Step by step guide to breeding betta fish

Here is a step by step guide to learn all the steps necessary to successfully reproduce the Betta fish. If you have any questions, don't be shy to ask and I'll do my best to answer them. Enjoy!

Step by step guide to breeding betta fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 232

Betta 13 years ago 1,064,849 views

Here is a step by step guide to learn all the steps necessary to successfully reproduce the Betta fish. If you have any questions, don't be shy to ask and I'll do my best to answer them. Enjoy!

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Most popular comments
for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish

Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
Never been able too lol.
vikrant adhau
vikrant adhau - 7 years ago
In my breading tank both mail N female are fighting with each other.
What can i do ??? Please help me out asap
Babu V Shet
Babu V Shet - 7 years ago
Will its fight
Babu V Shet
Babu V Shet - 7 years ago
nice video
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
I made my male breed with another male
Leonard44 Baximen
Leonard44 Baximen - 7 years ago
Is it ok not to remove the female beta in the tank after spawning?
Betta Cichlidé
Betta Cichlidé - 7 years ago
thank you for that awesome video! Merci pour ce magnifique vidéo!
TheVloggingGuinea - 7 years ago
Do the male betta eat the fry? When they are right away hatched
Reni Rn
Reni Rn - 7 years ago
Like fish don't need to be taught This they just know it what a delicate system tho

10. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish

Kara Towe
Kara Towe - 7 years ago
This is a great learning video. Thank you very much for sharing.
bikramjit sarkar
bikramjit sarkar - 7 years ago
Doryan Duvyan
Doryan Duvyan - 7 years ago
The male is the one who collects the eggs and places them in the bubbles, not the female, the reason the female goes in to a short shock is so that the male can have time to collect the eggs because she will eat them! the mating ritual happens several times until all the eggs are squeezed out of the female then the female usually swims away so that the male won't attack and kill her for is the male who guards the eggs until they hatch then in about three days start swimming on their own.
Clorox Bleachs
Clorox Bleachs - 7 years ago
My female betta hit my male betta at tail..and my male tail is that normal? (they fighting)
V V - 7 years ago
What can you feed them after the first day??
Pontiac Latina
Pontiac Latina - 7 years ago
Aw the fry are so cute
BearCat - 7 years ago
could I add bottom feeders (snails) to the tank so if I accidentally overfeed the tank doesnt stay dirty?
Jay Shakya
Jay Shakya - 7 years ago
can we use any other stuff instead of indian almond leaf??
Jong Lomactod
Jong Lomactod - 7 years ago
My friend said that a female betta can make him self pregnant!!but i dont believe on it....if it does happen it may be a
Dragoon Deva
Dragoon Deva - 7 years ago
Artificial hatching success.. rate hatching 80%. Soo.. now i know its similiar to hatching patin egg.. ahaha.. goodbye to egg eater.. goodbye fry eater.. and we make shortcut time betta breeder just in 1 or 2 day process... im happy this day.. my experiment about artificial betta breeding and hatching success. Soo poor if u still use natural breeding

20. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish

Ko Paing
Ko Paing - 7 years ago
Are the eggs
daiskie gamer
daiskie gamer - 7 years ago
What the baby will eat
MatthewHarry - 7 years ago
i love betta fish
Kraazy809 - 7 years ago
The comments are priceless
Neko Shine
Neko Shine - 7 years ago
Kraazy809 I know, no one knows how to spell
Wesley Smith
Wesley Smith - 7 years ago
At what point do you separate the bettas?
Sonic26 Sonicgod
Sonic26 Sonicgod - 7 years ago
my female dosent run she fights back um should that be happening
Tiffani Wallace
Tiffani Wallace - 7 years ago
very informative :)
Dez Bryant
Dez Bryant - 7 years ago
Can I use a strong filter?
Neko Shine
Neko Shine - 7 years ago
Dez Bryant no the bettas will have a very hard time swimming
Cat Manchester
Cat Manchester - 7 years ago
How many times can a female breed?
Rafael Morales
Rafael Morales - 7 years ago
do I take the female out

30. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish

JNBaquatics - 7 years ago
what do you do with the bettas when they get old enough to fight?
JNBaquatics - 7 years ago
<) )╯ When you're ready
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ಠ_ಠ Child. . .

ಠ_ಠ Put.

ಠ__ಠ The tables.

ಠ___ಠ Back.


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Neko Shine
Neko Shine - 7 years ago
JNBaquatics you separate the fish
Larry Rodriguez
Larry Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Is it bad that I put 2 male and 1 female In the same tank
trizzy mann
trizzy mann - 7 years ago
Larry Rodriguez try for your self
Neko Shine
Neko Shine - 7 years ago
Larry Rodriguez yes very bad
Kat Cruz
Kat Cruz - 7 years ago
i have a black and yellow koi male and a white black and red koi female. I'm so excited for these babies!
Fresh Falcon
Fresh Falcon - 7 years ago
That was a great video, thank you. What do you do with the fry when they get big? Will a pet store buy them?
Carlo Padilla
Carlo Padilla - 7 years ago
thnk you. your video helps me a lot.
Cody Seto
Cody Seto - 7 years ago
A Loomis
A Loomis - 7 years ago
Very, very interesting to watch and so very informative!!
Taelin Austin
Taelin Austin - 7 years ago
Lol wish my dad was as loving as a betta dad.
Amir Ayala
Amir Ayala - 7 years ago
These fish fight to much. I'm scard that when I come from school that one of the fish would be dead and the other one's fins ripped. Not risking my fishies life.
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
Breed them on a weekend
SofieEpic - 7 years ago
Bien Crafts yes it is very difficult.
Bien Crafts
Bien Crafts - 7 years ago
You need to let your kids live there lives. They'll learn. I know, it's hard for us watching them grow.
The Fish Keeper Tv
The Fish Keeper Tv - 7 years ago
Hey guys! I'm new to youtube. I hope you give my channel a chance and watch my videos. i post videos related to fish keeping like Bettas, Mollies and guppies. :)
gustavo peña
gustavo peña - 7 years ago
I hated when betta people asume everybody needs a heater. hello! some people live in the tropics!
madi kent
madi kent - 7 years ago
how big us ur tank
Ivellise Pena
Ivellise Pena - 7 years ago
do I have to have a filter in my tank well the fry are in the bubble or when they come out
Lianna Fusco
Lianna Fusco - 7 years ago
This video was extremely helpful and very informational. You did a really good job teaching this. Thanks!
velmani kaliappan
velmani kaliappan - 7 years ago
so that the fry can easily come to the top
velmani kaliappan
velmani kaliappan - 7 years ago
can I remove the male and lower the water level
alex - 7 years ago
velmani kaliappan yes remove the male
velmani kaliappan
velmani kaliappan - 7 years ago
my male is eating all the fry once they hatched
chees e
chees e - 7 years ago
velmani kaliappan once the fry hatch you're supposed to remove the male betta.
Mike Cose
Mike Cose - 7 years ago
Was that a "Giant" female betta?
Sama Qureshi
Sama Qureshi - 7 years ago
REALMOB916 - 7 years ago
where to buy the frys food????

50. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish

Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
I tried breeding them before. Was quite easy..
rigbi robloxian
rigbi robloxian - 7 years ago
can I have a female betta
The Civallin
The Civallin - 7 years ago
I don't even like fish
Bao Nguyen
Bao Nguyen - 7 years ago
Do I have to cycle the water? Or almond leaves will do the job?
Jonathan Cyrus Francisco
Jonathan Cyrus Francisco - 7 years ago
so i got 2 betta fish (male and female) and they are still kinda small and young,what is the legal age for them to breed, and does it apply to the age of consent in the uk
TheReal Luis
TheReal Luis - 7 years ago
Jonathan Cyrus Francisco LOL
makeluvin - 7 years ago
That femal3 look like mines do after I finish with them
Jackthegamer 3D
Jackthegamer 3D - 7 years ago
at 8:15 hello my children XD
CBz Gaming
CBz Gaming - 7 years ago
Do I need to remove the female?
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
CBz Gaming yes
TheDjWizi - 7 years ago
Can you do without an almond leaf? I have quite a few plant in the water a lot of which protrude from the surface easily creating something the hook a bubble nest to
Alexander Borges
Alexander Borges - 7 years ago
I want to congratulate you on how easy you explain how to breed the bettas you did a very thorough and easy to understand explanation thank you very much I have been breeding them for 30 years and that's all that you have to do is what you said
SolidGoldShows - 7 years ago
Very informative. Thanks for sharing!
Bobby buck
Bobby buck - 7 years ago
what season should u breed them
Vi Vi
Vi Vi - 7 years ago
male betta do more for their kids than most human dads
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
Vi Vi not just dads. Some mom's are crappy too.
Buttercream kitten
Buttercream kitten - 7 years ago
After they breed what do you do with the female? Do you leave her in with the fry or do you remove her? Can her and the male stay in a tank together after they have made the fry?
jenny lane
jenny lane - 7 years ago
Buttercream kitten did u ever watch the video he clearly states your ?
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
Buttercream kitten no remove the female after the last mating process once she stops mating. Then remove the male once the fries start swimming and relying on themselves when they're 2 or 3 days old.
Superluigijames Tran
Superluigijames Tran - 7 years ago
u inintroduced the female too soon 3-5 days is the male to prepare and female to submit
Lazy Bones
Lazy Bones - 7 years ago
talk in english
mahim aryal
mahim aryal - 7 years ago
when should we take out female betta,after the fry shows up?
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
mahim aryal just remove her when the mating is over.
Adrian Jordan
Adrian Jordan - 8 years ago
my male won't build the nest i already put the female in the tank with a separate container so they can see eachother but not fight i conditioned them for 2 weeks with blood worms and pellets idk how old he is but he's big and looks mature enough to mate and the female is full of eggs and has a little white dot under her belly... the tank is a 10g w a sponge filter i got the indian almond leaf a heater at 80 Fahrenheit and some plants for cover basically i got everything for the reproduction but my male doesn't build his nest
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
+Adrian Jordan also make sure the conditions of the tank resembles summer in their natural habitat because that's when they often ten to breed. I bred mines in a large plastic glassy box XD.
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
+Adrian Jordan It could be because she's not interested or she might not have eggs. It's a real pain in the ass in your situation because your bettas are being picky. Mines just mated after 2nd day on introduction. Make sure the male, and female are the same breed, and equal in size otherwise there will be these complications.
Adrian Jordan
Adrian Jordan - 7 years ago
Mike Hamada yeah they run up and down her body
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
+Adrian Jordan lol did the lines show up on her ?
Adrian Jordan
Adrian Jordan - 7 years ago
Mike Hamada well i actually did and and waited a week or two before introducing the new pair with the same female he builds a huge bubble nest and she destroys it every damn time i'm about to give up idk what to do
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
Adrian Jordan he's not interested then go get a horny male XD
XxRhiannonxX - 8 years ago
What if you don't want a hundred fish???
F.O.X - 8 years ago
can you put shrimps in a same tank with betta fish or will the betta kill them and will the shrimp eat betta eggs and will the betta eat shrimp babies
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
F.O.X is that a troll question ? because you do realize almost every fucking tropical fish loves munching on shrimps and fries.
Dawnxtr - 8 years ago
The female fish seems uncomfortable
Dawnxtr - 8 years ago
This make me cringe
Ian Viator
Ian Viator - 8 years ago
What do you feed your fry
Adalina Cruz
Adalina Cruz - 8 years ago
yeah did all that and my betta female is very agrecive killed my boy now try again gggggggrrrrrrr
Ashley E
Ashley E - 8 years ago
dang. so aggressive. O.O
Matthew Gagnon
Matthew Gagnon - 8 years ago
thank you for the video that was very helpful
RAWBEEF Meat - 8 years ago
I still can't.breed my betta because I realized that the female is not matured yet
Pokémon Fan
Pokémon Fan - 8 years ago
Why are my phiranhas always eating the new bettas
Michaela Wiles
Michaela Wiles - 8 years ago
My male did not build the nest:(
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 8 years ago
I am attempting to build a sealed terrarium and I want a life cycle with at least one species of fish now I've already figured out how to get a constant supply of oxygen and bubbles in the water,( which just involves walls with very very very tiny holes an algae and non-electric bubblers and possibly a piston waterfall generator which won't be enough by itself but I'm going to put it in there because I put a lot of work into that), I was wondering about a possible food source for baby and adult betta fish and what species would be a good start
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
RyanWake bradtelle piranhas are dicks and will attack stressed or weakened fish.
Crystal McCarthy
Crystal McCarthy - 8 years ago
where can i buy food for the fry? where can i buy microworms?
Miss Regal
Miss Regal - 7 years ago
Normally the mainstream fishstores won't have these kinds of foods, they may have powder starter fry foods but they most likely wouldn't eat that. There's a tutorial on youtube on how to start your own microworm culture without having to buy a starter using a potato and oatmeal/and bread based product. You can find baby brine shrimp eggs easily on the internet, ebay and amazon have a good selection as well as some reputable breeder websites. If you play your cards right fry food should be very abundant and try to have as much variety as you can. Baby brine shrimp are prone to giving your fish swim bladder as well as microworms alike. Try to only feed microworms the first week or two weeks of the fry's life, then start hatching baby brine shrimp eggs and feeding small portions multiple times throughout the day. If you want the fry to have good nutrition, once you harvest your baby brine shrimp put the fry starter powder in the container where you have your baby brine shrimp eggs in BEFORE feeding. Let it sit for at least 20 mins and feed that to your fry. It'll make your babies fat and healthy.
Some other great options are vinegar eels! Equally as easy to maintain as the other foods, the more variety the better
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
Crystal McCarthy where did you buy the fish ? Are you a troll ?
LIONESS GAMING - 8 years ago
what do you mean when it becomes a severe
Mario and Luigi show BIZ
Mario and Luigi show BIZ - 8 years ago
I have a male Betta with babies already but every time my male tries to pick them up and put them into the nest the fries just keep trying to swim down into the water. What would I do?
New Meta
New Meta - 8 years ago
nawh im kidding, they're fine they dont know any better they're just babies
Mario and Luigi show BIZ
Mario and Luigi show BIZ - 8 years ago
New Meta would that mean every fry is disabled?
New Meta
New Meta - 8 years ago
your fries are mentally disabled
Tanisha Karekar
Tanisha Karekar - 8 years ago
my betta fish lay eggs , in one day the egg are not able to see ?
Tanisha Karekar
Tanisha Karekar - 8 years ago
my betta fish lay eggs , in one day the egg are not able to see ?
shroomhead1213 - 8 years ago
I tried looking through the comments for an answer but couldn't find one. When do I separate the fry?
Julien Sirard
Julien Sirard - 8 years ago
shroomhead1213 when they start showing signs of aggression amongst each other. Separate the agressive one
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Is it possible to feed them crushed pellets
WappaDaiskyu koreaboo
WappaDaiskyu koreaboo - 8 years ago
what food you feed if they swim ?
dirtybishop - 8 years ago
hi there.. I bought some iron rich (black coloured) sand substrate for my Betta 28ltr tank. one pet store worker said that it's a really bad idea since the Betta won't like it. I'm planning on live plants.... does anyone have solid knowledge on this ? thanks :)
Alaura McWilliam
Alaura McWilliam - 8 years ago
dirtybishop it should be fine I have black substrate in my divided tank and I have never had a single problem
ash c
ash c - 8 years ago
what can I feed the fry for dry food
Crazy Multi Gamer
Crazy Multi Gamer - 8 years ago
and also how long will all the embraces be
funny vids
funny vids - 8 years ago
what should we feed to the babies?can ew feed the blood worms
Crazy Multi Gamer
Crazy Multi Gamer - 8 years ago
I'm thinking about breeding beta and I want to know where I can find the cheapest materials for breeding betta fish and also, do we feed the betta fish when they are breeding ?? And also when the make is taking care of the eggs?
Crazy Multi Gamer
Crazy Multi Gamer - 8 years ago
Someone plz answer some of these questions
Estelea Beatriz Hipolito
Estelea Beatriz Hipolito - 8 years ago
how many day before the eggs hatch
Julia Vandertuin
Julia Vandertuin - 8 years ago
Will it work if I breed a veiltail female and a male crown tail?
XxKing_IsaacxX - 8 years ago
If you have betas that are pretty colors will the baby's be the same or different colors
XxKing_IsaacxX - 8 years ago
Does the tank need to be that big or can it be a beta cube tank and how do you no when their ready
lucas jeffery
lucas jeffery - 8 years ago
Experment 626 5-10 gallons
Panda Andy
Panda Andy - 8 years ago
Thx a lot my bettas bred after this thx julienne
XxGHoST1738xX - 8 years ago
I have a question
pleas contact me
Ansari Shanawaz
Ansari Shanawaz - 8 years ago
can we keep parents and babies together??

