Sick Betta

Just helping out a friend. She takes really good care of her fish but then this betta got sick and would not eat so I offered to help out. She does not neglect her fish he just happened to get sick for some reason we are not sure of yet. There will be an update on this guy, he already seems to be doing better! Treatment video coming out soon! if this works Symptoms: Lethargic Lays on Bottom Not eating Pale in color Having hard time going up for air Attempted Treatment: Aquarium Salt (1 large teaspoon per gallon) Water Conditioner (a little extra the dose) Extremely low water level (1.5 inches so he can breath easier) Soft food with garlic (garlic helps with immune system) Other: the plant is in there so he can have something to look at and entertain himself

Sick Betta sentiment_very_dissatisfied 51

Betta 10 years ago 141,945 views

Just helping out a friend. She takes really good care of her fish but then this betta got sick and would not eat so I offered to help out. She does not neglect her fish he just happened to get sick for some reason we are not sure of yet. There will be an update on this guy, he already seems to be doing better! Treatment video coming out soon! if this works Symptoms: Lethargic Lays on Bottom Not eating Pale in color Having hard time going up for air Attempted Treatment: Aquarium Salt (1 large teaspoon per gallon) Water Conditioner (a little extra the dose) Extremely low water level (1.5 inches so he can breath easier) Soft food with garlic (garlic helps with immune system) Other: the plant is in there so he can have something to look at and entertain himself

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Most popular comments
for Sick Betta

Evan Schlenkerrr
Evan Schlenkerrr - 6 years ago
Nooo, don’t feed him algae wafers !!
anthony Pope
anthony Pope - 6 years ago
where is the filter for it
Got2LoveFish - 6 years ago
anthony Pope At this point water changes were being done almost once a day because a filter would not fit with this treatment process.
Sherri M
Sherri M - 6 years ago
I sometimes wonder when you buy a Betta some last 2 years or more others seem to get sick after 6 months even you do everything right for them to thrive. Might be the breeding or how long been in the store tiny bowl.
Skye Traverse
Skye Traverse - 6 years ago
I understand that this is an old vid but who actually feeds their bettas algae pellets? LOL
Suzanne Vanderspeigel-Saryazdi
Suzanne Vanderspeigel-Saryazdi - 6 years ago
Can someone please help me? My betta isnt moving alot and he hasnt been eating. Can someone please help me?
BiGrA NaWaB - 6 years ago
Can you say the name of the food item which the betta fish takes and send me the image of food on my Gmail
Got2LoveFish - 6 years ago
The food I feed my bettas is Aqueon Color Enhancing Betta Pellets, you can find a picture on google if you google the name.
Fish lovers Hayflinger
Fish lovers Hayflinger - 6 years ago
Help my beta has ick and is really sick
Got2LoveFish - 6 years ago
Fish lovers Hayflinger You can try parasite medication
Shubham Kumar
Shubham Kumar - 6 years ago
If any fish fall I'll, first of all take a bowl and put fresh water in it,after that use "stress free" drop 20 drops of it then add 5-6 drops of "malachite green F" it's an anti fungal drop and then put your fish in that bowl...he will recover soon
Nolan Does Stuff
Nolan Does Stuff - 6 years ago
Anything to help me take care of MY fish?

10. comment for Sick Betta

Nolan Does Stuff
Nolan Does Stuff - 6 years ago
And I think we gave him a nice life.
Got2LoveFish - 6 years ago
Nolan Does Stuff I am sorry, I hope he had a good life!
Destiny Lewallen
Destiny Lewallen - 6 years ago
Mine too
Madi Kanarr
Madi Kanarr - 6 years ago
Garlic? That helps with human sickness not fish sickness. What you need is accutall meds for your fish like a topfin brand. What it looks like it has is ich which if not treated properly would leave to death.
Got2LoveFish - 6 years ago
Madi Kanarr Garlic is a natural anti bacterial. It will be no matter if the bacteria is on a human or a fish, it will still do the same thing.
Mid Mid
Mid Mid - 6 years ago
I Heard giving them little bits of peas can help them and give them a lot of nutrition but I never tried it
Got2LoveFish - 6 years ago
Mid Mid Peas actually have very little nutrition for Betta fish because they eat mostly meat, like bugs. So they need lots of protein. Peas can be good micro nutrients for them though, so they don't need a lot of it.
Sachin Joseph
Sachin Joseph - 6 years ago
Guys my betta fish is sick.........he's really active those days .... After one weeks later she won't eat anything and lay down and she won't swim.... What is the proper treatment of sick betta fish and food routine......
I NEED HELP PLEASE.............
Loretta Drouillard
Loretta Drouillard - 6 years ago
How do you make your betta beard
Rahul G
Rahul G - 6 years ago
There’s no water heater? I’m surprised he’s even alive. Also don’t feed him too much
Seth Bertrand
Seth Bertrand - 6 years ago
Its a sick green you should also add more water
iiUnicorn Boss
iiUnicorn Boss - 6 years ago
Hello! I have a few platys and they are doing well, but one of the platys are fat and the other one is normal and the fat one is chasing the other platy (Same gender). What do I do?
Got2LoveFish - 6 years ago
trasaB As long as they have enough space and can hide if needed they should be fine. They can chase each other a lot if they are stressed for some reason, bad water quality, temp, etc.

20. comment for Sick Betta

Sachin Joseph
Sachin Joseph - 6 years ago
Can I use normal salt I mean cocking salt ?
miasworld1865 gaming
miasworld1865 gaming - 6 years ago
Sachin Joseph don't use cooking salt its bad
Sachin Joseph
Sachin Joseph - 6 years ago
Got2LoveFish my betta not swimming ...... :(
Sachin Joseph
Sachin Joseph - 6 years ago
Got2LoveFish ohh okey.......thanks anyway.......
Got2LoveFish - 6 years ago
Sachin Joseph It is a different chemical composition so it will not have the same effect.
FaZe Reel y
FaZe Reel y - 7 years ago
My beta fish is really scared of the fish bowl moving and he is also really scared of my hand and when it comes close to him he starts going in circles when I put it near the bowl and he never ate for 1 and a half week. What is wrong with him and what do I do?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Sounds like he is stressed in the tank he is in. He probably needs a bigger tank with more hiding places. Once he gets used to you he should come out more but for not he needs to become less stressed so that he will at least eat. Again my recommendation is a bigger tank, at least 2.5 gallons with lots of silk or live plants, 5 gallons would be even better. It does not need to be a glass tank it can be a clear tote if cost is an issue.
Mark Machosky
Mark Machosky - 7 years ago
Thanks for your video wheel of betta fish. My wife and I have a betta fish, her caregiver just changed the water and now our male is dying. His fins look very strange. Do you have an email address I can send you a picture of him too so you can see what you think? We really want to help him he has brought us so much joy.. Thank you
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Mark Machosky Yes, you may email me at
Haku Kun
Haku Kun - 7 years ago
It might've been due to any of the following:
-Old age
-Shitty water condition
-Overfed (seems like he is floating and falling to his side)
G name
G name - 7 years ago
did you just say a "rescue" oh come's a fish the size of your finger....a rescue..oh did you dredge through enemy lines and disguise yourself so you could break in and steal this prisoner of war? LOL stop it just stop it
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
G name Well I did not pay for him, like some other people do when they "rescue" a fish. A life is a life.
Pravin Don
Pravin Don - 7 years ago
My fish is sick it will die
necro easy
necro easy - 7 years ago
Put air in the water get an air pump so it doesn't have to go up at all if it doesn't want to. It will keep the water moving too so it doesn't need to many water changes which will stress the fish out. And make sure you do feed it too much like once a day just a little food. Try not to have to net the little guy that might kill him. Dont put extra anything in the water.
AzureOblivion - 7 years ago
My beta keeps throwing up his food, I feed him the little tiny food pellets and sometimes the flakes and his tank just keeps getting all the black shit on it. My brothers tank never gets dirty and he has a beta too! Can you please tell me a solution for this crap. I don’t want my Dustin to die. He just a nice blue fish. Also he got fat cause my other brother fed him too much when I was gone. He keeps laying at the bottom and he looks bored and unhealthy. What the hell do I do please help me.
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Make sure to do frequent water changes, maybe even every other day when he is sick. You can also try adding aquarium salt to the tank to help add good electrolytes, etc. The black stuff is probably a type of algae. If you have a light on the tank it is probably on too long, I would only turn it on when you are looking at him. It could also be cause by sunlight if he is by a window etc.
OiBoiFam - 7 years ago
Aw poor little guy :( I'm praying for that poor betta
Aux :3
Aux :3 - 7 years ago
My betta looks like that.

