Planted 20 gallon Betta Fish community Tank (Completely redesigned)
Betta 8 years ago 21,350 views
Our newly designed planted 20 gallon Betta female community tank. We have done a full overhaul including substrate. We add Fluval Stratum to give the plants a boost as there are so many of them and we don't dose our tank, we only use Flourish root tabs.We set up a temporary tank for the fish, snails and plants while we did the tank redesign. **We do not use heaters in our tanks for most of the year as where we live is very hot and the temperature stays a constant 78-79f. For 2-3 months a year when it is a little cooler we add heaters to all the tanks. Fluval Stratum Flourish root tabs Music credit LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Website ~ The email address below is for Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links, if you use those links we will receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting the channel.
But what type of gravel do you use Lifewithpets
10. comment for Planted 20 gallon Betta Fish community Tank (Completely redesigned)
20. comment for Planted 20 gallon Betta Fish community Tank (Completely redesigned)
30. comment for Planted 20 gallon Betta Fish community Tank (Completely redesigned)
when you put your pretty fishies in the temporary tank did you use a filter?
what kind of light do you use?
and is your tank a 20 long? it looks so much bigger than mine lol.
i have a 20 gallon as well.
you really inspired me to do a sorority. i currently have a 20 tall and it does need a new light/plants. i plan to do a similar set up too with sand/stone wall. i already had flourite which is good haha.
some more questions if you don't mind...
do bettas have a history of eating dwarf shrimp? if so i will stick with just nerites.
do bettas tolerate bubblers? i do use one and there is only one setting so i can't lower the output..
i also use an aquaclear 50 and it does create a bit of a current even on the lowest setting.
and the females at my local pet store are TINY like.. really tiny.
im not sure the age but would they be able to establish a hierarchy at that size? they are about 1 to 1.5
inches from what i can tell
thank you... agian.... lol
upon watching more of your videos i was able to answer most of other questions haha.
do you think a sorority set up in a 20 gallon tall would be okay?
and if so what other species of fish can peacefully coexist?
50. comment for Planted 20 gallon Betta Fish community Tank (Completely redesigned)
100. comment for Planted 20 gallon Betta Fish community Tank (Completely redesigned)