Setting Up TWO New 20-Gallon Betta Grow-Out Tanks - Daily Video Challenge #4
Betta 7 years ago 8,555 views
I set up two of the seven new tanks I got at Petco a few days in my fish room. They're for betta babies to grow out in. They're a little bare but I'll get some plants in there! This is the fourth video in my "Feb Daily Video Challenge", here is a link to the playlist with all of them so far! Instagram: Facebook: Web Store: Teespring:
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50. comment for Setting Up TWO New 20-Gallon Betta Grow-Out Tanks - Daily Video Challenge #4
Fin rot tends to be from a water quality issue.
I'd put a couple of those nifty screw down cable ties around the power strip to make sure it can't fall off. The usual attachment for those power strips is unreliable.
As for the 10gs, I might repurpose them somehow.
She just has a bunch of aquariums and doing everything manually can add up work.