Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!

Today I put my betta fish in my community tank. He got a long with my molly and my guppy. Also, guys I'm going to get some shrimp for the tank I cant wait. 😃 SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/CTWSub TURN ON MY POST NOTIFICATIONS FOR SHOUTOUTS IN MY VIDEOS GET OUR NEW MERCH HERE ► https://goo.gl/QnMbDL Exclusive vids on my Second YouTube channel ► http://bit.ly/TJEffect International Donation ► https://goo.gl/wNRmvD *FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! * MY INSTAGRAM (@jamesmorelan) ► https://goo.gl/18qrvG MY TWITTER (@jamesmorelan) ► https://goo.gl/9SFJPA MY SNAPCHAT ► thejimmotion Mail me stuff ► James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408 Camera I use ► http://amzn.to/2sFDoHq Other Camera ► http://amzn.to/2taloZ2 Patreon ► https://goo.gl/ZwFzuw Patreon ► Josh James Jenny Ashley John Mattew Dalia Gavin Fish tank wishlist ► http://a.co/45oNegF Want to earn money with links? Use this ► http://join-shortest.com/ref/40e603cd6f Want your name on the back of my fish tank ► https://gleam.io/LDpvi/fish-tank-background

Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 828

Betta 7 years ago 495,544 views

Today I put my betta fish in my community tank. He got a long with my molly and my guppy. Also, guys I'm going to get some shrimp for the tank I cant wait. 😃 SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/CTWSub TURN ON MY POST NOTIFICATIONS FOR SHOUTOUTS IN MY VIDEOS GET OUR NEW MERCH HERE ► https://goo.gl/QnMbDL Exclusive vids on my Second YouTube channel ► http://bit.ly/TJEffect International Donation ► https://goo.gl/wNRmvD *FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! * MY INSTAGRAM (@jamesmorelan) ► https://goo.gl/18qrvG MY TWITTER (@jamesmorelan) ► https://goo.gl/9SFJPA MY SNAPCHAT ► thejimmotion Mail me stuff ► James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408 Camera I use ► http://amzn.to/2sFDoHq Other Camera ► http://amzn.to/2taloZ2 Patreon ► https://goo.gl/ZwFzuw Patreon ► Josh James Jenny Ashley John Mattew Dalia Gavin Fish tank wishlist ► http://a.co/45oNegF Want to earn money with links? Use this ► http://join-shortest.com/ref/40e603cd6f Want your name on the back of my fish tank ► https://gleam.io/LDpvi/fish-tank-background

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Most popular comments
for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!

Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Hey! I just made an updated version of this video incase you want to check it out :)
Tommy Galan
Tommy Galan - 7 years ago
Can I have a shoutout
CraftyCat 160
CraftyCat 160 - 7 years ago
MasterPancakez ok thanks :)
MasterPancakez - 7 years ago
CraftyCat 160 I suggest doing a bit of research before grabbing a fish. A betta is a great starter that needs a minimum of 2.5 gallons, tanks can be found at Walmart, pet stores, etc. make sure you do your research on cycling before you get a tank. It’s a little more complicated than you think.
CraftyCat 160
CraftyCat 160 - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild I'm thinking of starting my own aquarium, where did you get your tank from and how often do you have to clean it?
MasterPancakez - 7 years ago
Raven Shine thank you I have a video on my channel
Raven Shine
Raven Shine - 7 years ago
MasterPancakez nice,you sound like a good betta owner.
MasterPancakez - 7 years ago
Raven Shine yes I do in a 10 gallon
Raven Shine
Raven Shine - 7 years ago
MasterPancakez thanks,do you have one?
MasterPancakez - 7 years ago
Raven Shine yes they require about 2.5 gallons minimum and a heater and filter the water must be 78-80 degrees. Do not get fake plants it will hurt them live plants are much better. James has a lot of videos on them.
Raven Shine
Raven Shine - 7 years ago
I just got a betta fish,do you know anything that will help them?
Joshua Seefeldt
Joshua Seefeldt - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild. Can u help me choose what fish is good for a ten gallon tank because i got a bad series of fish and im going to clean out my tank , after i clean it out i wonder what would be the the best fish for it
Carolina Sanchez Bautista
Carolina Sanchez Bautista - 7 years ago
i love how you put your fish in a community tank but sometimes they dont really get along with other fish and a small tank is more healthy for them and i got this stuff from Taylor Nicole Dean she will help a lot and she is the reason my betta is better than ever. P.S the video was a little old so you might have to scroll down a bit.
Kittah's - 7 years ago
I have 11 male guppies and 1 betta in a10 gallon... you just need to have lots of live plant and floating plants are good as well!
MasterPancakez - 7 years ago
kitkat patywak whet
kitkat patywak
kitkat patywak - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild I can't help by asking but... what is your sexuality?
Black wolf
Black wolf - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild Get a gourami or a golden chinese algae eater.
just watched the video one more time and yess could u make a video about the filter
What is the thing that you use to ease the flow of the filter with that water bottle, I have a betta and the filter makes a very strong current (strong current puring OUT water not sucking
lil J
lil J - 7 years ago
why bot Gary for the
Harry Hayward
Harry Hayward - 7 years ago
Just me who thinks he’s really hot ?
Lizzy Wizzy SNAKE
Lizzy Wizzy SNAKE - 7 years ago
My fish is named beau and my snail layed eggs and her name is Bella :))
Chris Ringgold
Chris Ringgold - 7 years ago
RD Farms
RD Farms - 7 years ago
Your betta is fine either way, the other tank is actually pretty good for a betta. I've seen people put them in flower vases or jars (no lid) and they did just fine. Great video!
Rajen Thokchom
Rajen Thokchom - 7 years ago
Add angel fish in ur tank olz
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
I did
Sofiyan Shaikh
Sofiyan Shaikh - 7 years ago
Which top filter your using?
anasalattar alattat
anasalattar alattat - 7 years ago
Too too much talk
Just summarize....

10. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!

adelinaaa - 7 years ago
Your enthusiasm is adorable, hope all goes well!
SoulxMakaLover1 - 7 years ago
I have a male beta that I have in with 3 bottom feeders and a black racer snail. And then I have two baby female betas in one tank together. The females are separated from the male. So far my male betta is doing just fine with the bottom feeders.
Couch potato's 101
Couch potato's 101 - 7 years ago
My beta ate 2 of my neon tetras in my community tank so I put it in a breeding box
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
wow really
viceroy586 - 7 years ago
how about putting your shark
GC Aquatics
GC Aquatics - 7 years ago
Shrimp will not survive in that tank, what are your tank parameters? Because that is very important for shrimp. Shrimp also need live plants to happily live. Also, acclimation is more than just temp. pH and ammonia levels need to balance out as well, i poke holes in my bags while acclimating (tiny knife incisions). Betta fish are also not known for being able to live with other fish
Kshitij choudhary
Kshitij choudhary - 7 years ago
Which type fish do you have name it pls
Jammin' Noodle
Jammin' Noodle - 7 years ago
Velvet is absolutely gorgeous!
Panda TV
Panda TV - 7 years ago
Try not to move your betta because it makes them unhappy to be moved in and out if there tank
Tom Zhang
Tom Zhang - 7 years ago
this guy in the vidio looks handsom
Tom Zhang
Tom Zhang - 7 years ago
tottaly awesome

20. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!

SkillzHubYT - 7 years ago
20 gallon?
Bleeding vomit
Bleeding vomit - 7 years ago
Get rid of the plastic stuff and fake plants! It will kill the bettas
Mr. Spotty Dog - Minecraft
Mr. Spotty Dog - Minecraft - 7 years ago
Great video
Madison Garcia
Madison Garcia - 7 years ago
He's going to kill them all
Ramskie kingking
Ramskie kingking - 7 years ago
Your so cute
walsall1971 - 7 years ago
Get a proper tank
Max Lindley
Max Lindley - 7 years ago
u should chuck a mirror in the tank or outside of your tank so your beta can look way cooler and u will his body change in shape as he is very territorial and will think there is another beta in his territory
Porch Monkey
Porch Monkey - 7 years ago
Woah your fine asl
Keaton Whisenhunt
Keaton Whisenhunt - 7 years ago
Ghost shrimp here are $0.30
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Dude wow you went from 40 subs in April to 28Thousand in November good job!!

30. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!

yupmynameismelody - 7 years ago
people in the comments gotta stop acting like they went to fish college for 12 years and know everything about fish
David Ly
David Ly - 7 years ago
Sister hot bruh kool set up
Deletha Barnett
Deletha Barnett - 7 years ago
nice. I sub u sub Fish Keeping Jamaica.Thx
Irfan Darmawan
Irfan Darmawan - 7 years ago
jizz bro don't put betta with gupy because betta will think guppy its same with them , they feel gupy its a betta to ahahahaah
Brianna's Pet keeping Life
Brianna's Pet keeping Life - 7 years ago
i have 5 guppies w neon and thre snails and i cory catfish in a 3.5 getting 10 gallon for christmas
RkBunny - 7 years ago
FENiX - 7 years ago
I saw the guppies in the video but is it a good idea to put betta fish and guppies together?
FENiX - 7 years ago
Can you put betta fish and guppies in the same tank?
Jennifer Moreno
Jennifer Moreno - 7 years ago
In Tucson they are 97 cents for a shrimp
Roman's Aquariums
Roman's Aquariums - 7 years ago
your cute
JJ STUDIO - 7 years ago
Did the amazing Spider-Man make a YouTube channel?
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
What lol
Naomi'sAnimals - 7 years ago
What tank was he in before??
Alvaro Dominguez
Alvaro Dominguez - 7 years ago
I've been thinking of getting a Betta and a 2.5 gallon tank. Thanks for the info.
SouthPaw Rey
SouthPaw Rey - 7 years ago
what's your sisters snap
SouthPaw Rey
SouthPaw Rey - 7 years ago
your sisters beautiful bro, i'm contemplating marriage now... :)
Ilena Starbreeze
Ilena Starbreeze - 7 years ago
Mmm yoy seem really excited and thats awesome i love it when younger folk love animals but i would suggest looking on the secondary market, you can find some awesome deals on equipment and fish , i have collected a lot of stuff for far cheaper, also donresearch online if you dont, look up what plants like and what light levels they like, i know itd an older video but it looks like a decently strong one?
SnakeslayerPlayz - 7 years ago
Your really cool and a nice Pearson I like your vids also your greatfull
Joshua Rock
Joshua Rock - 7 years ago
adorable .. fish are cute too
Prathyush J.
Prathyush J. - 7 years ago
A lot of people here are syaing that betta will eat shrimp. As long as there are some REAL plants( java moss is a great option and would look REALLY cool with that helmet) then the shrimp can easily hide. Also, get some aquarium soil, I recommend this brand: https://www.chewy.com/fluval-plant-shrimp-stratum-plant/dp/125136?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=f&utm_content=Fluval&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_5_QBRC9ARIsADVww16LoL_jrpYfmHCcQ2dvmtcDO_HuKJb9rKWQWdOWauemx9Cv0aOpPUsaAkenEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds good luck!
Sanskar Shinde
Sanskar Shinde - 7 years ago
hey do u have any video of your fish fights.....then plz tell me .....please

50. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!

Ilfitra Agnamal
Ilfitra Agnamal - 7 years ago
Uploud Shark
Deshaan Moore
Deshaan Moore - 7 years ago
If you have to be efficient and you have to take one out there betta fish ever fight
-_ENDLESS_PIT_OF_TRASH_- - 7 years ago
My creative fish names
My crab: eugene
My Betta fish: Donald trump
Fish I got from the state fair: Obama
Dakota Cole Banks
Dakota Cole Banks - 7 years ago
As a college student, staying in a dorm, with rules stating that I can’t have any pets except for fish in a ten gallon tank, also studying marine biology, I am building a beta tank. I currently have two male bettas, Sampson and Augustine. Both are in the same tank but have a divider. I’m hoping to get some females to put in a different ten gallon and what not. Sorry long story short I’m gonna sub cuz I’m curious on what another person my age is doing with fish. Glad there’s a person who’s love for fish is as strong as mine
Nigel The Muskrat
Nigel The Muskrat - 7 years ago
My 10 gallon community has 11 fish. It may seem like a lot but my guppies keep having babies :c
Rhenz Ryan Cardano
Rhenz Ryan Cardano - 7 years ago
Can you gave me one
Isobelle Locke
Isobelle Locke - 7 years ago
You are awesome!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe thanks :)))) here is my next video early! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbPO6zsEe7A
Devan Glover
Devan Glover - 7 years ago
I have had a lot of fish and fish tanks within my life but I've never had a baby betta, I have her in a five gallon tank with the filter slowed down, what do I feed her?  How do I know if she is eating? Also should I get another baby girl so she has a friend? My favorite fresh water fish is guppies, do female bettas do okay with male guppies because the females are smaller and have smaller tails?
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
baby bettas are the best here is my next video early! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbPO6zsEe7A
Aqua King
Aqua King - 7 years ago
Wow 41 subscribers??? Congrats!!! Haha
The Drew Review
The Drew Review - 7 years ago
Don't breed the guppy because the betta will eat the fry
The Drew Review
The Drew Review - 7 years ago
More light = more algae
Bhim Singh
Bhim Singh - 7 years ago
U r so funny
PAYTON SATZKE - 7 years ago
Um.. I have a beta fish and he loves lasers and chasing them. You should shine a laser in the tank and see if they’ll follow it.
Al Mc
Al Mc - 7 years ago
no the bata is very territorial he will stack other fish!
Novial Riptide
Novial Riptide - 7 years ago
it's a little small to be a community tank

sees future videos. ok wow
J Espinoza
J Espinoza - 7 years ago
You need a air pump. Your fish might suffocate.
C&M GAMING - 7 years ago
the fish will kill everything
Cameron Loeffel
Cameron Loeffel - 7 years ago
Get a bigger tank like a 29 gallon you will just need a bigger filter and an air stone you will like it
Yosef Payan
Yosef Payan - 7 years ago
Is it okay to put any fish with the betta?Pls reply asap
Neu Dii
Neu Dii - 7 years ago
Shrimp can be cheap if you continue to look. Where I live some are over 7 or 10 for one and other places are like 1 or 2 for one. So yeah it just really depends
Corrupt Gaming
Corrupt Gaming - 7 years ago
Betas should not be put together
Jed M
Jed M - 7 years ago
your sister is hot af
Awesomeboygamer24- Jedi Twenty One Pilot
Awesomeboygamer24- Jedi Twenty One Pilot - 7 years ago
i had one put it passed away it was named Betta Fett
Jordin Priddy
Jordin Priddy - 7 years ago
It’s a bad idea to use fake plants with a betta because it does damage their fins.
Santosh Biradar
Santosh Biradar - 7 years ago
We can keep Betta fish with gold fish
Emman Cristhian Cortezo
Emman Cristhian Cortezo - 7 years ago
I notice .. you are cute hahaha
#KC Louison
#KC Louison - 7 years ago
Betta fish can live in ANY!!! type of water
Atlanta Scholar
Atlanta Scholar - 7 years ago
Dang he hit 41 subscribers! Congrats....*the baby says as he currently has 26K subscribers*
Kris-Bert Ganutan
Kris-Bert Ganutan - 7 years ago
Cute guy... new sub here... :) good luck and more videos
Adlin Osman
Adlin Osman - 7 years ago
I love u
Juvert Delosreyes
Juvert Delosreyes - 7 years ago
your sooooo handsome omg
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Omg tanks, I just got a new betta check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJjkUxtRoQY
carli obrien
carli obrien - 7 years ago
The filter is too strong for him, bettas are fragile and need to be still to sleep
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
True I changed that in my later videos :)
TheAmazingVue - 7 years ago
i named my snail bush bush
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
TheAmazingVue - 7 years ago
bettas eat shimp!
TheAmazingVue - 7 years ago
i have a ton of bettas
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Thats awesome!
Blossom Crystal2
Blossom Crystal2 - 7 years ago
I have a betta fish in my community tank but seperately
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Vinh Nguyen
Vinh Nguyen - 7 years ago
I hope that heater is fully submergible, you even got the electric cord inside the tank lol
VICTORIA - 7 years ago
I heard from multiple people that you shouldn't put bettas together with any other fish, because either they will kill them or they'll look like they're fine, while they actually resigned from defending their space and thereby live in constant stress, which means that they wont live as long as they would in a tank all for themselves.

So if you see this, please put him back or (even better) in a larger aquarium.
Serena Smith
Serena Smith - 7 years ago
Live plants work really well with ghost shrimp because they like two climb and hide in them they also like to eat dead fish that has died in the tank if it does then check your water because that can kill the fish if it is wrong so be careful
Serena Smith
Serena Smith - 7 years ago
More girls than boys I have five and they have lots of life babies they also eat them if you want to keep the babies then you can get a little baby protector for the live babies
Serena Smith
Serena Smith - 7 years ago
He is better off with others of the same type around about 5
Serena Smith
Serena Smith - 7 years ago
The will eat
Bhim Yadav
Bhim Yadav - 7 years ago
improve your camera quality
Leonard Monton
Leonard Monton - 7 years ago
Nice Oxygen Bro =)
Im awesome
Im awesome - 7 years ago
Yo bro I have a 40 gallon and I just have guppy's and ghost shrimp and a beta I do not recommend breeding guppy's it is a nightmare you have about 2-20 baby's every week which is a little too much.
light - 7 years ago
You should get some live plants to help with cleaning the tank, also gives the shrimp some more natural feeling and looking hiding spots. You also might want to get some dither fish (neon tetras, cardinals and other tetras) it helps with keeping the fish calmer and if you get bottom dwellers it tells them that it’s safe to come out. I’ve got a beta with 6 neon tetras and a bristle nose in my 5 gallon with a tonne of live plants and it’s going quite well!
Meaghan Beadle
Meaghan Beadle - 7 years ago
im pretty sure velvet is an illness that betta fish can get. but great name lol
Kwan Agullard
Kwan Agullard - 7 years ago
Your sisters hot af
Kalw Mamakams
Kalw Mamakams - 7 years ago
You're cute.
Im a yummy nacho cheese Dorito
Im a yummy nacho cheese Dorito - 7 years ago
Why in our pet store they all have all Red and Blue colors and Yellow-ish Blonde but they never had two color betta fish -.-

100. comment for Putting my Betta Fish in a COMMUNITY TANK!!!

