SETTING UP MY NEW BETTA FISH TANK! Hi Everyone! We are finally setting up my new (and first) Betta Fish Tank! We are going to have to go through the cycling process so it could take up to 4-6 weeks until it is ready:) So it will be awhile until we actually bring the betta home, it will be a long hard wait but definitely worth it haha! I am planning on getting some more plants and maybe a piece of driftwood to hold the other ones that i had put in.. I am not sure if i am completely happy with the setup atm so i will probably be changing it up soon again ..i hope you all will enjoy todays video and i love you all! Pam♥ Lifewithpets CHANNEL♥ What Cage is Mochi in? Ikea detolf ..yassssssss What Cage is Patch in? Eco habitat by living world Thanks so much for watching and we hope you will leave a Thumbs up if you enjoyed We hope you will take a moment and Subscribe to our Channel! ♥MAIN CHANNEL: ♥INSTAGRAM: ♥TWITTER: ---SNAPCHAT--- Luxelle2k ♥Royalty Free Music by ♥Royalty free music by Epidemic Sound: ♥Royalty free sound effects by Epidemic Sound

SETTING UP MY NEW BETTA FISH TANK! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 33

Betta 7 years ago 34,205 views

SETTING UP MY NEW BETTA FISH TANK! Hi Everyone! We are finally setting up my new (and first) Betta Fish Tank! We are going to have to go through the cycling process so it could take up to 4-6 weeks until it is ready:) So it will be awhile until we actually bring the betta home, it will be a long hard wait but definitely worth it haha! I am planning on getting some more plants and maybe a piece of driftwood to hold the other ones that i had put in.. I am not sure if i am completely happy with the setup atm so i will probably be changing it up soon again ..i hope you all will enjoy todays video and i love you all! Pam♥ Lifewithpets CHANNEL♥ What Cage is Mochi in? Ikea detolf ..yassssssss What Cage is Patch in? Eco habitat by living world Thanks so much for watching and we hope you will leave a Thumbs up if you enjoyed We hope you will take a moment and Subscribe to our Channel! ♥MAIN CHANNEL: ♥INSTAGRAM: ♥TWITTER: ---SNAPCHAT--- Luxelle2k ♥Royalty Free Music by ♥Royalty free music by Epidemic Sound: ♥Royalty free sound effects by Epidemic Sound

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Most popular comments

HammyLux - 7 years ago
Hi Everyone! We are finally setting up my new (and first) Betta Fish Tank! We are going to have to go through the cycling process so it could take up to 4-6 weeks until it is ready:) So it will be awhile until we actually bring the betta home, it will be a long hard wait but definitely worth it haha! I am planning on getting some more plants and maybe a piece of driftwood to hold the other ones that i had put in.. I am not sure if i am completely happy with the setup atm so i will probably be changing it up soon again ..i hope you all will enjoy todays video and i love you all! Pam♥
River of Chained Delusions- we have a page on AJCW
River of Chained Delusions- we have a page on AJCW - 7 years ago
Le Person I think that is a myth. Not sure though.
Jason Gamer
Jason Gamer - 7 years ago
Katie Clark u maybe lier
SlayingYourExictence - 7 years ago
HammyLux they like to hide in things that float
Katie Katie
Katie Katie - 7 years ago
HammyLux I'm subscribed and turned on post notifications and your welcome
Queen Jordyn's World
Queen Jordyn's World - 7 years ago
HammyLux your saying Beta the right way so if they say it that way oh well
Brooklyn Sarah
Brooklyn Sarah - 7 years ago
HammyLux you should try and find a koi betta
Country girl 6084
Country girl 6084 - 7 years ago
I'm getting a betta fish and I got the tank setup about 2 weeks ago and will be getting the fish in a couple days you can buy the living bacteria that eats nitrogen and anomia we did and it works
Adeebah Adeebah
Adeebah Adeebah - 7 years ago
HammyLux ,Hope Marie does not treat her hamster properly I just gave her some advice it would be great if you did it because many people trust you I am just saying this because of the hamster well being so they can have a great life watch the hamster maze vid thanks
Berry Vibes
Berry Vibes - 7 years ago
HammyLux Can u plz help me! My friend has a really small pet store cage! And she has an sriyan hamster!!! Then in her haul on her insta she said it was dehydrated bc she hasn't given it water! On the haul she bought a hamster ball! Then colored dietary food, with a lot of corn! Also she has no chew toys! Then when I commented on the vid, everyone said I was hating, or that I don't know anything cause bc I don't have one. But I have been watching your vids. Plz help!
Evie Chang
Evie Chang - 7 years ago
HammyLux good tank!
Brian Huynh
Brian Huynh - 7 years ago
Hopping Houdini
Hopping Houdini - 7 years ago
Le Person It is not something most fish hobbiest recommends because the filter is necessary for proper filtration and cleaning, it helps store the good bacteria produced from the fish less cycling. Heaters also help maintain the good bacteria because it can build up in the tank on plants, decorations and other such things.
Hopping Houdini
Hopping Houdini - 7 years ago
Lauren Smith It's when you need to go through the nitrogen cycle in your fish tank before adding any kind of aquatic animal to your tank. It can take anywhere from 4 weeks to at least 6 months depending on the size of your tank and filter. Fish less cycling is best to be done because it doesn't harm the animal. You can add live bacteria in a bottle to help boost your aquarium but it can still take time for the aquarium to cycle properly.
Hopping Houdini
Hopping Houdini - 7 years ago
HammyLux I'm so happy you are going through the cycling process, most new fish owners don't do the cycling process. You can also get live bacteria in a bottle to boost it if you wish too. I love fish myself so I love to see people do the cycling process
Adeebah Adeebah
Adeebah Adeebah - 7 years ago
HammyLux pls put a lid because beta fish can jump out of the water
MyLifeAsJada - 7 years ago
HammyLux can u do a video of Mochi or patch just sped up of their active moment and we can see exactly what they do?
Katarina Strpkova
Katarina Strpkova - 7 years ago
HammyLux I can't wait to see your Beta fish! I wonder what colour you choose? Purple one,or peacock one,or blue...Yay! So excited!
Lauren Smith
Lauren Smith - 7 years ago
Cycling proses??????
Angel Baby
Angel Baby - 7 years ago
You should get something for your betta to rest on and something for it to hide in..
Ash The OverBoss Of NukaWorld
Ash The OverBoss Of NukaWorld - 7 years ago
Your hair looks so cool C:
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Lane bergeron thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lane bergeron
Lane bergeron - 7 years ago
HammyLux make sure the Anubias rhizome is above the gravel r it will die!
Daisy Adame
Daisy Adame - 7 years ago
Hammylux I love you to xoxo
Animallover0236 - 7 years ago
HammyLux here's a tip for filling tanks put the lid of a plastic container in the tank and poor the water on top of it so the substrat and decorations don't get moved or messed up
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Daisy Adame luv u too!!!
Le Person
Le Person - 7 years ago
HammyLux I heard that if you get enough plants, you don't need a filter, not sure if this is just a myth or what, but you might be interested in checking it out.
Daisy Adame
Daisy Adame - 7 years ago
HammyLux hi love you plz respond xoxo
Aurora Santana
Aurora Santana - 7 years ago
HammyLux your so pretty
Dong Hwan Kwon
Dong Hwan Kwon - 7 years ago
FISH information
FISH information - 7 years ago
watch my new beta video on my chanel
emdoesit :p
emdoesit :p - 7 years ago
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Shaina Kristjanson
Shaina Kristjanson - 7 years ago
The only reason you got snails in ur tank was u got plants with snails
Evah Holton
Evah Holton - 7 years ago
Could you use aquarium sand for hamsters?
MyPepperFishy - 7 years ago
You need a light for UV because your plants and the little “moss” balls will die
Meowsie's Boyfriend
Meowsie's Boyfriend - 7 years ago
didn't your heatee explode ?? It needs to be completely in the water before plugging it in
Julian Purdy
Julian Purdy - 7 years ago
When it comes to installing anubias in a tank, you might be better off if you superglue or tie it on to a rock or a tank decoration; the rhizome (the part where all the roots are) needs to be above any dirt or substrate or else it'll eventually rot and the plant won't flourish. Something you could do, if you don't like the look of the roots, is attach them to a rock and set a few rocks over or in front of them to hide the roots from view. With enough time they'll attach onto whatever solid surface they're placed on.


