SETTING UP MY NEW SNAIL TANK! | NO MORE BETTA FISH? Hi Everyone! So we are going to have a little chat on a few updates with my "betta fish tank" and everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks.. I also decided to move my two snails into a tank of their own and will be checking to see if more will appear in the upcoming weeks..Also, I am not 100% sure anymore if i will be getting a Betta... but we will see what will happen i guess LOL!Hope you all will enjoy todays video, since i know so many of you wanted some updates! Much love! xoxo Pam♥ What Cage is Mochi in? Ikea detolf ..yassssssss What Cage is Patch in? Acrylic Terrarium 40 gallon What Cage is Biggie Smalls in? Eco Habitat by Living World -MEDIUM Thanks so much for watching and we hope you will leave a Thumbs up if you enjoyed We hope you will take a moment and Subscribe to our Channel! ♥MAIN CHANNEL: ♥YOUNOW: ♥INSTAGRAM: ♥TWITTER: ---SNAPCHAT--- Luxelle2k ♥Royalty Free Music by ♥Royalty free music by Epidemic Sound: ♥Royalty free sound effects by Epidemic Sound

SETTING UP MY NEW SNAIL TANK! | NO MORE BETTA FISH? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Betta 7 years ago 21,279 views

SETTING UP MY NEW SNAIL TANK! | NO MORE BETTA FISH? Hi Everyone! So we are going to have a little chat on a few updates with my "betta fish tank" and everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks.. I also decided to move my two snails into a tank of their own and will be checking to see if more will appear in the upcoming weeks..Also, I am not 100% sure anymore if i will be getting a Betta... but we will see what will happen i guess LOL!Hope you all will enjoy todays video, since i know so many of you wanted some updates! Much love! xoxo Pam♥ What Cage is Mochi in? Ikea detolf ..yassssssss What Cage is Patch in? Acrylic Terrarium 40 gallon What Cage is Biggie Smalls in? Eco Habitat by Living World -MEDIUM Thanks so much for watching and we hope you will leave a Thumbs up if you enjoyed We hope you will take a moment and Subscribe to our Channel! ♥MAIN CHANNEL: ♥YOUNOW: ♥INSTAGRAM: ♥TWITTER: ---SNAPCHAT--- Luxelle2k ♥Royalty Free Music by ♥Royalty free music by Epidemic Sound: ♥Royalty free sound effects by Epidemic Sound

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Most popular comments

HammyLux - 7 years ago
Hi Everyone! So we are going to have a little chat on a few updates with my "betta fish tank" and everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks.. I also decided to move my two snails into a tank of their own and will be checking to see if more will appear in the upcoming weeks..Also, I am not 100% sure anymore if i will be getting a Betta... but we will see what will happen i guess LOL!Hope you all will enjoy todays video, since i know so many of you wanted some updates! Much love! xoxo Pam♥
Littleadventures101 Cuti
Littleadventures101 Cuti - 7 years ago
Animallover0236 - 7 years ago
Shannen Helm yes aspen bedding of any brand is safe and it really helps with oder control
Shannen Helm
Shannen Helm - 7 years ago
HammyLux is the So Phresh Aspen bedding safe for a hamster is it a good brand to get??
Jiggy TimeGal
Jiggy TimeGal - 7 years ago
you need a lid on the tank for snails or they will climb out out the tank. also dont fill the water all the way to the top of the tank leave like 1 or 2 inches of a space. they climb to the top to breathe and lay their eggs above the waterline. once the eggs are laid they cant get wet or they will drown. watch Steff J she has tons of stuff on snails :)
Liadara - 7 years ago
Name him Raymond. Then everyone will love him =P
MomHamm - 7 years ago
I am sure you will do your research if you decide to get fiddler crabs because you are awesome but here is some things we found before we got ours :) They need brackish water not fresh water like most pet stores keep them in. Sand is best as a substrate, large areas of gravel can break their legs. They are not fully aquatic and will need a land area. Ours love to hide so make sure you provide plenty of hides. Our also love moving water and I see them underneath the water from the filter all the time. To provide a nice land area and water area we have ours in a 20 gallon long. Everything I found also suggests that 1 male and 2 female groups are the ideal, that is what we have in our tank and they get along great! If you have any questions or would like to see our set up let me know!
Maddie Pirotta
Maddie Pirotta - 7 years ago
HammyLux you should name him Ram
ZingiestBug - 7 years ago
HammyLux I recommend getting a lid for your snail tank cuz they will just climb the glass and go right over the edge
Hamster Beast
Hamster Beast - 7 years ago
Sophia's Mapalea doll channel i have a hamster what i do is try to tame first then i let them do what they wanna do u know what i mean.
Animallover0236 - 7 years ago
HammyLux for substrate sand will be the best they can easily move on it and cleaning will be easy bc every sits on top of the sand with gravle stuff gets stuck in between each peice
ZOO FARM - 7 years ago
HammyLux this video made my day thank you
Darby McCoy
Darby McCoy - 7 years ago
You might want to put some sort of lid on the snail tank, most snails will climb up and over the sides of the tank if there is no lid blocking them. Love all your videos
Tara Rojas
Tara Rojas - 7 years ago
HammyLux plz name the other snail Mary because in SpongeBob Gary's girlfriend is named Mary
Rubber Duckie
Rubber Duckie - 7 years ago
HammyLux hi Pam love you
Taylor Roach
Taylor Roach - 7 years ago
HammyLux #animals rule lysm
Sophia's Mapalea doll channel
Sophia's Mapalea doll channel - 7 years ago
HammyLux hi I am getting a hamster tommorow any advice
Hamster Beast
Hamster Beast - 7 years ago
jimmy carter hey u i have 20 hamster but some died so i still have allot.
jimmy carter
jimmy carter - 7 years ago
HammyLux hello so guess what I'm getting two hamsters and I'm soooooooooooooooo exited like I can't wait!!!!
Hamster Beast
Hamster Beast - 7 years ago
Sophia's Mapalea doll channel ok i had a pet shark he was small he died some how idk how.
Sophia's Mapalea doll channel
Sophia's Mapalea doll channel - 7 years ago
Red Beast my betta fish is red to my is still alive it has been 1 year
Hamster Beast
Hamster Beast - 7 years ago
HammyLux i had a betta fish but he died i had him for 1 year he was red colored.
Amy Martinez
Amy Martinez - 7 years ago
That's the same 4 gallon tano I have for my betta with the filter 2 but I don't use it because it killed one of my goldfish before but I have a sponge filter for my betta now
Maddy PAWS03
Maddy PAWS03 - 7 years ago
Please name him shelden !!!
Selena Beaven
Selena Beaven - 7 years ago
For some tanks you want the algae. If the tank is in the sun it will keep being produced, more of a preference. I buy moss balls and it’s basically the same!
Loti Šubic
Loti Šubic - 7 years ago
That style girl! CUTE
hello animal lover xoxo Mitra
hello animal lover xoxo Mitra - 7 years ago
I have two of those snails but mine is a little bit bigger... love you
Olivia Tidwell
Olivia Tidwell - 7 years ago
Michele Harrell
Michele Harrell - 7 years ago
Sam Bubbles
Sam Bubbles - 7 years ago
Algae is good for your tank, then you now the tank is settling in good. Bettas are pretty hardy. I understand your worrys but you shouldn't be too scared about it ;). If you don't want to have a betta maybe you'd like to get some guppys. There are some really pretty ones out there and if you only purchase males you won't even have fry.
Pls don't stress out about a little algae as i sad it's great and fry can feed on it


Steven Hull
Steven Hull - 7 years ago
by the way im a girl just useing my papa's computer
Steven Hull
Steven Hull - 7 years ago
HammyLux just go with the flow I have fish I didn't know what I was doing the first time and ive done this for at least 3 or 4 years now so do your best <3 u
Manny and Gigi Jimenez
Manny and Gigi Jimenez - 7 years ago
Get the feed him it's not it feel but I still love #ILoveYouILoveYouMyHeart❤️
rascalheart8 AJ
rascalheart8 AJ - 7 years ago
I'm IN LOVE with your makeup in this video
Alexandria estrada
Alexandria estrada - 7 years ago
Pets & Crafts
Pets & Crafts - 7 years ago
You should tottaly get the betta!! Before I got mine fish I was also a little bit worried, but honestly there is really no way to mess it up! Taking care of them is super easy you just change the water and feed them. And for the other snail name hmmmmm..... maybe Twirly Swirly haha sorry I am not really good at naming my pets :) Hugsss
XItsZohraX - 7 years ago
You should name it Piper or Squidward
Natalia Luba
Natalia Luba - 7 years ago
HammyLux i understand you like these snails but they are going to reproduce insanly fast and soon you will have so many tanks with hundreds of snails
AmrielAngel - 7 years ago
algae can be due too much light either from a window if its directly near one or from the tank light it depends on the type of algae theres many types of algae green algae on the glass can be due to too much light or something else if you want any help with the algae problem i can help or snail problems etc :)
AmrielAngel - 7 years ago
hmm i've only kept pond snails in a pond only had them for like 2 months or something XD, So i cant really say unfortunately but they breed alot thats all i know so try to keep population down if you can i think what you have planned is good you can also feed them cucumber and similar veggies :) , also maybe you could add some plants or hides maybe just to give them somewhere to hide just incase also depends on how warm your water is you might need a heater !
Jessica Wanna
Jessica Wanna - 7 years ago
AmrielAngel May I ask you questions? What is the best setup for pond snails? I want to be able to clean it easily without ever having to worry about sucking them up
Xx_Lynz_248 _xX
Xx_Lynz_248 _xX - 7 years ago
name him swirly pop! it rely cute


