Sorority Tank- Female bettas!

FAQs: 31 Female Bettas in a 20 Gallon Tank. Yes, we bent the rules because we're good on conditioning the ladies to live together in peace. We isolate the aggressive ones in our other tanks. That's how we did it.

Sorority Tank- Female bettas! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 49

Betta 10 years ago 88,513 views

FAQs: 31 Female Bettas in a 20 Gallon Tank. Yes, we bent the rules because we're good on conditioning the ladies to live together in peace. We isolate the aggressive ones in our other tanks. That's how we did it.

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Most popular comments
for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!

Devon Porter
Devon Porter - 7 years ago
For everyone saying overpopulated.. the fish look great, obviously there isn't a territorial issue going on. They have a much better environment now than the cups the were sold in.

Fish look great! Keep saving those bettas! <3
Katelin Ussery
Katelin Ussery - 7 years ago
thats cool, and they are all getting along, looks overstalked tho
MC Er'thang
MC Er'thang - 7 years ago
Goals AF. But instead I'm planning to start one with giant females bettas
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl - 7 years ago
Nice tank n new sub!!
Hillary Pena
Hillary Pena - 7 years ago
This is overcrowding! !!!!!! Barely enough space. It's like adding 5 females in a small bowl
babykitty xo
babykitty xo - 7 years ago
Shame me if it's wrong but I cannot get over how beautiful they all are
João Gonçalves
João Gonçalves - 7 years ago
Wow really nice. Stunning fish! Great setup. Do you think someone could get away with an heavy planted aquarium with lots of driftwood instead of having that lump in the middle?
Spookan Chips
Spookan Chips - 7 years ago
I mean, you should shoot for a larger tank, but that's awesome that those ladies are living together. They're really cute.
aaron123456 - 7 years ago
The fish don't seem stressed so as long as you keep the water quality good then this is a great tank(:

10. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!

ned gronow
ned gronow - 7 years ago
natalie r that was a joke i keep my male betta in a 40 gal with neon tetras, ember tetras, corys, kuhli loach and cherry shrimp
Abigail Gagea
Abigail Gagea - 7 years ago
They're so beautiful!!! I wish I could order one from you. Petsmart/ Petco have mostly veiltails (although I did get lucky one time when an order just came in and I got a cambodian halfmoon female) But still they're SOOOOOOOOOOOO pretty!
AqUa WorLd VrK
AqUa WorLd VrK - 7 years ago
Water Network
Water Network - 7 years ago
Please check out my sorority tank would love feedback
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 7 years ago
U need way more plants and maybe even get another tank and put some of the betta fish from that tank in there cause that is over stock.
Mill F
Mill F - 7 years ago
love watching this
AM3 HCK&EDT - 7 years ago
Debbie Clayton
Debbie Clayton - 7 years ago
I am curious as to how this sorority worked long term. Are all of the bettas from the same spawn?
Steven Plays
Steven Plays - 7 years ago
I'm stunned on the way that you managed to keep all those females to be calm with each other and how beautiful they are! But just one thing (I'm not trying to be rude) maybe get a bigger tank.... but overall I love everything about the sorority!!
AA reptiles
AA reptiles - 7 years ago
this tank is awsome it gaze me some great ideas for my sorority tank

20. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!

Raikiri Furude Tachibana
Raikiri Furude Tachibana - 7 years ago
How is this even possible..........
Speedmodz Speedmodz
Speedmodz Speedmodz - 7 years ago
I have those exact same half moon red ones
MrWilliamsmovies - 7 years ago
Wow! So many girls! They're beautiful!
BettaFish 2017
BettaFish 2017 - 7 years ago
Zero aggression amongst these females. awesome. This is the kind of sorority tank i want to have some day.
Thauriq Azfa Syiraz
Thauriq Azfa Syiraz - 7 years ago
David Guye
David Guye - 7 years ago
im getting a 75 gallon do i jeep more than one betta in there?
kroakie4 - 7 years ago
I know that betas can be kept in small spaces, but you've really got a few too many in that tank for all of them to be happy. They love to move around and do appreciate ample room to swim.
dan kachiros
dan kachiros - 7 years ago
verey interesting
Lugh On The Loo
Lugh On The Loo - 8 years ago
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!! all those colors! do you still have it?

30. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!

teaxstains - 8 years ago
Oh I've kept these before when I was 7. They were my 1st pets - a sorority betta tank
Emily L
Emily L - 8 years ago
Can you say.... overstocked
Reptile Nexus
Reptile Nexus - 8 years ago
I thought 7 in a 20 L was pushing it.
This is nuts.
BettaFish 2017
BettaFish 2017 - 8 years ago
You have some beautiful females. At my local pet store, all the female bettas are plain looking. I cant find any nice looking ones.
mr.bossgaming21//Minecraft - 8 years ago
its amazing the females dont fight
920utdoors - 8 years ago
what plant is that on the hill
Michelle Av
Michelle Av - 8 years ago
Very pretty tank. I like how you zoomed in on the one just chilling by herself lol.
xOGx-B4L15T4 - 8 years ago
Guys check out my latest vid i got a beta sorority its so AWESOME i love betas man
Izzy_kitty2001 - 8 years ago
They all look so beautiful and healthy!
Dying Psycho
Dying Psycho - 8 years ago
Dude.... your sorority is hella nice! Where did u get your bettas? If you say petco I'm gonna die. Also, how many gallons is that tank, and how many lil girls u got in there?
Richiko06 - 8 years ago
I have a ten gallon with four girls and it works great! if there's only two they'll bully and kill each other.
MrOkami - 8 years ago
I'm fixing to put up a sorority tank to house my females when not breeding. 55 gal for 12 fish. Your comments state you condition them and watch for the trouble makers. How do you condition them? Right now I've got them all in their cups so they can see each other, but that doesn't mean once the walls are gone things will be ok.

I've got 4 gourami in my community tank, (1m/3f) The male was first and beat up the girls a bit for the first few days. Now everyone lives peacefully.

To everyone saying this tank is overstocked. Proper filtration and waterflow, along with water changes you can do whatever you want with a tank. My 75 gal planted display tank has ~50 fish in it. but I'm running an overflow through a wet/dry to a planted sump, through a canister as a return pump. Everyone is happy and healthy and my levels stay right where they should.
Beautiful Betta Breeding
Beautiful Betta Breeding - 8 years ago
This looks a bit crowded like some people are saying, BUT... it's okay as long as they have plenty of swim space, get along for the most part, and allow even the weakest links to eat during feeding. This will result in a very happy sorority. I give this gentleman credit for being able to pull this off, since just getting five to go in together takes a lot. Are these gals siblings?
Brady Seville
Brady Seville - 8 years ago
is it okay to have nine females or more?
Rahm Fist
Rahm Fist - 8 years ago
Brady Seville Depends on the size of your tank.
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 8 years ago
Beth L.
Beth L. - 8 years ago
I've shown this video to so many people. Stunning...
che350z - 8 years ago
Love it. This is my next project. Female sorority betta tank
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 8 years ago
cute bettas
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 8 years ago
i want to have a tank like yours one day filled with bettas
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 8 years ago
i like your tank how it looks and with the betas

50. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!

Panic! At the twenty one fall out boys
Panic! At the twenty one fall out boys - 8 years ago
how do u get the beats to not fight I tried this once but they started fighting like crazy animals
Rahm Fist
Rahm Fist - 8 years ago
Cleo is my cat Do research
Champion Pets
Champion Pets - 8 years ago
haha i didn't know bettas graze like platy fish! xD
Amazing tank!
Waffleiron 11
Waffleiron 11 - 8 years ago
Anybody thinking about a Sorority should consider a few things

- Atleast a 20 gallon tank. I have a 20L with a sorority but I have heavy live plants for hiding spots when tensions rise.

- No less than 5 females. Keep it in the odd numbers so there is a clear #1 Queen Bitch. If not the top 2 will kill the other Bettas in the tank a then go their separate ways.

- Only do this if you have a good amount of experience with Bettas. This is not a beginner setup.

- Females can be just as aggressive a males.

- When picking your females. Buy them all at once from breeders or pet store. See which females respond to your finger against their cups. Don't get ones that shy away or they can end up getting picked on. Also, put all the cups together and see how the females respond to each other and move them around so they all get a look at each other.

If you decide to do it here are some other tips.

- Get your Bettas from the same litter so they're sisters. This has a way better chance of working out.

- When adding them to your tank, add them all at the same time to avoid territorial issues. If you add them one by one, the first two will claim their territories first, stressing the other females out.

- I recommend cory catfish's with a sorority tank. Betta's are bad swimmers and a lot of food sinks to the bottom. These little guys will keep your gravel or sand clean. Shrimp also make good tank mates with females.

- Betta's stomach's are as big as their eyes. Don't overfeed or you will kill your fish. You will have a problem with feeding. The dominant female will get her food first and leave what's left to the other females. If they don't get their food right away. I suggest feeding them a little a time so they will get full and move along.