It's Emi
It's Emi - 7 years ago
I'm a fish youtuber as well as lifewithpets and I'm so happy to see you've done your research and have set up an amazing tank for your future fish! Best of luck :)
Blake Matthews
Blake Matthews - 7 years ago
I'm Australian and I was thinking why is everyone saying bada fish and I was like whaaaatt
Malica Hamilton
Malica Hamilton - 7 years ago
Loved this ! Makes me want some fishies
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
Enjoyed the set up and emphasis on cycling the tank!
Youfound Osiris
Youfound Osiris - 7 years ago
I've always said beta (Ik spelled wrong just hard to say righting) never said betta
Morgan Monnolly
Morgan Monnolly - 7 years ago
Wait so can you use those little rocks for a bottom? I might be getting a beta or 2 and I don't really know much. Any tips?
Revel in the Random
Revel in the Random - 7 years ago
I thought betta fish don't like currents wouldn't the filter add a current?
Vegan Love
Vegan Love - 7 years ago
Just found your channel! So happy that i found it
chelsy grant
chelsy grant - 7 years ago
I love you and your channel you are awesome
the girl show
the girl show - 7 years ago
your verry positive and your sister is verry sweet


sydneyntran - 7 years ago
Can you do a betta care video and what products you use? Please!!
pierson jones
pierson jones - 7 years ago
Heater needs to be fully submerged
GTA glitcher
GTA glitcher - 7 years ago
I dont recommend using betta pellets. They can give bettas a disease. I learned that the hard way
Shawn Thomas
Shawn Thomas - 7 years ago
Katie Katie
Katie Katie - 7 years ago
That's pretty
HammyLux - 7 years ago
awe thanks katie!!! i got an update on how it looks now!<3
Stephanie Underhill
Stephanie Underhill - 7 years ago
I say beta the way u say it I don't think it's the other way
Stacia Hill
Stacia Hill - 7 years ago
Make sure the rhizome of the anubias is above the surface of the substrate or else it will rot! Also, anubias doesn't need (and wont utilize) root tabs, you're better off getting a liquid fertilizer (you don't need much for anubias because they are very slow-growing plants). Swords would do well planted in the substrate of your tank and you could use the root tabs for those :) Swords grow faster and have nice board leaves that bettas enjoy resting on. If you get a faster growing plant like a sword, you should also get a nice light to help the plants grow. Plants can only utilize nutrients in the water as they grow... if there's not enough light, there wont be a lot of growth, and the nutrients will just build up in the water column instead of being used by the plants. That can sometimes lead to poor water quality which could harm a fish.

Good luck, you're going to have such a happy betta fish!
Guppy Aquatics
Guppy Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi, a quick note. The anubias plants have a rhizome which is where the leaves grow out of. That rhizome has to be above the substrate. The roots can be planted, sure, but most of the time they are tied onto rocks or driftwood. Therefore, the root tabs would be most useful for rooted plants not much helpful for anubias. I know you are learning, so I hope this information is helpful!
Elcardinal100 - 7 years ago
get a personality....
Brooklyn Sarah
Brooklyn Sarah - 7 years ago
The tank ( in my opinion ) looks to bare/empty if you would like it to look better I say buy a big price of drift wood. I'm just saying
IN MY OPINION so don't say she can make it how ever she looks I'm just saying what I think wood look cool


Blue Bettas
Blue Bettas - 7 years ago
Do more research. Do more research. DO MORE RESEARCH.
Ashley Martin
Ashley Martin - 7 years ago
Have you ever thought about doing like a blue color? I think any color blue would look good on you with your skin color.
Fishmeup - 7 years ago
Sponge filters aren't as good mate you should get a hang on back filter
NovaPlayzsMCFN - 7 years ago
noooooo! the heater has to be submerched under water!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
its now already completely submerged... remember we don't have the betta yet and still adding things to the tank:)
Matthew Santos
Matthew Santos - 7 years ago
Creativepetkeeping is also very helpful
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you so much!!!!!! i will check the channel!!!
Katie Glass
Katie Glass - 7 years ago
I definitely suggest getting a nice natural background for your tank, really would bring it all together!!
Paige - 7 years ago
Easiest way in my opinion is to get a 1-2 gallon bowl and just put in a heater and air stone. That's what my Betta is in and I just do a lot of water changes. Thanks to my dad having a big aquarium I didn't have to buy anything because he already had an extra heater and air stone and I already had a bowl from previous bettas. It's a square bowl so it works better for Mo (my Betta) to see out and me to see in. I decided not to use substrate just for cleaning purposes but he does have a $1 terra cotta pot that he likes to sleep and hide in. I live in a camper on my parents property and where I have Mo he gets lots of sun so he doesn't even need a light. Btw you can get cheap tabs at Walmart that basically cycle the tank for you.
Molly Burgmeier
Molly Burgmeier - 7 years ago
your filter stream is too strong. bettas aren't good swimmers
Lia White
Lia White - 7 years ago
Ahh it's so exciting. I got my first betta last december on my birthday. Cycling takes forever and I hate that fact but when you know it's best for your new baby it makes the wait a lot easier. ^-^ can't wait to meet him (guessing you're getting a male since they are flashier)
HammyLux - 7 years ago
awe that is awesome!!! ohh i can't wait either i am so excited!!! thank you so much for your sweet comment! xoxo
Alex Tucker
Alex Tucker - 7 years ago
i just got a betta today as well. completely unplanned. someone called him ugly and my heart couldnt take it. apparently hes been up there for a while cuz no one would take him. good thing i had everything already. his name is tyler. my little tyler is not ugly!!!
Avery Shultz
Avery Shultz - 7 years ago
Just so you know Marimos don't really like lighta
Avery Shultz
Avery Shultz - 7 years ago
Anna - 7 years ago
Cute setup and its nice to see someone actually doing research before getting a fish!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
awe thank you so much anna!!!<3
marielephant1 - 7 years ago
ALSO, you can probably find a lid with LED lights attached to it, on amazon! :)
marielephant1 - 7 years ago
I know this was posted 10 days ago, but you should get some plant food from the same brand that makes Prime! It's called Seachem Flourish! And you will need an ammonia source :) Good luck with your tank and fish! :)
Typically Valerie galvan
Typically Valerie galvan - 7 years ago
What size tank is that?
HammyLux - 7 years ago
that is a 10 gallon<3
Steven Plays
Steven Plays - 7 years ago
Omg I'm also waiting for my tank to cycle, I got my first ever tank on July 9th 2017 and it's a ten gallon so we are both newbys
Steven Plays
Steven Plays - 7 years ago
HammyLux - yeah
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hahahahahah we are in it together!!! xoxo
It'sJanaenae's Life
It'sJanaenae's Life - 7 years ago
My moms name is Marina
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
For the anubias you want the RHIZOME to be above the substrate, this is why its commonly attached to driftwood, rocks or decorations. If the anubias' rhizome is submerged underneath the subtrate IT WILL DIE! Don't worry, this is a beginner mistake when keeping anubias.

Also when cycling an aquarium I suggest running it for a few days and then buy the betta WITH A BOTTLE OF BB(beneficial bacteria). Some products are Tetra SafeSart and Seachem Stabiity. Since this is a 10 gallon and there will only be a betta, there will be enough BB in the bottle that the ammonia produce by the fish won't be toxic.
IDreamofVintage - 7 years ago
I think it's going to be great! The only thing that scares me is the heater. Not so much the brand, but how much it is sticking out of the water. Just remember, water evaporates, and the heater can be exposed. Good luck! Can't wait to see the betta!
Fluff,Fins And Feathers
Fluff,Fins And Feathers - 7 years ago
I love your videos!! since your cycling your tank, a way to speed up the cycling process would be to add some beneficial bacteria solution, you can find it in the fish section☺
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you so much!!!!! xoxo