100. comment for Step by step guide to breeding betta fish

Azz Nifesheart
Azz Nifesheart - 8 years ago
thanks bro for the tips❤
WASDBoss - 8 years ago
How long does the process take
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 8 years ago
What do you feed to your fry?
Lisa Colebank
Lisa Colebank - 8 years ago
I have 12 week old betta fry feeding them shrimp brine and fry starter now crushed up pellets and small chopped bloodworms from frozen works real good they just love it, I also have 2 other batches of betta fry 4 week old and 1 week old doing the same thing and it's working out once again...
1k Subs No Vids?
1k Subs No Vids? - 8 years ago
Am I the only one here with the worst tank ever no heater no filter nothing
BluuKitt - 8 years ago
MrPandaGaming09 I have just a old juice server
BnarC COL - 8 years ago
How long does it take for the female to lay all her eggs?
ALEEF IRFFAN - 8 years ago
Can i use a narrow but deep container?
Devin meunsaveng
Devin meunsaveng - 8 years ago
so i breed my bettas 1 week ago had about 100 eggs within 1 week i was left with 2 frys left. so last Friday I bred them again and had about 50 eggs I went to work today came back and seen that there were about 10 fries dangling underneath the bubbles and I notice that my betta stomach was big I don't know if he ate them but I think he did what should I do only the first day of the babies hatching
Teslanudle - 8 years ago
How did you set up the filter so it wouldn't distort the bubble nest
Teslanudle - 8 years ago
Jeff Solis do you have any links?
Jeff Solis
Jeff Solis - 8 years ago
Teslanudle I think they sell low flow filters or filters the re deposit the water under the water and not over it
Dark Exile
Dark Exile - 8 years ago
What size should the tank be?
betta boy nava
betta boy nava - 8 years ago
Dark Exile
Julien Sirard
Julien Sirard - 8 years ago
The male might be to small in comparison to the female. Maybe waiting a bit for the male to grow if that is the case.
Dark Exile
Dark Exile - 8 years ago
Julien Sirard my bettas keep failing to embrace, should i do something?
Julien Sirard
Julien Sirard - 8 years ago
Dark Exile between 5 and 10 gallons
SakuraCrystalWulf - 8 years ago
How many tanks would you suggest having before breeding? Right now I have 2 1gal tanks and 1 10gal tank, but I'm thinking about when the fry get bigger and when I might need to separate them..
Miss Regal
Miss Regal - 7 years ago
This isnt near enough space to breed nor keep fry. You should always spawn in 15-30gal with a low water level so that when the babies grow up you'll have enough space to keep them in until you can pick out the aggressive ones. Seperating bettas are pretty easy, just start collecting jars early. Once you pick out aggressive fish as they grow you'll find yourself individually housing and caring for A LOT of males/aggressive females, I collect pickle jars since they're large and fairly simple to clean daily. So yea, obviously you'll need to seperate them but 2 1gals aren't even enough for one fish much less fry.