Good luck with your sorority tank! Hope these tips help.
Aaliyah Thompson
Aaliyah Thompson - 7 years ago
How many betta's do you recommend in a 20 gallon
GYTISLEE - 7 years ago
interesting.I sow. some tips like betta females are aggresive as males but it doesn't work in my tank.the females live peacefully even with one male and other fishes...
James Halverson
James Halverson - 8 years ago
great use of the over stock rule stop fish beating the crap out of each other the. tank is keep clean. you dumb ass people who think they know it all learn some thing new, great tank best group of bettas ever.
William Adams
William Adams - 8 years ago
Read the description.
Cera Ceja
Cera Ceja - 8 years ago
i really love the tank but 31 bettas in a 20 gallon tank i mean cmon only 4-5 bettas for a 20 gallon try to seperate the in dinferent tanks
LostMujahid - 8 years ago
Nice tank friend it is very impressive.
Krista2882 - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish, but that's waaaaaay overstocked. I'd put maybe 15-18 in a 20-gallon at most.
Potato :D
Potato :D - 8 years ago
10 is the most you can have in a 20 gallon.
hamster's, Betta's and piggys
hamster's, Betta's and piggys - 8 years ago
haw many fish are in there
Victor Yang
Victor Yang - 8 years ago
Oscar Lover
Oscar Lover - 8 years ago
I like it
Trinity Tramel
Trinity Tramel - 8 years ago
Me and my dad have watched this several times. These bettas are very pretty !!!!!
WonderWhaz - 8 years ago
31 female bettas about two inches long each = 62 inches of fish in a 20 gallon tank. That's way too crowded for them. The tank needs to be 62 or more gallons for them to thrive. The rule is one inch of fish to each gallon of water.
Abigail Gagea
Abigail Gagea - 7 years ago
That rule has a flaw. If you were to buy 100 minnows, would you give them 100 gallons? (Although I still think it's a little too overstocked.)
ThECOoLPENgUINz YT - 7 years ago
that rule is flawed and you shouldn't use it
RookieAquarist16 - 7 years ago
That rule is fake but the tank is overstocked
Pedro Hernandez
Pedro Hernandez - 8 years ago
Wow man, awesome females! what you feed them?
Gypsy Danger
Gypsy Danger - 8 years ago
could you upload a video of a shot from 4:40-5:00?? that mini scene is the best and would be very soothing to have as a backround video...
just a thought...^.^ amazing girls btw... <3<3
Stop It
Stop It - 8 years ago
Man, your tank looks awesome! Like their natural habitat!
Animallover2023 - 8 years ago
Hi, I know since this video is pretty old I probably won't get a response, but I was wondering if I could fit 3 female bettas in a 5 gallon tank with lots of plants? No other fish would be in the tank with them. Is it OK?
Animallover2023 - 8 years ago
OK thank you so much! I will definitely consider getting a bigger tank
glich610 - 8 years ago
+Animallover2023 your tank is too small. I would go at least 10 gal and maybe have 6-7 betta. I also learned that the more bettas you have (w/o overstocking) the less aggressive they get.
I currently have 7 females on my 20 gal. Planning on adding 3 more
Jasmine C
Jasmine C - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish, though in a 20 gallon I would probably put 6 female betta at most, not 31
Reine -edits-
Reine -edits- - 8 years ago
Read the description some of them are in another tank
Jon Bonez
Jon Bonez - 8 years ago
what kind of plant is that (grass)?
Donna - 8 years ago
I've forgot the scientific name but its known as 'Guppy Grass'
kai Xiong
kai Xiong - 8 years ago
fucking aquarium police every where. shut your whore mouths already.
Michelle Hesek
Michelle Hesek - 8 years ago
I know right, they should be happy that the bettas aren't in tiny cups for the rest of their life.
MELODY MUNRO - 8 years ago
That looks absolutely beautiful seeing all those bettas looking for food together at the bottom of their tank...I was thinking of doing something similar but with 15 females in a well planted 45 gallon..I know you have a few people on here saying it is overcrowded - I have 8 tanks with various types of fish and to my eye these fish all look healthy and happy to obviously have a good maintenance routine to manage I say - well done dude.
Alycrane - 8 years ago
ONe word. Overpopuated
Ryan Kay
Ryan Kay - 8 years ago
Very nice
terence buyante
terence buyante - 8 years ago
can i put all of my adult female in 1 tank?
Annie Feng
Annie Feng - 8 years ago
I barely see any nipped fins!!!! That's amazing!!! Future female betta sorority goals. :)
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 8 years ago
this is sad... yes ive read the description
Roberie Roberie
Roberie Roberie - 8 years ago
its 1inch for 1 gallon
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 8 years ago
I dont want to start agruing, but bettas need 2.5 or more gals. And thats the limit!
Alexis Schneider
Alexis Schneider - 8 years ago
First of all its fine Betta Fish can live in smaller, I have 3 in separate tanks that are 0.5 and 1 gallon and they live fine Betta Fish aren't like other Fish even most Betta Fish owners say it's fine
madcypress L.L.
madcypress L.L. - 8 years ago
jongmagee - 9 years ago
Is this not considered overstocked?
aaron123456 - 7 years ago
Natalie r You are right there is always a healthy limit (:
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
ned gronow But you previously said that they they are "staying in one corner anyways." You're contradicting yourself.
ned gronow
ned gronow - 7 years ago
carlos amaral in the wild bettas have up to 3 feet of territory so stop talking out of you ass
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
AA reptiles But putting too many in small tank causes aggression,just as much as understocking. This seems incredibly overstocked for a small 20 gallon, hardly any of the fish can establish territory.
ned gronow
ned gronow - 7 years ago
there staying in one corner anyways lol
AA reptiles
AA reptiles - 7 years ago
Betas can be very aggressive with each other so it is better to over stock than undertook with them beck a use it helps spread out the aggression
Idennek Idennek
Idennek Idennek - 7 years ago
Carlos Amaral untrue. Very very untrue.
88elitor - 7 years ago
Andrew Yong Bettas are such graceful swimmers and hunters with a lot of personality. It's amazing to watch them dart after mosquito larvae. People are really missing out by keeping them in bowls
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 8 years ago
It is. But bettas don't require a lot of space.
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
just because the fish stay in a corner doesn't mean the little space is good for it. betta are quite tolerant of small spaces but I promise you the moment you give them more room to breathe and stretch their fins you'll never want to keep them in a small space ever again.
jason crichton
jason crichton - 8 years ago
I feel as if the tank is OK mainly because the fishes tend to stay in one corner of the tank rather than space out. On the far corner of the tank you see one lonely female while on the other side of the tank you see a collection of them.
Danielle Levy
Danielle Levy - 8 years ago
it's terrifyingly overstocked, and i would consider it torture to the fish.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
Can i have 5 female bettas in a 15 gallon long (2ft) with 6 neon tetras? I already have the tetras, is this possisble?
Alexcl3 - 8 years ago
Yes you can, I would just keep an eye on the tetras
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 8 years ago
+Patrick Isaac duhhh he said FEMALE
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 9 years ago
+Jack smith Yes you can.
Gabriel DeStellano
Gabriel DeStellano - 9 years ago
that's hot shit... dude, I wanna thank you for helping destroy the myth (properly) and hopefully getting people to stop keeping beautiful fish in tiny spaces
Jessica F
Jessica F - 9 years ago
I'm also curious as to how many "other" betta tanks you have since you can't determine which ones are aggressive at the store.
Lifewithpets - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank. The fish look happy and healthy. No ripped fins etc! I'm thinking of starting a female sorority. What tips could you give me?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Oh ok, never heard it called that! Yes, I do remember Pets at Home, they opened one in Southport just before we moved.
Donna - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Norris Green aka boot estate :/

