Simple & Easy Planted Tank Set up for Betta Fish
Betta 7 years ago 1,047 views
This Planted Aquarium was Set-up for my betta fish. Everything you see in Video was mostly left over Gravel, Substrate & Rocks from my other Aquarium set-ups. The aquarium was also my DIY venture & the finishing on the tank isn't as expected. Tank size for this planted betta fish is approximately 5 gallon or less First step was filling up the tank bottom with stones, these aquarium stones are crushed & no sharp edges which would hurt my Betta fish. Since these aquarium stones are broken they appear to be translucent & the colors are amazing to watch. I had to fill the second layer with gravel for the reason I had only few handful's of Plant Substrate which was left over from my Other Planted Betta Fish Tanks. The plants you see in the Video were also borrowed from other Betta fish tanks. All the plants I chose for this Planted tank require very less CO2 & Plant fertilizers. What you see in the Video is dwarf grass Grass, Amazon Sword, very little Java moss, Anubias on the driftwood & water lily. I'm using sponge filter for the Planted tank. This creates enough agitation at the surface to avoid water clouding & is mild for the betta fish to swim without being pushed around by the water current. I used small piece of driftwood & Anubias attached to it to hide the sponge filter from front view. I had to fishless cycle the Aquarium, It took about 40 days for the plants to grow in the tank. For plant fertilizers I use root tabs & Carbon once a week during water changes. For the size of tank its approximately 5 ml of plant fertilizer both macro & micro nutrients. I'm using a small LED light for lighting & I keep the lights on for 8 to 10 hours a day. Since I have substrate sloping towards the front, the dirt usually ends up at the front. It makes it easier to vacuum the rocks without worrying unlike the gravel or sand getting into the pipe. If you have read this far thank you for reading. Don't forget to Like & Subscribe it would help my channel. Also checkout my other Video's on Betta Fish Website - Facebook Page - Twitter - @AquaKri Cold Funk - Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:
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