Kikaaa s
Kikaaa s - 7 years ago
Male or female??
The South Bound Guys
The South Bound Guys - 7 years ago
if there is another male better fish is in they will fight in that tank
adya agnihotri
adya agnihotri - 7 years ago
The betta might eat the shrimp
Woddie - 7 years ago
You talk to long just get to the fucking point
Kayce Moua
Kayce Moua - 7 years ago
You are stupid if you leave the beta in that tank bettas fight other fish
Julie Henry
Julie Henry - 7 years ago
Rip betta
Yashvanth Kumar
Yashvanth Kumar - 7 years ago
is ur tank a 10 gallon
Venetta Bejenaru
Venetta Bejenaru - 7 years ago
my beta jumped out 2 times when I was cleaning his tank......it was crazy he jumped out onto the wall.....crazy !! lol
Raymond Yu - Corsair PS (1359)
Raymond Yu - Corsair PS (1359) - 7 years ago
wow your videos are great
Robert Castillo
Robert Castillo - 7 years ago
Fact: betta fish are fighting fish they like there own tank,people think that u can put them in community tanks but all they will do at the right moment is fight with other fish for the whole tank untail the win.
Shamshad Ansari
Shamshad Ansari - 7 years ago
hiii can we friends
Owen Trout_27
Owen Trout_27 - 7 years ago
Bettas actually prefer to be included and secure than with others they can be aggressive fish
Win win Centino
Win win Centino - 7 years ago
Willybear BOSS21
Willybear BOSS21 - 7 years ago
Buy a (Oscar fish) they are at Walmart they are amazing look them up on google buy the babies that’s what’s they sell at Walmart
Ryan Conroy
Ryan Conroy - 7 years ago
Freshwater shrimp shed
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
True ture
Bhumit Mahadik
Bhumit Mahadik - 7 years ago
u r the best ✌
Jagger Proietti
Jagger Proietti - 7 years ago
Dude you can put way more fish in there
Desmascouz 2k17
Desmascouz 2k17 - 7 years ago
NO you shouldnt do that!
Cuddly Kittens
Cuddly Kittens - 7 years ago
Btw you're the bessst youtuber evverrr! keep up the awesome work!!! Ilysm ❤❤❤ #fishsquad
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Cuddly Kittens awe thanks so much :)
Emily Foster
Emily Foster - 7 years ago
ur betta can die from fighting the other fishwouldnt recomd putting him with other fish
Toufeeq Rock
Toufeeq Rock - 7 years ago
Can you buy little more guppies cause only you at having four guppies
Daniela Sarria
Daniela Sarria - 7 years ago
an advice from me i have goldfishes and platy but dont let your tank get too dirty that happened to me and my fish got bad bacteria
Bloodie Zombies
Bloodie Zombies - 7 years ago
Oh wow. I heard that your not supposed to mix Betta with other fish, they will fight or get stressed up until they die..interesting
yrshad Sajiran
yrshad Sajiran - 7 years ago
buy a king crowntail fighting fish its epic when getting a battle
Mohammed Imran
Mohammed Imran - 7 years ago
Your sister is hot
paula Gogarty
paula Gogarty - 7 years ago
good vid plz make MORE
John Roy
John Roy - 7 years ago
If best eyebrows were in the Olympics, you and your sister would win gold medals.
fish tank Fish tank
fish tank Fish tank - 7 years ago
your sister is funny
fish tank Fish tank
fish tank Fish tank - 7 years ago
I'm your biggest fan I got. tiger bears
Zach Mason
Zach Mason - 7 years ago
Please could you start up a cichlid tank
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
ahh i want one
TaylorIsBae - 7 years ago
The guppies could remind the betta of another betta. I actually have 3 guppies in my tank with my betta Luna and he doesn't care. Mostly because he's young, but most bettas I get don't mind the guppies. If you notice the guppies fins have bite marks immediately remove the betta or guppies from the tank.
Zero Echo
Zero Echo - 7 years ago
Hey, I have been watching your channel for a while now and I think all the things you do are amazing u have inspired me to get a fish tank and take care of it thanks for being my motivation to carry on with fish things, so thanks
quilldog 10
quilldog 10 - 7 years ago
Shrimp are salt water and bettas aren't so he would have to have certain things for the shrimp because they're saltwater but maybe could hurt the freshwater fish
Tony Mott
Tony Mott - 7 years ago
When I was like 5 I had 2 betta fish. They were both boys so we bought a tank with divider but I think the tank was only like 1 gallon and it was divided by 2. My mom would put them in separate cups. Now I feel bad. There was also nothing but a tank and rocks. there was no filter or any thing to clean the water or a vacuum to clean it. I feel really bad. *** IMPORTANT** I saw a video where you needed aquarium bacteria. Do I need it? Also where do I buy it? I don't want to put any bacteria and I don't want to kill them. It's been 8 years and I want betta fish. I plan on buying a 10 gal. tank with hopefully 3 females because I heard you shouldn't do 2. and my sister is giving me hers. I feel so bad for it though. she says its okay but its in a small tank but she has a heater for him. I think I'll put 1 boy in a 3 gal. tank so he'll be happy. I also wanted to breed but realized that they can have like 100 babies and I can't buy 100 tanks and they won't be happy with no room. Please help me with the bacteria. I'm excited to own fish again :)
Shya Smiley
Shya Smiley - 7 years ago
I have some of shrimp and my tank and I have 5 of the glow fish with a frog and I have a sucker fish and a albino sucker fish
Diego Lopez
Diego Lopez - 7 years ago
Your sister single. She's hot af
Chloe Iverson
Chloe Iverson - 7 years ago
You're so cute
DAMASTER YOUTUBE - 7 years ago
I have a 50 gallon community tank with 6 goldfish bala sharks angels and 6 dollars with a betta
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Unown Ring
Unown Ring - 7 years ago
love the video, am hoping he does good, and all goes well for ALL the fish in there.
Jessica Grubb
Jessica Grubb - 7 years ago
Omggg the shrimp are $5.99 at your pet store?! Here, they are ¢49
Jessica Grubb
Jessica Grubb - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild What kind of shrimp are they?
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Jessica Grubb dang
[] Doveen the Fox[]
[] Doveen the Fox[] - 7 years ago
Ghost shrimp would be just fine, since they are transparent, which helps them in their defense in hiding.
[] Doveen the Fox[]
[] Doveen the Fox[] - 7 years ago
Male bettas can get along with plates, feeder guppies, mollies (as long as they don't have long, flowing fins), neon tetras, ghost shrimp.
[] Doveen the Fox[]
[] Doveen the Fox[] - 7 years ago
Tony Kart Racer
Tony Kart Racer - 7 years ago
That betta hasn't jumped out the tank yet?
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Tony Kart Racer nope even in his new tank :)
Grace Kappauf
Grace Kappauf - 7 years ago
At pet smart the shrimp are 39 cents
Grace Kappauf
Grace Kappauf - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Grace Kappauf dang really
Victoria Bauer
Victoria Bauer - 7 years ago
$5.99 is high I played $0.50
The Dominus
The Dominus - 7 years ago
Neon tetras are good in a cominity tank, because they are school fishes, which means u need 4-6 of them, and they will follow eachother
master miku
master miku - 7 years ago
It's a she
Angel Rivera Herrera
Angel Rivera Herrera - 7 years ago
don't put a Betta in a net it will rip there fins the bag is good lol
Angel Leon
Angel Leon - 7 years ago
get shrimp at walmart 36 cents
Karina Nevarez
Karina Nevarez - 7 years ago
Hese cute
zWIZARD Hunter
zWIZARD Hunter - 7 years ago
That is like the exact same Betta as mine with the colouration
Colin McNerney
Colin McNerney - 7 years ago
You should get bala shark tank
Ask The Pro DJ
Ask The Pro DJ - 7 years ago
You say tank to many times, sounds horrible, can you stop saying that word?
Caity Allen
Caity Allen - 7 years ago
I got nervous by the title oml
Henry Plewes
Henry Plewes - 7 years ago
i have thoes i go to petco in napa thats where i live and there 49 sence
Henry Plewes
Henry Plewes - 7 years ago
cool you should get thoes and dont get them food they eat off the bottom and if you give them food they will get fat and over fead and end up dieing
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awesome my store has ghose shrimp for $0.49
Deme Kokashvili
Deme Kokashvili - 7 years ago
Hii ✌ do you have instagram? You are cool boy
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Deme Kokashvili yee @jamesmorelan lol thanks
calin morales
calin morales - 7 years ago
Where do you buy your betta fish?
Christina Thompson
Christina Thompson - 7 years ago
You need a air pump
Christina Thompson
Christina Thompson - 7 years ago
Bettas can going tank with other fish just not with other bettas
Christina Thompson
Christina Thompson - 7 years ago
Mean batetta
Christina Thompson
Christina Thompson - 7 years ago
That battery is gorgease
Madilyn House
Madilyn House - 7 years ago
How old are you?
Best Of K-POP
Best Of K-POP - 7 years ago
your so handsome omg
The Lovely Rhodonite
The Lovely Rhodonite - 7 years ago
Best Of K-POP you're*
Pepperoni Dog Fart
Pepperoni Dog Fart - 7 years ago
Bigblue091 - 7 years ago
Your sister is a smoke.
MRswiftkow - 7 years ago
i want a community tank. :(
HellAngeL - 7 years ago
Hi sister
ItzMeowkio - 7 years ago
Don't Bettas kill other fish
shooting stars
shooting stars - 7 years ago
You should make a video of you catching fish and putting it in your tank
Jaymie Ann Aclan
Jaymie Ann Aclan - 7 years ago
What are the other fishes???
Lewis Royer
Lewis Royer - 7 years ago
Try some live plants. It will reduce frequency of water changes and would be good for the fish.
Alec - 7 years ago
Did he just say "We just hit 41 subs"???
He got 21,000 subs in a few months?
Jace brown
Jace brown - 7 years ago
Betts will demolish other fish they are aggressive fish
Kheiron Harris
Kheiron Harris - 7 years ago
Males and females fight
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Kheiron Harris yeah :(
Emmanuel Nalli
Emmanuel Nalli - 7 years ago
hey boy based on those footage at the end I can tell that the flow is too high. Sponge airfilters are best for betta fish. I can tell you your betta would had been happy in that small tank. An adult betta fish likes solitary environment it doesn't need companions. Don't think as human perspective. A happy betta makes bubbles it wont make bubbles if there are other bussy fishes. You can add sprimps in betta tank but betta will always try to hunt them. Keep in mind even though its small betta is a predator fish. In the end I would like to say,dont experiment with shrimps or guppy breeding for the sake of uploading videos and getting subcribers,first learn fishkeeping your self .
Penny Glomsburg
Penny Glomsburg - 7 years ago
It beta fish is terrible
Peyton Morrison
Peyton Morrison - 7 years ago
Ok guys thank you so much dor 41 subscribers! Like really I don't have that much and that's not even a lot
Gage Doomfield
Gage Doomfield - 7 years ago
I love this video! You've earned yourself a subscriber!

