After finding our toddler her special new first pet betta fish surprise we discovered that we kind of failed at picking our aquarium habitat for him when we went with a 1 gallon tank home. Even though bettas are hardy fish(great for beginners) and can live in a 1 gallon its really better to give them more space. So after looking up a ton of helpful fish care vlogs here and researching betta care 101 we decided to get a special 10 gallon freshwater aquarium on sale at petco so that we could have a happy betta and even house some potential community fish in the tank. Our baby and toddlers reaction to Flounder's new home. YESTERDAY’S VLOG: 1 YEAR AGO: 2 YEARS AGO: PARENTING CHANNEL SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL: OTHER CHANNELS MENTIONED BETTA CARE VIDEO: DAILY BUMPS: MORE THAN MILK PODCAST:

PET STORE STRUGGLE: NEW FISH TANK sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Betta 8 years ago 4,130 views

After finding our toddler her special new first pet betta fish surprise we discovered that we kind of failed at picking our aquarium habitat for him when we went with a 1 gallon tank home. Even though bettas are hardy fish(great for beginners) and can live in a 1 gallon its really better to give them more space. So after looking up a ton of helpful fish care vlogs here and researching betta care 101 we decided to get a special 10 gallon freshwater aquarium on sale at petco so that we could have a happy betta and even house some potential community fish in the tank. Our baby and toddlers reaction to Flounder's new home. YESTERDAY’S VLOG: 1 YEAR AGO: 2 YEARS AGO: PARENTING CHANNEL SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL: OTHER CHANNELS MENTIONED BETTA CARE VIDEO: DAILY BUMPS: MORE THAN MILK PODCAST:

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Most popular comments

Ash The Lame
Ash The Lame - 7 years ago
Bettas can live in less than a gallon but you need to think of their quality of life. They can survive but they're not going to be doing much else besides that. Bettas should be in at least a three gallon.
Lionperson Animatez
Lionperson Animatez - 7 years ago
If ur making a community tank, i would reccomend more plants, and more hiding spots
Steven Hull
Steven Hull - 7 years ago
you shouldn't put any other fish in there besides like 1 guppie in that tank would be fine because a betta needs at least 5 gallons not trying to be rude but if she want's her fish to be happy then get 1 guppie or none just trying to help <3
Harvey M
Harvey M - 7 years ago
You should keep guppies
Ava Quirk
Ava Quirk - 7 years ago
Tetras are very good with all kinds of bettas
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
I just sub. I watch a lot of your videos in until now I sub lol. Btw your children's are so beautiful. Your betta will be so happy.
Lucaa - 7 years ago
I should advice mollys plattys or some other shortfinned fish to add with the betta
SolidGoldShows - 7 years ago
Is it Bey-ta or Bet-ta?
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow - 7 years ago
Valz Albo actually it's pronounced both ways, bay-ta is the more popular pronunciation
Valz Albo
Valz Albo - 7 years ago
SolidGoldShows bet-ta
Stylianos - 8 years ago
a lot of felt plant and neon tetra


Cherie Speese
Cherie Speese - 8 years ago
Corrie cats and mollies do well with bettas! This is how my fish obsession started just like this! Getting my betta a bigger home getting a 10 gallon and putting more fish with my betta! Now I have a 29 gallon a 40 gallon and a 75 gallon! Haha! I jade never had fish as a child and I guess I'm making up for it now! Haha!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Such a great size tank for a betta. As for a heater as long as your house is a constant temperature of 78-82f and doesn't fluctuate overnight etc then you possibly won't need a heater for most of the year. I only need to use heaters 2-3 month out of the year.
Sticky Blood Baby Journey
Sticky Blood Baby Journey - 8 years ago
oh my gosh, the daddy-dancing in the carpark <3
InsanityIsMe - 8 years ago
Sticky Blood Baby Journey it was adorable <3
FredZoise - 8 years ago
That's always what happens when you decide to walk to the next store. You end up buying a lot and then being like "oh crap"
Stephanie Young
Stephanie Young - 8 years ago
I think it's annoying when people tell you what you should and shouldn't do. Your tank is probably fine.
Ariana Ferchland
Ariana Ferchland - 8 years ago
I'm so glad Rosalind is able to communicate with you guys better now that her tongue tie is taken care of! I'm sure taking the girls out and about is only going to get better and better.
Callie Thompson
Callie Thompson - 8 years ago
I think it's funny that you guys call them Betas in Australia we call them Siamese fighting fish, I always thought they were good in little tanks too the tank my Sammy lived in was barely taller than my hand... I had Sammy for 3 years
DanieAwesome - 8 years ago
I had guppies in mine. That was actually my best setup ever.
Marissa and Chris
Marissa and Chris - 8 years ago
It is adorable how much Rosalind loves flounder!
Celeste Brockell
Celeste Brockell - 8 years ago
I agree with you Heidi... I can understand Rosalind soooo much better already!!!!! She seems so much happier too! :)