Nepali Fish Guy
Nepali Fish Guy - 7 years ago
great video do check my halfmoon betta she is gorgeous. ;)
HammyLux - 7 years ago
oooo i will have to look!!!! thank you!!!!
Cheyenne Quinn
Cheyenne Quinn - 7 years ago
Awesome but you don't want to fully submerge the rhizomes the substrate on the anubias nana it will kill off the plant completely
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you so much!!! yea so many people were telling me that so i went ahead and attached it on something!!! xoxoxoxox
Mythic Simmer
Mythic Simmer - 7 years ago
I LOVE sponge filters; I just put two mason jar sponge filters in my goldfish tank and they honestly work better than my 2 60 gallon whisper filters.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Tanks looking good. Thanks for the shoutout!! For more plants check out H2oplants coupon code lwp15 for 15% off. I would also add a lid or when you Betta is in lower the water level. Bettas are huge jumpers! How are you planning on cycling the tank?
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hi!!! ohhh of course we are just loving your videos they are so super helpful! i just recently ordered a glass lid so hopefully it will come in soon! so excited!!!<3
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
You can't bury the Anubias rhizome under the substrate, the plant will melt, so it's best to attach it to something or it dies, and then it smells revolting ! The tank looks pretty !
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you !!! i have already attached the anubias to something! much love!! the tank is being updated as we go hehe!
Hammy lover
Hammy lover - 7 years ago
I say beta fish like you do
Jerry - 7 years ago
one mistake i had with my air pump was that i put the pump lower/even level than the bubbler in the tank , the thing wrong with this is that if you turn off the pump the water will be sifoned into the pump that will accualy cause it to shock and break.
Versity F
Versity F - 7 years ago
That is really good substrate/sand I’m surprised it didn’t cloud up the water
Linda Navarro
Linda Navarro - 7 years ago
Is that a 10 gallon? If it is, Walmart actually sells lids with LED lights for around $20! Also, you HAVE to try out the little betta bulbs that they sell in petco. It's like three little roots for around $4 and they grow into awesome tall plants! With a little bit of leafzone from API, it really helps the growth! Just pop them in and they grow within days for me. :)
Alyssa Brinson
Alyssa Brinson - 7 years ago
You are saying beta right. I say it the same way.
King Aquarium
King Aquarium - 7 years ago
Guys Hep Me Out
AM Starting My Fish Video These Guys SHow Me WHat Fish Hobbits all ABout
Am Starting It Now
Go SUbscribe to My Channel
Natalie Johnston
Natalie Johnston - 7 years ago
If you haven't, I would highly suggest watching Creative Pet Keeping's Betta videos!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you!!!!! xoxo
Jasper Bartolome
Jasper Bartolome - 7 years ago
You can't bury the rhizomes if the Anubias. It'll slowly die. It does better attached to driftwood or rocks.
E Reynolds
E Reynolds - 7 years ago
Hey! Awesome video but you seem to be missing a crucial part of the tank. I know you're going to be changing it up but I found no mention of a heater anywhere. Before you buy your fish you should look at heaters and find what would work best for you. Bettas are tropical fish and like warmer water (82-88°F). Anything below 77°F can cause ich and makes it more prone for your fish to get other infections (Its not fun oml believe me). If you are thinking the care for bettas and goldfish are similar (lots of people do so idk your thoughts or opinions), it's pretty much the complete opposite. For food I recommend Omega One, they use actual fish as their first few ingredients rather than "fish meal" on others. Keep an eye out for finrot (red tips on the end of their fins), even if you dont see any, it could develope due to stress. My past bettas have both had finrot, due to the stress of a tiny dirty cup to a clean filtered tank. The first passed away due to unrelated issues but the one I have currently has been doing well and was treated with Melafix (only works on early symptoms) for almost a month. His fins are ok now but just thought I should help out with your new fishy adventures. Have a good day!
E Reynolds
E Reynolds - 7 years ago
HammyLux Oh man thanks for the reply! I just wasn't sure about it so it's best to be on the safe side :) Have a good day!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hi! i actually put the heater in the tank and talked about it in this video:) i am actually going to be using the new life spectrum pellets for them since that is what everyone recommend me along with other things frozen bloodworms etc.. thank you so much for the information i really appreciate it so much and the more info the better for me!!! i will keep an eye out for fin rot thank you so much!!! xoxo
Altzercrast - 7 years ago
I recommend this heater Some of the reviews are bad but I've had mine for over a year now. if you do buy it make sure it goes in a rather larger tank like the one behind you. Mine tend to heat it too much when it's at the 80 - 82 setting so I turn it down to 72-74 setting in the summer and 78 during the winter. But every heater is differnt. So if you do get it, EXPERIMENT!!
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
i say bay-tah
Xx_Lynz_248 _xX
Xx_Lynz_248 _xX - 7 years ago
HammyLux it doesn't matter how u say beta lol
I know I've seen the tank set up anyway but it was super fun seeing what you got for it and setting it up! So many colourful decorations, I love it! :D Lovely video! <3
Dulce Amor Gamez
Dulce Amor Gamez - 7 years ago
Your tank looks awesome, yes a lot of plants would be awesome. Can't wait to see your betta!
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 7 years ago
I love the fact that you are doing a planted tank, cycling, and keeping a betta in a larger tank than 2.5 gallons despite being new to fish
PyxelPanda - 7 years ago
Looks great! Glad you have taken the responsibility to do your research! Looking forward to the new family member! Bamboo is a great tall plant, and it offers plenty of hiding places when in larger groups. Another great channel to check out is CreativePetKeeping. Hope this helps! Again, great video! Love you! <3
Scarlett Johamster and Friends
Scarlett Johamster and Friends - 7 years ago
Can you tell me what size tank this is. Looks nice.
Ashlynn Smith
Ashlynn Smith - 7 years ago
Maybe you could also get a few more rocks to put in the bottom of the tank, just some medium ones to scatter, my friends betta loved them, but, yours might be different
Justina Rose Clark
Justina Rose Clark - 7 years ago
Your betta fish might eat the sand
Carrie Larocque
Carrie Larocque - 7 years ago
You definitely need a led light with live plants, it might be cheaper to just get a lid with built in led lights. I have 5 male bettas and a sorority, plus my cats and hamsters. I have one cat that likes to drink the fish water and another that try's to eat them. Good luck, bettas are awesome and each have different personalities.
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
I'd recommend dosing your aquarium water with salt at a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons of water. I've been doing this for nearly 20 years of breeding and it'll help prevent a ton of issues down the road. Also you might contact Creative Pet Keeping as she's another pet YouTuber who happens to have bettas available soon and I bet she and her audience would love to watch one of her fry continue growing up on your channel. Just a thought.
Runie R
Runie R - 7 years ago
The colored stones are ugly
Azalea Melanson
Azalea Melanson - 7 years ago
The tank looks beautiful☺️
Pink candypop
Pink candypop - 7 years ago
give it a floting tube and a fake leaf hamice because they are air breathers so when they sleep they like to stay up top
Evie Chang
Evie Chang - 7 years ago
Hammylux what kind of Betta fish will you buy? I'm so excited
Haylee Hernandez
Haylee Hernandez - 7 years ago
I'm so glad you research and watch videos because pet stores won't tell you that bettas need a 10 gallon to be happiest. People think they can live happily in a vase :(
Payton Marie
Payton Marie - 7 years ago
I order my plants from I am very pleased with their service!
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies - 7 years ago
And I'm also a breeder
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies - 7 years ago
If you need help just contact me because I own 32 fish
Grace's PetLand
Grace's PetLand - 7 years ago
Rouche should start a YouTube channel!!!
Maci Wyan
Maci Wyan - 7 years ago
I think you should get a leaf Betta bed and a different fake decor thing
Love you ❤️ I wish you success in keeping a betta fish
bunny bear
bunny bear - 7 years ago
your kinda funny but I'm not sure if you mean it but lol
Betta 405
Betta 405 - 7 years ago
Hey check out my page betta 405 and tell me if you like the new Batman betta tank I did
Occult Kitten
Occult Kitten - 7 years ago
Not sure if you've come across this in your travels, but there are cycle starters you can buy to help the tank cycle faster! I have a bottle from fluval. It's like water conditioner, expect it has beneficial bacteria in it that eat ammonia and start the nitrate cycle. It's helped a lot with my tank, and will shorten the process a bit.
Meredith - 7 years ago
If it has been said before, sorry, but don't bury your anubias plant, the roots need to be out of the water. Use gel super glue and glue it to one of the colorful rocks or decor... don't need root tabs for it. Also, put the heater fully underwater, it is fully submersible. I lay mine sideways on the bottom by the substrate so I don't have to unplug during water changes. But it's on the verge of being too far out of the water in the video and it will explode/crack if too much out of the water. Water will evaporate, making it more dangerous
Saki Sakura
Saki Sakura - 7 years ago
As a little tip, you normally don't plant anubias in substrate, you put them on wood for example. The roots tend to decay in substrate.
carla greig
carla greig - 7 years ago
Hi, great video, But I want to say that I'm trying to open an 'at home animal shelter/refuge' for cats, dogs, rabbits ect... So can you please read and share my link. Thanks P.S I'm a huge fan of your channel <3 link is here
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
I thought I'd let you know.
1. Keep the heater fully submerged under the water. (not how it was in this video or it will shatter from the inside/break) Also, that's a great heater. I've owned several of them.
2. The anubias roots should ONLY be planted underneath the substrate, not the rhizome. Otherwise the plant will rot.
HammyLux - 7 years ago
aby f thank you so much this was very helpful!! Xxx
MaybeNotKyle - 7 years ago
Betta fish like the dark so lights might not be too good
MaybeNotKyle - 7 years ago
O ok i was told otherwise Im going to buy a light then thanks!
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
MabyNotKyle They actually appreciate having light for part of the day. Not bright, but they do like light.
Rachel Cutter
Rachel Cutter - 7 years ago
Prime is an awesome water conditioner but not for cycling!! The prime will get rid of all the amonia nitrate and nitrite so it won't be able to cycle. Just go with a plain ole water conditioner and a bacteria starter like start smart complete! Hope this helps:)
mariahf924 g
mariahf924 g - 7 years ago
great set up. I say betta the same way u do don't listen to the others
Animal petlover21
Animal petlover21 - 7 years ago
So fun!! I loved watching this video!! Definitely fun and interesting! Haha you guys are so fun and funny! What a lovely video and I hope you can get the Betta soon and I hope the cycling goes smoothly!! Still lovely though!!
Fish4Ever - 7 years ago
HammyLux Great video, I'm very glad you are cycling and such before getting the Betta! I'm excited to see more fish videos in the future!
Crystal Anderson
Crystal Anderson - 7 years ago
Petco is starting there $1 per gallon sale tomorrow if you need a new tank
ArtistOwlKinz - 7 years ago
I have two salt water tanks in my house. One we just get random fish for (Of course only if we know it would be safe with other fish) And one we're planning on getting sea horses


