad method, and the cloudiness never went away so I had to add back the filter. It never cleared up the way this tank did.
Andro Borg
Andro Borg - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn how do you clean the bottom gravel debris. How did you prevented cloudiness of the water
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if it's a question, I added them after 2 months or so. I didn't add them from the beginning.
You Mee
You Mee - 7 years ago
hjc - 7 years ago
delfin arjona
delfin arjona - 7 years ago
Is so beautiful, now I want to make one!
God Tastic
God Tastic - 7 years ago
nature in a bowl
TaOstatnia - 7 years ago
its beautiful but bowl is not for fishes...
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Please check the description. um, this is walstad method. the plants are the filter. the plants and bacteria take care of the poop. he wasn't swimming in poop water. spherical aquariums are good when they are big enough. I think most people get caught up in small bowls and think it applies to every bowl and every fish. there are tens, hundreds, or thousands of gallons professional sphere aquariums or cylindrical aquariums, both fresh or salt water setups.
TaOstatnia - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn But! Your bowl is really beautiful, if i was you, i would get betta out, let shrimps live in this, add water snails. Betta need to has a cover because it is tropical fish, i love them and know so much about them.
TaOstatnia - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn there are much stories from ppl that their betta/goldfish live 3-4 years in bowl. But please read about diseases resulting from living in spherical vessel. And imagine: someone closed you in shower, in spherical shower and you have to live in your excrements all your life, without going out. How would it be? Can you survive in that conditions? Yes. Is it great life? No. my betta has 25 liter tank with filter, plants and cover. And i know that he has good life.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
thanks. d'you know I get exact same comments like yours everyday? :) from so many people. if it not for fishes, how is he alive and doing so well, after 6~7 months? and more...
Mr Catalyst
Mr Catalyst - 7 years ago
where i can buy all that types of plants?
laptopsaysno - 7 years ago
just turned me on to a new concept. very exciting!!
spacebug30 - 7 years ago
Betta at 3:00 "Look human, I built this nest, do you like what I made?"
anak id
anak id - 7 years ago
very nice
Sam L
Sam L - 7 years ago
That beta is gorgeous next to all of that green!
David Park
David Park - 7 years ago
Rey Breneaux
Rey Breneaux - 7 years ago
Idk why this came up on my recommended but this way of creating a self-sustaining environment is seriously so interesting!! I'm def going to read more about this
lluna1266 - 7 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous and really eco friendly, well done!!! Can I ask, so you don't need to clean out at all? Where does the poop go? Thanks so much! Xx
lluna1266 - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn that's incredible! It's like you've created a miniature ecosystem! Thanks! X
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I never cleaned it. but I did do water changes. check the description for more details. that's only possible if the plants are healthy and growing. all the poop gets broken down by bacteria then gets used up by the plants. algae growth is prohibited by the all the healthy and fast growing plants b/c plants release chemicals that naturally fight algae. ottos cats, snails, amano shrimp also help in controlling the algae.
lluna1266 - 7 years ago
Ooh and also how do you control algae growth? Is this the little bottom feeders that are solely all that's needed? Thanks again! X
Kennel Korne
Kennel Korne - 7 years ago
I'm surprised your siamese didn't touch the shrimps? I really wanted to do this gorgeous set up when I was still in the hobby, but the constant reminder that the siamese would peck on the shrimps made me not do it.
Kennel Korne
Kennel Korne - 7 years ago
Hmm... As for the baby shrimps, yeah, that's pretty sad. I think all fishes would eat anything that they can fit in their mouths. I'll try this one out pretty soon when I've more free time. I've had luck with keeping two females in one tank though, didn't bother putting up a boxing match each time they met. hehe
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
each betta's temperament is different. mine somehow left the adult shrimp alone, but he did try to hunt down every single baby shrimp he could find.
This guy again
This guy again - 7 years ago
why are there shrimps?
Gisela Swaragita
Gisela Swaragita - 7 years ago
wow i want to add myself to the ecosystem
Waffllion - 7 years ago
The music is so depressing.
RJ Barrientos
RJ Barrientos - 7 years ago
this is just amazing. made me want to get back to fishkeeping :D
Payton Owen
Payton Owen - 7 years ago
very beautiful!
Makszu The Traitor
Makszu The Traitor - 7 years ago
the fish became fertilizer
nas tay
nas tay - 7 years ago
This is beautiful
Galliano Marr
Galliano Marr - 7 years ago
dont you have to use fertilizer? If yes, which one do u use, if not, how does it work then please?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I never used fertilizer. instead, I used organic potting soil. the nutrients in the soil are enough for the plants to do well.
Nepali Fish Guy
Nepali Fish Guy - 7 years ago
inspired by your video i have setup a planted fish bowl do check my video and please provide your valueable suggestion if it need any improvements.
Nepali Fish Guy
Nepali Fish Guy - 7 years ago
wish me best of luck. ;) i will try my best to get the bowl running. will keep posting any changes. thanks for your support.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I see. ok, I hope things work out for your bowl. I'll check out your future updates.
