Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!
Betta 7 years ago 495,544 views
Today I put my betta fish in my community tank. He got a long with my molly and my guppy. Also, guys I'm going to get some shrimp for the tank I cant wait. 😃 SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/CTWSub TURN ON MY POST NOTIFICATIONS FOR SHOUTOUTS IN MY VIDEOS GET OUR NEW MERCH HERE ► https://goo.gl/QnMbDL Exclusive vids on my Second YouTube channel ► http://bit.ly/TJEffect International Donation ► https://goo.gl/wNRmvD *FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! * MY INSTAGRAM (@jamesmorelan) ► https://goo.gl/18qrvG MY TWITTER (@jamesmorelan) ► https://goo.gl/9SFJPA MY SNAPCHAT ► thejimmotion Mail me stuff ► James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408 Camera I use ► http://amzn.to/2sFDoHq Other Camera ► http://amzn.to/2taloZ2 Patreon ► https://goo.gl/ZwFzuw Patreon ► Josh James Jenny Ashley John Mattew Dalia Gavin Fish tank wishlist ► http://a.co/45oNegF Want to earn money with links? Use this ► http://join-shortest.com/ref/40e603cd6f Want your name on the back of my fish tank ► https://gleam.io/LDpvi/fish-tank-background
Just summarize....
10. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!
20. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!
30. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!
50. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!
My crab: eugene
My Betta fish: Donald trump
Fish I got from the state fair: Obama
sees future videos. ok wow
So if you see this, please put him back or (even better) in a larger aquarium.
100. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!
He got 21,000 subs in a few months?
But I would like to make a suggestion. PLEASE don't listen to every single "fish expert" that attempt to tell you what to do with your fish and how to raise them, okay? Let your passion for the hobby be your guide, and learn from your mistakes if you ever make any. I can't tell you how many fish videos I go to that get thousands of dislikes because their fish "are in a tank that's too small." As far as I'm concerned, NO tank, no matter what size unless it's some huge custom aquarium, is proper for ANY fish, save a few very tiny fish that don't get that big, like bettas, guppies, tetras, ect. If you like that 10 gallon, then good on you! Less maintenance, easier to store/transfer, whatever your reason, don't think your a bad fish owner bc you keep them in a 10 gallon tank! It's so unfair for people to constantly judge others. Not all of us are loaded, and can go out and buy huge 75 gallon tanks, you know. YOU DO YOU brother.
Oh and yea your kinda cute ;)
My Angel fish.
2. You might want to get another tank. About 10 gallons bigger than your current one.
3. The betta is going to eat the shrimp, just warning you!
will kill other fish that is in its taritory . I own a
betta fish listen
good... keep it up boy✌✌
wat do bettas fish get along. w???
about the lid always have one not because to stop fish from jumping out but it's a protection from any outside objects, so it's always a must to have a lid. also if planning on putting beta in with any group fishes always have more items in such as hiding place & artificial plant to prevent any life threatening to both fish.
the filters it's not a problem it's simple some pet store had filters that can adjust the flow Warning- There's filters are expensive average from $50-$100 but if you want to buy the cheapest one like Whisper just put it at the back side of the tank to reduce the flow because the way he has it will rise up the flow and putting plastic is a Big risk not knowing that some plastic is dangerous to fish, im not a Pro nor a first timer I started having fish since 10 and from there I get my skilled improved,
started from Goldfish to owning Tropical Exotic/Salt water fish.
many things I can see here are terrible and need to be improved but like he said he's not a Pro I respect that he just need some good tip and he'll be fine.
I recommend you to do some research on what you have/planning to have then ask a pet store sales associates Warning-Some pet store sales associates may have no clue so it's best to prepare by researching before going to your local pet store
I can tell you about many flaws some pet store and walmart but who's going to read a lot so my advice as a experience fish owner is
●Research on Fish, Plant, or any aquatic products
●Plan ahead on what you are getting
●Keep Water healthy
●Check the tank for leaks or crack, check the filters and heater that it's running perfectly, and check the water temperature.
I can say more but it depend on y'all.
thank you
Plants the fake plants might rip the betta fins .
Do you know what happens
The betta keep attacking other fish and still enjoy being alone at a corner. So I don't think betta males mix well with other fish.
P.S have five females because the male would shag the one to death they are a very sexual fish