30. comment for Sick Betta

Rodan 101
Rodan 101 - 7 years ago
My fish has dropsy or whatever it's called but I'm really scared for him!!!!!!!!
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
RAVENPAW Cat I am sorry, I bet you gave him a good life though
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
RAVENPAW Cat Try using Epsom salt and a pinch of ginger to help the swelling in his abdomen go down. I have videos of me treating dropay that may be able to help you.
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
Please help me! I have a male veil tale betta and he used to be really active, but he started staying at the bottom of his 3 gallon tank so i bought him a 10 gallon and he still lies on the bottom!! i have had him for almost 2 years, in his 10 gallon tank he has hiding places, a heater, a filter, everything he needs. i dont see what the problem is.... but i really need help i love him so much, he is in a quarintine tank where i am trying to feed him, help!
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
He died about 45 minutes ago
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Kortni Brooks I am very sorry, I hate that sometimes they just get sick for like no reason. Sounds like you gave him a great life though!
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Kortni Brooks Make sure there is not to much water movement in the tank that could tire him out. Also check to see if there are any other signs of sickness like spots on the body, fins, or gills, a swollen or skinny belly, etc.
Ninja Sneaks
Ninja Sneaks - 7 years ago
If i am going to feed it garlic how much do i put?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Ninja Sneaks I am so glad he got better!
Ninja Sneaks
Ninja Sneaks - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish em it worked surprisingly my fish now isnt as lethargic as yesterday omg u saved my little bob❤❤
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Ninja Sneaks Just a pinch is good, you can check my video on how to cure internal parasites.
OP Slayer
OP Slayer - 7 years ago
My fish is doing that but has color
Anakaren Hernandez
Anakaren Hernandez - 7 years ago
Of course he's sick you put him in a small vase with barely any water!!!
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Karens Life He was in a five gallon tank with a filter and heater when he got sick. He was unable to come up to get air so his water level has to be this low, and this is not a vase. All of this could be found out by reading other comments just like yours, thanks for your input though...
Funcharles Networksarillana
Funcharles Networksarillana - 7 years ago
I felt sad for him, good luck for curing it.
kinkinham - 7 years ago
My god, my betta just died today from floating issue. It was acute. This morning he had floating issue and I found him dead in the evening. RIP.
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 7 years ago
Have had mine for 2 years now. Chet has recently gotten sick. His body is majorly bent. Cant really see if his belly is bloated cuz he is dark blue. I have taken him out of his 10 gallon tank and put him in a small. 1/2 gallon to recoup. He barely swims and sits on his little plant near the top of his water. When he is off the plant his lower half tends to sink. If he tries to swim he swims in circles. But he can float around just fine. His new tank I have him in has bottle beta water. I wanted to buy bottled water because all the perimeters are in perfect balance. I plan on doing a weekly water change about 10 to 15%. Any idea as to what else to do. Oh I do feed him this round little pellet food. I give him 1 or 2 small ones in the morning and 1 at night.
Jasmin Gracida
Jasmin Gracida - 7 years ago
What do I do ? I have a betta i feed him he doesn't want to eat. He just stays at the bottom of his tank . I have a 2.5tank he was a bright red when we got him his color is fading
Thisguy - 7 years ago
Hi my bata is not moving very much and is barely coming to the top of tank sometimes it look's dead was just wondering what you think I should do Sean your other video of swim Blatter I think Is what its called but I'm not sure if that's what's happening any advice? please help i think he's going to die
Thisguy - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish thanks anyway though
Thisguy - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish no he died today
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Thisguy Is he still eating if you offer him food? If so that is good, normally when a fish stops eating that means they are too sick to recover.
Kristan Collins
Kristan Collins - 7 years ago
Read the description before commenting, and if someone asked or whined about the same thing in the comments, look at the replies and *poof*
Horseloverhear2 - 7 years ago
I feel so sorry for u and ur fish. Hope he is better!❤️
Kristine Tonkin
Kristine Tonkin - 7 years ago
U have no filter
Abi Wurtz
Abi Wurtz - 7 years ago
I think its awesome how u took the fush in and cared 4 it. The world needs more people like u. God bless u. Take care.
Mr Dank™
Mr Dank™ - 7 years ago
yeah he really has some finrot
Jesly Laca
Jesly Laca - 7 years ago
What to do if my betta is sick??..,
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Jesly Laca Depends what they are sick with. I can help more if you tell me what's wrong.
Shanna Brooke
Shanna Brooke - 7 years ago
Mines been alive for 4 years and hes sick hes pale and keeps laying on the bottem tank and wont eat now:/ helppppp
Lina Bottoms
Lina Bottoms - 7 years ago
Shanna Brooke @
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Shanna Brooke I am sorry, I bet you gave him a great life though! Swim in peace.
Shanna Brooke
Shanna Brooke - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish I just checked on him this morning he is swimming to heaven right now:(
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Shanna Brooke That is a very long time! His immune system is probably not as strong as it once was so he can get sick easier. Make sure to keep his water clean and everything. He may just be at the point were he has had a good life and now it is time for him to swim to heaven.
Stella Baumgardner
Stella Baumgardner - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the fish he won't grow or get better if you keep him in a 1 inch of water and NO ROOM to swim

Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Stella Baumgardner He is unable to swim up so he would have drown in more than a couple of inches of water.
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
maybe he wouldnt be sick if you gave him a proper fucking home. a vase is no home for a betta dude thats horrble. dont get fish if you dont know how to care for them
wolfwolftyty - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx highly doubt it
#takea BiteoutofLyme
#takea BiteoutofLyme - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx sure....
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
Brendon Nguyen I'm very sorry for this comment it was my sisters doing not mine
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish I apologize this wasn't my comment it was my sister she was watching YouTube on my tablet I'm very sorry.
Brenguyen - 7 years ago
Watch the video before making an ignorant comment.
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx This fish was in a 4 gallon tank with a heater and filter when he got sick. He was unable to swim to the top to breath, so, I thought I would make sure he did not drown, Betta fish can drown, by allowing the water to be low enough for him to breath. Second this is not a vase it is a 3 gallon container when filled to the top, but then again if it was filled to the top he would have drown because of his swim bladder disorder, real swim bladder disorder, were the swim bladder is unable to make the fish float, he is only able to sink.
Linguini - 7 years ago
Your fish is suffering from fin rot disease. This disease is common and can stick to your tank and kill other fish you buy. I brought home a fish with fin rot (but it wasnt noticeable when i bought him), but i found a cure. I used Bettafix, which helped a bit. The tail will always be that way if you cure it. When the fish dies, i would suggest bleaching the tank and then waiting a week before you buy a new fish.

50. comment for Sick Betta

Bridget cutecatty AJ
Bridget cutecatty AJ - 7 years ago
He actually needs a larger tank with more what for him. He may need space to feel more stress relief. Check that he has velvet. Put a flashlight around his head and if you see golden specks on the gills he might have velvet and will probobly pass away soon. I just lost my fish to velvet and he had symptoms of having trouble breathing and swimming. The gold specks also appeared on him under a flashlight. If your fish doesn't feel better soon I suggest giving him a large space with water and leaving him to pass away alone, or humanly euthanize the poor thing. He might be exhausted and can't die because of instinct.
Jusux Bxhxhxhx
Jusux Bxhxhxhx - 6 years ago
Bridget cutecatty AJ this isn’t his original tank..
profcrater - 7 years ago
This post may be too late to help but here is what I would try. First, get rid of all that 'extra' conditioned water with salt. Buy some of the pre-made betta water from the pet store. It contains no chemicals, salt and is ph-balanced. This is a freshwater fish. Next, the previous owner (?) probably didn't feed it correctly. Try Hikari Bio-gold pellets and see if it helps. It is small and will not bloat the stomach. Do not overfeed and keep your hands clean! If you see any improvement, get this fish into a 2.5 gal tank with some gravel, plants and thermometer to give it some space to swim. Do partial water changes on time and avoid bright lights. I don't use water conditioners with preservatives and only buy betta water for small tanks (I only used water conditioner in my old 56 gallon acrylic tank)
Ekta Singh
Ekta Singh - 7 years ago
why is he in such a small tank and so low water
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
He does not have enough energy to swim to the top of the tank. He is sick so if the water was not so low he would drown, and yes betta fish can drown because they get oxygen from the air with there labyrinth organ.
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 7 years ago
I have a betta fish that has a fin "glued" next to his gill. His other fin is moving freely also next to his gill, is there any way to cure that "glued" fin, because he looks sick when he swims
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
John Nguyen There may be a wound or something that has hurt the fin so he does not want to use it. Check out my video on how to cure an open wound on a fish. This method may be able to help. Aquarium salt or Epsom salt alone might do the trick.
PM Snowraven
PM Snowraven - 7 years ago
A snack container is NOT a tank.
GolemBoss - 7 years ago
PM Snowraven Read the comments. It was only in there because of its ability of not moving properly. If the betta cant swim, it will die. Has to get oxygen from the surface btw.
Wendy Gonzalez
Wendy Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Lygoholic - 7 years ago
Do bettas usually hide? I just got mine Sunday, he hides alot.
Lygoholic - 7 years ago
+Got2LoveFish One more question, sorry, how long can bettas go without eating, I put some food in the tank today, I think he ate one pellet but not the rest (there was 2-3 pieces left. Do I feed him every after 2-3 days? Or something? Thank you for answering.
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
He may just be resting, bettas with there long fins do need to just rest sometimes.
Lygoholic - 7 years ago
+Got2LoveFish Ah got it, also if a betta is at the top of the tank for like 2-3 minutes what does it mean?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
It all depends on the bettas personality, sometimes it just takes a couple days to a week for them to settle into there new home and be more active.
Lygoholic - 7 years ago
But still eats ofc
Glow Bird
Glow Bird - 7 years ago
??? bmx
I'm not sure if my one will die I've had him for +4 years so he's pretty old, but the past 2 days he sits at the bottom of his tank, he can swim normally and will go to his food normally too, but his belly seems to be fading in colour and his fins look like they are stuck together in some segments ;(
Holly-Rose Komene
Holly-Rose Komene - 7 years ago
Is this his normal home? If so this no way to keep any fish. He looks like he's on deaths door to be honest. All he needs is a proper home & proper care. At least a 5 gallon tank, with a filter & heater. Is it cold where you live? If so he's probably freezing to death. Bettas are tropical, meaning they require a stable temperature to thrive. Filters are necessary for the health of any aquatic animal. If he's not dead already, move him to a bigger tank, if you can't afford one yet, get a container or bucket for now. At least 10 litres of water, dechlorinated and do daily 50% water changes. His fins should start to heal up and he will become more active with a small heater to keep the water warm. Make sure when you're doing water changes to match the temp of the clean water with existing water. For this you will need a thermometer. As soon as you can move to a tank with a filter, read up on the nitrogen cycle and the biological filter necessary for good fish keeping.
Cry Baby
Cry Baby - 6 years ago
Did you even watch the video
Hectix Gaming
Hectix Gaming - 6 years ago
Betas prefer still water and cam survive in small enclosures. Educate urself before correcting people.
Bethesda Boy
Bethesda Boy - 6 years ago
I just got a betta. He's in a planted 10 gallon aquarium with an air stone. The plants are new, but I'm sure it will be an awesome home. He is adapting to moving around. He lived in about 2 cups of water. He no longer gulps air. In my opinion, they never should. Air gulping is due to unoxygenated water. I'm no expert, but unoxygenated water is dangerous. You start colonizing anaerobic bacteria and your water is toxic.
Sydney Gray
Sydney Gray - 7 years ago
It’s a quarantine tank so it’s supposed to be small so the infection doesn’t stay in his larger tank
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
if you paid attention this is a quarintine tamk, to help him get better, its supposed to be smaller.
Bug Girl 101
Bug Girl 101 - 7 years ago
Similar Rose to many watter changes can kill them
Linguini - 7 years ago
Its at least a 2.5 gallon tank
GolemBoss - 7 years ago
ItsxHammer And thats the reason to hurt an animal? Should have taken better care but i guess you upgraded its life from the fair.
UAV - 7 years ago
david dior well I didn't even want the fish, my daughter won it from a fair.
david dior
david dior - 7 years ago
ItsxHammer then u must be doing something right if ur betta lived that long
GolemBoss - 7 years ago
ItsxHammer Thats torture really....
UAV - 7 years ago
Similar Rose mine has lived in a fish bowl for 3.5 years
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
He was in a 4.5 gallon tank with a filter and heater. He was only put in this tank with such little water because he got swim bladder disorder and so was not able to swim to the top of the tank. If he was in deeper water he would drown because he would not be able to get to the surface to get air.
The Betta Obsessor
The Betta Obsessor - 7 years ago
Poor guy! I'm so happy you helped him, he definitely looked sick and was in need of proper help.
Raye Lesser
Raye Lesser - 6 years ago
The Betta Obsessor
jacqueline Goldsmith
jacqueline Goldsmith - 7 years ago
hi i think you all do your best but these dear little fish do not live very long so you all doing well
Circus Baby
Circus Baby - 7 years ago
Bless you❤
Robloxian Tube
Robloxian Tube - 7 years ago
I'm so sad mine does like that
Sage - 7 years ago
I bought a rescue betta today. He was just laying on his side nearly dead and his water was filthy.
He's breathing but he's not swimming around. I was considering feeding him peas and an epsom salt bath?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Sage that may be a good good idea to do the Epsom salt bath but he would probably need fish food so that he can get the protons that he needs to recover.
Gavin Shannon
Gavin Shannon - 7 years ago
betta fix then epsom salt bath helps
XxEmxlyxX - 7 years ago
you need at least a 2.5 gallon tank
marion polanco
marion polanco - 7 years ago
Stacy Jae how is the fish now?
Camerina Gutierrez
Camerina Gutierrez - 8 years ago
I have three Betta fish and they all have a three tiered thing where they cannot see each other but they are in the same water but different tanks and one of my fish named Paris he is perfectly fine he's active and swimming and the other two which are London and France a male and female are both acting up symptoms like laying at the bottom one of the mouth's is open they are not eating they are not swimming they are not being active they just sit and look around and that's it basically I don't know what they have
Caitlin Langohr
Caitlin Langohr - 7 years ago
Celeste Gutierrez i bet they have swim bladder disease. Why don't u go to a reputable aquarium forum and ask the experts.
Love Goldens
Love Goldens - 8 years ago
Me new betta is acting as bit like that and I'm not sure what's wrong. It looks like it struggles to swim and if it stops moving, it sinks to the bottom of the tank.

