Review of the National Geographic 10w Aquarium Heater

It's been approximately one week since I gave my betta Draco his new heater. Here are my thoughts today! (Filmed December 21). Didn't see the unboxing and installation of this heater? Don't worry, here's the link: All opinions are and will always be my own. Music by

Review of the National Geographic 10w Aquarium Heater sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Betta 9 years ago 3,315 views

It's been approximately one week since I gave my betta Draco his new heater. Here are my thoughts today! (Filmed December 21). Didn't see the unboxing and installation of this heater? Don't worry, here's the link: All opinions are and will always be my own. Music by

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Most popular comments
for Review of the National Geographic 10w Aquarium Heater

Dakota Waldrop
Dakota Waldrop - 7 years ago
Would this work for a 3 gallon?
J Garcia
J Garcia - 7 years ago
Would this heater be ok for a 3.5 gallon aquarium thank you.
LiviePup - 7 years ago
J Garcia I’m pretty sure it’s good for up to 5 gallon ?
Kierston King
Kierston King - 7 years ago
can u have that heater in a tetra floating starter kit 1.5 gallon cube that I payed for at Walmart and where can I find one
Hammy Hearts
Hammy Hearts - 7 years ago
Someone please help...I bought my 3 gallon tank from someone and it came with the heater that you have? Will it be might be too cold
Hammy Hearts
Hammy Hearts - 7 years ago
BetterBetta thank you
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
I personally have great luck with these heaters. I've used it in 1, 3, and 5 gallon tanks. It should be perfectly fine for all tropical fish :)
Brittany Gonzales
Brittany Gonzales - 8 years ago
did they discontinue this I can't find this heater any where
GMF215 Foti
GMF215 Foti - 8 years ago
Hello, where did you purchase this heater from? Haven't been able to find online or in stores.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+GMF215 Foti I found mine at PetSmart :)
Mariya Azhar
Mariya Azhar - 8 years ago
hi, I really enjoy your videos and bettas. do you still use these heaters in your 5 gallon tanks? thanks :)
Mariya Azhar
Mariya Azhar - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta awesome! thanks again :D
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Mariya Azhar Yep, at least THIS 10w heater is :) Its the only one I've ever used so I can't say for others. It heats up my tank just as well as it does my 1 gallon hospital tank though, so I'd recommend it for a 5 gallon as well as 2.5 and under. :)
Mariya Azhar
Mariya Azhar - 8 years ago
thanks for the reply :) 10w is fine for a 5 gallon? I was looking for a small heater for my tank and I really like the automatic function
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! Yes, I do still use these heaters :)
Amanda4NC - 8 years ago
Hi I know this is an older video but I just got this heater yesterday and I curently have my betta (Mr. Limpet) in a tall half gallon tank do you think I could put this heater in my current tank ps I have upgraded to a 2.5 gallon tank but I will not be able to put him in it till the 15th or 16th of August. I love your videos and your channel.
Amanda4NC - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta thank you vary much
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Amanda4NC It's always worth a shot. I've had success with the heater in the one gallon in the video, and am currently having success with it in my 5 gallons, so it has pretty great control. Just make sure you have a thermometer to monitor it and make sure it doesn't get too hot, but if you have the heater I don't see any harm in trying :) Luckily this heater shuts off on its own when it gets to 80F, which is why it appealed to me for my 1 gallon :) I'm sure your bettas will love their new tank upgrade, I know mine did!
Alondra Torres
Alondra Torres - 8 years ago
Hi... I like your review!. I have a question. A betta can get sick if he have daily water temperature changes?...
Thank you.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Alondra Torres Thank you! It's debatable. If the temperature changes quite frequently, it could lower his immune system, which makes him more susceptible to illness, but the temperature change alone won't make him sick. It also is generally safe to fluctuate a degree or two, but if it is changing 3 or more degrees up or down too often, that's when he will start to 'feel' the temperature changes negatively. Hope this helps! :)

10. comment for Review of the National Geographic 10w Aquarium Heater

Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
U should do some breeding resersh and think about breeding
Rex K
Rex K - 8 years ago
I like this review. I've tried most of the small submersible heaters out there for my bettas, and I have to say the National Geographic 10 watt heater is the best. It heats the water up to about 78-80 degrees F., and maintains it there. In a very warm room, it will raise it to 82 F maximum, and in a cool to cold room, up to 76-77 F. I like the light indicator too, and the fact that it has a thermostat to maintain a consistent temperature. I tried other small heaters too---the Aqueon 10 watt is okay, but it tends to heat up a bit more (up to 82 F. in an average temperature-room). The 8 watt Marina, however, is NOT good heater. Despite its slightly lower wattage, it raised the temperature of my 2.5 gallon betta tank too quickly and too warm---85 F. plus (!), and it still kept heating without stopping! Luckily I caught it in time and unplugged the heater before it got too hot. The best small heater for bettas, therefore, in my opinion, is the 10 watt National Geographic. There is one in my Fluval Spec betta tank that has been working fine without any problem for the past two years.
Rex K
Rex K - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Exactly! The worst one is the Marina 8 watt heater. It has a red indicator light, which is "always on", meaning that the heater is constantly heating the water. So that means if the room temperature is 80 F., it won't stop at 80 F. I had one that shot the water temperature in my 2.5 gallon betta tank from 78 F. to 85 F. in only 4-5 hours! Luckily, I had a thermometer and quickly unplugged it before it cooked my betta. Can you imagine if I used that heater in a small betta bowl? Yikes!