Nicole Bezanson
Nicole Bezanson - 7 years ago
HammyLux your beta tank is Beauiful,love it
Furry Friends23
Furry Friends23 - 7 years ago
Hi Pam, I was just wondering if you still had your guinea pigs.
Abigail Campbell
Abigail Campbell - 7 years ago
what size tank are you using for you beta also i'm pretty sure you are saying it right lol
Abigail Campbell
Abigail Campbell - 7 years ago
HammyLux oh okay have your you ever thought about getting an axolotl because i am and i was wondering if you had any tips. ALSO how long is a twenty gallon tank because i have no clue!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Abigail Campbell I am using a 10 gallon:) xxx
Amelia Marsan
Amelia Marsan - 7 years ago
Aquarium looks great!! I was just wondering where you got the tank because I'm trying to find one myself! Thanks!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Amelia Marsan I got this one from Petco!! Xxx
Josie M
Josie M - 7 years ago
Dang it! I'm late! I was on vacation lol. Anyways, I'm so happy for you! I don't know a ton about fish so I'm excited to watch some upcoming videos about them from you! I've always said Betta as in Bay-Ta too lol
NicElizabeth .x
NicElizabeth .x - 7 years ago
Omg! I had that same coral decoration in my old betta tank
Lexi_ I'm bored_
Lexi_ I'm bored_ - 7 years ago
So excited for you Pam! I'm so happy you research a lot too before you get a pet (many people don't) ❤️ like you said, I think some more plants and hiding areas in the tank will be perfect for him/her
natmatts - 7 years ago
holy shit you're pretty. I'm so excited for your beta!! Yay!!
JJ Random
JJ Random - 7 years ago
yes I can't wait for the betta!!!
LPS Funky 2005
LPS Funky 2005 - 7 years ago
You might want to get a lid because they like to jump
Alexis Cologera
Alexis Cologera - 7 years ago
Awesome! I have a 20 gal for my betta and I really want to do an aquascape, but I'm afraid of the work with keeping the plants! Def would love to see an update of how your plants grow! Life with pets taught me about putting pothos clippings in the tank which helps with ammonia breakdown into nitrates and then the clippings absorb them for nutrients. Kind of a fascinating symbiotic relationship! And def agree with people on getting a hood, when I was acclimating my betta into his new tank he jumped out of the cup! Guess he was ready for his new home lol! Also if you put a plate in the tank when you add new water on top of the plate it won't disrupt the sand! Can't wait to see your new beta! That was a long comment haha!
Memphase2690 - 7 years ago
To all the people saying she needs a lid: Bettas don't normally jump unless there is something wrong with their environment. This tank is not too small, and I trust that Pam will keep the water quality in perfect condition.
I do recommend a lid anyway, as it will keep debris out of the water and reduce evaporation. But a lid is not a requirement in this situation, and y'all need to chill a bit.
PCGamesGirl - 7 years ago
Everyone I know also says betta the same way you do, Pam
Ieva Sereiva
Ieva Sereiva - 7 years ago
The betta will LOVE the 10 gallon tank! I have the same heater in my quarantine tank and I think u may have put the suction cups over the heating element and the instructions say not to. Also, u should keep the thermometer submerged so that if any water evaporates it will be always submerged. Bettas can jump more than 3 in up so u might want to consider a lid (u probably already have one if u bought the tank in a kit) and the plants will need strong light and CO2 dosing. Love ur channel and good luck!!!!
Tianna Bianca5
Tianna Bianca5 - 7 years ago
Pam you should get a hood for your tank, because it is really common for betta fish to jump out the water, you really do need a hood for your tank, hope this helps.
the fishstick show
the fishstick show - 7 years ago
You should put the heater down more it might brake if it's out of the water
Storm's Zoo
Storm's Zoo - 7 years ago
You need to lower the heater into the water.... it won't work because it's not submerged into the water.
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Storm's Zoo thank you!!!!
_McKenzie_ 123
_McKenzie_ 123 - 7 years ago
And you might need a top to the tank because betas can and might jump out of the tank
_McKenzie_ 123
_McKenzie_ 123 - 7 years ago
Yes.You do need tall plants.They like swimming through them.It is fun to them so please get taller plants
BH Music
BH Music - 7 years ago
Just got my first hammys yesterday
Alexus Keefer
Alexus Keefer - 7 years ago
Makes me so happy to see someone putting in the effort to properly care for a betta. Thank you for sharing and bringing awareness. They're one of the most abused pets. People don't realize what they need to be truly healthy.
Rebecca Anderson
Rebecca Anderson - 7 years ago
Yes!! So happy! You did everything right! With live plants you will probably introduce algae into your tank, so tissue culture plants are best. And I also suggest nurite/zebra snails to help with any algae. Also, to prevent the gravel and plants getting all moved around when doing water changes placing a plate, or even just using your hand at the surface of the water will help a lot! Love you're videos keep up the good work! ❤️
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Rebecca Anderson thank u so much for all this!!!! I am going to look and get some snails !!!! Thank you!!! Xoxoxo
T L - 7 years ago
You say it right Pam! Lol, also congrats, and thank you for actually doing your research. Can't wait for the new baby!☺️
T L - 7 years ago
Also I do agree, more taller plants would make it look fuller!
Potterhead_12 - 7 years ago
Hey! I just wanted to let you know beta is shown as before.
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 7 years ago
Hi, I live lifewithpets she is so awesome I learned a lot with her. I would more plants and some hiding spots for the betta too.
Gracelyn Deputy
Gracelyn Deputy - 7 years ago
Get a lead hammock Berta fish live those
Tan Yi Xuan
Tan Yi Xuan - 7 years ago
The anubias shouldn't be rooted! The rhizome has to be out, so it's suggested to tie it to a decoration or a piece of wood
Misskiah - 7 years ago
I say bae ta like you
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
I like the setup. The Christmas lights gives it that extra touch. Nice job.
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Aquarium Show awe thank u hahaha yea I am a bit obsessed with light hahah;) xxx
Leena - 7 years ago
Great start for a beginner. A couple suggestions if I may : 1) Do not plant an anubia or a java fern, their rhizomes will die, so they need to be tied to drift wood/stones/other decors. 2) A lid is a must have for bettas, they jump. 3) Coconut shells make great natural hideaways, you can also tie java moss to it to make it like a natural cave 4) More plants will help a betta settle down and feel safe. Tall plants such as amazon swords are a good choice because they are hardy and the height allows a betta to rest closer to the surface. 5) Having a resting spot close to the surface is also helpful as bettas have lung like labyrinth organ (you can look into betta hammocks or make your own diy) this is especially helpful if you decide to get a halfmoon or a betta with heavy finnage. 6) Suggestions for beginner plants with adequate light : 1) Amazon swords, 2) Java fern, 3) Java moss, 4) Varieties of anubias 5) Crypts 6) amazon frogbit (floating plant) 7) Anacharis. You can either use root tabs to dose the plants or use Seachem Flourish excel. Seachem as such is an excellent brand. Also, for food, the best is probably New life spectrum betta betta pellet. Some others you can look into are : Atisons betta pro, Omega one betta buffet and Hikari. Frozen blood worms, daphnia, brine shrimp and tubifex worms offered occasionally will keep a betta happy.
If you want to hasten the cycling process, you can add ammonia. Happy betta keeping. Looking forward to more betta vids. :)
Just A Doggo Surfing The Web
Just A Doggo Surfing The Web - 7 years ago
Ahhh, I love your videos! But, please get a top for the tank; I would hate for your betta fish to jump out (they do this occasionally).
Pet Place
Pet Place - 7 years ago
HammyLux I need a bigger wheel for my hamster and I saw one of your videos where you had a Carolina storm wheel and it looked pretty big. So do they make a lot of noise or are they silent?
Pet Place
Pet Place - 7 years ago
HammyLux thank you!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
The Way Of The Hamster hi!!!! That wheel is very very silent!!! I hope this helped! Zxx
Alyssa Meraz
Alyssa Meraz - 7 years ago
I love lifewithpets
Tanya Foster
Tanya Foster - 7 years ago
Looks beautiful!!!
Fall Boy
Fall Boy - 7 years ago
I miss your pink and brown hair
Grace Johnson
Grace Johnson - 7 years ago
all tanks need a heater even if your room somehow is warm enough (your room would need to be 80-90 degrees to keep the tank at an okay temperature) to keep a steady temperature
The Hamster Hoarder
The Hamster Hoarder - 7 years ago
Good luck, cant wait to see what betta you end up getting!
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying - 7 years ago
You can do a fish in cycle, just need to buy some safe start from the brand tetra!
PuppyMintMocha - 7 years ago
Are you going to put a lid or hood on the tank? Bettas are notorious jumpers.
Silv3rDiamond - 7 years ago
Hey, just wanted to make a recommendation for your plant needs/wants. I personally like doing a mix of Anubias and SILK fake plants. I love betas as pets! i hope yours is friendly and not super shy. Make sure your beta has LOTS of hiding places so they feel safe and secure in their tank.
I personally put a selection of large and small rocks, a bunch of plants and usually divide the tank into 3rd if it's 15-20 gal, and find large and small ornaments.

