Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh

Dr Loh removes a cancerous tumour from a betta "siamese fighting fish", and discovers an interesting cause for the tumour. Dr Loh explains the surgical process for removing the tumour and shows you the unusual tumour cells under a microscope. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this channel and by Dr Loh are created for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional Veterinary advice, diagnosis and treatment. If you have a question or concern about your own fish, please consult a local Veterinarian or professional to address your needs or concerns, or for advice on specific treatments for your aquatic pets. The Fish Doctor Channel does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, medical treatments, pharmaceuticals, brand names, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation. Names are for the information and education of the viewing public, and the mention of any of the above on the channel does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by The Fish Doctor channel or Dr Loh.

Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh sentiment_very_dissatisfied 132

Betta 8 years ago 238,111 views

Dr Loh removes a cancerous tumour from a betta "siamese fighting fish", and discovers an interesting cause for the tumour. Dr Loh explains the surgical process for removing the tumour and shows you the unusual tumour cells under a microscope. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this channel and by Dr Loh are created for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional Veterinary advice, diagnosis and treatment. If you have a question or concern about your own fish, please consult a local Veterinarian or professional to address your needs or concerns, or for advice on specific treatments for your aquatic pets. The Fish Doctor Channel does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, medical treatments, pharmaceuticals, brand names, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation. Names are for the information and education of the viewing public, and the mention of any of the above on the channel does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by The Fish Doctor channel or Dr Loh.

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Most popular comments
for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh

travie cash
travie cash - 6 years ago
How much live this Betta? Whit 3 year old
Josh Young
Josh Young - 6 years ago
Can anyone help me with this gal? see 25 secs in.
Dani - 6 years ago
He's a very good person, he need's to be on the heaven when he died, like if you think the same as me
Crystal Moore
Crystal Moore - 6 years ago
Aww my sons fish pikachu has a tumor. I wish I could help him
smita desai
smita desai - 6 years ago
Sir i have a question about my beta fish . My normal beta has with teared tail how can i repair my beta's tail. Plz reply me .
sagar malthankar
sagar malthankar - 6 years ago
make vedio in hindi also
the lost journal of inception
the lost journal of inception - 6 years ago
hello dr loh , which bubble stone and air pump are you using ? it's really nice , thank you
Shallow Stream
Shallow Stream - 6 years ago
GARFEV TV - 6 years ago

10. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh

AlxSosa87 - 6 years ago
Dr. Richmond, do you know if there's a Dr. like you in México City?
AlxSosa87 - 6 years ago
The Fish Doctor Thank you! My Betta has a huge lump, I think is cancer :(
The Fish Doctor
The Fish Doctor - 6 years ago
AlxSosa87 search for fish vets at this link -
Sachu Hifza
Sachu Hifza - 6 years ago
What about Betta
Dasari Thrivikram
Dasari Thrivikram - 6 years ago
super fishes
Dghjj Fghhjk
Dghjj Fghhjk - 6 years ago
NITHESH GAMER - 6 years ago
Super bro
Kelly Moore
Kelly Moore - 6 years ago
Hi Dr. Loh. I have a lovely veiltail Betta boy called Rocky Balbetta with 2 huge tumours on him. They don’t seem to be causing him pain as his behaviour hasn’t changed one bit. He swims and comes to the front of the tank for a “chat” with me, he eats normally and I see no signs of suffering. I hope I’m right. What should I look for to know when it’s time for clove oil if he doesn’t pass away himself? I love Rocky so much but don’t want him to suffer. They seemed to appear in a week. One seems to have shrunk a little but it’s been about 3 months and he still seems fine. I’m in the UK so I can’t take advantage of your service but that really was amazing. I’m so glad to know you are out there saving our precious bettas and other fish
Alexa Wermuth
Alexa Wermuth - 6 years ago
I think my betta fish might have a tumor is there any way I could send you a picture and see what you think?
abbas ali
abbas ali - 6 years ago
Can u plz help me my synodontis cat fish is floating above the water I don't Wat he is doing he act like dying from 2 days I don't Wat to do plz help me to cure this
Allyson Chains
Allyson Chains - 6 years ago
Fascinating process! My brother is an Oncologist and I love learning about this. Thank you for great content.
Jose Guardiola
Jose Guardiola - 6 years ago
Wtf this muthafucja issss a bad asss

20. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh

AsHwin Achu
AsHwin Achu - 6 years ago
I have a much time can it be alive without water?
BigE64 - 6 years ago
While I am glad to have found this, I am also a bit sad. My Betta has the same condition by the looks of it externally. His name in Finnegan. Wonderful pet. He does not appear to be suffering in any way which is so far so good. The tumor appears to be slowly getting larger though. It is however likely a good specimen for the tumor removal as it is located on the dorsal fin. Will have to see if any vet in the Minneapolis area can do this.
MaraNarX16 - 6 years ago
My betta fish currently has a tumour in the same area. I noticed it months ago and it became exposed two days ago. Today, I woke to the area pulling apart (almost cyst-like). I was reading online and it said I could not medicate him, but I was debating using an antibiotic just to ensure the area regenerates and avoids infection. I will be cleaning the water frequently, as well. Does anyone have additional advice or know if I am doing the correct things. I love my betta and really don't want him to pass away. I also do not feel ualified to cut away the tumour.
ellen aque
ellen aque - 6 years ago
I have a goldfish have a white bump on it's forehead can you tell me what it is?
Aki Tatsumi
Aki Tatsumi - 6 years ago
Omg he looks exactly like my betta Cereza!!!!!!!
CRABBY PATTY - 7 years ago
not all heroes were capes
sabbage100 - 7 years ago
CRABBY PATTY or wear them either
Plant and Aquarium Hobby
Plant and Aquarium Hobby - 7 years ago
Luke_ - 7 years ago
That hot thing is also used for warts...
9556 BGM COLLECTIONS 9556 - 7 years ago
Sir my betta's color had faded and fins had torn what can i do sir
PRAJWAL's TUBE - 7 years ago
my fe!ale beta is torn and injured by my male bettta plss sir help me it my life

30. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh

Cmharper 50
Cmharper 50 - 7 years ago
I have a problem with one of my baby ghost green bristle nose plecos and hes kept with pea puffers and he got bit by one when i was feeding and he now has an infection and hes in a small Quarantine tank but i have been giving him small doses of anti bacterial meds and if you have any other ideas that would help with my situation that would be amazing and keep up the good work :)
Elis Regina louca
Elis Regina louca - 7 years ago
PJ rip sk8te
PJ rip sk8te - 7 years ago
I have that exact same jellyfish
Brianna Feyo
Brianna Feyo - 7 years ago
Can I pay this doctor to treat my nettas tumor
สุพจน์ ยาวะระ
สุพจน์ ยาวะระ - 7 years ago
GNR studios
GNR studios - 7 years ago
I feel like your fish god I feel comfort for my fish when I watch your channel
WetPets - 7 years ago
no way
Brend Adema
Brend Adema - 7 years ago
Can betta’s get so big?
Ramesh Mangaonkar
Ramesh Mangaonkar - 7 years ago
my arowana not eat 2 to 3 week please shear medicine, available in india
FURIOUS BOYS - 7 years ago
But the Betta died didn't it
Younes Man
Younes Man - 7 years ago
good job..
I have a question .. I have like this male and his fins Folded and printed and now he can no longer be opened like the former .. What can I do to return to normal
Manigandan Mohanraj
Manigandan Mohanraj - 7 years ago
Hen bites my betta what to do
Sachin Joseph
Sachin Joseph - 7 years ago
Well done job doc
Jeremy Niewinski
Jeremy Niewinski - 7 years ago
Wonder what the price tag on that procedure was.....
Typicxl - 6 years ago
Ramandika Indie
Ramandika Indie - 7 years ago
wonderful job, :)
Domo Notell
Domo Notell - 7 years ago
My fish has a Timor and I'm sadly too scared because I don't want to kill him but by not helping I am still not helping
Weird Robloxin
Weird Robloxin - 7 years ago
I never saw i fish vet :0 i have two betta fish at are house they are happy and alive
Discounted Success
Discounted Success - 7 years ago
Your a hero!
lula - 7 years ago
hi Dr. Loh, was this procedure purely cosmetic or did the tumor turn out to be cancerous?
The Fish Doctor
The Fish Doctor - 7 years ago
lula most neoplasms (cancers) in fish are localised, benign to locally invasive. Here we deal with an external neoplasm (an iridophoroma). One issue is that the neoplasm can grow to such a size that makes them weigh fish down, interfering with their buoyancy. Consequently, for fish to maintain their position in the water, they will have to use excess energy (which was this case). Of great concern in goldfish is that tumours can throw fish off balance, and lead to swimbladder disorders. Another factor for choosing to remove neoplasms is because they can grow but start to rot internally, causing fish to become ill. Some may be prone to traumatic injuries, causing pain and portals of entry for bacterial infection. For internal neoplasms, they occupy space and compress other organs causing them to fail.
lakshay sharma
lakshay sharma - 7 years ago
Mr. Richmond i want to know about some facts on breeding of convict chiclids

50. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh

Rivverstar AJ
Rivverstar AJ - 7 years ago
How much would a surgery for 3 tumors on a betta fish be?
R E Iウサギ
R E Iウサギ - 7 years ago
you are a really.. VERY good peson
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
Bro the amount of money u must earn
Hdz Aquatics
Hdz Aquatics - 7 years ago
At first I thought he was looking the Betta with all those sauces
Kristy M
Kristy M - 7 years ago
I have a 10 gallon community tank with a 4 yr old male veiltail betta and he is my favorite fish. Very active and peaceful. A couple days ago I noticed a lump on his right side. It is under the skin and the scales over it look normal. He is still swimming and acting normal and hungry. I am worried it is a tumor. I consulted every fish and pet store to see if anyone knew what it was and what I could do, and the only advice I got was to use Melafix. I wish I had a fish doctor like this one where I live.
Infinity Solo
Infinity Solo - 7 years ago
Hello my flower horn lost his sight he cannot see from both eyes one eye is little filled with blood n another eye is good but he cannot see.He was ok 2 week before suddenly this thing happened. Does anyone have any idea of any medicine for the eye
Peat Peat
Peat Peat - 7 years ago
CÂY THUỐC NAM - 7 years ago
Hi The Fish Doctor .
Your video is great.
I want to replay your video via my youtube channel. To let my friends learn a lot of knowledge,
I am betta samba, Im from vietnam
Thanks, and look forward to your approval
BelieveInShadows - 7 years ago
I wish I had known more about surgeries on fish when I was younger. My first beta got a tumor on his back and one next to his anal fin. I had him for a good 5years before they showed up but I wish I could have helped him more. When they first showed up he was still very active and happy but soon they hindered him and eventually killed him. :(
J - 7 years ago
Dr Loh my fish has a tumor in his eye how do you take it out? can you help me in anyway possible? :(
Kelvynn Lee
Kelvynn Lee - 7 years ago
$3 betta, 3K procedure
Splendid Betta
Splendid Betta - 7 years ago
Where the heck can you find a good betta for $3?!? The cheapest betta at my place are at least $5. Heck, I got my best male for almost $100!
Zsa Zsa Umbra
Zsa Zsa Umbra - 7 years ago
Kelvynn Lee saving a life, priceless
Katie Lynch
Katie Lynch - 7 years ago
I don’t care HOW valuable your fish is. If your fish is so sick or has such a big problem that it needs surgery- then just freaking euthanize the thing. It’s not hard to do it humanely. This is just too traumatic for such a small animal. And don’t get me wrong. I love fish and have quite a few.
nightcore4 lifez
nightcore4 lifez - 7 years ago
So if like your grandma is very sick you should euthanize her?
Zsa Zsa Umbra
Zsa Zsa Umbra - 7 years ago
Katie Lynch explain traumatized please.
Levi Wong
Levi Wong - 7 years ago
hi there, both of my better are sick, one is having constipation and the other one I think he has a parasite in him I really don't know what to do here, I've seen your video about both of the treatment for parasite and constipation yet for the second better I'm confuse if its having parasite or tumor, cause it got some white bubble appear on his skin near the gills. Please help, or where is your clinic, imma go there. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. Thank u, please help
Jesse Reyes
Jesse Reyes - 7 years ago
Wonder how much the bill is .
Riasat202 - 6 years ago
Bones ss
Bones ss - 6 years ago
that fish is lucky
The Fish Doctor
The Fish Doctor - 7 years ago
jesse reyes depends on the "scale"
HEY KYU - 7 years ago
To the ignorant people who think fishs are not sentient, well they are. Fish can feel pain too.
Wisnu Wiradana
Wisnu Wiradana - 6 years ago
Can they feel pain in their heart because they live in aquarium, not in their habitat ? If only they have a choice.. Poor animal... Domesticated by human to become decoration.
Julie Chalmers
Julie Chalmers - 7 years ago
From someone who has two male bettas (in separate tanks) I appreciate you helping that betta.
Fraser_02 - 7 years ago
This is so cool!!!
Dae - 7 years ago
is bettas breathe from the surface how does this even work...
Dae - 7 years ago
ik but how do you anesthetize something if it dosnt breath from the water
Julie Chalmers
Julie Chalmers - 7 years ago
betta have lungs so they come up for air to surface to breathe
Hancock Chan
Hancock Chan - 7 years ago
