Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium
Betta 11 years ago 46,855 views - This is the best Betta food on the market (Amazon link). It’s made by Omega One brand. Very high quality stuff. Omega One Betta Buffet: Today I'm putting a couple new beta fish in my ten gallon tank. I will eventually have 6 betta fish in here. All females of course. While BB does hang out in the water column it isn’t really enough to get a strong cycle going. As suggestion prior try with a better seeded media. Or adding a substrate something the B.B. can live in and on. Something it can grow on. That’ll be your money maker. Sponger filters work great for this type of thing! I agree 100% with this. We kick started the cycle in our 55gal cichlid tank by putting a sponge filter on a powerhead and changed the brand new sponge out for one in my already established tank. Cycled within a couple weeks. Honestly it’s how I start all of my new tanks by stealing water from my most established tank and vacuum in a little off the bottom bingo almost instantly cycled. Thanks. I already have a used filter in the canister however it seems to be taking forever for nitrates to raise. You have, I tried to find info online, but the search didn't bring anything up. I didn't know the Kenyi was holding. When I first discovered the fry, they were going in and out of the Zebra's "cave." She was guarding them, and she wouldn't let either Kenyi parent near them. Perhaps it is true - though with baby africans it's quite difficult to identify at such a young age. My baby electric blue haps look the same/very similar to some of my baby OB peacocks. I have a question about sunken belly. I believe one of my fish has it. He is in his own tank by himself. I have metro and also hex shield. He spits his food out. Should I dose the tank with metro? It’s only a 10 gallon. Thanks. ok so i recently got more snails and now i have 3 clutches. one of which is supposed to hatch within the next few days and the other 2 are dated for next week. i dated them all at 2 wks for hatching just to be prepared. What do they look like when they are about to hatch? the first one has changed appearance recently so im wondering if its getting ready to hatch or if the tank is too humid and has drowned the baby snails. also at what size is it safe to sell the babies to the pet store i got the parents from? i cant ship them right now as its too cold and ive never shipped any . another question is what price is the going rate for them? heres pics of the first clutch the others are too hard to get pics of. the first pic was taken on the 7th and the second pic was taken today.
10. comment for Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium
I'd say 5 at the most
P.s betas dont eat every day.
20. comment for Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium
video of my 10 gallon tank on YouTube. I might consider placing a black colored background for the tank.
Have fun with your fish!
Goldfish, not mention goldfish are not tropical fish and should not be housed with tropicals
Just a regular plastic plant, with the base taken off- If there
Is any pet store in your country,
They will sell this
30. comment for Six Betta Fish in my 10 Gallon Aquarium