But I would like to make a suggestion. PLEASE don't listen to every single "fish expert" that attempt to tell you what to do with your fish and how to raise them, okay? Let your passion for the hobby be your guide, and learn from your mistakes if you ever make any. I can't tell you how many fish videos I go to that get thousands of dislikes because their fish "are in a tank that's too small." As far as I'm concerned, NO tank, no matter what size unless it's some huge custom aquarium, is proper for ANY fish, save a few very tiny fish that don't get that big, like bettas, guppies, tetras, ect. If you like that 10 gallon, then good on you! Less maintenance, easier to store/transfer, whatever your reason, don't think your a bad fish owner bc you keep them in a 10 gallon tank! It's so unfair for people to constantly judge others. Not all of us are loaded, and can go out and buy huge 75 gallon tanks, you know. YOU DO YOU brother.
Phong Nhã Nguyễn
Phong Nhã Nguyễn - 7 years ago
Love :)
Kevin Keener
Kevin Keener - 7 years ago
My betta will not get along with any fish. He is in a 10 gallon all by himself.
Mcbroy Remollo
Mcbroy Remollo - 7 years ago
better if you put a live plant
Mcbroy Remollo
Mcbroy Remollo - 7 years ago
dont mix your betta with your other fish's
Nisa Cobos
Nisa Cobos - 7 years ago
He is just adorable ❤️
Penguin Dude
Penguin Dude - 7 years ago
I'm gonna add some plecos and maybe some other fish to my shrimp and betta tank
MasterPancakez - 7 years ago
I remember watching it and thinking what is this rookie doing
MasterPancakez - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild wow good job replying to comments
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+MasterPancakez lol thats how it goes
SC: riley_ora
SC: riley_ora - 7 years ago
So I have a male betta living in a ten gallon alone. There are lots of plants and hiding spots, would it be safe to add other fish to the already established tank or should I take him out and put the fish in and then reintroduce him?
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+SC: riley_ora im about to post a video on it:) it comes out tommorw
Zakk Kaye
Zakk Kaye - 7 years ago
I rlly like that you actually take in advice from your viewers rather than just disregarding them like some pet YouTubers do. Big up :)
Srinivasa Nayak
Srinivasa Nayak - 7 years ago
My dads friend is gonna give me a cool snail to keep color almost same as you beta
Pan Gao
Pan Gao - 7 years ago
Since the day i started having tanks, my bettas thrive in a community tank and live for atleast 6 years. I do 1 betta per tank. They love to stay in caves and spend most of its time inside. If you have a bubble or even a bit of air inside the cave, it will use it for breathing and wont even leave his territory. I never put my bettas in a small bowl like what people mostly do.
Joshua Revis
Joshua Revis - 7 years ago
Your sister is really cute
Storm Van odijk
Storm Van odijk - 7 years ago
Betta need shelter at the top o the tank, you should buy live plants and let them float.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
True ture I have some
Dr NA MS - 7 years ago
@challenge the wild...will the Betta go in a tank with Neon Tetras, Angel fish and cat fish (the tank is approximately of 50L).
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
I dont think that would be the best, im gonna make a video on it
TANK masters
TANK masters - 7 years ago
Can you make a turtle tank
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
CENTURION - 7 years ago
Sooo how's the Betta doing?
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+CENTURION great :)
little _a5
little _a5 - 7 years ago
try sea monkeys they are actually brine shrimp
Kile Ives
Kile Ives - 7 years ago
Youre so cute. Lol
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
You hit 20 k
wills fish tank
wills fish tank - 7 years ago
Just to let u know that only one snail can produce more snails cause i got one and by the end of the week I had like 10 snails
Autumn - Plays
Autumn - Plays - 7 years ago
One of my first betas jumped into the sink before we even got the chance to get him out and start cleaning his tank. We revived him back to health and we had him for another 3 years.
david wilinski
david wilinski - 7 years ago
From experience Bettas make great community fish whether female or male. I have kept up to 17 in a heavily planted 120 gallon tank with numerous other fish. Not once were they aggresive, chased other fish/each other, or nibbled on fins. This idea that they need to live in tiny jars and alone is complete bullshit. As long as you don't add them all at once you can keep adding and adding them. Also make sure you have a bunch of plants real or fake that float on top since that's where Bettas hang out the most. All of them eventually start exploring other parts of the aquarium. Have a lot of these fish in one tank makes for a gorgeous community tank.
dinanm7 - 7 years ago
Hope he doesn't catch velvet
Carol Alicea
Carol Alicea - 7 years ago
Good job kid, your tank looks nice. If you want a chuckle check out how to set up a ghetto tank.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Carol Alicea tanks so much :)
Rin 98
Rin 98 - 7 years ago
U r so cuute hehe posting videos about your fish awww
Rin 98
Rin 98 - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+flower seven7 awe lol
DraydenCB:RO - 7 years ago
Lol 41 subs now has 19k
Giber - 7 years ago
great video
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Giber awe thanks so much :)
mystery shack
mystery shack - 7 years ago
HAhaha, What an ugly tank :-D
ranganadh ranga
ranganadh ranga - 7 years ago
can you have a flower horn an adult
sagatbalrog - 7 years ago
Ur sis is hot
sagatbalrog - 7 years ago
Even if u put 10 more little tropical fish in the tank it won't stretch the limit as long as u don't over feed
Hey, It's Elena!
Hey, It's Elena! - 7 years ago
My friend told me she had a beta. She came home one day found it on the floor. He jumped. I have a lid for my tank for my beta luckily.
Please love me I love u
Please love me I love u - 7 years ago
Rip Houdini my crowned betta fish who was in a community tank his tail got stuck in the gutter so be careful with betta and their tails
TH3 Camber Guy
TH3 Camber Guy - 7 years ago
I want to see a video you inspire me to get more and more fish my parents say who do you get this from cause no one has had as much fish as I have in my fam
BLACKI ACID - 7 years ago
My betta fish tank was right next to my guppy. It jumped into the guppy tank over night it killed all my males and babys
BLACKI ACID - 7 years ago
Bro put a lid
Betta Beauties
Betta Beauties - 7 years ago
Yes, a lid is a must for bettas! My male jumped out right in front of me as I was feeding him.
Betta Beauties
Betta Beauties - 7 years ago
Floating plants like water lettuce or water hyacinth are easy to care for - bettas like a bit of shade :)
Amber Driesse
Amber Driesse - 7 years ago
I got a 10 gallon tank lid with a light on it for 20 bucks at Wal-Mart. It is also LED, so it will likely never run out
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
wow thats awesome :)
zack johnson
zack johnson - 7 years ago
Your gaf
Sanjana Mistry
Sanjana Mistry - 7 years ago
"And also guys we just hit 41 subscribers" he's famous now!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
War Master
War Master - 7 years ago
Put real plants in the fake one will rip the Bettas fins
KoPoZBroz Gaming
KoPoZBroz Gaming - 7 years ago
I have 3 platys one male betta a bunch of baby snails and a few large shrimp and two acuatic frogs and my shrimp and and snails eat the food for my fish and frogs
Paper Chasin
Paper Chasin - 7 years ago
Yo sister sexy
Venus FlyTrap
Venus FlyTrap - 7 years ago
You can also put fresh water snails in your aquarium to help with cleaning. I have 2 male bettas and they love their snails. I was a little concerned about the size of the snails but my smallest betta is tanked with the largest snail and my largest betta is with the smallest snail. No one has killed each other so from experience, they do well with each other.
Maximum max
Maximum max - 7 years ago
put the betta into a big gallon
Toxic Despair
Toxic Despair - 7 years ago
They are usually really good in community tanks well my did and I had a forty gallon though but I did the worst thing you could do put 2 males in one tank well 1st day they did fight but after that they did amazing
Alejandro Arrivillaga
Alejandro Arrivillaga - 7 years ago
What's your sisters Instagram? Asking for a friend !
Eric Hartl
Eric Hartl - 7 years ago
Sometimes fish feed on their fins, so monitor for sure. Betas are very territorial as well, just monitor make sure you have a healthy environment.
FloweringShadowz - 7 years ago
Guppies like to live in a school so I recommend getting more other wise he will stress
Angelina Hawthorne
Angelina Hawthorne - 7 years ago
I just done that too but u do know ur only supposed to put bettas with tetra fish only bc they are so aggressive
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
I have two female bettas, should I put them both in one 10g tank.
Aperson_named - 7 years ago
at 5:06 you see the betta flare
Lauren C
Lauren C - 7 years ago
If there is male fish they will fight
Lauren C
Lauren C - 7 years ago
Bad idea
Grace Spencer
Grace Spencer - 7 years ago
I like that you want to educate yourself more, it's shows you care
Noah Bridge
Noah Bridge - 7 years ago
Ahh your cute
Stace Boogz
Stace Boogz - 7 years ago
You r cute
Stace Boogz
Stace Boogz - 7 years ago
Stace Boogz
Stace Boogz - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe tanks :)
penta - GRAM
penta - GRAM - 7 years ago
What types of fish have you got
Ashlee Mac
Ashlee Mac - 7 years ago
Betas love a smaller space and aren't very good with other bettas so stop being so dumb
Xvn Alex
Xvn Alex - 7 years ago
Ahhh you're so cute im subbing (and cause you have pretty good content)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe tanks
[] Doveen the Fox[]
[] Doveen the Fox[] - 7 years ago
What fish do you have?
Lillian Beck
Lillian Beck - 7 years ago
You know people only watch his videos because hes cute. And betas are territorial so theres a good chance he will pick on the other fish. And say i dont know what im talking about this kid literally mentioned in this video he has no idea what hes doing
Katherine Henriquez
Katherine Henriquez - 7 years ago
This guy is cute
Mary Jones
Mary Jones - 7 years ago
I just recently bought a blue male Betta and I was wondering what is a good size tank for him?? Also I have a 70 gallons with 2 starfish one flame fish 1 watchmen goby 1 yellow tang 1 half black angel and something else that was a rescue from a fish store with no breed tag
Leo Is the real Gucci mane
Leo Is the real Gucci mane - 7 years ago
Putting my betta in community was worst thing for mine he got really stressed and I think maybe my tanks was too big a 45 gallon
TheArtCollective102 - 7 years ago
You could use Algae wafers to feed the snail instead of waiting for algae to grow.
Super Fan
Super Fan - 7 years ago
Beta are not suppose to be together
the sassy girls Side
the sassy girls Side - 7 years ago
That. Is a female because it has a short tail
RoGuExPaNcAkE - 7 years ago
it's 1inch per gallon my man.
GingerStoffel02 - 7 years ago
Did he say 41 subs WTF
godzillafan6000 - 7 years ago
are the fish still alive?
Mike's Aquatics
Mike's Aquatics - 7 years ago
this guy is fucking retarded
Jace brown
Jace brown - 7 years ago
If you get a agresive beta like me it will eat the other fish
Zakk Kaye
Zakk Kaye - 7 years ago
wow you've gome from 41 subs to 17k in four months - congrats :)
Bryan Murphy
Bryan Murphy - 7 years ago
Your sister looks like an older version of my girlfriend like exact it's weird
Cyrus GAMING34
Cyrus GAMING34 - 7 years ago
Bro your aowsome keeping guppeis and betta
Softballer_1 - 7 years ago
literally like rule #1 of having a Beta fish is not to put them in with other Betas or other fish...
Son of a Gun
Son of a Gun - 7 years ago
how is the fish doing
Mheng Anicete
Mheng Anicete - 7 years ago
Hi sow kyut
Kingdom Comedy
Kingdom Comedy - 7 years ago
You should get a soom neon tetras
verrrr1 - 7 years ago
Gosh Jamie is s so so so pretty, im so jealous!
Orbital Cyrus
Orbital Cyrus - 7 years ago
I subscribed coz you looked HOT
Faustino Zamarria
Faustino Zamarria - 7 years ago
add some corydoras cat fish to your aquarium or ghoast shrimp
Savanna Langford
Savanna Langford - 7 years ago
Don't use a net! It's harmful to betta fins!!!
Skylar Maxwell
Skylar Maxwell - 7 years ago
I thought betas eat other fish
Funcharles Networksarillana
Funcharles Networksarillana - 7 years ago
I love you and I subbed
alyssa g
alyssa g - 7 years ago
I wonder how happy he got now he got 16k subs
Destyni Romero
Destyni Romero - 7 years ago
Real plants work so much better than the fakes! Highly recommend that you get a few moss balls as well :)
Andrea Shelton
Andrea Shelton - 7 years ago
Just a little advice... try more hiding places. Live plant are great (low light). Floating plants are great too. Keep in mind that Bettas often live in rice patties. Pet owners has $1 a gallon sales, so going larger could be cost effective. Sand also makes a better substrate for all your fish and live plants. Good luck with you community tank!
Agaptos - 7 years ago
I'm Impressed with your passion! Keeping an aquarium really comes down to what I saw you do in this video, i.e. thinking on where to a plant, the "struggles" of rooming in a new fish, etc. Some can take it to a whole new level of complexity. I admire the passion and how you are humble on willing to learn, subscribed to follow up on you man all the best!
Alaina Mark
Alaina Mark - 7 years ago
Make sure your fake plants in the tank are more fabric type or the betta will cut its fins
master clasher
master clasher - 7 years ago
I advice you that shrimp may face danger due to Betta because in my community tank my Betta killed the shrimp
Janessa Chanel
Janessa Chanel - 7 years ago
You just earned yourself a new subscriber! :)
Flip Baller
Flip Baller - 7 years ago
41 subscribers
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 7 years ago
Damn your sister doe what's her social media
Garrison Hoff
Garrison Hoff - 7 years ago
I'm starting a 20 gallon tank. I need some ideas for fish
Saturnz - 7 years ago
You need to get real plants, ones that get tall. It makes the fish feel safer and gives them places to rest on. Also, It's not good to put bettas with certain fish, also, you can use your hand to get your betta out of the tank. Siamese fighting fish are very tough, just be gentle. You can feed betta's the same fish food you feed others, most of the time, just check. Also, if you get real plants they can help as filters. If you don't have one already, I would recommend getting a cory cat fish. They are small and clean the bottom of the tank. Sorry, I don't want to seem like a know-it-all, and I'm not criticizing you. Just tips lol