I bought the fish online, which cost me around £30. The heat pack that came with him was freezing cold and it only became warm when I scrunched it up in my hand. It was supposed to be a 40 hour heat pack
Circus Baby
Circus Baby - 7 years ago
angeles anoytes she is SAVING him/her! Calm yourself.
Angelina K
Angelina K - 8 years ago
If your betta is hiding and does not move a lot, most likely it is cold! Get a small heater. It will help your fish to be happier and more active.
Laura Perez
Laura Perez - 8 years ago
i meant headroslin
Laura Perez
Laura Perez - 8 years ago
my betta fish's name is headrolin and it's a boy
AquariumLife - 8 years ago
That bowl is way to small at least a 2,5 gallon tank.
Circus Baby
Circus Baby - 7 years ago
AquaLife&More it was only temporarily! She had to make sure it was not near the old tank because it could have been part of the problem.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
This container is like 3 gallons. I had it so low because the betta was so sick he was not able to easily get breaths of air, so he would have drown if the tank would have been filled up.
J MacWhinnie
J MacWhinnie - 8 years ago
Mine has the same problem but he has cloudy stuff on him. Does he have a fungus disease?
Manueljoastt Santoni
Manueljoastt Santoni - 8 years ago
man plz one aquariun of ten galons plz
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Betta fish do breath air, as well as gouramies. These type of fish can drown and do drown if they get caught in a plant or some how else can't get to the surface of the water to breath.They can get oxygen from the water but not enough. They have a specially adapted organ called the labyrinth organ in which makes it so they have to breath from the air. This is helpful to there wild counter parts because they tend to live in oxygen deprived water and to survive must breath air.
Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards - 8 years ago
Good God, people can be so dumb. Fish don't drown. They get their oxygen from water. They don't breathe air.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
That doesn't help if the fish cant even swim to the top of the water so that he can breath, he would drown.
Mr. Charmander
Mr. Charmander - 8 years ago
Poor fish :(
iAmDeD Sec
iAmDeD Sec - 8 years ago
I just flushed my fish this morning rip jewsepp :(.. cuz I think he had SBD and I didn't notice it early enough so I flushed him so he wouldn't suffe
Deathlikeace335 - 8 years ago
My fish swims up and then floats down and lays on the ground help
FutureXXD - 6 years ago
When i first got my betta, i was silly enough not to buy any water conditioner because i bought my fish at a local store where the betta fishes were living in a overly small spaces and some live in a yellowish water with poop dying. But i went to get this one anyway because it was wagging it's tail like it wanted to be noticed :).
After i bought it i noticed my fish just sat down at the bottom of the new tank looking sad. (I live in Asia hot region so temperature is not the issue). But within few minutes i bought Aquasafe, changed the tank water and mix the solution in it. Within a few minutes, my fish started swimming happily lol.. So i figured, my water conditioned were poor, thank god i acted quickly.
Platypus - 7 years ago
DogsAreLife12 You clearly have no clue about fish keeping so just stfu.
Laura Perez
Laura Perez - 8 years ago
My fish just ate and he spitted his pellets today right now im.going to get esom salt and water conditioner
Laura Perez
Laura Perez - 8 years ago
iTzALLi109 - 8 years ago
Laura Perez
Laura Perez - 8 years ago
Deathlikeace335 im sorry my fish headroslin is still alive but he doesn't do anything he just stays there and swims a little bit
Deathlikeace335 - 8 years ago
My fish died a few days later after the post :(
Laura Perez
Laura Perez - 8 years ago
Deathlikeace335 i can help get a little bit of salt and put salt there were the fish was and it will feel better
iCassidy - 8 years ago
thats really sad, :(
Nicole Solis
Nicole Solis - 8 years ago
I think you need to more water on the tank?
katherinhe blanco
katherinhe blanco - 8 years ago
HI your probably dont remember me but my fish last time had swim bladder disease and you gave me tips but i was late and he died so this year i got a new betta so my dad just cleaned his tank and i checked and i saw he wasn't moving he was in the corner in the top what can i do plz heal i dont want anything to happen again
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
This is just my opinion. but I would have a heater that warms to at least 77 I wouldn't use salt at all
Matt The MiniOn
Matt The MiniOn - 6 years ago
He does it’s temporary. He already said this in a reply to somebody else’s comment
Thiff & Kathy
Thiff & Kathy - 8 years ago
Oh ok thanks
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
meds in some cases should be last resort
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
besides you can treat alot of things with temperature and water changes
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
I see no signs of reason for meds. no fin rot or body issues or ick or a tons of other symptoms that cause the need for meds
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
to much salt will harm him
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
also depending on its age and his living he just may not make it. I would use a cap full of benificial bio water Conditioner heat up to 77 78 79 put more water in bowl and try block off the reflections from the bowl he is in to reduce stress. Than just let him relax in a dimmer much dimmer light.
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
depending what type of water he lived in before you have to try somewhat have a bit of the same
Sandra Rettschlag
Sandra Rettschlag - 8 years ago
whyyou videoing this poor fish
Dian Lawrence
Dian Lawrence - 8 years ago
I have read all the comments below and am very sad for all the sick Bettas out there. I would just like to share that my Betta lives in a 180ltr tank with a mixture of other fish ( guppy. neon, clown loach, pleco, platy ) and is absolutely thriving. my tank also has medium circulation. My Betta is healthy and very active, he has his own little house that he sleeps in and along with the other fish has to grab what he can at feeding time, he is out and swimming about 80% of daylight hours.
piink socks
piink socks - 8 years ago
I've a halfmoon for a week he's a rescue from walmart, and he is sitting at the top of the tank gasping hes lost so much color his finrot is healing but what us happening to him
piink socks
piink socks - 7 years ago
he is! he's is thriving now
Jay’s Aquatic Fishtopia
Jay’s Aquatic Fishtopia - 7 years ago
ғιѕнy just buy some betta color enchanter food and make sure his water is warm and some Espoo salt also feed him bloodworms LIVE food then he will be 100x active then he was when he wasn't sick sorry if this is late hope he's still alive
Vonzell Chavez
Vonzell Chavez - 8 years ago
put more water in his tank
Sam Primm
Sam Primm - 8 years ago
Hi, I got my betta fish he don't move that much he will go to one spot and sit there for a while and I don't think he eats to much what can I do?
Laura Perez
Laura Perez - 8 years ago
Sam Primm same with mine it does that
UPGRADE 27 - 8 years ago
Just give it time
Katie Alexander
Katie Alexander - 8 years ago
so my king Betta fish isn't eating lately and stays at the top of the tank all the time slowly moving around
i have been gone for a week of vacation and my mom has been feeding the fish everyday I told her to do three pellets each day but I don't know if she has done three or not cuz she doesn't remember exactly how much she put in it
I don't have a clue what is going on some people say that you need to give it a pea but I don't know if that is the case
#Savage!! !
#Savage!! ! - 8 years ago
Fin rot*
GamerScan 33
GamerScan 33 - 8 years ago
My fish is laying bottom of his side and doesn't want to eat and I don't know what to do
Above Legit
Above Legit - 8 years ago
yea probly gonna die :|
ed lodzinski
ed lodzinski - 8 years ago
I got my Betta fish about a month ago. I have him in a tank with gravel and a air pump he is has been sitting at the bottom of the tank and not eating for a couple days. I used Betta water and he also has a filter. I cleaned his tank as they told me from the pet shop. Is there anything you can recommend me doing. I have a three year old and we really love this fish. He is a male.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
I would recommend to try aquarium salt if he is still kicking. You could also see if the current was too strong by turning off the air pump and filter to see if he would become active again. I hope he is doing alright still.
gaming channel
gaming channel - 8 years ago
ok me to blue and red
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
WHY CAN'T BETTAS HAVE LONGER LIFE SPAN! There called a good beginner fish. It's not so great for a beginner to have there first fish die in 2 or three years. Sry for my venting but yes it sucks that such a beautiful cool fish only last short time. Even with the best care
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
if you have a betta that is 4 years old that's amazing. not many people realize that a 2 to 3 year old betta is like caring for a senior. you may be able to stress and scramble to care and prolong life a bit. That's why it's important from day one. where you bought it from and hopefully knowing the age of it. Also take tome while choosing one. I had to pass on beautiful ones I res
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
pass on beautiful ones I really wanted for one that was more active and lively.
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
awee. it's sucks big when betta gets sick. you can be doing everything right for it. but reality is life span of them is short. like having a pet rat. knowing what to do can be tough when your already doing everything right.
Ɇmmanuel Đ.
Ɇmmanuel Đ. - 8 years ago
8 months I've had my fish and he hasn't been eating for days and he doesn't swim and act active like he used too, now he just sits in a corner and stays there. Eventually he starts moving around
Kelvin Guerrero
Kelvin Guerrero - 6 years ago
KRZY ANML FRK Thanks, you Crazy Animal Freak!
Kristyna Vickers
Kristyna Vickers - 6 years ago
My daughters fish will not eat or swim the only time he does is if u tap on the tank he sits on the bottom on his side i have a light to warm up the water I'm not sure what is wrong with him I got him last year
PaperTop - 7 years ago
If he is sick just don't feed him,but only feed like one pellet because would you want somebody to feed you food when you are sick.If you do then you are not sick.
Selena Wolf
Selena Wolf - 7 years ago
Try changing the decor around and if that doesn't work then change the food a bit with some peas and protein like freeze dried blood worms. If that doesn't help after a week then do a 90% water change.
Paul Sharp
Paul Sharp - 7 years ago
Melanie Martinez fan Crybaby
Melanie Martinez fan Crybaby - 7 years ago
emmanuel d. mine does that to but he still eats but not a lot sometimes he will eat when he wants to
Magiczombiesgamer Troll
Magiczombiesgamer Troll - 7 years ago
emmanuel d. You only feed it 1nce a day and only as much as it can eat in 30 secs i normally give mine 5-6. If he sits in the corner he might be bored so change the tank a bit
Laura Perez
Laura Perez - 8 years ago
emmanuel d. same with mine it's funny right
Skittlezrock161 - 8 years ago
You shouldn't feed your fish more than once a day, not anymore than he can eat in 30 seconds. (Since he's sick, this rule can't really apply, since he's not actively eating, but still. There should never be an abundance of uneaten food on the bottom).
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
emmanuel d. I found out on my own that mirrors and stressful things like other fish and reflections can cause serious stress to a beta and it may influence the life span
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
Ami Woods if you just got him most fish act like that at first
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
It's acting cold
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
Are you putting the water Conditioner in
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
Ami Woods was it always that color
Ami Woods
Ami Woods - 8 years ago
my fish has his tale bent and is staying at the bottom but is still eating
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Your fish probably is getting over fed, they typically only need 4 pellets a day. The turtle could be stressing him out, you could always try to put a piece of paper between them so they cant see each other to see if that helps. Some times fish get sick and just stop eating randomly though, that is what happened to this betta in the video, and there is nothing that I have found to help. Make sure to keep an eye on any other things that might be a sign of a sickness.
Ɇmmanuel Đ.
Ɇmmanuel Đ. - 8 years ago
+aprildevost1 also I got a pet turtle and put his tiny tank in front of the fish..Could this be why he is not eating?
Ɇmmanuel Đ.
Ɇmmanuel Đ. - 8 years ago
+aprildevost1 also I do feed my fish 2 times a day, 4 pellets, and he still doesn't eat yes I changed his water..but should I start feeding him other treats besides that? I would hate to see this guy die...Everytime a fish dies it just gets me extremely sad lol.
Ɇmmanuel Đ.
Ɇmmanuel Đ. - 8 years ago
+aprildevost1 Thank you so much!
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
a small heater is cheap and clean water is a must with conditioner never put into clorinated water. also small bowls and tiny tanks are bad if it don't eat and food sits your only doing harm. Also so many things can be the cause. changing water with big change in temp. improper decorative stuff,to much light,some bettas will even eat the sand base or small gravel you use. mirrors are cool but can cause stress. also filters and bubblers can cause harm. bettas hate the hard movement and pressure of most. low moving filter is good but they can live fine without bubbler and undergravel filter that comes with most betta tanks. an under gravel filter will only
be negative in a small aquarium. also if you have an all open glass aquarium may be problem as they get stressed from reflection that may happen. Most times figuring out the issue with betta starts from where you bought it and the age it already is. 4 years is a hard issue. Mind you this is only my opinion. when I see my betta wasted some food I watch that and change his water acording. 2 times a day I feed and give 4 Pellets sometimes 5 every so often I will give treats like dried worms.... I have light off longer than having on. and I don't allow reflections to stress it. I block off back of tank bowl.... I use a thermometer when I change water to make sure I'm in range of what it can handle. and ad water Conditioner in the water before I put in in tank. I've also learned that a tall tank is not to good they have to work extra hard to surface for air. like I said this is how I myself have taken care of my bettas for maximum happy life. only my own experience. hope it helped. But sometimes depending on everything you may not be able to do anything to help it.
Ɇmmanuel Đ.
Ɇmmanuel Đ. - 8 years ago
please tell me what to do!
CNJ Blitzball League
CNJ Blitzball League - 8 years ago
my betta stays at the top all the time. Sometimes he even lays on his side at the top. He also wont eat very much
Laura Gonzalez
Laura Gonzalez - 8 years ago
there is his heater? how are you able to do proper water changes? that's crazy smh

