PetStore employees BEST betta tank

2.5 gallon tank gravel and flourite all live plants and driftwood Marina .5 gal breeder box w/ plastic bio balls Seachem Purigen (bag treats up to 100 gallons) Marina 10w heater Marina S15 motor/filter (pumps up to 70 gph) 20 gallons per hour is sufficient for a 2.5 gallon tank. this is pumping closer to 50 gallons per hour but is not disturbing the surface of the tank. no other setup can provide this much filtration but disturb the water so little. Only problem with the tank is that it evaporates probably 1/2 gallon a week and needs a lot of top offs, but has been running for about 3 weeks without a water change. all the water and gravel and plants came from my established 46 gallon tank (see my videos) Send me responses with your awesome betta tanks!

PetStore employees BEST betta tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 50

Betta 12 years ago 88,498 views

2.5 gallon tank gravel and flourite all live plants and driftwood Marina .5 gal breeder box w/ plastic bio balls Seachem Purigen (bag treats up to 100 gallons) Marina 10w heater Marina S15 motor/filter (pumps up to 70 gph) 20 gallons per hour is sufficient for a 2.5 gallon tank. this is pumping closer to 50 gallons per hour but is not disturbing the surface of the tank. no other setup can provide this much filtration but disturb the water so little. Only problem with the tank is that it evaporates probably 1/2 gallon a week and needs a lot of top offs, but has been running for about 3 weeks without a water change. all the water and gravel and plants came from my established 46 gallon tank (see my videos) Send me responses with your awesome betta tanks!

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Most popular comments
for PetStore employees BEST betta tank

Kalicat24 - 7 years ago
Nice tank, but A few problems! The filter is a smidge too strong. 2.5 gallons is the bare minimum. Bettas like to have lots of plants, places to hide, etc. Please look around at other videos, and you can find ways to alter your filter to make the flow softer! Thanks!
Cooper Reilly
Cooper Reilly - 7 years ago
He mentioned a 1-3 tetra whisper filter (1-3 gal) I purchased the 1.5 tetra kit with that filter.its fantastic he loves the the tank and the filter is wonderful
Azurda Azurda
Azurda Azurda - 7 years ago
Sand no no no
Heather Hollinger
Heather Hollinger - 7 years ago
Just saying. Your bearded dragon shouldn't be on sand. It causes impaction, when they ingest it.
Bryce - 7 years ago
Heather Hollinger you just commented on a betta video that is around 5 years old
Dylan Vlogs
Dylan Vlogs - 7 years ago
Is your bearded dragons substrate sand???
dj3 lit tha dark master
dj3 lit tha dark master - 7 years ago
it's still small you retart
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
great video. i love those little 2.5s so cute great betta size and cheap. love that filter setup. totally confused me im new to fishkeeping not sure about filter stuff but thats awesome. no clue how you rigged that
BettaFish 2017
BettaFish 2017 - 7 years ago
The most awesome thing is that you rescued that betta that was in a tiny cup in the store for months. Well done
Rickey Fernandez
Rickey Fernandez - 8 years ago
You don't have to but sand would look nice.
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
Rickey Fernandez
I wouldn't change it to sand if I had already put in the gravel.
You might have to cycle your entire tank again which is going to be a pain.