You could always spawn in a 10 gal and move them to a bigger tank or even a plastic tote, but keeping them in a 10 gal will promote more aggression and more runts dying from lack of food due to bigger fry eating more than them. Don't try to spawn without being prepared first! It's a very stressful and long process and the fry are very sensitive. Best of luck
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
When feeding the fry how much do we feed them twice a day?
MoonCrow - 8 years ago
guys this the wrong way to breed bettas.
bikesh shahi
bikesh shahi - 8 years ago
is it compulsory to remove female after the fine embracing?? what could happen if we don't remove the female from the tank?
Ruben Gonzalez
Ruben Gonzalez - 8 years ago
When I put my male and female together the female was the one flaring and the male kinda avoided her, what does that mean?
vinod kumar
vinod kumar - 8 years ago
plz help me fighter laid eggs last month but didnt hatch(no light night tym n bubble nest broke next day morning)...i dont hav water temperature to control n i didnt put almond leaf...i didnt put light n oxygen or now again im planning to breed so i collected almond leaf, plants,light,oxygen with sponge filter but i dont hav thermostat?is it possible to hatch eggs without thermostat? he should on filter 24*7 or nt?plz help me...ill try once u reply..thnx
vinod kumar
vinod kumar - 8 years ago
im frm temperature is 80 foreign heat outside...i dont knw abt underwater...
Julie K
Julie K - 8 years ago
Betta males make great dads! Making sure his fry's eggs are in the nest for sometimes days. They don't even eat... until the fry actually hatch... then sometimes they eat the fry...
Reni Rn
Reni Rn - 7 years ago
Julie K
Goldiebubbles - 8 years ago
Everything Aquarium they won't eat fry when they first hatch but if you leave him in there when the fry start getting larger faster he will eat them, or attack them.
A and S Life
A and S Life - 8 years ago
Julie K no they never eat the fry
Tanisha Karekar
Tanisha Karekar - 8 years ago
I can't see the eggs ?
Crazy Multi Gamer
Crazy Multi Gamer - 8 years ago
Moonlight Atlantic
Moonlight Atlantic - 8 years ago
Julie K he...heh..ha..
breezy_a - 8 years ago
ok so i put them together but all the male is doing is chasing the female..
Tyler Stevenson
Tyler Stevenson - 8 years ago
how many betta fish will you have when all the fri grow up because I only have limited amount of space
charlene valmoria
charlene valmoria - 8 years ago
when we know when the betta to breed
Lisa Colebank
Lisa Colebank - 8 years ago
I have 6 week old betta fry there in a didn't tank, but I have tried to breed the betta fish again and it seems like after they hatch he eats them just wondering why it's happening? Please comment to me and let me know what to do so it doesn't happen again...
Glaygron Corn
Glaygron Corn - 8 years ago
Hi, Julien I had a question what do we do after when the frys' when the hatch do we taki them to another tank? cuause the might start fighting? Please help,Thank you.
Joel Toh
Joel Toh - 8 years ago
can i feed the fry dry food
Tabitha Newman
Tabitha Newman - 8 years ago
When do you seperate the male fry, when they start showing aggression? And do you need to put them all in seperate tanks? I don't really have space for 20 seperate tanks haha
Synn Kynlr
Synn Kynlr - 8 years ago
Tabitha Newman you could put them in deli cups, also, 20 from one breeding pair is unlikely. they can have over 500 fry.
SUnnYY13 - 8 years ago
can you feed them infusoria when they are free swimming?
Ninja Of The Darkness
Ninja Of The Darkness - 8 years ago
why can't you feed them with shrimp eggs? didnt hear clearly
Lisa Colebank
Lisa Colebank - 8 years ago
I don't see why not I used fry starter and shrimp brine for my betta fry it has worked for almost 5 weeks their starting to get real big now. Plus I have some new baby betta fry on the way again and I am just going to use the same thing.....
Lisa Colebank
Lisa Colebank - 8 years ago
I never used blood worms or micoworms I just used shrimp brim and starter food for fry it worked out great my baby Betta's are now 3 weeks old...
chloe jagger
chloe jagger - 8 years ago
Lisa Colebank shrimp brim?
Raghav Kumar
Raghav Kumar - 8 years ago
Can I use crushed up flakes?
luka urban kitek
luka urban kitek - 8 years ago
Is 2.5 gallon tank without filter okay?
Archit - 8 years ago
Ur welcome! i do Betta Fish Videos !!
luka urban kitek
luka urban kitek - 8 years ago
Thank's dude.
Archit - 8 years ago
Nope! At least a filtered 10 gallon! (Not hating)
Chesa Djanelle
Chesa Djanelle - 8 years ago
dang my Betta built a huge ass nest. But I don't know if I should buy a female Betta lol
Carlisa Giles
Carlisa Giles - 7 years ago
Goldiebubbles was
Goldiebubbles - 7 years ago
AquaLife&More That might work! Like I said before, go join "Fishlore" if you can. I can help you on that website if you are interested in breeding.
AquaLife&More - 7 years ago
Goldiebubbles But I'll sell them for really cheap price like 50 for 10€
Goldiebubbles - 7 years ago
AquaLife&More That's a start! Although most chain stores don't take locally breed fish your local fish store might. It is hard to get rid of 50-200 fishes though! If you are interested in breeding bettas join the "Fishlore" forum on google and start talking to people. I would also be willing to help you out on there.
AquaLife&More - 7 years ago
Goldiebubbles I'll sell the most of my Betta's to pet shops
Goldiebubbles - 7 years ago
AquaLife&More You have to buy a spawn tank (5-10 gallons), a grow out tank (20-50 gallons) and lots of jars (50-200) for male bettas because they will start trying to kill eachother. Then you have to figure out how to filter and heat 50-100 jars. Also you need decorations, filters and heaters for the spawn tank and the grow out. You need to have live food cultures of different types of water worms and bugs. So it is very, very expensive... it is not uncommon for first time small scale betta breeders to spend upwards of $1,000 breeding their bettas and it is extremely rare for someone to make one penny off of their first spawn, 99.9% of you end up losing money.
AquaLife&More - 7 years ago
Chesa Djanelle Why expensive?
Goldiebubbles - 8 years ago
Chesa Djanelle breeding betas can become horribly expensive and you should only really breed betas from other beta breeders to prevent genetic defects.
Shane paye
Shane paye - 8 years ago
How many day the male connot eat?
Lisa Colebank
Lisa Colebank - 8 years ago
Do you have to always use the filter through out the night? Oh is it ok to shut it off once in a while when you have baby betta fry???
Dree Meymey
Dree Meymey - 8 years ago
It is okay to put the breeding tank in under my bed which so very dark. for them no to be disturb?
KrystalxMagic - 8 years ago
Can I remove the female if she lays about 10-20 eggs? or would it effect the bubble nest?
KrystalxMagic - 8 years ago
Do all the eggs hatch? and how many Betta fishes will live?
A and S Life
A and S Life - 8 years ago
KrystalxMagic there are just a few runt eggs that might not make it and they hatch at a similar time so just wait for a while and ya... but the rest are an a ok
Lisa Colebank
Lisa Colebank - 8 years ago
If you don't have the right food for the baby fly is it ok to use dry blood worms crushed up smaller???
Archit - 8 years ago
Blood worms are a treat! Maybe just give the fry crushed flakes :)
Michelle Anne Pastolero
Michelle Anne Pastolero - 8 years ago
will male and female beta fish breed if put together in the same tank from the very start?
William Viera
William Viera - 8 years ago
It took much much longer for me
Josh Lee
Josh Lee - 8 years ago
how old is your male
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
I am considering breeding my bettas. I have 6 males and will get a couple females to start. I loved this video. Very well explained. I'm excited to do this. I have bred Cichlids for a long time and am looking to expand. I think this is going to be awesome! Thanks so much. I also subbed your channel. You can check mine out as well. I just posted my male bettas. Maybe give me an idea of why type females to get. Thanks so much.
miguel peneyra
miguel peneyra - 8 years ago
Why does mine chases the male?
Joseph Biasetti
Joseph Biasetti - 7 years ago
I have a betta collection
betta collection US
betta collection US - 8 years ago
NuWi sometimes they do they let go of the eggs and she will eat them
NuWi - 8 years ago
she is a feminist. she is gonna squeeze the eggs by herself xD
betta collection US
betta collection US - 8 years ago
miguel peneyra some females will try to kill your males I noticed I am breeder and seen it doesnt work out
Phạm Ngọc Tài
Phạm Ngọc Tài - 8 years ago
my male betta can't wrap the female properly, someone plz help ;(
Phạm Ngọc Tài
Phạm Ngọc Tài - 8 years ago
Just like his owner, haha cries
Harry Han
Harry Han - 8 years ago
Phạm Ngọc Tài maybe hes a virgin
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 8 years ago
The female is to big and or the male is to young, you need fish that are almost the same size or better is a male who is slightly bigger than the female. If this is the case for you and he still can't wrap around her right, he might just be inexperienced and will need more time to get it right.
Ronaldo Lochan
Ronaldo Lochan - 8 years ago
how much food u give him before going to breed
Joey Tabuno
Joey Tabuno - 8 years ago
Do you add anything in the water to protect the fry?
Julie Kenney
Julie Kenney - 8 years ago
Can you see the fry from the top of the bubble sack ?? I can not lean over to see so I am asking if on the 56 hour can you see them from the top or no
Jason Maltez
Jason Maltez - 8 years ago
lol ima do it
CLASSIFIED GAMER - 8 years ago
CLASSIFIED GAMER - 8 years ago
kittylitter91 - 8 years ago
My beta isn't building a bubble nest what SHOUKD I do?
Animal I became
Animal I became - 8 years ago
the temperature might not be right or the area, be sure it's acceptable for breeding
AsoKhmer - 8 years ago
jai2 Gomez
jai2 Gomez - 8 years ago
does the male fish eat eggs?
jai2 Gomez
jai2 Gomez - 8 years ago
how many days a female fish stays in the tank after we saw an eggs???tnx
Red - 8 years ago
hey man.. i need help.
what should i feed to baby bettas, i got fish flakes
Carlos Ochoa
Carlos Ochoa - 8 years ago
hikari first bites
White . Bettas
White . Bettas - 8 years ago
Once the fry are free swimming feed them small amounts of microworms, and once they get older (1/2 months old) you can feed them things like repashy gel food, bloodworms, daphnia, or mysis.
Zurv - 8 years ago
I have this betta fry formula I got from amazon, is it OK to feed them that? I Don't have microworms or baby brine shrimp, pls help is it ok? if not what else can I feed them?
Tim GlobalService
Tim GlobalService - 8 years ago
you can feed them egg yokes , boil an egg, then separate the yoke from the whites, take a small piece of the yoke and mix it with some water in a spoon till its like a watery paste, then use a toothpick or a que-tip  put several small dabs of the egg yoke into the water in the general location of the fry (not too much as this will pollute your water really quick) only recommend this for the first couple of feedings till your Brine shrimp are ready or you have had a chance to get to the pet store an buy some fry food.
Irvin Chapa
Irvin Chapa - 8 years ago
What is the plants are the best for the breed
White . Bettas
White . Bettas - 8 years ago
Any live plants are fine.
Aidid Dominik
Aidid Dominik - 8 years ago
Hey, do you still have betta fish? Im new to this
Allosaurus Rex
Allosaurus Rex - 8 years ago
My male Betta fish is making a bubble nest at the top of his tank and I'm not planning on breeding him. Will he make the bubble nest until he dies or will he eventually stop? I've had him for just over 3 weeks and he just started making the bubble nest when I put him into a bigger tank.
My Tiny Planet
My Tiny Planet - 7 years ago
It actually has nothing to do with their happiness. It means that they have reached sexual maturity ie. Ready to breed :)
Just Chloe
Just Chloe - 7 years ago
Allosaurus Rex It can mean alot of things, stress, uncomfortable, but the most common reason is he's happy! Mine build the when they are happy...
Jimmy Scr-emo
Jimmy Scr-emo - 7 years ago
Damn.. Sounds like menses.
princess - 8 years ago
it's in their nature.. they just do it even if u don't breed him, he will be fine.
Oceanti - 8 years ago
When my dad was my age he just threw a male and a female in together and they killed Each Other
Saki Miyu Miamoto
Saki Miyu Miamoto - 7 years ago
JustAnotherOne1 and learn proper English because I picked out several grammar mistakes.
Saki Miyu Miamoto
Saki Miyu Miamoto - 7 years ago
JustAnotherOne1 You can not simply have a female Betta have sex with a male Betta. You're the child for lashing out at nothing and being plain stupid
Goldiebubbles - 7 years ago
Kat Cruz I own 5 bettas and am starting a breeding program.... I am aware.
JustAnotherOne1 - 7 years ago
correction: your a 2 year old that spent 5 years at a pet shop and didn't learn shit so that makes u a 2 - 5 year old = -3 year old. ur worst than a 0 year old
JustAnotherOne1 - 7 years ago
your a 2 year old
Kat Cruz
Kat Cruz - 7 years ago
JustAnotherOne1 you're an idiot...
JustAnotherOne1 - 7 years ago
oh wow! You definitely didn't learn anything from your 5 years. Even 2 year olds know this. Everyone knows the male bettas won't kill females if they give them sex. Next time make the females throw sex at them so they don't get killed.
Kat Cruz
Kat Cruz - 7 years ago
Goldiebubbles i have worked at pet stores for 5 years... bettas kill eachother... male male, male female, or female female.
Cody Seto
Cody Seto - 7 years ago
FirstClassFishKeeper - 7 years ago
Oceanti threw?
JustAnotherOne1 - 7 years ago
too bad he didn't drop a rock on top of the male. he would have made rock fish.
random channel
random channel - 7 years ago
exefile lol
exefile - 7 years ago
Oceanti I don't doubt it, once I put 2 goldfish males together and they died pretty fast, later I was told that I need to put water in the tank too, oh well.
Goldiebubbles - 7 years ago
Alexander Borges He makes it sound like he just left the fish in the tank until they killed each other. What probably happened is they beat eachother up so bad for a week or so that they died from injuries and stress.
Alexander Borges
Alexander Borges - 7 years ago
I also from time to time just introduce the male and the female at the same time and they breed let me tell you something in 30 years I have never seen two bettas male and male fighting or breeding,,,,,,,,,die.I'm not calling you a liar but I just find it hard to believe that one time they both killed each other.usually after a fight or breeding they're banged up but I find it very hard to believe that one or even both could die I think maybe you were young and your father probably just had them banged up pretty bad
cristian cazares
cristian cazares - 7 years ago
Oceanti sorry I don't know why I laughed so hard at this.!
Oceanti - 8 years ago
+deaths360 google didn't exist yet I guess that's why :3
princess - 8 years ago
seems like u got a very intelligent family..
Cowboy Russell
Cowboy Russell - 8 years ago
Where do I get the worms
melodymaker396 - 8 years ago
Where can I get an Indian almond leaf? Pet shop?
peech - 8 years ago
Awesomekid2016 - 8 years ago
Can I feed my fish flakes instead of bloodworms and pellets
princess - 8 years ago
if you have a betta fish, please get fish food in pellet form. flakes are not good for bettas.
Abdulla Hussain
Abdulla Hussain - 8 years ago
What is the water temperature?
princess - 8 years ago
around 26 degrees is recommended :)
Peter Zhong
Peter Zhong - 8 years ago
Hi buddy, great video!!!
wondering how long I should keep the male and female in the same tank with divider?

It has been 2 days since they were divided in the same tank, the female shows a bit vertical strip but not much, and the male are keep building the nest.

wondering how long I should keep the male and female in the same tank with divider? how could I know they both ready?

thank you very much!!
레이첼 - 8 years ago
+Ulti metro Ahh ok I see your problem, so has your male been there his whole life? If he has remove the fry not him, this may be a better option ( to reduce stress) :) Do this by geting a cup and scooping it up. You have you do this very carefully. Then get an other tank and put the fry in there.Also if you dont have an other tank get a solid tank divider (no holes in it) and split the betta male away from the fry. However, if your problem is getting the male out use hands or carefully move the fry with the cup for 2 secs while getting the male. Water conditioner, filter and heater are a must for bettas.
Ulti metro
Ulti metro - 8 years ago
+Rachel Norman heyyy,how do i remove the male without disturbing the fry? is a water condition and temperature a must for survival for betta fishes....actually will the both conditions affect breeding
레이첼 - 8 years ago
+ZHONG Weapon Don't feed him when the female is in the tank :) So stop feeding and
and release the female carefully after 25 mins they will breed if they don't they are not ready, if this happens try once more (do the whole process again) and if it doesn't work give up (lol that sounds mean). Hope I helped, any questions just ask me <3
Peter Zhong
Peter Zhong - 8 years ago
today is the 3rd day they are together in a new tank, the male eats all the floating pellets we fed while the female doesn't eat much and most of the food fall into the bottom, I think they need to to eat a lot to store energy to breeding, don't they? any thing I could do to help?
레이첼 - 8 years ago
Your ready to breed! <3
damon inniss
damon inniss - 8 years ago
but my fish is eating the eggs y?
UnicornFarts - 8 years ago
Jo Bo
Jo Bo - 8 years ago
what's a bubble nest?
RachSketches - 8 years ago
once the fry have grown up, at what point do you need to separate them? do they act aggressive to one another?
kittylitter91 - 8 years ago
you separate them when you notice they are becoming aggressive, not all happen at the same time
princess - 8 years ago
males WILL fight each other. once they start doing that slightly (you'll see them chasing each other in the tank they grow up it's time to seperate them). what you can do is keep the females in a big tank together BUT keep an eye on them because sometimes they won't go along with each other so simply seperate the "trouble making" ones.
RachSketches - 8 years ago
+Allosaurus Rex okay, thank you
Allosaurus Rex
Allosaurus Rex - 8 years ago
You'll have to separate male and females. Males won't fight each other unless they get separated and reintroduced. If you separate them you'll have to keep them separate.
Alexis Louise
Alexis Louise - 8 years ago
Also after I remove the female when they finish mating, do I have to remove the male when the eggs hatch?
princess - 8 years ago
yeah, you remove the male as soon as the little babies are able to swim around
Alexis Louise
Alexis Louise - 8 years ago
Thanks so much, I went on a two day trip, and came home, I saw a bubble nest! however, when I added the female, he started adding bubbles again, is that normal?
Dinesh Dhandavamoorthy
Dinesh Dhandavamoorthy - 8 years ago
After successful breeding looks like the size of the bubble nest got reduced . Day by day count is going down. What could be the reason for this ? Even am not able to see the eggs in the tank ...
Das Boo
Das Boo - 8 years ago
Hi I wanted to know where did you get all these supplies
UnicornFarts - 8 years ago
When do you remove the male? I need answers NOW!
peech - 8 years ago
+AirTimeCloud we know, just after the fry start swimming
UnicornFarts - 8 years ago
No the male. I know you remove female right after.
Awesomekid2016 - 8 years ago
You mean remove the female
ShowStopper MTG
ShowStopper MTG - 8 years ago
After the fry are free swimming
LifeWithBettas - 8 years ago
Hey guys i sorta need some help! so im going to breed my bettas in a week or two (ive done a whole bunch of research btw) but i can't purchase anything online like microworms, baby brine shrimp etc.. so i was wondering could i just feed the fry infusoria?
LifeWithBettas - 8 years ago
like flake food? how do they do with just that? bc i bred guppies and their fine with just flakes.
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
i feed them pellets just make sure to crush them so they can fit in their mouths
_vicy _12
_vicy _12 - 8 years ago
Do u need a big tank
Alexis Louise
Alexis Louise - 8 years ago
I am concerned, I have a male and a female betta, and when they are apart they don't move. but when they are together they swim and etc., the male flares his gills at her and she swims away. She isn't scared of him tho. there is no bubble nest and she's a very dark blue so I can't tell if she has stripes yet, please help :(
Twilight Betta
Twilight Betta - 8 years ago
+Uniquely Alexis Louise Untill the male finishes making the bubble nest. So probably awhile. Bettas do take work into making the nest so it takes a while.
Alexis Louise
Alexis Louise - 8 years ago
Okaii, thanks. I'm sorry for bothering you, but how long after introducing them does he make one?
Lifestyle Of LPS
Lifestyle Of LPS - 8 years ago
I'd take the female out and put her back in the cup to recondition her until you notice the make has made a bubble nest, that's your best bet. :)
Game Genuinely
Game Genuinely - 8 years ago
Now u can sell Betta international at
Doppel Ganger
Doppel Ganger - 8 years ago
the male betta just reminds me of an abusive husband lol
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
They do
Michael Fixedsys - Fixedsys Labs
Michael Fixedsys - Fixedsys Labs - 7 years ago
Doppel Ganger
They do the same thing to males too

