SAVING A BETTA FISH! - Proper Betta Tank Setup

20% OFF Plants “AP20” ► AQUAPROS Shirts (THANK YOU!) ► Next Betta Video: Great Betta Tank Gear:: Moss Balls ► Heater ► Filter ► Siphon ► LED Clip Light ► 2.5 gal Tank ► Like This Video? Give It A THUMBS UP! 👍 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! Get Our FREE 15 Aquarium Tips ➨ Daily Pics and Vids on Social Media! Instagram ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Check Out Some Playlists: DIY ............► Fish ..........► Science ....► Plants ......► Reviews ...► Popular Videos You Might Like: DIY Project .......► Aqua Science ...► Plant Profile .....► Fish Profile .......► Review ..............► Some Of My Favorite Stuff Fish Food .........► Project Pump....► Heater ...............► LED Light ..........► MUSIC: In This Video: Today we are stetting up a new betta tank for Jeff! Betta fish are often neglected in small bowls "betta bowls" and we cant let that happen to my gf's betta fish. Setting up a pro betta tank is super easy and wont cost a lot. Enjoy! Thanks For Watching Guys!!! Don't Forget To 👍 The Video!

SAVING A BETTA FISH! - Proper Betta Tank Setup sentiment_very_dissatisfied 305

Betta 7 years ago 335,942 views

20% OFF Plants “AP20” ► AQUAPROS Shirts (THANK YOU!) ► Next Betta Video: Great Betta Tank Gear:: Moss Balls ► Heater ► Filter ► Siphon ► LED Clip Light ► 2.5 gal Tank ► Like This Video? Give It A THUMBS UP! 👍 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! Get Our FREE 15 Aquarium Tips ➨ Daily Pics and Vids on Social Media! Instagram ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Check Out Some Playlists: DIY ............► Fish ..........► Science ....► Plants ......► Reviews ...► Popular Videos You Might Like: DIY Project .......► Aqua Science ...► Plant Profile .....► Fish Profile .......► Review ..............► Some Of My Favorite Stuff Fish Food .........► Project Pump....► Heater ...............► LED Light ..........► MUSIC: In This Video: Today we are stetting up a new betta tank for Jeff! Betta fish are often neglected in small bowls "betta bowls" and we cant let that happen to my gf's betta fish. Setting up a pro betta tank is super easy and wont cost a lot. Enjoy! Thanks For Watching Guys!!! Don't Forget To 👍 The Video!

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for SAVING A BETTA FISH! - Proper Betta Tank Setup

AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
Who's Got A Betta Fish???

Great Betta Tank Gear::
Moss Balls ►
Heater ►
Filter ►
Siphon ►
LED Clip Light ►
2.5 gal Tank ►
SgE Z3o
SgE Z3o - 7 years ago
SlayerOfCreepers - 7 years ago
i do
SheenaTalks - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS What sand/pebbles did you use here? Trying to buy some and I love the color and size of the one you used here, info please!!
Kasey Ramos
Kasey Ramos - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I got a betta!
SpeekofDee - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I got a betta fish but it die is my brothers but I buyed it
miasworld1865 gaming
miasworld1865 gaming - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS i have a baby boy betta
Carter Timm
Carter Timm - 7 years ago
I watched your vids with Jeff the betta and it made me wanna get one so I got a half moon
Gruce Gaming
Gruce Gaming - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS Would the heater and filter work for a 10g tank?
Cobe Kawakami
Cobe Kawakami - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS just got a super delta male
Ryan Bomboy
Ryan Bomboy - 7 years ago
I got 3 bettas Btw there names are inky Nagitow and rainbow.
Jazmine Diaz
Jazmine Diaz - 7 years ago
SCREAM - 7 years ago
I had a betta I named Tree (long story) and he wasn't my first, or my last but he's the only one I'll remember for the rest of my life. I was immideatly infatuated with him when I first saw him at Petco dying of fungus and fin rot.. nursed him back to health and after 4 years i taught him to jump out of the water, swim through a hoop, swim in a certain direction in command, and hide and seek. They're incredibly smart fish!!
Sadly, I caused his death on accident by putting a non-aquarium safe toy anemone in his tank and didn't realize it was slowly poisoning him until his last 48 hours... once I realized what was happening and what I'd done- his illness was too far gone I couldn't save him, but I tried.. call me weird, but I had him cremated after he passed and I still have his ashes in a mermaid jar... I'll forever miss Tree but also be forever interested in all bettas to come.. so intelligent yet so overlooked..
Kawaii_charlie_ X
Kawaii_charlie_ X - 7 years ago
Kirsty Wotton
Kirsty Wotton - 7 years ago
I've had a betta for almost a year he has a 10 gallon tank
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
bettas need 5-10 gallons minimum
Hey Charlie!
Hey Charlie! - 7 years ago
I have a Betta, I'm hoping to move him to a five gallon soon!
W&LGaming - 7 years ago
thi_jo Gaming no they need a 2.5 gallons they live in big rivers and ponds
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
thi_jo Gaming no they cant live in dead water
thi_jo Gaming
thi_jo Gaming - 7 years ago
shes pretty right, they live in small puddles, but also in small creeks, ponds and even rice fields in thailand, indonesia and vietnam!
Robren _
Robren _ - 7 years ago
9:48 keep it pg
Mila the German Shepherd, Kiara Wellings
Mila the German Shepherd, Kiara Wellings - 7 years ago
Samantha Pena they're all babys, I'm gonna put them in different tanks at a certain age
Samantha Pena
Samantha Pena - 7 years ago
Reagan Franks Beauty that is a myth
Samantha Pena
Samantha Pena - 7 years ago
Mila the German Shepherd do you know betta fishes are? Because betta fishes are fighting fishes and they kill then till all of then die
Mila the German Shepherd, Kiara Wellings
Mila the German Shepherd, Kiara Wellings - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have a tank of 4 betas
Ismael Maldonado
Ismael Maldonado - 7 years ago
Animals Rule2016
Animals Rule2016 - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS mine is a half moon named Cosmo
thi_jo Gaming
thi_jo Gaming - 7 years ago
mine are oscar and nate
Prestigio Tablet
Prestigio Tablet - 7 years ago
My betta fish name is bleuberry
thi_jo Gaming
thi_jo Gaming - 7 years ago
I have 2 males, 1 in a 60l and 1 in a 110l aquarium
Lacey Davis
Lacey Davis - 7 years ago
My Betta fish name is Marina
Lacey Davis
Lacey Davis - 7 years ago
I have 3 betta fish 2 females and 1 male
Grace Nevers
Grace Nevers - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I would recommend putting a lid on the tank as well because Betta fish are known to jump out of tanks
scooting reptilian
scooting reptilian - 7 years ago
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
Samantha Pena no they're no they live in streams that go for miles
Samantha Pena
Samantha Pena - 7 years ago
Betta fishes were born in small puttles in the wild
Iron Spectrum
Iron Spectrum - 7 years ago
I've got 2! i have two 2.5 gallon tanks, because there males.
James Huculak
James Huculak - 7 years ago
I am literally about to pick up my Betta Fish today. Tank all set. Your videos are fantastic, and super helpful! Thank you!
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
I have betta rubra
Meleni Bustamante
Meleni Bustamante - 7 years ago
me king betta
CursetheVandal - 7 years ago
MR.memejesus Jr i over feed mine for sure but he eats it all and always looks so hungry XD
MR.memejesus Jr
MR.memejesus Jr - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS mine I only fed every 4-5 days and I guess it worked cuz he lived for six years. His names was Alpha
EB Productions
EB Productions - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS what do moss balls help with?
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have 1 male vetail betta fish! His name is bubbles :)
Diwash1 - 7 years ago
Why would you recommend a 2.5 gallon tank? Why not 10 g so the fish are happy and free.
KillMySenpai - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS thxs we have 5 and my mom was NOT prepared. have to buy new tanks now
Funbox Entertainment
Funbox Entertainment - 7 years ago
I just go a new 5.5 gallon tank and a 4 type filter and a heater today for my betta, Jeremy, a big upgrade from his .5 gallon tank
Grow Shrooms and Scardey Shrooms
Grow Shrooms and Scardey Shrooms - 7 years ago
I have a one! Mine is a Bumblebee. It's a dark green and kinda dark yellow. I named mine Koromon. You guys might like Digimon. ='-'=
hibiscusfreak - 7 years ago
Minh Cao
Minh Cao - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS used to :(
FirstClassFishKeeper - 7 years ago
Zawar Khan
Zawar Khan - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS the tank is way to expensive I have a 10 gallon and I got it for 19.99 which is ok and yours is only 2.5 which is just a rip off
-StandOutSquad -
-StandOutSquad - - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have a turquoise baby female named Rachel.
Skitter Bitter
Skitter Bitter - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS very helpful I might get a betta fish today I'm a noob
Woctowus Forever
Woctowus Forever - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have a pink one named Kimmy
Hiero - 7 years ago
I have 6 of them x-x
H&J andsometimesK
H&J andsometimesK - 7 years ago
Kay Preston cool, you should name them Flash and Superman if they aren't named yet lol
TheBettaShow - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have a Betta
Kay Preston
Kay Preston - 7 years ago
I got my new betta fish yesterday red one and a blue one
Jennifer Nguyen
Jennifer Nguyen - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS um I just noticed that I am going to move soon and I don't know how I'm going to do it. Can someone help me?
Jennifer Nguyen
Jennifer Nguyen - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I needed help buying stuff for my betta and u HELPED ME SO SO SOOOO MUCH! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HELPED ME!!
CrazyHamsterLady - 7 years ago
I have a betta named chad in a 5 gallon tank
Abigail Coburn
Abigail Coburn - 7 years ago
slander that beta is probably stressed you should take it out and put it in its own tank
Muttzilla __
Muttzilla __ - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have 2 bettas in a divided ten gallon tank
slander - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I put my beta in a tank with other fish and it keeps hiding is there a problem?
Elijah Krahn
Elijah Krahn - 7 years ago
Haybi 101
Haybi 101 - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS me! Working on moving my crowntail to a 5 gallon from a two gallon. Any recommendations?
creative bettakeeping
creative bettakeeping - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS cant tab water kill a fish
Jayvee Tinio's vlogs
Jayvee Tinio's vlogs - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS me he is haft crown tail and haft common betta
Lakshmi's Workshop
Lakshmi's Workshop - 7 years ago
xkillerdog - 7 years ago
yo! i've got 2. one in my 20g community and one alone in a 5.5g.
boscoitalics - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS my female betas not doing very well in her 5 gallon. she hangs out on the bottom :( she eats though. tomorrow im going to get her a different setup with all that heater & filter with my bday money.
-Bellapup- Cosmic
-Bellapup- Cosmic - 7 years ago
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Hello mate , I am keeping them too .. the best thing to do is to go and get a heater tbh mate .. they need the water to be heated .. so you changing your house temperature will not help with the water heating up mate . I hope this helps
George Wright
George Wright - 7 years ago
You can buy really cheap heaters from pet stores, or even heat pads that will be much better than adjusting your whole house. This way you can always maintain a good temp for him. Good luck!
Sith Bear
Sith Bear - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS can you pls help? I have bettas but I don't have a heater sadly and I don't want my beautiful lovely fish to die. Can I change my house temperature for the fish and will it affect it in a good way? if not pls tell me some tips.
Sith Bear
Sith Bear - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS hi I'm a newbie can you help pls. what if I can change the temperature of my house will that be good for the betta fish will it affect it in a good way? I don't have a heater.....
Knot the Groxius
Knot the Groxius - 7 years ago
I got a Betta named Jay.
Shin the gamer
Shin the gamer - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS thanks!
I'm a Person
I'm a Person - 7 years ago
It's a male :)
I'm a Person
I'm a Person - 7 years ago
Angus Ingram
Angus Ingram - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS, I have 1 betta fish, 6 neon tetras and 2 guppies. In a 10 gallon tank
Pet Lover786
Pet Lover786 - 7 years ago
Nadia Bingham I'm going to get a snail today. Which one do you have?
Nadia Bingham
Nadia Bingham - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS My one pink and purple male lives in a 10 gallon tank with a snail and a small pleco
Pet Lover786
Pet Lover786 - 7 years ago
I have a betta fish, he lives in a 5.5 gallon that is heated, filtered, and has a thermometer.
Rufioh Nitram
Rufioh Nitram - 7 years ago
ive got 4. 3 males 1 female.
Katharine Lowen
Katharine Lowen - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have one right now he's a koi betta. He lives in a live 5 gallon tank!
wolfiestarlight aj
wolfiestarlight aj - 7 years ago
Me I have a red female beta named strawberry
Destroyer 125
Destroyer 125 - 7 years ago
One Of My Betta Fish Died :'(
Rest In Peace Guppy..
You Will Be Missed
V4nish___ - 7 years ago
My Beta fish die in 1 day Rip Oddigan
Something SomethingSomething
Something SomethingSomething - 7 years ago
Good job saving poor Jeff. Bowls should be outlawed. The new tank does allow room for a few shrimp and some kind of snail though, just to spice things up and handle algae/leftover food.
LSR KTF - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS i own one blue, red and purble Betta called Flynn ;)
Lucy Tucci61
Lucy Tucci61 - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS i have 15 bettas!
Taylor ._.Brooke
Taylor ._.Brooke - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have 3 bettas and They're named Arco,Jaspar, and Casmian.I also own a community tank which Casmian is in.
Seraphim Septimus
Seraphim Septimus - 7 years ago
You need to get rid of those goldfish or give them a bigger aquarium. They will die in that ten gallon.
Morgan Walker
Morgan Walker - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I've been waiting for a while to see if you would do a video like this, it surprised me that you didn't already have one. anyway, I have a Betta named Buddha that I keep In a two gallon (I'm gonna upgrade soon though) and a 20 gal community tank with live plants, so watching your videos are helping me ALOT.
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I own seven. All of which have names and tanks....I'm pretty much a male equivalent of a crazy old lady that lives with just cats....but instead with fish...
I like dank Memes
I like dank Memes - 7 years ago
farm life they mess even more space than that (feeder goldfish can get to be a foot long and the fancy ones get about 6 in and the fancy golds need 20 gal per fish and in some cases more)
farm life
farm life - 7 years ago
goldfish CANNOT stay in a ten gallon... 7 goldfish need a 70 + gallon tank the grow big and when put in a small tank their organs will out grow their body and kill them goldfish are like koi they need lots of space pods are best
Matthew Santos
Matthew Santos - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS you should get a sponge filter it's way better for the Betta
Tyson Zufelt
Tyson Zufelt - 7 years ago
I’m just going to hope you put Decoordinator in
Thinh Clausen
Thinh Clausen - 7 years ago
After watching this video, i'm not sure anymore to keep my betta fish in bowls... But is that okay for them or should i get a tank? i've always think it looks beautiful to have fish in bowls
lyn han
lyn han - 7 years ago
Filter looks strong for betta fish
Владимир пушкин
Владимир пушкин - 7 years ago
Am I the only one confused because pretty much every video that explains the temprature uses Fahrenheit not Celsius, we use Celsius in canada
Jhayv Hatake
Jhayv Hatake - 7 years ago
You destroyed the aquarium. That's what I'm feeling now. xD
David Angulo
David Angulo - 7 years ago
Betta fish is now a better fish!
UBAID ULLAH - 7 years ago
Awesome setup
Jorge Martinez
Jorge Martinez - 7 years ago
you got so many subscribers

