Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium - This is the best Betta food on the market (Amazon link). It’s made by Omega One brand. Very high quality stuff. Omega One Betta Buffet: Today I'm putting a couple new beta fish in my ten gallon tank. I will eventually have 6 betta fish in here. All females of course. While BB does hang out in the water column it isn’t really enough to get a strong cycle going. As suggestion prior try with a better seeded media. Or adding a substrate something the B.B. can live in and on. Something it can grow on. That’ll be your money maker. Sponger filters work great for this type of thing! I agree 100% with this. We kick started the cycle in our 55gal cichlid tank by putting a sponge filter on a powerhead and changed the brand new sponge out for one in my already established tank. Cycled within a couple weeks. Honestly it’s how I start all of my new tanks by stealing water from my most established tank and vacuum in a little off the bottom bingo almost instantly cycled. Thanks. I already have a used filter in the canister however it seems to be taking forever for nitrates to raise. You have, I tried to find info online, but the search didn't bring anything up. I didn't know the Kenyi was holding. When I first discovered the fry, they were going in and out of the Zebra's "cave." She was guarding them, and she wouldn't let either Kenyi parent near them. Perhaps it is true - though with baby africans it's quite difficult to identify at such a young age. My baby electric blue haps look the same/very similar to some of my baby OB peacocks. I have a question about sunken belly. I believe one of my fish has it. He is in his own tank by himself. I have metro and also hex shield. He spits his food out. Should I dose the tank with metro? It’s only a 10 gallon. Thanks. ok so i recently got more snails and now i have 3 clutches. one of which is supposed to hatch within the next few days and the other 2 are dated for next week. i dated them all at 2 wks for hatching just to be prepared. What do they look like when they are about to hatch? the first one has changed appearance recently so im wondering if its getting ready to hatch or if the tank is too humid and has drowned the baby snails. also at what size is it safe to sell the babies to the pet store i got the parents from? i cant ship them right now as its too cold and ive never shipped any . another question is what price is the going rate for them? heres pics of the first clutch the others are too hard to get pics of. the first pic was taken on the 7th and the second pic was taken today.

Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 108

Betta 11 years ago 46,855 views - This is the best Betta food on the market (Amazon link). It’s made by Omega One brand. Very high quality stuff. Omega One Betta Buffet: Today I'm putting a couple new beta fish in my ten gallon tank. I will eventually have 6 betta fish in here. All females of course. While BB does hang out in the water column it isn’t really enough to get a strong cycle going. As suggestion prior try with a better seeded media. Or adding a substrate something the B.B. can live in and on. Something it can grow on. That’ll be your money maker. Sponger filters work great for this type of thing! I agree 100% with this. We kick started the cycle in our 55gal cichlid tank by putting a sponge filter on a powerhead and changed the brand new sponge out for one in my already established tank. Cycled within a couple weeks. Honestly it’s how I start all of my new tanks by stealing water from my most established tank and vacuum in a little off the bottom bingo almost instantly cycled. Thanks. I already have a used filter in the canister however it seems to be taking forever for nitrates to raise. You have, I tried to find info online, but the search didn't bring anything up. I didn't know the Kenyi was holding. When I first discovered the fry, they were going in and out of the Zebra's "cave." She was guarding them, and she wouldn't let either Kenyi parent near them. Perhaps it is true - though with baby africans it's quite difficult to identify at such a young age. My baby electric blue haps look the same/very similar to some of my baby OB peacocks. I have a question about sunken belly. I believe one of my fish has it. He is in his own tank by himself. I have metro and also hex shield. He spits his food out. Should I dose the tank with metro? It’s only a 10 gallon. Thanks. ok so i recently got more snails and now i have 3 clutches. one of which is supposed to hatch within the next few days and the other 2 are dated for next week. i dated them all at 2 wks for hatching just to be prepared. What do they look like when they are about to hatch? the first one has changed appearance recently so im wondering if its getting ready to hatch or if the tank is too humid and has drowned the baby snails. also at what size is it safe to sell the babies to the pet store i got the parents from? i cant ship them right now as its too cold and ive never shipped any . another question is what price is the going rate for them? heres pics of the first clutch the others are too hard to get pics of. the first pic was taken on the 7th and the second pic was taken today.

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Most popular comments
for Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium

Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
So many things wrong with this, these fish need so much more cover if you are going to keep them together successfully, there is nothing to break up their line of sight. I would also never do a Betta sorority in anything less than a 15 gal, preferably a 20.
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
You need alot of plants for multiple bettas so they feel more safe and less vulnerable.
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
That's pretty packed. I'd say 2-3 females for a 10 gallon. You also need to acclimate the fish to the tank, it's not just about the temperature it's also about the stuff in the water that can stress the fish slot, that's why you normally add some tank water to the container and remove the old water slowly.
Itis Me
Itis Me - 7 years ago
You're an idiot
Andy Kinder
Andy Kinder - 7 years ago
You're treating those fish like dog shit. Research the facts on caring for bettas.
Bryan Lor
Bryan Lor - 8 years ago
Also I don't think he even put the jar in the water so that they can get used to EACHOTHER !!
Bryan Lor
Bryan Lor - 8 years ago
1:40 why would you tap the jar with the net ? It's already stressed enough , you are making it more stress
Roxanne H
Roxanne H - 8 years ago
Did anyone else notice the one female is already stressing and chasing the other female? Pretty sure there shouldn't be anymore added and the two need to be separated. Also, did not acclimate the fish properly. This tank is clearly stressed. Too many betas in a small area. I hope these girls have been thinned out by now. Nice clean tank BTW : )
emz saturdays
emz saturdays - 8 years ago
Okay, dude. You should be old enough to know that 10 gallons if only enough for 2 betas. 3, if yo really want to cram them in there.
Marcella Moret
Marcella Moret - 7 years ago
emz saturdays can I put 3 betta fish in a 10gallon??

10. comment for Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium

Mya8D - 8 years ago
10 gallons is only enough for 2 fish
Plain Vids
Plain Vids - 8 years ago
2.5 gallons per betta

I'd say 5 at the most
Lz JB - 8 years ago
someone take this guys fish and tell him to stop. you are wrong about almost everything.

 P.s betas dont eat every day.
Emma Eldridge
Emma Eldridge - 8 years ago
Your tank isn't well planted enough for a sorority, you're going to get way too much chasing for those girls to be happy.
Delete Paul
Delete Paul - 8 years ago
Dont do that
Azurda Azurda
Azurda Azurda - 8 years ago
So can u have females Bettas without fighting
Bethany Ward
Bethany Ward - 8 years ago
Kind of depends. Bettas have very individualistic personalities, so sororities are always risky. You generally need to add all members at the same time so none of them feel like the others are invading their territory, you really shouldn't have them in anything smaller than a heavily planted or decorated 20 gallon tall (the plants help breakup line of sight which reduces aggression,) and keep them in groups of no less than 5 to prevent any single fish from becoming too dominant. Even if you do all that, though, there's no guarantee it'll work.
Emma Eldridge
Emma Eldridge - 8 years ago
+Noah “SiEw x FaZeD” Morgan Technically, yes. But a 10 gallon is the MINIMUM size for a sorority, you can't just keep two or three together because they will fight in smaller numbers, you need at least 5. Plus, some females will still just be too aggressive and you may have to return her. Also, the tank needs to have multiple hides, and plenty of real or fake plants to hide in.
Jimbo Jack
Jimbo Jack - 8 years ago
can i put 3 of them in a 3 gallion
Emma Eldridge
Emma Eldridge - 8 years ago
+Jimbo Jack Nope, a single male you can though. A 10 gallon is the minimum size for multiple females, and you need at least 5, if you only have 3 they'll still fight just like males in most cases.
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
+Jimbo Jack No. A single male you could do, but it won't be as healthy as it would in a 5 gallon plus.
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 9 years ago
you are giving bad information. You should not dump fish straight in without acclimatising them to the water. Sudden changes are not good for any fish. I do like your tank but you need to be careful. as others have said you need to watch the stress in your fish as it will kill or shorten their lives.
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
+Jasp0r I guess it does, the last fish I got I slowly added tank water to the bag, when fish are stressed out really bad they can get ick well that's what I've been told any ways. So far everything is good though BTW really like your tank.
roup - 8 years ago
+Kelly Suzanne Yeah but it causes really great stress to fish
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
I always put my wish in strait away unless they aren't a hardy fish, never had a problem yet
John lintag
John lintag - 9 years ago
In boxing I am getting a betta fish so so sooooooo excited
SoulStealer - 9 years ago
A ten gallon seems a little small for all of those bettas... And I don't see a heater on the tank. Unless the room they are in is well heated they need one. I hope you keep a close eye on those bettas because all those pretty girls do have stress stripes and their colors seem a little faded, most likely due to the aggression. I know sororities often have a bit of aggression which is why it is so important to make sure the tank is the right temperature, that the water is nice and clean (without a filter or live plants that means plenty of water changes!) The plants at the top and the rocks are a good start but you need more hides in the tank. preferably about one for each betta.
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
SoulStealer this guy has no filter, and no heater, and way too many fish for one tank. I'd recommend 2-3 female bettas for a 10g I have 2 bettas in my 10g with a heater and filter
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 9 years ago
+RakuraMetalhead the heaters on the top left corner, the plant is hiding it
Mckenzie Lawson
Mckenzie Lawson - 9 years ago
you not spose stick in bettas togorther
MaxiiBoii - 8 years ago
Only females can, but with males they'll fight to the death.