They're very territorial
Angie Brodland
Angie Brodland - 7 years ago
In the beginning he did for me too. Then at the end he was a devoted father! Haha! picking up the fallen eggs and fry.
Kari Smith
Kari Smith - 8 years ago
peech oooook
peech - 8 years ago
Just like my dad
Music World
Music World - 8 years ago
how to know gender of beta
Bryson F220
Bryson F220 - 8 years ago
+Windows95 Thanks for correcting me.
peech - 8 years ago
+Feraligtr 220 that isn't the best way to tell as I've seen males with short fins and vice versa. Females have a white spot on their stomachs, a quick Google search and you should get what I'm talking About.
Bryson F220
Bryson F220 - 8 years ago
Male betrays have long, extravagant fins while females have short fins.
Doppel Ganger
Doppel Ganger - 8 years ago
female - short fins
male - long fins
Bryan Garcia
Bryan Garcia - 8 years ago
what happen to the fry
tuotieful - 8 years ago
we have a male beta , one time one of our cats decided to drink the fishes water , well i guess it pissed him off, he swam as fast as he could, and bit the cats tongue,the cat jerked away in confusion it was funny though.
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
I been bit by a male who would jump out to bite you. He was the fish of nightmares.
Just Chloe
Just Chloe - 7 years ago
tuotieful Glad it didn't hurt. It scares me sometime when I hand feed my guys and girl
Negan - 7 years ago
Lily Elizabeth
Lily Elizabeth - 8 years ago
Do the 'vertical stripes' appear on the fins or the body? Because if they appear on the fins, my girls are ready
Kelltic one
Kelltic one - 8 years ago
I know this video is a few years old, but I wanted to say thank you! This was very helpful.
Cowboy Fishgod
Cowboy Fishgod - 8 years ago
awesome stuff
jessica lynn
jessica lynn - 8 years ago
Where do u get indian almond leaves??
princess - 8 years ago
you can get them really cheap online (ebay, amazon)
Jenny Izquierdo
Jenny Izquierdo - 8 years ago
how many times do they have to embrace before I take the female out?
Lifestyle Of LPS
Lifestyle Of LPS - 8 years ago
Until they embrace and there are no more eggs released.
lil aban
lil aban - 8 years ago
question when breeding can both male and female flair at the same time?????
Tim G
Tim G - 8 years ago
How long did you have the male betta before you decided to start breeding and do you need to have him for a while before he is comfortable to create a nest or is it just whenever your ready to breed them.
angel of music
angel of music - 8 years ago
This seems a little off topic but it does come back around. My friend's male betta has formed a bubble nest and seems to be looking for a female. I had seen a couple times on websites that females preferred to be in a communal tank. We are trying to look at some different options. Do you think it is possible to slowly integrate a few females and a male into a tank for just regular times? we currently have a 15 gallon tank and a 1 gallon tank (which the male and his current bubble nest are in). I have experience in both keeping various breeds and some breeding of live bearers so I am understanding things pretty quickly I just need to make sure I'm getting all the info I need. (sorry this was long)
Bun Wong
Bun Wong - 8 years ago
You could put around 4 females with one male, kinda like guppies but they won't breed. I have not tried this but I saw someone do this and the fish were fine but it's your call to do this or not
Manusia Manusia
Manusia Manusia - 8 years ago
why my female flaring to my male.
actually,I want to breed them.
Eleanor McKelvaine
Eleanor McKelvaine - 8 years ago
That was great! Lots of info!
Ng Kim Seng
Ng Kim Seng - 8 years ago
Can I feed them with hard boiled egg yolk? In powder form..
Adi S. Setiadi
Adi S. Setiadi - 8 years ago
Remove the female after breeding time's over. Or remove the female when the male's repel female from his nest. That's what I did. Sorry if my english isn't good >,<
White . Bettas
White . Bettas - 8 years ago
Female betta fish have an egg spot located between their two ventral fins
Chantàl Elliott
Chantàl Elliott - 8 years ago
+Harika Sumetsu males have long flowing fins and females will have much shorter fins
Harika Sumetsu
Harika Sumetsu - 8 years ago
How to know if bettafish is male and female?
Adi S. Setiadi
Adi S. Setiadi - 8 years ago
And remove the male after 5 weeks since the eggs hatch
Movie Moore
Movie Moore - 8 years ago
when do you remove the female?
Knk Aj
Knk Aj - 8 years ago
How long do i keep the female separated from the male at the end of the breeding process?
The boss
The boss - 8 years ago
So you need a total of 3 tanks his hers plus breeder tank?
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Can I just remove the fry?
Dehici Delgado
Dehici Delgado - 8 years ago
how do you know it a boyfriend or a girl
Cee Jhay Chavez
Cee Jhay Chavez - 8 years ago
what is the measure or the size of an adult betta that is ready for breeding....need answer cuz I don't know if my bettas are ready for breeding
princess - 8 years ago
you know that your MALE is ready once he starts building a bubble nest.
Laura Organ
Laura Organ - 8 years ago
What if the male fish and the female fish Kill each other ? !
HOTDAWG06 - 8 years ago
+Laura Organ then they die
Laura Organ
Laura Organ - 8 years ago
That was very helpful!
weilun chia
weilun chia - 8 years ago
hi how can I tell when it's their last embrace and when should I remove the female from he tank? the female seems to be catching the falling eggs together with the male now..
Bang Bang
Bang Bang - 8 years ago
aww he's gonna get a lot of #1 dad mugs
D jeff
D jeff - 8 years ago
rodrigo pfucho
rodrigo pfucho - 8 years ago
Shift Steel
Shift Steel - 8 years ago
After they born and they start free swimming I feed the frys microworm. I get them from and they give me enough to start 3-4 cultures just in case one should fail I still have 2 -3.
Jordan Kalysta Burton
Jordan Kalysta Burton - 8 years ago
I thought that this video was extremely informational. Thanks you However, I was wondering if you feed the bettas while they're sharing the same tank. And also, what do I feed the babies? and how long will it take for the fry to turn into a large fish such as their parents?
Maaz Khan
Maaz Khan - 8 years ago
can anybody tell me what size tank is needed
Bun Wong
Bun Wong - 8 years ago
The tank size recommendation is 5 gal for breeding but you could just use a basin if you want to, for the fry, you would need a 20 gallon tank for the first month then increase the size if needed and jar males that are aggressive. The whole process for breeding is 1 week and for the fry, it's about a few months for them to reach adulthood. ( Hopes this helps!)
Bun Wong
Bun Wong - 8 years ago
The eggs hatch around 36 to 48 hours after they are fertilized and around 2 days for them to be free swimming
Maaz Khan
Maaz Khan - 8 years ago
+Julien Sirard
Maaz Khan
Maaz Khan - 8 years ago
and how long will it take for the full process
Maaz Khan
Maaz Khan - 8 years ago
and when do the eggs hatch?
Catherine Pierce
Catherine Pierce - 8 years ago
my male is not making a bubble nest under the cup but he is making a bubble nest around the container holding the female.. any advice?
KRPG Gaming and Many More
KRPG Gaming and Many More - 8 years ago
Mark Alan Sahagun
Mark Alan Sahagun - 8 years ago
do you have a video of feeding the fry with microworms?
Shaden0040 - 8 years ago
You can use floating water sprite aka wisteria for the male to blow his bubble nest into.
Enar Josef Isnani
Enar Josef Isnani - 8 years ago
this vid is so very useful and thanks.
terence buyante
terence buyante - 8 years ago
if the fry will hatch cani feed it or n
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
KRPG Gaming and Many More
KRPG Gaming and Many More - 8 years ago
if the bubble nest is ruined what shall I do?
BlueMoon - 8 years ago
+Paulbryle Guardiano Try again it takes time, try other methods of breeding, also try picking up a book to help you.
KRPG Gaming and Many More
KRPG Gaming and Many More - 8 years ago
if the bubble nest is ruined what shall I do?
Superman - 8 years ago
+KRPG Gaming and Many More you'd have to wait until the male makes more or else he wont be able to put the eggs anywhere
Mothwing - 8 years ago
Do they have to be the same breed? (of beta)
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
Chantàl Elliott
Chantàl Elliott - 8 years ago
+Chantal Maxwell breed is just different types of the same species, same as dogs
Chantàl Elliott
Chantàl Elliott - 8 years ago
As long as it's the same species they can successfully breed
Superman - 8 years ago
+Snowymoon AJ no, any breed doesnt matter:)
VTechConsumer - 9 years ago
How do I make sure that the male makes the bubble nest and Do we have to keep an almond leaf?? Please tell me.
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
we have to keep an almond leaf or a half cut styrofoam cup or a bubble-wrap piece to support the bubble-nest
noorhasliza ramlee
noorhasliza ramlee - 9 years ago
random garbage content
random garbage content - 9 years ago
That was really helpful nice vid
CAC Consulting
CAC Consulting - 9 years ago
where did you get your food?
subisforlife and more
subisforlife and more - 9 years ago
is it good to feed them wile breading
xXx patrickthegamer xXx
xXx patrickthegamer xXx - 9 years ago
better not you will disturb them
Tâm Hồ
Tâm Hồ - 9 years ago
you bredding crowtail betta fish
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 9 years ago
thanks,this was the most helpful video I have ever seen
Bruhh - 9 years ago
I think this is rape
Katie Glass
Katie Glass - 8 years ago
that's not funny at all, that's not a subject you should joke about
Princess Summer
Princess Summer - 8 years ago
Arun Antony
Arun Antony - 9 years ago
when we have to remove male from the tank
aby salman
aby salman - 9 years ago
nice video dude,,,thanks,,,,
dgk 70557
dgk 70557 - 9 years ago
dgk 70557
dgk 70557 - 9 years ago
how long do the need to be in the breeding tank and we get rid of them
Dhundup Lama
Dhundup Lama - 9 years ago
hey after fry comes we can feed them..
If i put the male in the breeding tank then put the female in a container in the breeding tank will my male make a bubble nest?
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
yes,only if the male can see the female
How long do u keep the female in a separate part? Is it until the male makes the bubblenest?
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
till the male makes a bubble-nest and the female gets vertical stripes on her body.
slime princess
slime princess - 9 years ago
those are a lot of Betta fish
LILIANA CARDENAS - 9 years ago
10 gallon or 5 gallon tank?
Rexroy Nettleford
Rexroy Nettleford - 9 years ago
ok i will tell you when your method of breeding bettas work
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
As soon as my female betta sees my male she has vertical stripes is that normal
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 8 years ago
They made fry.. but I didn't realize they were free swimming so they died a long time ago..
Ikeman - 8 years ago
+Luna harmony 1987 vertical stripes = good -ready to mate, horizontal stripes= bad - stress
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
Its just stress stripes. Any betta would feel threatened when directly exposed to a fish who appears much bigger and more strong (from the fin size and shiz)
Rukshana Quraishi Athi
Rukshana Quraishi Athi - 9 years ago
i bought a female betta 4 days back ... day b4 yesterday i have noticed a bobble nest at the corner of the tank i thought she might be happy or something... but today i found eggs in it and she is restlessly taking care of them :/
what should i do now? should i change the water coz i dont think those eggs will hatch ..
Roberie Roberie
Roberie Roberie - 8 years ago
those eggs won't hatch... they aren't fertilized..
Serbia Strong
Serbia Strong - 9 years ago
no,keep those babies alive! you can sell them if they hatch
Rexroy Nettleford
Rexroy Nettleford - 9 years ago
I have to two bettas and my male has build a bubble nest but my female is not showing vertical bands what do i do
Mike Wessel
Mike Wessel - 9 years ago
if she is not conditioned and ready she will not show stripes. she should be plump with eggs and there should be a white egg spot protruding from her underside.
go fetch
go fetch - 9 years ago
Is it normal for the Female to not run from the mark when he tries to attack and actually fight back she didn't bite back at first she ran but now she doesn't and bites him back sometimes harder
Mike Wessel
Mike Wessel - 9 years ago
be sure that u have not accidently picked up a shortfin male.
go fetch
go fetch - 9 years ago
COACHRUTLEDGEtube - 9 years ago
Roll Tide
Ikeman - 9 years ago
add some aquarium salt
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
+BlueMoon is that the reason why my bettas have been more healthy than before because of Aquarium salt(you need to mix the salt with the water of the tank,not just putting it there
BlueMoon - 8 years ago
+Ikeman Richter It can make betas sick and kill them. I know what im talking about.
Ikeman - 8 years ago
+BlueMoon only reply if u know what ur talking about.
BlueMoon - 8 years ago
+Ikeman Richter Bad thing to do. It'll kill the fish.
John Helms
John Helms - 9 years ago
it doesn't work
betta collection US
betta collection US - 9 years ago
some information wont work i have tried but theres more ways