10. comment for SAVING A BETTA FISH! - Proper Betta Tank Setup

growmyown1 - 7 years ago
keep your gfriend in a small room for ten years, see how she gets on
Danielle Springer
Danielle Springer - 7 years ago
Did you have any problems using that large of a heater in that small of a tank? I have a 5 gallon I’m using to grow up some guppies and have an old Tetra 30 heater but I’m scared or boiling them.
Thomas Howlett
Thomas Howlett - 7 years ago
3:50 NEVER cut towards yourself! But great video!
Pitviper - 7 years ago
how do you wash sand
MasochistMax - 7 years ago
i personally think that 10g is the minimal tbh
im not saying "omg u aboosin the betta!!!1!1" im just sayin cuz u said 5g as the minimal
SarahGrace - 7 years ago
Too crowded
Alyssa Colon
Alyssa Colon - 7 years ago
I would like to add that you both forgot to dechlorinate the water and that betta fish jump, and if their tanks are that full they really should have some type of cover
Aurélie Camontes
Aurélie Camontes - 7 years ago
Betta splendens need 20l tank.
Sarah Bee
Sarah Bee - 7 years ago
This tank is an upgrade from a bowl but still too small. Plus that dragon rock not only takes up too much of the tank space but can also damage his delicate fins as he swims by.
Rita Rosado
Rita Rosado - 7 years ago
Bye Jeff

20. comment for SAVING A BETTA FISH! - Proper Betta Tank Setup

james adamson
james adamson - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that thought the glass he was in at the start was actually a really nice set up, in terms of appearance anyway.
Squareballs s
Squareballs s - 7 years ago
jssherrard - 7 years ago
Madstreamz 247
Madstreamz 247 - 7 years ago
Same setup as me
charay malas
charay malas - 7 years ago
SgE Z3o
SgE Z3o - 7 years ago
Sofia Montenegro
Sofia Montenegro - 7 years ago
You are saying it wrong its bait-A fish

Sorry if you think this is rude But it really bothers me SORRY!
Olivia Birch
Olivia Birch - 7 years ago
I love Jeff.
Nonesense Speaker
Nonesense Speaker - 7 years ago
Fish kept in small decorative bowl... dump her
jay wizz goat
jay wizz goat - 7 years ago
What about water conditioner

30. comment for SAVING A BETTA FISH! - Proper Betta Tank Setup

Wayne C
Wayne C - 7 years ago
you ramble a-fucking-lot. jeez!!
Rafael Fidalgo
Rafael Fidalgo - 7 years ago
poofy sushi
poofy sushi - 7 years ago
did your girlfriend break up with you?
Awesome Bleach
Awesome Bleach - 7 years ago
Do Betta fish jump out of water?
Mine did while I was changing it’s water
roger menjivar
roger menjivar - 7 years ago
She is not going to like those fake plants lol...
Aniya Elizabeth
Aniya Elizabeth - 7 years ago
$43 for a 2.5 gallons, thats ridiculous!
SheenaTalks - 7 years ago
What sand/pebbles did you use here? Trying to buy some and I love the color and size of the one you used here, info please!!
Seriously Curious
Seriously Curious - 7 years ago
nice idea to change for bigger size BUT all betta keepers know that need be COVER, for keeping healthy labyrinth and safe matters ( betta easily jump )
msF Bone
msF Bone - 7 years ago
Jeff is going to live a spoiled life
Alyssa Gustafson
Alyssa Gustafson - 7 years ago
My question is if the power were to go out, could the betta potentially swim into the filter? I’ve heard this a couple of times and I’m interested in getting a betta and obviously I don’t want it to die. Where I live power outages are common which is why I’m worried.
Fat Rabbit
Fat Rabbit - 7 years ago
She must have hated that. She bought that dumb vase fish for decoration. I'm happy you saved Jeff tho. Good stuff, fish before chicks.
Random Taco
Random Taco - 7 years ago
I am such a noob, I have a super small tank for my betta, luckily I’m getting a wayyyy better tank today, thanks for the info. Hopefully my betta is happier and healthier
Alvaro Dominguez
Alvaro Dominguez - 7 years ago
This is helpful. I am thinking of getting a Betta fish and an actual tank. Btw. Do you have a video on starting up a fish tank with Wal-Mart equipment? Would be easier for me
Amelia Huang
Amelia Huang - 7 years ago
my names jeff
Stephanie Negrete Vega
Stephanie Negrete Vega - 7 years ago
My mom said i can save some betta fish
Walker Patterson
Walker Patterson - 7 years ago
It's cool but I feel that it's a little bit cramped
Sebastian GlamFish
Sebastian GlamFish - 7 years ago
I'd be a tad bit worried about the fish jumping. I've owned 6 bettas in my life time and out of the 6, 4 were jumpers so soft mesh lids have always been an essential to me. It's pretty awesome to see how quickly Jeff perked up in his new environment though!!
ramendoq - 7 years ago
I have a one gallon bowl for my betta, and I just got him today.
Is this okay? I keep asking my dad to get me a small tank for him in the future, because EVERYBODY is saying that a tank is much more ideal for a betta than a bowl. It worries me - it is my first real pet, and I want him to be happy. I feel really bad about it now that everyone is saying a bowl is really bad....
Kyla Williams
Kyla Williams - 7 years ago
I had my Betta fish for 4 years and I keep my Betta fish in a the same vase as her so your wrong and my Betta is active and healthy
AsleepInWonderland - 7 years ago
Where can someone purchase the sand?
AsleepInWonderland - 7 years ago
Also, you said you were not sure about filter. Is there another recommendation you can make? I am saving a fish someone almost threw out and I want to make sure I do this correctly. Thank you.