20. comment for Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium

Joy Marie
Joy Marie - 9 years ago
It looks like your bettas have stress stripes. ): While sorority tanks are possible, you should have a lot more plants in there so that they can hide from each other otherwise there's a big possibility of it going bad.
Jonathan Killinger
Jonathan Killinger - 9 years ago
I feed my betta cucumber's and he really lives then also brine shrimp and blood worms and sometimes pellets and he is very healthy and loves his home
Tigerfur - 7 years ago
Jack smith I know this was a year ago, but if you're talking about putting guppies as tank mates, you're putting your little guppies in a dungeon with unknown booby traps. Betta fish will eat anything that fits in their mouths.
savannah montano
savannah montano - 9 years ago
Thanks Jack, I have my fish now :) 
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
Or about 3 guppies. you can also have shrimps and snails. But a male betta would be happy in a tank your size
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
Only one, Either a male or a female as 15L is only 3.9 gallons. You cant have multiple female bettas because the agression will build up too much and the will attack/bully each other. Also make sure you cycle your tank and it has a heater :)
savannah montano
savannah montano - 9 years ago
+ahmed the best of all Okay thanks 
Roar of Darkness
Roar of Darkness - 9 years ago
+Grande1899 depends just add one at a time and wait a week to see if it is crowded or every fish has good space to swim
savannah montano
savannah montano - 9 years ago
Do you know how many fish can go in a 15 litre tank? Thanks xx
msh - 9 years ago
wait so did you introduce all 6 betas at the same time? is this usually possible?
LiveOn Studios
LiveOn Studios - 9 years ago
Yes for females, for males that's a different story
Russia CCCP
Russia CCCP - 10 years ago
Extremely healthy? You do see the aggression, right?
Roberto River
Roberto River - 9 years ago
can you shutup jit
holstfly1 - 9 years ago
Huh that makes a bunch of sense. 
JackalDaWolf - 9 years ago
Betta females usually have some aggression towards each other. It's like a wolf pack, one is always the alpha and one is always the omega. Also, it isn't uncommon for female bettas to fight for the first few weeks of being placed together while they determine their positions in their heirarchy and who will be the leader. Although, I do disagree with him placing another betta in there with other bettas who have already been there longer as it will mess up the heirarchy and fighting will start up again as they reposition themselves.
It'sBoi - 9 years ago
Yea, what's wrong with you Jacob...
holstfly1 - 9 years ago
I'm a starter to fish dude, man no one can ask a normal freaking question here they'll go nuts trying to make you feel like an idiot.... Shame.
Russia CCCP
Russia CCCP - 9 years ago
holstfly1 - 9 years ago
How can you tell?
AES Reptiles
AES Reptiles - 10 years ago
Have recently been getting really into betta fish and I love them! they each have their own personalities
Bill Wolverton
Bill Wolverton - 10 years ago
You got a nice looking 10 gallon tank. I bought a 10 gallon tank from Walmart a few months ago and right now all I have are two angelfishes and a female guppy. I recently had to Gold fish which I got rid of and may get a couple of more goldfish later. I would also like to get a few more guppies as well. I just posted a
video of my 10 gallon tank on YouTube. I might consider placing a black colored background for the tank.
Have fun with your fish!
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+Bill Wolverton Um. Goldfish can't live in 10 gallon tanks, the minimum for goldfish is 29 gallons. Also, that is too small for angelfish too.
Matthew M
Matthew M - 10 years ago
+Riley Bradford not to mention gold fish create lots of ammonia and also grow huge, all goldfish experts will disapprove 10 gallons for a goldfish for its whole life
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
Umm... Angels get to big for a 10gal, so do go
Goldfish, not mention goldfish are not tropical fish and should not be housed with tropicals
charlottesmom - 10 years ago
Didn't hear, do you have a heater? If not you NEED one, rocks on the bottom would give the tank a more finished look.
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
+steve “THIEFN” thurn Look up proper Betta life spans, they should live 6-7 years...
charlottesmom - 9 years ago
Steve, probably depends on where you live too, we are up north and it gets really cold in the room my fish are in. In the south or other warm climates where the water in the tank stays above 76 or so they should be fine, they may not thrive as they are tropical fish but they will live....
Vince Townsend
Vince Townsend - 9 years ago
+charlottesmom i dont use heaters. i had 2 bettas live over 3 years both never had a heater in the tanks they were in..
charlottesmom - 10 years ago
Nice, but put in more live plants.
Tom Ronan
Tom Ronan - 10 years ago
Iduz, the floating plant is
Just a regular plastic plant, with the base taken off- If there
Is any pet store in your country,
They will sell this
Izuk Floridetei
Izuk Floridetei - 10 years ago
Hi, Chris! Thanks for the videos on bettas, they're very helpfull for me and my little budy Weasley - a red betta veiltail male. I love that surface plant and I know that my betta will love it too but I couldn't find a similar one in my country, could you please tell me the name of this plant or maybe share a link for it? Thanks again! :) You're doing a great job!

30. comment for Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium

akalegs - 11 years ago
I have several female bettas. Nice to see someone who also likes them. Take a look at mine in a community tank.
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
I have had bad luck too with them. I've learned its all about water clarity and what you feed them.
Spidertetra42 - 11 years ago
sweet comunnity tank! i tryed this once but in a 5 gal it didnt end very well lol

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