Plans for my betta fish- Temporary tank setup

OBS: This is just a temporary tank and the fish will only live here for a couple of days! Thats why I didnt lay any work on the design and decoration of the tank. I´ve got both good and bad news! The bad news is that my ordered Betta fish tank didn´t come by post this week, so I will have to wait for it. But the good news is that I´ve already been cycled a canteen with water and decided to setup a temporary tank for my Betta fish, so I can finally get him home tomorrow! In this video I will show you how to setup a temporary home for your Betta. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: * If you have plans for buying a Betta fish, gather some water in a canteen so the water can cycle there until you buy your new family member. * Put in some preparation conditioners into the cycling water. I used AquaSafe, Algumin and Crystal water. * If the temporary home is only for a few days, you probably dont need gravel at the bottom, but I used it anyway since I dont know how long my fish will stay there. * Keep the temporary tank a simple as possible so its easy to clean without a filter. * Put down a heater and a thermometer so you can check the water temperature. * Put in simple decors, like a cave and a "toy". * If you´ve already has mixed the water with Crystalwater you don´t need to mix it again when the tank is ready. * A petbox is a perfect temporary tank for a Betta fish!

Plans for my betta fish- Temporary tank setup sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Betta 10 years ago 5,467 views

OBS: This is just a temporary tank and the fish will only live here for a couple of days! Thats why I didnt lay any work on the design and decoration of the tank. I´ve got both good and bad news! The bad news is that my ordered Betta fish tank didn´t come by post this week, so I will have to wait for it. But the good news is that I´ve already been cycled a canteen with water and decided to setup a temporary tank for my Betta fish, so I can finally get him home tomorrow! In this video I will show you how to setup a temporary home for your Betta. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: * If you have plans for buying a Betta fish, gather some water in a canteen so the water can cycle there until you buy your new family member. * Put in some preparation conditioners into the cycling water. I used AquaSafe, Algumin and Crystal water. * If the temporary home is only for a few days, you probably dont need gravel at the bottom, but I used it anyway since I dont know how long my fish will stay there. * Keep the temporary tank a simple as possible so its easy to clean without a filter. * Put down a heater and a thermometer so you can check the water temperature. * Put in simple decors, like a cave and a "toy". * If you´ve already has mixed the water with Crystalwater you don´t need to mix it again when the tank is ready. * A petbox is a perfect temporary tank for a Betta fish!

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Most popular comments
for Plans for my betta fish- Temporary tank setup

James Roberts
James Roberts - 9 years ago
thank you very much
Surewin1 - 9 years ago
Can the betta just be in tap water
Flameheart FL
Flameheart FL - 8 years ago
If you put the betta in water with chlorine in it (which most tap water has) It will kill your fish.
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 9 years ago
+Surewin1 No fish should live in tap water. I recommend buying a dechlorinator so you don't have to wait to put the water in the tank.
Arturia Pendragon
Arturia Pendragon - 10 years ago
hi again :) I just learned this cycle thing yesterday. I'm ready to buy my new tank and a betta tomorrow but it is said that it takes about 2 weeks to do a fishless cycle. I find it complicated using all those ammonia testing kit etc. and I don't know how to work on that. how did you cycle yours? sorry if I asked too many questions :)
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Arturia Pendragon youre welcome! :)
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Arturia Pendragon youre welcome! :)
Arturia Pendragon
Arturia Pendragon - 10 years ago
phew, that's a lot of work to do. hahaha it's good that we have classes right now. I can save enough money. I don't want to ask my parents for money. I'm 16 years old btw :) thank you so much. You're a big help :))))))
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Arturia Pendragon if you dont have any water conditioners, you need to cycle the tank longee than if you do have them in there :) its great that you have chosen a 5 gallon tank!! And yes, you can have 5 small neon thetras in the tank with your betta, but then you need to lower the temperature to 79-80 degrees and put in an airpump so they can breath :)
Arturia Pendragon
Arturia Pendragon - 10 years ago
hahaha. so, water conditioner is enough? I don't have to cycle my tank? I want to but I can't find any product that's similar to Safestart. there are only Methylene blue and water conditioners of different brand :3 btw, I bought a 5g tank. Is it okay to put 5 small neon tetras there together with my Betta because I visited a trusted website and it said that I should put an odd number of tetras at least 5 or is the tank too small? and is it okay to do 25% water change weekly?
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Arturia Pendragon oh hahah XD but do you have any other conditioners at home? Yes, you can find other similiar conditioners in the petshop. Ask the persons who work there. The most important conditioner is the one that makes tapwater to fishfriendly water. You can also pour in some jod-free salt (seasalt) into the water that helps prevent diseases to the fish. :)
Arturia Pendragon
Arturia Pendragon - 10 years ago
+Arturia Pendragon they dont even know what's safestart. lol. I think pet fish owners here in the Philippines don't do water cycling. they just put the fish to a newly established tank.
Arturia Pendragon
Arturia Pendragon - 10 years ago
+AlexandrasPets thank you :) thank you for helping me too :) I went to a pet shop earlier they got everything that I need except for Safestart. unfortunately, they don't sell it here :/ is there a general term for that like, anti-chlorine, water conditioner etc? that's the only thing that I don't have that's why I can't set up my tank :/ if i really cant find one, is there any alternative?
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Arturia Pendragon youve got it completely right! You are clearly a good betta fish owner because you do research before you buy one. I cred you for that! :D
Arturia Pendragon
Arturia Pendragon - 10 years ago
+AlexandrasPets I'll take your suggestion :) so what I have to do is set up my tank and run the filter, put start-conditioners and let it be for 3 days. After that, I can buy and put my betta in. is that it? :)
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Hi! I love questions ^^ well, ive heard that if you are gonna have only one fish in the tank, and no real plants, then you dont have to cycle the tank as long as if you start upp a whole aquarium with many many fish and many real plants. You can use good water conditioners to speed up the process. I use tetra safestart wich includes good bakteria for the water. Then i use tetra aquasafe that gets rid of the poison things in the tapwater, like nitrite or poison metals. If you dont have any start-conditioners, then you have to wait for the water to fix these things by itself and that takes about 1-2 weeks i would say. So my answer to you is: if you buy water-conditioners, you may cycle the tank for about 3 days, but if you dont have those conditioners, you have to cycle the tank for about 1-2 weeks. Every betta owner do their own way so if you ask someone else you would probably get a completely different answer. But this is my suggestion and it has worked fine for both me and the fish! :)
sharugan's fish
sharugan's fish - 10 years ago
Nice tutorial :D  ^u^
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Thank you! I will! :D
Bella Camilletti
Bella Camilletti - 10 years ago
Awesome video! Keep em coming!

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