50. comment for SAVING A BETTA FISH! - Proper Betta Tank Setup

ThePessimistAdam - 7 years ago
you could still put the vase in the aquarium lol
fish bones
fish bones - 7 years ago
I didnt like the rimless, you shocked the fish by not using tap water conditionor and by not letting the water reach temp. Should have acclimated better. No lid?
SpunkyRO !
SpunkyRO ! - 7 years ago
Someone help! About 2 months ago I got a betta fish and it was doing fine but after about a week it stopped eating and swimming around and I found it dead the next morning. I thought it was because I didn't have a heater and my house was kind of cold. So I got a heater and a new fish. And the same thing happened. Had it for a week and it stopped eating and swimming and died. So I upgraded to a 5 and 1/2 gallon tank, got plants and a cave, along with the heater and got my third fish. The guy at the pet store said I didn't cycle my tank so I did before I put my new fish in. I got her on Wednesday and yesterday (Tuesday) I noticed she wasn't eating her food. So I thought it was because of the kind of dirty water. So I did a about a 80% water change. I also had set some water in a bucket aside prior so it had a chance to grow some good bacteria. So I had about 1 gallon of the old water and like 1 gallon of the water that was sitting out and the rest new water. I conditioned it and everything. Btw I didn't scrub the sides of the tank or the plants so there would be some good bacteria left. So after I cleaned the tank I acclimated her for about 40 minutes and let her in she was swimming around and stuff but still wouldn't eat. Today (Wednesday, exactly a week from when I got her) she just sits on her betta hammock leaf and doesn't eat. ALL DAY! I'm scared she is going to die tomorrow please someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. This pattern keeps repeating itself with my fish. She hasn't eaten in almost 3 days. HELP!
Carter Timm
Carter Timm - 7 years ago
I have a question I hav a 3 gal with one betta. He keeps swimming under the filter and getting stuck how do I stop him from doin* that
Gruce Gaming
Gruce Gaming - 7 years ago
I have two female adult bettas and 1 female fry. Is it safe to put the fry and the two adults together?
Cameron Park
Cameron Park - 7 years ago
I don't have a betta yet but I am gonna get one
jignesh more
jignesh more - 7 years ago
Berta fish food
Bad Day ?
Bad Day ? - 7 years ago
it’s not a bet ah fish it’s a bate a fish. betta is not an english word. just like you don’t say jose jo se but hose.
aqualiz - 7 years ago
I would recommend a lid thought, those guys are jumpers.
Erik Antonsen
Erik Antonsen - 7 years ago
I want to steel some bettas from walmart, and keep them ://
HonneyDew - 7 years ago
The way he says betta kills me
Becca - 7 years ago
Ya be careful with the temperature!! I left my fish home when I went on a cruise and turned off the heater. It got super cold in our house and my betta died and today I am getting a new one
Phey Yang
Phey Yang - 7 years ago
at 2:08 i saw the minus looking thing and i saw it as a minus at first and i got startled as i do not think u should put a betta in a freezer. (i saw it differently later its ok i did not put my fish in a freezer)
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
he is now one of my favorite people besides Logn Paul and Cristiano Ronaldo, Jeff looks much happier
Savannah Love
Savannah Love - 7 years ago
It kinda looks crowded
Ostrichnut - 7 years ago
ur gf is a bitch....if you want a PET that's ALIVE you try to keep it happy, not yourself...Bettas are NOT a decoration!!
Lexie And Shelby
Lexie And Shelby - 7 years ago
Pimp my fish tank
Jordin Priddy
Jordin Priddy - 7 years ago
there’s a few things wrong with your information. the main one, the way you say “betta”
Michelle Usry
Michelle Usry - 7 years ago
I got one, he is beautiful, and very friendly
rayXY gaming
rayXY gaming - 7 years ago
I have mt betta in a 10 gallon
Lilian Escobar
Lilian Escobar - 7 years ago
I have one
Little heart Wart
Little heart Wart - 7 years ago
Wow thanks for teaching me my fish really is dead thank you because it has no more speace
Erin Mcclellion
Erin Mcclellion - 7 years ago
last time i put a filter in mt betta tank it died and it was that same kind as yours (he got sucked in the filter)
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 7 years ago
What was your girlfriends reaction?
Skittles - 7 years ago
I have a betta fish and I had him in a 1 gallon tank for about a week he was doing great then I moved him into a ten gallon, he just kept sinking to the bottom and wasn’t eating it was horrible . I ended up moving back to the one gallon and he started acting a lot better. I clean it every two days and it’s kinda annoying, he started acting sick again and I honestly don’t know what to do. Should I get him a 5 gallon instead? My other betta fish loves his ten gallon so I’m so confused about this fish (The tanks all have there filters and heaters btw except the one gallon his currently in)
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
sorry to be rude, but wdym she doesn't want a 5 gallon tank? don't matter what she wants. it's ideal for the betta fish, and she shouldn't even have a betta fish if she doesn't want to take care of it properly. also i have 4 male bettas(in 5 gal with heater and filter etc) and a sorority of 5 in a 20 gallon.
Luke Ellingham9
Luke Ellingham9 - 7 years ago
One thing to keep your betta fish healthy is to add a lid as many betta have been known to jump out of their aquarium but apart from that good video!
Chrissy Polans
Chrissy Polans - 7 years ago
Nice setup, now that you need to condition the water to remove chlorine before putting plain old tap water in..... And let it cycle
ThingsToDoWithLego - 7 years ago
i have a betta fish in 60 liter aquarium
Rene Bjerring
Rene Bjerring - 7 years ago
Animal cruelty!
Frostgaze - 7 years ago
Well put together video but there were a lot of things done wrong for the betta
Kate-a-Phant 101
Kate-a-Phant 101 - 7 years ago
It is too crowded
Marina Elena
Marina Elena - 7 years ago
Cutest boyfriend ever . I’d be mad but at the same time , not so much .. lol if that makes sense .. my people who are picky knows what’s up
Elizabeth & Devin Frey 101
Elizabeth & Devin Frey 101 - 7 years ago
TAP WATER!!!!??????!!!!!!???
Jovana Vasic
Jovana Vasic - 7 years ago
Where I live you're not rly allowed to put vertebrates in less than a 54litre tank
Ivan Anonym
Ivan Anonym - 7 years ago
"Tell her how to do things". yet you totally re-did her whole setup in your way. I think that its not a way to go in relationship. You just need to appreciate her job
The Cobra
The Cobra - 7 years ago
The stream is way to strong for that beta . You will be better off with a sponge filter that has the clear pipe curved towards the waters surface .
sTaTiicz andy
sTaTiicz andy - 7 years ago
Bettas need a minimum of a 500 gallon tank.
chad bayley
chad bayley - 7 years ago
Jeff has an amazing dad
Myquil - 7 years ago
Few things to consider
Looks like you may have placed dragonstones blocking the filter
Water is too high, he might jump out
Why did you remove the rims? Never heard of something so weird
OMG GAMER - 7 years ago
Pause the video at 9:48 look at the shape of the algae balls
Nosferata138 - 7 years ago
Looks good. I would have been happy to come back to that. Hope Jeff and all are well (haven't looked at upload date
Ana beatriz Cavalcanti
Ana beatriz Cavalcanti - 7 years ago
I from brazil and my betta tank stay in 28º (80f)
Ana beatriz Cavalcanti
Ana beatriz Cavalcanti - 7 years ago
♥️♥️♥️ so cute this fish
I have one
VeraTheGoat - 7 years ago
What a good guy.
She's super lucky to have you, investing your money for her fishes benefit and such.
CookieHam27 - 7 years ago
Did u use conditioner?
Amy Fox
Amy Fox - 7 years ago
Use the drift wood as a hide. Other then that good set up.
Poison808 - 7 years ago
It's interesting.. you said she bought the fish without telling you so you don't do exactly what you're doing in this video
ashley nila
ashley nila - 7 years ago
Are those real leave
Troy slays TV
Troy slays TV - 7 years ago
I have two Betta fish

100. comment for SAVING A BETTA FISH! - Proper Betta Tank Setup

Chaelyne Nakila
Chaelyne Nakila - 7 years ago
Congrsts jeff
A Cat Channel-More! :P
A Cat Channel-More! :P - 7 years ago
I thought it said shaving A betta fish
Penny P
Penny P - 7 years ago
Just started my first planted aquarium a 5 1/2 gallon for my new beta still have some work to do but he's loving the plants that are in there so far
Madison Archer
Madison Archer - 7 years ago
Where did you get the digital thermometer?
Madison Archer
Madison Archer - 7 years ago
Also what is it called?
TrotGallopandWhoa - 7 years ago
I have a betta and He is the happiest fish he gets really happy when I wake up or come back from class
Fisher kid
Fisher kid - 7 years ago
My betta is named bob
PuffyTigerToy - 7 years ago
They like calm water
SCREAM - 7 years ago
I'm so, so appreciative you know and understand thd ideals of living requirements for betta. Sure they won't die in a small bowl or vase being fed once in a long whike.. But same with a human locked in a basement being fed once in a long while.. enough to live but not enough to thrive. Thank you so much for broadcasting the needs of creatures that go easily overlooked.
Sarah J
Sarah J - 7 years ago
Thank you for spoiling the betta as good as you did! She will fall in love with the tank and the healthier fish and you will get her obsessed in upgrading eventually!
Vlog Head
Vlog Head - 7 years ago
Honestly the set up is a lot prettier than a bowl.
ΣHAANTI - 7 years ago
I cracked my 5 gallon trying to do this months back. Now its a cricket holding tank.
Antonyms TheTarsier
Antonyms TheTarsier - 7 years ago
WOW!! "Responsible enough"!! TRIGGERED!!
sTaTiicz andy
sTaTiicz andy - 7 years ago
Pause at 9:47
Unoffical Choo Choo
Unoffical Choo Choo - 7 years ago
I think you should buy BETTA gear and a BETTA setup.

Ok I'll leave.
Everything_Nerdy - 7 years ago
Im an asshole and just because I am its pronounced Bait-a. Not BET-A
PerilTheSkyWing :}
PerilTheSkyWing :} - 7 years ago
Poor Betta fish

I always see them in those sad little containers
I think it's because they don't get along with each other. But idk anything

I wish I could save them all :(
Kiku 636
Kiku 636 - 7 years ago
Hi! I need help with my aquarium. I feel I've depleted my local resources so my last resort is the experts on YouTube. It's a white slime. I've posted a video on my channel. If you could take a look at it and have any suggestions to offer I'd appreciate it!
Brianna Mackenzie
Brianna Mackenzie - 7 years ago
Besides the rocks that might damage Jeff’s fins, but i really like the tank!
saul hernandez
saul hernandez - 7 years ago
I have a betta fish in a bowl I have the moneyy but no space in my apartment this sucks
John C
John C - 7 years ago
nicermog - 7 years ago
Yeah, I need the ghetto version of this video.
Furious knockout/shadowbolt
Furious knockout/shadowbolt - 7 years ago
my name jeff
delilah Ncredible
delilah Ncredible - 7 years ago
Can you help me with my fish.. ? I posted a video
Kaiden Hughbanks
Kaiden Hughbanks - 7 years ago
u are saying batta wronge
PoemsOFsHadows - 7 years ago
Should have at least got him a 3.5 gallon because that setup? It looks like he had more room to actually swim in the bowl .______.
Josh D
Josh D - 7 years ago
James Alcorn
James Alcorn - 7 years ago
My name Jeff
Jay H
Jay H - 7 years ago
I had my 3 bettas in separate vases from the dollar store. I checked the temp after buying a tank, and it was 40 degrees Fahrenheit... I did change them into the tank, but one died before I bought the tank.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Jaykin Hang Oh okay good. Phew! hahaha
Jay H
Jay H - 7 years ago
I have a divider. :)
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Jaykin Hang Bettas need to be kept in separate tanks.
Orcashark - 7 years ago
He seems happier ! Nice tank; love the result. Simple, cute and not expensive ! Great job
Jacqueline Gibson
Jacqueline Gibson - 7 years ago
Everyone saying his girl going to be mad. But if that hoe is mad after he just gave her fish a nice life, he should drop her lol
Life With Aquaman
Life With Aquaman - 7 years ago
got a 29 gallon home for my baby betta :) check out my first vid!
Alyssa Bentley
Alyssa Bentley - 7 years ago
Are peace lilies ok submerged like that?