10. comment for PetStore employees BEST betta tank

BestBetta USA
BestBetta USA - 8 years ago
Jon its nice!
Robert - 8 years ago
Best? Not even close. You don't even have one bottom feeder and with a tank that small you're gonna be doing CONSTANT water changes
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
stop acting like you bought your betta a palace, its the MIN. gallons for a healthy betta. i PERSONALLY WOULDNT put a betta in a tank that small but hey at least its the min. and i cant hear that well but do you have a heater? and just because the betta makes a bubble nest doesnt mean they are happy. other than that NOT A BAD fish tank! the best? NOPE! i have my betta in a 5.5 gallon planted tank with a heater and filter (of course some hideaways as well) you should get a mystery snail in the tank!
Jesper Hudson
Jesper Hudson - 7 years ago
+TurtleDude 48 huhuhu
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
Jesper Hudson
Even more proof I'm correct
Jesper Hudson
Jesper Hudson - 7 years ago
+TurtleDude 48 you shit
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
hurt animal abusers paws
Also no need to criticise him. Atleast he's doing a better job then those people who put bettas in fish bowls.
And about heaters. I don't think you need a heater if you live in a place with a constant hot temp.
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
Jesper Hudson
You sound like an idiot. Much offence.
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
Jesper Hudson ??? did you ask if i have a waterfall in my tank?
Jesper Hudson
Jesper Hudson - 8 years ago
why ? u put ur betta into a big pool with grito rocks as their water fall ?? stop acting u give everything for ur betta like in heaven
905bikelife - 8 years ago
shit betta tank
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
don't listen to a petstore employee, just dont. iv learned that the hard way.
Devin Loewer
Devin Loewer - 8 years ago
Pretty cool! I see the "small tank haters" don't approve. Well I'm upgrading my Betta bowl to a 2.5 gallon and I think he'll be very appreciative. I know its "just a Betta tank" but look into ceramic rings for bio filtration. Fluval biomax is the best bang for your buck.
Dr. Awkward
Dr. Awkward - 8 years ago
I keep a Betta in a shot glass.
K - 7 years ago
Dr. Awkward sigh
Dark Exile
Dark Exile - 8 years ago
How did you do ur screen lid?
Shane Blair
Shane Blair - 8 years ago
Hey question. That metal mess that u cut for your top. Can u get that stuff at Lowes? I just bought a 36x18x18 exo terra from someone and the lid is drooping do to the weight of his lights and heat. So I came across ur video and thought to make my replacement lid out of the same stuff u used for you beta tank. Is it strong enough to cut a big piece and throw some reptile lights on or do you think it will bow down from the weight?
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
It's going to rust.. anyway nice tank. This is not to small

20. comment for PetStore employees BEST betta tank

Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 8 years ago
That is an awesome tank. If a tank is cycled (nitrogen cycle established in bio filter, nitrite at zero) then yeah keep on trucking. Looks like you've got plenty filtration, all three in fact: mechanical (sponge on intake), biological (sponge, bio balls, gravel, etc) and chemical (purigen). That 2.5 gal is much more swimming room to stretch its fins. Well done.
Johnny P
Johnny P - 8 years ago
Bettas come from heavily vegetated, still waters. All you have to do is go to Google translate. Translate "collecting wild bettas" from english into Thai. Do a search here on Youtube with the Thia translation and you'll see where bettas really come from.

Keeping them in a brightly lit, lightly planted tank with that much current is bad.
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
can you not see the water being agitated and THAT causing the bubble nest, moron.
MaxamillionGrey - 8 years ago
There was a bubble nest literally right in front of the outlet of the filter.... How is that too much current?
레이첼 - 8 years ago
i love it <3
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
far too small idiot
khaki91 - 7 years ago
The size of the tank... Now that is a matter of opinion. I know people who kept healthy bettas in a gallon fish tank. Betta spendens, the colorful Bettas from the stores, which are fish that are farmed and domestically developed, they do not exist in the wild in this form. They have been raised and fully acclimated to this type of habitat. The wild species of Bettas need bigger tanks than a 10 gallon.
juniper kiwi
juniper kiwi - 7 years ago
IceFyre Gaming dude your comparing a domesticated betta to a wild one its like saying a dog is a wolf
Negative330 - 8 years ago
Jon Edwards i know ur brain is far to small
JustFive - 8 years ago
Jon Edwards this is perfectly fine for 1 betta, that is the minimum after all but this works great for its size
Vanessa's Bettas
Vanessa's Bettas - 8 years ago
Jon Edwards 2.5 gallons is MINIMUM for a betta to be happy.
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
+Tatsuhiro Satou
that is way too small
2.5 gal for both males and females or 3 gal for kings
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
"they live in rice paddies" "water changeless" fucking retarded aren't you.
Tatsuhiro Satou
Tatsuhiro Satou - 8 years ago
experts and breeds say as small as 1.5 is good for males and 1 gallon for females
Eviana Gonzalez
Eviana Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Actually a lot of people that have had betta including experts have said two and a half tanks are good for betta.
And yes you should not call someone an idiot
MaxamillionGrey - 8 years ago
Far too small, idiot.*