I hope this helps, if you even read it!
I've got my dad hooked on your video.
About a month ago, I made an impulse buy and got myself a winter white and a 20 gallon tank (sorry it's not a 40, I know). My dad was so mad 'cause we already have 3 cats. Well, he came upstairs, she hopped in his hands and he was in love, haha.
She's spoiled. I'm still figuring out a proper seed/pellet mix.

Any suggestions? I currently give her both of the oxbow hamster pellets. One is the oats, other one is veggies... She gets 3 of each a night (although she usually avoids them when seeds are added). I also went ahead and purchased plain sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds AND flax seeds. I want her to stay healthy 'cause she already seems happy. Haha.
She gets a whimzee chew 'cause I saw you give them to yours and mine won't chew anything unless it has bark on it... And the occasional chew stick, but never the colored ones (she's picky?). OH! She also gets the ocasional milk bone, but rarely since she'll go to town on her whimzee before anything else.... even tries to pouch it and walk around (it's hysterical).

Anyways, if you have any advice or opinions, they'd be greatly appreciated. :]

Blair Maisie
Blair Maisie - 7 years ago
You might want to invest in rocks, or stones. The sand makes the water dirty way faster
Bun Buns
Bun Buns - 7 years ago
Would you ever get a bunny
sugargliderlove123 - 7 years ago
i think you have to cut some of that tubing because you have a bit too much and make a lid because my bettas when i didn't make a lid they would jump and die yesterday one of my female bettas jumped and sadly passed away and this is the thing the gap was only an inch
Brook Hagen
Brook Hagen - 7 years ago
I recommend taller plants for sure! Both of my males prefer to rest/sleep near the surface so they have access to the air without having to wake up and swim to the top. Amazon Sword would look so pretty in your setup and provide a good place to rest! It looks good!
I'd keep a cloooose eye on the tank with the fish flake method. It can be very unstable and hard to control, but it's possible! I personally use Tetra Safestart, especially in such a small aquarium (I have a split 10 gallon for my males). It cycled it in 2 weeks & I was able to move them into it right after adding in the supplement. Might be something to consider as well, but I'm sure you can do the fish food method way better than me! xD
Brook Hagen
Brook Hagen - 7 years ago
You're welcome! I like it because you can cycle with the fish inside the tank. You should still check the parameters, but with such a simply stocked tank, it won't be too much of a hassle. If you look up Tetra SafeStart on the fishlore forum, someone from the company tells you how it works exactly! My main points are
1. dont add it to a freshly water-conditioned tank. Water conditioners neutralize ammonia & it'll basically kill the safestart immediately. So let it sit 24 hours before adding safestart.
2. You won't see immediate results. Give it about 3 days before testing, as ammonia & nitrites will rise, but then fall again. It's a biological process, not chemical, it takes time. (Ammonia might go to 1.5 ppm, stay there, then fall after a few days. Just keep testing daily for about 2 weeks)
3. Make sure to add the Safestart, then your fish or fish flakes within 20 minutes. The bacteria kind of needs IMMEDIATE food source.
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Brook Hagen this was very helpful hun!!!! I am going to try the safe start that u recommended as well !! Thank u so much!!! Xxx
cutegracie - 7 years ago
Is patches new cage the small medium or large?
cutegracie - 7 years ago
HammyLux Thanks!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
cutegracie he is in the medium!!:) xxx
Brycton Miller
Brycton Miller - 7 years ago
Oh my you started with mochi and then patch and now this!!!!!
LILY WILSON - 7 years ago
Hey hammylux I have been a huge fan since day one I just got an email so now I can comment
HammyLux - 7 years ago
LILY WILSON hi!!!! Ohhh your comment was very sweet!!! I'm so glad I are able to comment now! Yay!!!! Thank u so much for all the love and support!! Huge hugs xxx
Rubber Duckie
Rubber Duckie - 7 years ago
I have been waiting all day to watch this video
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 7 years ago
Very nice tank! the betta is going to love it :-)
Brittany R
Brittany R - 7 years ago
so fun! I miss having bettas but had badluck last year etc. definitely get a lid they like to jump!
Camilla - 7 years ago
Yay i am soo exited! This video is going to be sooo fun to watch! Oh you got one of those mossballthing. I Love that mossball. I could have a aquarium again, only to be able to have mossballs! Lol, keep them like pets.
I also say Beta, but here in Sweden, we say: "kampfisk" it means "fightfish".
I really hate that name, so beta is better.
Gosh i am rambling, guess im tired! Better be quiet and keep on watching the video!
Autumn Johnson
Autumn Johnson - 7 years ago
You need tons lf tall plants. Bettas need places to hide under
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Autumn Johnson hi !! I mentioned in the video I think twice that I want to get more taller plants
Thefewtheproudandtheantisocial - 7 years ago
Hey cool video I was wondering don't u also have a art channel if so what's it called
Piper Gale
Piper Gale - 7 years ago
You might need some taller plants and a cave to hide/ rest on
Serious sharpie
Serious sharpie - 7 years ago
Hello! Question about wheels for a pair of hamsters... can you have one silent spinner and one saucer? i already have one silent spinner and am noticing the prices have gone up
a lot on them. i looked into saucers and there are 2x cheeper. they do the same thing and would be the same size, but since they are still different i am wondering if the two hamsters willl fight over one or another.
i am planning on getting two dwarf campbells later in fall. here are links:
Silent spinner ;

Also, for two Campbell's hamsters, would 1 10 gallon tank and 1 105 qt bin put together be large enough?

Thank you!
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 7 years ago
If you sister has fish then you could just take some water from her tank/s and that would speed up the cycling time a lot
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Liam Peters ohhhh yassss thank u !! Will be doing that!!
Channel of Pets
Channel of Pets - 7 years ago
Omg!!no joke I all ways scream when's u make a video or go omg! Iiiiiiilllllllyyyyy ily
Derian Selte
Derian Selte - 7 years ago
Is beta
Elli Heikkinen
Elli Heikkinen - 7 years ago
Heyy I'm thinking to do a channel for my hamster. I'm just asking what do u use for editing
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Elli Heikkinen i use cyberlink power director!! Xoxo
holylightbulb - 7 years ago
Love the way the tank looks(:
pineapple pineapple
pineapple pineapple - 7 years ago
A heater is more important than a filter as long as u clean the tank regularly
SophiaClough03 - 7 years ago
No dislikes!!! Yay I love that because you don't deserve hate xxxx
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 7 years ago
I'm really excited for your Betta! I say it Bay-tuh as well... TBH I just find "Bettuh" really annoying, even if it is technically correct. I really loved the music in this too! I would suggest getting a black background for your tank- I use one on all of my tanks and I think it looks the best. They really make your fish pop along with the black sand. And good job using Prime! I love it- I mention it a ton in my videos. Ok this comment is getting long- bye :)
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Gabe's Pets ohhh thank u so much gabe!!!! I am so excited hahaha!!! Ohhh that's a great idea I will have to look into a black background!! Xoxo I need to redo the setup I'm not very happy with it so hopefully it will all come together soon hahaha!!! Thanks son much for your sweet comment !!! Much love! Xoxo
BogeyJR - 7 years ago
0 DISLIKES OMGGGGG :::::))) no haters
theXxgajxX - 7 years ago
Get a Aponogeton and an banana plant!
Aponogeton grows a white flower that shoots out of the water & the banana plant grows big leave that Bettas love to sleep on
They grow extremely quickly!
Autumn Martin
Autumn Martin - 7 years ago
It looks GREAT!!, also when are u going to be getting the robo, I can't wait, a few name suggestions are Ember, Harley, Chloe, Colt, Jackson Sumatra, GingerSnap, and Pringles, I know they may not be that good, but I feel they are adorable, have a great day, and hope u love your new hammy, and betta!!
AquaPets - 7 years ago
Your betta is going to love that tank! Anubias is super easy to care for - make sure that you tie it to driftwood or a different decoration with fishing line - it will stay better when it is tied to something and it's better for the roots. Good luck!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
AquaPets perfect!!!!!!! Amazing tip thank u going to be doing that!!!! Xoxo
Jimena2406 - 7 years ago
1. I have that same american eagle poncho hoodie thing in every color!
2. Definitely think about getting a hood cuz Betas are known for jumping out and my beta aquarium evaporates like crazy even with a lid
Nicole Fay
Nicole Fay - 7 years ago
My beta did much better with a heater. When I first got him I didn't know much, so he was in cold water and he just sat there. But, once I put the heater in he swam everywhere.