Oh wow lucky you!!! I did wonder why on one of your vids you mentioned Petsmart, I thought maybe you meant Pets at Home.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Nogsy? I moved to Southport when I got married and then to the USA!
Donna - 8 years ago
Still have family up in Nogsy though.
Donna - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Originally yes, ashamed to say it (Nogsy with how it is these days) but glad we moved when I was one year old to Manchester.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you, yes you do! Are you from there?
Donna - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Great channel and videos, new sub here..

Do I hear a touch of Liverpudlian in your accent?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Donna No worries, I knew a lot of it was wrong. I've had my tank set up for about 7 months and have no issues at all. If you want to see it check out me channel. One of my later videos shows the tank and how they're doing. Thanks for taking the time to write.
Donna - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets You've been given bad advice here.

To have a sorority you will need a 20-30 gallon tank (length is more important than height), 5 female bettas are the least you can have together, not 3! The more the better as it will diminish bullying/singling out. If you're going to keep a larger number then a filter IS needed to help with the bio load of waste, live plants will also help with parameters (nitrite, nitrates, ammonia and oxygen, even though bettas have a labrynth organ which allow them to surface breathe, they still take in oxygen through their gills), you will need to do weekly 10-20% water change, not every 2-3 weeks!. Heaters are still needed to stop fluctuations in temperatures.

