Simple & Easy Betta Fish Tank Setup

My silly little betta fish Passion, with his red cherry shrimp and snail tank mates. I think the plant is an anubias nana. Consists of: HOB filter Clip on light Thermometer Ammonia reader Sand substrate Plant (Anubias) Betta fish (Heater)

Simple & Easy Betta Fish Tank Setup sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Betta 13 years ago 52,736 views

My silly little betta fish Passion, with his red cherry shrimp and snail tank mates. I think the plant is an anubias nana. Consists of: HOB filter Clip on light Thermometer Ammonia reader Sand substrate Plant (Anubias) Betta fish (Heater)

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Most popular comments
for Simple & Easy Betta Fish Tank Setup

Bocklos Barcia
Bocklos Barcia - 8 years ago
can I use beach sand??
Jay Mayu
Jay Mayu - 8 years ago
You can but you need to fry it at oven first to kill all bacteria.
CosmeticFanatic - 8 years ago
•YourAverageZombieSlayer • I think there are ways to sanitize the sand but if you don't want to do that, I wouldn't recommend using beach sand
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 9 years ago
That's lots of room for a Betta :)
Renee Sanders
Renee Sanders - 9 years ago
I think betta faces are so cute. It always look like they are pouty.
Lynn Little
Lynn Little - 9 years ago
May I ask how many gallon is that tank?
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+Lynn Little Two gallons, if I'm not mistaken
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 9 years ago
Hey he doesn't look healthy, i think you need to turn up the filter, i mean the water is barley moving, it needs more movement, not lots but more. And is his water 82 degrees Fahrenheit? No movement or very little, he looks sad, something is wrong, maybe its cause its so boring! Change it up some, more plant definitely.
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
Please read up more on Betta fish if you intend to get one. Fast water movement will stress out Betta fish, they live in water puddles/rice fields.
Elpinacate - 9 years ago
nice tank  ,   plants looks  very healthy   ,   but i would put more plants  so the cherry has places to hide  and also  is good idea to reduce the flow of the  filter  ,  bettas like   quiet  waters
BAJA'S REEF - 10 years ago
What filter are you using? Nice setup
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+Sese Cabo It was a cheap no name filter from my local fish shop, but it did the job
Justins Fish Tanks
Justins Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Nice colors on the betta!
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+Justins Fish Tanks Thanks!
kelly hutchins
kelly hutchins - 10 years ago
I know that this video is old but that snail is gettin it lol mine is big and fat and slow
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+kelly hutchins Haha he was really feeling it

10. comment for Simple & Easy Betta Fish Tank Setup

SantaMonicaHelp Assistant
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant - 10 years ago
Really cool. Love the minimal set up. Did you have to "cycle" the tank before putting the animals in there?
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+SantaMonicaHelp Assistant This tank is quite old but I believe I did, and if I remember correctly it's usually necessary to cycle fish tanks? I added filter medium from an already cycled tank, so that helped with the cycling
Christina Odisey
Christina Odisey - 10 years ago
That snail is going to multiply like crazy. Happened to me once already. They make little slime bags with eggs and before you know it you have 100 snail babies crawling around. They keep your glass clean though.
Monterys Velaryon
Monterys Velaryon - 10 years ago
elder gods
Karin Hitora
Karin Hitora - 10 years ago
I love your tank. It isn't over-crowded with unnecessary decor, and I can see it is property filtered in addition to having live plants and a ph detection meter. Good job.
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+Karin Hitora Thanks! Appreciate it
CosmeticFanatic - 10 years ago
Justice - 10 years ago
What kind of betta is that
kaleem syed
kaleem syed - 11 years ago
hey! where did u get tat shrimp frm?
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+kaleem syed Just my local pet fish shop
CosmeticFanatic - 10 years ago
Pet store
Lunden Taylor
Lunden Taylor - 11 years ago
Very awsome tank
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+Lunden Taylor Thanks!
CosmeticFanatic - 10 years ago
tingy tangy
tingy tangy - 11 years ago
Where did you get that shrimp
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+tingy tangy My local pet fish shop
CosmeticFanatic - 10 years ago
Pet store
biel alzina
biel alzina - 11 years ago
I don't recommend putting shrimp with betta fish
CosmeticFanatic - 9 years ago
+biel alzina Looking back, I don't think it was a good idea either; the shrimp seemed stressed around the betta
Brian :) Minecraft and Fun
Brian :) Minecraft and Fun - 11 years ago
How can I buy this tank in the video ? Very nice ;D