They also love hiding spots, so try to find some stuff he can hide in. We also had a beta leaf thing that went at the top and he'd literally sit on the leaf. Was so cute!
Victoria Raechel
Victoria Raechel - 7 years ago
You two always make me wish I had a sister!! I really enjoyed watching you set up the tank, it makes me want fish again lol!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Victoria Raechel aweeee tori thank you!!! Ahhh you should totally get fishies!!! Hahaha wouldn't it be cool if we all lived closer to each other we could do collabs in person it seriously would be the best time ever hahaha!!! Hugs!
Justice Marcengill
Justice Marcengill - 7 years ago
great video I am sure the fish will be in a very caring home are you going to die your hair pink again because it looks great like that love you
katfishd - 7 years ago
I just got my first betta (also first time keeping fish) a few months ago and I was so nervous like you haha but I found watching solid gold aquatics was really helpful ☺ my Kylo is doing so well and I plan to convert him to a planted tank in the future! Wish we had those moss balls in Australia but unfortunately they aren't allowed here due to the risk they could pose to our waterways
FedouAdorable - 7 years ago
Bettas like a lot of plants so they can hide! :)
Fins and Fur
Fins and Fur - 7 years ago
HammyLux... Your tank is beautiful! I really recommend one of the floating betta plants though! They may seem sharp, but they have never cut my betas fins!ILYSM! Also, I say betta the way you do! :)
I love my hammy
I love my hammy - 7 years ago
your Betta fish are going to be so happy in there new home
Cwing letsplays
Cwing letsplays - 7 years ago
hammylux if you could pick the fish colors want colors would your fish be
Harmony Russo
Harmony Russo - 7 years ago
its not bet a it is bay ta so hammylux you say it RIGHT but it also depends on where you live for how people say things
PugPibbleHedgie - 7 years ago
I say betta fish the same way as you! I've heard people say it the other way on YouTube and it has always sounded odd to me
Rebecca Lowe
Rebecca Lowe - 7 years ago
I know Life With Pets recommended Prime in tons of videos but in one of her videos (I can't remember which but I think it's one of her cage cleaning vids) she said that she thinks the Prime was too strong for her betta and made him sick. She said Prime was good for larger tanks but not good for smaller tanks.
theXxgajxX - 7 years ago
Rebecca Lowe prime should be fine is 10 gallons. Usually for 2.5 (the min for a Betta) it's hard to regulate and measure the exact amount to add
Rebecca Lowe
Rebecca Lowe - 7 years ago
I wouldn't start over unless you're extremely worried about it. Prime might work just fine but I would be careful with it.
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
Also I love your vids hammy/Pam
Anna Nogueira
Anna Nogueira - 7 years ago
Cool tank❤️ you may need to get a light to help your plants grow and it makes everything look prettier and brighter too
Sunset Lodge
Sunset Lodge - 7 years ago
So exciting! I've wanted betta fish for years. Hopefully when I move house next year
valerenta - 7 years ago
Oh, and you'll definitely need a cover for the tank, because Bettas will jump right out of the tank.
Briana M Grace
Briana M Grace - 7 years ago
Bettas are so cute and fun to observe! When I first got mine, I waited about 3 weeks of cycling before getting him. I recently moved states, and I brought my betta, Neptune, with me, so he's been through alot, but they are so cute, entertaining, and overall easy to care for properly. I know you will enjoy caring for one! :)
Also, be careful getting plants online. They may be snail infested which is so stressful, but if you order them from PetSmart or Petco, you should be fine :)
Eugene Barthmallow
Eugene Barthmallow - 7 years ago
Also the way you pronounce betta depends on where you live. Usually eastern North America says " bay-tah" like how both of us say. And western North America say "bett-ah"
Ash The OverBoss Of NukaWorld
Ash The OverBoss Of NukaWorld - 7 years ago
Kinda late but still a Great VID!!! <3
Meg E.
Meg E. - 7 years ago
Not sure if someone already mentioned this, but try not to bury the Anubias in the sand. Burying the rhizome will usually end up killing the plant. Instead, use some fishing string and tie it to a rock, or even your decoration(:
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Meg E. wonderful!!! Thank u so much will be doing that!!!!!
BogeyJR - 7 years ago
Nice betta tank :o. Also you did say "Anubias correctly :P. You should also get some Java ferns or Java moss. You might wanna consider getting a lid and putting some raw shrimp inside to cycle the tank. Without the shrimp you won't get Ammonia and beneficial bacteria won't grow. But your doing a good job :) Also you can jumpstart the cycle process by getting some filter media from a friend.
BogeyJR - 7 years ago
Mr. Purple It does slow the process down. But if your thinking long term when the cycle is done, prime is a good choice. Personally I have prime and aqueon. :)
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Mr. Purple thank you!!!!! This was very helpful to know!! Xxx
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 7 years ago
HammyLux actually you can still use prime during the cycling process. Prime doesn't remove ammonia and nitrite, it only detoxifies it but still makes it available for bacteria. But it will mess up your testing results for a certain period of time after dosing. (24 or 48 hours)
BogeyJR - 7 years ago
HammyLux oooo fish flakes! Guess I wasn't listening. Fish flakes work but it takes a few weeks longer (because of decomposing time). Shrimp decomposes very fast 1-2 days. The only problem with shrimp is that it will stink a part of your room. And it grows this disgusting slime thing on it. If your going to go with the shrimp put it beside your sponge filter. Also I'm so happy you got prime!!!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
BogeyJR thank u so I h' this was very helpful since I have only put in fish flakes ATM! Xxx
Reese M.
Reese M. - 7 years ago
What size is her tank does anyone know?
Reese M.
Reese M. - 7 years ago
HammyLux ok thankyou I thought it was a ten gallon it just looked wider to me. :)
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Reese M. It's a 10 gallon!:)
SqueezeASquishy - 7 years ago
Great video! I cannot wait to see your fish when you get it! I really like the Aqueon heater and it heats my 2 gallon tanks quite nicely, have a great day!
kik tv
kik tv - 7 years ago
I've had two betta fish and soon I'm getting my third I have two guinea pigs 4 horses and a dog and cat and I absolutely adore your channel I have fallen in love with hamsters all over again (I had one when I was younger) and one day I wish to get another and thanks to you I know such much more and I am willing to give the hamster it's best life.
Natalie Nard
Natalie Nard - 7 years ago
I love the video so much I can't believe you actually got them they're so adorable thank you for making this video it makes me smile so much
Natalie Nard
Natalie Nard - 7 years ago
but I also like the setup that you did
Marie vlogs and games
Marie vlogs and games - 7 years ago
Quick tip, you should get a lid for the tank so the Betta wont jump out of the aquarium.
Alannah Loves
Alannah Loves - 7 years ago
I recommend to feed little round balls, than flakes. The flakes separate and disintegrate and make a mess. However the balls stay intact and you can really see how much the fish is eating.
Sarah Ananas
Sarah Ananas - 7 years ago
Good video as usual
lexie campeau
lexie campeau - 7 years ago
Where do you get your hamster tanks?
Homey Animals
Homey Animals - 7 years ago
i loved it !!!
valerenta - 7 years ago
Buce Plants and Aquatic Arts are my favorite places to get plants, and I love Life with Pets! Her tank dividers are amazing.
Hipster Hamster
Hipster Hamster - 7 years ago
Another amazing video, btw can you give a hamster hay??? Thx Ilysm thx for being so amazing xxx
Alannah Loves
Alannah Loves - 7 years ago
I love beta fish... I have had three in my life and right now I have a blue, red, and green colored male named Willy. My other male was red , named sushi, and my other red male named Sebastian. So excited that you will now have videos about beta fish.
Scarlet Winter
Scarlet Winter - 7 years ago
One hour late woo hoo so excited!!!!!!!! Expo!
Olivia - 7 years ago
What plants did you buy that are in this video? & are the moss balls also from PetCo? I’ve never had live plants in my Betta tanks & want to add some soon. :)
Poppy Mae
Poppy Mae - 7 years ago
Omg yay so happy you get the chance to get betta fish! :)
ArtsyBunny - 7 years ago
You're saying betta right!!!!!!
PetKeeper 323
PetKeeper 323 - 7 years ago
Snd's Zoo
Snd's Zoo - 7 years ago
I didn't really like the look of the combo of natural and artificail/colorful decorations, personally I would go all natural looking or all colorful looking, just me though and im ssssooook excited for your betta
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
Yeah, its best too do with all natural, many beginners are afraid but it is really easy! Check out my vid of my 40 breeder(it's heavily planted and I have a betta in it!). However some of the fake decoration can accompany with a planted tank! I have a skull and have java moss and java fern growing on it so it creates a cool overgrown affect!

