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Me introducing my male and female betta fish together in the same tank. Male starts chasing female later in the...
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1,102 likes 749,238 views 9 years ago
I don't know why but the beta fishes I put in my aquarium are not mingling well. Intended to get some baby beta for...
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Me introducing my male and female betta fish together in the same tank. Male starts chasing female later in the...
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The "Sorority Tank- Female bettas!" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Fish look great! Keep saving those bettas! <3
10. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!
20. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!
30. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!
This is nuts.
I've got 4 gourami in my community tank, (1m/3f) The male was first and beat up the girls a bit for the first few days. Now everyone lives peacefully.
To everyone saying this tank is overstocked. Proper filtration and waterflow, along with water changes you can do whatever you want with a tank. My 75 gal planted display tank has ~50 fish in it. but I'm running an overflow through a wet/dry to a planted sump, through a canister as a return pump. Everyone is happy and healthy and my levels stay right where they should.
50. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!
Amazing tank!
- Atleast a 20 gallon tank. I have a 20L with a sorority but I have heavy live plants for hiding spots when tensions rise.
- No less than 5 females. Keep it in the odd numbers so there is a clear #1 Queen Bitch. If not the top 2 will kill the other Bettas in the tank a then go their separate ways.
- Only do this if you have a good amount of experience with Bettas. This is not a beginner setup.
- Females can be just as aggressive a males.
- When picking your females. Buy them all at once from breeders or pet store. See which females respond to your finger against their cups. Don't get ones that shy away or they can end up getting picked on. Also, put all the cups together and see how the females respond to each other and move them around so they all get a look at each other.
If you decide to do it here are some other tips.
- Get your Bettas from the same litter so they're sisters. This has a way better chance of working out.
- When adding them to your tank, add them all at the same time to avoid territorial issues. If you add them one by one, the first two will claim their territories first, stressing the other females out.
- I recommend cory catfish's with a sorority tank. Betta's are bad swimmers and a lot of food sinks to the bottom. These little guys will keep your gravel or sand clean. Shrimp also make good tank mates with females.
- Betta's stomach's are as big as their eyes. Don't overfeed or you will kill your fish. You will have a problem with feeding. The dominant female will get her food first and leave what's left to the other females. If they don't get their food right away. I suggest feeding them a little a time so they will get full and move along.
Good luck with your sorority tank! Hope these tips help.
just a thought...^.^ amazing girls btw... <3<3
I currently have 7 females on my 20 gal. Planning on adding 3 more
Oh wow lucky you!!! I did wonder why on one of your vids you mentioned Petsmart, I thought maybe you meant Pets at Home.
Do I hear a touch of Liverpudlian in your accent?
To have a sorority you will need a 20-30 gallon tank (length is more important than height), 5 female bettas are the least you can have together, not 3! The more the better as it will diminish bullying/singling out. If you're going to keep a larger number then a filter IS needed to help with the bio load of waste, live plants will also help with parameters (nitrite, nitrates, ammonia and oxygen, even though bettas have a labrynth organ which allow them to surface breathe, they still take in oxygen through their gills), you will need to do weekly 10-20% water change, not every 2-3 weeks!. Heaters are still needed to stop fluctuations in temperatures.
In a small tank, tank mates are not possible or it will be overstocked leading to too much bio load, stress, illness, disease and death.
Try to keep an odd number of bettas, even numbers (2, 4, 6, etc.) tend to be more aggressive towards each other, and so odd numbers, (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc. obv.) are best
Have the 1 one inch fish per gallon rule, however 3 bettas in a 3 gallon might be pushing it.
Female bettas can be kept with Guppies, Mollies, And platties (I have a female with some rn) if you wish.
Have a filter, and heater (filter not needed if you want to clean the tank every 2-3 weeks, but highly recommended so it could be cut to once a month or so.
That's all I can think of xD good luck.
If you put two female bettas together one will be more aggressive and will harass the other one.
If you put three female bettas the 2 more dominant one will often gang up on the 3rd betta.
And a odd number is preferred to establish the pecking order and prevent bullying so 5
so minimum 3
do you use Co2?
Yes, and co2 boosters too, along with other plant nutrients such as root tabs and leaf zone adding more iron into the mix. also, have good substrates. I added a TON of root tabs. IT was the first thing I put in piror to the substrate. i did that because i wanted the roots to really grow downwards and be really established into the substrate. Strong roots help.
the plants were newly planted in this video. that's why there are patches.
I've moved and I've moved this tank to my uncle's house and we're harvesting plants from this tank. This tank is only temp for us to harvest plants for our next tank....70 gallons or 140ish. we'll see.
We're fully aware of that rule, but there were so many places to hide that 30 in a 20 worked.
100. comment for Sorority Tank- Female bettas!
Make sure you have plants or caves in which they can hide because they like that
how many gallons? how many fish? did you introduce them all at the same time? and did you purchase them online or in a shop? You have a really beautiful collection. jealous.
thanks for the input.
Also, the set up I have is a 20 gallon Long. I had 30+ in there. They were fine because I had plenty of hiding places.
The first setup, I recommend putting in at least 5 or more all in at the same time. They'll be nippy at first, but the more population-shock you have, the better you have at conditioning them that hey...there's more of them than you. The fish has to feel outnumbered to chill the eff out and be with others.