SpaceWoman SpaceWoman
SpaceWoman SpaceWoman - 7 years ago
SHRIMP, kisses, Shrimpy, Shrimp cocktail, moose, Desert, ice cream or Luxie
Sophie Samuels
Sophie Samuels - 7 years ago
pleeease get the betta
Lizzy Veliz
Lizzy Veliz - 7 years ago
Don't worry Pam I've had my Berta fish for 3 years and have had no problem. You are just putting to much pressure on yourself for this fish. All that matters is that you try your best and make sure it has what it needs. If it dies then it dies. All that matters is that you did your best.
Holo Unicorn
Holo Unicorn - 7 years ago
I believe they are Malaysian trumpet snails, which are pest snails that get in your aquarium by plants...
MRS. RAILROAD BRIDGETENDER chicago - 7 years ago
plants must be sanitized this is a standard thing.
MRS. RAILROAD BRIDGETENDER chicago - 7 years ago
i have owned about every fish with success and understand treating parasites, etc, for me, bettas just never ate, i guess they are raised on live foods until you bring them home? anyone else?
MRS. RAILROAD BRIDGETENDER chicago - 7 years ago
check out the snail parasites topic and you will get over eliminating snails, lol.
love your videos, you are very talented.
pooopies in your sloooow voice!:) too funny. & hey biggie heeey.
Kaylin Keeton
Kaylin Keeton - 7 years ago
omg name the other snail Turbo from the movie
Jess F
Jess F - 7 years ago
Kaylin Keeton
Kaylin Keeton - 7 years ago
Gary is so cool!!
Kaylin Keeton
Kaylin Keeton - 7 years ago
its ok if you dont get the betta, but you are so kind and amazing that you are not killing the snails :D


AJ Fox
AJ Fox - 7 years ago
Get the crabulas!
Jenna's Pets
Jenna's Pets - 7 years ago
I highly recommend getting rid of your snails, they're classified as pests and will rapidly reproduce. You're going to have hundreds of snails. If you want to keep snails, get the snails that don't rapidly reproduce like nerite snails. They do lay eggs but the eggs only hatch in brackish water (mix of fresh and saline water).
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Can you get a crowntail! I LOVE CROWNTAILS!
Devin Weyman
Devin Weyman - 7 years ago
I really hope you cleaned the gravel with vinegar or bleach before you put it in the snail tank, that's where the worms and parasites live. Whenever you buy new live plants you should really do a bleach dip to avoid infestation. There's hundreds of tutorials out there so you shouldn't have a hard time finding one.
The Life Of Rachel
The Life Of Rachel - 7 years ago
Pam please name the other snail something spongebob that way if there is more you can give them all sponge bob themed names
Lesly Rivera
Lesly Rivera - 7 years ago
Your other tank most likely has garys eggs in there. Those multiply like crazy and yeah DO NOT flush them! Clea helena (assassin) snails are pretty and will take care of them for you. I thought to keep them too when i first started with my tank but they ended up everywhere and messed up a filter
Lesly Rivera
Lesly Rivera - 7 years ago
im not too sure to be honest but if they dont, it wont be hard to just vacuum the shells up, that is if they dont float
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Just a question but when the assasin snails kill them.. do they clean up the shells as well?
You're Soggy
You're Soggy - 7 years ago
Bettas are a lot easier to care for than fiddler crabs.
SewingGirlToTheRescue! Kirkwood
SewingGirlToTheRescue! Kirkwood - 7 years ago
Could you name the new one mini?
jazmine - 7 years ago
off topic... but your makeup is gorgeous!!
Vanessa Martin
Vanessa Martin - 7 years ago
name it lucky you found it
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hahah that is very cute!!!! <3
Millie H
Millie H - 7 years ago
Ive had fish for years. When you first get your fish the tank will go crazy with algae but keep cleaning on a schedule and it will clam down after a while and be fine :)
Millie H
Millie H - 7 years ago
Omg did it recommend goldfish on the box of the 3.5 gallon?!?
Abby and Hattie!
Abby and Hattie! - 7 years ago
I think you should call your other snail Ted! I loved your video, it's so cool that you can have a whole tank full of snails in a few months hopefully!!!❤️
Paige Victoria
Paige Victoria - 7 years ago
you should name the snail Rambo!!! :) also i support your choice of crab or better! i know what ever you choose will be great and will have a long and happy life!
Kathleen Ann
Kathleen Ann - 7 years ago
Do you know how to take care of fiddler crabs? I really want to get some but i am having trouble finding a lot of info on them, help
PrincessLola85 - 7 years ago
Hi luxxy I was on YouNow watching you and can you guest me? I wanna show you all 6 of my pets
PrincessLola85 - 7 years ago
Oh hi luxxy! I also forgot to say I love you, your vids and pets! Mochi is my favorite. Don't tell the others!
Brooke Hollinda
Brooke Hollinda - 7 years ago
So I just recently got a female robo dwarf hamster and she is my first hamster. I let her settle in for about a week before a began taming but every time I put my hand in the cage she runs up and bites me. The only time she's not biting me it's when she has a treat. And she is breaking skin so I know she is not nibbleing, what do I do?
Hammy is my life
Hammy is my life - 7 years ago
omg I love your channel
HammyLux - 7 years ago
awe thank you so much!!!!<3
Bonita Drew Collins
Bonita Drew Collins - 7 years ago
Omg I love how well you handled the snails and I love your chanel I have 1 Syrian hamster he is long haired and called Sammy he is a boy by the way lol xoxo
Xxhamster _girlxX
Xxhamster _girlxX - 7 years ago
I love your videos I have been asking and asking my mom to let me have a YouTube channel and to day I finally got one I be been watching you since the day I got the you tube app and I really only want my YouTube channel so I could subscribe to u x
shelby rose
shelby rose - 7 years ago
Yassss!!! You should get the fiddler crabs if that's what you feel most comfortable doing! You should totally do a vlog of you getting the crabs or the fish!


Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter - 7 years ago
Gabby Veega
Gabby Veega - 7 years ago
They are parasites I have them in my tank
Cosmic Dot
Cosmic Dot - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for the awesome videos, you've helped me so much. I'm getting a male roborovski dwarf hamster today, and I watched all of your hamster related videos to help me. You're a fantastic youtuber, and I love your personality. I'm sure you've helped SO many people with their pets, which is amazing.
ToastQueen - 7 years ago
This is the first video of yours I watched -- I actually just got fiddler crabs not too long ago! The fiddler crabs are gonna be great in a 10gal aquarium. I'm assuming since you said you wanted them for a long time that you've done your research, but if you have any questions or concerns, I'd totally be willing to help you out! It's always so nerve-wracking to start up a new aquarium, so I get your fears.