Also, without a lid, I would probably reduce the water level another half inch - though Jeff has such big fins, he probably can't jump as well as my plakats.
Vuivlio - 7 years ago
i dont use filter .. i use heater and its around 74-76F and i do 100% water change every 1-2 week and i dont treat him bad.. he has 10 gallon tank.. but do you guys think that when i do 100% water change then i dont need filter?
Captain Freddy
Captain Freddy - 7 years ago
You sound pussy-whipped! Just tell her to STFU. If she can't look after a fish, imagine what kind of mother she will be. Save yourself also; MGTOW
Raindrop Services
Raindrop Services - 7 years ago
Good you saved this betta. May I suggest... I think it would actually be easier to build a tank thank remove the rim and clean up t he silicone. Just my 2 cents...
Christina Facts
Christina Facts - 7 years ago
Without a lid, Jeff is going to jump out of that tank and die - if he doesn't die of untreated fin rot first since that sharp dragon stone is going to tear up his fins and your gf doesn't know what she's doing.
So what the hell are YOU doing making this vid?
Robert Donald Fohr
Robert Donald Fohr - 7 years ago
Remember, treat your tap water for chlorine and such before adding you Betta.
Mohnti PS4
Mohnti PS4 - 7 years ago
9:46 DICK
Rohith Saravanan
Rohith Saravanan - 7 years ago
For $2 fish you are spending $200
Arnold Crowley
Arnold Crowley - 7 years ago
Fuck your girl man. Give him a bigger tank wtf
Rohith Saravanan
Rohith Saravanan - 7 years ago
The tank looks smaller than the bowl
Ashley Luna
Ashley Luna - 7 years ago
Thank goodness Jeff is safe!
Yuri.on.stalking - 7 years ago
I've been having a beta fish for a year now and it's been in those tanks that you can buy at the store. I think if people who have betas and can't afford all these things, they just need to clean the water once a week and feed it, because thats what I been doing with mine and he's perfectly fine!
Also do you know what it means if your beta sinks to the bottom and stays there for a while? Are they sleeping or?
Dav1is - 7 years ago
my betta fish is with 3 guppys in a 3 gal tank
Michael Ramage
Michael Ramage - 7 years ago
Nice video like always
Hairy Bus
Hairy Bus - 7 years ago
Filter with that level of current was a big mistake, bettas like to sleep on the surface and also they get thrown around easily , my betta sometimes sleeps on top of a leaf near the surface when the lights are out,
Tim Tappa
Tim Tappa - 7 years ago
Well I was 10 years old. I have a better tank for my new betta. Happy You say? You realize it's a fucking fish right.
Fresh Falcon
Fresh Falcon - 7 years ago
Here is my Betta:
Fireball_ boi
Fireball_ boi - 7 years ago
U said tap water did you treat it?if not the clorine irritates the fish and could kill him
Blurred Glitch
Blurred Glitch - 7 years ago
Did you use water conditioner?
Kabir Mallik
Kabir Mallik - 7 years ago
Your girlfriend is an asshole.
Iriskenia Fernandez
Iriskenia Fernandez - 7 years ago
lol your girlfriend is gonna be annoyed but way to go Jeff! You have a great dad hahaha
ZeusBroz ANIMATIONS - 7 years ago
U forgot the lid because if u fill it up to much I heard they can jump out so be careful
Bunny Lover278
Bunny Lover278 - 7 years ago
I have two crow tail bettas that live seperate
Isaac 314
Isaac 314 - 7 years ago
Taking off the plastic rim drastically compromises its structural integrity. Those plastic rims are the primary structural support, and the silicone is there to make it water tight. Silicone is not meant to hold that amount of water pressure, for that you need a bond adhesive cured with a UV light.
Keith Foster
Keith Foster - 7 years ago
My Betta Fish Live The Best Life Ever In a 30 Gallon where my 5 bettas know tricks I can pay their back and play. My Bettas Have The Best Life Ever!!
Joey Chan
Joey Chan - 7 years ago
i have a Half Tail betta and i have him in a big tank
Rachel Kruse
Rachel Kruse - 7 years ago
I get why she didn't want your help, because her primary concern is aesthetic looks of a bowl with plants. That is not a reason to buy an animal for so they look good in a vase. Great job saving Jeff but don't expect her to be happy
Nikhil Bhookhun
Nikhil Bhookhun - 7 years ago
Rebecca Ericson
Rebecca Ericson - 7 years ago
"I think that's because she thought I'd be super overbearing in the process."

"I'm going to do a complete makeover on the entire tank and get rid of what she obviously liked without asking or telling her.  I'm sure she won't be upset."

How'd that go for you?
Sequinz withaZ
Sequinz withaZ - 7 years ago
Bro learn 'aesthetic'
AnimalGem14 - 7 years ago
"Everybody meet Jeff"
Emmanuel Nalli
Emmanuel Nalli - 7 years ago
you think that betta is happy? i dont think so because that flow is too high for a betta splendens. A happy adult male betta which he is ,makes bubbles. Use only sponge air filters for bettas tanks and let some real or artificial plants float on the surface,add some dry almond leaves or a drift wood to tan the water.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Emmanuel Nalli Bubblenests do NOT mean your betta is happy.
Letrell Disney
Letrell Disney - 7 years ago
Um i think those rocks are to sharp and big they take up alot of space
Letrell Disney
Letrell Disney - 7 years ago
Im looking for a namr to namr my beta it is a male
SarahPlays - 7 years ago
You need a filter for your fish then it last longer some fish NEED a filter so it's better to get a fish tank (my friend got a fish tank but it was bowl shaped and his fish didn't last very long so get a cube tank or cuboid tank there good better then bowls) And if you think they don't the fish if you get green stuff in your tank the fish don't mind it it just doesn't look good for some people....thanks for reading this

no one probebly read this but I wrote it anyway
April - 7 years ago
I'm curious, I have a gigantic geometric vase. It's easily 5 gallons and the 2 lil goldfish I had for decades loved it for the time their old bums had left when I moved them.
You think if I put the right supplies into it a Betta would enjoy it?
It's rounded at the bottom and go's up quite high, not sure if they have shape preferences for their tanks.
Reyana Robinson
Reyana Robinson - 7 years ago
Your girlfriend kinda sucks if she doesn't want the best for her fish~ lame
Menukaart 24
Menukaart 24 - 7 years ago
That fish his name is JEFF!!
Tyler Travis
Tyler Travis - 7 years ago
I take issue with your use of sand in the tank. Jeff could easily mistake a piece of gravel for a piece of food and get impacted.
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
Do you need an oxygen pump? Or are the filter and heater enough for him/ her to be happy and healthy?
jborges borges
jborges borges - 7 years ago
like my betta fish well poop
jborges borges
jborges borges - 7 years ago
kinda good
Gluttonace - 7 years ago
It's so nice seeing bettas being saved! I have my crown tail in a 10 gallon and my plakat, who I raised from a baby, in a 5 gal. Live planted as well, it's so fun to watch them sleep in the leaves. I've tried introducing shrimp every once in a while but you can imagine how that goes haha
KMJ 101
KMJ 101 - 7 years ago
Did you add conditioner to that water?? And your not supposed to just toss him in there
Animals Rule2016
Animals Rule2016 - 7 years ago
What about water conditioner?
Nene - 7 years ago
Bettas shouldnt have direct sunlight plz tell ur gf that. So to not put on her windowcil
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Nene That is completely erroneous.
Ellie Askey
Ellie Askey - 7 years ago
why should she be mad at you if you are trying to improve the life of a cute little betta ?
Hashtagninja - 7 years ago
Did u know that betta fish actually r overwhelmed by big spaces
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Hashtagninja It takes a massive tank to overwhelm a betta. Like 120 gallons and up.
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 7 years ago
What are those moss balls called ?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Jude Jacinto Marimo moss balls
thatoneperson 1281
thatoneperson 1281 - 7 years ago
Super helpful thank you
lenastar12 - 7 years ago
Isnt there a way to slow the speed on the fliter or move it other way that the water comes out
Liam does stuff 12
Liam does stuff 12 - 7 years ago
I have mine in a 10 gal
Iron Spectrum
Iron Spectrum - 7 years ago
Jeff is so cute!
ShredderPete - 7 years ago
Girlfriend: "Dont touch my fish. JUST KEEP IT ALIVE"
Aquapros: "imma buy im a whole new set up. she's gunna love it"
Brandon Rivera
Brandon Rivera - 7 years ago
I think the fish said:

Brandon Rivera
Brandon Rivera - 7 years ago
We have a Betta fish once we have 2 of them (one is red, the other one is blue) but the red one died because they live in a fishbowl so they fought and the red one got exhausted and then died. I got angry at him but it faded after I slept lol but we went on a holiday vacation for 3 days so the blue one got left alone but he survived. Some time later we forgot about him and didn't noticed him but he survived for 3 freaking years without dying(Ps: we only change the bowl once a month)
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
very nice setup! #JustJeff2017
Russel kelly
Russel kelly - 7 years ago
I just bought a 3.5 gallon tank for my new Betta. I was told to run the filter for 24 hours, is this required?
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Yep! Just make sure your flow is not that strong as it's a small tank
Raben Katze
Raben Katze - 7 years ago
wow don´t mean it bad bro but youre girlfriend is stupid...
Your daddy's girl
Your daddy's girl - 7 years ago
And I'm stuck on some names what do you guys think I should name my new betta I have the options
of Mordechai , Arlo , Crimsin or Yuki please help me decide:)
Your daddy's girl
Your daddy's girl - 7 years ago
I love this , and it's perfect because I'm getting a betta real soon , just gives me another idea for my set up!
fil - 7 years ago
did u do a fish-in cycle?
Everyone In The Comments
Everyone In The Comments - 7 years ago
No offense buddy, but your girlfriend seems like a bitch
Yme Boy
Yme Boy - 7 years ago
Dude over kill
Bana na
Bana na - 7 years ago
stop the video at 9:46 lol
Rebecca Raeburn Smith
Rebecca Raeburn Smith - 7 years ago
I'm suprised by how much fish are like many people are gonna laugh at me but people never do their research on hamsters and it's pretty much the same with fish
Wildin Paul
Wildin Paul - 7 years ago
Bruh u gotta clean out that Tap Water with the conditioner .. that fish swimming in doo doo water
Polīna - 7 years ago
-Do you want your fish to have more room and him to be more happy?
Kaitlyn Tran
Kaitlyn Tran - 7 years ago
I don't have a beta but I do have the same 2.5 gallon tank as you
Anne Smythe
Anne Smythe - 7 years ago
If his girlfriend wants to keep a fish in a tiny vase when it's too small she shouldn't own it if an animal has specific requirements then you have to meet them requirements
Amelia Roque
Amelia Roque - 7 years ago
All the extra stuff defeated the purpose!!
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
The fish was gonna die in that vase. How could she get angry at you for stopping her from killing a fish? Like, what kind of person gets mad at you saving their pet's life?!
Devyn - 7 years ago
If your girlfriend wanted decor she should've just bought a plant. I got so mad when you said that you mentioned wanting to get Jeff a five gallon and she refused. I just can't imagine someone picking aesthetics over the quality of life of an animal in their care. They aren't decorations; they're living beings.
Fire Frost
Fire Frost - 7 years ago
I got 2 a baby boy named Oswald and a baby girl named ortensia
Greg Clavel
Greg Clavel - 7 years ago
Can someone give me total cost
Ethan Hawkins
Ethan Hawkins - 7 years ago
Ethan Hawkins
Ethan Hawkins - 7 years ago
My betta fish looks the same, but his name is Honda
A derpy Potato 17
A derpy Potato 17 - 7 years ago
Your girlfriend better thank you! She should take u out to the aquarium! XD and don't you need water conditioner?
Mirit Mods
Mirit Mods - 7 years ago
I love how Jeff is just luxuriously watching you work from his old bowl
lck vlogs
lck vlogs - 7 years ago
noodle vs doodle
noodle vs doodle - 7 years ago
I had a betta named Stella. He was in a 10 gallon tank with my 2in pleco and neon tetra(fish my sister and brother no longer wanted). Now I have a 40gallon tank with goldfish and black skirt tetras.
noodle vs doodle
noodle vs doodle - 7 years ago
Sadly he passed away before he was put with them but he did great with my other tropical fish
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
I was thinking of black skirt tetras too! Is the betta doing well in that tank?
Omega Fangzz
Omega Fangzz - 7 years ago
Look How He Got The Marimo Moss Balls On The Table Look Like A Dick
Yosef cplrn
Yosef cplrn - 7 years ago
How do you breed a betta fish?
April Wolf
April Wolf - 7 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if you can make tank dividers out of coroplast? You seem like a fish pro so I'm guessing you can help me out because I don't know how/where to get the materials that most people use the other materials, please help!
eclipse massacre
eclipse massacre - 7 years ago
Poor guy gonna have no space to swim with such a small tank and a lot of decorations in there
eclipse massacre
eclipse massacre - 7 years ago
Poor guy gonna have no space to swim with such a small tank and a lot of decorations in there
Nuria - 7 years ago
Betta (Bay-Ta)
There you go buddy.
MissEarlAve Gaming
MissEarlAve Gaming - 7 years ago
It's "bay-tuh" not "bet-uh"
Yilin Zhu
Yilin Zhu - 7 years ago
I think a peace lily is a terrible plant for the fish, it's not even a aquarium plant. I personally recommend a small hang on back filter so that the bio-media can be put in, and it would provide enough oxygen for the nitrifying bacteria. Also, without a lid, the water is gonna evaporate quickly.
Mewkita - 7 years ago
I'd like your opinion on a few things, see: I have a goldfish in a 3.5 gal tank. I have those round gems at the bottom of his tank, 2 medium fake plants, and a filter that I've seen waste float by within a cm of it and it not get sucked up. I know I need a better filter, as I've had problems with ammonia poisoning (He pulled through!) in the past. You said something about moss balls helping with Nitrogen, so I was wondering if they would also help with ammonia, too. I have done my research, but every site I go to says something different, and I know better than to trust PetSmart. His water is usually cloudy, and I'm trying my best to keep him alive and well. Would live plants help the fish?