My 20" Jardini (Australian arowana) developed bubbles on his head (grills on both sides). The bubbles got bigger and I have been treating 1.005 salinity, 36c water temp, and tc tretacycline. However, he is not getting better. Am I giving him a correct treatment?
Eduardo Filho
Eduardo Filho - 7 years ago
Very. Cool
Hot Girl Đồng Tháp
Hot Girl Đồng Tháp - 7 years ago
I like fish betta. You, too one like
Giu - 7 years ago
I noticed my betta has diamond eye and it seems to be developing... Is this treatable through surgery?
lilmiss.fightingfish Maddy
lilmiss.fightingfish Maddy - 7 years ago
Such professional and beautiful work Dr. Loh. I am trying to save the money up so I can get Lux's tumor removed. Thank you for taking such great care of our pet fishies... they are worth it!
Mr Krabs
Mr Krabs - 7 years ago
This would cost 100 of dolars might as well go and buy who mire with they money
Sticky Feets
Sticky Feets - 7 years ago
This is awesome!!
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
Such gentle hands!
ToxicTurtle - 7 years ago
Can people in Australia send you there fish for you to treat them?
Fullmetal Gnostic
Fullmetal Gnostic - 7 years ago
that's the odd thing about bettas they're fish That can drown!
Fullmetal Gnostic
Fullmetal Gnostic - 7 years ago
ToxicTurtle yep that's why I like them they're like mini dolphins! I'm training mine to do tricks :3
ToxicTurtle - 7 years ago
Fullmetal Gnostic because the breath air from the surface with their labyrinth which is a special organ that allows them to break atmospheric air.
Jun - 7 years ago
Hey Richmond, just a quick question here. We've got a Betta fish that used to eat healthily but recently has stopped eating completely. He often hides at the bottom of the tank and is less active than it used to be. Any idea what could've caused this? Cheers
Christine Edwards
Christine Edwards - 7 years ago
help!! I think my betta fish has Velvet. no heater, has filter 2.4 gallons with distilled water. what do I do? :(
mandyjane - 7 years ago
Christine Edwards Top Fin heaters are GREAT! I am 99% positive that my other heater I was using in his old tank (10 gallon) was a Top Fin, and it NEVER, EVERR gave me a problem... it kept the water at a steady 78 degrees at ALL times. it even has the light that goes on and off. when i clean out my 10 gallon aquarium, I plan on using that one again!
Christine Edwards
Christine Edwards - 7 years ago
mandyjane holy crap!!! Mine I think is from top fin. I grew up with having a 25 gallon tank in my room with a heater from top fin and I never had a problem. But that's so sad! We all learn, but how we learn is sad sometimes
mandyjane - 7 years ago
Christine Edwards yea, funny cause that's where I got mine, and mine had fin rot that had become bad. I killed my own fish by thying to help him and buying a bad heater. (fin rot can be treated with warmer water and medication) Before I went to bed, I put him in a separate tank, put some meds in along with the new heater I bought, and when i woke up, the water was over 200°F and he was dead. I will never buy heaters from the company Deep Blue Professionals ever again!
Christine Edwards
Christine Edwards - 7 years ago
mandyjane yep, I've fixed everything during his time being alive. He looked to be doing better and was able to swim. Not sure, I also got him at petsmart. Never doing that again knowing ofbthe local fish stores in my area. But thank you, I definitely know how sensitive they are!
mandyjane - 7 years ago
Christine Edwards aww I'm so sorry. well now you know for the next time. Google everything so you know exactly what to do. I've had to learn the hard way a few times too. My condolences to you.
Christine Edwards
Christine Edwards - 7 years ago
mandyjane yeah I changed it a while ago. I always used distilled water thinking that was what I was supposed to do. Never had a problem until now. But I used a water conditioner with regular water, but the fish has passed a few days ago
mandyjane - 7 years ago
Distilled water is VERY bad for fish!
mandyjane - 7 years ago
Christine Edwards yea, but you can't use distilled water... that's VERY BAD for fish. look at my above comment. If you do that, I bet your fish will feel better.
Christine Edwards
Christine Edwards - 7 years ago
Elf Spencer Turns out he doesn't have velvet. He's still alive, just doesn't swim much
Elf Spencer
Elf Spencer - 7 years ago
Adding salt will help, as will reducing three amount of light your tank gets. Go to your local fish store and get some anti-pa parasitic medication/treatment.