In a small tank, tank mates are not possible or it will be overstocked leading to too much bio load, stress, illness, disease and death.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Alexcl3 - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets well, good luck if you decide to do it in the future!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for the information. I've decided not to do it for the time being.
Alexcl3 - 8 years ago
+Nolix 3-5 bettas in a 10 gallon would probably do well
Alexcl3 - 8 years ago
I'm not an expert, butttt
Try to keep an odd number of bettas, even numbers (2, 4, 6, etc.) tend to be more aggressive towards each other, and so odd numbers, (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc. obv.) are best
Have the 1 one inch fish per gallon rule, however 3 bettas in a 3 gallon might be pushing it.
Female bettas can be kept with Guppies, Mollies, And platties (I have a female with some rn) if you wish.
Have a filter, and heater (filter not needed if you want to clean the tank every 2-3 weeks, but highly recommended so it could be cut to once a month or so.
That's all I can think of xD good luck.
Cassie Mojica
Cassie Mojica - 9 years ago
Now I know what to do with my 10 gallon. Would 5 females be ok in that? Its extremely planted, has a submerged 15gallon filter I bit.
Unusualslime Gaming
Unusualslime Gaming - 9 years ago
I'd say that's good but I think you could fit about 7 or 6 :)
Luna The Pomchi
Luna The Pomchi - 9 years ago
I have five females in my 10 gallon there's plenty of space for a few more, also as you can see in this video there's 31 in a 20 gallon so 5 is definitely alright
Aubrie vdh
Aubrie vdh - 9 years ago
+Cassie Mojica 5 is the recommended number of female bettas in a 10 gallon tank
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 9 years ago
i really like the look of that tank
Betsy Piersall
Betsy Piersall - 9 years ago
Very nice! Just started a small sorority myself.
Joy Aquarium
Joy Aquarium - 9 years ago
Is it possible to have 5 female bettas in a 5.5 gallon tank?
Angelee Thavisay
Angelee Thavisay - 7 years ago
Definitely not. 10 gallons is an absolute minimum for a sorority, 20 gallons recommended.
Acacia Sterling
Acacia Sterling - 7 years ago
You should really have only 2 in that case, and with dividers
Mike yayoh
Mike yayoh - 8 years ago
2.5 I was wrong :|
TEHFUZZEHONEZ - 8 years ago
it's 2g per fish from what i've heard.
Julia Plue
Julia Plue - 8 years ago
Mike yayoh
Mike yayoh - 8 years ago
I wouldn't suggest it. I think 5g per betta fish is the minimum
Zezv2 - 9 years ago
Yeah, if you plan on having the hunger games. At minimum 10, and heavy cover
king0fheart4711 - 9 years ago
yes. get damn good substrate and root tabs to plant your tank. get bushy plants to fill it up but make it easy for them to swim in between them to hide.
Sorenaxia - 9 years ago
Putting females betas together is possible but honestly this tank is WAY TOO crowded.. it is true that female betas are less aggressive than their male counter parts but none the less the breed is still aggressive and territorial! For this tank it looks about 20 betas in there and in reality he should only have about half that or less i would say probably over 6 is too much. The fins you can tell are from aggression and close proximity of the females being too close. In a tank set up like this he should have more than just grass he should have plants that have more volume and can divide the tank and provide some protection and security to the betas. This tank is poorly kept and he has fed them WAY too much food cannot be good for their health. In this case i would say the condition of these betas are getting close to "walmart" quality. PLEASE PLEASE get 2 more tanks and divide these beautiful ladies!
Huy Nguyen Ho
Huy Nguyen Ho - 8 years ago
Nolix it doesn't people have been putting more fish in betta tank
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
+Nolix I have 32 g planted, with 12 tetras, Cory and two guppies, I moved my male Betta in 10g. Can I add 5 female Betta in my 32 g? Ty
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 8 years ago
+Nolix That rule doesn't work
Alexcl3 - 8 years ago
+Emma Notman it is overstocked, but the rule is 1 one inch fish per gallon, and it's not that bad. They look happy and it's well taken care of.
Emma Notman
Emma Notman - 9 years ago
read the description before you preach.
Aaron Cha
Aaron Cha - 9 years ago
What sorcery is this?  I can't even put two female bettas together...
Dying Psycho
Dying Psycho - 8 years ago
Lovebetta isn't it 10 gal for 5?
James Halverson
James Halverson - 8 years ago
why the bettas can breath air why so few???
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
+xxxsuchfabxxx you should have at least 20g for 5 Betta with a lot of live plants or hiding place, then when they are ok, you can remove some of the plants or your decors if you want. Try to buy all of them same time too.
Sepulchral Miasma
Sepulchral Miasma - 8 years ago
This video is horseshit. They're clearly just scrounging for food right now ignoring each other in an incredibly over stocked tank. The fish to tank size ratio is catastrophic hhhhha... i suggest a 4 to 6 female sorority in a 20g long or more at LEAST. Even then, expect nipping, chasing and constant vigilance.
Laura.ren101 - 8 years ago
+Tiffacorn I tried that before and it didn't work out. Three fish ended up being mauled by the others. I had three left, which I put in separate tanks and gave away the third, who has her own tank. I think if you're going to do five, it would be best to do it in a twenty gallon heavily planted :)
Tiffacorn - 8 years ago
The minimum is 5 female bettas and a 10 gallon tank.
If you put two female bettas together one will be more aggressive and will harass the other one.
If you put three female bettas the 2 more dominant one will often gang up on the 3rd betta.
And a odd number is preferred to establish the pecking order and prevent bullying so 5
Jelly4rm904 - 8 years ago
LMBO at "sorcery"!
LovesSongz - 8 years ago
+Nishan Rana actually no, 5 is the minimum you can't put 3 together,
king0fheart4711 - 8 years ago
+Aaron Cha i recommend to think about the poop concentration to the water. this was too much. i upgraded to a larger tank and ran two tanks to evenly distribute them. eventually, this tank had just 5.
Nishan Rana
Nishan Rana - 8 years ago
+Aaron Cha Two they will get territorial When there is 3 the third one will help to break the fights
so minimum 3
Aaron Cha
Aaron Cha - 8 years ago
So more the merrier?
CrownedCorvus - 8 years ago
+Aaron Cha they prefer to be kept in odd numbers, 3 is the minimum.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
+Raven Night no cause you need 5 bettas to make a group 2,3,4 is not enough they will still fight if only 2,3,4
Raven Night
Raven Night - 9 years ago
+Aaron Cha Some females can be more aggressive than others.
Violet Taylor
Violet Taylor - 9 years ago
+Aaron Cha because 2 isn't enough...
Luisito Rodriguez
Luisito Rodriguez - 9 years ago
i vídeo will look better with some music
Sad Walrus
Sad Walrus - 8 years ago
no this is great with no music
Jessica Perez
Jessica Perez - 9 years ago
that tank would be perfect if you added just a little more hides on the other side were it's open
Sam M
Sam M - 9 years ago
haha aww "the akward one"
Kiana Delaney
Kiana Delaney - 9 years ago
Omg I wish I had that much I have a male crown tail
Jeff Glad
Jeff Glad - 9 years ago
Amazing fish!!
Gabriela Olague
Gabriela Olague - 9 years ago
how do you get that grass to grow?
do you use Co2?
Gabriela Olague
Gabriela Olague - 9 years ago
I see, i have a lot of root tabs left over from an old tank i used to have, i had totally forgot until you mentioned them. That is a great idea!!! i never thought of using them to start up plants, THANK YOU.
Noble Tran
Noble Tran - 9 years ago
+Gabriela Olague