You may honestly have a better time with the betta, just because they are freshwater, and fiddlers are brackish. I'm totally new to the marine salts and I've had to throw out so much water because I mixed it wrong. :(
Chloe Johnson
Chloe Johnson - 7 years ago
So U got free snails
Grace's PetLand
Grace's PetLand - 7 years ago
Don't worry you will be a great fish mama!
MelancholyMe - 7 years ago
You would take great care of your betta and it's obvious that you would care to the best of your ability for it <3 you can do it don't let anxiety get the best of you! So loving that you decided to keep the snails <3
Embuggie903 - 7 years ago
Gary and Bary
Breanne Watkins
Breanne Watkins - 7 years ago
Plz do an updated hamster diet I am going to be a new hamster owner and I'm having trouble figuring out the diet
24casfur - 7 years ago
Isn't it good to have worms as long as you don't have to many in your tank a good thing. It means you have good water. I have some in mine I used to have more then I did a few water changes and now I see only a few not a lot anymore. I also think I have daphnia, I think. But I'm pretty sure it's healthy to have some bug creatures.
dreamcatcherx14 - 7 years ago
Ramsey for the other snail!!!
Brianna DeCotis
Brianna DeCotis - 7 years ago
what about Ramsey after Gorden Ramsey lol sice its a Ramshorn XD
Oh So Random
Oh So Random - 7 years ago
As long as you stay positive and believe that your betta fish will be okay, it will.
Annie Hsieh
Annie Hsieh - 7 years ago
its ok
Konner Skelton Vlogs, Pets & Sings
Konner Skelton Vlogs, Pets & Sings - 7 years ago
Fiddler crabs are awesome
elementalkiss - 7 years ago
Very glad to hear you decided to keep them! I've got a few different varieties of ramshorns and they are very fun! You can get colors from blue, to pink, to leopard spotted and more! If you end up with a lot of snails though, you'll want a large tank than a 3 gallon. Relative to their size, snails produce a lot of waste. As for the betta, they're hardy when it comes to what the owner does. Genetically, they're very weak due to overbreeding and inbreeding, but if you do your research they have quite straight forward care. Algae and snails are harmless to bettas and will not be an issue. I suggest giving your snails a mix of snello (snail jello, recipes online) blanched veggies (no salt of course) and algae wafers!
Jessica Wanna
Jessica Wanna - 7 years ago
elementalkiss Thank you for commenting with what I've been worrying about! Been trying to figure out what would be the best setup so I can easily clean their tank
elementalkiss - 7 years ago
& as I said in my last response on your other video, snails generally only breed to the level the tank can support. If you have an infestation, you need to cut back on feeding!
Shannen Helm
Shannen Helm - 7 years ago
Does anyone know if So Phresh Aspen bedding is safe and a good brand to purchase for a hammy
Surely Its Cameron
Surely Its Cameron - 7 years ago
Hey Pam! How are you? Ooooo these snails are amazing! Hahaha!! I love them
Hammy lover
Hammy lover - 7 years ago
Hi I am Riley and I think you should do a petco dumpster dive vid look it up if you don't know what it is
Cit Laly
Cit Laly - 7 years ago
Did you acclimate the snails before putting them in their new tank?
pet girl
pet girl - 7 years ago
your welcome
Caleb Valverde
Caleb Valverde - 7 years ago
Did she say filler crab?? What is a filler crab?
Annalee Thornton
Annalee Thornton - 7 years ago
Great video Pam!!!!
Polly Mills
Polly Mills - 7 years ago
Algae blooms are normal and will pass but you must do what you feel happy doing. Pets are supposed to help us enjoy life so if getting a betta would stress you it is fine to not have one. Plus you are such a lovely person getting a new tank for your snails my heart just melted when you were talking about it thank you for bringing joy into my home.
Samantha - 7 years ago
Spongebob: Where did Gary go?

:Opens laptop goes on Youtube: GARY!!
Naomi Tremblay
Naomi Tremblay - 7 years ago
Don't worry it has bin 2 years that I have a betta fish and it is really not complicated and they are tought so if you do something wrong he won't die strate oway.
Hipster Hamster
Hipster Hamster - 7 years ago
aawwoo - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsey you should name the ram snail
irma petkauskiene
irma petkauskiene - 7 years ago
Name suggestions: Gordon Ramsay, Shrimp, shrimpy or Shrimp Cocktail
Dacia V
Dacia V - 7 years ago
Name for the rams horn could be Rammstein! Gary is a very cute wee snail
ferociouscreed boy
ferociouscreed boy - 7 years ago
I thought they would be ur hand size
Jeanne Seaman
Jeanne Seaman - 7 years ago
you can get algae drops to remove the algae and it will not hurt the fish or snails.
Harper Barr
Harper Barr - 7 years ago
I think you should name the snail Misty because the snail was/is a (good) "mistake"☺️
999tinygamer Moo! Ima cow
999tinygamer Moo! Ima cow - 7 years ago
I felt the same way (what you were talking about at 5:40 ish) getting my rats just do as much research as you can and talk to people who have a beta fish if you can. And if something happens repeat what I said before and you learn from your mistakes!
aubrie childs
aubrie childs - 7 years ago
You should name him moe
Mandy's Candy World
Mandy's Candy World - 7 years ago
How old are your snails
Edgar G Rodriguez
Edgar G Rodriguez - 7 years ago
What state are you in?
Orange Zebra
Orange Zebra - 7 years ago
Soooooooooo. I'M SOOO LATE. But anyyyway, I love your videos!
La Emilucha
La Emilucha - 7 years ago
HammyLux ..i have two garden snails one is call Bob and the other one is Gary ...dont worry about the betta I have two...and they are fine, even though you have more stuff than me!! So dont worry your betta is going to be fine, healthy and happy..LOVE U ❤️❤️
Anadalay Valdez
Anadalay Valdez - 7 years ago
Your makeup is poppin and name your snail
Lyric Lawrence
Lyric Lawrence - 7 years ago
i can give u tips i have 3 fish and there all 3 years old and the GOLDFISH so i can hhelp u just hit me up
Jacqueline Camacho
Jacqueline Camacho - 7 years ago
You're the best YouTube ever and your nice and funny I like to see your video and I like your hair and makeup and I think you should name your snail Shrek
Wild Cappuccino
Wild Cappuccino - 7 years ago
We have 2 lion fish, Iggy and Moe! And they are so cute we also have two feeders we got yesterday, Curly and Larry. Iggy is from the album Iggy and the stooges and Moe,Curly,and Larry are from the three stooges.
Wild Cappuccino
Wild Cappuccino - 7 years ago
Maliyla Garcia
Maliyla Garcia - 7 years ago
Grayzie can be the other name
The Best of Bella
The Best of Bella - 7 years ago
next time you put the snails in let them acclimate in the water so they can used to it
YourAveragePetPerson 000
YourAveragePetPerson 000 - 7 years ago
Just remember, we had to make mistakes in the fish hobby and we still aren't perfect!!! People make mistakes!!! As long as you have done your research you will learn the rest of the way
Sulcata Queen
Sulcata Queen - 7 years ago
HEY! I'm interested in getting a hamster or guinea pig can you tell us the main differences and the food situation. Thanks!
ana - 7 years ago
Guinea pigs are herbivores and hamsters are omnivores. Both should always get fresh fruits and veggies every so often that are safe for them to eat.
Lay z
Lay z - 7 years ago
Sulcata Queen Um well one guinea pigs need MUCH more space. Most guinea pig owners make a diy cage. Guinea pigs are also social so you need 2 at least. For a hamster, you just need a 40 gallon breeder minimum. You also should just get one hamster. Hamsters will require much less
FUNny Husky
FUNny Husky - 7 years ago
Name the Rams horn snail Ramsy
Ava Gartiner
Ava Gartiner - 7 years ago
Name ur other snail squirt