Bonus: I have a 10 gal tank with two dwarf gourami's, an angelfish, and a place. It has multiple fake plants, a bubbler, a good filter, a heater (the kind you showed in the video), and a pebble bottom. I'm telling you this because I want my fish to do well, I don't want them to be miserable. If you have the time, I'd appreciate it.
Boiler 1999
Boiler 1999 - 7 years ago
Tap water? Window sill? Are you trying to kill Jeff?!!!
Cre Mist
Cre Mist - 7 years ago
Wait so why did he take the rims off the tank?
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Personal preference on visuals I guess :|
pat - 7 years ago
who cares if the girls mad, the fish is happy
Jemma Agoni
Jemma Agoni - 7 years ago
SilentMajority420 - 7 years ago
"you probably already know all about marimo moss balls"
Ummm, yea, sure.
Meezie Prime
Meezie Prime - 7 years ago
Why do u remove the rims
razekBEAT - 7 years ago
that sand is bad, the betta can ingest it, and that would be bad
Reflection Tube
Reflection Tube - 7 years ago
My betta fish died
Brandon Yem
Brandon Yem - 7 years ago
The Unicorn
The Unicorn - 7 years ago
You forgot water conditioner so the tap water is much safer
rick and morty fanz
rick and morty fanz - 7 years ago
he used the same water the fish had been in
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 7 years ago
I think you're thinking about cycling a tank. What they mean is water conditioner to remove chemicals in the tap water that are dangerous to fish (ie. chlorine and chloramines) You can let water sit out for 24-48 hours and the chlorine would evaporate, but the chloramines and other toxic elements would not. Adding the conditioner would remove both of these, and even some conditioners help detoxify ammonia (another element that is very harmful.)
Domácí mazlíčci-DIY, vlogy, zajímavosti
Domácí mazlíčci-DIY, vlogy, zajímavosti - 7 years ago
Water conditioner is not good thing. Water in aquarium is safe for the fish after two or three weeks since it was set up and you really don't need to put this chemicals to the aquarium.
Jacqueline Gibson
Jacqueline Gibson - 7 years ago
I assume he conditioned it before he tipped it in
T Saunders
T Saunders - 7 years ago
The Unicorn I was thinking the same thing.
Sunfish slayer 26
Sunfish slayer 26 - 7 years ago
I have two
didier gonzalez
didier gonzalez - 7 years ago
I have a baby betta fish
mikun ni
mikun ni - 7 years ago
I have my bettas in a 15 gallon tank each. Lately I've been busy and noticed algae and fungus green stuff in the tank and decor! Please im a newbie and don't know what to do or prevent it. I haven't tried cleaning it because I don't know what it is. Suggestions?
Zaos - 7 years ago
All this shit saying needing a huge tank for this is bullshit I got a 1-2 gallon tank and it's been living for two fucking years it even knows when ima give it food when I stand in front of the tank he has great color and is perfect
Abby van der Pluijm
Abby van der Pluijm - 7 years ago
Zaos agree. It s all nonsense. this kind of fish does have a fine life in the vase.It doesn t suffer in small bowls and is totally different in needs then other fishes.The bigger tanks even are worse and all the things added are also even harming the Betta
BirdBoy - 7 years ago
Can I keep a betta with goldfish?. My goldfish are fantails
BirdBoy - 7 years ago
DepravedTaka Okay thanks for the tip
DepravedTaka - 7 years ago
While you could technically have both bettas and goldfish in a tank of water temperature 75 degrees, this is a little cool for the betta and a little warm for the goldfish. The main issue is size; goldfish, even fantails, will get so much bigger than a betta that will probably end up stressing him out or even bullying him. Bettas are a solitary fish and bright active goldfish are not a good choice of tank mates. Be aware that a pair of fantails will need at least a 30 gallon tank when they are adults.
Papayasaft I Saftladen
Papayasaft I Saftladen - 7 years ago
now thats a betta setup than before....

kill me
HawkWolf Gaming
HawkWolf Gaming - 7 years ago
I cringed every time you said 'BET-TA' I pronounce it 'Beta' like a rank of wolf in a pack.
Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
I like rims
Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
That's 5 gallon
GrayMalkin - 7 years ago
I love betta fish...
Luna Lovaine
Luna Lovaine - 7 years ago
What kind of fish could thrive in the vase tank? I have a similar one that I'd like to add fish to, but I like them to feel at home.
DepravedTaka - 7 years ago
There is none, vases are for plants. You could potentially try a few cherry shrimp but small volumes of water can be prone to temperature fluctuations which might kill them.
Jennaerys Targaryen
Jennaerys Targaryen - 7 years ago
Those tetra HT preset heaters are notoriously bad. They generally don't heat up to the minimum recommended temperature for a Betta of 78 and often become faulty. I know people that have had their bettas cooked using those things. A Hydor Theo or Aqueon Pro preset heater is much more accurate and safe to use.
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying - 7 years ago
Can you do a video of De-rimming a ten gallon? I want to do it to my ten gallon but don't want to re seal it.
Mr Angry Owl
Mr Angry Owl - 7 years ago
I got that exact same filter on ebay for £4:50!!
xavier colquitt
xavier colquitt - 7 years ago
i have a betta
his name is blaze
Anna Nogueira
Anna Nogueira - 7 years ago
Why would you wanna keep a fish in a smaller tank than it needs I would try get the biggest tank I could afford.
Memewhore - 7 years ago
I have a 20 gal tank with 3 female bettas and my other fish and I have a 1 gallon with my male betta.. he used to live in the 20 with everyone but he randomly got really aggressive out of nowhere so he's by himself now
FabulousFish Facts
FabulousFish Facts - 7 years ago
I had a betta but she died, your girlfriend will kill you
Melissa Moon
Melissa Moon - 7 years ago
Does she even condition her water?
Melissa Moon
Melissa Moon - 7 years ago
Betta's shouldn't be in vases at all! No filter, no heater, no life!
PaintedPony - 7 years ago
Hi! So I'm thinking about getting a Betta, I know most of the very basics of taking care of them, but I was wondering what I absolutely NEED to have to keep a Betta fish happy and healthy?
Steffon Singh
Steffon Singh - 7 years ago
I does call it fighter fish lol
blonde talk
blonde talk - 7 years ago
wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy too crowded
Kati Casey
Kati Casey - 7 years ago
Extreme Tank Makeover: Betta Edition
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
Why filling the tank with so many garbage?
Bädbítçh XxsavagexX
Bädbítçh XxsavagexX - 7 years ago
Betta like that it's annoying
Al F
Al F - 7 years ago
This reminds me of one of those show on hgtv when they do a whole house renovation.
Ben Kelleher
Ben Kelleher - 7 years ago
Upgrades tank size, fills half of it with decorations
lasrber - 7 years ago
I will never use a tank heater. The one time I did, it over heated and murdered Gus. It's not something I will risk a second time
Suffics - 7 years ago
Can you collect and wash rocks you find in the wild or is it better for them to be store bought?
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 7 years ago
My betta has got a huge upgrade. When I first got him he was in a .5 gallon tank. I know fish abuse. Then got a 1.5 gallon. Now a 3.5 gallon. He’s happy and now has filtration. He does not have a heater because it stays at 78 year round in my house. He’s pretty old but happy and healthy.
MaryRav EquineForever
MaryRav EquineForever - 7 years ago
Do you need to wash out the gravel and if so how can I make sure my betta is going to live longer
Allison Riley
Allison Riley - 7 years ago
Is it okay to have a beta in a vase or small tank for a short time to show him off? Assuming the water is warm enough and there is a little cover and such? Or is that too stressful for the fish?
ekul Z
ekul Z - 7 years ago
Your planted tank at 0:01 is absolutely beautiful. Nice job!
ekul Z
ekul Z - 7 years ago
Im so happy to hear someone properly pronounce "betta"
kakiexo14 - 7 years ago
I just got my betta baby 3 months ago. Didn't think she was as intelligent as she is but she proved me wrong. I'm needing to upgrade her take from about the same one your gf has her fish in now.
MoonFeather - 7 years ago
My Betta looks like Jeff so much
MoonFeather - 7 years ago
I have a red halfmoon Betta fish that my LFS had marked as a crowntail they also had dumbos and metallic scale ones all marked as crown tails but most of them were dead because they were in a jar with no heater or filter I had to get him but I didn't have a spare tank so I tried him with my tetra they were hurting him so I had a 20 gallon tank with guppies and bristle nose catfish and he was amazing he's so friendly and won't hurt a fly also I'm thinking of getting some females of the 20 gallon with him would it work I know he's friendly. Ps sorry of bad spelling
the spoopy salamander
the spoopy salamander - 7 years ago
You did a decent job but you didn't condition the tap water which can be deadly to betta fish (because of the chemicals in the tap water)
Fluffy Unicorn
Fluffy Unicorn - 7 years ago
I think you should have put him in a 5 gallon tank as that stuff looks a little over crowded in that tank and it would be more space for the Jeff.
Trish - 7 years ago
screw your girlfriend. Fish lives matter!
Amelia Craig
Amelia Craig - 7 years ago
I am getting a beta fish so I need to know how to set a nice home for the little guy and this video helped a lot
Lia V
Lia V - 7 years ago
The filter is too strong but over all this is a good setup! Good job
ImEthan - 7 years ago
can you keep a male and female togheter
Skylar Does Tributes
Skylar Does Tributes - 7 years ago
You need a cover. Betta's are known to jump out of water in nature and if they earn your trust, they can jump out of water and take some fish food that's on your finger. He could jump out of the water when your not around and you wouldn't be able to help him. If you are planning on getting a cover.... One person should stay home and watch the fish and the other get the cover.
yamaha race crew
yamaha race crew - 7 years ago
if you put your beta in a bowl like this how often do you have to change the water ?
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
I’m new and just uploaded a betta fish video. >.<
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
well that makes us a team!
Goku Dragon
Goku Dragon - 7 years ago
Dario Hernandez cool
Naleta - 7 years ago
man i'd be so thankful bc you got all the stuff that i needed
Paige - 7 years ago
Mine is in a 1 gallon bowl but he has an air stone and heater. He's super healthy and active. He does have a few tears in his fins but I bought him like that. They seem to be healing nicely. I'm 20 so I still live at home but actually on my parents property in a 32 foot camper so it's literally like an apartment. Mo (my Betta) looks very nice sitting on a decorative shelf. And because I only have two cords for his bowl I don't have to worry about tripping a breaker.
aesah's life
aesah's life - 7 years ago
I have that same exact beta fish
GlockWiseSB - 7 years ago
filters too strong
G.O.A.T - 7 years ago
can you tell me why my guppies are staying and the right corner please just got them today
Emilio Rendon
Emilio Rendon - 7 years ago
can you put fake plants for a betta?
A. 26
A. 26 - 7 years ago
Emilio Rendon I wouldn't, because a lot of fake plants tend to be hard and sharp and it might catch and rip on a betta's fins.
Vicky Flores
Vicky Flores - 7 years ago
someone at my work got one and was feeding it bread. I tried to tell her that they didn't eat that and needed spatial food, but someone else said you don't have to feed it if you put a plant in there. she also said she though it was lonely and wanted to get another one and I told her it was a bad idea but she still got another male. they had a divider but no plants, also the light was on 24-7. it died and now the new one is sick. she wants to get another one because she says this one is lonely.
Nabil Walid Rafi
Nabil Walid Rafi - 7 years ago
can i keep fighter betta with other fishes
KaregoAt - 7 years ago
Your girlfriend seems kinda cunty.

