Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh
Betta 8 years ago 238,111 views
Dr Loh removes a cancerous tumour from a betta "siamese fighting fish", and discovers an interesting cause for the tumour. Dr Loh explains the surgical process for removing the tumour and shows you the unusual tumour cells under a microscope. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this channel and by Dr Loh are created for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional Veterinary advice, diagnosis and treatment. If you have a question or concern about your own fish, please consult a local Veterinarian or professional to address your needs or concerns, or for advice on specific treatments for your aquatic pets. The Fish Doctor Channel does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, medical treatments, pharmaceuticals, brand names, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation. Names are for the information and education of the viewing public, and the mention of any of the above on the channel does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by The Fish Doctor channel or Dr Loh.
10. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh
20. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh
30. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh
I have a question .. I have like this male and his fins Folded and printed and now he can no longer be opened like the former .. What can I do to return to normal
50. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh
Your video is great.
I want to replay your video via my youtube channel. To let my friends learn a lot of knowledge,
I am betta samba, Im from vietnam
Thanks, and look forward to your approval
If you have an adjustable heater, turn the temp up by ~2 degrees Fahrenheit every day til you reach ~84F
This will speed up the life cycle of the parasite and allow you to siphon out the free swimming stage of the parasite with daily water changes.
Wet Web Media is a great online resource, and the Manual of Fish Health is a book every fishkeeper should own. Hope this helps~
My betta has a tumor on his skin (near the eye) and turn "white" after. I take Primafix and Melafix just in case of infection. The tumor seems a little bit more smaller than the first time I saw it. But What is the white stuff?
I’m pretty sure even germs yawn
100. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh
Fun video, thanks man.
This is ALL chin was trying to say. I wish I'd been here a year ago to back them up. Thank God somebody is living in the real world.
Chin isn't implying that he'd kill his fish to buy another one, it's just that most people replace fish easily.
You wouldn't be surprised if a 12 yr old Johnny's goldfish in his small bowl died and he wouldn't replace it.
Chins not even implying that the fishes life doesn't matter, but the fact that you can buy fish for really cheap and that there's a lot of them means that people are gonna replace their fish eventually and that's the truth.
Pretending that all animals lives are the same won't change anything.
I get your point. Other people may disagree but I think it's just their love for the fish. I'm honestly one of the people who would search for a fish surgeon. (Mostly because the fish I got lately are so expensive ;-;
Because honestly I do not think so. It's just won't make sense because the world is much crueler than that.
Yes all animals are physically "replaceable" (not the same being but the same species) I had assumed you meant emotionally replaceable because you talked about how dogs and cats weren't.
Also nobody should "dump their old pets" and you don't need to travel to a fish surgeon but actively attempt to medicate them and save them.
You also don't have enough knowledge of fish keeping to say they don't show signs of sickness because they do.
Simply because there are many fish available doesn't mean you can treat them badly. It should matter to you what happens to those fish and if it doesn't matter to you there isn't any point continuing this "debate"
Let's be honest, I was more upset when my dogs and cats in my life have passed way then my fish and this is coming from someone that just lost his favourite fish, a Oscar because it decided to commit suicide by jumping out of his tank. Yeah I'm upset he died but not on the same level as my mammal pets if that makes sense.
Then I end up arguing that fish are different from Dogs/Cats because they can drop hints when they're sick and there's veterinarians more widely available than fish surgeons. Later, we move to fish being replaceable. There's dollar gold fishes everywhere and I made a point of how you just buy them easily and no one will care what will happened to them. I remember going to a festival where we can scope out fishes for fun and keep as pet and I seen many people throwing it away.
Finally, I argue having priorities are better. It makes life easier, you can't care for everyone and you can't save everyone. I'm just stating what's happening in the world and you people let emotions take the better of your judgement. One more thing, spare me lecture of it's your responsibility if you took that fish in. Again, I don't know how you came to the conclusion that I will waste my money to go get myself fish pets.
Yes cats, dogs, and people die too. And you can buy all of them. Is that what you want me to say? Now I wait until the next trigger animal activist.
You think I'm spreading misinformation? On what? Pointing out the reality of what happens to a poor dying fish in most cases? The reality that most people won't bother wasting resources on trying to save a dying fish over getting a new one? You're here arguing a different point on preventing future fish deaths or fish died because the water is bad.
I'm sorry that other hardcore fish keepers come and see this comment that most fishes don't get live happily like theirs. And then they try to argue otherwise, although it's pointless because those fishes out there died anyway.
I'm talking about your everyday owner like 90% other people who are not super crazy about expensive fish. You guys all need face reality here, pets die just like people.
Then we got you, who's overrating on a comment that 90% would happen in these scenarios. There's no Fish surgeons around like there's for other pet vets. I can see a dog or cat lover going crazy, but Fish people too. You Peta guys never cease to amaze me.
They are fishes, yes they are very easily replaceable like it or not lol. There not like Dogs or Cats.