SOLID GOLD HAS A BETTA?! // Unboxing & Adding Plants to My Betta Tank
Betta 8 years ago 141,404 views
▼ LOTS OF INFO ▼ Yes, Solid Gold has a betta fish in addition to all those goldfish! He’s a copper dumbo halfmoon betta purchased from Momo Bettas and his name is Arlo. Follow along as I explain a little bit about him and his tank and add several new Anubias nana plants purchased from Planted Aquariums Central. Fluval Spec Aquarium ► (affiliate link) Pre-Filter Sponge to Modify Outflow ► (affiliate link) How I do Water Changes ► (affiliate link) 2017 Solid Gold Calendars ► FISH DAY FRIDAYS - New videos every Friday! Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ► Credit where credit is due: Music by Joakim Karud Music by Kevin MacLeod (
Fluval Spec Aquarium ► (affiliate link)
Pre-Filter Sponge to Modify Outflow ► (affiliate link)
How I do Water Changes ► (affiliate link)
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Dont wory sis that's okay it don't need a air pump becous it get's ocsegain from the air
My veiltail betta who I named Orion just keeps spitting all his food out! I've had him for about a month and a half and he rarely will eat. I gave him different foods, hoping to find one that works. I gave him tetrafin slow sinking flakes, tetra betta floating betta pellets, API tropical fish food and even shrimp pellets out of desperation. Any help?
10. comment for SOLID GOLD HAS A BETTA?! // Unboxing & Adding Plants to My Betta Tank
Fishless btw
20. comment for SOLID GOLD HAS A BETTA?! // Unboxing & Adding Plants to My Betta Tank
30. comment for SOLID GOLD HAS A BETTA?! // Unboxing & Adding Plants to My Betta Tank
5 gallons? Too big.
4 gallons? Too big.
3 gallons? Too big.
2.5 gallons?! Too big.
what type of fish would you recommend would be the best companion for him. I already have a Marimo for him but i feel like he gets lonely when Im at work all day
50. comment for SOLID GOLD HAS A BETTA?! // Unboxing & Adding Plants to My Betta Tank
And Grim is such a pretty cat - I love cats. :D
where did you put the fish while you were putting the plants in the tank?
just curious. LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair btw
100. comment for SOLID GOLD HAS A BETTA?! // Unboxing & Adding Plants to My Betta Tank
Also loving how your nails, Betta, and cat all match. ❤️
noun: bet-ta with audible pronunciation
Otherwise I dig you.
The algae grow because there are little to no plants in the tank that would absorb the nutrients so theres enough for the algae to grow.
i wanted x1 Ryukin x1 Oranda x1 Ranchu x1 Butterfly Telescope. and some snails.
But i heard with 4 making it full stocked can have difficulty in Ammonia and Nirate and Nitrite. If I keep three in a 55 gallon with snails could I keep another goldfish by itself ? if so what size tank is good for ONE goldfish only
* touch*
* touch*
I found a comparison lol maybe I'm crazy ayy
You can use glass jars, floating logs or more plants, but hiding spots are needed for a healthy life.
smaller. Petite get to about .5" long leaf, micro is about 0.25", here are photo bucket links to petite and micro I own to show
size difference
You may have 1 now but be forewarned-bettas are addictive, you'll likely end up getting more!
The fungus on the wood is caused from sugars leeching out of the wood-the funus is eating it. You can boil the wood for several hours to put a fast forward on the sugar leaching to reduce the fungus.
I'd also strongly suggest getting some wet-dry sandpaper and sanding the wood thoroughly to avoid fin shredding-betta fins are extremely delicate. You can use a panty hose to test driftwood/decor-rub the panty hose of the time and if it snags slightly or full blow rips it will shred betta fins.
I don't really care for PAC plants, they mis-label/id many (i got dwarf sag when i bought narrow leaf pygmy chain sword, and received Echinodorus grisebachii (aka amazon sword-gets 24") when I bought echinodorus parviflorus (a dwarf sword-gets 6"). Not to mention the metal mesh used for ___mat plants is not stainless steel-its not shrimp safe. I buy most of my plants now from forum members on, or an ebay seller that's sadly not selling atm due to damage from the recent hurricane.
Is it just me or do Goldfish lovers always love Bettas and vice Versa!? I love both so much.
one day she will give up goldfish for reefer madness.
Bettas with really large fins, especially rosetails, will have a lot of problems as they get older with being able to reach the top of the tank properly, their large fins will weigh them down and they will tire easily so they need platforms or large-leaved plants to rest on near the surface. Many bettas with large fins will also end up biting their fins off to get the weight off of them.
He is a really gorgeous color and it looks great in your living space c: Its good to see bettas getting well loved!
also I've seen this stuff form even in my river style tank which has a pond pump creating a huge amount of just depends on the wood and how the tank establishes.
But I quit having them cuz many of my Bettas after 1 year or 2 (of doing fine) they were the first to have a problem / disease. And it felt (often) weird cuz I gave them good to great conditions ! (kept them always in a tank and never in a bowl or a frickin jar)
For me (especially when I compare them with other types of fish) they are not as resilient as some people say or like to think or to recommend them for beginners.
If you want a resilient fish that live longer than a Betta and its good even for beginners (to start your new hobby with) ? Go for the Black Ruby Barbs (they look like Tiger Barbs but they are peaceful and doesnt nip the fins like Tiger Barbs.. but make sure you have at least 5 or 6 to keep them busy with each other). They are very hardy, so disease is not usually a problem in a well-maintained aquarium (almost at all)! Also an adult male especially when in breeding mode.. will change his body color into black with some red fins and most of them are gorgeous). Also they are better than even Zebra Danios! (another often recommended beginners fish that can be a true buIIy.. or at least some of them)
If you still want a betta fish just be very careful but keep in mind that they dont live too long and sometimes you can also buy a 1 year old betta from the petshop. (and some of them live only till 3 years or even less). But if you have a betta that is very healthy and fine overall.. just be happy :) You are lucky !
What do you think about putting some shrimp with the betta in a tank of this size?
After I rescued them I always felt good (especially about the ones who I moved in bigger tanks.. cuz some of them were fine in a community tank. #Not2BettasTogheter)