Nepali Fish Guy
Nepali Fish Guy - 7 years ago
i have wiped off all algae during my last water change and there are no signs of them since then thats the reason why i have added few more plants so that it can take over the algae. i have been keeping fresh water fish for almost 2 years in my 35 gallon fish tank and i wanted to try out plants. i had a fish bowl already purchased way back so i m giving a try to plants if the plant and betta survive and starts growing normally then i m already preparing for a 10g fish tank and will replace the bowl.with it. Its an experimental run and gaining ideas for growing plants and live stock together.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
hmm. the point of this video was that it's a big bowl. over 7 gallons of water. in a small bowl with small volume of water, there can be high fluctuation of water parameters very fast. this is the main reason lots of people don't recommend small bowls. it's actually counter intuitive, but big tanks are much easier to take care of than small bowls. If you deviate from my setup, it's very difficult for me find out what's wrong. that cfl should work, but it's hard to say since the plants aren't established yet and you started out with leds and the algae has started to gain a foothold. If I were you, I would do small daily water changes for your betta, do 12 hours of light day, and wait a week to see how the plants, algae, and betta do. do you know the temps of your bowl? temps are very important for the plants to get established, also.
Nepali Fish Guy
Nepali Fish Guy - 7 years ago
its around 2g as it can accomodate 6-7 litres of water. the fish is doing pretty well its color have brightend and there are no signs of fin rot and its eating normally only thing is i have added carpet plant and i have checked the video u have said. so i guess 5watt cfl light with 6500k day light is sufficient for my bowl then.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
how big is your bowl? if you know the diameter, you can figure out the how many gallons. or if know the circumference, you can also know. google sphere aquarium calculator. usually you want to go by 2~3 watts per gallon. since you put your betta in before the plants are established, you gotta do small daily water changes, or the betta might get fin rot. this is why I suggest adding betta after the plants are established, which could take 2 months. if you think your betta is not doing well, you might want to move him to another tank. did you read the descriptions on the video I mentioned?
Nepali Fish Guy
Nepali Fish Guy - 7 years ago
i have changed to cfl and now i am unable to determine if 5w cfl with 6500k daylight enough for the plants to grow? i tried 15w cfl and it was tooo bright and guess betta fish didnt liked it so i went for 5w. need your suggestion. :)
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I mentioned earlier, leds are not the best choice for a walstad method. 3 hours of light won't be enough for your plants to get established. it might prohibit algae growth, but it might also prohibit plants getting established. I did 13 hours of light a day for the first 2 months. check out the video of the 5 gallon one I did after the bowl. read the description there. I wrote in details about everything.
Nepali Fish Guy
Nepali Fish Guy - 7 years ago
the plants are doing quite good and i have also added java fern recently and it is also doing good. may be because of my lighting the algae are growing i have reduced the time period of keeping the lights on now i only turn lights on for 3 hrs at max.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
you just put your plants in. are they growing? vallisneria grow by shooting out runners. it can take vallisneria a long time to get used to the setup. if the plants are not growing, or growing very slowly, you'll probably get algae. also you're using led? yea, you might algae with leds much faster than CFL.
Nepali Fish Guy
Nepali Fish Guy - 7 years ago
i have used cap gravel above the dirt but the thing is that i have seen algae on the cap gravel. is it good or bad? the betta seems to be happy with the setup only thing that is worrying me is algae as it is my first experience with plant so do help me out.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I like your setup. your betta looks really cool. did you use dirt and no cap gravel? that might make it difficult to keep the water quality good. You might have to do frequent water changes for your betta until the plants are established.
Bea Nora
Bea Nora - 7 years ago
very beautiful
poland gamer
poland gamer - 7 years ago
you can,t keep Fish in a bowl
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
If I can't, why was he still alive and very healthy after 7 months in this bowl?
shizukagozen777 - 7 years ago
2:05 Hi. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
altair lume
altair lume - 7 years ago
that's fish feels alone he need a girl to make babies. #poor little fish
Galliano Marr
Galliano Marr - 7 years ago
What are CRS-Shrimps?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
candy cane looking ones.
Galliano Marr
Galliano Marr - 7 years ago
why do you put potting soil into the aquarium? does it not release toxic stuff which is meant for outside and for flowers?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
this is walstad method. please check the description. all of your questions might be answered there.
Darkbloom Visions
Darkbloom Visions - 7 years ago
awww poor beta ): he built his first bubble nest and yet no female...aha jk but this is soo cute
supakrit pulmanausahakul
supakrit pulmanausahakul - 7 years ago
Darkbloom Visions ma heart ma soul
Sidrock Shakya
Sidrock Shakya - 7 years ago
breaks my heart
Corb4n - 7 years ago
it's beautiful
Gianfranco Medina
Gianfranco Medina - 7 years ago
So relaxing video
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant - 7 years ago
Any plans for a new algae scrubber here? :)

Scott Believer
Scott Believer - 7 years ago
I am doing research in creating a tank with the least amt of water changes. I have a HOB filter ans a sponge filter.Can you help me ?
Scott Believer
Scott Believer - 7 years ago
Thank s. I got the API master kit. Will help me. Enjoying this.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I've known a few people in the past who never do water changes on their tanks. the fish were big and healthy and perfect looking. almost all of them, the tanks were packed with healthy plants. some plants scary big looking. so it's definitely possible. for your tank, since you'll be introducing plants now, I would do water changes until the plants have been established. probably a few months. the only way to know for sure whether you don't have to do water changes is to periodically test the water.
Scott Believer
Scott Believer - 7 years ago
If I fill the tank with plants, which I am doing and only have a few fish can I not do a water change for 1 yr ? 29 gallon tank
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
both of those filters create nitrate. pretty much only thing that'll get rid of that would be lots of plants.
MaxiBH - 7 years ago
How do you change water in this bowl?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I used a cup to remove and add water gently.
SoloArt Studio
SoloArt Studio - 7 years ago
Great video. Very good watch
Puku Hartley
Puku Hartley - 7 years ago
let's playA777
let's playA777 - 7 years ago
please make a detailed video on this
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
check the description. there's link to a tutorial on how to setup the substrate.

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