TheJournalFarm - 7 years ago
Remy could be a great name for the snail!!
vw py
vw py - 7 years ago
I think you should get the crabs
Lizzy Busch
Lizzy Busch - 7 years ago
You guys. Bladder and ramshorn snails are not bad. If you have algae, then you need snails. If anything, you can get a pea puffer.
ella - 7 years ago
You should name the other snail Larry so they have matching names!!
Mathilde Sofie
Mathilde Sofie - 7 years ago
shouldn't u get a lid so the snails dont escape and die?
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Mathilde Sofie a lid came with it:)
Officially PawfectPets
Officially PawfectPets - 7 years ago
I think you should call the snail Romeo haha because he is a Ramshorn snail haha ;) Great video as well, your hair and makeup looks lovely! It's so kind of you to give them their own little tank haha :) if you get Betta fish I'm sure it will all go well, I'm the same as you! I worry a lot but when what I'm worrying about actually happens there wasn't really anything to worry about :) x
Little Daisy
Little Daisy - 7 years ago
I like Gary :D Miau :D
Simrah Hussain
Simrah Hussain - 7 years ago
You could name the other snail Bubbles.
stella's cool styles and pets 2005
stella's cool styles and pets 2005 - 7 years ago
Cutefurryfriends - 7 years ago
My brother recently got new fish they were settling in well and a couple weeks later we realized there was snail babies there was only two so we thought nothing of it a month past and their was about 50 snails in the tank
Whoops !!
Shadow Chef
Shadow Chef - 7 years ago
What a debeta.... do you get the pun?
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Shadow Chef lol
Tara Albarn
Tara Albarn - 7 years ago
Love you ❤❤❤❤
Shealee Seguin
Shealee Seguin - 7 years ago
BK Wislar
BK Wislar - 7 years ago
You will be ok but snails multiply very fast and I like to call it the snail invasion and they will take over any tank so just be careful
Pet Crazy
Pet Crazy - 7 years ago
Name for the snail: Ramsbottom from Despicable me 2!
BK Wislar
BK Wislar - 7 years ago
I breed platty fish and it's quiet the deal
IdasPets - 7 years ago
Those snails are so lucky that they ended up with you. So many people would have just killed them, its so amazing that you are going to take care of them! It really proves that you are a very good person❤️You are awesomeee!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Cupcakes 4life7
Cupcakes 4life7 - 7 years ago
Call the rams horn snail
Becca the Collecta
Becca the Collecta - 7 years ago
I think Rammy as it is a Ramshorn snail
Lily stafford More
Lily stafford More - 7 years ago
Hi Pam your such a Beautiful intelligent young lady and in my opinion I think you should get the Betta fish because I'm a fish keeper and I've had quite a lot of bettas over the years and they have been in great health and I live in England as long as you have got a filter and a heater you will be fine just let you mind run smooth because to be fair at the end of the day a hamster is more important to look after than a fish isn't it xxxxxxx also please keep uploading your doing great I love to watch your videos after school and plus just to let you know I have three hamster and one bunny the bunny is called fluffy and he is a dwarf lop rabbit my first hamster is called milkshake and she is a Syrian hamster my second hamster is call Scarlett and she is also a Syrian hamster and the last one is called gizmo and he is a Russian dwarf hamster xxxxxxx I LOVE you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Do you keep crowntail betta? :O
English Tuition
English Tuition - 7 years ago
The big one is a Physa snail and the tiny one is a Gyraulus Acronicus (that one has reached its maximum size already :) )
I also keep snails in my tanks, they are fun to watch and they help cleaning algae too, my favourite ones though are mystery snails. They are gorgeous and they don't breed unless you have a male and a female. Have a look at those, I'm sure you'll love them. :)
sugargliderlove123 - 7 years ago
when beginning a tank is very common to get algae maybe you need to leave the lights more off and if you get fiddler crabs they are harder to keep than bettas because they need brackish water and you need a hydrometer to check the salt in the tank you need salt that you have to mix i'm not trying to discourse you i'm just saying that they are harder to keep and for the algae you can use a chemical to kill it but i do it the natural way i get nerite snails don't worry they will not breed they only breed in brackish water
Becca Louise
Becca Louise - 7 years ago
I don't have a Betta but I suppose being scared is normal! I've had pets like that, before I got my chameleon I was stressing out so much but everything was fine, you learn along the way! We understand if you don't get a Betta! Do what you think is right!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Becca Louise thank u so much for all the encouragement becca!!!! Huge hugs!!! Ahhh we will see what happens hahaha!! Xoxo
xxducky mspxx
xxducky mspxx - 7 years ago
thank you soooo much for not killing the snails pam xo
HammyLux - 7 years ago
xxducky mspxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Erin .L
Erin .L - 7 years ago
You should call him/her Remy! Kind of reminds me of a name stemming off the word ram which I think was in his breed name? I don't know if you see where I'm coming from haha but it's a cute name anyway :) good luck with them! I'd love to own snails they are so cute xx
julie holt
julie holt - 7 years ago
The little white worms are nematodes they won't hurt also the snails will live fine with the beta. Please don't make its as hard as it seems algae I would recommend a fish call otto's
julie holt
julie holt - 7 years ago
Otocinclus is a dwarf algae eating fish
•Deathbell• - 7 years ago
You should get a yellow clown goby for your 10g. They're saltwater and they grow up to only 1 inch.
SnowWhitePanda - 7 years ago
Hey Pam, everything you experience with your tank is completely normal. Algae and those tiny little worms will occur in every new tank. To keep the algae low it is best to have a lot of fast growing plants. The worms will go away with water changes. There still will be a couple in the tank but your betta will be very happy to hunt them
HammyLux - 7 years ago
SnowWhitePanda thank u so much for all this!!! Actually made me feel a lot better... so thank u!! Xoxo
Verity Graham
Verity Graham - 7 years ago
Ahhhhh I am so excited for this video. Your videos are so entertaining. Thank you. Love you so much
Bailey Stone
Bailey Stone - 7 years ago
I had some microscopic looking worms in 3 of my 5 tanks and they turned out to be detritus worms. they did nothing to my fish, actually my fish ate them. They had a weird population boom, normally they live just in your substrate and eat fish waste and dead plant material.
StevesAnimalCare !
StevesAnimalCare ! - 7 years ago
The snails may get out ( slide up the glass )
Shona Bryony
Shona Bryony - 7 years ago
This was amazing ❤️
TheaOria - 7 years ago
love your vids
elliefishlucas - 7 years ago
You should call the other snail Turbo x
Channel of Pets
Channel of Pets - 7 years ago
Shelly max Mickey drumar swirley
EdiTEd - 7 years ago
Omg you have same shirt/top thingie as me
Kelly Hernandez
Kelly Hernandez - 7 years ago
Name the new snail

Maja Diana
Maja Diana - 7 years ago
omg you are so beautiful! <3
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
Your snail looks so nice . I like snails.
Name it Gary
Donna Devaney
Donna Devaney - 7 years ago
Thats what I thought you were going to get was the crabs, so I was surprised when you said a Betta. Good luck, and you are so sweet not to kill the snails.
Rachel Frischkorn
Rachel Frischkorn - 7 years ago
You should name him Sushi!!!
Shandi - 7 years ago
Name the new little guy Larry! Or Snellie :) stick with your Spongebob theme!❤️
Pet Lovers
Pet Lovers - 7 years ago
Dont get stressed out, because when I got my new hamster a phew days ago I got all stressed and scared I would do things wrong, but all mistakes can be fixed because I fixed my mistake from my first hamster and 99.999 percent of the mistakes never affected him after I fixed them, so don't worry❤
theXxgajxX - 7 years ago
If you have a lot of algae, try to keep the light to a minimum, and keep away from windows.
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying - 7 years ago
Get the betta, I was really nervous to get my first one, 2 years later it's still alive and now I have 8. Lol
Melissa lynne
Melissa lynne - 7 years ago
Betta fish are great pets I have two and one had tail rot but since I did my research I new what to do and he is very happy and now knows how to jump and swim through a hoop so as long as you feel like you know enough you should be okay but if you don't feel comfortable with getting a Betta fish then don't get one do what ever you want non of us will be angry because we love you and your videos not just the possible Betta fish also you should name the other snail Marco and if you find another one name it polo love you and i hope you are doing well ❤❤❤
Shekinah M.
Shekinah M. - 7 years ago
I'm glad you are not killing them :)
Perfect Grilled Cheese
Perfect Grilled Cheese - 7 years ago
Don't be worried about your betta! They are extremely hardy animals and I know you can handle it! I have a betta who lived in a tiny vase for 3 years and hardly ever got fed- I have no clue how he survived, but he's about 4.5 years old now and thriving with a proper setup! Don't do something your not at peace about, but I know you can handle it, Bettas are the best beginner fish ever!
Amanda Strickland
Amanda Strickland - 7 years ago
You should get a few shrimp to put in with the snails!!
Jay46f Gaming
Jay46f Gaming - 7 years ago
My beta has a big tank no it was at the bottom and my mom put food and a top and a he swim fast up and he flew out at night and we find him/her this morning dead
Star Pastels
Star Pastels - 7 years ago
I think you should name the ram snail Taurus from Pokémon!
AsunaxKirito Together Forever & Ever
AsunaxKirito Together Forever & Ever - 7 years ago
I have 6 beta fish and one of mine isn't well so I am keeping mine eye on it but I did have 7 and as long as u feed them and all they be fine and I don't use a filter for mine and they are doing perfectly fine and great :) just go ahead and try your best and u will have a ton of fun trust me with your beta fish and the snails are so cute :)
TheHamsterTube - 7 years ago
You are so sweet! Fish are so stressful to make sure they have the best environment. One little mistake can be almost deadly! I applaud you for caring so much about the snails and worrying about the future of the beta fish. You are such an incredible person!
Brooklyn Bagley
Brooklyn Bagley - 7 years ago
We will have to go out downtown
Nicole Bezanson
Nicole Bezanson - 7 years ago
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
Hi! If you do decide to put live aquatic plants into the aquarium, I would recommend anubias (there are a variety of anubias) and java fern. Both of those are extremely easy to maintain and they will thrive in a vast variety of water parameters. Fertilizers are optional with these plants but of course it does help the plant grow quicker. I recommend Seachem iron and Seachem Co2 liquid ferts. Also, both of the plants do not have to be buried into the substrate, although if you do; only cover the roots (not the rhizome) or the plant will rot entirely. You can always attach the plants onto a piece of driftwood or rock with string (plenty of YT vids. on this). Be sure to feed your snails a variety of foods such as algae wafers, shrimp pellets, fish pellets, fresh cucumber, etc. And be on the lookout for shell erosion, their shell will deteriorate when there is not enough calcium in the water (there are plenty of ways to add calcium into the aquarium such as adding egg shells, cuttlebone, liquid supplements, etc.) And lastly, algae! Some snails enjoy feeding off of algae so never over clean an aquarium. To avoid algae, avoid over feeding, overcrowding, too much light (6-10hrs is ok), and putting aquarium near direct sunlight. To remove algae, decrease light hrs and do a water change. Hope this was helpful! Feel free to ask any Q's
ashlee sconyers
ashlee sconyers - 7 years ago
Definitely go with a betta still. Any little crab you get will be a little more difficult for you since you're new to the hobby. The crabs you find at petstores (fiddlers and red claw) need brackish water which is between fresh and full on saltwater.