Also, that 2,5 turns into a 1 gallon tank real quick when you stuff it full like that.
Venetta Bejenaru
Venetta Bejenaru - 7 years ago
settle Down
jordan osuna
jordan osuna - 7 years ago
bruh really people really ganna get 40 galllans tank for a betta
Rickard Rakkoon
Rickard Rakkoon - 7 years ago
my 2 beta are in a 65 gallon arch tank with a bunch of corys, oto's mollies, black neon tets, bristle pelco. They all get along and the beta really has flourished. I hate seeing betas in <5gal tanks.
Aishiqin Mohd
Aishiqin Mohd - 7 years ago
Did you change the water filter? Cause i have one just like that. But I haven't tried it on for my betta.
MidnighTWorldX6 - 7 years ago
betta live in 80 degree??
Reefish keeper
Reefish keeper - 7 years ago
betta didnt like moving water coz of oxygen
Jaded - 7 years ago
How he says marimo upsets me for some reason...
AndreFRCaetano - 7 years ago
Do betas need a heater?
sneks, sneks and MEMES
sneks, sneks and MEMES - 7 years ago
Beta fish do need a heater. your fish can become lethargic, stop eating, and if your water is not well maintained your fish can get sick and not be able to live his full life
AndreFRCaetano - 7 years ago
kitty Garcia I've seen a video that said that betas would grow faster with warm water, but they can go in colder water and grow slower.
sneks, sneks and MEMES
sneks, sneks and MEMES - 7 years ago
Cynthia Price
Cynthia Price - 7 years ago
I've had a number if bettas over the years, though I don't have any now, and my grandmother used to breed them (back when they were referred to as Siamese fighting fish, more often than not). My most successful setup was a single male in a 15 gallon with tetras. I even was able to add a few females. It was so successful that everybody was breeding like bunnies! I was rather suprised the first time I saw fry swimming around, and immediately went out to get a nursery and appropriate food. I had that tank for quite a while.
jacob j
jacob j - 7 years ago
imnotsoamazinglexi - 7 years ago
She didnt tell you at first for this exact reason
Loreal L.
Loreal L. - 7 years ago
Great video! I am getting a 50 gallon tank for my 2 male dragon tail bettas (Boogie & Woogie) I recently acquired. They are each in a vase and deserve a larger environment. They will be getting some girlies too!
Jakkie Tea
Jakkie Tea - 7 years ago
I hope she likes his tank, it was a really nice gesture!
wendym1234 - 7 years ago
Looks like too much stuff in there. Jeff doesn't have much more room to swim around.
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
After adding all the decorations and equipment, it looks like he has just about much swimming room as he did in the bowl. That's why I say bettas need a minimum of 5 gallons
Ravenclaw Student
Ravenclaw Student - 7 years ago
my betta lives in a 5.5 gal which is heated and filtered. i researched before I got him
Ravenclaw Student
Ravenclaw Student - 7 years ago
bowls are foes! tanks are not pranks
Bau Meister
Bau Meister - 7 years ago
I've my Betta (Amethest) she's at room temp and I personally had her for five years, but my experience will be different then some others.
Karol Escobar
Karol Escobar - 7 years ago
I have a blue male veil tail betta and I've had him for about a year. I feel bad because he is the only pet that is fully mine and I don't take much care of him like I used to. he lives in a 2.5 gallon tank with a filter, plastic plants and a yellow submarine hide. I came back from vacation and he doesn't seem very active (I was gone for 4 days and left him a weekend feeder that lasts 5 and I cut it on half because it's just him) I'm trying to save money and either upgrade his tank or get him a 5 gallon. His fins are kind of ripped and limp if that makes sense, what do I do?? please answer I'm concerned
JOHN OLSON - 7 years ago
Kristina Forch
Kristina Forch - 7 years ago
I'm saving money for a sponge filter, some subsrate, and plants to put in a spare 3 gal and put my brothers betta in it.
Ignas V
Ignas V - 7 years ago
my name jeff... anyone? no?
Feathers And Friends
Feathers And Friends - 7 years ago
My namma jeff
Equine Maggie
Equine Maggie - 7 years ago
Altzercrast - 7 years ago
What would you recommend if your betta fish is prone to jumping?
pineapple pineapple
pineapple pineapple - 7 years ago
My betta has a 10 gallon tank with a heater and i currently clean it once a week. For a person without a filter, am i cleaning it enough? Should i get a filter? If so how often will i need to clean the tank?
Jenn - 7 years ago
Hi, my betta , Bagel, got ripped fins and all the plants in his tank are soft, and the only other fish he lives with are two amano shrimp. a few hours ago he had no ripped fins and I don't know what could be ripping them. He also doesn't have fin rot. All the research I have done on amano shrimp says nothing about them nipping fins. Does anyone know what could be ripping them?
Christopher Stokes
Christopher Stokes - 7 years ago
Behhhhhtuh fish,
Potato - 7 years ago
dude if your gf is so dead-set on neglecting her fish and gets offended over/avoids advice that kind of sounds like a deal-breaker
Deadly Dolphin
Deadly Dolphin - 7 years ago
I love that it's you might get hurt not you will break the tank
AshleyKazam - 7 years ago
Matt Craft
Matt Craft - 7 years ago
I bought a betta fish and immediately put him in a 10 gal that i had. Using an underground filter for him and put in a few silk plants. Love the over all set up.
Lisa S
Lisa S - 7 years ago
You should've put in some mature filter media from one of your tanks so it would insta-cycle. Or at least squeezed out some of the gunk from one of your mature filters in to the new one.
ArkTiger4c - 7 years ago
I thought a purpose of a spray bar was to be above the water level not semi submerged you might as well do away with it and have an air snorkel fitted to your pump
TST DAWG - 7 years ago
my baby beta is losing Coler can you help
reeceislame - 7 years ago
honestly i would break up with her. no partner of mine is gonna abuse a betta
Caity Allen
Caity Allen - 7 years ago
Bey ta. BEY TA
Amber Sherry
Amber Sherry - 7 years ago
... so how did it turn out? is he still in the new tank now?
Carissa Gonzales
Carissa Gonzales - 7 years ago
Everytime u said "Jeff" I think the betta says,"My name is Jeff!"
Solomon Conroy
Solomon Conroy - 7 years ago
phillippoop head123dookie
phillippoop head123dookie - 7 years ago
birdnerd93 - 7 years ago
Quick Tip: If you think the water is moving to quick, drill out the holes of the spray bar to a lager diameter. It reduces the velocity of the water coming out (same volume of water through a bigger hole means lower velocity). You still have the benefit of having a filter that filters a larger amount of water per hour.
Momoka - 7 years ago
My names Jeff.
Jamac Galib
Jamac Galib - 7 years ago
i have
Knozz Plays
Knozz Plays - 7 years ago
Bettas don't meet a filter they have a special organ to breath air so betta don't require lots of space or heater ar what ever i mean you might have a heater so yeah...
Little Critters
Little Critters - 7 years ago
i would so be mad if you did that to my tank bc i had it how i wanted
Little Critters
Little Critters - 7 years ago
BTW your not saving a beta fish you just changing and adding stuff to his tank rolls eyes
terrie bissonnette
terrie bissonnette - 7 years ago
My betta is in a fluval edge 6 gallon and he loves it.
alvin jimenez
alvin jimenez - 7 years ago
ugly hahahahaha
Simply Lilly
Simply Lilly - 7 years ago
My Betta Fish is in a 10 gallon tank with 2 hideouts, 2 plants, a heater, an air pump, filter, and gravel as the subtrate. He seems to be really happy.
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
I seen cute little filters n heaters for small tanks. Smaller versions of the big boys..
Willie Shields
Willie Shields - 7 years ago
i have a blue one
The BFF Show
The BFF Show - 7 years ago
Princemer Jhamboy
Princemer Jhamboy - 7 years ago
that moss ball is so KAWAI
crestedgeckoz - 7 years ago
i just got my betta fish he/she is so pretty :D im gonna buy some plants and a light, but i dont need to worry about a heater till winter cuz its quite hot where im.
Ryan Kay
Ryan Kay - 7 years ago
I have a bowl but I clean it every week
Evan Esswein
Evan Esswein - 7 years ago
Bastarden - 7 years ago
People keep Betta's in way too small habitats. It's the same principle as behind people keeping hamsters in way too small cages.

You improved the life for this Betta in every way. I wish I had someone in my life as capable as you when it came to fish tanks! I tried having a tank 3 times, each ending in disaster and me sadly giving up.
Rsbrrymel - 7 years ago
Tip: You should also add some water conditioner.
Peyton Rossbach
Peyton Rossbach - 7 years ago
I don't understand the purpose of taking the rim of
Toughy Gaming
Toughy Gaming - 7 years ago
I'm getting a betta in about 1 or 2 months
Annie's World
Annie's World - 7 years ago
Not to be rude at all, but I do recommend conditioning the water and not just use tap water because It could have some bad things in it if you don't condition the water .Thanks
avery doig
avery doig - 7 years ago
I'm new to the channel and very new to tanks in general. Thinking about doing something small. Anyway, I would like to see you do some sort of crab tank? Is that easy? Would it be fun? Are they just a small part of a bigger kind of tank? Would love to hear back. I would also like catch some advice on a good beginner tank. Thanks!
Kat Gamez!
Kat Gamez! - 7 years ago
we call them siamese fightinv fish and not betta fish whi h is strange
jesenia palacios
jesenia palacios - 7 years ago
Pronounced BAE-TA
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT - 7 years ago
jesenia palacios it is pronounced Beh-tah but I say it Bae-Ta because where I live
lipstick and fish food for dinner
lipstick and fish food for dinner - 7 years ago
I can't afford a tank for my beta fish D:
Abhijit Vengurlekar
Abhijit Vengurlekar - 7 years ago
Too Much Stuff In His Tank My Friend. Lose the huge drift wood and few dragon stones.
Jenni Clarle
Jenni Clarle - 7 years ago
my betta fish ran out of food :(
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
don't be a wuss lol, build her a custom all-in-one out of acrylic, ask joey to show ya how! been building with acrylic for years myself and it's so much simpler then people think. anywho, glad to see Jeff getting hooked up with a nicer home.
Gracelynn - 7 years ago
can I keep a guppy and a goldfish together
Smaughunter - 7 years ago
Finally someone who can pronounce betta correctly. In the first half of the video at least.
Jesmar Rex
Jesmar Rex - 7 years ago
nxt time dont use sand use pebbles instead, sand can abrase and damage the fins, and don't over decorate.
Small Pond Fishing
Small Pond Fishing - 7 years ago
when I was little I NAMED MY BETTA FISH JEFF!!...