Amira Cline
Amira Cline - 8 years ago
I may or may not have yelled Batcub at Irene, then I realized she wasn't Little Cub. So, Heidi, I also said Bat Wizard? haha
Pets with Jules
Pets with Jules - 8 years ago
And when you get the chance I would upgrade from plastic plants to silk plants. Small silk plants are like $2-5 unless your plastic ones don't have any rigid edges and your betta is fine
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
+Sudden Kimpact I think I'll try the nylon trick with it.
Pets with Jules
Pets with Jules - 8 years ago
Sudden Kimpact the pink one looks safe. If it's not gonna tear your bettas fins then it should be fine to add to the tank, I even use some plastic plants because they're really smooth
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
+Pets with Jules the new ones I got for the big tank are silk. Except for the pink one. Which I don't think I'll add it to the new tank.
Pets with Jules
Pets with Jules - 8 years ago
You can probably try some bottom feeders. I recommend a snail or a couple Cory catfish. It all really depends on YOUR fishes temperament so usually males are aggressive and yours is a male. However; you can try to see if he's really aggressive, if he's not aggressive really at all, you can try some other type of fish like tetras, guppies, or Molly's. Before you get them though make sure you have another home for them or someone to give them to I it doesn't work out. Any other questions just ask
Pets with Jules
Pets with Jules - 8 years ago
But then again all guppies are a risk
Pets with Jules
Pets with Jules - 8 years ago
Sudden Kimpact yeah guppies are a maybe with bettas. However; not all guppies have long vibrant tails. Although they're less colorful and pretty, you could try some female guppies. They're tail are usually shorter and are a white/ tan/ pink color
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
+Pets with Jules I was wanting guppies but I worried that their tails might be problematic. I used to keep male fancy guppies with my betta as a kid and never had an issue but now I'm worried that everything I thought I knew was wrong.
Ashley Morgan
Ashley Morgan - 8 years ago
The daddy daughter dance at the end was absolutely adorable!! If you guys need any help, I work the Banfield (inside Petsmart) in Ahwatukee. Feel free to call, plus I'd love to meet ya'll!!
Jackie Sadaro
Jackie Sadaro - 8 years ago
We always kept neon tetras with our beta. And a pleco
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
+Jackie Sadaro I LOVE neon tetras. I'm just worried because they are more delicate and I think they might break Rosalind's little heart if they die so I want something really hardy.
SuperMissblueeyes - 8 years ago
I hate that I'm allergic to cats too!
Emily Yapp
Emily Yapp - 8 years ago
Just wanted to say I loved Ken's time with Rosalind! So cute!
Life With Jennifer
Life With Jennifer - 8 years ago
Yes our beta is in a tiny bowl... I really can tell a huge difference in Roslyn's communication. The girls are adorable!
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
I am so happy that you made it during a $1 per gallon sale! It was probably cheaper or the same price as one much smaller wasn't it? lol Some how it is cheaper to build the bigger ones than the smaller ones....I really don't know how much that works out lol.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Ugh that guy is horrible, any fish store owner worth your time will wont tell you that! I hate that so many fish stores actually think that .5 gallon is ok.