im a breeder
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 9 years ago
this is amazing I've never seen betta breed before I know them to be aggressive fish and you can only keep one in a tank.
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 9 years ago
Can you help me? The male is not making a bubble nest :(
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
+bryan Martin my male is mature but is still not making a bubble nest.Even after introducing a female betta.
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 9 years ago
mine made a nest 4 months later lol
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
Yea my bettas are now making nests after 6 MONTHS OF WAITING!!! Just gotta wait lmao
bryan Martin
bryan Martin - 9 years ago
The male beta must be mature
Justise Bishop
Justise Bishop - 9 years ago
thanks a lot for this helpful tutorial! I've been considering breeding my bettas
감성비어디 - 9 years ago
my male betta fish is attacking female one.. is that dangerous? when can i put them together?
Srib - 9 years ago
+감성비어디 you don't want to release your female straight away make sure there are bubbles ready, then release her into the main tank with the male, she will get beaten up for a couple of hours but after that the breeding will happen, you need to keep watching them though 
감성비어디 - 9 years ago
oh!!!! thanks!
Srib - 9 years ago
+감성비어디 Its very normal, Just put a hiding spot where the female can get out of site of the male if she is getting too beaten up
Diamond Heart™
Diamond Heart™ - 9 years ago
Do female bettas also have long fins?I have 2 bettas but i dont know what gender they are.
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
+JhaXD but male plakat betta's have short fins
Diamond Heart™
Diamond Heart™ - 9 years ago
+JhaXD yes i love MLP and i only know that i have a delta tail and a mix colour,my 2 females im not sure but their red
JH A RI EL - 9 years ago
so you love mlp too.....XD
JH A RI EL - 9 years ago
sure its fine the bigger the better though.. but make sure you have a heater and a filter in it :D
what kind of fish do you have?? i have 2 doubletail plakat females and 1 koi plakat male :D
Diamond Heart™
Diamond Heart™ - 9 years ago
+JhaXD may i also ask if its ok to put my fish in a 4 gallon tank because my fish doesnt like/gets stressed in a big tank
JH A RI EL - 9 years ago
males have long fins and females have shorter☺
Steve Puls
Steve Puls - 9 years ago
This was very, very well done. I learned a lot. Thank you!
Muhammad Irfan Air
Muhammad Irfan Air - 9 years ago
Do we need to breed bettas with the colour of male and female are the same?
Srib - 9 years ago
+Muhammad Irfan Air no, thats the fun thing with betta breeding you can mix their colours and create awesome fry!
Lilyflame2 - 9 years ago
Is it possible to breed them in a large bowl?
Lilyflame2 - 9 years ago
Ok, thank you
Betta Fish :D
Betta Fish :D - 9 years ago
+Lilyflame2 No, dont keep bettas in any type of bowls in general, large or not. Baby bettas AND full grown bettas cannot live in a bowl, they will not thrive and its called fish abuse.
Jojo Du
Jojo Du - 9 years ago
Nice dad
Pablo Oliva
Pablo Oliva - 9 years ago
This is rape
Luisito Rodriguez
Luisito Rodriguez - 9 years ago
what betta fry eat
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
baby brine shrimp,daphnia,micro worms etc.
Amber Callery
Amber Callery - 9 years ago
how do u know if its to severe
Amber Callery
Amber Callery - 9 years ago
Thank you
Betta Fish :D
Betta Fish :D - 9 years ago
+Amber Callery Fins basically torn to pieces, and strands. Female not getting close to the male after at msot a week.
Balithazzarr - 9 years ago
I've seen betas my whole life. I used to do oscars and piranhas. I walked into petco for my 10 gal to try to do guppies and somehow walked out with only a male and female betta. These are much more pettish and intel fish than I would have thought. This is a good vid to understand what to do. I think I can do it. It's been a kid since I've seen any fry !!
Salu Manghat
Salu Manghat - 9 years ago
Hw cn i knw tat the male is ready for breeding
Salu Manghat
Salu Manghat - 9 years ago
+Betta Fish :D thanks bro..
Betta Fish :D
Betta Fish :D - 9 years ago
+Salu Manghat Look for bubble nests. If ur male makes a bubble nest, it's a sign he wants to breed. Also, make sure he is very very healthy
new age gamer Md
new age gamer Md - 9 years ago
hey what to feed the frys
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
baby brine shrimp,micro worms,daphnia,egg yolk,etc.
Betta Fish :D
Betta Fish :D - 9 years ago
+new age gamer Md There are many videos that show you how
Pravin Naidu
Pravin Naidu - 9 years ago
How long will it take for the female to lay eggs after the mating ? will it happen immediately or will it take time? what's the duration?

