Spongebob's Bikini Bottom Electronic Underwater World Fish Tank!
Betta 9 years ago 1,198,519 views
Finally! I have been gathering supplies for over 5 months to start this project. I had always wanted am electronic pet fish tank! Find Here ▶ http://bit.ly/SpongeBob-Betta-Aquarium Lucky Penny Thoughts: Something triggered a goal one day to start an electronic fish tank. Once that I can test fish in for videos and one that can stay up and not have to be taken down. Once I settled on making it a Spongebob theme, it was a matter of gathering the fish, supplies and items needed to make this happen. Unfortunately the video kept getting pushed away and not until I decided to finally get it started did it happen. I hope you are going to enjoy this series! Later! LPS-Dave ▶▶ Skip Times 0:08 Intro/New Series 1:53 Background 18:06 Installing Background 21:07 Lighting 21:44 Adding Sand 24:45 Pouring In Water 26:56 Characters 27:18 Buildings 29:42 Placing Buildings/Characters Inside Tank 32:23 Adding Jellyfish 36:24 Music/Show ▶▶ Product Info Hex Bug Robo Fish - Jelly Fish Spongebob Aquarium Spongebob Squarepants Bikini Bottom ▶▶ Watch More Videos SpongeBob Underwater Electronic World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_77wSR0-V8&list=PL27_x9U5H26uXa6fVlwiMlygVDdPb7jnZ&index=1 ▶▶ Follow Us TWITTER http://twitter.com/luckypennyshop FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/LuckyPennyShop INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/LuckyPennyShop GOOGLE+ https://plus.google.com/+luckypennyshop PINTEREST http://www.pinterest.com/luckypennyshop/ LPS WEBSITE http://www.luckypennyshop.com/ Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects
10. comment for Spongebob's Bikini Bottom Electronic Underwater World Fish Tank!
20. comment for Spongebob's Bikini Bottom Electronic Underwater World Fish Tank!
30. comment for Spongebob's Bikini Bottom Electronic Underwater World Fish Tank!
and the music
50. comment for Spongebob's Bikini Bottom Electronic Underwater World Fish Tank!
members :
my mom
members :
my mom
100. comment for Spongebob's Bikini Bottom Electronic Underwater World Fish Tank!
and the jellyfish eating Plankton.... :-)
I don't think he liked it much...he hasn't moved since.
But he sure does like belly rubs apparently! I always find him at the top of the bowl belly side up waiting for a belly rub!
Silly fish!
What Sophia said!!
You take that back you big meanie head!
The only thing that I didn't like was those 2 jellyfish that moved around, they seemed kind of unreal/alien with all that weird colors and the mechanism/weights sticking out.
Make the jelly fish place were sponge bob and Patrick hunt the jelly fish
Find Here ▶ http://bit.ly/SpongeBob-Betta-Aquarium
#spongebobsquarepants #BikiniBottom #ElectronicFish
but Ashley this is really good beats like you too busy too busy absorbers youtubers youtubers hey youtubers to youtubers chicken meat dress up, download, download that makes you so we can make your own channel how about that community and looks set that one up cowboy much I like you and actually we need to eat and Kirk and I'm 9 years old so so much that meant anything I like is reviews he looks like a dog like talks how about you make a walk that way that its good so I'm everyone like some butter lexus lexus me cuz I speak quote actually an inboard any Mexico with her it takes seven states got their little bit plane or car or train doesn't matter just go in go to New York if you need me or need me comfortable in my Youtube FIRST signed 8 incur 9 years old and even and even my middle name is actually Butch and like you I am very sorry that you get hit in the face with flytrap is pretty good night I was not funny you do soon the snow then you can better faster and more faster and even the one looks much more than I do anyone I like them very much but will never hurt you I love him very much and know when not going to let you know once I did but actually it's pretty cool but you should have actually can't walk much but I know you do
How do you know that I was just simply putting up a test? And I am not getting butt hurt about the law I saw the way you treated that other girl.
Alright...so now lets both be mature how about we stop this quarrel in a calm manner?
Face it sweetie just because you know about the law doesn't make you a Master nor does it give you the right to run your mouth off like an average american kid who has waaay to much freedom on the internet.
Maybe you need to learn how to communicate properly. Because in my comment I never said it was a threat.
I'm sorry...
+Brianna a I am sorry for you, don't be sad. You'll live a happy life! Unlike +Emma Slee she likes attention.
Wait, a second.. I just noticed you said to watch it instead of looking and posting in comments? Wait... Isn't that what you did? Whatever, I'll just be on my merry way.
No. What if that was true???
What are you talking about? I'm not even doing anything! I said a couple of things. GOSH!!!
Because it was only 11 hours ago....
when does he say what?