100. comment for Sick Betta

blackwood - 8 years ago
My betta fish is acting kind of like that. I don't know why! He hasn't been showing any symptoms of being sick. Can anybody help me? His tail and everything is fine!
Eray Dündar
Eray Dündar - 8 years ago
small water no its a big water ım not speak englısh :(
Eray Dündar
Eray Dündar - 8 years ago
its not sick change the water
EndGearTV - 8 years ago
Why dont u put more water ?
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish my first experience with bettas was rough I was told I could put one of those big eyed black goldfish things with it from Walmart. took less than week and the fish was almost eaten to shit. I had to put it in small bowl with little water just so it could get its food. otherwise it would have starved.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
He passed soon after, and this is the best tank I had to put him into, it was the widest of the ones I had and he was inside were the water temp would stay the same with the house temp.
Laura Gonzalez
Laura Gonzalez - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish I know this is late but instead of putting him in a tall tank he should have been in a wider short tank so he doesn't have to use engery to get air and has space to spread it's fins. plus I don't see a heater and lack of constant temp also isn't healthy. I hope things worked out in the end
EndGearTV - 8 years ago
Oh, interesting.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
If I did, this fish would have died more quickly because he could barely swim as he is and so if the water level was higher he would expend all his energy trying to get to the top to get a breath he would become more sick.
Aspen DeMonaco
Aspen DeMonaco - 8 years ago
I need help my fish I lying vertical and isn't swimming around the other betta in the tank died and he's been this way ever since I took him out right when I found the dead one and put him in half cleaned water so it didn't shock him. I put him back in cleaned water and he isn't doing
Any better I tried giving him some parts of a pea but he won't eat. I gave him a leaf hammock and he's laying on that he doesn't waste his Energy and he won't move from is leaf what do I do
Aspen DeMonaco
Aspen DeMonaco - 8 years ago
+Shane Quek thanks for trying to help but he passed after I tried everything after I posted my comments
Shane Quek
Shane Quek - 8 years ago
Check out Swim Bladder Disease
Apparently, it cannot be cured :(
horsememes - 8 years ago
I have an incredibly strange case with my fish. He started to pale about a month ago and recently got SBD which he did eventually pass but now he's REALLY lethargic and just hangs out at the top of the tank not moving. He's better than before because he's not bent but now it's just color loss and lethargy. I've treated him with a lot of medication so far and I don't know what else to do. He gets a clean tank every two weeks and is taken care of very well. I don't know what happened and I'm really concerned for him. For his position, his face is at the top of the water and his back end hangs diagonally down. I don't know if it's stress or not but there has been a tiny improvement since yesterday when I did start to treat because he's not curled anymore but I'm still worried. Would appreciate a fast response , thanks <3
George Cebrero
George Cebrero - 8 years ago
the same shit happen to me I was buying my stuff at 99 cean store when I was a sick betta and I was feeling sad for him so I had to get him and take care of him he swim fast when he was better
Bug - 8 years ago
My betta is acting the same as yours and he doesnt have color
Jason Tello
Jason Tello - 8 years ago
+The Kattsass my betta is white because it's his natural color
ʜéᴄᴛᴏʀ - 8 years ago
If your Beta has no color that means its not healthy. My dad knows a lot about fish.
Shishtar Shishtar
Shishtar Shishtar - 8 years ago
my betta does not want to eat idk why, he spits the food out when I give it to him, he also just sits in the bottom
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
+Ariana Bubble How long have you had him?
ItzSimple - 8 years ago
I have a red veiltail betta and he is red. But recently he has gotten sick and I am getting that he got velvet... His symptoms are losing his colour(his colour looks like the betta in the vid), lethargic, swims really slow , gold dust on head and fins. I moved him into his hospital bowl which is 2 gallons and i give him daily 20% water change. Also, I am currently treating him with malachite green. Am I doing the right things??
Grace Ahner
Grace Ahner - 8 years ago
id say so, if you think he has velvet the best you can do is research a lot about velvet and treatment options
r - 8 years ago
hey. hopefully ur still active but i need help. fast.
i have a betta fish i've had for i think a year now, he's a dragon scale and he doesn't eat/eats very slowly. he's not picky, i've tried everything (brine shrimp freeze dried, blood worms, pellets, flakes, sinkers, EVERYTHING) he also mopes around and sometimes he spazzes out and swims rapidly and darts around, then goes back down to floating around and staying on the bottom. he doesn't have swim bladder, and theres no visible lumps on him or abnormalities rather than his behavior.
r - 8 years ago
+T Suzuki he's always on again off again sick.
T Suzuki
T Suzuki - 8 years ago
+wilson iero Please do a full water change using a water conditioner containing aloe vera. Please also consider getting him an aquarium that's at least 2.5 gallons with a filter and heater. If that's not possible, you're going to have to do a full water change every other day. A betta's stomach is the size of their eye, so don't overfeed. Hope this helps.
r - 8 years ago
+wilson iero also he's in a bowl with small rocks and no equipment. i know its bad but i change the water quite frequently (i take a scoop out and replace it with clean water, not actually doing a full water change) it has no filter and no heater but its under a heating lamp
Lauren Escamilla
Lauren Escamilla - 8 years ago
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me I just got a really badly abused betta fish I'm not sure what type he is all I know is that he's a male and he's very very very sick once I got him me and my mother who is very skilled in betta fish she used to breed them but he is laying on his side he has SEVERE tail rot and maybe even body rot I know that little pieces from his tail is missing but he does have a big tail but I am very worried about him we've made a clean environment for him and he's currently in a bowl that has the right water for him and temperature he's still eating but I could tell that the people who had him weren't feeding him because once I gave him food he finished it all in 5 minutes and immediately swam to the top to eat I'm currently keeping an eye on him right now because I really don't want him to die because he is so beautiful and he's a very strong fish if there's anything you can suggest I would love to hear it! Thank you :(
T Suzuki
T Suzuki - 8 years ago
+Lauren Escamilla You're welcome. I rescued a betta from Walmart that had white fungus growing on it's head. I changed the water every other day using Start Right. I used double or triple the amount of this conditioner. The betta is still alive and well and no fungus. I moved him into a 3 gallon tank with a filter and heater and change 1/3 of the water every 2 weeks now that the tank is cycled. The bigger the tank, the less often you have to change the water. Water changes are important to the health of your fish because they are basically swimming in their own waste. I hope your fish gets well.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
+Lauren Escamilla You should add some aquarium salt to the tank, 1 teaspoon per gallon. This will help the rotting of the fins to stop and also help the fins to grow back. The aquarium salt also has electrolytes and other good stuff in it which help the fishes over all health and immune system. You can also try feeding him food with garlic in it or soak his food with some garlic cloves, garlic helps to strengthen the immune system as well as get rid of parasites if he may have any.
Lauren Escamilla
Lauren Escamilla - 8 years ago
+T Suzuki Thank you very much I already have stress coat for him but I didn't think about putting aloe Vera in it thanks for the tip c:
T Suzuki
T Suzuki - 8 years ago
+Lauren Escamilla A betta's stomach is the size of his eyeball, so don't overfeed. Keep the water clean and use a water conditioner with aloe vera in it, like Start Right by Jungle. You can get Start Right 8 oz at Walmart for a good price or try Stress Coat. A betta needs an aquarium that is at least 2.5 gallons. If it's in a bowl, change the water every other day, using the aloe water conditioner. Put half a capful in the water before adding the fish. Hope this helps. Thanks for trying to help this fish. Good luck.
Rachel Roberson
Rachel Roberson - 8 years ago
If I send you a picture of my betta could you tell me what's wrong with it? I don't know how to treat him.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Make sure none of the plants or décor in the tank are rubbing on him to cause the scales to fall off or/and an infection to occur. You could try adding aquarium salt, I may have already mentioned this, 1 teaspoon per gallon, this should help whatever it is heal weather it is a wound or fungus, etc.
Rachel Roberson
Rachel Roberson - 8 years ago
Some more scales fell off. Around the top of his head and mouth. I can post a new video id you need to see it. 
Rachel Roberson
Rachel Roberson - 8 years ago
Yes. My video is back on my channel not sure what happened. I got some ick treatment. I think it just made it worse though.
Rachel Roberson
Rachel Roberson - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish please go to my channel to watch the video. I don't know how to send it to you.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
+Rachel Roberson A video may be better, pictures are still good though, it really just depends on what sickness your betta has.
Idk - 8 years ago
so sorry, I think mine just died, i may be giving updates on my channel, I feel you
flame the wolf
flame the wolf - 8 years ago
I think he has ick I can see white spots
Vuidesu - 8 years ago
When you use Aquarium salt, do you still use water conditioner? I don't want to over Medicate my bettas by using both XD so do you know?
Vuidesu - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish thanks so much!! I always add conditioner to keep my bettas safe. I wanted to make sure. Thanks!!
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
+BlackBetta You have to use water conditioner every single time you change the water because it removes chlorine and other chemicals that can harm the betta. The water conditioner is not a medication. The aquarium salt is a natural medication, literally salt, so it does not have to be as precise as the true medications like BettaFix.
KRZY ANML FRK - 9 years ago
why would you ad salt to a fresh water fish
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish guess it depends on type of fish. things like clown loaches salt isn't good for. all I know is if you do proper water change and have big enough space and don't over feed a betta and don't stress it to much with mirrors and agressive tank mates should be enough to prevent disease. ick can be cured with temperature rise and fin rot is rare with proper care. water conditions and fin nipping from other fish can harm a betta. I've always owned bettas. if you get from right supplier and purchase an active healthy one I'm just not understanding why you would need to use salt. I must have been just lucky with what I owned, for each to live til full life expectancy. It now seems luck was on my side I guess and I should and need to pay attention to sickness that is possible. I hope my betta I have now doesn't end up with something that is complicated to care for. I have a male white short fin betta the first one this type I've had. I've noticed already it's different. there is more food waste and it's more aggressive seeming puffed out fins just seeing me walk in the room. any ideas or suggestions for care with this guy I'd appreciate.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Salt actually provides essential nutrients to plants and fish, I use it because I find tap water (with conditioner) cant offer the same benefits.
KRZY ANML FRK - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish guess I'm just used to having a lot of scaleless fish that salt is more harmful than good. but anyway if you care for your betta right you shouldn't have to worry about needing it.