... He was blue though so yeah.
micky paruch
micky paruch - 7 years ago
i hate seeing betas in the pet stores in them damn cups, its abuse in my opinion. in the wild betas actually have alot of room to move around for the most part of their lives.
D Tox
D Tox - 7 years ago
You put your beta fish straight into tap water ? When I bought mine at the aquatics store they literally drilled me about temperature, filters , 1 week worth of set ups and stabilization of the water.
Betta Lover
Betta Lover - 7 years ago
0:16 this isn't good for bettas
Xeno 66
Xeno 66 - 7 years ago
I thought it was a beta fish >.>
cathycirc - 7 years ago
"My girlfriend didn't want me telling her how to take care of her I'm just gonna wait for her to have no say"
Happy Animals
Happy Animals - 7 years ago
Why would he do that?? He knows she wants to do things on her own!!!!!
Venetta Bejenaru
Venetta Bejenaru - 7 years ago
+Alexandra Lake that's right
Alexandra Lake
Alexandra Lake - 7 years ago
Happy Animals because it's bad for the fish to be in a bowl. Animal cruelty needs to be fixed.
Allison L
Allison L - 7 years ago
Do to watching your video I found out a lot of interesting things about my Betta.
Also this helped me upgrade his bowl to a tank :D
Do Not Pirate
Do Not Pirate - 7 years ago
Betta Fish
Corrupted Jasper
Corrupted Jasper - 7 years ago
my name is jeff
Shakil Khan
Shakil Khan - 7 years ago
1. That's not how you handle a betta; use a cup. 2. The current is a bit too strong for a betta.
Ale - 7 years ago
What the name of the plant in the betta's tank at 0:47 ?
maniatikoleal - 7 years ago
How did she respond to this? Did she keel you?
Bee_ Girl
Bee_ Girl - 7 years ago
You forgot the conditioner
Frank Fan
Frank Fan - 7 years ago
He saves a Betta fish little did he know that Betta would help him in his darkest time
YenieD13 - 7 years ago
What's the update on Jeff now that he's returned back?
Lalo Leal
Lalo Leal - 7 years ago
I got a betta fish it a girl its name is diamond she's gold
Reese Cauthen
Reese Cauthen - 7 years ago
My name Jeff
Lavinia de Mortalium
Lavinia de Mortalium - 7 years ago
If you've rescued your first betta or are setting up their tank, I'd recommend splurging on a quality heater since cheapo ones are prone to malfunctioning and boiling the fish alive. Also if you want, you can get a sponge filter instead of a hang-on-the-back since the current flow doesn't affect them so much. Plus sponge filters are waaaayyy cheaper. I pay 2-4 dollars for mine when I order them on amazon.
Lakshmi's Workshop
Lakshmi's Workshop - 7 years ago
Just one small thing I don't know if you already said you will but you definitely need a hood for the tank it could jump out while she is sleeping and it'll die
Joystikz_ - 7 years ago
They put bettas in a plastic cup here in Indonesia
TheLastSpartan04 - 7 years ago
Gf? I doubt she'll be mad, she's halfway around the world gettin dicked, also those rocks look too sharp and Bettas can't be in direct sunlight so a windowsill is bad
Jesse Weaver
Jesse Weaver - 7 years ago
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Somebody that understands bettas are very amazing fish and deserve better than a bowl and a plant for enrichment! Not to poop all over your girlfriend though because she probably didn't know better...
Evasive Fennec
Evasive Fennec - 7 years ago
I would be pissed lmao.
Puppy-Lover 10047
Puppy-Lover 10047 - 7 years ago
Did he add water conditioner?
Sia Adams
Sia Adams - 7 years ago
The stone looks a little sharp. Won't it tear the fins?
Pikimchu - 7 years ago
But why did he take off the rims
Colorado Rose
Colorado Rose - 7 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank and I still feel like it's too small for 1 betta. but if the fish is cool with it then good
jethropike - 7 years ago
a 10 gallon tank is more than enough for 1 Betta, in the wild they live in small pools which can have very little water in them and low oxygen levels, they are known as labyrinth fish which means they have a special breathing organ that absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere so they need air to survive, if there isn't an air gap between the water and the aquarium lid they can suffocate,
Amir Ayala
Amir Ayala - 7 years ago
The only thing mestup about a bettafish is that it fights
Mini Mixers
Mini Mixers - 7 years ago
Nice periodic table poster. It's just like mine :)
Jeff Frank
Jeff Frank - 7 years ago
Taking the rim off is dumb. it may look nicer without it, but the rim gives the tank some support. If the silicone over time wares away the rim would keep the tank together and not split at the seams. Bettas do fine from 65-80 degrees.
Toska Gaming
Toska Gaming - 7 years ago
your saying it wrong
Kopi - 7 years ago
What if you live in a warm climate?
Ellen Jarrard
Ellen Jarrard - 7 years ago
You NEED water conditioner and to acclimate any fish 15-20 MINUTES BEFORE putting them in new water. Disappointed in your lack to do that. The design is nice, though.
Ellen Jarrard
Ellen Jarrard - 7 years ago
I have a half moon male Betta named Flame. I've had him for 9 months, and he lives in a 10 gallon tank with a filter and heater. You can find videos of him on my channel, and many pictures of him on my Instagram, @blueoctopuse.
LucyLooLove 2007
LucyLooLove 2007 - 7 years ago
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i dont know if i am wrong um uh yeah but dont bettas jump am i right or am i not right
Pixel Bunnay
Pixel Bunnay - 7 years ago
Bettas can jump though. I had three once and my only female jumped out of the tank when I wasn't home and died. I suggest putting on some kind of lid for the tank
Purple cat
Purple cat - 7 years ago
Did you use aquasafe (you're suppose to)
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton - 7 years ago
You can't scratch glass with a boxcutter
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
That's amazing and so easy to do .. did she kick off when she got back or was she happy with it ?
Kibbles N Bits
Kibbles N Bits - 7 years ago
It scared me when he didn't cycle the tank
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
I have a Betta but I only got it for 2 week this what happen he got sick and his fin is rip
I T - 7 years ago
why is the tank $45??!! you can get a 10 gallon for 16$
chloe's animal farm
chloe's animal farm - 7 years ago
honestly. If i was her I would be sooo happy you did this. I too am an animal and fish lover. I have 2 hamsters, 2 betta fish, [yes seperate tanks] a cat and a dog, also 2 guenia pigs. I hope to get another betta soon
BeanieBooAnaeli - 7 years ago
Put a top so the betta can't jump out
Northern Iggy
Northern Iggy - 7 years ago
My Fluval Spec 5.5 Gallon w/10w Aqueon Heater works great for my Betta... "Squirt". He has 3 Cories and a half dozen ghost shrimp, Java Ferns and Grass bottom for company. The Fluval Spec has nice LED lighting and built-in overflow filter you can tweak up with some floss and additional bio-media for both mechanical and biological.
son nguyen
son nguyen - 7 years ago
Craig Stacey
Craig Stacey - 7 years ago
Good effort at improving the life of Jeff, however tank size should not be dictated by its aesthetics but by what the fish needs, so I would have gone for the 5 gallon. I would have used a sponge filter as they are great at filtering, not too big to dominate the tank setup, great low water flow and aerate the water. Catappa leaves would be a good addition for Jeff too as well as a hammock or somewhere to rest on, Bettas love that. You have good intentions and hope your gf appreciates your efforts to improve Jeff's welfare and quality of life
Sarah Connors
Sarah Connors - 7 years ago
Aren't u supposed to treat the Water?
Natalie Caruso
Natalie Caruso - 7 years ago
its bay ta not beta
Phichit Ruengsap
Phichit Ruengsap - 7 years ago
Betta, don't like moving water!!
sugarplum isawesome
sugarplum isawesome - 7 years ago
Dump your girlfriend she does not respect animals who else agrees?
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Check out my new betta video! :)
foreveralways924 - 7 years ago
you really should have waited until the tank was at a better temperature. Also, did you use water conditioner for the tap water? there is toxic chlorine and heavy metals in tap water, unless you have a well.
Jeanne Peters
Jeanne Peters - 7 years ago
you and challenge the wild encouraged me to start a betta community tank in a 10 gal and I'm loving it! thanks!!
Noor Alam
Noor Alam - 7 years ago
Betta fish available for sale beat prices delivery all over america at best affordable prices and colours contact or whatsapp 9022950973
Eat A rat
Eat A rat - 7 years ago
I had the same heater as he had shown in this video and 10/10 not a fan at all. The heater not only take up A LOT  of room, it doesn't heat the tank at all or have accessibility to change the temp to your ideal liking. My betta died because of the water being so cold. :(
John Bermingham
John Bermingham - 7 years ago
no water conditioner? no letting the tank cycle? no acclamation when you were transferring the fish into the tank? seriously overstocking the ornaments leaving very little space for movement? c'mon man
XPLOIT - 7 years ago
Mines is only missing a heater in a 10 gal
Nathan Gonzales
Nathan Gonzales - 7 years ago
she s getting kacked down in London
Esmeralda  Gonzalez
Esmeralda Gonzalez - 7 years ago
I was told to only put things that were smooth, because rocks can tear they're fins.. is that true?
Chloe Marie
Chloe Marie - 7 years ago
do you need to cycle a betta fish tank? Great video! :)
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
YES. It is the minimal you could do to ensure healthier betta!
Andie - 7 years ago
Love the idea to take the rims off! Added so much beautification to my tank! Thank you!
Rommel Jay
Rommel Jay - 7 years ago
U should of just added the filter and heater and the plant the decorations kind of ruined it
Rommel Jay
Rommel Jay - 7 years ago
Michael Appiah-Kubi
Michael Appiah-Kubi - 7 years ago
good...but i just feel you should have gotten a 5 gallon
lollipop sweet
lollipop sweet - 7 years ago
hey, betta fish originated in thailand and im thai. Bettas do not like lights. Theyre orinated from rice fields and you still find them there in thaialnd. Trust me. Murica stop hurting bettas
LA Peters
LA Peters - 7 years ago
lollipop sweet Betas do not like BRIGHT lights. They do very well with natural/low light, with lots of hides and plants to go under if it ever is too bright. Living in a country where the fish are native doesn't make you smarter than experienced fish care experts.
Stella Dukalska
Stella Dukalska - 7 years ago
You're not a allowed to put them on the sill, in direct sunlight?
Myriam Elizabeth Viadas Oaxaca
Myriam Elizabeth Viadas Oaxaca - 7 years ago
Su Did
Su Did - 7 years ago
I'm going to get a betta and put in a 5.5-10 gallon tank.
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat - 7 years ago
what 2.5 gallons !?!? my betta lives in the cup i got him in so far ive had him for 5 months
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat - 7 years ago
nah... its fine hes happy hes always jumping that means hes happy ☺
Makenzie Morales
Makenzie Morales - 7 years ago
Nyan Cat the cup you buy them in is supposed to be a temporary home. just like dogs in cages at the pet store. it's not ideal and they are not happy. bettas are tough fish and can survive but that is much different than thriving and being healthy. consider a tank. you might not see it, but your betta is in horrible conditions in the cup
Michael - 7 years ago
Maybe you can find a really nice large vase that you can fit a nano heater inside and then get a really nice flowering plant to go inside. Maybe even a Water Container from the store, with the little spigot at the bottom... may make water changes easier too? :P
TKM TV - 7 years ago
Have her do cherry shrimp in the vase!
Dell_ A_Vabeaut
Dell_ A_Vabeaut - 7 years ago