Once they fry r out and the male is out what needs to be fed to the fry?
Betta Fish :D
Betta Fish :D - 9 years ago
+Pravin Naidu The female drops the eggs while the male fertilizes, basically instantly. Feeding fry, you can look it up online. Many many sources
Justen Aviles
Justen Aviles - 9 years ago
my female didint pay attetion to my male wt should i do??
Betta Fish :D
Betta Fish :D - 9 years ago
+Justen Aviles Or sometimes, the female or male can be choosy with who they breed with ( one of my males ugh ) .
Katherine Fattorusso
Katherine Fattorusso - 9 years ago
Maybe she's not ready make sure she's old enough and if she is just separate them recondition and try again.
Ajeesh Ka
Ajeesh Ka - 9 years ago
Great job man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Chew Ray En
Chew Ray En - 9 years ago
Hi will it be possible for my betta to breed even if the female does not develops the stripes?
The Betta Bowl
The Betta Bowl - 9 years ago
Nraug vue
Nraug vue - 9 years ago
can someone tell why my male keep eating those egg that fall down what happen?
1bullet007 - 9 years ago
+Nraug vue Sometimes you have a young fish that does not know what to do. Try another male or another female with the egg eater!
Ghost - 9 years ago
i breed beta fish last time and only 1 survivor of the eggs
Betta Fish :D
Betta Fish :D - 9 years ago
+Goku XD Probaly cuz, you were inexperienced, and the babies were weak or the surroundings werent right
James Chua
James Chua - 9 years ago
my female betta is just running away what can i do?
Amanda Russell
Amanda Russell - 9 years ago
where can I get micro worms
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
+Amanda Russell you can go on youtube and type how to culture microworms.(sorry I cannot send you the links because I'm using the youtube app on my android phone)
Amanda Russell
Amanda Russell - 8 years ago
send a link of the video sounds smelly
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
you must start you're own culture.And you can get your starter culture by cutting a potato half and making a half inch deep hole in the between and bury it in the soil and after 1-2week you can remove it and start you're culture.(you can watch videos on youtube to know more about this).
The Betta Bowl
The Betta Bowl - 9 years ago
dractz - 9 years ago
question: when are you going to separate the male from the fry?
David Amorao
David Amorao - 9 years ago
where do I buy catappa leaves?
Thetacopancake - 9 years ago
When will you have to seperate all the baby Betas?
dynasty6378 - 9 years ago
Does my bubbles has to look like yours or doesnt matter? cuz my is white and kinda stacking in a pile.
Morgane Stylinson
Morgane Stylinson - 9 years ago
Hey i woul dlike a quick answer plz. Do the females flirt when the male is near ? Thx
The Betta Bowl
The Betta Bowl - 9 years ago
no, she should feel threatened and swim away.
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
8:34 What type of plant is that?
LisaAnn915 - 9 years ago
hi there. Thanks for the informative video. when the make is taking care of the eggs/newborn fry what do you feed him? do you feed him anything? about how long does he stay in with the fry? thank you
Ellen Morrison
Ellen Morrison - 9 years ago
hi, iv heard that the male fry can fight each other, is that true? and if so, how would you stop it without having to use hundreds of jars? :D cheers Ellen
Ellen Morrison
Ellen Morrison - 9 years ago
oh okay thank you, my male isnt much of a ladies man as it turns out so i guess i don't have to worry about it anyway :)
Katherine Fattorusso
Katherine Fattorusso - 9 years ago
No they won't fight each other that young maybe when they are older but not that young.
Won Chichang
Won Chichang - 9 years ago
Hi so i did exactly what the video said and make made a huge bubble nest so let the female out but then I had to go to school and I came back and they weren't chasing each other so I don't know if they made the ombré as how can I tell?
Leon Syson
Leon Syson - 9 years ago
When you put her with the male can you keep her in there until they begin the process or should you take her out occasionally? And if you leave her in can you do it overnight?
Eduardo Quinto
Eduardo Quinto - 9 years ago
my beta already has a bubble nest with out any of the needed things or a female
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
Don't worry that's normal. It just means that your betta wants to breed.
Tuitt Melvin
Tuitt Melvin - 9 years ago
I did all the steps but he is making sum little nest around the tank although iv put the leaf. and he is not continuing. can u plzz help me on this topic
Paris_litt - 9 years ago
Don't u notice it is flaring
Munif Ali
Munif Ali - 8 years ago
Parissayshi Akl are you stupid or what?
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
Its normal for them to do that when they first see eachother noob
Nema Ime
Nema Ime - 9 years ago
Who much i fishes need to be old to breed?
Nema Ime
Nema Ime - 9 years ago
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
+Razor Sharp you can expect babies in about a month or so
Nema Ime
Nema Ime - 9 years ago
b molly and guppy
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
what kind of fish are they?
Nema Ime
Nema Ime - 9 years ago
i got pragnant fish soo how much i need to wait to get some fishes :D
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
You want them to be between 6-12 months old to breed
Florida PieLady
Florida PieLady - 9 years ago
The fry are so precious. Great video. I am curious to know how do you know when it's time to breed? Does the male usually create the nest once you place the female (in a glass jar) in the tank and then 'she' get's ready once she is released?  That is the part I was unsure of.  I have seen my male create a small nest but hasn't in a long time. I have never attempted to breed him.  Thank you for any details.
Mike Wessel
Mike Wessel - 9 years ago
males will often create nests with water changes or tank changes. once they are comfortable with their surroundings they will often build nests. it's basically their way of saying "this is my territory". however, when you place the female in with the male he will make a much larger then usual nest. it's very important to keep ur tank covered to keep humidity levels high above the water colum for development of the labyrinth in the fry. if the air above the water is cold dry air you will be lucky to have any surviving fry.
Wonder World
Wonder World - 9 years ago
i never used a heater... but it succed... I can share my technic,,, Email me
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
+Reiger Erickson I like crown tail betta fish but I never had one. My dad always gets me half moon,rose-tail,delta tails or viel tails .
Wonder World
Wonder World - 8 years ago
+Jude Jacinto i like halfmoon betta
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
same here
Ken Nguyen
Ken Nguyen - 9 years ago
What ?
Dennis Abarquez
Dennis Abarquez - 9 years ago
how to feed the small fish of betta?
James Evans
James Evans - 9 years ago
How big is the tank
madden0828 - 9 years ago
awesome video!!!
Brian Searles
Brian Searles - 9 years ago
Many variables to breeding Bettas! Have done so about 10 times and no 2 were the same. The most important thing is that the female must be ready to mate! For me it seemed she lost interest in eating but became more interested in getting out of her jar to join the male. Also, LIVE baby Brine shrimp is the best food for the young. When the eggs start to hatch set up your first shrimp hatchery so that when the young start looking for food they will be able to find it.
Virgil R Garwood
Virgil R Garwood - 9 years ago
again, like he said in he video, only brine diet can make them more susceptible to bloat and dropsy.
Andy - 9 years ago
lol so difficult
Moes Pros
Moes Pros - 9 years ago
Is a heater necessary or is room temp fine and how long will everything take
Aderlin Soleer
Aderlin Soleer - 9 years ago
The girl is flaring at the male so what wrong
Ragerunner 2424
Ragerunner 2424 - 9 years ago
My male betta not bringing the eggs to the nest but my female coin it plz answer why
Ragerunner 2424
Ragerunner 2424 - 8 years ago
+Reagan Northcutt the male ate all most of the eggs
Snake lover Reptile lover
Snake lover Reptile lover - 8 years ago
Does your male have a short tail or long if it's short it might be the female XD males have longs fins and females have short fins
Ragerunner 2424
Ragerunner 2424 - 9 years ago
An after 2 hrs my male betta belly is swolen plz help
Gray Wolf Studios
Gray Wolf Studios - 9 years ago
I'm just curious about doing this so I want to know is can this be done while other fish are around or just the two.
Mike Wessel
Mike Wessel - 9 years ago
no other fish
biggybake - 9 years ago
hey great video! how do you know if the female bettas are ready to breed?
0065pop AJ
0065pop AJ - 9 years ago
I'm breeding bettas right now :D And where do you get microworms? Do you buy the eggs and hatch them like brine shrimp? Where do you suggest looking for microworms?
0065pop AJ
0065pop AJ - 9 years ago
+jose delvalle Thanks! But no one replyed in time so we just went out and bought a starting culture. We've been making other cultures from that. But thanks for letting me know!
king Reyes
king Reyes - 9 years ago
take java-moos with potatoes skin and put the in water, after a week you will have some micro tiny worms to feed your fry
saisoetun - 9 years ago
I don't know if my male betta is ready , he make some bubble, but it's not as big nest as shown in the video.
The Wonderful Life Of ME
The Wonderful Life Of ME - 9 years ago
You need to fill the tank up too the top so they have more room to swim and get oxygen
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
He said that at the end
jay lim
jay lim - 9 years ago
What vertical stripes do u mean
Kitty Kat
Kitty Kat - 9 years ago
I introduced 2 females 1 of them has vertical stripes all over while the other one doesn't also the male is interested in both
Isham Salim
Isham Salim - 9 years ago
How do they breed how many days they will have eggs dose female have a egg already reply me pls
Tyler Flog wang
Tyler Flog wang - 9 years ago
Do we need to use the Indian almond leaf
The Betta Bowl
The Betta Bowl - 9 years ago
you can use a foam cup cut in half at the top of the wqter.
hoodlife - 9 years ago
How long do you leave the male with the frys for
Blake Stone
Blake Stone - 9 years ago
How many of the fry survive to full-grown bettas?
yercuf - 9 years ago
It depends...usually around 20-50
Dylan - 9 years ago
Or anyone
Dylan - 9 years ago
Plz help
copperhead4102 - 9 years ago
Do we take out the gravel and can we feed them brine shrimp? And can we use a 1.5 gallon tank to breed them?
luckystarfish3132 - 9 years ago
beta need at least 2.5 gallons, so no. Don't house one beta in a 1.5 nonetheless how every many hatch.
Kaidence Nicole
Kaidence Nicole - 9 years ago
Can you keep the fry together when they're full-grown
Ironically Edgy
Ironically Edgy - 9 years ago
you cant keep the males together because they will attack and kill each other, i speak from experience.
Kaidence Nicole
Kaidence Nicole - 9 years ago
Will blood worms work?
Kim - 9 years ago
They had so much babies
Kim - 9 years ago
Awwww cute but a lot of babies
EvilDrWang - 9 years ago
Better than National Geographic.  You rock.
Jonathan Soekhlal
Jonathan Soekhlal - 9 years ago
What to feed the fry
Jonathan Soekhlal
Jonathan Soekhlal - 9 years ago
Mohamed Hanif
Mohamed Hanif - 9 years ago
how to gold fish eggs hatch? and how to see male and female gold fish? and how age to sex gold ?
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info
Brett Beadle
Brett Beadle - 9 years ago
Thanks a lot I'm going to get a black orchid soon
Rajiv Jadhav
Rajiv Jadhav - 9 years ago
great video. is that a 10 gallon tank? At what stage do you remove the female betta from the tank? Also, at what stage do you remove the male betta from the tank? Lastly, till what time can the fry be together in the tank? Thanks in advance.
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 9 years ago
after she lays all her eggs, give her 5-10 minutes to help the male get the eggs then remove her or he will kill her.
Kaidence Nicole
Kaidence Nicole - 9 years ago
That's exactly what I want to know!
Madasi - 9 years ago
+Fiona Lynette Paladin I can help you breed betta fish. Ask ZEUS for anything!!
Fiona Lynette Paladin
Fiona Lynette Paladin - 9 years ago
I hope we could breed our betta successfuly :)) HAHA ! (First time)
Fiona Lynette Paladin
Fiona Lynette Paladin - 9 years ago
Hhaha i was supposed to ask the same question xD my speaker isnt that good :P thanks for uploading the video (to the owner)
Madasi - 9 years ago
The fry can be in the tank for maybe 5 months.
Madasi - 9 years ago
You remove the male when the fry are free-swimming.
Madasi - 9 years ago
You remove the female after they are done mating.
MelancellfFtw - 9 years ago
+Rajiv Jadhav watch the video again, he explains everything
JordanicusRex - 10 years ago
Excellent video, I learned a lot.
Reemal Rmc
Reemal Rmc - 10 years ago
Great video bro helped me a lot thenks bro. . ..ill be shure to follow yur tips
Lynda Pohlmann
Lynda Pohlmann - 10 years ago
My male's tail has been severely nipped by a female and now he has grown a backbone and chases her into hiding. Will his tail grow back?
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
Separate both there not ready or you might have gotten a male plakat(short fin betta)
Michael Ng
Michael Ng - 10 years ago
thats just rape tbh
saphire - 10 years ago
What will happen to the female fighting fish if she remains " pregnant " for the rest of her life? Mine is so heavy with eggs now. She's separated by a mesh from the male. Am I being harsh if I won't let the male spawn her? Please advise. Thanks
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
+The Pioneer Show That's what I have heard too.
The Pioneer Show
The Pioneer Show - 9 years ago
I don't know, but I heard that if a female doesn't release the eggs it could be bad for its health
M Smith
M Smith - 10 years ago
Very informative, well done
Melissa Snider
Melissa Snider - 10 years ago
can you use silk plants.
Regular juvie Betta101
Regular juvie Betta101 - 10 years ago
what do u feed the fry name some foods the breeding part is easy but the feeding part not easy....
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
Regular juvie Betta101 if you live somewhere where you can't get live food and all you have is chips tiny food balls dust like food etc... My advice go buy one of the tiny sand sized food then go chew on the tiny dust like foods bag with your front teeth make sure the tiny sand sized food starts to look and feel like dust then it's ready for your fry to feed on. But I also tend to let some algae grow around my tank for the fries to gaze on.
Mokredit - 10 years ago
if you watch the video he explains it
Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
+julien sirard can you put like other animals in their like a small snail
ERIKAM ROSA - 10 years ago
Good video !!! great help
Benjamin Graham
Benjamin Graham - 10 years ago
What do I feed the fry?
The Betta Bowl
The Betta Bowl - 9 years ago
+Razor FX no, betta fry only eat live. Either brine shrimp or microworms.
Razor FX
Razor FX - 9 years ago
+Benjamin Graham egg yolk feed (Y)
Muhammad Redzuan
Muhammad Redzuan - 10 years ago
hey what happen if I just put the Male And Female together in 1 tank
anthony pope
anthony pope - 10 years ago
Hi mate what ph do you keep yours at in my betta book it says ph is around 6.8 my crown tale betta a built a very big nest at the side of the heater I feed mine on betta bio gold pellets and live food like blood worm black mosquito larve I do not give them flake
Bethani Brown
Bethani Brown - 10 years ago
What size is the tank ????
Reneth Anoche
Reneth Anoche - 10 years ago
Man!! He's a good Dad
David Roland
David Roland - 10 years ago
i have a problem, the male start hurting the female is normal?
SerafinaSquish - 9 years ago
Am i getting Detention For being late too?
Lol - 9 years ago
kinda late lol
Annie - 9 years ago
Take her out. The male is becoming very protective of the nest so he might kill her.
Lol - 10 years ago
Walter Jr. White
Walter Jr. White - 10 years ago
how much does this all cost as a total
Kaidence Nicole
Kaidence Nicole - 9 years ago
Every cost you just said was wrong no offense… Look it up
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
Tank - 10-20 dollars, heater 10 dollars, sponge filter 5 dollars, fish can range anywhere from 20-100 for a pair (quality). plants 10 dollars, water conditioner 10 dollars, air pump 12 dollars, almost leaf 2 dollars
do the math
Bryanna Leigh
Bryanna Leigh - 10 years ago
I wanna breed my male betta & female betta. Are there types of betta you can't breed?
Freaking Bat
Freaking Bat - 10 years ago
7:20 ... my favorite band .... hahahahaha ..
Ok you can kill me now ...
Morgan Hodgkins
Morgan Hodgkins - 10 years ago
Do you need any plant? If so, what type
jillene gilreath
jillene gilreath - 10 years ago
do the male or females have babbies??????? p.s. your betta fish is beutiful
Joe Maxpayne
Joe Maxpayne - 10 years ago
seeing the video, male incubating or protecting the eggs and doing all the works to eggs to stay on bubbles. so females should be removed to not disturb the male from doing his job.
Morgan Hodgkins
Morgan Hodgkins - 10 years ago
This video is very informative, what size tank is needed for breeding?
Absolute Aquatics
Absolute Aquatics - 7 years ago
No way!
Morgan Hodgkins
Morgan Hodgkins - 10 years ago
Ok thanks!!!!!
Kharl Renier Futalan
Kharl Renier Futalan - 10 years ago
Hey is it ok if i breed betta fish in the besin please reply.
bettaforever - 10 years ago
in my opinion a 10 gallon is minimum. :)
jillene gilreath
jillene gilreath - 10 years ago
same with u
Red Red
Red Red - 10 years ago
This is not breeding, this is rape!
zioro1235 - 7 years ago
Red Red fish rape other fish is that illegal in the fish world lol
Michael Fixedsys - Fixedsys Labs
Michael Fixedsys - Fixedsys Labs - 7 years ago
Red Red
It's the only way to breed the
Maulida Pitria
Maulida Pitria - 7 years ago
Red Red you pup
Kweenqy X
Kweenqy X - 7 years ago
Red Red ᔕᕼᑌT ᑌᑭ ᗪᑌᗪE Iᖴ ᑌᖇ GOᑎᑎᗩ ᔕᗩY TᕼᗩT GO ᗯᗩTᑕᕼ ᗩᑎOTᕼEᖇ ᗷᖇEEᗪIᑎG ᐯIᗪ!!!
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
I also forgot idiot's can't tell what a joke is 'hahahaha'
1987whynot1987 - 7 years ago
i forgot idiot's can't tell what a joke is hahahaha
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
So your mother was raped?
By your father? Is that how you were born?
1987whynot1987 - 7 years ago
all sex is rape
Dawnxtr - 8 years ago
Red Red lol
A and S Life
A and S Life - 8 years ago
Red Red wrong dude ur stupid
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 8 years ago
Red Red
And so fish femism was born.
Jason Chavez
Jason Chavez - 8 years ago
Fish porn
Ashton Draws
Ashton Draws - 8 years ago
But they don't fuck so..
rick and morty fanz
rick and morty fanz - 8 years ago
lmao no its not this is how you breed them
Reemal Rmc
Reemal Rmc - 10 years ago
Yeah right
Caleb McCoy
Caleb McCoy - 10 years ago
Greenday Fan
Greenday Fan - 10 years ago
what do you feed the fry?
The Equalizer
The Equalizer - 10 years ago
Step By Step To Breed A Fly. LOL xD
debopam banerjee
debopam banerjee - 10 years ago
Thanks For the Information.
Victoria Hill
Victoria Hill - 10 years ago
This was probably one of the best informative videos. I went through a few others and they didn't give out details like you did
President SurpriseParty
President SurpriseParty - 10 years ago
what are there names
Fishing the Salty South
Fishing the Salty South - 10 years ago
What do I do when my male doesn't what to blow a bobble nest
cherie brown
cherie brown - 10 years ago