You're over here calling someone else an idiot and your grammar is worse off than a 5th graders.
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
siamese fighter
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
+155DJJ Look it up, they are beautiful fish those Bettas :) 
155DJJ - 8 years ago
What kind of fish is a Better?????  Never heard of
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
Betta Fish actually do like a lot of space, they love to explore and swim. The minimum for a Betta Fish tank is 2.5 gallons (which is perfect Bryce!). It is the best to have a Betta Fish in a 10 gallon tank (I have my Half-Moon Betta Fish in a 10 Gallon). 10 gallon tanks to me are way smaller then what people expect, that's why I have my Betta in one. His Betta is still in a happy tank that is at the minimum, which still lets the fish explore and play! Thanks :)
IceFyre Gaming
IceFyre Gaming - 8 years ago
A better should be okay living in a 2.5 gallon tank, but that is pretty much the minimum size in my opinion. FYI, rice paddies are miles long and hold thousands of gallons of water, so this definitely is not huge. Beautiful tank and fish though :)

-Owner of 8 male bettas :)
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
Bryce - 8 years ago
It's a betta. They live in rice paddies, this thing is a palace. Idiot
kevin morris
kevin morris - 8 years ago
I use my McDonald cup as a betta tank
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
I know this is a joke (and made me laugh) but people really do that, put them in cups as decorations. They even have a tank that you pour water in and bad water goes out! If people are that lazy to put effort to clean their pets should just not have pets in general. I think it's fun to clean a fish tank because it makes your fish happy. I have my Half-Moon Betta fish in a 10 Gallon tank XD. I spoil him too much :)
Lynn Little
Lynn Little - 8 years ago
+QWERTY DVORAK same but I fed mine rice. it died
Alex, Just Alex
Alex, Just Alex - 8 years ago
+kevin morris Boii get on my level. #BURGERKING
kevin morris
kevin morris - 8 years ago
Dylan Martin
Dylan Martin - 8 years ago
jessica horner
jessica horner - 9 years ago
it's actually better to just do frequent water changes then to run a filter with betta.
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
Echo, that is being unnecessarily rude. You should learn about the ammonia cycle.
Tatsuhiro Satou
Tatsuhiro Satou - 8 years ago
actually he is right plants use up the nitrate and nitrite so you dont need to change your water my tank is the same way but i still change the water because i enjoy working on my tanks
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
jon you're a fucking retard.
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
If anybody wants to reduce the times they change their water for their fishes, use sand. It may take a little bit longer to clean the surface of the sad. But it really reduces the times you actually do it. Sand keeps the left over food and the fish's waste on the surface, other then gravel that lets the dirty things go between the pebbles. I use sand for my 10 Gallon tank and it only needs a change every 2 or 3 weeks (due to having a good filter too). And I like the sand better then any gravel. Also with sand,  sand and a filter, even a 10 Gallon tank only needs a 25% water change because of the sand lifting the dirty things and the filter getting rid of the gunk, my fishes water is still very clean even though I don't change all the water 100%, leaving some of it's last water lets the fish still feel safe because it knows it's scent and other thing's it is familiar with. :)
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
I forgot to mention nitrates nitrites and ammonia are constant 0s. The tank is incredibly densely planted, and the only maintenance is taking out some of the floating plants every now and again. I do also keep discus but they are of course highly maintained.
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
jessica horner
jessica horner - 8 years ago
+Jon Edwards filters only remove so much. changing the water in ANY tank environment is a necessity and is the best form of filtration. you will get issues in the long run without them so be prepared if you really want to risk the health of your fish.
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
i seriously doubt this. ive never done a water change in my betta tank because it has two filters.
milkfur1 - 9 years ago
I have my betta in a 3 gallon tank with a heater and filter and a pot, live plants, and a plastic plant :3 he loves it, he swims all over the place. I'm going to quite possibly put in some grass for him as well :3
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
I have a 1/4 gallon aquarium....
kevin morris
kevin morris - 8 years ago
random BEAST
random BEAST - 8 years ago
Way to small
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 9 years ago
the filtration is great, but do you think is a little excessive?
maxxxbensleyyy - 7 years ago
indeed? what are you queen Victoria lol
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
Indeed Dawson, I hate it when people treat Bettas or any fish as decorations and put them in bowls, vases, even gumball machines! It's awful! Round tanks make the water look weird and they have their eyes harmed, dialated water from round bowls makes them blind, hurt, and may even kill them! For people who have fish in small round tanks: How you YOU like it to have everything look as if you are looking through glasses that hurt your eyes all day?
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 8 years ago
+kevin morris true
kevin morris
kevin morris - 8 years ago
the best filtration is over filtration
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 8 years ago
+dawson creek sorry for the misunderstanding
dawson creek
dawson creek - 8 years ago
+Tony Wang (iAquariums) No problem, I wasn't trying to be critical of your comment or anything like that...I just think it's cool to see someone with a nice set up for their betta :)
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 8 years ago
+dawson creek the only reason why i thought this was a little excessive is because of how he built his filter. Of course his tank is absolutely great and he has a lot of knowledge and extra material. If he were to buy all the filter material individual, the price of that filter will become ridiculously expensive. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention to the video and thought he got all the stuff at a lfs. I personally love the filter he built and I think it's very inspiring. I also think some people don't pay enough attention to their own animals sometimes and it's really sad, but this is one of the best betta videos I've seen. Thanks for your understanding :)
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 8 years ago
+dawson creek true
dawson creek
dawson creek - 8 years ago
+Tony Wang (iAquariums) it's kind of refreshing to see someone be a little excessive with their betta tank, especially when so many people think it's cool to have them in ciroc bottles or a flower vase..
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
can I use plants on my front yard garden or do I need some sort of specific plants for a betta fish? im currently using fake plants so this new info will help me out alot! thx.
Tatsuhiro Satou
Tatsuhiro Satou - 8 years ago
go to your garden store and get water letus it is great
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
stay away from you garden. go to an aquatic store and buy Aquatics plants.

Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
depends what kinda of plants you have in your garden.some plants are semi aquatic and can do well in both water and such common plant is the peace lily they are a semi aquatic plant that so long as their leaves are above the water they'll be fine and they are also commonly sold in pet stores under the name of brazilian sword for much more money than at a regular store or nursery.

also dirt doesn't harm fish and can easily be washed off.
Mikail Alim
Mikail Alim - 9 years ago
+Jr Maldonado this guy dont know anything about betta bro... only ass hole put powerhead inside betta tank without divider. Find anacharis plant bro. betta like that. put catappa leaf in your betta tank. catappa leaf make your betta healthy n happy... betta need a good water quality, 20% water changes a week is enough if you have filtration system in your tank... if dont, you need to change water every 2-3 day...
ThatsSoRepti - 9 years ago
You need plants from the pet store as they grow in water. Regular plants have dirt, and cannot survive in water

30. comment for PetStore employees BEST betta tank

TheHerpCode - 9 years ago
Someone doesn't use a small little bowl for once
Niper Boaventura
Niper Boaventura - 9 years ago
Nice tank Bryce! Congrats! I'm worried about the current of my tank, i see that yours are very light, almost no current at top. can you show us a little more about your filter system?

Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
Betta's are not the best swimmers for being a fish, it really needs a filter that doesn't move the water so much for the Betta to swim without straining itself. You can do research on what tank filter brands you can use or look at the boxes of the filters to see if it has a gentle water current for a fish :)
Jim Goodwin Jr
Jim Goodwin Jr - 9 years ago
Bryce, in the video when you hold up the heater, you say "filter" I I'm asking, isn't that heater you have in the breeder box also ?  Next--so I think I'm seeing that the breeder-box approach keeps most everything operating outside of the tank other than the pump pulling in the water--I'd like to duplicate this but will need some more discussion with you if possible....
Meme Machine
Meme Machine - 9 years ago
Breeder box converted to a cheap HOB filter!
Give this man a medal!