Laura Gonzalez
Laura Gonzalez - 8 years ago
aquarium salt helps heal them
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+aprildevost1 A healthy amount of salt is actually beneficial to most freshwater fish. It is no were near the amount of salt that saltwater fish live in.
KRZY ANML FRK - 9 years ago
bettas usually only get sick if the chlorine is to much. and they need room temp water. most times when you buy a betta from a pet store most of them are not healthy like we expect. choose the right one from beginning. also rescuing already sick betta will thrive the best with minimal care. slime coat..chlorine removal. water alteast 75-24 and hopefully you have a bit of water they were already living in to ad to the tank. most people think there betta is sick cause its not moving much until the ad a mirror in there surroundings then they perk up and come to life.
Kailash Lang
Kailash Lang - 9 years ago
He might ammonia or you have chlorine in the bowl
David B
David B - 9 years ago
People, stop buying bettas if you are going to put them in a vase....
Kristan Collins
Kristan Collins - 7 years ago
The water level is lower because it makes it easier to get more oxygen, it's literally in the description.
Madoka Kaname
Madoka Kaname - 8 years ago
+Madoka Kaname this is Erza Scarlet. i just realized I was signed in on my old account for some reason haha
Madoka Kaname
Madoka Kaname - 8 years ago
+Nolix thought that's what I heard.
I was half a sleep browsing youtube videos and so I kinda tuned in and out throughout the video lol. thanks
Alexcl3 - 8 years ago
+Erza Scarlet that's what she said in the vid, so you're correct
Jennifer Multari
Jennifer Multari - 9 years ago
Hi, my Rose Petal betta, Alpha, is very sick. I got him in June of 2013 and he wasn't in the best shape when I got him. His health improved but suddenly came down with fin rot last September. I changed his water daily (1.5 gal tank) and added AS. His tail started to come back. All of the sudden, the fin rot is back, there's a bulge on his left side (looking at him), he's pale and his right eye is bulging. He's lethargic, won't eat (he's blind and I tweezer feed him daily) and hardly comes up for air. The tank is heated to 80 and there's a filter in the tank. The water is clear and I do partial water changes every other day with full cleaning every 7-10 days. I am using BettaFix as well. I'm at a loss and it pains me to see him suffering. Any ideas?? Help is appreciated.
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Jennifer Multari Are you still using aquarium salt? If not keep using it, you can probably add a little more than you were before, fish can tolerate more salt than you think and it should help him. A little tip for when you are cleaning the filter is to clean it in the water you empty out of the tank. When you clean it with hot water you remove all of the good bacteria, by cleaning it in the tank water the good bacteria stays on the filter as it should, that is what the filter is for. I also recommend large water changes more frequently when you fish is sick but not 100% because like with the filter you want the good bacteria to stay in the tank on the rocks, décor, etc. I don't know if your betta will make it but be sure to keep the good bacteria around and keep using salt. I really hope he pulls through.
Jennifer Multari
Jennifer Multari - 9 years ago
I'll also note that I have not left good in there to pollute the water because I tweezer feed him. I put in a small amount of a vacation feeder to see if he'd eat that since he can't come to the surface. But he won't eat at all. He won't eat blood worms either. He just lays on the bottom like he's dead. ☹️ And I do use a conditioner when changing the water of course. The filter is two weeks old and I rinse it in warm water when I change the water. If I lower the water level, I can't use my heater.
Rin Fernandes
Rin Fernandes - 9 years ago
I have a long fin betta and he is going through this sickness right now. he's had it for over a month now and ive been trying to treat him but nothing seemed to work. i tried to treat the water and even tried giving him the pea treatment but he wont take the peas.
he is sitting in a seperate tank now kind of like yours with a little low water but enough for him to swim.
he swims around a little and eats but most of the time he sits kind of sideways at the bottom of the tank.
he also looks like he has trouble swimming.
ive heard about this garlic treatment and im willing to try it, but how would i prepare the garlic and give it to him?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Medina Chirila To give the garlic to him do what I showed in this video:
Keri Murphy
Keri Murphy - 9 years ago
Hello! I have a male betta and he has nasty fin rot. I treated him for 10 days in a half gallon QT tank with regular water changes, BettaFix, and aquarium salt. His fins grew back and regained all of his color. So after fully cleaning the decorations and gravel in his 5 gallon tank, I put him back in. He was in the tank for less than 3 days and the fin rot came back with a vengeance. His tail is completely stringy and gray and around his face is discolored. I immediately set the QT tank back up with the salt and BettaFix, but I'm extremely worried about him. Are there any medications you recommend?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Keri Murphy I would recommend aquarium salt. You can keep the salt in the tank even when you are not treating a disease. I would use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon all the time but when treating something like fin rot 1 teaspoon per gallon. You will only need to add the salt when you do water changes because the salt says in the water all the time.
Meridion Hutchinson
Meridion Hutchinson - 9 years ago
My female betta is acting exactly like this only I believe her fins are also shredded I have her in a sorority tank I doubt they fought, I think she got in the filter somehow. she probably won't make it but I found the low water very helpful only wish I had seen it an hour eariler.
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 9 years ago
I rescued my betta, she is a veil delta red, and I havent had any problems since but I cant afford a large tank so she's in a 4 gallon bowl and has a larger breathing space as I have left water out but this video is useful as I an help her if she needs it, I may use some of these techniques on my dads male yellow gouramis who fight and all his middle and bottom eaters (not including the plec) have white spot so once again thank you.
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
Anna D Yeah im pretty sure he had swim bladder and the new tank was a drastic change for him
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
Anna D I'm not sure but he died a while back a few hours after i put him in his tank.
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
Tetra Aquariums dont worry a 4 gallon bowl is okay, my fish is struggling to get used to his new 10 gallon tank
MelonSlice - 9 years ago
How do i help my betta fish extremely sick of moss/fungus? Im desperate!!!!!!
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+UltimateMiner 936 Get some aquarium salt, use 1 teaspoon per gallon and only put in more salt if you do a water change, you may also get some medication for a pet store for fungal infections, make sure to only dose as much as the package says to. You can also warm the water of the tank, the fungus might spread quickly but then it will quickly die of if water is heated to about 82F.
Elena Sparrow
Elena Sparrow - 9 years ago
I have two bettas and they are both really sick. One of them floats on the top all of the time. He tries to swim down, but he just floats up again. Also, it seems like some of the scales on the top of his head have rubbed off. The other just lays on the ground on his side, his color is very different, and one of his gills is very puffy. They are both in separate, 1L bowls. I know that they are supposed to be in much larger tanks with some sort of filter, but my parents will not let me get them. I am trying to starve them for a few days. I have tried feeding them both garlic and peas, but they will not eat them. I cleaned both their bowls and lowered the water on the one that lays down, but I barely see him come up. They have been like this for a while and I really want to help them, but I do not know what to do.
jYajaira Viera
jYajaira Viera - 9 years ago
also I wanted to know if I should refuduce the water from his tank the fighting fish
jYajaira Viera
jYajaira Viera - 9 years ago
hi I think that you can help me I have a fighting fish and he is barely doing anything he wont eat he just stays at the bottom of of is tank
Riley Roo
Riley Roo - 9 years ago
my betta has been chiling alot on the ground what should i do??? im really woried about him give me some advice please!!!
TZ - 9 years ago
I have learned a lot about Betas. Ask your Petco rep. They are full of helpful information. There are websites that explain different Beta ailments and treatments too.I lost 2 Betas because no one told me that the water has to be around 78 degrees. When they're cold, they won't eat. Now I have a heater. Mine wasn't being fed enough either. Another lesson learned. I am feeding him a treat of brown worms from Pet Supplies. He acts like a shark when he's offered them. He also eats his Betta Pellets. He refuses dried and frozen worms. He definitely looks better.Thank you all for sharing home remedies for ailments!
Amy Curtis
Amy Curtis - 9 years ago
poor little guy......
Miles Martin
Miles Martin - 9 years ago
my beta fish that i bought a few days ago got swim bladder, so i didnt feed him for two days and he seems better but wont eat any of his pellets or flakes, i've tried both, what should i do?
king Reyes
king Reyes - 9 years ago
Body-fungus, {Betta Fix} will heal that...
Ashley Aguilera
Ashley Aguilera - 6 years ago
king Reyes betta fix??what is that
Lol Ol
Lol Ol - 9 years ago
So we're getting another one this weekend
Lol Ol
Lol Ol - 9 years ago
I got a betta fish from petco but I had a male betta fish but the one I got from petco is a female so I adhere them in separate 5 gallon tanks and she was full red and she died on Tuesday and she was completley white
Amanda11659 - 9 years ago
i just noticed my baby betta fish not swimming around a lot and he stays at the bottom of the tank, i thought he died today because he wasnt moving at all. he still eats his food and i cleaned his tank today but i don't know what else to do
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
He is probably not used to the flow of water so he is more tired than usual trying to swim in the moving water. He should become less tired after a couple of days with the filter.
Amanda11659 - 9 years ago
sorry to bother you again! but i switched him into a new tank and now it has a filter and he's putting his head on it like outside of the water, do you know what would cause this 
Amanda11659 - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish thank you!
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
You are doing the right thing, it sounds like you will probably have to wait and see what will happen. Keep the water clean and warm, it might help to add Epsom salt or aquarium salt, 1\2 per gallon.
SoyKing - 9 years ago
I've recently rescued a Betta from a community tank after the other fish viciously tore his tail fins to ribbons. I've had him treated to avoid infection with medication for a week before I put him into my tank and while he is a happy and healthy little camper now, I was wondering if you have any tips to help him grow back his poor tail.
SoyKing - 9 years ago
oh man, sorry about that. poor little guy
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+SoyKing he actually passed away from whatever he had
SoyKing - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish Thanks for the advice. I gathered they won't be the same but it'll still look better than what he looks like now. I know it's been a year since this was posted but is this little guy ok?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
I would recommend adding 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon. It will help to encourage the fins to grow back. The fins will grow back but never be the same as they were.
Alison Miller
Alison Miller - 9 years ago
Did it work? Did he get better? I know this is from last year, but still need to know results so I can do this or something else.
Caro PerRod
Caro PerRod - 9 years ago