Oh and yea your kinda cute ;)
Saturnz - 7 years ago
oh and the betta might eat the shrimp :(
Monica Quiroz
Monica Quiroz - 7 years ago
Beta fish are know for killing other dish that is why the stores sell them alone
Aquarium Lady 67
Aquarium Lady 67 - 7 years ago
is it still working out?
Chris The Hobby Guy
Chris The Hobby Guy - 7 years ago
Great video...your friend ''CHRIS THE HOBBY GUY''
Awesomeboygamer24- Jedi Twenty One Pilot
Awesomeboygamer24- Jedi Twenty One Pilot - 7 years ago
challenge i have a question do you know any fish at pet smart that olny breath water and dont need bubbles to let them breath?
Brodie 0112
Brodie 0112 - 7 years ago
I have 55 fish
lewis silk
lewis silk - 7 years ago
This is really cute NGL ❤❤
Dana Martin
Dana Martin - 7 years ago
Get some goast shrimp they are 1.59
vodka4breakfast - 7 years ago
I once put my betta in my turtle tank the next day he was gone
General Bilak
General Bilak - 7 years ago
I would love to see what your "daunting" betta fish would do against, Negan....

My Angel fish.
Steven James Sabang
Steven James Sabang - 7 years ago
I want to see you in pornhub community.
Matthew A
Matthew A - 7 years ago
And get a sponge filter
Matthew A
Matthew A - 7 years ago
Guppy won't get along
doritoboi - 7 years ago
Wont he kill the fish?
Awesome U.S. Citizen
Awesome U.S. Citizen - 7 years ago
Bettas are cold water fish. Temps between 65 and 72
Stephne Henderson
Stephne Henderson - 7 years ago
figh the fish
Howdy Farmer
Howdy Farmer - 7 years ago
Shrimp are worth getting! And you said you wanted to breed guppies, that's way easy. Just put a few females in your community tank and then buy some Hornowrt. It's a live floating aquarium plant that will keep the Fry safe. Some will get eaten though
jim jimmy
jim jimmy - 7 years ago
ur sister's hot
Donnie Donbino
Donnie Donbino - 7 years ago
Nice video j man can I have your sister's phone #?
Burnt Pretzels
Burnt Pretzels - 7 years ago
big tanks like that for bettas can cause betta anxiety. They are ment to be kept in small, shallow spaces since they are very territorial.
Sarahkim Nguyen
Sarahkim Nguyen - 7 years ago
you're so cute ahahah
NicholasChad - 7 years ago
Quit fish and Start modeling
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe lol
Jermaine Bell
Jermaine Bell - 7 years ago
Look at the fish the colers are mixed guys dont have mixed scals
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
ITs a delta tail male
Marina Canchola
Marina Canchola - 7 years ago
I have a Betta too. her name is bubbles and she is a blue color fading in to black at the fins. she is bigger than velvet. She's fat. Sorry bubbles.
Marina Canchola
Marina Canchola - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild OMG YOU REPLY!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awe thats awesome lol
Autumn Sullivan
Autumn Sullivan - 7 years ago
I have two of my bettas in tanks without lids and they are doing fine
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
BARASHA NATH - 7 years ago
betta fish killd my other fishes.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Jermaine Bell
Jermaine Bell - 7 years ago
Thats A girl
Gambit Platinum
Gambit Platinum - 7 years ago
Jermaine Bell your both wrong it's an attack helicopter
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Its a guy
Kasey Conrad
Kasey Conrad - 7 years ago
the shrimp i saw were 49 Cents!!
Kasey Conrad
Kasey Conrad - 7 years ago
Ya at Petco!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Kasey Conrad really
Davy Jones
Davy Jones - 7 years ago
your sisters FIT!
Michael s Price
Michael s Price - 7 years ago
You need a lid and buy a bigger tank at least a 20 and get real plants
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Dont worry I changed I have a 90
DeadlyDanny420 - 7 years ago
subscribed! love your videos.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awe tanks
David Olinger
David Olinger - 7 years ago
James ol boy your video brang back the life into my hobby ty bro tell Jamie I said shes beautiful ✌️
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Thats awesome and lol okay
WeatherMonkey0129 - 7 years ago
Your Fish is a Boy and my sisters Fish it's a beta and it's a boy and it eat's TetraColor Tropical flakes that what my sisters beta eats
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
WeatherMonkey0129 - 7 years ago
Your Fish is a Boy and my sisters Fish it's a beta and it's a boy and it eat's TetraColor Tropical flakes that what my sisters beta eats
Anthony Lam
Anthony Lam - 7 years ago
Your betta will eventually kill the shrimp. I suggest you do more research before buying shrimp.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
true ture dont worry they are okay
happy Feet
happy Feet - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Evan Coates
Evan Coates - 7 years ago
Any female Betta? N ur sis needs a youtube channel lol
Rigger Motorist
Rigger Motorist - 7 years ago
If he jumps out don't worry. You can cop another one at your local Walmart for 2.97 rollback buddy!!!
FishFish - 7 years ago
Is that a 10 gallon? I am getting another 10 gallon soon, and I wanted to do java moss on a log of driftwood, some rocks for hiding places, a moss ball, and some anubias barteri in the gravel, or tied to the driftwood. I would be doing a nerite snail or two for algae clean-up too, and maybe i will buy a cory catfish (I wanted to get an albino :) ) along with a male betta and three platties like you have. Would this be an okay set-up?
Jp Pangilinan
Jp Pangilinan - 7 years ago
New subscriber here from Philippines. Anyway, I'm getting interested with your aquarium vids. Its awesome dude! I'll build this one soon. :) your vid encourage me. Lol
DatBoi Morgen
DatBoi Morgen - 7 years ago
LMAO 41 subs
Musically Mania
Musically Mania - 7 years ago
add more fishes
Blix _Rose _LPS
Blix _Rose _LPS - 7 years ago
My betta is in a one gallon and he really does seem happy he always chills by the filter he is so cute and plz don't give hate he is heathy ! I feed him and clean his tank
okaiden - 7 years ago
1. Don't put the plant near the filter it'll clog it
2. You might want to get another tank. About 10 gallons bigger than your current one.
3. The betta is going to eat the shrimp, just warning you!
Tannon2003 - 7 years ago
haha sorry for u be at our pet store shrimp are. 89$
Anees Omar
Anees Omar - 7 years ago
I just wanted to say I really love your videos and you are a very good YouTuber and deserve a lot more subscribers I have a fish tank myself and you really helped me and pushed me along thank you !!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awe thanks so much ::)
coldsore - 7 years ago
put your sisters info in the descriptions please
Dagmara - 7 years ago
I do not recommend having your betta in the same tank as your guppies. I misled have a 40 gallon tank with guppies and tetras and when I added my betta to this tank, he seemed ok with the guppies BUT HE WILL EAT YOUR GUPPIES when you are not fighting expecting it! I had this incident happen a couple times and I decided to remove him and I have him in a all live plant 10 gallon tank now.
sebastian niemczynski
sebastian niemczynski - 7 years ago
I had one of them but it dark dark blue if u put a mirror in front of them they will stick their thing out I Dono what it's called but their awesome
Rylan Sandmaier
Rylan Sandmaier - 7 years ago
My beta killed my goldfish when I tried this
Josef Koestler
Josef Koestler - 7 years ago
Your really not pushing the limits on the tank you can add over ten more since there so small
Cyries de Ocampo
Cyries de Ocampo - 7 years ago
I love you I mean your fish
GetRektFilms - 7 years ago
the only thing this guy is challenging is his boyfriends asshole

