Quick Betta Fish Room Update // Baby Betta rubra and Pygmy Sunfish!

www.ingloriousbettas.com | I did a MASSIVE spring cleaning of my apartment this last week. I ended up donating 4 bags of clothes/shoes to Goodwill and moving around a lot of my fish and plants. With the increased photoperiod and lots of rain, everything is spawning and blooming!! This is just a teaser video - extensive fish room update is coming up soon. Jump: 0:56 Pygmy Sunfish Set-up 3:29 Betta rubra fry

Quick Betta Fish Room Update // Baby Betta rubra and Pygmy Sunfish! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Betta 9 years ago 20,260 views

www.ingloriousbettas.com | I did a MASSIVE spring cleaning of my apartment this last week. I ended up donating 4 bags of clothes/shoes to Goodwill and moving around a lot of my fish and plants. With the increased photoperiod and lots of rain, everything is spawning and blooming!! This is just a teaser video - extensive fish room update is coming up soon. Jump: 0:56 Pygmy Sunfish Set-up 3:29 Betta rubra fry

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Most popular comments
for Quick Betta Fish Room Update // Baby Betta rubra and Pygmy Sunfish!

Madz Ibrahim
Madz Ibrahim - 7 years ago
hi maam, what kind of jar is that?
francesco scognamiglio
francesco scognamiglio - 7 years ago
Do you use fertilizers for the plants?
francesco scognamiglio
francesco scognamiglio - 7 years ago
Inglorious Bettas
Another thing how often you change the water ? I have the betta in tanks of 7 litres with a lot of ceratophillium and criptocorine without filter... how often i can change the water if your experience of the tanks without filter?
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 7 years ago
Aquarium Coop Easy Green sometimes, but I usually forget lol
Robyn Carter
Robyn Carter - 8 years ago
What plant do you have in the jar with the Rubra fry? Almost looks like a macro algae?
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 8 years ago
Subswassertang, or pelia. Basic a freshwater macro algae! One of my favorite plants
Giovanni Perri
Giovanni Perri - 8 years ago
where did you get your killifish
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 8 years ago
Local killifish club! :) Also aquabid
Fins FurLife
Fins FurLife - 8 years ago
do you sell your fry?
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
one of my Rubra pair jumped. I'm so upset. .can't find another one
Clem Mahabir
Clem Mahabir - 8 years ago
nice remodeling, you have a nack for growing moss and plants, green fingers oh and fish too!!
I live in Canada , my tap water is OK for my fish but not as soft as yours, I just wanted to know what's a good size jar or container for Bettas, I love your fish room OBTW!!
Clem Mahabir
Clem Mahabir - 8 years ago
Inglorious Bettas
OK, sounds good.
Keep up the good work, very inspirational!!
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 8 years ago
If you keep up on water changes and want to breed them, I think I 1 gallon is ok. For a pet betta, I would recommend a 5 gallon filtered and heated tank with a nice aquascape :)
umbrella cichlid
umbrella cichlid - 8 years ago
I really I hope I have pygmy sunfish too :( Can I ask a question? do you still own your apistogramma caccautuoides? :) thanks
umbrella cichlid
umbrella cichlid - 8 years ago
+Inglorious Bettas I asked about pygmy sunfish all over my place but there's none. I hope to have one. :(
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 8 years ago
No I don't have them anymore :( Pygmy sunfish are hard to find! They are occasionally offered on Aquabid. Also local fish club auctions - maybe someone in your area has some!
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
Nice video. very informative for me

10. comment for Quick Betta Fish Room Update // Baby Betta rubra and Pygmy Sunfish!

Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
i love you're vedio but dont tell people to keep pigmy sunfish in 1 gallon jars cuz I know you have experience but new people In hobby would do this and endup killing the fishes
schopenhauer1962 - 8 years ago
You obviously don't have a cat ... (I have two and one of them likes to play with one of my bettas, the betta flares at the cat, if he is watching (the cat). All my tanks are covered with glass or light modules.
You have beautiful plants, wow.
schopenhauer1962 - 8 years ago
+Skylrrider if my cats would see one of your bearded dragons they would jump into the air, they don't like surprises ... four paws into the air, lol.
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 8 years ago
+schopenhauer1962 Lol! I wish I could have a cat!!! :( So I have bearded dragons instead :)
kevin jones
kevin jones - 8 years ago
Mann Goodroad
Mann Goodroad - 9 years ago
May I commend you for living well in the Bay Area...many choose yo live there but few can afford it..I am a fish aficionado..
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 9 years ago
Are those tanks big enough for those fish?
Kelly-lee Crause
Kelly-lee Crause - 9 years ago
I don't see any filters or heaters? Aren't they warm water fish species?
Animal keeper2.0 Seaver
Animal keeper2.0 Seaver - 7 years ago
Kelly-lee Crause ya I woner
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 9 years ago
+Kelly-lee Crause Wild bettas and killifish actually like to be kept at cooler temperatures that domestic Bettas! They prefer it around 21-22C, which is what my room is at. Such a relief lol. Domestic show bettas prefer it at 26C to do really well though
Kelly-lee Crause
Kelly-lee Crause - 9 years ago
Did you make the spawning mops yourself? If so what are they made of?
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 9 years ago
+Kelly-lee Crause Actually my friend made them, but they are very easy to make. There are lots of YouTube videos dedicated to how to make them, but basically you wind dark green ACRYLIC yarn (so it doesn't rot) around a wine-cork if you want it to float, or just knot the top around itself if you want it to sink. They are super useful - I drop them in with my killifish, in Betta jars/spawn tanks, or with fry!
Sidious Sabers
Sidious Sabers - 9 years ago
I like your videos! I noticed you are growing Pitcher Plants. What room temperature do you grow it at? I like in temperate zone Australia.
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 9 years ago
+Sidious Sabers San Francisco is pretty mild. My room temperature stays around 21-22C, and it gets even cooler next to the window. I would go for Highland Pitcher plants, which actually appreciate a drop in temperature at night. Some hardy and beautiful ones to start with are N. maxima (super vigorous grower, gorgeous 15cm mottled pitchers with large wings and peristomes) or N. ventricose, which is smaller and has smooth red pitchers).
Marly Gould
Marly Gould - 9 years ago
Where do you get those giant vertical capped bottles from. I had been looking for something similar for my breeding room?
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 9 years ago
+Marly Gould https://secure.ccwproducts.com/ccwDist/order.php, they are the SG size (about 1 gallon), price comes with lids and shipping (if you are in the US). I like them a lot!
Reece And Lauren Pets
Reece And Lauren Pets - 9 years ago
Your bettas are beautiful!

20. comment for Quick Betta Fish Room Update // Baby Betta rubra and Pygmy Sunfish!

music is Life
music is Life - 9 years ago
How do you take care of betta fry? like how and when do you transfer them out of the breeding tank to a grow out tank? and how do you do water changes for them?
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 9 years ago
+music is Life I forgot, I have a whole page dedicated to how I spawn them lol: http://www.ingloriousbettas.com/spawning-bettas.html. I keep the fry in the 10 gallon they were spawned in until they are about an inch long before moving them to a 30. If you're in a crunch, you can even put them in a storage tub. But one of my friends grows hers to jarring age in a 10 or 20 gallon, so it's certainly possible with a lot of water changes
music is Life
music is Life - 9 years ago
thx for quick reply c: and wow i did learn alot form your video. Just one more question, can the fry stay in the tank they were spawned in? like i had a spare 40 gal but not anymore, just a 20 gal rn that has a sorority(5) and a male in there. What im hoping to do is take everything out of the tank and breed my other male betta(hes seperated)  with one of my girls in that tank, then leave the fry in there, even as they grow. Or is it mandatory to take them out and put them in a bigger grow out tank? Thanks c:
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 9 years ago
+music is Life You can check out my other videos on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Skylrrider. In general, I feed BBS about a week after they are free-swimming. I spawn in half-filled 10 gallons and just slowly bring up the water level as they grow. I have a water changing jar video, but it does need to be updated.
pecktec - 9 years ago
Cool little tanks. Good luck with your remodel!
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 9 years ago
+pecktec Pretty excited to share that video! Soon :)

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