10,412 likes 6,002,785 views 12 years ago
During the "Aqua-Fisch" Kampffischfreunde.de presented the International Betta Competition. Kampffischfreunde.de is a...
40,028 likes 3,448,262 views 8 years ago
Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...
7,142 likes 2,397,120 views 13 years ago
5,848 likes 1,287,936 views 10 years ago
Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...
7,151 likes 1,170,115 views 8 years ago
In this video I show you how I make a high power led lighting system and the process in setting up this 27 gallon...
17,930 likes 1,131,001 views 8 years ago
I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...
10,412 likes 6,002,785 views 12 years ago
During the "Aqua-Fisch" Kampffischfreunde.de presented the International Betta Competition. Kampffischfreunde.de is a...
40,028 likes 3,448,262 views 8 years ago
Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...
7,142 likes 2,397,120 views 13 years ago
5,848 likes 1,287,936 views 10 years ago
Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...
17,930 likes 1,131,001 views 8 years ago
I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...
3,342 likes 1,081,443 views 12 years ago
http://www.thegrommet.com/noclean-aquariums The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...
The "Step by step guide to breeding betta fish" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
What can i do ??? Please help me out asap
10. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish
20. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish
30. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish
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50. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish
Some other great options are vinegar eels! Equally as easy to maintain as the other foods, the more variety the better
pleas contact me
100. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish
You could always spawn in a 10 gal and move them to a bigger tank or even a plastic tote, but keeping them in a 10 gal will promote more aggression and more runts dying from lack of food due to bigger fry eating more than them. Don't try to spawn without being prepared first! It's a very stressful and long process and the fry are very sensitive. Best of luck
what should i feed to baby bettas, i got fish flakes
wondering how long I should keep the male and female in the same tank with divider?
It has been 2 days since they were divided in the same tank, the female shows a bit vertical strip but not much, and the male are keep building the nest.
wondering how long I should keep the male and female in the same tank with divider? how could I know they both ready?
thank you very much!!
and release the female carefully after 25 mins they will breed if they don't they are not ready, if this happens try once more (do the whole process again) and if it doesn't work give up (lol that sounds mean). Hope I helped, any questions just ask me <3
today is the 3rd day they are together in a new tank, the male eats all the floating pellets we fed while the female doesn't eat much and most of the food fall into the bottom, I think they need to to eat a lot to store energy to breeding, don't they? any thing I could do to help?
They do the same thing to males too
They're very territorial
male - long fins
actually,I want to breed them.
what should i do now? should i change the water coz i dont think those eggs will hatch ..
im a breeder
what kind of fish do you have?? i have 2 doubletail plakat females and 1 koi plakat male :D
Once they fry r out and the male is out what needs to be fed to the fry?
do the math
Ok you can kill me now ...
It's the only way to breed the
I also forgot idiot's can't tell what a joke is 'hahahaha'
So your mother was raped?
By your father? Is that how you were born?
And so fish femism was born.
Ll g
Or egg yolk :)
or 2 days of free swimming?
i succeeded in breeding my pair of Bettas, now there are no more bubbles left in the tank n all the eggs are at the bottom of tank. He is protecting them but not picking up them. what should i do ???
But if the female is a veil tail and male is dragon half-moon , the outcome would more likely be Veiltail looking or not so awesome half-moon looking with some weird scale since the dragon gene.
and i really dont know if they made embraces already,,,
but the tummy of the female stll has white dot under of it,
I heard that I can use a piece of banana skin to feed them,Is that true?
Then im off to work. Didnt bother to put her away.
Came back frm work. Her fin was nipped off a lot by the male..not sure whether the male planted the eggs into the female. What shpuld I do?
or is life food better, or the only thing they eat?
White boi, calm down. You just jealous cause your Siamese Fighting Fish will never be as good as ours. You can fuck all the pussy your heart could desire, but with that attitude, you'll never breed a good fish.
Pure Black Betta
tail boy fish
Adult betta's can eat daphnia, but it doesn't contain much proteins, also bloodworms contain very few proteins, black mosquitolarves and artemia are the best food for betta's because they contain a lot of proteins
Though some betta might not want to eat these at first compared to bloodworms, they will after some time, that was a problem with some of my betta's too, but I fed it with other foods and now they just eat it :)
For adult betta's, freeze dried bloodworms are okay, I also feed mine that :) But most of my betta's won't eat it :/ Mine prefer frozen bloodworms :)
can i feed the male while the egg is at the top?
what do fry's eat?
we just had the breeding and now mom out and dad is taking care of nest.