Hannah May
Hannah May - 8 years ago
Trisha C
Trisha C - 8 years ago
You can hear her S's coming along well!!!
Trisha C
Trisha C - 8 years ago
The little pigtails!!!
Erica Williams
Erica Williams - 8 years ago
Do not add anything with fins with your betta. African water frogs are great tank mates
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
What fish should we add?
Jenn - 7 years ago
amano shrimp would be great! they eat algae like theres no tomorrow :)
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
The 10 currently has endlers and platies. The betta is in his own 3.5 now. The platies will be moving to my 29 once it's done cycling. I may add some ember tetras or rasboras to the 10. Or might just keep the whole tank endlers.
Toby m
Toby m - 8 years ago
Sudden Kimpact for 10 gallon? shrimps, but the betta will eat them..... the only other fish that will be happy (by happy i mean they are not fish that only survive in 10 gallon, but also are happy) in 10 gallon are boraras brigittae. really small, but really fun fish.
i saw cory's, hell no, the need sand. gravel is a no go
Wendy Williams
Wendy Williams - 8 years ago
You could do a group of Corydoras or some neon tetras. They both tend to do well in groups (they don't stress as easily when they have friends of their own species), and shouldn't bother your it's pretty cool to see a little shoal of fish in your house. I would recommend you stay away from semi-aggressive and aggressive fish since bettas are not very fast swimmers, and could get nipped. I'm so glad you guys ended up with a ten gallon! You guys seem to do your research, so I'm sure you'll come up with a great group of fish. :)
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
Haha! I'll check them out!
Marissa and Chris
Marissa and Chris - 8 years ago
Sudden Kimpact oops meant to say Australian rainbow fish
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
Ooo! I've never heard of this one! Off to research!!!
Marissa and Chris
Marissa and Chris - 8 years ago
I had tropical rainbow fish and they were beautiful! They are silver and live in similar temps as the beta, around 80, and we had ours for over 4 years.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
I have a couple of this one in large size as back up for any problems with my tanks
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Like one of those plastic ones you saw at the store to have to betta in until you can figure everything out. The large on you were looking at is 5 around gallons maybe a little less, you can find them online cheaper than in the stores too.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
You just need to have a backup if there is a problem. If your betta decides it's very aggressive you might want to have it set up with whatever store you get them from, that it's ok to bring them back if there is a problem. Or have another tank on standby just in case.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
I also know people who get the tank mates after they get the betta and don't have a problem. I added my bristle nose plecos after the bettas and they didn't even
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
I know a few people who keep theirs with fancy guppies, it's actually more common than people who say never keep bettas with anything like to admit lol. It's just they are more likely to attack them because they have fins like bettas but if you have a really mild one, which are more common then people think they will do fine. But it's hard to figure out if yours is until you actually put them with a tank mate.
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
The 10 gallon definitely needs more plants before I add tank mates. Growing up I actually had a betta with fancy guppies and they did fine(but I'm reading that was a big no no.) but they did excellent together. I'm worried thought because when I had bettas in community tanks before I always introduced the betta second, not first.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
If your going to add plants to the tank, a good one that works in low light and can provide a lot of hiding space is Java Moss, it's cheap and it you only need a little bit and it will grow like crazy, you'll actually have to trim it back. It should make any of the tanks mates you put with your betta, happy and feel protected.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
And I really don't know anything I would put in a 1 gallon tank because everything needs room to swim around. Maybe brine shrimp (which are sea monkeys)...and you can feed them to the betta.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Problem is people think bettas can't be with other fish because they had a really aggressive one and they assume every one is like that. But the thing is, If there is lots of areas for the other fish to hide in case to fish is feeling nippy and they aren't really flashy, a community tank is very possible. I go to a fish store where they keep keep their betta, 1 per tank, of the other fish, no problem at all. They never put their betta is those small holder cups.

Problems with shrimp is they do better in a plant tank with a dirt or clay substrate which can be a lot of work, you have to have the right lighting, which the lights are expensive and you can't just put it in a window because that cause the tank to actually overheat. But planted tanks are great for keeping the tank clean though because the plants take in the waste.

I really don't know much about frogs though.
Sudden Kimpact
Sudden Kimpact - 8 years ago
+Jillian Leigh yes I was reading about the frogs. I was wondering if that was something I could put in the 1 gallon since I have it. I was thinking either snails, frogs, or cherry shrimp might do okay in there since it looks like the Internet has concluded there's really no good fish for it.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Also a good way to make sure things go smoothly and having lost of areas the other fish can hide.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
There are also other smaller breed plecos, but those are the cheapest ones I know of.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Then there are small breed water frogs
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Then there is the option of snails, but you have to make sure there is no way they can get out, they are little escape artist and sometimes they can breed like crazy, then you have a snail problem lol.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
But warning, there is always the possibility that your betta wont tolerate fish swimming around in it's area. You could usually still get one of those plecos because they stay low and don't swim around the bettas area, which is the top of the tank and pleco's have like armoring and can take a little bit of a beating.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Pygmy Corydora, Ember Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Clown Pleco or a Bristle Nose Pleco ( you can only have 1 in a 10 gallon but they are algae eaters. YOu can get one of them plus a few of the others listed. ) Basic rule of thumb is nothing with really flashy colors or long fins and nothing too small or too big.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Neon Tetras!
Trisha C
Trisha C - 8 years ago
Sudden Kimpact a snail???

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