If you have an adjustable heater, turn the temp up by ~2 degrees Fahrenheit every day til you reach ~84F
This will speed up the life cycle of the parasite and allow you to siphon out the free swimming stage of the parasite with daily water changes.

Wet Web Media is a great online resource, and the Manual of Fish Health is a book every fishkeeper should own. Hope this helps~
ToxicTurtle - 7 years ago
You have to treat it now. Do some research.
mandyjane - 7 years ago
Christine Edwards the problem is definitely the distilled water. NEVER use distilled water, because it contains no minerals and other things that they REALLY need to be healthy. You need to use tap water, but not by itself. you have to buy a water conditioner and put it in the water. NEVER use tap water alone. it inly costs about 3 dollars. Tetra makes a water conditioner called "Betta Safe Water Conditioner". That's what I use, but there are many other brands that make it. Good luck.
Christine Edwards
Christine Edwards - 7 years ago
ToxicTurtle I have a heater now, no difference
ToxicTurtle - 7 years ago
Christine Edwards you need a heater, and 2.5 gallons is the BARE Minimum nothing lower. Get a bigger tank and a heater
Truong THCS Long Thoi Thcs
Truong THCS Long Thoi Thcs - 7 years ago
Santosh Chaugule
Santosh Chaugule - 7 years ago
hope such doctors n treatment available in indian
Aravind V
Aravind V - 7 years ago
u r awesome doctor................
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
Awesome video. Nive to watch a betta getting the help it needs.
Panhia Yang
Panhia Yang - 7 years ago
my betta fish has one big on top of its fin and it died 2 weeks later
Oscar T
Oscar T - 7 years ago
I just Got a fish Tank , When I see all this Videos Makes me Happy To see people Care About their Fish
Orca - 7 years ago
I know right. What type of fish do you have?
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 7 years ago
hi there nice video question i have 2 bettas with swim bladder disease how can i cure them do you have a video that will show me how to cure them please le me know they are beautiful males n i dont want to lose any of them
Sison's Impact
Sison's Impact - 7 years ago
Try azithromycin250...for aprx 2gllon water...will recover soon.then transffer to freshwater..2days in 250azithromycin..then change water add new 250 azithromycin agàin for 3 days.then ok.add always airator.Goldfish also recover very fasy after treatment.Remember never discontinue trelatment before 5 days.
ToxicTurtle - 7 years ago
Betta Gene best way to solve your issue is to do your own research or at least ask this on a fish forum instead of asking one person in YouTube comments
michelle babcock
michelle babcock - 7 years ago
I have a one year old twin tail. His fins are fantastic! But, there is so much of them that he appears tired from trying to swim around his tank. I know that they are an ornamental fish but when you have to work so hard a better method needs to be found. I love my fish and want him happy. Would trimming some of the finagle help? He's not a competition fish, just a family pet who is well loved.
betta geckos
betta geckos - 7 years ago
my female has one growing close to her gills
Lexa marking
Lexa marking - 7 years ago
My parents had a beta and it grew a tumor over its eye and my parents were just like well... Well wait for it to die and flush it down cuz no way in hell were gonna bring it to the vet for at 100 dollar fee when we bought it for 3 bucks lol
RN Kim
RN Kim - 7 years ago
Wow, fish surgery with a bigass scalpel. I was wondering how you were going to cauterize with him being so wet.. I'm a nurse and this was fascinating
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
