Putting my Betta Fish in His New Tank! | Alyssa Nicole |

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Putting my Betta Fish in His New Tank! | Alyssa Nicole | sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

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for Putting my Betta Fish in His New Tank! | Alyssa Nicole |

YaBOICoey _
YaBOICoey _ - 6 years ago
At 2:33 Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
meg grotte
meg grotte - 6 years ago
Hello I just wanted to say you have a beautiful tank and your fish is lovely you probably already know this but I would recommend that you get some medication just in case any illness comes up. Living in Taiwan as an American I found that a lot of times when I buy fish the water is not always clean so it's easier for them to develop fin rot or a bacterial infection and I found that it's just best to have a medical kit with you just in case something happens I lost a beautiful crown tail because he developed fin rot and I didn't know he had fin rot I've only been in the fish Hobby interest for like a month so I picked up some medication my other bettas being treated for the next three days and hopefully he'll recover if not I just give him half the dosage and I keep doing it until his infection is gone next week I have to change 80% of his water take him out clean everything and then put the old water back in although I'm not really sure why maybe because the filter is supposed to be running but I was told that if you have a filter that has I think charcoal maybe something like this you need to keep the filter from running I would just suggest if you don't have it already get a bottle of betta fix its preventive medication so you don't develop whatever 13 kinds of fish illnesses there are would also recommend getting some Guppies I don't know why but they seem to do much better and they're beautiful they're less likely to become ill who knows why
cay252 - 6 years ago
Don't feed it as any flakes u can over feed it and u can get small worms from too much food in the gravel.
Showbizpizzafan66 - 6 years ago
Thank you for not keeping this Betta in that tiny cup
Ashtyn Rose
Ashtyn Rose - 6 years ago
I have a halfmoon betta fish too and they are such cool fish! I'm glad that yours is doing well :)
Cat Cat
Cat Cat - 6 years ago
Why shouldn't you use a net?
Marli Casavant
Marli Casavant - 6 years ago
Cat Cat there fins can get caught on the wholes and tear it
ssrain Uy
ssrain Uy - 6 years ago
I've watched all 3 videos. For food I alternate on (Ocean Nutrition Betta Pellets, Ocean Nutrition Betta Pro and New Life Spectrum Betta Formula) then 2-3 a week I give them live blackworms or frozen blackworms. Just be careful with over feeding your betta specially with live and frozen. They will eat all of what you give them then after a day or two you have a betta with swim bladder disease cause he's constipated then hell start to develop fungus. One thing will lead to another. Acclimatizing, it doesn't end once you've release the fish into the tank. Turning the lights on when he just got into the tank is not something I would do. I always leave it dim or dark for a while whenever I have betta's shipped to me. Less stress for them, specially those that turn pale. They get their colors back quicker. Temperatures. 80-84 is for when I start to condition them for breeding and during breeding. Fry hatch and grow faster and in the mood for love at those temp. 76-79 are their daily life temp. 72-75(winter) they are still good and lively given* that the other water parameters are great, but they are at a higher risk of diseases. So keep a close eye on having your tank healthy if you're gonna keep them at that temp. Put a mirror in there maybe 1s a day or every other day at least. Bettas get lonely too apparently, according to one of the judges of IBC(International Betta Congress). Make sure its at least 1" below the water line. Halfmoons have the tendency to curl their caudal and dorsal find when they keep flaring at the water line. These points are just based on my experience breeding and taking care of bettas. It is what works for me and my bettas. Happy betta keeping. ^^
rex racker
rex racker - 6 years ago
Name him thomas
Sonicplasma - 6 years ago
You should get him Omega one betta pellets, both of my betta love it, it has 42 % of protein coming from salmon... the pallets are great because make less dirty your aquarium. Both of my betta fish do not like the frozen food, dry blood worms, and do not eat flakes too... ;( Good luck with your fish !!!

10. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in His New Tank! | Alyssa Nicole |

Rosewhal The Narwhal
Rosewhal The Narwhal - 6 years ago
The betta is like exactly the one I want. I’m getting one on Friday and I hope to find one like yours it’s literally what I have in mind.
Gracelyn Maness
Gracelyn Maness - 6 years ago
Hi! So I noticed that your feeding him quite a lot of food. Bettas don’t need very much food at once. And I feed my bettas pellets that you can find at Walmart or Petco and they’re made for bettas. All you need is about 4 pellets in the morning and 4 at night :)
Chelsea Roesch
Chelsea Roesch - 6 years ago
Ur fish is not supposed to have black stuff coming out of its gills
Cora M
Cora M - 6 years ago
Beth Pomeroy
Beth Pomeroy - 6 years ago
You need to brake the flakes up they cannot eat a flake that big and he will slowly die from starvation
marielephant1 - 6 years ago
My only advice is about the food! Aqueon and Omega One make pellets for bettas! And try not to feed those freeze dried foods as much, frozen is way better. Freeze dried can make betta fish bloat if they are fed it too often.
Haley Smith
Haley Smith - 6 years ago
you can tell he is a juvenile because his eyes haven’t turned that more black tone and he doesn’t have the lump on his back that comes with age :) he’s super pretty btw!!
Kit Kat
Kit Kat - 6 years ago
So, if I researched correctly, I believe you could even put ghost shrimp in there to help clean the tank up. They love moss balls and shouldn't be an issue with a Betta fish due to their lack of vibrant color. Betta fish will attack things that look too similar to themselves (I.e. Other colorful fish). Just thought it'd be cool to recommend. They're about 37¢ at Walmart.
Mara Dodge
Mara Dodge - 6 years ago
They dont need filters. Also i put normal room temp wanted in mines tank and put him and her back in right away. You needed need alot of what you bought. Also pellets are better food
ms miyavi
ms miyavi - 6 years ago
What a pretty betta and a nice tank! ^_^
one thing I suggest is instead of using flakes ,try looking for some betta pellets. flakes can cause swim bladder issues especially with larger finned bettas. Omega one pellets or the national geographic pellets are really quality brands ^_^

20. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in His New Tank! | Alyssa Nicole |

Sydney Ashcraft
Sydney Ashcraft - 6 years ago
You should put some ghost shrimp in with him. They are completely safe to keep with beta’s.
Lisa - 6 years ago
You should get a girlfriend for your Betta lol.
Kayla Brooks
Kayla Brooks - 6 years ago
Hi your channel just popped up in my feed so I went ahead and watched some of your betta fish series! Cute name! If you ever need fantastic advise Sheila from LifeWithPets channel has a fantastic video series on begginer fish keeping.

Helpful tip! For your live plant to get the nutrition it needs outside of fish waste you should look into plant food from Fluval. Can't remember the name but itll definitely help your plant out since you have it in plain gravel substrate. Or you can always look into Pothos potted plants, you just cut off a stem and let it grow roots in the water. It really helps with nitrates. Good luck! :)
Casey Lennon
Casey Lennon - 6 years ago
Just saying that’s to mutch food
Harvey Ashton
Harvey Ashton - 6 years ago
You should get some shrimp to clean the bottle ( waste and extra food ) also it gives life to the bottom of the tank and they love moss balls
Chelsea Clementi
Chelsea Clementi - 6 years ago
I love your setup it's beautiful I put seashells and live plants for my betta and apple snail and Corydoras catfish ..
xXMx_G4MINGXx - 6 years ago
Yes more people need to start small hobbies like keeping Fish.Also 20-30 mins acclimating the Betta fish would’ve let him have less of a shock.Also I like the color of your hair matches with your betta.
Taressa - 6 years ago
his eyes are so blue
Lucas Outdoors
Lucas Outdoors - 7 years ago
Nice set up. I found bloodworms really enhanced the colors of my bettas. I had a pure white one that developed blue and red in his fins after weeks of eating bloodworms. I think those colors were supposed to be there but he was malnourished from the pet store.
Ramón Largo
Ramón Largo - 7 years ago
I may have missed it in an earlier video, but how did you cycle your tank?

30. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in His New Tank! | Alyssa Nicole |