Yes, and co2 boosters too, along with other plant nutrients such as root tabs and leaf zone adding more iron into the mix. also, have good substrates. I added a TON of root tabs. IT was the first thing I put in piror to the substrate. i did that because i wanted the roots to really grow downwards and be really established into the substrate. Strong roots help.

the plants were newly planted in this video. that's why there are patches.

I've moved and I've moved this tank to my uncle's house and we're harvesting plants from this tank. This tank is only temp for us to harvest plants for our next tank....70 gallons or 140ish. we'll see.
Play Pets
Play Pets - 9 years ago
How many gallons is this tank?
Adolfo Palacios
Adolfo Palacios - 9 years ago
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
I like the grass, what's it called if you know
Melissa -
Melissa - - 9 years ago
Love it :) how many gallons is it? And how many betas you have there?
Emma Notman
Emma Notman - 8 years ago
+Toshi Bryn i think they have it all under control and don't need your tips thank you
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
+king0fheart4711 you need a 75 right there 2,5 gal per each fish there for space or 5 per fish 2,5 gal per fish 30 fish so 2,5x30 =75 or 5gal per fish 30 fish so 5x30=150 gal
Damian Stone
Damian Stone - 9 years ago
+Eddie Colv Hell yeah. I would like a large tank with a nice array of fish. I'd like to try a saltwater tank, but hear it's rather difficult to keep up with. What sorts of fish do you have?
Damian Stone
Damian Stone - 9 years ago
+Toshi Bryn Yes. Do you think perhaps he regularly cleans the tank? Plants create an excellent filtration system. They look very happy and healthy to me. 
Toshi Bryn
Toshi Bryn - 9 years ago
+Damian Stone What is to worry about is the bio load that tank can handle. The rule of thumb 1 inch of fish + 1 gallon. There is a reason for that. If his levels spiked just a bit it could explode and kill all those fish. By levels i mean PH and ammonia.
Damian Stone
Damian Stone - 9 years ago
+T. Rawww That may be true, but they don't look crowded and the tank is very well equipt. The females are well adjusted and look happy. What's there to worry about when they look this content?
Noble Tran
Noble Tran - 9 years ago
+Tommy Noble

We're fully aware of that rule, but there were so many places to hide that 30 in a 20 worked.
The Pope of Eruke
The Pope of Eruke - 9 years ago
+king0fheart4711 Very overstocked. Take away AT LEAST 10 of those bettas.  15 would be safer and still maybe pushing it. 1 inch per gallon rule, and some of those girls are bigger than 1 inch
king0fheart4711 - 9 years ago
30 bettas and 20gallons.
Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams - 9 years ago
"the awkward one" hahaha
FunnyGaming - 9 years ago
I show this to my male and he was fixing the screen..I think he like them ... ;3
shax - 9 years ago
Did you put them in the tank all at once?

100. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!

Cheyenne Cain
Cheyenne Cain - 9 years ago
Hi I have a 10 gallon tank and I've had 1 female beta for a while she seems very mellow, barley flares up at all I wanted to make my tank into a sorority, how would I go about doing that?
Donna - 8 years ago
A lot late but the first thing you need to do is upgrade the tank to at least a 20-30 gallon if you want to keep a sorority, a 10 gallon isn't big enough in volume or swimming/personal space for a sorority. You need to have 5 at the very least but more the better as it diminishes bullying and singling out. Always keep an odd number.
Donna - 8 years ago
A lot late but the first thing you need to do is upgrade the tank to at least a 20-30 gallon if you want to keep a sorority, a 10 gallon isn't big enough in volume or swimming/personal space for a sorority. You need to have 5 at the very least but more the better as it diminishes bullying and singling out. Always keep an odd number.
Donna - 8 years ago
A lot late but the first thing you need to do is upgrade the tank to at least a 20-30 gallon if you want to keep a sorority, a 10 gallon isn't big enough in volume or swimming/personal space for a sorority. You need to have 5 at the very least but more the better as it diminishes bullying and singling out. Always keep an odd number.
Vincent Arand
Vincent Arand - 9 years ago
get some more females the same size. then when introducing them rearrange all the decorations. this makes the one you have now thinks its in a new tank as well as the others. so your current fish wont feel like they are trespassing and a new pecking order will begin.
Spring Howell
Spring Howell - 9 years ago
I have a goldfish tank but if my fish die I'll go to Walmart and save all the female bettas. Have you seen how Walmart treats there fish?
Ad Astra
Ad Astra - 9 years ago
Yeah seriously... I wouldn't recommend that. That's like buying all the puppy mill puppies at the pet store because they are treated poorly and need veterinary attention. What happens is the business owners notice a spike in demand and order even more puppies/fish/whatever because clearly they are more interested in money over welfare. So the only way to reduce the suffering on these fish is to never buy another--if enough people stopped buying them they'd stop selling them and a terrible, abusive market is closed indefinitely. That's Econ101.
Melissa -
Melissa - - 9 years ago
Get another tank! And save some female betas
Frank Furter
Frank Furter - 9 years ago
+Spring Howell That'll show them. Give them money so they can buy more!
Joeli P
Joeli P - 9 years ago
The problem with that is that then walmart's fish department gets it can stay in business... :/
Swiftclaw :3
Swiftclaw :3 - 9 years ago
luckily my Walmart doesn't sell fish
Mrhaoable - 9 years ago
are some of those giant females ?
Mrhaoable - 9 years ago
nice ! i have a female tank as well but only a few . Was thinking about adding some new females , is it safe to do so ?
king0fheart4711 - 9 years ago
yeah. we got some queens (female king)
Greg - 9 years ago
I'm thinking of going this route myself, but I've heard these tend to crash long term. Is your tank still going? If so, would 7-9 suffice a heavily planted 36gal?
Firephox - 9 years ago
Oh wow! I have a;ways wanted to have a bunch of girl Bettas in the same aquarium. I have 3 females I had gotten around the same time last October and have always had them in separate aquariums next to each other. Every time I try to place them in the same tank, they chase and nip their tails. I guess it's like people, they each have different personalities and mine don't work together haha.
Firephox - 9 years ago
Oh okay, I'll upgrade to a larger tank and purchase a few more. I want them all to be friends lol.
king0fheart4711 - 9 years ago
I recommend getting more like 5 total and have them in a 15-20 gallon with lots of hiding places like plants. The higher population will make them feel outnumbered and chilling out will be mutual.
Mini Mixers
Mini Mixers - 9 years ago
they are so pretty
Mini Mixers
Mini Mixers - 9 years ago
they are so pretty
sam pollard
sam pollard - 9 years ago
What size tank is that and how many girls are in there? Beautiful by the way. Very jealous!
Adolfo Palacios
Adolfo Palacios - 9 years ago
29 gallons 31 bettas
layziehorse72 - 9 years ago
they are so damn chill...beautiful tank
Angry-Moth-Noises - 9 years ago
Whats the tank size and how many bettas are in there? Also how are they not attacking each other with out hardly any large leaves or hides?
Stephanie Lopez
Stephanie Lopez - 9 years ago
+Angry-Moth-Noises it's a 20 gallon with 30 bettas
Melissa -
Melissa - - 9 years ago
Because it's a sorority tank.. It says in the tank. Meaning they're all females. Females are ok with each other
Steve Nhean
Steve Nhean - 9 years ago
+Luthiana I have a 20 gallon with 2 males and 5 females. they're doing just fine. going on 4 months now
Christina Diaz
Christina Diaz - 9 years ago
+Supernova Males can actually live among other fish and snails "harmoniously". And I think i only see females nip or flare at each other, never full on brawl.
Ryan Sultana
Ryan Sultana - 9 years ago
+Angry-Moth-Noises I'm not the uploader...
Angry-Moth-Noises - 9 years ago
+Ryan Sultana You didn't awenser my question. How big is the tank? I like seeing what sizes people use for their sorority tanks.
Ryan Sultana
Ryan Sultana - 9 years ago
+Supernova They do form a pecking order but that means that they will push each other around when they are first introduced and do displays to each other to establish dominance. They do not really bite that much. This only happens until they establish who is the leader. For a 20 gallon I'd say don't get more than 5.