The Aqueon is ok, but a bit on the warmer side than the National Geographic. It raises the temperature to about 82-83 F. in a warm room.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! I'd agree with you, I love this heater. Still do! I wasn't comfortable buying a heater that didn't shut off automatically- I wouldn't want to come home to dangerously high water temperatures. I'd recommend this one to anyone !
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
but a 50 gallon tank in petsmart when they have doller for gallon and havaly havaly plant it and put 2 of your betta in it
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta my 2 female rounds my 55 gallon havyly planted tank all day
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Shreejit Ri No worries! Welcome :) I bought my bettas their new tanks in late March because I too agree that they needed a bigger tank :) They really do love them!
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta oo never mind I am sorry you alrady have big enough tank I am sorry I am new
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta I respect your opinion but you should get atlist 2.5 gallon tank for each betta if you have no filter just add lots and lots of plant
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Shreejit Ri I live in Canada and Petco is USA only. Petsmart does not have a $/G sale as far as I'm aware, unfortunately. I also wouldn't want to have a divided, actually- I'd be afraid if one of my bettas got sick, the other would, too. I know many people have successfully had divided tanks, but I'm more comfortable buying each betta a separate tank :)
Kate V
Kate V - 9 years ago
Hi i just have one more question not relating to this heater, but i few days after I got my better fish he got 2 slight tears in his fin on his side that he swims with (sorry i don't know what thats called) and it is not fin rot and that was before I got a heater but i also had a plastic plant in his tank... I was wondering if you think it was the water or plant? Also, what can I do to heal it or will it heal over time?
Kate V
Kate V - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Thank you I am pretty sure it is the plant I will be taking it out tomorrow and replacing with a silk plant but his fin tear on his side fine is pretty bad (ripped into three sections...) is there any way i can help heal this?
BetterBetta - 9 years ago
+Kate V Tears on the side fins would most likely be from the plant, and it should heal on its own as long as he doesn't do it again. When one of my bettas tore his caudal (the long fin in the back) fin on a plastic plant, I sometimes took out the plants and just used taller ornaments, and other times I used silk plants. If you don't have silk plants the first option would heal it the quickest, but if the plastic plant isn't even all that spiky, it may have just been an accident and nothing has to change. :)
Kate V
Kate V - 9 years ago
Hi i have been looking for a review on this ever since I got it just to make sure it works. First of all you did a great job on the review! I just have a few questions so 1) can u put your finger in the water to see the temperature while the heater is on? 2) Do you know how long the heater takes to warm up all the way?
Kate V
Kate V - 9 years ago
+BetterBetta Thanks thats what i thought about the water heating up slower is better. And i do have a thermometer i was just wondering if i could put my finger in because my fish likes to swim up and touch it! You have a great channel keep it up!
BetterBetta - 9 years ago
+Kate V Thank you! I wanted to make sure I posted a review because I too couldn't find a review of it before or after I wanted to purchase the heater, and I'm glad it helped someone :) To answer your questions: 1) Yes, you can put your hands in the water when the heater is on, it won't be too hot or break the heater in any way. However, if your using your hand to measure the temperature, a thermometer is a better option for the temperature of your hand can make the water feel colder or hotter, depending. If your hand is warm, the water may feel too cold, and vice versa. :) And 2) It depends on the amount of water your trying to warm up. If I remember correctly, I think it took about 2-3 hours to heat up my one gallon about 5 degrees gradually, and about 5-6 to heat up my 5 gallon the same amount. It seems like a long time, but really its safer that way to have the water heat up slower, it will not stress out the fish as much! Hope this helped even if it was long! :)
Gina Vicentijevic
Gina Vicentijevic - 9 years ago
I was recently thinking about buying this heater and I know that it does automatically turn off when the water is at the proper temperature, but does it turn on automatically when the water temperature decreases?
Gina Vicentijevic
Gina Vicentijevic - 9 years ago
Ok thank you! I will hopefully pick up the heater soon!
BetterBetta - 9 years ago
+Gina Vicentijevic Hi! Sorry for the late reply. Yes, the heater does come on automatically whenever the temperature drops. I'll see the red light kick on sometimes when I'm watching my fish :) It's been a great heater for me and haven't had any issues with it at all.
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 9 years ago
Hi what is the name of youre editingprogram?
BetterBetta - 9 years ago
Hi! The editing software I use is Sony Vegas. Thanks for watching!

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