What a pretty betta <3
Sachin Juyal
Sachin Juyal - 7 years ago
My betta fish doesn't normally sleep on the bottom of his tank but he is right now and doesn't respond to me lightly tapping the tank or moving it. He looks perfectly healthy. I just want to make sure he's okay. His gills are also moving a bit more than usual. I also noticed that his eyes are darker than usual. They're usually a very light blue or cyan color, but right now they look pretty much black. how can cure?
voldy2 - 7 years ago
I have  questions: if some tumors on betta are genetics, what kind of bacteria or viral infection cause them? Do exist a treatment?
My betta has a tumor on his skin (near the eye) and turn "white" after. I take Primafix and Melafix just in case of infection. The tumor seems a little bit more smaller than the first time I saw it. But What is the white stuff?
systemdeadlock - 7 years ago
Excellent info once again. Great info regarding the iridophores. Why do you think that some fish have them? Like you mention, some fishes have a metallic/shiny/iridescent scales look (which we call diamonds), but usually in nature these things are for camouflage etc. But I've seen variants of the same species of fish that some have the iridescent scales, and other variants don't, yet both can be found in the same waters... just curious why that may be.
Tom Frisco
Tom Frisco - 7 years ago
do you use instagram or Facebook?
pep inyostep
pep inyostep - 8 years ago
3:44 soy sauce
Aira Harune
Aira Harune - 8 years ago
is that betta fish a male or a female because i have the same betta fish i want it to breed so i need to buy its opposite gender so pls try to reply this comment plsssssss....!
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
It's clearly a male. Females don't have such vibrant colours or long fins. Maybe don't breed bettas if you can't even do a quick google search, which is all you would need to find out the sexual differences in male and female bettas.
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 7 years ago
Aira Harune It can be hard to breed bettas. They'll most likely fight & end up killing each other. You should do some research before you try anything...
Amy S.
Amy S. - 8 years ago
Aira Harune Just my personal opinion here, but if you can't sex your fish, I don't really think that you breeding them is a good idea... Maybe you could try again later once you learn a bit more about them?
Ronny Morales
Ronny Morales - 8 years ago
so how did you put the fish to sleep?
The Fish Doctor
The Fish Doctor - 7 years ago
Ronny Morales watch our video on anaesthesia
rickybobbychuva - 7 years ago
Dr. Loh doesn't usually use clove oil because he has the access to medical grade stuff!
CrossRoad Bound
CrossRoad Bound - 8 years ago
Ronny Morales clove oil. But if you aren't careful and leave him for too long you will kill your fish.
Morgan Hadrava
Morgan Hadrava - 8 years ago
Hey Dr. Loh, do fish Yawn? My betta seems to do this every once in a while.
wvwvwvwv - 6 years ago
They do that to push oxygenated water through their gills, a few times a month is okay but if they are doing it often and when they come up to breath air you might want to make sure your water is properly aerated.
Hon Cheng
Hon Cheng - 6 years ago
My 4 betta fish do that too
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
Morgan Hadrava
I’m pretty sure even germs yawn
Floof Flipnotes
Floof Flipnotes - 7 years ago
When my Betta was FINNALY awake, she yawned :) it was so cute! So fish do yawn.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Yes, they do. My goldies and bettas alike yawn.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
Morgan Hadrava yes