Lauren Rozic
Lauren Rozic - 7 years ago
He is beautiful! To avoid potential spikes of ammonia in your tank, try dropping in less food at a time. I am using pellets and I drop in one at a time!!
Glazed Donut
Glazed Donut - 7 years ago
What heater are you using?
Lashay Wingate
Lashay Wingate - 7 years ago
Don't use that much food maybe about, 3 pellets everything else is wonderful for your first time
Ina Uverud Finnerud
Ina Uverud Finnerud - 7 years ago
Your substrate Color is effekting the coloration so he is gona Get a very dark red From the feding fottage you may want to consider getting a different food becaus he was spotting IT out Just a little tip
Donna Graham
Donna Graham - 7 years ago
If you HAVE to feed flakes...crumble them up to very small. Better to use betta fish food.
Coralocean - 7 years ago
He is beautiful awesome job! You will need to test his water daily and probably do daily water changes in an uncycled tank. Ammonia and Nitrites will kill him. It takes a month or so to fully cycle. https://www.thespruce.com/aquarium-nitrogen-cycle-1378370 Enjoy!
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 7 years ago
I have it set to 81 but the water stays at 78!
VoLe Tomahawk
VoLe Tomahawk - 7 years ago
Alyssa you should only put about 2-3 fakes in his tank once maybe twice a day so the little guy doesn’t over eat.
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 7 years ago
Great video. Tank looks awesome. He is so cute.
Hanna Kierstead
Hanna Kierstead - 7 years ago
i love the use of the red stones! the bring out his color so well! your doing great!
Rubi Maldonado
Rubi Maldonado - 7 years ago
Does she like bts?
Mily Alvarez
Mily Alvarez - 7 years ago
What happened to the geko?
Ross Gunning
Ross Gunning - 7 years ago
I hope u put a female in there with him. For company
ytzel hinojosa
ytzel hinojosa - 7 years ago
Bettas do well on their own but if you ever do consider adding other fish you could. Ive had white cloud minnows, loaches, balloon belly mollies, guppys, and even shrimp with my bettas. Currently own a 55gal betta sorority with 1 male and 4 female while also being a community tank its not an easy task to accomplish having a betta sorority but it can be done. Having only a 5gal though you cant add much.
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
Female and male bettas often will fight to the death also. Even two females might. They are an extremely aggressive fish!
Ross Gunning
Ross Gunning - 7 years ago
+Alyssa Nicole ok I didn't know. I guess you will give him all the love he needs anyways :)
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 7 years ago
Male betta fish fight to the death.. so no I wont consider it
Ross Gunning
Ross Gunning - 7 years ago
+Alyssa Nicole lol maybe a male bro friend.plz consider it :)
Akeema Goody
Akeema Goody - 7 years ago
I love your new betta fish and its enclosure... It'll definitely be happy, I would suggest getting a few small snails for the cleaning portion of the tank it'll really help you a lot. nerite snails are the best they don't get too big and are actually pretty
Akeema Goody
Akeema Goody - 6 years ago
marielephant1 that is true depending on what else you have on the tank, if you have live plants in the tank you don't have to worry about that much. Nerite snails don't produce much poop, and bamboo is a great live plant to have in there as well. Super easy to maintain and really pretty as well.
marielephant1 - 6 years ago
Snails do produce lots of poop though :\
shoptilldeath - 7 years ago
Its cute how he spit his food in and out his mouth lol
Donna Graham
Donna Graham - 7 years ago
He spit it out because it was too large...she needs to crumble it up.
Danielle Delaney
Danielle Delaney - 7 years ago
I love seeing people actually give there Betta Fish room to swim. <3
I hate it when I see people put them in itty bitty containers. They're fish not a decoration
BettybotX - 7 years ago
He looks happy, playful, beautiful and living in peace in his new awesome tank! :D awesome job!
Daniel Loacker
Daniel Loacker - 7 years ago
I love how I have a beta fish as my iPhone lock screen lol
Hannah Nailor
Hannah Nailor - 7 years ago
With that octopus decor, I would put something in the hole on the bottom, like something similar to your sponge filter you will be getting. I work at PetSmart and have seen people lose bettas to swimming up inside there and not being able to get out..just a thought. Otherwise I love your set up!
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 7 years ago
oh gosh thanks for letting me know
Alex Arlyn
Alex Arlyn - 7 years ago
You're tank looks great!! Since it's a five gallon you can put some shrimp or a snail to liven it up. He is beautiful!!
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 7 years ago
I was thinking about some zebra snails but I need to do more research on them before I jump into anything! :)

50. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in His New Tank! | Alyssa Nicole |

katfishd - 7 years ago
He looks so happy ☺️ I would switch to a pellet for feeding though just cause its less messy than flakes and you only need about 6 per day (I feed 3 morning and 3 night) I have had my guy for nearly a year and still on the same little jar of pellets!
Ivory Bettas
Ivory Bettas - 6 years ago
katfishd pellets are harder for them to digest
Jimin Tae Yoongi Hui IM B.I Young K Woosung Jongup
Jimin Tae Yoongi Hui IM B.I Young K Woosung Jongup - 6 years ago
I don't know if you have them in wherever you life too but in germany many use "Söll Organix Pellets" and they are really good bcs there are no plant based stuff in it just feat since bettas are carnivores
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 7 years ago
He wont eat the pellets ugh I keep trying
Speaking Rain
Speaking Rain - 7 years ago
Your fish is so cute! I remember when I got my betta fish. I was so / still am so in love with him.
Alissa Michaela
Alissa Michaela - 7 years ago
Great setup!
Kai Patton
Kai Patton - 7 years ago
Love you❤️❤️❤️been subscribed since the start
Regan Sheeder
Regan Sheeder - 7 years ago
Your videos always make me smile! Such a good mom to your betta!! He's beautiful by the way!
Kate Baby
Kate Baby - 7 years ago
I love your tank design, i have fishes and reptiles as well.❤️
Alicia Hope Cooper
Alicia Hope Cooper - 7 years ago
i love you so much, your an
amazing youtuber!
Ryan Animation
Ryan Animation - 7 years ago
I've been waiting all day for this.
Rey Haney
Rey Haney - 7 years ago
Whats his name??
PinknessWolves AJ
PinknessWolves AJ - 6 years ago
Alyssa Nicole Oh my gosh, I love the Vampire Diaries!
Rey Haney
Rey Haney - 7 years ago
How cute!
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 7 years ago
Klaus like the vampire from the vampire diaries!
adacmeadows - 7 years ago
I subscribed ♡♡♡♡
Chubbi Hamster
Chubbi Hamster - 7 years ago
nike Jensen
nike Jensen - 7 years ago
Why wouldn’t u use a net
katfishd - 7 years ago
As long as its a soft net it should be fine, I use one for my guy and theres no tearing (given its only for a few seconds and I dont use it often only when im doing a full tank cleanout) ☺️
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 7 years ago
nike Jensen tears up their fins
Schurell Ehn
Schurell Ehn - 7 years ago
Your sooo pretty and I Love your channel
Kitty Cupcake AJ
Kitty Cupcake AJ - 6 years ago
Good luck :)
Sunny Aquatics
Sunny Aquatics - 6 years ago
Bubblegum Pink meee tooo
Nina stothoff
Nina stothoff - 7 years ago

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