Ll g
monarch puppet
monarch puppet - 10 years ago
nothing. he doesn't want to make one yet. simple. they aren't made to literally breed 24/7 or something.
Anayency Zavala
Anayency Zavala - 10 years ago
How long did u leave the female there to see the male?
B.A. Y.X.
B.A. Y.X. - 10 years ago
Should I buy the female betta fish that can leave with guppies or male betta fish ? Pls give me some suggestions ;)
Natalie Hoffman
Natalie Hoffman - 10 years ago
Is it necessary to use an Indian Almond leaf? If so what else could you use? Please answer ASAP
narkaler - 10 years ago
you could use a styrofoam cup cut in half
Amin Sheaib
Amin Sheaib - 10 years ago
My Betta fish already put the eggs but i noticed that the male is picking up the eggs but he is not putting them in the nest .. although there's bubbles on the top ... Any idea help why is this happening or it's normal!?
Kurini - 10 years ago
Hes either gathering or did how long did he pick it up?
James Bound
James Bound - 10 years ago
Is the water heater necessary?? and I don't have any Indian almond leaves :( is there any thing else I can use for the male betta fish to build his bubble nest?
monarch puppet
monarch puppet - 10 years ago
like he said in the video, you can use a Styrofoam cup cut in half in there instead. and yes, the heater is needed. the fry can get sick easier and faster in colder water.
Adara Tulley
Adara Tulley - 10 years ago
My betta Teal did it with out. But I don't know of just because he wants a girlfriend
Samuel Juegos
Samuel Juegos - 10 years ago
+jimishmong what food should be fed to the fry 2 day old?
Samuel Juegos
Samuel Juegos - 10 years ago
+jimishmong  ok, thanks dude!!
jimishmong - 10 years ago
+brod sam Microworm would be perfect but if you don't have just buy baby brine shrimp eggs and hatch them..
Or egg yolk :)
Samuel Juegos
Samuel Juegos - 10 years ago
+jimishmong  2days old of free swimming..
Samuel Juegos
Samuel Juegos - 10 years ago
+jimishmong 2day old free swimming..
jimishmong - 10 years ago
2day old as in hatched 2 days?
or 2 days of free swimming?
xyzshirodkar - 10 years ago
i succeeded in breeding my pair of Bettas, now there are no more bubbles left in the tank n all the eggs are at the bottom of tank. He is protecting them but not picking up them. what should i do ??? 
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 10 years ago
Great video alot of people forget the saran wrap on top.
Guardian Lugia
Guardian Lugia - 10 years ago
What those baby bettas eat?
Thinh Nguyen
Thinh Nguyen - 10 years ago
when do you stop feeding them?
monarch puppet
monarch puppet - 10 years ago
you don't stop feeding them once you start?
German Shepherd lover
German Shepherd lover - 10 years ago
Are you able to breed a dragon scale betta with a female vailtail for example? I have a dragon scale male and I just bought a female but I don't know what kind she is.
jimishmong - 10 years ago
+James Joshua Usi Looks spadetail, has the veiltal genetics ;)
German Shepherd lover
German Shepherd lover - 10 years ago
+James Joshua Usi ah ok I was told that's what it was.
James Joshua Usi
James Joshua Usi - 10 years ago
there is no such thing as a veiltail female it`s actually a spade tail.
jimishmong - 10 years ago
+Jordan Strebler Awesome!
German Shepherd lover
German Shepherd lover - 10 years ago
Ok my dragon died anyway... :/ so the daddy will hopefully be my butterfly. :)
jimishmong - 10 years ago
Yes, you can do that!
But if the female is a veil tail and male is dragon half-moon , the outcome would more likely be Veiltail looking or not so awesome half-moon looking with some weird scale since the dragon gene.
avatar paul
avatar paul - 10 years ago
i cant figure out,,how to hatch even a single egg,,,
and i really dont know if they made embraces already,,,
but the tummy of the female stll has white dot under of it,
ingrid izykowski
ingrid izykowski - 10 years ago
OMG my female too and my boy betta made bubble best
League of Elite Bettas
League of Elite Bettas - 10 years ago
Can anyone help me with finding out the gender of my baby betta fish? I posted a video on my channel. Please go and look and help me to figure out a gender. Post what you know/think it is in the comments of my video. Really appreciate it! Thanks!
The Haglett
The Haglett - 10 years ago
use lettuce!! naturally when it breaks down the fry eat it..also take a look at the level he kept the water very low so the male can see the fry easier..
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 10 years ago
How long does it take in total from start to finish like ones there as big as there parents
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 10 years ago
Did you add more plants or did they grow and if they grew what are they called
Jason Yeung
Jason Yeung - 10 years ago
all the fry are gone, i wondering if the male ate them..
THE GOAT - 10 years ago
You do not need all that stuff
JC Films
JC Films - 10 years ago
3:35 you said she starts to run. You mean swim. haha
Jango LhasaApso
Jango LhasaApso - 10 years ago
YOU DONT KEEP FEMALE WİTH MALE normally  unless for couple a days introduce them first and let them make love :D and fry  and take female out of tank other wise they will fight to death because of female will eat all fry. male jealous about it.  
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 10 years ago
walaou e u say what
Pgboy Gonzaga
Pgboy Gonzaga - 10 years ago
betta egg fish new
Shayne Dacuma
Shayne Dacuma - 10 years ago
where does one purchase micro worms?? 
Subject117m - 10 years ago
I'm here because of Grayson.
GlockWiseSB - 10 years ago
My tap water has a very high kH and gH - Even when mixed with RO, and TONS of IAL tea added, I still have a high pH, kH, and gH. Do you use tap water or RO? Do you know your pH kH and gH roughly?
ethan burka
ethan burka - 10 years ago
can i breed them in a 2.5 gal?
EM J - 10 years ago
My Bettas are embracing but I do not know when they started. how can I tell when they are done?
Romana Haque
Romana Haque - 10 years ago
is it alright to breed a dumbo  male delta with a female vailtail
lillyowl AJ
lillyowl AJ - 10 years ago
my male looks the exact same as yours dose.
Kinjue - 10 years ago
Julian how did u keep your water so clean with the Indian almond leaf? How did the betta build the bubble nest under it because mine always sinks.
Johnson Sebastian
Johnson Sebastian - 10 years ago
i dont have a jar to keep the female betta fish so what should i do pls
Kinjue - 10 years ago
If you have any thing see thru that a female betta could live for 1-2 days in, put her in that. Put her next to the tank, let them see each other 20 minutes a day to get the female full of eggs, Remember put the female next to him for 20 min a day.
Azur3Balmung - 10 years ago
^ Best comment ever
Olivia Eggert
Olivia Eggert - 10 years ago
can you feed the fry adult frozen Brine Shrimp
Jacob briones
Jacob briones - 10 years ago
if without heater they can breed 
Jacob briones
Jacob briones - 10 years ago
my male is as red half moon betta the female is white platinum halfmoon is that okay for breeding ?
MajicCity100 - 10 years ago
Nice presentation .
zomb1ehunter26 - 10 years ago
What happens if you don't use a filter?
Christian Garagusi
Christian Garagusi - 10 years ago
How long does it take for the fry to become full grown beta fish?
tristan digert
tristan digert - 10 years ago
SouthPhillyPT - 10 years ago
When do you separate the fry from each other?
olivia Lincoln
olivia Lincoln - 10 years ago
unbelievably Amazing,I enjoyed watching thank you.
Carlos Ochoa
Carlos Ochoa - 10 years ago
The wrap on top wont suffecate them?
Carlos Ochoa
Carlos Ochoa - 10 years ago
The wrap on top wont suffecate them?
thc weedhead
thc weedhead - 10 years ago
Love your video bro... cant wait to start breeding again but I breed different then its the way how you take care of them
Ehsan Haque
Ehsan Haque - 10 years ago
Mine didn't even mate it took so long that my female died of old age!
Bikash Sahoo
Bikash Sahoo - 10 years ago
good one. keep positing!!
Dilya Devis
Dilya Devis - 10 years ago
I have same fishes but why do they always fight with each other ?
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
EM J male guppies are on the off list but not the females he won't bother thaws.
Novacaikmonster™ | Minecraft & Gaming! ツ
Novacaikmonster™ | Minecraft & Gaming! ツ - 10 years ago
No problem Dilya :)
EM J - 10 years ago
You can keep a group of at least five female bettas together in a tank with plenty of hiding places and no male. Male Bettas can be kept in a tank with other fish but they cannot resemble it so no Molly or guppies or anything like that. My Bettas have Tiger Barbs, pleco, long finned tetras, peacock eels and no problems.
Dilya Devis
Dilya Devis - 10 years ago
thank ya!
Novacaikmonster™ | Minecraft & Gaming! ツ
Novacaikmonster™ | Minecraft & Gaming! ツ - 10 years ago
Well, Beta fish don't like being with other beta fish. I had 2 beta fish in a tank once and the male killed the female so it is reccommended to keep them alone with maybe another fish (still not reccommended) but they won't be aggresive as long without another beta fish. They are very lovely and my beta fish comes up top to the water and blows me a kiss when it sees me
Jae Flawless
Jae Flawless - 10 years ago
Does it have to be half the gallon ?
Nancy Morales
Nancy Morales - 10 years ago
Lauren Diaz
Lauren Diaz - 10 years ago
Julien Sirad is it okay to bred bettas in a 2.5 gallon tank because my male elephant eared betta is blowing a bubblenest. i put him in the tank with my female crowntail but it has a divider and the tank is between 75-80 degrees. whenever my male betta sees her, he looks like he getting all worked up, and he's trying not to let her see him, and later he looks at he's bubblenest and he tries to make more bubbles. i also read that if you feed them bloodworms it makes them breed a lot easier, but more me it's like close to impossible
Scrat Is Life
Scrat Is Life - 10 years ago
thanks I successfully bred my bettas
Ramayana Bezerra
Ramayana Bezerra - 10 years ago
aww hes a good daddy lol
Hieu Tran
Hieu Tran - 10 years ago
thank you
Hieu Tran
Hieu Tran - 10 years ago
how long do you feed the fry
Tiffany Love
Tiffany Love - 10 years ago
I tried breeding them, but when i put the female in, she didn't move she just stay there like she's super tired. So i was scared she will die so i took the male out and she was back to her active self again! 
sammy kharwa
sammy kharwa - 10 years ago
Is the yellow yolk of boiled egg good food for beeta fry
PokieMech - 10 years ago
is it absolutely necessary to have the tank heated while hatching the fry?
Levi - 10 years ago
what if I dont have food for babies?
I heard that I can use a piece of banana skin to feed them,Is that true?
Travis Tran
Travis Tran - 10 years ago
i used to breed beta when i was a kids.  you should do it with no light and smaller tank. use a taro type leaf on top .  can feed the fries with a drop of animal fat...
Hunter - 10 years ago
where to get the almond leave can u get 1 at a petstore im breeding a king betta with female crown tail and a male crown tail with female crown tail and veil tail
Trina Wong
Trina Wong - 10 years ago
Hi I left my femalr betta n e male betta together in e tank cz bubbles already accumulated underneath the leaf. female has already the stripes shown on her body but wasnt very submissive to e male...

Then im off to work. Didnt bother to put her away.