"I asked my girlfriend if Jeff could get a 5 gallon 'cause i thought it would be perfect, but she wants to stick with something small."
Sorry but that's a very asshole move to get a pet and refuse them a proper setup, not knowing is a thing, but refusing to change the setup to be optimal for a LIVING ANIMAL is shit.
Erik Antonsen
Erik Antonsen - 7 years ago
Dell_ A_Vabeaut yas preach.
Daniel_flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Me and my brother use to beeeeee allllll types of Betta fish they were amazing
Saydee Calloway
Saydee Calloway - 7 years ago
His girlfriend sounds like a bitch
EDZ REDZ - 7 years ago
Dude is ur girlfriend let her learn
YenieD13 - 7 years ago
Will the peace lilly over grow in ghetto tank?
Emily Faithz
Emily Faithz - 7 years ago
shouldn't you have put water conditioner in it??????????
Vailwolf - 7 years ago
I had my betta in a 10g tank. This is still too small imo. :(
Sienna Nikole
Sienna Nikole - 7 years ago
you might want to add a lid and take out that huge plant, also I was wondering... did you treat that tap water before you put it in?
Rachel Young
Rachel Young - 7 years ago
What about water conditioner?
Lizzy Busch
Lizzy Busch - 7 years ago
Get you a guy like this
きつね - 7 years ago
Lol I would kill my boyfriend if he got a snake and had it set up wrong after all the time he has been with me and how I keep my snakes. This is so funny haha, I can't believe this!
Faruq Ali
Faruq Ali - 7 years ago
your a dick dude your girl is going to be mad
M C - 7 years ago
I have a betta fish In my room and he's mine
groundchele - 7 years ago
he looks so much happier!
Brandon Paquet
Brandon Paquet - 7 years ago
A commenter:"Its not cycled"
Me: yes, as if the vase was
Flupple Wott
Flupple Wott - 7 years ago
I just bought a Betta and am setting up a ten gallon tank. I planned on buying shrimp and snails, should I still get a filter?
Jay's Reviews
Jay's Reviews - 7 years ago
The Adventures Of Toasty
The Adventures Of Toasty - 7 years ago
I do
witchfira35 - 7 years ago
I say she has no right to be mad about you setting up for a living creature to be able to enjoy their life. >:V My betta has 10 gal all to himself my mom keeps looking at me like I'm crazy but I know he's happy as fuck! xD
Jackson H
Jackson H - 7 years ago
You need to put some water conditioner in there to make the water safe for the betta. Tap water isn't safe because of the chlorine that's in it
Keyonna Burtt
Keyonna Burtt - 7 years ago
I'm getting a 5 gallon tank and a Betta tomorrow
12P21 - 7 years ago
To clustered, the trick to tiny tanks is using smaller features or less.
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
I absolutely love how beautiful it looks making it rimless! I'd be so scared I'd cut myself because my hands shake but the end result is absolutely beautiful!
PuRqL3Haz3 - 7 years ago
43 bucks!!! you can get 10g at Wal-Mart for 15
Kristin Peterson
Kristin Peterson - 7 years ago
Why does everyone think she'll be mad? No, this tank isn't as "cute" but it's really nice imo and he was doing it to benefit the animal, not to insult his girl.
SeaStarz - 7 years ago
Nice tank
JB Bros
JB Bros - 7 years ago
I has a betta fish,
He's probably ded.
sp nm
sp nm - 7 years ago
her fish has a disease called mouth rot it's where the fishes mouth rots
Uma Shankar
Uma Shankar - 7 years ago
well u got a subscriber
Mika Chan
Mika Chan - 7 years ago
Michael Cai
Michael Cai - 7 years ago
Nice setup but would suggest a covered tank as Betta is quite jumpy.
Danielle Chapman
Danielle Chapman - 7 years ago
Love it. My kids were given a betta for a late Christmas gift in a bowl, I knew absolutely nothing and had never been a fan of how they were kept in those tiny bowls and thought the fish were pretty but a bit dull. But I remembered a girl I knew that had one in a larger tank that swam around a heap and thought hmmmmm..... Did a heap of research, then dragged out a 45 Litre tank I had in storage and set that up for him I love watching him swim around his big tank and the kods had so much fun helping set up his new home
klo so wah
klo so wah - 7 years ago
Gucci - 7 years ago
my betta fish is 2 and a half years old
Maddison Smith
Maddison Smith - 7 years ago
You should ablest get a 10 gallon tanker for a adult beta fish and don't have sharp or relay big things in it it can hurt the beta fish and will break there fins to shred
Slimey Bubbles 04
Slimey Bubbles 04 - 7 years ago
How is a 2 galon tank so expensive i got a 50 gallon tank for $10
Kelly Wiercinski
Kelly Wiercinski - 7 years ago
Betta fish need still water. They don't swim well.
Kelly Wiercinski
Kelly Wiercinski - 7 years ago
And you also do need a light. Watching this makes me feel so bad for this fish
Kelly Wiercinski
Kelly Wiercinski - 7 years ago
Omggg nooo. Tap water is dangerous for any type of fish!!!!! You need water conditioner! This fish will definitely not live the years it should.
Kelly Wiercinski
Kelly Wiercinski - 7 years ago
And also, you need a lid so the betta won't jump out. There have been many cases in which that has happened.
Kelly Wiercinski
Kelly Wiercinski - 7 years ago
You got the wrong heater. It's 10-30 gallon. It's not supposed to be in a really small tank like you have.
Meghan Jane
Meghan Jane - 7 years ago
Your girlfriend shouldn't own an animal that she is not prepared to take care of properly. She sounds very selfish.
sparks heart21
sparks heart21 - 7 years ago
i really need to re-set up my 10 gall (my fish upgraded to a 55). i think i have a beta mansion
Des - Gaming
Des - Gaming - 7 years ago
I'm fucking pissed that you forgot the water conditioner
ItsSimplyJessie - 7 years ago
Thanks so much! I have a betta fish that I got nearly 4 months ago and she has been living in a small 2 gallon fish tank for a large amount of time. This video was extremely helpful and now I am going to be setting up a new tank for her and giving her a good enviroment! Honestly one of the most helpful videos yet, especially helpful how you linked where I can get all the supplies. Thank you, seriously! :)
Samantha Lowndes
Samantha Lowndes - 7 years ago
The tank isn't cycled! You can't just drop a fish into water and expect the filter to take care of it. He'll be dead or severely stressed once the ammonia levels start to build up.
Venetta Bejenaru
Venetta Bejenaru - 7 years ago
he isn't gonna die. .....Betas are tough. nothing is perfect. he isn't going to die. I had to remove the filter because Bunnyfish was having issues with the noise. and also causing him to have issues with his shedding. ....
Psycho_Nicco - 7 years ago
I have a Crowntail Betta, he lives in a jar smaller than the vase in the video.
Venetta Bejenaru
Venetta Bejenaru - 7 years ago
I cry when I see them being tortured especially when they are dying
LA Peters
LA Peters - 7 years ago
So take it out. If you can't put your beta in at least 2 gallons of conditioned water with a filter and heater, then put it up for adoption on Craigslist. They're not accessories for you to shove in a jar, where they can't properly swim or breathe. They are real living creatures. If you need help putting together a good, affordable tank, tell me and I will happily help.
Egidio Gaudi
Egidio Gaudi - 7 years ago
i glued thick board under my previous tank, just to make things easier when i want to move them around
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
She's probably watching you....silently.....from london....
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
all seriousness she's going to kill you
Sharkgamer999 - 7 years ago
my betta is red and he is a male and his name is draco
kris198921 - 7 years ago
my sister had the same thing for her betta so i went and got a cylindrical tank
Cheyenne Aragon-Campbell
Cheyenne Aragon-Campbell - 7 years ago
I put my betta fish in a 10 gallon and he did not swim as much as does in 2.5 gallon. Wonder why?
Lord Failed-Abortion Mayonnaise
Lord Failed-Abortion Mayonnaise - 7 years ago
I think for a 2.5 gallon tank that was a little too much decoration. I would have instead used mostly grassy plants so that the Betta could swim through easily.
Noah Medeiros
Noah Medeiros - 7 years ago
so I have a betta that can not keep still and I'm just wondering like what can I do to make him to relax
Studdy Stud
Studdy Stud - 7 years ago
I killed my betta, she killed all my fish
The Slick Sceptile
The Slick Sceptile - 7 years ago
your fault never house a Betta with other fish
Jack Diller
Jack Diller - 7 years ago
I can't help but see that as cramped, and not overly cramped, but the space could be used so much more efficiently--letting the clean glass, clear water, simple substrate and the fish itself speak for themselves.
I think the additional stuff (aside from the plant) takes away from the fish's beauty. The rocks have too much going on.
Of course ,I absolutely see what you are going for, and it does look good. Just not my style I think.
Lizard Lover
Lizard Lover - 7 years ago
I got a betta but isn't it better to cycle and acclimate tank and fish
MegaThenman - 7 years ago
Poor fish..I"m glad you saved him, poor thing was gonna get sick
Josh Mendez
Josh Mendez - 7 years ago
I actually liked her setup but you definitely gave the betta more things it can rely on like the filter and heater
Native Joel
Native Joel - 7 years ago
I had a betta fish survive for 2 years I don't know how it did but it did
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT - 7 years ago
well my 1st
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT - 7 years ago
Native Joel mine did too
XOXO Loveya
XOXO Loveya - 7 years ago
literally all of my bettas either live in 5 gallons 5.5 g 10 g tall-long and 30 g long (for my female betta sorority.
I use 2.5 for quarantine tanks. They are very good for bettas though! I just wouldn't add a lot of decorations unless they were live plants.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
wouldn't the Tap water hurt him?
Osthato Bulpus
Osthato Bulpus - 7 years ago
You didn't use dechlorinator you doofus...
Spookan Chips
Spookan Chips - 7 years ago
He prolly did but forgot to mention it; it's pretty self explanatory. This isn't a how to, he's just showing what he did.
pineapple pineapple
pineapple pineapple - 7 years ago
Osthato Bulpus maybe he used bottled water
Ruthven78 - 7 years ago
honestly, for that size of tank, I feel you put in too much decor. I would have left out the larger piece and left on the trim. there was no reason to remove it for what you did to it and it looks "cleaner/sharper" with leaving the trim on. Also if it was a store bought fish. its used to being kept in low 70's tempts, so I wouldnt have even bothered with a heater. You didnt cycle the new tank either. and way too much flow for that little tank. betas like low flow. if you can adjust the flow, turn it down to its lowest setting.i wouldnt even stick a filter in it other than a very small aerator w/sponge filter
Ruthven78 - 7 years ago
you could make a DIY LED light very easy, cept you cut the trim off so have nothing to lay the light onto. you could cut some small strips of glass and silicone them down to make a lip
Ruthven78 - 7 years ago
Im gonna modify a 10 gallon into a smaller beta tank so that it has a slow flow internal sump, probably 5-6 gallons when Im done
Cardener demon Wilson
Cardener demon Wilson - 7 years ago
I got a betta fish today
Dora Got Deported
Dora Got Deported - 7 years ago
Wait but don't you need a lid just in case they jump out?
John Martinez
John Martinez - 7 years ago
Shoulda got a five gallon and told her it's a 2.5 lol. I kid but damn, a fish in a vase......poor fish.
Reina Cordero
Reina Cordero - 7 years ago
Ok i am like your girlfriend....thats what i did with my betta i am going to fix it soon . i have a question, do you have to have a water filter
Finlay Dickson
Finlay Dickson - 7 years ago
a betta fish. it needs a lid because they are jumpers
alistair baker
alistair baker - 7 years ago

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