I keep my male/female betta in a 50 gal.
Tatsuhiro Satou
Tatsuhiro Satou - 8 years ago
look for used tanks i just got a 90 gallon with a metal stand for $75
Tatsuhiro Satou
Tatsuhiro Satou - 8 years ago
if you over filter and have enough plants it becomes close to change less, my 10 gallon tank can go way longer than im comfortable with letting it, the filter gets rid of amonia and plants use th ed nitrites and nitrates so with enough plants you barely have to change water especially if you use a little carbon
Tatsuhiro Satou
Tatsuhiro Satou - 8 years ago
if you over filter and have enough plants it becomes close to change less, my 10 gallon tank can go way longer than im comfortable with letting it, the filter gets rid of amonia and plants use th ed nitrites and nitrates so with enough plants you barely have to change water especially if you use a little carbon
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
its a good idea but in no way is it "still water" and a "water changeless tank" fucking retard.
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
That's amazing! To even afford a 50 Gallon tank! They must have so much fun and so many things to do in there! I have my Half-Moon Betta fish in a 10 Gallon tank with 4 pretty plants, one BIG hideaway rock, and sand for the floor (I think sand makes a tank so beautiful AND even though it takes longer to clean sand, it reduces the number on how many times you need to clean that sand other then gravel) with a heater, filter, along with a background tank wallpaper! He loves his nice home of comfort, and he can play in it! I love my Betta named Moonlight so much! <3
Voeris - 8 years ago
Alone or with company?
Bryce - 8 years ago
TheVideoMaker15 - 8 years ago
It's sick
yogosans14 - 9 years ago
What filter are you using?im thinking of the getting the azoo Palm filter for my 2.5 gallon
Christine Kshhdksloppp
Christine Kshhdksloppp - 9 years ago
How do u change the water?
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
na, just have incredibly efficient filtration, and heaps of plants. don't forget the years of experience with discus
레이첼 - 8 years ago
+Jon Edwards
Yes need.
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
no need
Ashlee Simmons
Ashlee Simmons - 9 years ago
Do change the water on an aqurium you need a gravel hose, a bucket and water conditioner, you take out 25% of the water using a gravel hose, (you pump the water into the bucket) then you dump out the water, fill the bucket with room tempraturw water, add water conditoner and pour it in your tank:)
AB W - 9 years ago
Bryce, just wondering...what wattage of CFL is that lamp? I want to do something similar. I hate the way most lights, even low light LED's, seem so bright without a bunch of frog bit, salvinia, etc.I like the way yours is raised so far above. I'm sure you need a higher watt to compensate.
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
Hey Bryce, how many watts should I use for my Half-Moon Betta fish's tank? His tank is a 10 Gallon tank, I don't want the light to hurt his eyes.
Bryce - 8 years ago
Probably equivalent to 40 watts. Don't have the tank anymore but leds are awesome and the future. Totally improvised lol
JR GH - 9 years ago
I bought a tank for my beta fish. What filter do you recommend and should I buy a heater. Around how many plants should I buy
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
A slow current filter is highly recommended for a Betta fish sense they are not the best swimmers. And you ALWAYS need a heater because they are tropical fish. Real plants are very recommended but expensive, if you cant afford real plants you can get fake. But you need silk plants (fake plants that have cloth leaves) or you can get plastic plants, but check to see if the plastic plants have any sharp edges or if the plastic is a soft type of plastic, I have one silk plant and 3 plastic plants that are soft plastic and don't have sharp or rough edges. Here is an extra help tip: sand is much better then gravel, other then sand making a tank look natural and beautiful it is much more sanitary, it does take some more times to clean but it keeps leftover food and the fish's waste at the surface, rather then gravel letting the dirty stuff go between the pebbles. This reduces the amount of times you need to clean the tank. With sand AND a filter (of course), you don't really need to take all the water out to clean it, just 25% of the water in the tank, this lets the fish feel more safe because it detects the scents and things that it was used to in the old water. :)