David Burris
David Burris - 7 years ago
Oh boy. I sell Bettas and have for years. Betta placed in a community tank may not attack the fish but with big tailed fish they can bite pieces out of the tail. My opinion is that I wouldn't do this....I have been to peoples houses that just raved to me about how their bettas do in a community tank...I kept my mouth shut because I could she tail issues especially with guppies and bigger tailed species. My advice is do this at your own risk....
isthisoneunavailable - 7 years ago
Those Mollys? Put a few sprinkles of NON-IODIZED salt in there - they need a slightly salty enviroment
Ethan Rees
Ethan Rees - 7 years ago
good youtuber
PLATINUM EAGLE :D - 7 years ago
if your gonna slow down the pump you should also add a air pump to maximise water flow
Cody Seto
Cody Seto - 7 years ago
You should try breeding the beta fish and which one is it because a delta and the half moon is a good breed
Orchid Passion
Orchid Passion - 7 years ago
you are so handsome, kisses
Brianna Matsuo
Brianna Matsuo - 7 years ago
$5.99 for shrimp??? At my pet store they are only like 57 cents
emmanuel Monroy
emmanuel Monroy - 7 years ago
Where did you make your murch
emmanuel Monroy
emmanuel Monroy - 7 years ago
What your sister Instagram
Musketeer_guy - 7 years ago
Did he say he just hit 41 subs
EST VIzIONz - 7 years ago
Give your sister my number?
NoHaxInvolved - 7 years ago
nice fish and as soon as I saw your sister I knew the comment section would be interesting
Shirish Jadav
Shirish Jadav - 7 years ago
when I made my first aquarium I had one beautiful beta fish and some guppies few days later beta was dead.. :(
Luckykoi13 Gaming
Luckykoi13 Gaming - 7 years ago
take him out they are a Teritorial fish. betta fish
will kill other fish that is in its taritory . I own a
betta fish listen
Joey Valtakis
Joey Valtakis - 7 years ago
you can actually put 10 fish in that tank
Coby Rushing
Coby Rushing - 7 years ago
yeah I would definitely put a lid over it because the betta fish I had for 2 years jumped out of the tank and almost died
GlockWiseSB - 7 years ago
FYI as a fish breeder and pet services business owner I can tell you you've been lied to. The Betta prefers a small isolated place where he can be alone.
Mikey Colon
Mikey Colon - 7 years ago
wow where i live my shrimp cost 30 cents
that fish girl
that fish girl - 7 years ago
Nice video, I subscribed!!
Sophia Premera
Sophia Premera - 7 years ago
ur hot
black12341899 - 7 years ago
only mollies and neon tetras cuz other fish will eat his tail. i am a expert own 3 fish tanks
Marie Payne
Marie Payne - 7 years ago
shrimp dont last long
Adesh Jadhav
Adesh Jadhav - 7 years ago
good going
Dawson wyrosdic
Dawson wyrosdic - 7 years ago
Or cichlids
Dawson wyrosdic
Dawson wyrosdic - 7 years ago
You need a baby shark they get along well with beta
American Horseback
American Horseback - 7 years ago
I would add some rocks or plants such as java fern or moss balls. The rocks will definitely be good for the beta because they like to have plenty of hiding spots!!
HoneyNutMc - 7 years ago
Also around what would be the limit of fish in a five gallon tanks
HoneyNutMc - 7 years ago
I have my Betta in a five galloon tank, I don't know if he fights with other fish so I just keep him by himself.
Taelynn Conn
Taelynn Conn - 7 years ago
we have the same betta fish!
nolan white
nolan white - 7 years ago
your sister is cute
Mega construx maker
Mega construx maker - 7 years ago
Cheyenne Baker
Cheyenne Baker - 7 years ago
Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
Use siphon but be CAREFUL not sucking the shrimp
Paloma Trujillo
Paloma Trujillo - 7 years ago
You're cute☺️
Justin Torres
Justin Torres - 7 years ago
Your sister is pretty lol
The Hooper
The Hooper - 7 years ago
get dude you should get more decorations betas love hiding behind stuff.
swagger0im0lachskost - 7 years ago
oh he is so gonna attack those guppies
swagger0im0lachskost - 7 years ago
this tank is horrible dude. get some real plants and dont put hiim in the tank with those fish he is gonna attack them and espacially for the shrmp get some plants
Llamasienna 4life
Llamasienna 4life - 7 years ago
NOoO I know the betta will eat the other fish or kill them
Anthony Martinez
Anthony Martinez - 7 years ago
I'm Stupid
I'm Stupid - 7 years ago
Your sister's hot
Daily Denali and katie
Daily Denali and katie - 7 years ago
I have a hamster and two dogs and now I want fish
Melissa Dingee
Melissa Dingee - 7 years ago
Hi Velvet is gorgeous please make sure to get a beta leaf or lily pad or something that is close to the top of the tank as Velvet will sleep on it. The beta leaf has a suction cup on it just place it just below the surface and cup the leaf a little to make a kind of hammock for him. Also watch your other fish they may tend to nip at velvets fins
jack reeper
jack reeper - 7 years ago
beta fish are very teritoryal
Hiroko Suraya
Hiroko Suraya - 7 years ago
Betta fish can't be in that's aquarium!
mexicanpapi 666
mexicanpapi 666 - 7 years ago
Okay so, I need help. A while ago I bought a male and a female guppy. They bred and only 2 babies stayed alive. They were also a male and a female. The father of them died but then the mom got pregnant by the son. And had those babies. Then the other female got pregnant. Now we have 20+ babies swimming around in a small tank like yours. What size fish tank should I move all of them too?
alexa Carrillo
alexa Carrillo - 7 years ago
when I had a beta he just died anyways so I had other fish right I put the beta and 1st he killed all the other fish you got to put the fish in the beta in at the same exact time or else your Betta could kill the other fish or the other fish can kill your Betta
ipsychological - 7 years ago
ur sister is hot
Bobby Ireland
Bobby Ireland - 7 years ago
that's a fucking siamese fighting fish!!!
Andreas Pastellas
Andreas Pastellas - 7 years ago
the snale will eat ir
Andreas Pastellas
Andreas Pastellas - 7 years ago
bill boll
bill boll - 7 years ago
you could keep more in that tank
Plum Tucker
Plum Tucker - 7 years ago
I'm reading the comments and the majority of you are treating Bettas like the pitbull of the small tank world, It's hilarious.
nathanyang17 - 7 years ago
Newbies are always funny to watch but no worries. Your betta will be fine as long as the other fish don't bother him so much. And the water is perfect for him because i see that your tank doesn't have too much water flow because bettas don't like that. Only think i recommend is real plants and more cave type decor for hiding. Good luck.
Model Human
Model Human - 7 years ago
Take your shirt off next time.
Eshan Sewmina
Eshan Sewmina - 7 years ago
nice video
lol101 triggered
lol101 triggered - 7 years ago
does your 10 gallon tank have a heater platys and mollies need a heater
Football For Life
Football For Life - 7 years ago
not a professional.... that's the best part....
good... keep it up boy✌✌
NickZ - 7 years ago
it would be awesome if you checked out my my vid that talks about me getting a 35 gallon tank
Ray Kelly
Ray Kelly - 7 years ago
Great video. Interesting as I did not think you could put Bettas in a community tank. Thanks for sharing.
Simon Hemmingsson
Simon Hemmingsson - 7 years ago
I like your videos. Make a list of where you bought all the accessories and aquariums :)
DollaKing's - 7 years ago
A beta doesn't belong with other fish
Dailen Henson
Dailen Henson - 7 years ago
Betta fish are called chinese fitting fish
Dailen Henson
Dailen Henson - 7 years ago
Beta fish kill other fish
Potato :D
Potato :D - 7 years ago
That tank is not big enough for a community with a betta, must be 20 gallons and up if adding a betta in with other fish
Kimberly Rambaran
Kimberly Rambaran - 7 years ago
he is very handsome
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
I use TetrA brand for my African dwarf frog and I'm going to get another one to put in my community tank
Brooklyn Walker
Brooklyn Walker - 7 years ago
"cash me outside"
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Lol ikr
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Which water conditioner should I use for my community tank I'm making? Do you have tetras James
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild tank you!!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Use the tetra brand, and not yet
Kenzie Lane
Kenzie Lane - 7 years ago
I was watching betta fish videos and I realized I have that same tank, filter, and heater
Kenzie Lane
Kenzie Lane - 7 years ago
And I have molly fish and a betta
Rex Martín
Rex Martín - 7 years ago
Do u speak Spanish ?
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 7 years ago
get some real plants in there..i have a gew tanks if u want to see tge possibilities of live plants
ItsJadenFilms - 7 years ago
how do u get oxygen in the water?
Evo Dude
Evo Dude - 7 years ago
hey I heard that your beta can kill some of your fish that's what I heard from the lady at petsmart
Grant Schudiske
Grant Schudiske - 7 years ago
Love your channel, you works so hard on each vid
Bentley Bee
Bentley Bee - 7 years ago
ur so fkn awesome
wat do bettas fish get along. w???
TheFISHsquad - 7 years ago
I love you I have subed since the beginning can you sub to me and I started this cause of you and maybe if I get good collaboration?
Zavier Haley
Zavier Haley - 7 years ago
#aquatech 5-15
Addison Newton
Addison Newton - 7 years ago
the betta will kill the other fish
Beckem45 - 7 years ago
it's also not much known but if you put 1/2 cup of bleach in the tank once a month while the fish are in their it cleans the tank and also good for the fish!
mzuvin - 7 years ago
I've never had any problems when I put a betta in a community tank
Luke Brennan
Luke Brennan - 7 years ago
Your sister is peng
profcrater - 7 years ago
Good to see Velvet in larger tank. I know you are posting as "inexperienced" but you can learn as you go. First, good idea to watch the filtration current. Also, you seem to be aware that a cover will be needed for any jumpers. You can get a plexiglass cover cut to fit at a hardware store, it works great. Also, maybe remove the Viking helmet and replace it with some live Amazon sword plants so the fish can hide? It looks much more natural. I also let a few float at the top and it gives the fish some cover. The plants won't cost a fortune and can easily be replaced if they don't grow (better than plastic). I assume you have a heater to keep the water in the middle of the green zone. Anyway, you can get some ideas watching other videos on small tanks. Don't forget partial water changes. Nice job and keep up the good work.
