Quick Betta Fish Room Update // Baby Betta rubra and Pygmy Sunfish!
Betta 9 years ago 20,260 views
www.ingloriousbettas.com | I did a MASSIVE spring cleaning of my apartment this last week. I ended up donating 4 bags of clothes/shoes to Goodwill and moving around a lot of my fish and plants. With the increased photoperiod and lots of rain, everything is spawning and blooming!! This is just a teaser video - extensive fish room update is coming up soon. Jump: 0:56 Pygmy Sunfish Set-up 3:29 Betta rubra fry
Another thing how often you change the water ? I have the betta in tanks of 7 litres with a lot of ceratophillium and criptocorine without filter... how often i can change the water if your experience of the tanks without filter?
I live in Canada , my tap water is OK for my fish but not as soft as yours, I just wanted to know what's a good size jar or container for Bettas, I love your fish room OBTW!!
OK, sounds good.
Keep up the good work, very inspirational!!
10. comment for Quick Betta Fish Room Update // Baby Betta rubra and Pygmy Sunfish!
You have beautiful plants, wow.
20. comment for Quick Betta Fish Room Update // Baby Betta rubra and Pygmy Sunfish!