For lights I suggest the Finnex Stingray, have one on my 40 breeder!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Snd's Zoo I'm excited too!!! The more I looked at it I am actually not too happy with how it turned out either so I will keep u all updated!!! Xoxo
Mason Cousins
Mason Cousins - 7 years ago
Nice video
Snd's Zoo
Snd's Zoo - 7 years ago
I say betta like bay-ta like you guys
Chuba Tube
Chuba Tube - 7 years ago
Your saying it right so that's werid
z alex
z alex - 7 years ago
Yes I was so ready to watch this I was so excited
Tommys Corner
Tommys Corner - 7 years ago
Watch solid gold aquatics videos on her betta fish ive learnt everything from her and my fish have been alive for over 3 years now ❤️❤️
Black Viper Gaming //BvG
Black Viper Gaming //BvG - 7 years ago
Tommys Corner nice the longest betta I had was 5 years
Evie Chang
Evie Chang - 7 years ago
Tommys Corner I know her also!
Evie Chang
Evie Chang - 7 years ago
HammyLux I know her also!
Tommys Corner
Tommys Corner - 7 years ago
HammyLux ❤️❤️
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Tommys Corner i love her too!!!!! Thanks so much tommy!!! Xxx
Pezaro Emilya
Pezaro Emilya - 7 years ago
cool!! I go on YouTube a couple of times a day to see if you haven't uploaded an other video!!! when I see that you upload videos I click on them really quickly. I love your channel!!!
ashlee sconyers
ashlee sconyers - 7 years ago
Im so glad you are doing it right!! I run a fish group, and a lot people join who are new to the hobby and dont even know what cycling means. Cant wait to see your little fishy when you get him. :D