Algae is common in new tanks! It's just caused from excess nutrients in the water/ to much lighting. Get yourself a nerite snail and it'll help out a ton cleaning up for you. Most bettas are fine with nerites. You can do it, we believe in you! :D

You can always join the fish group I admin in and we can help you out!! It's For Fish Sake.
Sarah Collom
Sarah Collom - 7 years ago
The other snail should be named Shelly
King Quirk
King Quirk - 7 years ago
I love your vids! i recently got my first hamster and u helped me out so much and your informational and entertaining videos!
Selaye Garcia
Selaye Garcia - 7 years ago
Yes!!! You named him Gary!!!
animallover22 - 7 years ago
If you do get the Betta fish make sure the crabs are NOT in the same tank as the Betta. Cause if you do the crab will kill the fish
Jacqueline Camacho
Jacqueline Camacho - 7 years ago
Name the snail Shrek
HammyLux - 7 years ago
animallover22 hi! Oh no worries fiddler crabs require a complete different setup anyways:) I would never put fiddler crabs in with any fish:)
Laini Christopher
Laini Christopher - 7 years ago
Algae is very common and natural dont worry about it! Snails and ghost shrimp are really good about keeping tanks clean! Just make sure you check PH that's the only thing you should be concerned about at this point! Your tank looks so good and ready to go!
Keagan Mathews
Keagan Mathews - 7 years ago
Name him Ramsey
Keagan Mathews
Keagan Mathews - 7 years ago
Don't put any other fish with the best a snail is fine but no other fish not even a female and male the male will kill the female or viseversive
Okapi Wolf
Okapi Wolf - 7 years ago
Wow! Never thought of having a snail =D
MyLilZoo1017 - 7 years ago
It's very nice you are setting up a snail tank and yes please clean the 10 gallon really good and what ever you do with the 10 gallon I'm sure you will do amazing with it!
Simplymakenna - 7 years ago
Loved this video! So very sweet to give the snails a tank! Some name suggestions are turbo, Larry, Patrick or Gus.
Holly Leanne
Holly Leanne - 7 years ago
I'm positive you will be a great bettta fish owner! You take such good care of your animals & don't worry betta fish are hardy fish. Just have an appropriate environment & they'll thrive :-)
Evie Chang
Evie Chang - 7 years ago
The snails are sooo cute! Maybe call the unnamed one Cinnamon Roll? I think it's a cute name! Because of its cute shape!
Gracelyn Deputy
Gracelyn Deputy - 7 years ago
Anna Elston
Anna Elston - 7 years ago
You should name him turbo or zigzag or maybe Magnus
Charlotte Harlow
Charlotte Harlow - 7 years ago
you should name the second snail slimer (like Ghostbusters)
Snapshot_animals - 7 years ago
I feel u! Just got my first crested gecko
Meredith - 7 years ago
Oh this is going to be fun... you're going to end up with that tank completely covered in snails and stinky water.
21 tanks and been keeping fish 26 years. Bred bettas for a long time, and now have only 14 lol
Keep in mind, new tanks get brown "algae", which are diatoms. It happens in newly set up tanks and lasts a month or two. Regardless what you put in there, you'll get the diatoms/algae.
But be aware, you will have to kill hundreds of snails as those snails will reproduce like crazy. Make sure to vacuum the substrate all the time, snails produce a TON of waste, and you can't have too many in a tank, produce ammonia which will kill them.
Gary is full size now and will produce hundreds every few days.
That is NOT a Ramshorn snail. He is full grown and they stay sideways like that. Just a little pest snail. Not a Ramshorn. Ramshorns keep their shell straight up. I forget the name of this kind, used to have some that came in with an order of some Mystery snails some time back. He will not get any bigger than that.
Don't get discouraged, it can be overwhelming at first. You may need to do more research on crabs if you're going that route, most "freshwater" end up needing brackish.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Aymee Leake Just bleach dip the plants. Anything but floating plants or super sensitive species will be fine.
Aymee Leake
Aymee Leake - 7 years ago
This is exactly why I dont have real plants in my Bettas tank. :(
You CAN'T buy plants in my city that are not kept in community tanks with snails.
And i havent been able to find anywhere that will ship untainted plants to canada :(
Sam K
Sam K - 7 years ago
I had to trash a whole tank because of snails. They got in the filter and clogged the motor. :(
Erin__Blumb - 7 years ago
Colorful Fish I have to agree!
14Animals 42
14Animals 42 - 7 years ago
What are the squeaks near the end?
HammyLux - 7 years ago
14Animals 42 my daughter kept interrupting every 5 seconds hahahaha
Charlotte Harlow
Charlotte Harlow - 7 years ago
I think you really need to do what you think is best about this would be a lovely addition but if you don't feel ready you shouldn't do it and crabs are amazing pets anyway I'm sure whatever you choose will be the best option for you
Sig Smyth
Sig Smyth - 7 years ago
HammyLux, I have a question for you. So I got a hamster a couple of weeks ago and I slowly got him used to me and he was fine with me picking him up but one day I went in to pick him up and he totally freaked out! Like he had never been picked up befor! He even tried to bite me. Is this normal for hamsters to do that? Btw I love your vids. You are awesome ❤️
Ella Norman
Ella Norman - 7 years ago
YOU SHOULD NAME THE BABY GORDEN GET IT GORDEN THE RAMSY ( i stuck at spelling even though i'm in high school
Kaitlynn Hollar
Kaitlynn Hollar - 7 years ago
I think any animal you get is going to have a great life no matter what.
Ella Norman
Ella Norman - 7 years ago
I have a goldfish and he is really easy going and ik every pet is different but he has a really funny personality and if u get a fish you will learn how to care for ur fish!
Dylan _17144
Dylan _17144 - 7 years ago
Call the snail Flounder??
Ella Norman
Ella Norman - 7 years ago
Loving your make up and hair!
Dylan _17144
Dylan _17144 - 7 years ago
I'm getting a betta soon too!
Dylan _17144
Dylan _17144 - 7 years ago
Or you could put the betta in the 3 gallon
Fins and Fur
Fins and Fur - 7 years ago
Great video! I have eight tanks myself, and I wanted to give you a few tips!:) First, for the plants, I really recommend doing a bleach dip, you can look it up more, but it will kill anything on the plants and make them good as new! You won't have too but new ones. And also, I really recommend acclimating your snails, (Floating them in a container at the top of the tank) to match temperatures so they don't get a nasty shock! ILYSM! :)
Lia White
Lia White - 7 years ago
It's perfectly okay that you are not getting a betta fish! I doubt anyone is disappointed in that. Maybe you can name the rams horn snail Stark (because the shell on snails is strong and you know that's strong in german) I think fiddler crabs would be awesome!!! Recently I've been looking into the next step up from a betta fish, although I'm getting into gargoyle geckos so it will be a while for the next tank lol. I know it would be a while off, but have you ever thought about keeping axolotls or maybe a chinchilla (I know they are unrelated except they like cooler temperatures) How is Patch's eye doing now? It looked a lot better in the last video and I love to see him heal!
Alexus Keefer
Alexus Keefer - 7 years ago
Reduce the amount of time your lighting is on. If algae is growing, it means there are excess nutrients, and more than what you need for your live plants.

I think you should start over and get the betta once you're ready. When you introduce any other live fish/snails/plants to the tank, do proper quarantining/dipping to prevent any problems!