20. comment for Simple & Easy Betta Fish Tank Setup

izzy c
izzy c - 11 years ago
what kind of snail/buggy thing is that i love it!
Katie n Jess Calatrava n Aragon
Katie n Jess Calatrava n Aragon - 11 years ago
Will those fish eat little fish?
ThatInsectDude 01
ThatInsectDude 01 - 8 years ago
Katie n Jess Calatrava n Aragon yes
Gab Del Rosario
Gab Del Rosario - 11 years ago
Simple but pretty tank set up! I like it!
Elise miller
Elise miller - 11 years ago
Is that a live plant???i have a plastic one , my Betta doesn't seem to like it
Alex Herko
Alex Herko - 11 years ago
Kite betta
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
I don`t think Passion is silly I like him. Why don`t you get some Neon tetras for your tank they get on fine with Bettas?
SuperTR0pical - 11 years ago
nice tank simplicity is always the best
CICELY DUTY - 11 years ago
Nice! What kind of snail is that?
CosmeticFanatic - 11 years ago
@109367 LOL that's a good point
CosmeticFanatic - 11 years ago
@shanelle450 Hi, I think it's 2 gallons if I remember correctly. The bigger the tank the better. Yay congrats on your new betta! :) Show us a video :P Probably the most important things you'll need are a filter, water conditioner to make your tap water safe, thermometer and finally a heater or fan depending on the temperature of your betta's room. Feel free to ask more questions if you're unsure :)

30. comment for Simple & Easy Betta Fish Tank Setup

109367 - 11 years ago
Mine haven't jumped either but I got a cover because I didn't want stuff falling IN either lol
shanelle450 - 11 years ago
Hey can u tell me how much gallon tank is urs ?? & i have a betta pink and white in color idk how to setup a small good tank for him can u list me what i would need for the tank...
CosmeticFanatic - 11 years ago
Thank you
CosmeticFanatic - 11 years ago
Thank you
CosmeticFanatic - 11 years ago
A few months. You can buy different sizes from your local fish store
CosmeticFanatic - 11 years ago
Local fish shop
CosmeticFanatic - 11 years ago
LOL. Had no problems with my betta jumping but it would be a good idea to get a cover
CosmeticFanatic - 11 years ago
Thank you
thebettafishlove - 11 years ago
Beautiful sand!
SoapSuds - 11 years ago
wow. i personally hate sand substrate but in this case it's cool
Mark Abeja
Mark Abeja - 11 years ago
How long have u had ur anubias for? It's do big
KD Nguyen
KD Nguyen - 11 years ago
can u tell me where u got your sand?
LOL59hahaha - 11 years ago
he's happy :D
109367 - 12 years ago
xD the snail at :53 Wile E. Coyote wishes he could just turn around and go back after he runs off the cliff lol Should prob get a cover since betta have been known to jump out of their tank though
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
@Alexandra Rodriguez I'm not sure but I bought it at a local pet shop especially for fish tanks
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
@rgarcia5221990 Real plants because fake plants are quite sharp and will easily tear your betta's fins. Run the plants across some stockings and if it catches then it's no good
Alexandra Rodriguez
Alexandra Rodriguez - 12 years ago
What kind of sand did you use for your fish tank?
TheManrayer - 12 years ago
amazing finally someone with sense as to not put the wrong animals in the wrong habitat with the wrong fish earned a like!
bweasel95 - 12 years ago
Passion is gorgeous. He was really flaunting his colorful fins .
Spidertetra42 - 12 years ago
sweet tank and betta!