Also, I would get a lid and raise the water line to the bottom of the trim.
slime and squishies
slime and squishies - 7 years ago
I have a baby girl Betta fish in a 5 gallon tank because she is smaller than the size of my thumb nail but wen she gets bigger she I getting a 10 gallon
Grace Padden
Grace Padden - 7 years ago
slime and squishies that's so cool❤️
brooke B
brooke B - 7 years ago
Hey, I was just wondering what is cycling? Love your videos!❤️
KimmieGreen17 - 7 years ago
I'm so excited! Can't wait for the fishies!! :D
HammyLux - 7 years ago
KimmieGreen17 ahhh thank u love!!!!! I'm so excited too!!! Xoxoxoxoxox
scouse Pets
scouse Pets - 7 years ago
aww yay when are u getting the robo
Morgan Foytack
Morgan Foytack - 7 years ago
I saw this on instagram and I was so excited!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Morgan Foytack hugs Morgan!!!!!!! Xxxxx
Dylan _17144
Dylan _17144 - 7 years ago
Baytah is fine
Monzie May
Monzie May - 7 years ago
It is a lil sad just how excited I got at this video
Galaxy Pets
Galaxy Pets - 7 years ago
HammyLux when are you getting the new hamster
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Monzie May lol!!!! I hope u will enjoy it!! It was so much fun putting the tank together!! Xoxo
lillie robinson
lillie robinson - 7 years ago
Make sure only the roots of the Anubis are under the substrate so the plants don't die, I love the tank and lifewithpets!!! Also h20 plants has amazing plants for a good price I've ordered from him 2 times
lillie robinson
lillie robinson - 7 years ago
HammyLux also I own 10 bettas
HammyLux - 7 years ago
lillie robinson awesome!!!! Thank you Lillie!!!!!!! Xoxox
Autumn Swift
Autumn Swift - 7 years ago
If your sister has decorations in her tank that already has bacteria on it, you can put it in your aquarium to help cycle to tank faster.
Pink Diy Galaxy
Pink Diy Galaxy - 7 years ago
I am so late
Big Heart Giant Blessings
Big Heart Giant Blessings - 7 years ago
what size tank is that
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Big Heart Giant Blessings it is a 10 Gallon:)
Lolly pop 09 :3
Lolly pop 09 :3 - 7 years ago
Definitely plants and a little more colour
Cheese Cheese
Cheese Cheese - 7 years ago
Youre still going to need to use the heater
Tj - 7 years ago
I've always heard you don't need to cycle a betta tank because they're extremely hardy, also by personal experience i've never cycled a betta tank and have been 100% fine; with other tropical fish you'll definitely need to cycle but idk just what i've heard and done. I guess it's better to be safe than sorry!
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
Olivia Not to mention it gives you wiggle room between water changes and keep fin quality in peak condition.
Olivia - 7 years ago
Tj Betta’s can be okay without cycling the tank, but I’d always recommend cycling their tanks. There’s less bad chemicals in the water that could harm them, etc. :)
julie holt
julie holt - 7 years ago
Cycling a tank usually takes 3_4 weeks :)
julie holt
julie holt - 7 years ago
I have 6 tanks at the moment and have had fish for about 18 years if you need any help feel free to ask :) p.s thank you for your amazing videos
Littlest cherry
Littlest cherry - 7 years ago
ahhh ive been waiting for this im so excited!!!! i really want a betta fish soon !!
Arianna Solis
Arianna Solis - 7 years ago
So what's your sister gonna use the other tank for?! That's so exciting!
Hamsters and More
Hamsters and More - 7 years ago
Taylor ._.Brooke
Taylor ._.Brooke - 7 years ago
AWESOME Vid.....I haven't even watch 1 minute in!!!Haha
Angela Lucas
Angela Lucas - 7 years ago
Good job
freedom ride farms
freedom ride farms - 7 years ago
betta fish love to lay on leaves I . there tank
101Iheartmoondancer - 7 years ago
Awesome! You might want a lid though, betta fish can jump pretty high!
Dorthy Cameron
Dorthy Cameron - 7 years ago
finnaly!! lovee u
0madalyn0 - 7 years ago
You might want to get a lid just in case the betta wants to jump out lol
Strength And Beauty
Strength And Beauty - 7 years ago
0madalyn0 and she has cats
Emma Gregory
Emma Gregory - 7 years ago
Wait, am I the only owner with obedient fish that don't jump? Oh wait...I got stubborn fish that only want food. Woops
Alannah Loves
Alannah Loves - 7 years ago
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show hahah
Hannah H.
Hannah H. - 7 years ago
0madalyn0 maybe, out of the fifteen bettas ive owned in my life only two have jumped in the first place and only one jumped out once. it honestly depends on the betta itself. many of my tanks dont have lids, meaning many bettas dont always jump even of there is an opportunity. not saying however that you shouldnt get a lid just stating what my experience has been
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
Alannah McGrath you keep your car in your house? wow how big is your door. lol I think you ment cat. haha. happens to me all the time.
G-Dragon's Wife
G-Dragon's Wife - 7 years ago
Yes! Please do get a lid! I had two after my first one died at 3 years old. And while the blue one stays inside without the lid the white one would jump out of his tank! I remember I cleaned out their separate tanks and sat down to eat dinner when I looked up and saw my white one wasn't in his tank so I burst into tears and my brother runs into the kitchen and sees that I didn't leave him in the sink. I ran to his tank and he was not in there it wasn't until I saw him on the floor that I picked him up and put him back in. He ended up surviving. The blue one died 5 days after my birthday at 2 1/2 - 3 years and my white one who's a rebel is about to turn 3. And btw, my white one is actually blind in one eye. The employees said that nobody wanted the two fish I got because one was already a year old and the other was blind. So of course I took them in.
Chato (first blue Betta) 2012-2014
Luke (2nd blue Betta) (2015-2017 )
Duke (3rd fish but 1st white blind Betta)
If you're curious about Duke, I have only 1 video on my channel of him swimming around and being curious. That's only if you're interested. I'm not trying to promote my channel .
Alannah Loves
Alannah Loves - 7 years ago
fluffyanimalfreak x lol yes !!! When I was young I had a goldfish in a tank with no lid and my cat would try to scoop it out
fluffyanimalfreak x
fluffyanimalfreak x - 7 years ago
HammyLux and to keep cats out
HamsterLuv7777 - 7 years ago
Yes, Bettas will jump out of the tank so a lid is necessary!
Alannah Loves
Alannah Loves - 7 years ago
And it keeps dust, hair, and other dirt out of the water. Lids really keep the tank clean, highly recommend have lids on your tanks.
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Hahahah yea I am thinking about just getting a lid too!!! Xoxoxo
Hamster Vaction
Hamster Vaction - 7 years ago
Annalee Thornton
Annalee Thornton - 7 years ago
Grate video Pam. I am so excited for the betta fish. the tank looks so good!!!!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Annalee Thornton thank u annalee!!!im so excited too!!xxx
Littlelotti's Hartland
Littlelotti's Hartland - 7 years ago
Fun video
Kawaii Kiwi
Kawaii Kiwi - 7 years ago
Yay! I cant wait for the new Betta fish soon! Oh its so lucky to have you as a owner :))<3
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Kawaii Kiwi I'm so excited too hun!!!!! Xoxo
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter - 7 years ago
You may want to fill the tank up to the very top because otherwise the filter will make funny noises and might wake up the hamsters
Nathaly Orozco
Nathaly Orozco - 7 years ago
but if she does the betta fish can easily jump out
Erika love
Erika love - 7 years ago
Can't wait for the next video can't wait to see the beta also I was thinking maybe get a background for the tank .... Gbu ❤️
Matthew Patrick
Matthew Patrick - 7 years ago
Hey hammylux I love your videos and I really want to thank you for all the tips I really want a hamster but my parents said hamsters are for girls and younger boys and I can't convince them any tips, thank you
xd - 7 years ago
Are you going to get a new hamster any time soon?
Pickles12807 - 7 years ago
I can't wait to see what betta you pick you, there's so many different options!
Allison Nguyen
Allison Nguyen - 7 years ago
Pickles12807 That's understandable. I love the world of fish, but the plant side is usually where I get lost!
Pickles12807 - 7 years ago
Allison Nguyen My anubias did okay, but the fully planted tank in general was just too much upkeep for me. I had quite a few different types of plants.
Allison Nguyen
Allison Nguyen - 7 years ago
That's weird, my Anubias are the hardiest little things ever! They've lasted FOREVER.
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Pickles12807 thank u terra!!!! Yea I think I'm going to tie them on something and then get some other taller plants ahhhh I'm so excited!!!! Hugs!!!
Littlelotti's Hartland
Littlelotti's Hartland - 7 years ago
Pickles12807 ... Oh yes! I don't do fish tanks anymore I had a huge one years ago but once all the fish passed I said no more- they are a lot of work. Esp if you have live plants which both my tanks did
Pickles12807 - 7 years ago
Littlelotti's Hartland I loved the way my planted tank looked, but it was just too much work. Balancing the lighting, co2, and nutrients was just too much for me.
Littlelotti's Hartland
Littlelotti's Hartland - 7 years ago
Pickles12807 .. I love live plants! They died pretty fast in my beta tank, for the years I had my beta fish
Claws and Fins
Claws and Fins - 7 years ago
Its GORGEOUS! What size is it again?
Claws and Fins
Claws and Fins - 7 years ago
HammyLux love you too! Gonna try to comment on every video from here!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Kallis Animals awe thank you!! It's a 10 gallon!!! Xoxo
jinflowers - 7 years ago
Kallis Animals it looks like a 10 gallon tank to me
hammy_fins - 7 years ago
Yay I'm so excited!
ZingiestBug - 7 years ago
Craig Sloan
Craig Sloan - 7 years ago
Skye Simmons
Skye Simmons - 7 years ago
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay lusm xoxo
Surely Its Cameron
Surely Its Cameron - 7 years ago
Heeeey Pam!!! How are you? Ahhh I was so excited when I saw the photo on snapchat! Ahhh! Your saying it correct haha ?? Ooo so excited!! Honestly that tank looks sooo adorable!! All the different colours are stunning! It goes well in your room because everything is so colourful
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Surely Its Cameron hi hun!!!! Ohhhh I am so super excited too!!! Of course I will send u pics!!!! I'm trying to answer all the snaps here again it's just been so busy and now I am rearranging things hahahaha can't wait to show u all!!! Huge hugs love!!
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter - 7 years ago
I NEED HELP my dad is ok with me getting a hamster, but my mom is like 'i dont want a rodent in my house' and im telling her hamsters arent that bad there pretty amazing, your just being stereotypical, BUT NOTHING WORKS
Keeshawn Caldwell
Keeshawn Caldwell - 7 years ago
Doesn't Matter My older cousin convinced my mom to let me have my two dwarves and one Syrian
Catherine Brooke
Catherine Brooke - 7 years ago
Doesn't Matter... show her cute hammy pics!
Emily Does everything
Emily Does everything - 7 years ago
Doesn't Matter that's what my mom said but my grandparents got me one and now my mom loves my hamster
UmbreonXSylveon - 7 years ago
SophiaGrace328 yes!!!!
SophiaGrace328 - 7 years ago
Doesn't Matter Take her to a pet store or a friends house where she can hold a hamster and talk to an experienced keeper
Angie Camacho
Angie Camacho - 7 years ago
Make sure the decoration that is coral isn't scratchy because I had one and I didn't think it was that bad and my beta had ripped fins
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter - 7 years ago
Logan Miller
Logan Miller - 7 years ago
Hi HammyLux i just got my first hamster 3 weeks ago and she has never bitten anyone I'm soon getting another hamster. I love your channel and you are such an inspiration for any new hamster owners. Keep up the good work.
Logan Miller
Logan Miller - 7 years ago
Do you have any names for the new hamster.
Alex Lydia
Alex Lydia - 7 years ago
So happy for you
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Alex Lydia thank u so much love!!!! Xoxo
Millie H
Millie H - 7 years ago
Awe so exciting! I have 5 betas lol
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Millie H thank you!!!!! That is amazing!!! Xoxo
Angie Camacho
Angie Camacho - 7 years ago
Omg I rushed when notification came up
Erika love
Erika love - 7 years ago
Ella Norman
Ella Norman - 7 years ago
Delaney Iddings
Delaney Iddings - 7 years ago
MystoVids - 7 years ago
Yay I cant wait to see the betta fish
Ava Gartiner
Ava Gartiner - 7 years ago
Ily and ur hummus
Abbey B
Abbey B - 7 years ago
Also does Rache hope I spelled her name right (sorry if I didn't ) does she have a YouTube chanel
Rachid.tuburin Boutellen
Rachid.tuburin Boutellen - 7 years ago
À love our video my name rachid and 14and ay from Paris excusmi difficulte english
Saturns Rings
Saturns Rings - 7 years ago
The cycling process is a pain aha
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Saturns Rings I'm not looking forward to it hahahahahaha
Little HamHams
Little HamHams - 7 years ago
HammyLux i have never clicked on a video so fast!
Olivia - 7 years ago
Little HamHams The absolute smallest I’d consider putting a hamster in is 20 gallons, although I would personally never do it. The recommended size is 40 gallons, or something with 450 square inches of unbroken floor space (meaning not one of those cage with individual levels).
xd - 7 years ago
No a 15 gallon tank is not ok for hamster try to get a 40 gallon tank and if you cant get one you can get a bin and make it a cage that is 110 qt and larger.
Piggie Adventures
Piggie Adventures - 7 years ago
Looks so good!!
Anna Porter
Anna Porter - 7 years ago
Luna moon Yeah
Luna moon Yeah - 7 years ago
Hi l love your vids
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Luna moon Yeah hi!!!! Awe thank u so much!!!! So glad u are enjoying the videos xoxo
Nancy Algarin
Nancy Algarin - 7 years ago
Awesome set up
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Nancy Algarin awe thanks Nancy!!!! Xoxo
Abbey B
Abbey B - 7 years ago
Love your vids could you please subscribe to me
Kimberly Melissa
Kimberly Melissa - 7 years ago
love you
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Kimberly Melissa luv u too!!!!
Little Fluffs
Little Fluffs - 7 years ago
aw how exciting!! love the setup :) cant wait until you bring he/she home in a few weeks <3

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