evander Norris
evander Norris - 7 years ago
you have good fish and a good fish tank
Griffin Thies
Griffin Thies - 7 years ago
By live plants on amazon it much cheaper
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Griffin Thies uDr h2oplants
Big D
Big D - 7 years ago
Your sister is hot
sy 84d
sy 84d - 7 years ago
Just to correct you. Fish dont fall out they jump out.
Zoe Menzies
Zoe Menzies - 7 years ago
I got shrimp and put them in my tank and my beta ate one of them, so I took him out.
Zoe Menzies
Zoe Menzies - 7 years ago
Damn you're really hot
Kkyyrruu - 7 years ago
Youtube told me to put the betta in my big tank, even though professionals all over the internet say DON'T DO THAT. idiot
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
If only you knew you would have 10 k and have a whole fish room later lol you wouldn't believe it
THE BOSSMAN - 7 years ago
my beta fish is named Melvin
HellaCrayyVlogs - 7 years ago
I need to try the bottle trick. Got my Betta in my community tank as well.
Kirkwin Films
Kirkwin Films - 7 years ago
Careful, they are aggressive. Very egressive
Mario 1800
Mario 1800 - 7 years ago
Also have too many fish in that tank
Mario 1800
Mario 1800 - 7 years ago
You should dirt your tank it's not to hard
Allen Parks
Allen Parks - 7 years ago
Jamie is cute
Aidan McNerney
Aidan McNerney - 7 years ago
Brady Greenberg
Brady Greenberg - 7 years ago
Literally just realized you go to my school.. shit this is cool
Jacob Futia
Jacob Futia - 7 years ago
Has the betta messed with the other fish? I had one in a community tank but kept fish less colorful so there would be no aggression. How's yours doing?
Huckleberry 4455
Huckleberry 4455 - 7 years ago
you are the most stupid fish owner Bettas are more aggressive than a bull shark FISH ABUSE
Spongebob Squarepants
Spongebob Squarepants - 7 years ago
boy you should cover the top with something, bettas tend to jump
I am bored
I am bored - 7 years ago
your most viewed video
Nintenboy01 - 7 years ago
I recommend kuhli loaches
Jacob - 7 years ago
get a 5 gallon breeder for the guppies
Damon Galovich
Damon Galovich - 7 years ago
Just get 3 female guppies to 1 male and you will have a guppy breeding farm. like so he can see!!!!
Saul Favela
Saul Favela - 7 years ago
bro no rude disrespect your sister is gorgeous
Christina Carlson
Christina Carlson - 7 years ago
Upgrade to a bigger tank!! I had some Micky Mouse Plattys and they were supposed to be all female. All of a sudden, I saw a shit ton of babies lol
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
hi mate please dont tape the bag shut folded over the side of the tank as the amount of oxygen your fish can get is cut off. enjoy the tank mate
Diego Ramirez
Diego Ramirez - 7 years ago
hey james love your videos! what kind of tank is that?
sa g
sa g - 7 years ago
so many views
Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire - 7 years ago
You look so cute...
J.A. Rodriguez
J.A. Rodriguez - 7 years ago
i have bettas in one tank they dont show signs of stress or aggression to each other
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awesome :)
Ridge Balolong
Ridge Balolong - 7 years ago
oppa james! what's the name of your betta?
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
This one is velvet
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ethan Marin
Ethan Marin - 7 years ago
advice is to do research on everything from fish to plant, live plant can be great for shrimp and snails but also some plant can be hell some will produce algae and it's not good for the fishes and filters it will clog up plus some algae are toxic. also recommend to get air pump to give the water oxygen.
about the lid always have one not because to stop fish from jumping out but it's a protection from any outside objects, so it's always a must to have a lid. also if planning on putting beta in with any group fishes always have more items in such as hiding place & artificial plant to prevent any life threatening to both fish.
the filters it's not a problem it's simple some pet store had filters that can adjust the flow Warning- There's filters are expensive average from $50-$100 but if you want to buy the cheapest one like Whisper just put it at the back side of the tank to reduce the flow because the way he has it will rise up the flow and putting plastic is a Big risk not knowing that some plastic is dangerous to fish, im not a Pro nor a first timer I started having fish since 10 and from there I get my skilled improved,
started from Goldfish to owning Tropical Exotic/Salt water fish.
many things I can see here are terrible and need to be improved but like he said he's not a Pro I respect that he just need some good tip and he'll be fine.
I recommend you to do some research on what you have/planning to have then ask a pet store sales associates Warning-Some pet store sales associates may have no clue so it's best to prepare by researching before going to your local pet store
I can tell you about many flaws some pet store and walmart but who's going to read a lot so my advice as a experience fish owner is
●Research on Fish, Plant, or any aquatic products
●Plan ahead on what you are getting
●Keep Water healthy
●Check the tank for leaks or crack, check the filters and heater that it's running perfectly, and check the water temperature.
I can say more but it depend on y'all.
thank you
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Thats so true dont worry I do a lot also i have all real plants for all of my tanks tanks :)
dennis - 7 years ago
hey you do a really good video, thanks!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe tanks
LazyDog - 7 years ago
at 1:27 he was probably shit talking to the other fish
E Deee
E Deee - 7 years ago
But you are doing a great job so
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
thanks :)
E Deee
E Deee - 7 years ago
I would highly suggest getting real
Plants the fake plants might rip the betta fins .
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
So true I got all real plants I dont have any fake :)
Roy Joseph De La Cuesta
Roy Joseph De La Cuesta - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Tanks :)
Bädbítçh XxsavagexX
Bädbítçh XxsavagexX - 7 years ago
I am a fish expert and do not put that beta in there bears are known as Japanese fighting fish and they will kill the other fish !!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Bettas are a social fish
Bädbítçh XxsavagexX
Bädbítçh XxsavagexX - 7 years ago
It's terrible that you're putting them in with other fish you can't put bills with other fish or they will attack and that's why the cloud Japanese fighting fish for a reason to get out of there right away
Dana Martin
Dana Martin - 7 years ago
It because that fight with other fish
Bädbítçh XxsavagexX
Bädbítçh XxsavagexX - 7 years ago
Steph Muñoz I no RIGHT F THIM they deserve more
Stephanie Muñoz Estrada
Stephanie Muñoz Estrada - 7 years ago
Aquariumpets88 Macie heuermann this kind of belief is the reason bettas get put in little cups at walmart, its a shame they should be in the bigger tanks with the others
gabby - 7 years ago
bettas dont ONLY fight against other bettas... they fight fish with long colorful tails or really anything that moves. i have had bettas that attack plants before. some are lazy, some are aggressive it honestly depends on the betta
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
they do well together
geetha ramesh
geetha ramesh - 7 years ago
geetha ramesh
geetha ramesh - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild can I put my Betta fish with my rest of the fish's??
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+geetha ramesh tanks :)
Anthony Calderon
Anthony Calderon - 7 years ago
Your really going to put him in there
Do you know what happens
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
He does okay with other fish :)
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks - 7 years ago
this is amazing
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Tanks :)
C L - 7 years ago
gwapo mo
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe thank you
Hashtech - 7 years ago
im going to give you a like just because your sister is so beautiful
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe tanks she is :)
Marilynn Smith
Marilynn Smith - 7 years ago
tank to close to window, which increases algae. Nice tank.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
True true I make sure to manage it :)
Haris Wasifi
Haris Wasifi - 7 years ago
Because theta wet petco says
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
They are sometimes right but most of the time no
Haris Wasifi
Haris Wasifi - 7 years ago
O really I'm sorry
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Its okay
magatu005 - 7 years ago
Beta are fighter fish they will kill every fish in the tank
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
My betta has been doing A okay in my tank for the past month
Haris Wasifi
Haris Wasifi - 7 years ago
Beta fish can not swim with other fish they swim solo or else u going to have problems
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
My betta fish has been doing well for the past month :)
Fields fish
Fields fish - 7 years ago
Bettas don't jump out unless water conditions are bad
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
True true tanks :)
debbie foraker
debbie foraker - 7 years ago
I have my king batte in a 40 gal tank all alone
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Wow thats crazy you should get some fish omg :)
The Singing Gamer
The Singing Gamer - 7 years ago
The shrimps in my near pet store only cost $1.99. They look so cute and I just went to the store again and someone bought them all.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Wow aweosme :)
frelee4567 - 7 years ago
I used to have 3 ten gallons with 3 Bettas but they all died sadly. I'm thinking about starting it up again but maybe just using one ten gallon with some cherry shrimp. Watching these videos always makes me want to get more lol
frelee4567 - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild I'll definitely look into it (: shrimp are just fun to watch
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awe im sorry , that would be awesome and omg lol instead of cherry get some Orange Bee shrimp :)
Sp Rich
Sp Rich - 7 years ago
I tried exactly that but my tank has more fish and more plants to hide.