Blythe - 9 years ago
+JR GH Buy a slow-flowing filter, like a whisper-filter, and yes a heater! and with plants, are you talking live or fake? If you want fake make sure they're not plastic, they will be too sharp for their fins, get fabric plants & depending on the size of the take or plants, 2-3. would but okay. same with live plants, 2-3. (:
tonino mendez
tonino mendez - 10 years ago
It's a nice tank, but not an awesome tank, sorry. The filtration system is really nice, but the current is too high. Bettas prefer still waters and yours has no choice but to fight the current all day long. He has no real hiding spots and no place to rest on. When you see his fins blowing in the current like that, it means it's too high. Bettas love to spread their fins out and this impedes him from doing so. Beats a one-cup container though.
Lorenzo Todaro
Lorenzo Todaro - 10 years ago
This Is not a really good tank, too small and the fish need more plants.
Boris Burmenko
Boris Burmenko - 9 years ago
I was thinking the same thing. it's not good. lots of work needs to be done. not just good talk.
MrDeathrene - 10 years ago
+Leilani Hall He's right
budgie lover For ever
budgie lover For ever - 10 years ago
Not trying to be rude
budgie lover For ever
budgie lover For ever - 10 years ago
Well it's better than the stupid cups then sell them in at least I'm done I don't wanna argue
Lorenzo Todaro
Lorenzo Todaro - 10 years ago
+Leilani Hall Are you really thinking that a fish can live fine in less than 10 liters? You are crazy..
budgie lover For ever
budgie lover For ever - 10 years ago
The min Betta tank size is 2.5 gal and that's what he has
sinned2080 - 10 years ago
I used to work at a PetSmart in AZ with a guy named Bryce, I thought you were him lol
Jon Zinnel
Jon Zinnel - 10 years ago
Great job on the filtration system.
Mr JackBurton
Mr JackBurton - 10 years ago
Nice set up.. happy fish.
FingLing Minecraft PE
FingLing Minecraft PE - 10 years ago
sean harries
sean harries - 10 years ago
Ive been trying to think of a filter that wouldnt be to strong in my 2.5... never thought of using a breeder box as a filter... thats a great idea!!! 
Let 'Volir
Let 'Volir - 9 years ago
Get a whisper filter their small quiet and perfect for bettas
Kaveen Patel
Kaveen Patel - 10 years ago
Definitly NOT the most awesome betta tank. Sorry man, but there are way cooler setups than yours
Scott Quinn
Scott Quinn - 9 years ago
your so damn annoying just shut the hell up eery body eles likes his betta tank its problably better than your
Nellyzen - 10 years ago
Wow, really? And then you wonder why the world is where it's at.
Kaveen Patel
Kaveen Patel - 10 years ago
fine u racist dude
blooduhz - 10 years ago
shut up you body adour smelly Indian. He didn't say his tank 'the most awesome', but  'best'.
Stacey B
Stacey B - 10 years ago
What is that that you were using to pump water into the breeder tank? I'll looked up the s15 and only found an external filter. This seems like a great solution to the filtration verses non circulation betta issue!
ThatsSoRepti - 9 years ago
He took the pump FROM the s15
Faith Nichole
Faith Nichole - 10 years ago
All four of my betta tanks individually crush your tanks. -.-
JD E-JUICE - 10 years ago
what kind of filter is that???
Swillafornia - 10 years ago
It was explained in detail in the description box.
sweetenedsour420 - 10 years ago
i have that same tank with 2 fake plants ( those are the only plants ) and i dont have a filter or heater or light but my betta blew me a huge bubble nest so i guess hes happy