I think you will be a great betta parent and will love their personality to death. You just might not be ready right at this moment.
Jessica Bloom
Jessica Bloom - 7 years ago
You should name the 2nd snail Rammy
aMeskeOHv2 - 7 years ago
yeah do fiddler crabs, I have a goldfish, after him I'm not getting anymore fish, it was something new to try but it just isn't my thing. I'm sticking to hamsters and bunnies
PCGamesGirl - 7 years ago
Aww your little snails are too cute! Maybe you could give the other snail a sheep/ram themed name, since that's related to its species? Best of luck deciding whether you still want a betta or not! As far as I'm concerned, the fact that you're so worried about doing things right or not is proof that you'll be a fantastic owner for whatever little critter you chose to get. :)
Linda Warren
Linda Warren - 7 years ago
I love your vids
Videos with Emily
Videos with Emily - 7 years ago
816alr - 7 years ago
I would love to see a video on how you budget to care for all the creatures! Love your videos!
Rachel Cutter
Rachel Cutter - 7 years ago
You should name her remy!
Danisaur101 - 7 years ago
Your makeup is so pretty
Hamster Hearts
Hamster Hearts - 7 years ago
Name the snail Ramses!!! ILYSM Pam
Tommys Corner
Tommys Corner - 7 years ago
You should make a diy co2 system for your planted tanks
Tommys Corner
Tommys Corner - 7 years ago
I have a 60 litre tank and omg doing water changes every week and filter cleaning
Geena Angel
Geena Angel - 7 years ago
Gary and Larry
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 7 years ago
Great video! The sails are so cute. I love that new tank. I was looking forward of you getting a better but I understand if your ready. Maybe someday you will think about getting one again.
The Hamster Hoarder
The Hamster Hoarder - 7 years ago
Gary!!!! ❤❤❤❤ The little one can be called Goliath! Haaa, Im terrible with names!
Mikey Finger
Mikey Finger - 7 years ago
My feelings on fish is that you set yourself up for failure with smaller tanks because it's harder to control the water when there's less of it if you know what I mean… Any tank less than 20 is tough to keep steady without constantly maintaining it. I have a 75 gallon tank and it only gets serviced once every six weeks to two months by a tank servicing business called The Fish Guys which is really cheap actually something for you to think about ❤️
Mikey Finger
Mikey Finger - 7 years ago
That being said you seem on the right route to being able to do the water stuff yourself because that's where you started at the water level not with the fish which is the rookie amateur mistake. You were all about cycling the tank and I was all proud of you for knowing that
Autumn Swift
Autumn Swift - 7 years ago
Move the tank away from the door. It's what's causing the alge to get so bad. And it's my own opinion and my own luck I don't test the water in my 5 gallon and I have 7 healthy Neon Tetras and a healthy Female Halfmoon Betta in it. I know that's not the way it should be but it works for me. When I got my Betta 2.5 months ago, I had to completely restart to water cycle because I didn't and still don't have a gravel vacuum, so I had to completely redo everything with how dirty everything was getting. I have nothing really for the fish because that's what I was given when I took the 2 Tetras from my sister originally. So you can get a betta even if the water isn't cycled. You just have to keep an eye on the Betta while he/she adjusts to it's new home. I would also avoid real plants at the moment and go with fake plants temporarily. My betta and Tetras are completely fine in what they are in. I guess you can say I'm neglecting them but, I'm feeding them, making sure the water level isn't too low, making sure the water temperature is where it needs to be. I also just ran out of water conditioner the other day and haven't been using any when I refill the water. So, I'll just shut up and continue to be a bad example to fish keepers. And it is important to have all the stuff for the fish, I understand that but I don't have an income at the moment and am doing the best I can for them.
Sadie Williams
Sadie Williams - 7 years ago
Call the other snail Ramsey
Sadie Williams
Sadie Williams - 7 years ago
Oh that's cute too! Good thinking!
Hamster Hearts
Hamster Hearts - 7 years ago
I was thinking of that name too! but i was thinking more like Ramses!!!
Derpalotl :-P
Derpalotl :-P - 7 years ago
i totally feel you... i wanted to get a ferret but was so scared bc i had always had snakes. And i was very nervous and paranoid. But i told myself to not stress on it, and if the opportunity seeks me out, i will take it. Hope you feel better, don't stress it Pam! Whatever you decide is for the best
Derpalotl :-P
Derpalotl :-P - 7 years ago
also i have had a betta and IT WAS A TON OF WORK so let me tell you, fish keeping is not for everyone lol, say hi to everybody, good luck Pam!!!
Zoie H
Zoie H - 7 years ago
Hi Pam, I love your videos and of course you and all your pets!!!
Crested Neut
Crested Neut - 7 years ago
Not gonna lie, I've kind of gotten into bettas and was looking forward to learning from your journey with them before getting one myself, but you've got to do what's right for you.
As for a snail name suggestion, how about Stuart? Just because Gary and Stuart sounds cute.. and also the snail is so little, so like, Stuart Little (then you'd have Biggie Smalls and Stuart Little and they could become a comedy duo wow)
Ms. Aleah Child
Ms. Aleah Child - 7 years ago
How about Snaily
Exotic Pet Life
Exotic Pet Life - 7 years ago
Fiddler crabs are harder than bettas! I've had a betta for a few years but never had luck with fiddlers. Thanks for not killing the snails!
Nic Yang
Nic Yang - 7 years ago
I love the little snail tank. I have to get my own tank for my snails too. Btw name the ramshorn snail Gordon Ramsey
Jack Bordeau
Jack Bordeau - 7 years ago
If I where you I'd be carful with putting in gravel because it might get combined with the sand and some people don't like that look. I didn't know if you like that tho so.....
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you jack!:)
Mr Khan
Mr Khan - 7 years ago
Cool video. What are you feeding the snails? I thought they eat water plants?
HammyLux - 7 years ago
they eat algae and calcium <3
Succulent Mama
Succulent Mama - 7 years ago
The Rams Horn snail should be named Gary
Cher-rie Stanley
Cher-rie Stanley - 7 years ago
I just realized your name is Pam. I named my robo hamster Pam! Lololol!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hahahah awee that is so sweet!!!<3
Megan Carnes
Megan Carnes - 7 years ago
Can u please name the other one snailie because there was an episode of sponge bob where squid ward got a female named that
Megan Carnes
Megan Carnes - 7 years ago
I meant Shellie not snailie
HammyLux - 7 years ago
ohh that is adorable!!!!! xoxoxo
Mariana Camilla Huskins
Mariana Camilla Huskins - 7 years ago
U should name the snail Swirl
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter - 7 years ago
What do you feed them
Madeline Walker
Madeline Walker - 7 years ago
I have the same 3 gallon! 2 things you should know, it scratches super easily and that the filter is awful. It really is. I thought it would be fine but it did absolutely nothing other than create water movement. Sorry but this is just what happened to me and I had to spend a lot of money to get a new filter.
Tara Rojas
Tara Rojas - 7 years ago
Plz name the other snail Mary because in spongebob Gary's girlfriend is Mary I thought it would be cute
Maris_Toledo - 7 years ago
Can you update us on your vegan journey?
kayla's_ animals_
kayla's_ animals_ - 7 years ago
My guniea pig just gave birth to 2 babies today at 4:30 pm ish
Anna Nogueira
Anna Nogueira - 7 years ago
Don't worry about getting your first fish, even if you do make a few mistakes it's ok because they are quite hardy fish and you can learn from your mistakes, it's why you get your first fish in the first place so you can learn from your mistakes and gain more knowledge as you get more into the fish hobby and start owning more and different fish❤️
guac amole
guac amole - 7 years ago
Won't the snails rapidly reproduce and you will end up with 100's of them?
Yuhhh Omar
Yuhhh Omar - 7 years ago
Dang so your snails are going to have quite a roomy home
Becca Majeski
Becca Majeski - 7 years ago
I'm so glad you're gonna take care of the snails! ❤
the Super Pets!!!
the Super Pets!!! - 7 years ago
Saturns Rings
Saturns Rings - 7 years ago
Aw bless your heart ❤️
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hahahah yea its been rough.. LOL<3 thank you so much !!! i hope it all works out in the end<3
carolyn jordan
carolyn jordan - 7 years ago
We have a black nerite snail named scoot
HammyLux - 7 years ago
aweee that is so adorable!!!!<3
PrincessLola85 - 7 years ago
Aww no more Betta? Well I love the snail tank!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
yea .. i am not 100% sure yet but we will see what happens!!!!<3 thank you so much!!
Luke Byrne
Luke Byrne - 7 years ago
Another amazing video
HammyLux - 7 years ago
awe thank you luke!!!!!
Lucy Tucci61
Lucy Tucci61 - 7 years ago
I have 15 betta fish, 4 aquarium frogs, 8 guppies, 4 angel fish, a shark, 2 algae eaters, an axolotl, and a molly and omg theyre a handful! Theyre all aquatic animals btw. Im sure youll do fine with 2+ snails and a betta :) if you need help or have questions message me on insta @lucys.pets_ (youre already following me :))
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you so much lucy.. you are amazing !!!!!<3
Veevi D
Veevi D - 7 years ago
Those microscopic worms are harmless and are due to overfeeding. If you cut back on putting in food, they eventually will disappear. Bettas also eat them sometimes. Trumpet snails and pond (bladder) snails mass multiply so don't overfeed them. I keep them in my main tanks just to eat waste and trumpet snails dig which are good for my substrate.