My betta fish has stopped eating. He use to have very vibrant colours, but yesterday, noticed that he was pale in some parts of his body. I made a water change and tried feeding him, but no success. He is also not swimming properly and seems very uncomfortable and sometimes shakes. What should I do?
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf - 9 years ago
use frozen peas with no skin on the part he is constipated or use hydrogen peroxide
Peridot The Gem
Peridot The Gem - 9 years ago
mines doing this for two days wont eat. cant swim right. i feel like he is suffering.
i cant help.
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf - 9 years ago
he might have swim bladder u can use frozen peas with no skin
Branden Jones
Branden Jones - 9 years ago
Mine is doing the same thing but betas do not like shallow water a ten gallon tank is good for them they also don't like current in the water he may be stressed if you add water and put it in a glass vase or tank he or she may start to move more also betas like change in there surroundings or they'll grow restless or may have caught a disease adding aquarium salt adds electrolytes to the water and helps prevent disease
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
They do not live in puddles they live in rice patties. rice patties are shallow but they can be acres and acres wide. The more space the betta has the better.
fishy fishy
fishy fishy - 9 years ago
At least 1 to 2 gallons they say that because betts are normally found in puddles
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
Bettas can live in the tiny cups they come in yes, but it is horrible for them. They have nothing to do but swim in circles in a container that is barely longer than their own self. Bettas are a curious fish that love large tanks, basically the bigger the tank the better, I would say the minimum tank size for a betta would be 2.5 gallons, but if you can always go bigger. Also in the cups they come in or any small tank they are more likely to get sick because of the low water volume and good bacteria and such. That is no way to live, swimming in circles in an environment that can't even support you. My advise to anyone getting a betta is get the biggest tank you can, and a tank that is at least 2.5 gallons. The betta will be happier, healthier, and best of all, live longer!
Aziya Mallory
Aziya Mallory - 9 years ago
My pet store told me I could leave my fish in the cup he came in and live perfectly happy.. They said betas don't need a lot of room.. is that true?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Branden Jones This betta is sick, he is unable to get to the surface of the water very easily, that is why the water level is so low, he is also not eating.
Cherry Choctaw
Cherry Choctaw - 9 years ago
Mine is sick right now =( She lays kind of upright in mid water. She looks a bit bloated too. I've added some water conditioner and will see if it helps. What should I do?
Cherry Choctaw
Cherry Choctaw - 9 years ago
fishy fishy
fishy fishy - 9 years ago
It might have swim bladder feed it a pea
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Cherry Choctaw Is their anything that you can see on him, like white spots, missing scales, etc.? The first and best thing to do when a fish is sick is to do a large water change.
PSN Studios
PSN Studios - 9 years ago
Thank you Got2LoveFish!! Hope the best on all your pets, and your next videos!!!
PSN Studios
PSN Studios - 9 years ago
Got2LoveFish, do you know why my betta's tail ripping?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
That may have been the cause, I am glad he is getting better, their tails can normally heal themselves pretty quickly.
PSN Studios
PSN Studios - 9 years ago
Got2LoveFish, there is no plants or ornaments, and thank you very much for finding a solution. His tail just got better 2 days ago, and no treatment. I think he was nipping his tail
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Guppy Singh If it is actually ripping then it is probably being caught on plants or ornaments within the tank. Silk plants are best for bettas because they wont tear their fins.
Catherine Murphy
Catherine Murphy - 9 years ago
I recommend to help him going to your local pet store and seeing if they have a blue liquid and it will help with the fins very well and he'll be good as new if you get it I don't know what it's called because the name is on the bottle and it's in Chinese or Japanese.
kari carter
kari carter - 9 years ago
I have a lethargic beta fish and i got him from my moms sister she wasnt taking car of him and hes acting weird all of the sudden i had him for about a month or 2 and i just changed is water and now his going to the surface and gasping for air
Gray Wolf Studios
Gray Wolf Studios - 9 years ago
This is exactly the symptoms that Julian is showing (he's a male betta)
Andrew Thai
Andrew Thai - 9 years ago
I just got a betta from pets mart he looks super healthy but he just stays at the bottom of my tank he seems very lethargic I have a 20 gallon tank filtered water and set the heater to 79 degrees he's also the only fish there and I cycled the water too do you think he will get better
Erinn Strauss
Erinn Strauss - 9 years ago
+Andrew Thai what size is your tank?
Andrew Thai
Andrew Thai - 9 years ago
yes i did put water conditioner. thank you for the reply ! 
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Andrew Thai You put in water conditioner, right? And yeah he should get better, it may take a couple days for him to get used to the new tank and everything.
Bobzeda - 9 years ago
Have you tried Epsom Salt Baths?
s a l t i e
s a l t i e - 9 years ago
Thank you
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+PlasmaCat1 Cool He does sound sick, make sure water changes are being done weekly and try and get some anti bacterial medication for the spots.
Betta fish Lovers
Betta fish Lovers - 9 years ago
Hey your like a profesional
Lonnie Lopez
Lonnie Lopez - 9 years ago
I just let it happen
Peridot The Gem
Peridot The Gem - 9 years ago
+Lonnie Lopez did he or she die?
Brenner - 9 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
He had passed away a couple days after the video, he would not eat anything, I believe it was a bacteria infection.
emilhoov06 aj
emilhoov06 aj - 10 years ago
Poor guy :( we're you able to help him?
Gymnastics4eva - 10 years ago
I have a male betta that has some of the same symtoms as this one. I love my betta and I really don't like to see if suffer but I want to make him better. He used to be a nice bright blue but now he is more gray in color. He also is not eating and just floats to the bottom of the tank like he's dead. This has been going on for a long time and I'm really worried. Please help me!!!!
kia p davis
kia p davis - 10 years ago
Gymnastics4eva your betta has a bacterial infection. If your betta is in a bowl do a full water change if he's in a tank do a 70% water change and get tetracycline or ampiciline.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I am not really sure what to suggest.  Do extra water changes make sure everything in the tank is cleaned with hot water and if anything new was put in the tank recently take it out. I really hope he gets better.
Betta life
Betta life - 10 years ago
My betta has a blackish fringe on the end of his fins but I don't know if it is just his colouring or fin rot. The black spot also looks a little battered and torn. Please help!!!
ican flyXD
ican flyXD - 10 years ago
My fish is kinda in the same problem as hers,like he's in the same position as hers in the beginning of the video,he wont eat anymore,and he's pale...i hope i didnt hurt him or anything T^T he's my only friend i have...but im not allowed to buy things can I fix this??
Priscilla Cho
Priscilla Cho - 10 years ago
Hi! So I just got a betta fish and I want to take care of him well but im not sure if I am doing ANYTHING right. I bought a little bowl tank thing at the store, its round and stuff and it came with some rocks and a fake plant. So I put that in and I put kinda warm water in and put the fish in the tank... but then I see later that there is some kind of nitrogen cycle and I have no idea how to do that or if it is mandatory, and I didnt do it. I really want to take good care of the fish but we dont have a whole bunch of money to just buy everything, so im also trying to do it the cheapest way possible. So can you help by asking some question or something? Im not sure. But thank you
Priscilla Cho
Priscilla Cho - 10 years ago
ohhhh okay! thank youu!
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Is it to big for him, you may have to break it up a little, some of the bloodworms are pretty big.
Priscilla Cho
Priscilla Cho - 10 years ago
ohhh... okay! but whenever i drop a bloodworm i see that my betta fish spits it out after chewing it after awhile it's kinda wierd.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Freeze dried blood worms are a great treat for like once or twice a week but they don't contain all the nutrience for a betta so I would suggest getting pellets. And good that you have the conditioner stuff!
Priscilla Cho
Priscilla Cho - 10 years ago
thank you so much! i don't have a water conditioner but i do have this thing i put in the water so it makes tap water safe, so i put that in there and i don't have pellets but freeze dried bloodworms... so yea
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Bettas are very hardy fish and typically do fine when put in smaller tanks without the nitrogen cycle being complete. I would though recommend a bigger tank so the betta has something to do. 2.5 gallon would be great they are $15 and on sale at Petco right now for $13.  You could also use a tub or pretzel or animal cracker container that is large, the big one are normally 3 gallons. As for cheep décor you could go out and find rock and hard wood sticks that your finger nail does not go easily into. To prepare them for use in a fish tank boil them for like 20 minutes and then leave them in a tub of water for about a week changing the water every day or every other day to get all the bad stuff out and off of them.
I would do water changes once a week and always remember to make sure the water temp is the same when transferring a fish from one place to another. Do you have water conditioner? He only needs 3 or 4 pellets a day for food.
Feel free to ask more questions and I will help the best I can.
NightFury26 - 10 years ago
My betta fish is sick.. he has been laying on the floor of his tank taking really shallow quick breaths. wont eat.. i moved him to a new tank just 2 days ago and he was doing fine for a good while but it just happened all of a sudden. i made sure to do everything right i adjusted everything correctly water is conditioned and at 78 degrees and im pretty sure everything was clean. he only occasionally comes to the top to take a breath then immediately sinks back down. ive even had to remove him from tight spaces he got caught in and he didnt even do anything just swam away really slowly and laid back down. i moved him to a hospital tank a bit ago and was super careful about it but now he seems even worse and like the process just sped up.. can you help me please?
NightFury26 - 10 years ago
yeah he ate a pellet just yesterday but now he wont even move so i dont think hell be eating anymore.. but thank you!
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I can try to help but I cant promise anything. Sometimes bettas get sick and we don't know why or how to fix it. Try using Epsom salt or aquarium salt 1 teaspoon per gallon. Is he still eating?
Jesus Angel
Jesus Angel - 10 years ago
Mine was the same but it was stress
mews mettam
mews mettam - 10 years ago
this is exactlly what our fish just died from, i wish i would have researched this sooner  :(
thank you for your info
Ratatat - 10 years ago
Please help!!!