50. comment for PetStore employees BEST betta tank

DjFatality Lo
DjFatality Lo - 10 years ago
You should get an Half Moon
John James
John James - 10 years ago
Hey man, Plexi glass works a million times better for a top, as long as you keep it clean its prob better then metal
Kyra Lawson
Kyra Lawson - 10 years ago
Yep, you just crushed my betta tank. 
Tanner Eastman
Tanner Eastman - 10 years ago
why was there oil on top of the betta fish tank water???
Tanner Eastman
Tanner Eastman - 10 years ago
John James
John James - 10 years ago
its called surface scum... not harmful just not nice to look at
dale Sayson
dale Sayson - 10 years ago
sir do you need an aquarium water heater for 1gallon tank?
tonino mendez
tonino mendez - 10 years ago
Yes... With a one-gallon tank, water temperature drops and rises quite frequently.. Bettas need constant temperature of 78-82 degrees.
roslan575 - 10 years ago
Nice tank set up but power filter is definitely a no for Bettas. Naturally Bettas live in shallow ponds not streams.
Timothy Gurguis
Timothy Gurguis - 11 years ago
This really isn't that great.
kingfisher Singh
kingfisher Singh - 11 years ago
@drprplandas sorry for screwing up your name he shows the heated inside the filter
Bryan Zhang
Bryan Zhang - 11 years ago
after seeing that video of betta fish fighting, it makes me happy to see someone taking care of their animals.
/ Bangerz \
/ Bangerz \ - 11 years ago
wow I did the same thing again lol on the black poster
/ Bangerz \
/ Bangerz \ - 11 years ago
its so funny cuz I did the same thing
aquaticexpert3102 - 11 years ago
Im pretty sure that you would still need to do water changes no matter what filter you have. If you  don't, Nitrates are going to build up in your tank and be harmful to your fish. Biological filtration will have no effect on nitrates.
John Sebastian
John Sebastian - 7 years ago
aquaticexpert3102 yes if the tank has no live plants.. if it has live plants like in this video, the plants will consume ammonia nitrit and nitrate in order to grow..
Jamari Spikes
Jamari Spikes - 11 years ago
How much did it all cost
Amber Chappell
Amber Chappell - 11 years ago
I have my betta in a 5g with 2 comet gold fish a sucker fish n 2 American dwarf frogs with shrimp there all happy and active they don't fight all betta lives it
Amber Chappell
Amber Chappell - 10 years ago
Yes I'm not stupid. It was temporary and like my other comment stated I don't have them any more. I have my Axalotls and African clawed frog
Lindsey M
Lindsey M - 10 years ago
+Amber Chappell
I really hope you have done some research since this comment as to why not even one comet goldfish should be in a 5 gallon and the real reason why bettas and goldfish should not be housed together(The real reason has nothing to do with behavior by the way)
Amber Chappell
Amber Chappell - 10 years ago
+ReviewCam . They were small comets they didn't grow to much
Amber Chappell
Amber Chappell - 10 years ago
+ReviewCam . No they weren't betta can live with other fish just not other male betta they do just fine with places to hide . I don't have them any more because I got axalotls :)
RightWingReefer - 11 years ago
How much dose it cost without the price of betta
BugBear6000 - 11 years ago
That's the perfect tank for a betta! I had a similar setup but with the filter and heater inside the tank, and yours is so much better! I hate having equipment taking up space inside tanks, never would have thought of putting the heater inside the filter, great idea!
Ay H.
Ay H. - 11 years ago
u seem like u take care of your fish but please upgrade to a 5gallon for a happier betta :)
Karin Hitora
Karin Hitora - 11 years ago
For a while now, I've been think thinking of getting a 5g tank or a 3g, but after seeing the amount of room your 2.5 g gives your betta, I think I'll settled for one in similar size.
workaholicmusic2 - 11 years ago
very nice
Swillafornia - 11 years ago
how to much do you think this would cost roughly, just asking. Never owned betta or any exotic pet.
UVB - 11 years ago
What are the dimensions btw?
knightkitt90 - 11 years ago
I just bought a 10 gal tank for my betta, I plan to get another and get a divider too.
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 11 years ago
Nice tank im looking into making my 2.5 gallon a planted tank with flourite as the substrate. but i will not be using a filter.
Shi Seikatsu
Shi Seikatsu - 11 years ago
Your betta seems to like you a lot!
19jenh82 - 11 years ago
I've never used a heater for any of my bettas.
19jenh82 - 11 years ago
I have this exact same tank for my betta. a 2.5 gallon tank is like a mansion for a betta. lol Notice all the betta kits they have... those tiny vases and such. those are a gallon and under. 2.5 is great for a betta.
Geoffrey Siri