Make sure you have plants or caves in which they can hide because they like that
Morganna - 9 years ago
+Ryan Sultana Well, congratulations then:) I am actually thinking of setting up a betta sorority in my 20gallon tank, but I've heard from numerous people that it's risky and the fish will establish a pecking order and might bully each other, creating a stressful and uncomfortable environment for themselves. Now I'm really confused :s 
Ryan Sultana
Ryan Sultana - 9 years ago
+Supernova They can be aggressive, but that is the exception not the rule. I've have had a lot of female betta and till now none were aggressive. I keep them with other fish and they are by far the calmest fish
Morganna - 9 years ago
+Ryan Sultana Yes, they do...they can be just as aggressive as males. If yours are calm, then you're lucky and I congratulate you, but it's by no means a rule.
Ryan Sultana
Ryan Sultana - 9 years ago
+Angry-Moth-Noises Female bettas don't attack each other
Elizabeth Draper
Elizabeth Draper - 9 years ago
Wow! You have some very beautiful females! And there getting along so well! I'm showing this video to my male, Poseidon, and he's probably thinking: Pretty women, walking down the street...
Azie L.
Azie L. - 10 years ago
TheVagka - 10 years ago
I'm setting up a sorority tank now and yours seems to be an ideal setup. i have a few questions.
how many gallons? how many fish? did you introduce them all at the same time? and did you purchase them online or in a shop? You have a really beautiful collection. jealous. 
Matthew ross
Matthew ross - 9 years ago
I know this response is a little late but hopefully it helps. I started with 7 females in a 10 gallon tank. I figured that would keep me happy and all would be well. Unfortunately I had no idea that fish could become so addicting. I upgraded to a 23 gallon and added 2 fish. Unfortunately 1 of the fish I bought from PetSmart had Ick and spread it to my "Queen"of the sorority. They both died in 2 days. Luckily I caught it quick and one 2 died. My fish when a little "crazy" for 2 days establishing a new pecking order but eventually everything returned to normal. So know I was back down to 7 in a 23 gallon. Since then I have added 1 female about each week. I know have 13 females and 1 African Dwarf Frog in a 23 gallon tank. Check out my video on my channel if you would like. Every single time I add a new fish the go right down to the bottom of the tank and hide for 2-4 days. They're hard to find that don't come to the top, they're hard to feed, they flare at everyone and even chase fish away. The main thing to watch for is pecking. If they're biting a lot and starting big fights remove them. A lot of chasing is fine just look for an open mouth and that how you tell if they're trying to bite. After 2-4 days they'll start to become comfortable and interact like they've been there since the beginning.
TheVagka - 10 years ago
+Noble Tran i have a 20 long also; lots of plant, rocks and wood for hiding (especially for the shrimp). Did you build up your community over time? if so, how was the transition for the addition as well as the established fish? I have the 7 in there now but would like to add more. i'm concerned with messing with their pecking order repeatedly but i read that that changes anyway. just curious about your experience. 

thanks for the input. 
TheVagka - 10 years ago
+clydeLPS i read that also. i have seven in a 20 gallon but want to add more. i just wasn't sure about adding to and existing community. thank you for the link!
Noble Tran
Noble Tran - 10 years ago
You can break up the population density if you have enough hiding spaces. 1betta/gallon should be fine. 

Also, the set up I have is a 20 gallon Long. I had 30+ in there. They were fine because I had plenty of hiding places. 

The first setup, I recommend putting in at least 5 or more all in at the same time. They'll be nippy at first, but the more population-shock you have, the better you have at conditioning them that hey...there's more of them than you. The fish has to feel outnumbered to chill the eff out and be with others. 
Clyde - 10 years ago
Here is a site on some questions about sororities.
Clyde - 10 years ago
I don't know much about sororities but I can answer the first question. I read that 2 gallons per betta is nice.

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