Future reference, whenever you bring in new plants, drift wood, decor, etc, it's good to do a 1:20 part bleach dip for 30 seconds. It kills parasites which can kill your fish. Also, with any introduction of living things, you should always do a quarantine period.
Veevi D
Veevi D - 7 years ago
Did you rinse the substrate until it was clear before adding it to the tank? Either way, a few water changes with a syphon will get rid of them eventually. They're pretty harmless. Just kind of ugly to look at.
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you so much love!!! the only thing is i have not put any food in this tank since i have got it.. so i am not sure how that happened<3
Maci the best Yaden
Maci the best Yaden - 7 years ago
You are so pretty and I watch you're videos all the time
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you so much for watching my videos maci!!! that makes me so happy that you are enjoying them love! you are very sweet and beautiful!!!<3
Aurora's Animals
Aurora's Animals - 7 years ago
You're vids are my favourite!
Aurora's Animals
Aurora's Animals - 7 years ago
HammyLux No problem! ^_^ xo
HammyLux - 7 years ago
wow.. thank you so much rory!!! xoxo
Jaden Perritt
Jaden Perritt - 7 years ago
Aww I love your videos. Can u do a chinchilla video. Or get a chinchilla it's Kinda like a hamster ❤️
MC Hamster
MC Hamster - 7 years ago
Hey Pam! I just want to say you do what you feel the most comfortable with! But It is ok to make some mistakes. I have a Betta fish and I did make some mistakes but I overcame them and my Betta fish is happy and healthy! But if your not feeling 100% on the Betta fish don't do it! Do what you want and what you feel most comfortable with!❤️ We are always there for you! Even if we we on the other side of the screen!
puggievlogs - 7 years ago
MC Hamster love your channel!
MC Hamster
MC Hamster - 7 years ago
HammyLux Luv you too! You rock and I am glad I could help! You are the sweetest!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hi love!!!! ohh thank you so much for your amazing comment.. you are such a sweet person.. this really helped me and encouraged me to do what i feel.. i appreciate that so much !!! luv you!!!!! xoxoo
Angela Lucas
Angela Lucas - 7 years ago
What do Snail
carolyn jordan
carolyn jordan - 7 years ago
Angela Lucas algae. They can keep your tank glass pretty clean.
Laurrren g
Laurrren g - 7 years ago
That snail tank is just too precious! Aquariums are easier than hamsters, I promise ;) I remember you were planning on fiddler crabs before Patch popped up... maybe you were just waiting until the timing felt right to get them ;)
Brittany R
Brittany R - 7 years ago
Thats so sweet you got a home for the snails. I don't blame you for being apprehensive about getting a betta fish since they can be hard to keep. But you're such a good pet Mom, so I have faith in you!
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
You are a wonderful pet mom :)
GLGKSCP GDFJFSAM - 7 years ago
Name it Curly or Lesa
Jojo's Rodents
Jojo's Rodents - 7 years ago
Omg hi! You look so pretty! I love your makeup and hair! Another great video from the amazing HammyLux!
Addison Moore
Addison Moore - 7 years ago
I know exactly what you feel like. I am getting rats soon and I'm never had them before and lm so nervous
Bubble Ham
Bubble Ham - 7 years ago
zuez and zazu or appallo and artimeis or valentino and pinata
Finley Mosner
Finley Mosner - 7 years ago
Your makeup is flawless... how do you do it??
InfinityPets - 7 years ago
Why can't you just put a betta in the 3 gallon tank! Then you can have a fiddler and a betta!
Damaris Lopez
Damaris Lopez - 7 years ago
Ede Kosik
Ede Kosik - 7 years ago
Omg I'm soo happy because my cousin was keeping her beta like most people do, in a little fishbowl without the proper care and she gave him to me! My parents are driving me to petco tomorrow to get him all his correct stuff!
FreddyFlop - 7 years ago
Ede Kosik update us
Queina The insomniac
Queina The insomniac - 7 years ago
Don't forget to cycle the tank before putting the betta in !
Ede Kosik
Ede Kosik - 7 years ago
Bailey Stone thanks, I'll look into this
JAYZEE2407 - 7 years ago
Ede Kosik d
Bailey Stone
Bailey Stone - 7 years ago
Ede Kosik If you are looking into a 5 or 10 gallon kit Walmart sells a 5 gallon kit with tank, hood, led light, and filter for 30. I'm not sure on the price of their 10's. Petco and pets mart do run sells on their tank kits from time to time tho.
Becca Majeski
Becca Majeski - 7 years ago
Ede Kosik that's awesome!
Finley Mosner
Finley Mosner - 7 years ago
That's so cool!
Remys Hooves
Remys Hooves - 7 years ago
You can keep the betta and snails together, its totally fine!
hamster heaven
hamster heaven - 7 years ago
I adopted my new hamster yesterday any tips
(He's a baby)
Payton Marie
Payton Marie - 7 years ago
The snail tank is so cute! Good luck with your snails and deciding between cravs and bettas! Say hi to Biggie smalls, patch, and mochi for me!!
Unicorn_ hammy
Unicorn_ hammy - 7 years ago
also don't worry about your doubts because I am sure you will be fine great video ! :)
kelly scott
kelly scott - 7 years ago
I think you should name the snail Snellie Gary's girlfriend from spongebob
LPSSYLVEON studios - 7 years ago
I know you already got the snails a tank, but you totally could've kept the Betta with the snails! As long as you don't over feed the Betta and you clean out some of the algae every now and then (I just use a kitchen sponge to wipe algae off the glass and decorations), the snails won't overrun your tank. In fact, they're more likely to completely overwhelm your small tank, as you are specifically feeding the snails.

If you wanted to, you could still get a Betta and put it in the snail's new tank with them!

Also, once the plants are established, the algae should get a bit more under control, as the plants will be sucking in nutrients instead of the algae. If that doesn't work, you might just have too many phosphates in you water. Keep in mind that your tank will most likely always have some algae!

If you put in a fish, it will eat those white worms!