Came back frm work. Her fin was nipped off a lot by the male..not sure whether the male planted the eggs into the female. What shpuld I do?
Tw1zzl3rs - 10 years ago
How many days does the male take to get the eggs in the bubble nest? And for how many days do you leave the male in after the fry start to come out?
adam azrul
adam azrul - 10 years ago
Why is my male betta eat eggs after mating?
TeLePoRT MaSSiVe - 10 years ago
Fuckin great video man
Mah - 10 years ago
I dont have bloodworm to feed male what if i use normal food like goldfish meal
Mah - 10 years ago
What if i put 2 female with male in 1 tank is that will help breeding
Francis Vila
Francis Vila - 10 years ago
Is it natural my female sits idle in the water after being chased by the male? Because my female looked dead by sitting idle
zamzulhairy ahmad
zamzulhairy ahmad - 10 years ago
In my tank i have a small rock at the bottom..can i leave it there during the mating session and can it harm the fry?
wassanga andratinez
wassanga andratinez - 10 years ago
What happen with female u take out the tank after they put eggs on the nest?
Harvey Studt
Harvey Studt - 10 years ago
Mah - 10 years ago
helpful advices thank u ill try to breed some fighters
Betta Seller
Betta Seller - 10 years ago
Is it better to have no rocks at the bottom when breeding?
Taai Pop
Taai Pop - 10 years ago
do the fry eat dried food, what ye make to feed other baby fish aswell?
or is life food better, or the only thing they eat?
Ray Titselaar
Ray Titselaar - 10 years ago
foutje bedank
Taai Pop
Taai Pop - 10 years ago
wil je vriendje niet slikken ofzo?vanwaar al die haat? mijn vraag ging over het voer van de baby visjes van betta splenders....
Ray Titselaar
Ray Titselaar - 10 years ago
Taai Pop
Taai Pop - 10 years ago
do you feed the male betta, during the hatching? while he is in the tank with the fry?
brokenoverdose - 10 years ago
no feed him after you take him out
Rebecca Avalos
Rebecca Avalos - 10 years ago
how long do you keep the male betta fish in there before the start fightinh when you have your betta babies
Escarlanie Fajardo
Escarlanie Fajardo - 10 years ago
the only fish that you could keep with the breeding batta is a pleco fish.
Quincbot - 10 years ago
wow people commenting are stupid watch the video some betta fish don't breed
Pookie Shadowfang
Pookie Shadowfang - 10 years ago
Wow make Betta's fish are like the coolest dads!
fuzzywuzzy gaming
fuzzywuzzy gaming - 10 years ago
where did you get the worms, can you feed them live worms from the reptile section cause my petstore doesnt have much on betta fish
Jessica Delcina
Jessica Delcina - 10 years ago
Ive bewn trying to breed my crown tail betta with a female but I dont think he knows how to make a bubble nest, i have a plastic leaf in for him along with some spots for her to hide after I release her but i dont know why hes not making a nest unless i just cant see it. I think she has vertical lignes but its hard to compare her with the one in your video cause I couldnt really see. Any ideas or tips?
sexykee55 - 10 years ago
My betta are beeding in my fish bowl
Addie Gallegos
Addie Gallegos - 10 years ago
i thought my female was eating the bubbles so i took her out.  we never saw them embrace or anything.  He is blowing bubbles but when i released her again she swam to the bottom and wont come up towards the nest at all.  but she has the vertical lines.
Addie Gallegos
Addie Gallegos - 10 years ago
Ok I did that and now she keeps coming up and trying to get close to him but then he flares his gills out at her and charges at her. She runs and hides.
C Whitaker
C Whitaker - 10 years ago
If the female isnt impressed with the nest (or isnt ready herself) she will destroy the nest. Maybe put her back into her tank and keep feeding her live food 3 times a day for a week then try it again.
niranjan keerthe
niranjan keerthe - 11 years ago
any simple way to breed
C Whitaker
C Whitaker - 10 years ago
yea, breed goldfish
itsasin1969 - 11 years ago
I would put a few more plants at the far right end for the FM to hide. She will come out on her own when shes ready. 
mohammed abbas
mohammed abbas - 11 years ago
if u good almost all make it first time a few as u expertise u can rise all
Elizabeth Zeeck
Elizabeth Zeeck - 11 years ago
What if your betta doesn't blow bubbles and its the day you put the jar in the tank what do u do because I want to breex my betta fish and can you breed betta fish even though they arent the same color but the same breed???
linen verley
linen verley - 10 years ago
You can feed them anythig just dont feed while there mating or when the male is in the tank or just feed them alot before they breed they both might eat eggs if you feed them(sometime)
Elizabeth Zeeck
Elizabeth Zeeck - 10 years ago
Do u have to have them eat the frozen worms like I have flakes that I feed them will that be a alright
linen verley
linen verley - 11 years ago
linen verley
linen verley - 11 years ago
Troy Kazmierczak
Troy Kazmierczak - 11 years ago
That release of the female was pretty rough. Could have been done a lot easier with a bottle with the bottom cut off. Then just lift it out instead of just dumping her in. the smoother the better.
2KLEEN123 - 11 years ago
all the babies once they grow up I mean
2KLEEN123 - 11 years ago
wouldn't they like.. ohh I don't know...KILL EACHOTHER?!?!?!?!?!
Judy Bui
Judy Bui - 11 years ago
what does baby betta fishes like to eat?
binh vu
binh vu - 11 years ago
This is great!!! You seem so much honest than some other guys trying to sell their fish or filters
Little Ninja
Little Ninja - 11 years ago
About how many make it to adulthood?
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+Handsome Brad  Yaaaah Thats What Im Talking About Bruh
Brad Zamora
Brad Zamora - 10 years ago
+Austin Hill
 White boi, calm down. You just jealous cause your Siamese Fighting Fish will never be as good as ours. You can fuck all the pussy your heart could desire, but with that attitude, you'll never breed a good fish.
TheJeding - 10 years ago
+Austin Hill That is just outright insulting me. Where did you learn those comebacks from the internet?
TheJeding - 10 years ago
+Austin Hill Calling someone a fucking dumbass is better than calling someone a gay asshole faggot.
TheJeding - 10 years ago
+Austin Hill I wonder how i was being a gay asshole faggot.
TheJeding - 10 years ago
+Yadira Rodriguez How many not how long you fucking dumbass. Around 5 to 77.
Yadira Rodriguez
Yadira Rodriguez - 11 years ago
14 Weeks
maki soki
maki soki - 11 years ago
what kind of betta is your male?
Lauren Diaz
Lauren Diaz - 10 years ago
he's male betta is a red crowntail betta, i know because i have a male betta that looks like that but he's blue with red at the end of he's tail fins.
Samantha Harrington
Samantha Harrington - 11 years ago
I think that he is too!
maki soki
maki soki - 11 years ago
nice he's gorgeous!
Samantha Harrington
Samantha Harrington - 11 years ago
He's a Crowntail :)
HowToCameron - 11 years ago
The fish are stunning!
Freddy Granados
Freddy Granados - 11 years ago
how can you tell the sex of  betta 
Mano - 11 years ago
Shall we feed bettas during breeding time..?
Maaz Khan
Maaz Khan - 8 years ago
+Julien Sirard when do the eggs hatch??bcz mine betta couple made and gave eggs in less that a week..
Katherine Fattorusso
Katherine Fattorusso - 9 years ago
No before is best.
betta lover
betta lover - 9 years ago
u should feed them before they breed
Julien Sirard
Julien Sirard - 11 years ago
no, it is best not to
Mano - 11 years ago
Shall we feed bettas during breeding time..?
santhosh babu s
santhosh babu s - 11 years ago
I use shrimps my betta like it...
Pure Black Betta
FartBucket - 11 years ago
what do you do when they are bigger?
Steve bob
Steve bob - 11 years ago
My male won't flar at the female or go by her why
Sora Segundo
Sora Segundo - 11 years ago
Can they live in a tank with no oxygen or thermometer or heater an stuff?
Julien Sirard
Julien Sirard - 11 years ago
they can but it is not recommended. 
keanu cantere
keanu cantere - 11 years ago
Cjsop00 _
Cjsop00 _ - 11 years ago
What's an Indian almond leaf?
C Whitaker
C Whitaker - 10 years ago
stephanie jakovcevic
stephanie jakovcevic - 11 years ago
this is sooooooooo  cool!
Neenooth Itish
Neenooth Itish - 11 years ago
can i put a male and female inside the same tank, but i do not want them to breed, can they stay together without killing each other?
Betta Fish :D
Betta Fish :D - 9 years ago
+Neenooth Itish Or u can just make a divider and half the tank, put the male on one half, female on the other.
Virgil R Garwood
Virgil R Garwood - 9 years ago
+Neenooth Itish where normally you'd follow the one inch of fish per gallon guide, give them five gallons a piece and plants. lots of hiding places for the female... be prepared to watch them heavily for a very long time.
Neenooth Itish
Neenooth Itish - 11 years ago
ok, thnx 
Julien Sirard
Julien Sirard - 11 years ago
this would only be possible if it is very heavily planted, if not the male will exhaust the female.
NotTheBestButStillGood - 11 years ago
i think i have a diff type of betta
Ace the Gerbil
Ace the Gerbil - 11 years ago
What do you do with all those betta fish? Give them to a pet store? Keep them?
Jamersun YAAYAA
Jamersun YAAYAA - 11 years ago
I've done this method since I was 12 works great. Took me like 3 times to get it down but it worked.
Dalton Anzaldua
Dalton Anzaldua - 11 years ago
When they hatch do they all end up surviving or do some die and after how long do u think we should separate the babys? Or do we not have to?
Ayla Salazar
Ayla Salazar - 11 years ago
it's normal for some to die.  Remove the young fish from the breeding tank when they start showing aggression towards others.
Briannyl Ocampo
Briannyl Ocampo - 11 years ago
what could be their food?
Evil Is Back
Evil Is Back - 11 years ago
Hey Are You On Facebook
Biswadeep Bhowal
Biswadeep Bhowal - 11 years ago
how to know that the chances of breeding for the pair are possibly high?
C Whitaker
C Whitaker - 10 years ago
You never know.. Sometimes the female doesnt like the male or male doesnt like female. 
Aca Duvnjak
Aca Duvnjak - 11 years ago
Thanks, great video! 
LaPropuestaDeGuamuchil - 11 years ago
Why do bad met
Robert Bertasso
Robert Bertasso - 11 years ago
i just breaded my girl beta and i just breaded my beautiful half moon double 
tail boy fish
Nicolas Saint-Amour
Nicolas Saint-Amour - 11 years ago
290 000 views for how to put a fish in some water??? lol 
CheyPaws - 11 years ago
can you feed them crushed troical fish flakes?
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
For betta fry, daphnia is too big, they can only eat baby brine shrimp (young artemia), microworms or vinegar eals, there are some other things but these are the most common
Adult betta's can eat daphnia, but it doesn't contain much proteins, also bloodworms contain very few proteins, black mosquitolarves and artemia are the best food for betta's because they contain a lot of proteins
Though some betta might not want to eat these at first compared to bloodworms, they will after some time, that was a problem with some of my betta's too, but I fed it with other foods and now they just eat it :)
Briannyl Ocampo
Briannyl Ocampo - 11 years ago
+all4Demi How about daphnia?
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
Betta fry only eats live foods, freeze dried bloodworms are even way bigger than the fry itself
For adult betta's, freeze dried bloodworms are okay, I also feed mine that :) But most of my betta's won't eat it :/ Mine prefer frozen bloodworms :)
CheyPaws - 11 years ago
what about freeze dried bloodworms?
Nicholas Meyer
Nicholas Meyer - 11 years ago
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
We're talking about betta fry.... Betta fry only eats live foods
Nicholas Meyer
Nicholas Meyer - 11 years ago
Actually, this is not true. I have fed my betta dried pellets and he is healthy and a year and a half old.
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
No, they ignore any death food they get, they can only eat véry tiny live foods
dayne bartolome
dayne bartolome - 11 years ago
i have many question.
can i feed the male while the egg is at the top?
what do fry's eat?
Ayla Salazar
Ayla Salazar - 11 years ago
+ajith george he probably won't eat, though, until the fry are free swimming
ajith george
ajith george - 11 years ago
ofcourse u can feed the male...
SkyxPrince - 11 years ago
he said it close to the end, the fry end eat microworms or baby brine shrimp. 
Lori Maurer
Lori Maurer - 11 years ago
great video and instructions
we just had the breeding and now mom out and dad is taking care of nest.
jazman sharp
jazman sharp - 11 years ago
Do you take the fem. out when the male is making the nest?
bobbymalta73 - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing really helped!
Jet Lee
Jet Lee - 11 years ago
Process of breeding my giant copper hmpk from thailand
Minecraft pro
Minecraft pro - 11 years ago
How do you know when they do the last embrace
Minecraft pro
Minecraft pro - 11 years ago
What if you put the female in the tank with the male and they don't
Angela Du
Angela Du - 11 years ago
how much should i feed the fry?
Uber Driver NYC
Uber Driver NYC - 11 years ago
There is to much water on your tank.
Pedro Perez
Pedro Perez - 11 years ago
What do you look an a good breeding pair? I wanted to buy some and i need to know what to look for to see if they are ready to Spohn
cowboysBrent - 11 years ago
Is it ok if I use different kinds of dry leaves?
Tittylovwr - 11 years ago
Tittys vid bro ... Your awesome at this
biswajit ghosal
biswajit ghosal - 11 years ago
sir , can u mail me @ time of the year is breeding time??? can i breed them in winter ? thak u very much sir...
Kara Richardson
Kara Richardson - 11 years ago
Could you email me the reponce to my question.. What else can I use other then an almond leaf?
hotsaucemichaela - 11 years ago
this sucks ur an butt head i did this 20 years ago you need to do more info
Catherine Sunday
Catherine Sunday - 11 years ago
does the female lay the eggs seconds after the embrace?
Catherine Sunday
Catherine Sunday - 11 years ago
so the female and the male can't be in the same tank together unless they r breeding?
MegaTechConcept - 11 years ago
xD your'e right!
IMxYOURxDADDY - 11 years ago
thats not mating thats rape
JawlessJupiter2 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the awesome video I will be breeding my Bettas asap. Thanks and keep posting videos like this one!
Fraser's fish room.
Fraser's fish room. - 11 years ago
thank you i really learnt alot. nice fish and cool tank
Kevin Liu
Kevin Liu - 11 years ago
Will the fry fight after they are mature ?
lpskeeper1 - 11 years ago
Ok What Made Me Look Up This Video Was My Male Beta Fish Started To Show His Gill's Like Flaring Or Whatever Anyway It Concerned Me So I Looked Up How Beta Fish Breed So My Beta Fish Needs A Mate???? Please Reply Or Else Im Just Going To Get One For Him XD
Zim Copper
Zim Copper - 11 years ago
How did you remove the female when nest is on top of them?
Carol C
Carol C - 11 years ago
abbydavies - 11 years ago
my sisters betta fish was doing that to the female guppy in the tank
krissy bear
krissy bear - 11 years ago
And what do I do if my female doesn't show her stripes ?
krissy bear
krissy bear - 11 years ago
I just got a female betta today from my work at petsmart and I bought a tank that has a divider I've had my male for a while now and he seems to take interest in her he's flaring up and everything and making bubbles at the top of the tank I'm wondering how long I should wait before I take the divider out? She also seems to like him by trying to find him through the little holes in the divider. He is also doing a little tail shake at her as well ! What do I do !
Fook You
Fook You - 11 years ago
better yet, look up spiders on drugs too funny
TheEyedyed - 11 years ago
enrique alcala
enrique alcala - 11 years ago
great tutorial,thank you for sharing that with us.
Better for Bettas
Better for Bettas - 11 years ago
Great job I learnt exactly how to breed a betta and it is working out very well!! Keep up the good work!
Jordan Freitag
Jordan Freitag - 11 years ago
i have 3 betta fish. they are only each in fish bowls and i only have 3 fish bowls can i breed them and if i can what do i do with all the babys if they fight and i do not know so thanks!
MegaTechConcept - 11 years ago
WTF?! Thats why youtube has a search engine. are you new to internet?! :D
Nowie H.
Nowie H. - 11 years ago
Imybfriend has a male and female in the same tank
LePapillon - 11 years ago
great tutorial, make more videos on the development of the fry to adult please! :)
deecali818 vene
deecali818 vene - 11 years ago
That's amazing. ..thank you for sharing that with us loved it.
connor hepburn
connor hepburn - 11 years ago
how many are there in total?
Boowiggles - 11 years ago
Thank u for the help and what if my female doesn't show stripes
Vince Binasoy
Vince Binasoy - 11 years ago
What if you only have an aquarium? :3 Can you breed betta fishes?
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton - 11 years ago
i have a betta named fredie :3
Edgar Magana
Edgar Magana - 11 years ago
Will all the fry live? I saw a lot of fry. Too many.

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