Yesterday I cleaned my male bettas tank and now he is not really eating or moving! He is currently in a 1 gallon tank and when he is better he will be in a much larger tank. What should I do???!!
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Epsom salt or aquarium salt might help, I would do 1 teaspoon per gallon for treatment. if you have an air pump I would also make sure to use that.
Ratatat - 10 years ago
+salmaandmama He is also breathing heavily.
Ratatat - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish I used tap water conditioner, I'm not a hundred percent sure it was the exact same temperature, but if not, perhaps really close. No, there were not any new decor. Should he be treated with epsom salt?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Make sure that you used tap water conditioner first off. And it may have been when you changed the water the water temperature was too different that the fish got shocked. Or if you added any other decorations that may have introduced a harmful chemical into the water, if you did add something I would take it out. I hope he gets better
Supreme gaming
Supreme gaming - 10 years ago
so i just crush up the garlic and put it in the tank
Supreme gaming
Supreme gaming - 10 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I would take a clove of garlic and cut it in half, take a little cup of tank water and put the garlic in it then soak some of the food in the water so it soaks up some of the garlic water and feed the garlic food to the betta. There are also specialized foods for fish that already have garlic in them.
Sonali Mushahary
Sonali Mushahary - 10 years ago
Even I thought it was an acute case of fin rot. But then I found out it's actually this: I'm really worried now.
Ruprekha Mushahary
Ruprekha Mushahary - 10 years ago
Thanks for sharing,  informative.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
thanks for sharing. SIP fishy. I find it interesting that it mostly attacks blue bettas.
Sonali Mushahary
Sonali Mushahary - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish I couldn't save him. I tried my best, giving him 12 hourly baths in salt, methylene blue and antibiotic, and medicating him with acriflavinien. I did a lot of research and found out about the Graphite Disease, which has these symptoms: Tissue death leading to graying. It moves from the fins to the body very fast leading to death within hours. Reasearch is still on and there's no specific cause or effective medication yet. This disease mostly attacks blue bettas. I hope this information is useful to anyone who's dealing with the same.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I have had multiple people ask me about this same thing, I never knew what it was, thanks for sharing this page, and I hope you can try and help your betta now that you know what it is, he probably got it while in the pet store.
Sonali Mushahary
Sonali Mushahary - 10 years ago
So did he make it? I have a blue Betta half-moon. I just got it from a pet store where he was kept with other fishes. He's all alone in a tank now. He doesn't move around much and his blue tail fin has started to gray. I have conditioned the tank water, added some Rid All General Aid (mild bactericide and fungicide) and some rock salt. Please help me! My last blue Betta died when he suddenly turned gray. I'm really worried.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Thanks for this information. It seems that he has a bad case of fin rot, this is caused by bacteria in the water eating at his fins, if you could find an anti bacterial medication for fish then I would defiantly use it. I would also clean the tank with hot water to kill any harmful bacteria and then refill and put your betta back in the normal temperature water, so a 100% water change. If you have any questions on any of this feel free to ask, and I hope this is helpful.
Sonali Mushahary
Sonali Mushahary - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish It's a 3.4 gallon heated tank. He does look a little stressed in his new tank, but this isn't simple discolouration. The dorsal fin has turned gray-black and it's falling off now. Not just at the tips, a section of his fin seems to have fallen off, as though it's burnt. I can't find aquarium/epsom salt in the stores around. I don't use gravel, and now I've even removed the stones and the plants. How do I save him?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
This betta did not make it. I hope your betta wont die, I would not use rock salt though it works defiantly than other salts, it would be better to use Epsom salt or aquarium salt. make sure the gravel is clean, the water is warm enough at 72 or above, and that he is not being stressed out, discoloration is normally a sign of stress, or if it is just at the tips of the fins it could be fin rot. What size tank do you have him in? if it is to small it could stress him out too.
Operation Vlogs
Operation Vlogs - 10 years ago
but not the fin rot
Operation Vlogs
Operation Vlogs - 10 years ago
Mines like that
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I'm sorry ):
Operation Vlogs
Operation Vlogs - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish He died :(
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I hope he gets better. I don't like when bettas get sick ):
MyLadyPrince - 10 years ago
What med do you trust for fungus infection?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Aquarium salt is always good for any infection, for fungal infections I would try a home remedy like garlic, just crush it up and put a little in the tank or soak the food with garlic before feeding it to the fish. And as always make sure the tank gets cleaned.
minersteve522 - 10 years ago
We also tried a drop of something that makes the water warmer
minersteve522 - 10 years ago
My beta fish has not been eating for 2-3 days he's been at the top opening his mouth spitting bubbles every 15 seconds or so. And I'm worried that he might pass away soon please help me!
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Your welcome no problem.
minersteve522 - 10 years ago
i just got back at this and my mom is like say your last words he might be gone by tomorrow, but thanks you so much for responding i appreciate it :)
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
This betta completely stopped eating but he still made it like over a week, you just have got to hope he starts eating again, it sounds like the same thing this betta had, sorry ):
Shaytards Fan
Shaytards Fan - 10 years ago
How much aquarium salt do I use in the tank. If I don't have a teaspoon
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
just do like 4 pinches
Shaytards Fan
Shaytards Fan - 10 years ago
Oh okay thank you but what if I don't have a small spoon I only have big ones
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
a teaspoon is like the same as a small spoon that you eat from
983이지연 - 10 years ago
Please help me please my betta fish is always breathing hard and he keeps floating slowly up and sometimes he hits himself on the rocks I'm really scared and I've been crying because I'm scared to lose my friend please help me
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Your welcome, and Its fine to ask questions, I like to answer, or try and answer them if I can (:
983이지연 - 10 years ago
Thank u so much for helping sorry that I asked a lot of questions
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Make sure it is aquarium salt, and 1 teaspoon per gallon
983이지연 - 10 years ago
Thank u and how many pieces of salt do I add
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Make sure that he is not getting over fed, that could cause bloat, or swim bladder and cause him to rise to the surface without wanting too, he only needs 3 to 4 pellets a day, also make sure the water is clean and maybe even use aquarium salt to help his gill function and add essential electrolytes to the water, it will improve his over all health! I hope this helps (: feel free to ask any questions.
AwesomeFaceStuff - 10 years ago
my betta usally goes to the bottom when it wants to sleep. Mabey yours is just tired?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
He was very sick, he could barly get a breath of air and was barly able to move and was not eating, he pasted away a week after this video because he was so sick
Stacey B
Stacey B - 10 years ago
You're awesome for trying to rescue them! Thanks for caring!
Stefanie Leale
Stefanie Leale - 10 years ago
He seems to have fin rot which is a fungus infection so although the aquarium salt is a good remedy and what you are doing is good he seems in a bad state and needs anit-fungal meds
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
He had fin rot in the past, yes but this is not the problem with him at this time. I had stopped the fin rot, the fins did not grow completely back though, a while back, I rescued him from a bad owner, but this sickness is caused by I do not know what and he was with a very good owner, he just got sick):
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
aaaw, cute of you to help out! one tip for sick fishes, that has sponge or virmin and illnes similiar to this, is to put a heater in the tank on like 80 degrees. the vermins dont like the heat, and then let go of the fish,.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish yeah you are so right! :) glad that this fish is feeling better! He was really beautiful under that illness :)
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish yeah you are so right! :) glad that this fish is feeling better! He was really beautiful under that illness :)
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Good tip, I would have heated his water but the only heater I had is for a 10 gallon so I did not want to put it in like less than a gallon of water, I feel that would be harmful for the fish
2KLEEN123 - 10 years ago
So cool how betta/gourami can breathe air.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Yeah it is good for them in the wild so they can live in bad water but it can also kill them if they get stuck in a plant or something, that happened to one of my friends bettas
Amanda Kehoe
Amanda Kehoe - 10 years ago
Poor little baby <3 I would never want that to happen to my beta
Rebecca Turner
Rebecca Turner - 10 years ago
Sorry to hear that
mulmelon - 10 years ago
My Betta is pineconing and pale in color,what do i do?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
he has dropsy, How I Cured Dropsy try this, he may make it or he may not it depends on what has caused it. use Epsom salt NOT aquarium salt, aquarium salt will make it worse, have heat, and use ginger, a couple taps per gallon
Ty - 10 years ago
There is a betta breeder near me and I talked to him about a betta I like and all his fish just sit on the floor when they are in 2 gallons or even 1 if you put him in a 1/2 gallon he is active so should I have him in a 1/2 gallon instead of a 2.5
Ty - 10 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Yeah do that!
Ty - 10 years ago
Ok when I get him I will defenitly try like a 2 or 3 gallon
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I am not sure, I would try a heater or something first, more plants, something more to look at because they should have more room than less, try and see if it is an entertainment issue or the water is to cold or something like that
reptile kind
reptile kind - 10 years ago
poor fish, i really hope it dosent die. My giant african land snail died recently and i was devestated.
PS: Really well done on your channel, i think its lovely that you care about these beautiful fish
reptile kind
reptile kind - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish brilliant, do u have twitter?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Thanks so much for all of your support and now he is doing much better I am going to post an update today!
Kaneki’s Girl
Kaneki’s Girl - 10 years ago
How is he doing now? You are great and wonderful person for helping the poor guy.