Geoffrey Siri - 11 years ago
thats a great betta tank
Jack Culver
Jack Culver - 11 years ago
The dragon is cool I have 3 of them and what can u keep a betta in
Bryce - 11 years ago
believe it was purigen. bioballs don't absorb nitrates, they collect good bacteria that basically eats ammonia and nitrites. the plants will typically take care of the nitrates because those don't get "eaten" by bacteria unless they're in a saltwater environment
natalieoca - 11 years ago
what kind of plants do you have in your tank???
ATSF171 - 11 years ago
Matt Slack
Matt Slack - 11 years ago
What is the thin that absorbs nitrates and stuff called?
Pure4Kicks - 11 years ago
Come check out my 5.5 gallon Betta Tank it's pretty sweet. Just uploaded a current video today it's looked the same for a while though as you can tell from my uploads.
Bryce - 11 years ago
In my actual planted tank, they grow quick enough that i don't need to clean them. that's ideal. in my little tank, I usually just run them under sink water and scrape the algae off with my fingers. not much else you can do i think
Bushra Hossain
Bushra Hossain - 11 years ago
I have that same tank from petsmart! Question for you, with live plants, how do you clean? Would you mind making a video about it?
Bryce - 11 years ago
2.5 is more than enough for a betta. Mine is never bored and has live plants to hide in and he's got a snail buddy in there too. Total volume is probably closer to 2.8 gallons with that filter on the back
Bryce - 11 years ago
Yeah, unfortunately people come in wanting to put all sorts of crazy fish in a bowl and this is the only thing i feel okay recommending. but this is a proper setup, albeit costing about 100+ bucks to get going. At that point, most people would rather go for a 10G aquarium or something
Raphael - 11 years ago
Good thing the betta fish is not in a small bowl.
Bryce - 11 years ago
Probably stole the gravel and the plants from my 46, theres videos of that tank, that one is a full blown planted tank so if the plants in this one aren't successful, i just steal more out of my big tank
Bryce - 11 years ago
yes there is a heater, its hidden in the filter system, its a 10 watt marina s15
Smitty Nestor
Smitty Nestor - 11 years ago
Because a light doesnt heat it up u no
Smitty Nestor
Smitty Nestor - 11 years ago
Do you have a heater
Brian McGuire
Brian McGuire - 11 years ago
Hey nice tank! I'm not following in your video when you say "I stole this from my 46 gallon tank" what exactly were you referencing? Was it the basic idea of the filter or a specific piece of hardware? I'm looking to recreate what you've done here..
Bryce - 11 years ago
Thank you. Be sure to check out other people's videos and see what kind of experience they actually have before commenting. Pretty hard to mess up a betta setup when a person has through and through experience with full blown planted tanks and saltwater reef tanks. Helps avoid a lot of conflict in the long run,
Bryce - 11 years ago
If you had read the description you would notice that there is a 10 watt heater. its not in the tank, its in the filter box system where the water flows better. So yes, it is perfect for what it is
halfmoonblu - 12 years ago
Great setup! I have the same tank, but it only holds 2 gallons with substrate and decorations in it! But my fish likes it. I'm running an Azoo Mignon filter with aquaclear sponge and biomedia. I have a video of it, not as good as yours at all, especially with that killer filtration setup!
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 12 years ago
Awesome! :D
Bryce - 12 years ago
I actually trimmed it so that the water doesnt hit it anymore. I'm sure its steel and i'm sure its not good for the fish lol
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 12 years ago
Since the water is touching the metal on the top I wonder if it's safe for the betta :0 I wouldn't know which metals are bad for them.
MrTurritos - 12 years ago
I bought a 2.5 to make it were I only have to change the water every 6 months, should be lots of fun

100. comment for PetStore employees BEST betta tank

Bryce - 12 years ago
clean the water? like a self sustaining ecosystem? those are near impossible, especially with freshwater fish
Matt .B
Matt .B - 12 years ago
If you didn't have to clean the water, I'd be interested. It's a nice setup
Bryce - 12 years ago
i would like to build and sell them, but the collective equipment used for that tank would be like 100 bucks and theres no way to get that much for it on craigslist
Matt .B
Matt .B - 12 years ago
Sell that kit!
MrHappyluvsNOODLES - 12 years ago
good job man
BettaFishRUs - 12 years ago
I love how clean newly set up aquariums look! :D GOod job!
Kurt - 12 years ago
Very nice!

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