I respect your decision to get fiddler crabs, and although I was kinda looking forward to a Betta, I would love to see how you take care of your crab! Good luck, whatever you end up doing!! ❤️
Stacey12 Stacey
Stacey12 Stacey - 7 years ago
Fish keeping can be tricky at first but it gets so much easier as you get used to it but I totally understand your anxiety:) I would encourage you to get your betta, I just love them so much lol! They are seriously little fish dogs! Love you
Hope Z
Hope Z - 7 years ago
Hi Pam! Great video, and good luck with the crabs if you do decide to get them.
Unicorn_ hammy
Unicorn_ hammy - 7 years ago
hammylux I don't want anyone to hate on you about not getting a beta because its your decision also I love your channel and your hammies!
GLGKSCP GDFJFSAM - 7 years ago
Hi you should live stream now
melanie joseph
melanie joseph - 7 years ago
Great video Pam! Your hair and makeup looks great on you, and the information on your channel has helped me sooo much with hamsters and guinea pigs! Xoxo
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
What about frogs ?
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
Dwarf frogs ?
Maren Way
Maren Way - 7 years ago
You should get a apple snail! They are ADORABLE and bigger and easy to see. I love mine and I really recommend getting one
Ashley Strickland
Ashley Strickland - 7 years ago
You should name the snail
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Ashley Strickland very cute!!!!! Xoxo thank you so much!!
I can't think of a username
I can't think of a username - 7 years ago
Yay another upload!! It's only 1:34am in Britain. I won't be tired in the morning
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
Gary and Larry ???
Xzonna Wery
Xzonna Wery - 7 years ago
i love you so much!!! your the best!!!
theLAIBAshow - 7 years ago
Cheese curl
Ali's Animals
Ali's Animals - 7 years ago
you shouldn't worry about the worms or algea, you'll never avoid it its part of the cycle in tim the tank will balance
Abby Jub
Abby Jub - 7 years ago
This honestly made my day, watching you set up a fish tank just for the snails!!
Harmony Russo
Harmony Russo - 7 years ago
Cute shirt
Satara- lin
Satara- lin - 7 years ago
Call the snail bob and I'm late sorry I fine it's a cute name LOL
Creatures great And small
Creatures great And small - 7 years ago
you can keep snails with betta fish
The Hamster Musketeers
The Hamster Musketeers - 7 years ago
You should call the snail Patrick to fit with the spongebob theme!
Diana Rebarchak
Diana Rebarchak - 7 years ago
HammyLux i think you should name your other snail Rae Ramsie RaRa! also i love you soo much i have a hamster her name is Muffin she is a creamish color with black ears you are he reason i got her!!! also do you have i p.o box because i really want to send you so things i found!!!!
Sienna__quack - 7 years ago
Whatever you think I will agree with you also I own 5 fish 4 in one tank and a beta in another tank one you get them set up they r fairly easy to take care of
jimmy carter
jimmy carter - 7 years ago
Hii ok so for about 2 weeks I was looking up hamster stuff and then my kind sister said yes and I said ca. Uh have 2 and she said YES I'm like soooo excited. And Don't worry I'm getting a BUG cage! Lol :(
jimmy carter
jimmy carter - 7 years ago
Oops I did this :( but I ment this:)
lame sare
lame sare - 7 years ago
don't be anxious about getting a betta! i have three and they're very simple easy to maintain fish.
Sienna__quack - 7 years ago
You are my favourite YouTube!!!!!
kendall's critters Official
kendall's critters Official - 7 years ago
Omg slay, you look flawless and your snails will love there new tank!!!
Sienna__quack - 7 years ago
I love your vids and you look so nice today
Little HamHams
Little HamHams - 7 years ago
HammyLux you should talk to Taylor Nicole Dean about the snails and fish she knows alot
Polorgirl 17
Polorgirl 17 - 7 years ago
I can't believe that you reply back to me
Polorgirl 17
Polorgirl 17 - 7 years ago
Madison Mclaurin
Madison Mclaurin - 7 years ago
What a great video! One question though, what are you going to feed the snails?
Chayse Richardson
Chayse Richardson - 7 years ago
Hello what cage should I get as a beginner for hamsters
MollyFame Jane
MollyFame Jane - 7 years ago
I love your videos soo much,you have really helped me learn about everything with my hamsters.. I have a Syrian hamster and a winter white..thank you for helping me ❤️
Daniel and Lucas
Daniel and Lucas - 7 years ago
Thank you very much
I love your channel and your are thankful for everything Thant why I look forward to your videos
kelly scott
kelly scott - 7 years ago
I get so exited when upload you videos
Liana’s Life
Liana’s Life - 7 years ago
You should name the snail sponge bob or just bob
Shantel j
Shantel j - 7 years ago
You should name it sandy.
Darnesha Marc
Darnesha Marc - 7 years ago
Your so gorgeous
Olivia - 7 years ago
If you would feel less stressed out having the fiddler crabs, then I say go for it. I had a betta as a kid that lived to be almost six years old. I currently have two others in separate tanks. One I’ve had since the end of November & have never had a bacteria or algae problem in his tank. The other I got in April and dealt with what’s called a bacterial bloom for more than two months. You name it, I tried it in terms of getting rid of it. I’m just now getting it under control. Fish keeping definitely isn’t for the faint of heart. But, for those of us invested in it, it’s worth it. I don’t consider myself a hobbyist by any means, but fish are the only pets I can have for the time being, so I do my best to keep up to date and be knowledgeable on their care. My grandparents had a small fish business for several decades so I’ve always been comfortable having fish as pets. But for someone who has never had them before, I can definitely see how it would be daunting.
yigs - 7 years ago
Bettas are super hardy fish! If you have a cycled, heated aquarium and do small weekly water changes it'll be near impossible to kill them!
Gianna Gruttola
Gianna Gruttola - 7 years ago
Name him kiwi lol
Maria Lopez
Maria Lopez - 7 years ago
Ughhh I love you so much I wish u can meet me u don't understand how I really appreciate you
Carter Williams
Carter Williams - 7 years ago
I feel like Steven or Billy sound like pretty good names
Wendy Auyon
Wendy Auyon - 7 years ago
I'm a new subscriber and have been watching you for the past week because I came across you when searching on how to care for my new hammy Libby ❤️ You've helped me soooo much and now I can't wait for you upload. You're beautiful !
Eugene Barthmallow
Eugene Barthmallow - 7 years ago
Get those crabs girl!
LaFemmeLisa - 7 years ago
You can always take a water sample to Petco and they'll test it to make it sure it meets the requirements of whatever fish/pet you will have. They do it for free!
Marin Mcalindin
Marin Mcalindin - 7 years ago
Love your makeup and hair, so nice of you to think about the pet first
Alexis Cologera
Alexis Cologera - 7 years ago
Also what was the name of that tank again?
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Alexis Cologera tetra love!!!!! Xoxox it's so cute hahaha ❤️❤️
Alexis Cologera
Alexis Cologera - 7 years ago
Haha omg I really like Gary he is too cute
Littlelotti's Hartland
Littlelotti's Hartland - 7 years ago
This is so cute! The tiny tank is perfect for the little snails lol
Maxine's Animals
Maxine's Animals - 7 years ago
Mack&cheese plate
Mack&cheese plate - 7 years ago
you have a snail farm!! I would love to have one
Coco's Paws
Coco's Paws - 7 years ago
I love your profile picture
PokeVlogs - 7 years ago
I love how much your awesome channel is growing keep up the good work and I love your hamsters
Nancy Algarin
Nancy Algarin - 7 years ago
I think you should get the crabs instead but it's just my opinion
The Pey Show
The Pey Show - 7 years ago
Early squad
Calleigh Renee
Calleigh Renee - 7 years ago
I love that You got Snails! Keep up the great work! My dream is to meet you one day! Am i allowed to dm you on instgram? :)
The Pey Show
The Pey Show - 7 years ago
Ya yay love your vids
Cora Shannon
Cora Shannon - 7 years ago
The setup is super cute! I love your choker!
pet girl
pet girl - 7 years ago
i watch every video of your never miss one ! your the best youtuber ever!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hammster girl hi!!! I just wanted to say how very sweet your comment is.. it means a lot to me! Thank u !! Xoxo
sofie williams
sofie williams - 7 years ago
Love your channel you can let it cycle for a couple days because the filter has beneficial bacteria if you want to be safe and redo the tank its your choice
Ashley Strickland
Ashley Strickland - 7 years ago
Ashley Strickland
Ashley Strickland - 7 years ago
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hi ashley!!!!!! xoxox
Daniel and Lucas
Daniel and Lucas - 7 years ago
OMG....... I love your hair and makeup it looks so flawless
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
Cakey Gaming bitch you don't even know my personality. Go back to sucking dick with your mom. Hija de puta Cingada
Cakey Gaming
Cakey Gaming - 7 years ago
Robert L your in middle school correcting strangers and bragging about how your going to college after 10th grade. And no one cares that your smart. Your personality is trash.
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
WolfieKate fun thanks i actually love being called a nerd. Currently I am taking high school classes at a middle school level. Meaning I will graduate high school at 10th grade and go on to college and university where I will study to become a doctor maybe even a surgeon :) so fuck off. Who's the real retard in this conversation now ?
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
WolfieKate fun its supposed to be you're she commented "your looking for a snail" and your is not the correct word to use it is you're
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
SuperJo she is not ugly and if she were it wouldn't matter cause beauty is on the inside not the outside
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
Arianna Solis she said "your looking for a snail" but it should be you're not your
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
Arianna Solis I meant on her second comment not the first one
Kade Speiser
Kade Speiser - 7 years ago
SuperJo That's a fucking lie you ugly retard!
Kade Speiser
Kade Speiser - 7 years ago
Robert L Who gives a shit you grammar nerd!
SupaYosefu - 7 years ago
panda bear But She Still Ugly
Vanessa Alisson Trolls
Vanessa Alisson Trolls - 7 years ago
Arianna Solis He is talking about the First Reply where it says "Your looking for........"
Arianna Solis
Arianna Solis - 7 years ago
Robert L no it's your. You're is you are.
Robert L
Robert L - 7 years ago
panda bear you're not your
HammyLux - 7 years ago
that is so very sweet of you to say .. and i love your profile pic and name!! i luv panda bears!!!
Daniel and Lucas
Daniel and Lucas - 7 years ago
Your looking for a snail name right and you already have Gary why no SPONGEBOB it's pretty appropriate
Makenna Dasher
Makenna Dasher - 7 years ago
7th comment
HammyLux - 7 years ago
<3 xxxxxxx
Gianna Gruttola
Gianna Gruttola - 7 years ago
Love your makeup
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Makeup on point just like the video :O
Panda 4ever
Panda 4ever - 7 years ago
SuperJo that's really mean everyone's pretty, I don't believe in being mean so please take into consideration about how this makes people feel :) Have a nice Day
Kade Speiser
Kade Speiser - 7 years ago
Myintmoewinlei Cindy I know what's not pretty-YOU!
Kade Speiser
Kade Speiser - 7 years ago
SuperJo Seriously! Your actually copying and pasting all your replies, if you want to see someone really ugly look in the mirror!
Myintmoewinlei Cindy
Myintmoewinlei Cindy - 7 years ago
Do you even know what is pretty?
SupaYosefu - 7 years ago
Gianna Gruttola But She Still Ugly
HammyLux - 7 years ago
awe thank you gianna!<3
Madison Brock
Madison Brock - 7 years ago
Thanks for the update to i really wanted to know
HammyLux - 7 years ago
im so glad that i was finally able to make this video!!!<3 much love!
Toast's Life
Toast's Life - 7 years ago
Love you so much hammy!! You are such an inspiration to me and I love your videos!! Your so amazing I love you!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
HammyLux - 7 years ago
this was such a sweet comment.. i really appreciate it so much and all the love brought a HUGE smile to my face.. so thank you so so much!!!! luv you too! xoxo
Kimmie Weeks
Kimmie Weeks - 7 years ago
I love your videos so much!! I always look forward to when you upload!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
wow.. thank you so much kimma!!! you are very sweet !
- ThisIsNotKatie -
- ThisIsNotKatie - - 7 years ago
Hiii! I don't know what to say just that I love your channel ❤️❤️❤️
HammyLux - 7 years ago
aweee haha that was a very sweet comment... thank you for bringing a smile to my face<3
HeyItGray - 7 years ago
Wow poor fishy I luv u
HammyLux - 7 years ago
luv you too!!
Hamsters and More
Hamsters and More - 7 years ago
Loved it ... would you mind checking out my channel
Hamsters and More
Hamsters and More - 7 years ago
HammyLux thanks so much im such a huge fan!
HammyLux - 7 years ago
i of course will check out your channel<3 thank you!
Madison Brock
Madison Brock - 7 years ago
Love this vid
HammyLux - 7 years ago
thank you so much madison!!!
Bethy_boo_xo x
Bethy_boo_xo x - 7 years ago
Early ❤❤love your videos xx I will definitely have to get some snails xx
HammyLux - 7 years ago
awe thank you so much!!!! <3 much love!
Isabelle Alderson
Isabelle Alderson - 7 years ago
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hi isabella!!!!<3
sofie williams
sofie williams - 7 years ago
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Pink Diy Galaxy
Pink Diy Galaxy - 7 years ago
love ya pam
HammyLux - 7 years ago
love you too!!! xxx
X X - GAMING X X - 7 years ago
First!! Great Vid btw
HammyLux - 7 years ago
awe thank you so much!!!! hugs!
Reagan Sinnott
Reagan Sinnott - 7 years ago
Hi Pam
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hi reagan!!!!! xoxo
Pink Diy Galaxy
Pink Diy Galaxy - 7 years ago
HammyLux - 7 years ago
hi love!!!! xoxo

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