The betta keep attacking other fish and still enjoy being alone at a corner. So I don't think betta males mix well with other fish.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awe im sorry , my betta does okay with them
Heidi Braun
Heidi Braun - 7 years ago
Hello Challenge the Wild, I really enjoyed your video as I also am raising a similar number of fish and this is my first time as a pet owner. I have 6 goldfish and a betta. I considered adding my betta to the 10 gallon tank with my other fish, but
Heidi Braun
Heidi Braun - 7 years ago
Ah, okay, thank you.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
I probably wouldn't put the betta in there , the bio load might be too much for a 10 gallon :)
Heidi Braun
Heidi Braun - 7 years ago
I was not sure how that would go over for the betta. Do you or anyone else in the comments know if bettas and goldfish get along? And what kinda of fish were those in your tank with the betta?
Siopao Espiritu
Siopao Espiritu - 7 years ago
Tomorrow Ohhhh Why are they sleeping on the top
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Wym they are a okay :)
Pastel Princess
Pastel Princess - 7 years ago
Omg he said we just hit 41 subs now he has 8k
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ahh its so crazy :)
robert williams
robert williams - 7 years ago
My Betta had ate all my other fish when I got him watch your fish it will eat it
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awe im sorry my betta gets a long fine :)
Amateur Learner
Amateur Learner - 7 years ago
Wow, your fish tank is awesome dude!! My fish tank is pretty big and also has big fishes, so I can't mix betta with it
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awe tanks so much and thats awesome :)
Professor Rosenstock
Professor Rosenstock - 7 years ago
I just got a betta named Tobias.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Professor Rosenstock awesome! My Betts is named velvet
Nachos - 7 years ago
wow your a good fish owner, no sarcasm.
Nachos - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild - lol, also put a lid on your tank, I had shrimp and I think they​ jumped
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Dotalez awe tanks
Olive Juice
Olive Juice - 7 years ago
you should have named one of the fish squishy lol
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
ooo XD
Caleb Butterfield
Caleb Butterfield - 7 years ago
You need a gravel filter
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
I do i just found some :)
Marowak Maniac
Marowak Maniac - 7 years ago
Aren't betas fighting fish
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
They are with other bettas but he is okay :)
Adam Sean dubstep
Adam Sean dubstep - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Yay :) you will be on it XD
CJB 22
CJB 22 - 7 years ago
You literally used plastic from a water bottle the chemicals will break down over time
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
I think is okay because we drink out of it ? i think its non toxic
CJB 22
CJB 22 - 7 years ago
I just drop my fish right in and nothing ever happens lmao so I don't waste my time
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
wow lol :)
vijay saradhi
vijay saradhi - 7 years ago
adding betta with a guppy!!!! real threat to ur guppy!!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Thats so true I moved my guppy to my 20 :)
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
go buy a salt water
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Maybe :)
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
can you give me a t shirt
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
fidjet nalang ok
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Pipen Salta lo.l I'm seelling them
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
i have a salt water aqurium
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Pipen Salta wow awesome
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
i have a pet snake
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Pipen Salta wow awesome
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
i am a filipino you can speak tagalog
KATIALIS - 7 years ago
Yo so fat
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Pipen Salta nein rd tut mir leid
TomWookieeD - 7 years ago
dude, it didnt kill any fish? i did this and my betta killed all my other fish
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+TomWookieeD awe I'm sorry my betta and all my fish are okay but bettas do not like fish with big and colorful fins
Amy's vlogs 16
Amy's vlogs 16 - 7 years ago
It's a girl fish
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Amy's vlogs 16 the betta I havw os a guy :)
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
the betta will fight the other fish the will will kill them
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild your great youtuber and i am youtuber so
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Pipen Salta my betta and other fish are doing fine :)
Skittlezrock161 - 7 years ago
Hmm, interesting. He doesn't look to be charging the others at all, but I can't tell if he's flaring his gills or not. How is he doing now? If you get the chance, invest in some live plants, like Java moss or fern. Not only will live plants help relieve stress in giving hiding places, but large leafed live plants give bettas a place to rest their fins, as well as live plants also help fight the bio-load.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
He is doing great in the tank I got a all real plants in all of my tanks I got a new 20 gallon tank
boomboompow - 7 years ago
thanks for the video justin beiber
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Whatt lol im james XD
Kaylee Kat
Kaylee Kat - 7 years ago
You like animals and are cute? Geez you have never earned a subscriber faster.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awe tanks so much :)
Lee Donghaek
Lee Donghaek - 7 years ago
He actually sound super excited and looks like he did a lot of research~ good job and its alright if you are going to make mistakes along the way but your passion is great
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe tanks so much :)
matt - 7 years ago
you would make so much money if u just cycled steroids and lifted hard for 4-5 years and modeled
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
omg lol
hugguhead - 7 years ago
Your fam is adorable
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awe tanks
Belinda Woodall
Belinda Woodall - 7 years ago
has he started eating the mollies and guppies yet and he will eat the shrimp
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
no he get along really well :)
Jared Conn
Jared Conn - 7 years ago
did he say 41 subscribers! XD wow your channel grew quick
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ahh its crazy tanks :)
John Bevan
John Bevan - 7 years ago
if u add some female bettas he will live longer and be more active, they are a lazy fish so get something that he can lie on. I've just recently got a betta had one ages ago and im going to get the female tomorrow
John Bevan
John Bevan - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild if u have five in females in the tank it will no reproduce fry and if they start making a bubble nest on the surface of the water just take the bubbles away and they wont carry on with it ive done this before and it works so yh
P.S have five females because the male would shag the one to death they are a very sexual fish
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+John Bevan wait don't the betta will kill the females they might mate but then the attack
Chad Flesher
Chad Flesher - 7 years ago
What is it called
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Chad Flesher i think an ant castle
Chad Flesher
Chad Flesher - 7 years ago
Where did you get your ant farm
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Chad Flesher online I think eBay :)
Fishing Frenzy
Fishing Frenzy - 7 years ago
1 fish per gallon is the rule I was thought it looks like you can have 10 fish
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Fishing Frenzy thats true but you have to make sure you count their adult size too :)
Liam does stuff 12
Liam does stuff 12 - 7 years ago
Can betas live with Cory cats neon tetras and glass catfish
Faustino Zamarria
Faustino Zamarria - 7 years ago
no tetras they tend to nip at long fins but cories are fine
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+I like turtles 13 neon tetras might nip the betta
Mini Angler
Mini Angler - 7 years ago
no it challenge the domestic
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
AHHH your so true lol
Zach Dennison
Zach Dennison - 7 years ago
Did he just say that he had 41 subscribers? His channel grew fast.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ahh ikr :) its crazy
Kaylee Vianne
Kaylee Vianne - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago

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