50. comment for Simple & Easy Betta Fish Tank Setup

Pia Majumder
Pia Majumder - 12 years ago
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
Yes, Garry is the perfect name! Thank you very much :) Have both ;)
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
A round $20 for just the tank, maybe more. For the whole tank maybe $70.
KCY15 - 12 years ago
How much was that fish tank?
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
Hi, I'm glad you liked the video :) I bought my light at a local fish shop which I don't think you will know about, but you should be able to find a light like this at any pet shop. Yes it is adjustable; you tighten the screws to fit whatever tank you have :) Hope this helped and good luck!
litelboyblu - 12 years ago
Hi I love the video and had a question I really need a light like yours ! But can you tell me where cause ive been trying to find one like that and please tell me if t is adjustable so I can use it for any tank please respond thanks!
Bannana mann
Bannana mann - 12 years ago
hehe np ;) right when I saw im I thought "garry" ;) btw awesome tank! I want to get a tank like that someday but m more of a reptile guy :D keep up the great work!
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
Andi Genovesi
Andi Genovesi - 12 years ago
Hey! you have a Crawfish? or is it a snail
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
Local fish shop
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
Thank you!
betta dumbo
betta dumbo - 12 years ago
where you get that plants?
betta dumbo
betta dumbo - 12 years ago
best setup :D
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
Haha perfect name! Garry it is
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
Hey there, I'm really not sure about the name of the tank; all the equipment including the tank are local brands so I don't think you would be able to find them. The filter was made for very small tanks so maybe that's why it's not too powerful. However I'm sure your local fish shop will have all the items I used in this video. Thank you very much for the wonderful compliments!! :)
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
Hey I was wondering what it this tank called I love it without the trimming and also your filter is very calm for a power filter what brand is it btw I love your setup very natural and simple yet still very beautiful great work
Bannana mann
Bannana mann - 12 years ago
I would name that snail Garry :)
xStJ4M3Sx - 12 years ago
what kind of tank is this and how many gallons? i like it
SurprizdArv'n - 12 years ago
What's syphon and substrate?
the snakeu loves hobi
the snakeu loves hobi - 12 years ago
tintinonair - 12 years ago
how much did the whole aquarium and the stuff inside it cost?
marioACWW - 12 years ago
Whats the brand name of the light?
fish man
fish man - 12 years ago
it good to see someone looking after thier betta fish properly:) lots of people dont:( but you tank looks awsome bro:D and if its not to much to ask....CHECK OUT MEH CHANNEL:D
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
Most fake plants have sharp edges so it's very easy to tear a betta's fins, if you run the plant across some stockings and it catches then it will scratch your betta. Not advisable I think, hope this helps.
Vicc - 12 years ago
is it okay if i use a fake plant?
Vicc - 12 years ago
Is he a delta tail betta?
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
However bettas will get stressed in constantly moving waters
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
@Ezprite You don't need much else
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
@vincescream Any local fish store or pet shop should sell substrate
vincescream - 12 years ago
where did you buy your substrate?
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
Hahaha, yes
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
I'm not too sure, sorry. Thank you!
CosmeticFanatic - 12 years ago
That is correct. Unless you remove or change your filter, in which case you'd need to cycle your tank again.
lugia492 - 12 years ago
once a tank is cycled, you don't need to cycle it again as long as it's running, correct?
Regan Brooke
Regan Brooke - 12 years ago
make sure you have a good temperature you also need to wait a week before adding fish to let your tank cycle. Next time before you add your fish buy a PF testing kit, it will test the nitrate, nitrite, ph and other important chemicals. Also remember to add your fish to your tank properly DONT just toss them in there add them the right way.
etherealjuliet - 13 years ago
hi my mom bought a betta fish tank that is too small and i need to know if it's a good idea to put the betta in a tank like that please respond
Karolina S
Karolina S - 13 years ago
@Diamondhamster Sorry I mean at 0:24
Karolina S
Karolina S - 13 years ago
LOL! At 2:05 is that a snail in the background?
CosmeticFanatic - 13 years ago
Thank you everyone for the lovely compliments
CosmeticFanatic - 13 years ago
@SuperStrikerdude Type 'syphon definition' into Google, you'll get a better answer.
CosmeticFanatic - 13 years ago
@kolkjoable Hey there, thank you! The smallest HOB (hang on back) filter that I could find, since betta's are easily stressed by moving water. The one in this video has a power of 2W and an output of 300L/h.
Ba Ly
Ba Ly - 13 years ago
Very nice, clean, and simple tank. Thanks man
LakerFan Jackson
LakerFan Jackson - 13 years ago
what's syphon? IM 11 CUT ME SOME SLACK
kolkjoable - 13 years ago
what kind of filter are you using? I'm currently cleaning my betta's 5 gal tank by hand (1/4 change every 4 days, and full change every week thanks to his water getting nasty). I was hoping that a filter might cut some of the frequency in water changes down a tad. (beautiful betta by the way)
sofarfromme - 13 years ago
Very handsome tank and betta.
eyelovemakeup24 - 13 years ago
Where did you get this tank? price?
CosmeticFanatic - 13 years ago
@TheGooseHasit Check out zune0101's answer to your problem, hope it helps.
CosmeticFanatic - 13 years ago
@TheGooseHasit I'm so sorry to hear about your betta. It sounds like you didn't cycle your tank which could take up to a few weeks; you can search it up on Google to learn all about cycling a tank.
CosmeticFanatic - 13 years ago
@EveryoneLuvzBetaFish He did at first but then eventually got bored with them
CosmeticFanatic - 13 years ago
@evrdrandosity Me neither but I guess better safe than sorry

100. comment for Simple & Easy Betta Fish Tank Setup

evrdrandosity - 13 years ago
@lHleat ive had five betta fish and not one has ever jumped out of the tank or even tried. o.0
Sarah Cosman
Sarah Cosman - 13 years ago
@CosmeticFanatic Yes, you can! It looks like a 5g tank, right? Well I'm sure you can go in and ask for a 5g tank lid, or get the measurements and simply go to a hardware store and get a sheet of glass that you could place on top of the tank as a makeshift lid. Make sure that the glass either has holes in it, you can drill them in yourself, or place it slightly off to the side so there's about 1" of space so air can get through, otherwise your fish will suffocate! The temperature seems fine. :)
Microcosmical - 13 years ago
@CosmeticFanatic Yeah, you can buy a cover separately, but I don't know how well it would work because your tank is rimless. Also, the plant is definitely anubias, but I think anubias nana is smaller (I too am not totally certain).
CosmeticFanatic - 13 years ago
@lHleart Thanks for your suggestions. I found this tank in the storage with no lid; do pet shops sell lids alone? Also, the tank temp is usually at 80 and sometimes even climbs to 82 so I thought I could skip on the heater.
Sarah Cosman
Sarah Cosman - 13 years ago
Betta's are known to jump out of their tanks, so I would highly recommend you get a tank lid. I also don't see a heater anywhere in your tank, a heater is a must for tropical fish.

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