And for those people Shame on them! They don't deserve a fish or any living pets

You get a fish you feed it and clean his water how hard is that???
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Yep that is the right stuff to do! he will get over it really soon
Kaneki’s Girl
Kaneki’s Girl - 10 years ago
oh ok poor thing I can understand my fish has swim bladder :( I saw your video I will change its water then feed him a pea if i cant find a pea then no food for him till he gets better
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I will do a update today and he is doing better, really trying to eat and eating  a little bit, but the owner of this fish is a good fish owner he just happened to be sick, but the first person I rescued him from did not feed or clean his water. This is not a rescue just to help out a friend, but a rescue to try and save him from what ever is wrong with him.
Julia George
Julia George - 10 years ago
What home remedies are you using for his finrot? My betta has finrot, but the store medication doesn't seem to be making a big difference :/
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I aquarium salt, it is not a home remedy but it is all natural so I trust it, I use 1 teaspoon per gallon until the fin rot has stopped and started to grow back and then 1/2 teaspoon per gallon to keep up good health and promote the fins to grow back, but as you can see with him it can take a while for the fins to grow back, or they may never completely grow back, I doubt that his will.
fluttershy shaddix
fluttershy shaddix - 10 years ago
The poor little darling.I'm very glad that you're taking care of him, good job.
Ty - 10 years ago
I hope you can cure him I know you will be able to save him your a fantastic betta owner and I wish you luck :D my betta is doing good I also got a bottom feeder albino catfish in with him they seem to not mind each. Other also what is his name ? Or didn't you come up with one yet
Ty - 10 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Ty - 10 years ago
Thanks I think it's a bit weird but it would help so many bettas get good homes
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
yeah that is a good idea!
Ty - 10 years ago
Ok he was similar to mad eye like laying on the side and hard swimming but I still want to rescue them then sell them to good homes for enough to buy another and just keep saving them
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
dropsy is almost in curable, it depends on how fast you catch it and what it is caused by. That description does not sound like dropsy though, most bettas I see at the pet store are like that, they probably just need a good home and clean water and such, but that is kind of how Mad Eye is acting right now so some of them may actually be very sick.
Ty - 10 years ago
Sure thing and that's a cool name I am for side getting another one or 2 :D also how do we cure dropsy I saw a couple betta at the pet store starting to "wilt" he started to move to his side and I want to know if for future betta because if I can I'll save one
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
That is cool, I just have to sugest getting  another catfish because they are schooling fish, my 2 catfish do great together since it is a small tank. This betta is not actually mine, just a friends that I am trying to help, his name is Mad Eye Moody from Harry Potter because of his messed up eye. I normally just call him Mad Eye or the betta. And thanks for your support, it really helps!
Bettafishylove - 10 years ago
Don't put an air pump in there, he will get more stressed. Just put some fresh water and get a heater. I like the idea of the water height though. Buy an indian almond leaf, trust me it helps.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I have actually really wanted Indian almond leafs they are great but I don't know where to get them locally, I heard that tea bags will have the same effect, but I am not sure, and yeah same thought about air pump, and the low water level is really helping so he does not have to stress to breath!
Hope Hawks
Hope Hawks - 10 years ago
My number is text 3366487279
Hope Hawks
Hope Hawks - 10 years ago
Can you help me pls
Hope Hawks
Hope Hawks - 10 years ago
Text my number is 3366487279
Hope Hawks
Hope Hawks - 10 years ago
Can you help me
Jaiden Bouphavong
Jaiden Bouphavong - 10 years ago
I haven't gotten the aquarium salt yet when you suggested me to but my brothers Betta Rex blew a bubble nest. Does that mean he's very healthy?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
no not really, bubble nests just mean they want to build them and could breed, it really has nothing to do with happiness just that they want to, here is my video on it: Betta Fish Bubble Nest and Info 
NickAnd Dayton
NickAnd Dayton - 10 years ago
I really hope that he will do better soon!!!!!  I don't know any home remedies or medicine to give him I do not know much about betas in that way
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
thanks for the suport
Dannys Fishtanks
Dannys Fishtanks - 10 years ago
Sorry to hear about your Betta, try doing a lot of water changes, and use Aquarium salt! Hope he gets better!
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
thanks and yep that is what I am planning on doing
Crazyhermitcrab - 10 years ago
Maybe he has internal parasites
Leslie Gutierrez
Leslie Gutierrez - 10 years ago
Do not add an air pump because he might get more stressed, which will not help. Kee using aquarium salt. I suggest using Stress Coat to help him with the stress. I wouldn't use garlic since it may take a while to work. I suggest using epsom salt to help eith any digestive problems. Hope that helps :) i hope he gets better ! Oh and a heater would help alot. Keep his temo around 82 please.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I am going to get the water heated, and I may try the Epsom salt too, and yeah I thought the same about the air pump, he is worse today):
Leslie Gutierrez
Leslie Gutierrez - 10 years ago
Do not add an air pump because he might get more stressed, which will not help. Kee using aquarium salt. I suggest using Stress Coat to help him with the stress. I wouldn't use garlic since it may take a while to work. I suggest using epsom salt to help eith any digestive problems. Hope that helps :) i hope he gets better ! Oh and a heater would help alot. Keep his temo around 82 please.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I hope he does too, but I don't know its pretty bad ):
Leslie Gutierrez
Leslie Gutierrez - 10 years ago
Welcome ! I hope he gets better ;/
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
yeah I thought the same thing about the air pump, and I might try the Epsom salt too, and yes I will be heating the water, thanks so much for your reply!
Jared Anderson
Jared Anderson - 10 years ago
Maybe get a heater?
Jared Anderson
Jared Anderson - 10 years ago
U are a great pet owner i wish u luck on this little guy:D
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
thank you so much, means a lot
One With The Betta
One With The Betta - 10 years ago
Poor thing, I hope he gets better. (I don't think he will. My last two fish died in 6 days of getting them and each had those symptoms by day 4. I have searched but haven't found out what it is yet)
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
yeah, he is pretty bad and getting worse, I will do the best I can though

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