100. comment for Surgical removal of tumour from a betta aquarium fish with fish Veterinarian Dr Loh

Forget me Ok
Forget me Ok - 8 years ago
poor guy
Graham Jimenez
Graham Jimenez - 8 years ago
does indian almond leaves really work for bettas and cichlids?
s r
s r - 8 years ago
Graham Jimenez yha,its natural and had little antibiotic
Gojida - 8 years ago
hiw much would a treatment like this cost
Lindsey Badder
Lindsey Badder - 8 years ago
Is this the special Hikari Bio Bandage, or just plain ol' liquid bandage from the store?
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
wish there's more specialist fish vets
Petr Michálek
Petr Michálek - 8 years ago
skvělé !!!
Mary Farmer
Mary Farmer - 8 years ago
I removed a tumour from a Silver Dollar fish when I was 12 yrs old. That was 1961. I took it from the water by net and placed it on a wet cloth. With a razor blade I cut the tumour off. Then swabbed the wound with mercurochrome , not letting it go through his gills. I then placed him in a bucket of water to rinse a minute. He looked good with no bleeding so I put him back in his tank. I only had two tanks or I would have made a hospital tank. The fish lived for years after that. The fish was about 4 inches diameter and strong. The tumour was about marble size and a bit flatter. It was encapsulated and did not burst when separated from his side. This is true and I was proud of myself for saving it. lol I went on to become a nurse.
James Feliciano
James Feliciano - 7 years ago
Mary Farmer GOD BLESS YOU Mary
vishal s
vishal s - 7 years ago
Mary Farmer and by that day, Mary knows her/his life
SpazeCadette - 7 years ago
That is awesome.
mou haque
mou haque - 7 years ago
Mary Farmer haha u r a cutiepie
1TinyCat39 - 7 years ago
Aww that's nice :)
Kati Casey
Kati Casey - 7 years ago
That's so cool
Floof Flipnotes
Floof Flipnotes - 7 years ago
Mary Farmer | that's a great story :)
cscott - 8 years ago
I love your videos. I wish your were in my locality!!!!
Rae Bey
Rae Bey - 8 years ago
I had my betta (Grayson)for around 4 years but recently he has been getting really sick. He is turning gray and his fins are rotting. I put him in a 1-gallon"hospital" tank and been using a .5 teaspoon of aquarium salt ,2.5 mL of conditioner and changing his water every other day but its not helping, what should i do? :(
Stone Alexandria
Stone Alexandria - 8 years ago
Rae Star he/she probably has fi
Bruh chan
Bruh chan - 8 years ago
Rae Star it is your tank cycled?
ininj4killer gaming
ininj4killer gaming - 8 years ago
Rae Star that is just signs of dieing of age
Gojida - 8 years ago
Rae Star how is he now
Semi Perfect Cell
Semi Perfect Cell - 8 years ago
I love how compassionate this guy is, so many people neglect fish or just think they don't feel pain but he is so gentle <3
MaestroCygni - 6 years ago
Jack Skellington they do have pain receptors. So yes, they do feel pain.
mandarin125 - 7 years ago
Jack Skellington they do feel pain it's scientifically proven
Jack Skellington
Jack Skellington - 7 years ago
No. They don't feel pain just like insects. They have very simple nervous systems.
mandarin125 - 7 years ago
Same here
mandarin125 - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx they do feel pain
mandarin125 - 7 years ago
BANCHEE they do feel pain
Cmharper 50
Cmharper 50 - 7 years ago
BANCHEE yes they do they have nerves like us humans and react to pain like us humans by jumping out of the water or darting away but we most of the time aren’t in the water but we ty to flee from the sorce of the pain.
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
Semi Perfect Cell they don’t...
White Diamond
White Diamond - 7 years ago
Semi Perfect Cell. Well they don’t feel pain...
SmokeThatSkinWagon - 8 years ago
This is SO COOL!
Fun video, thanks man.
InternetThingsCompany - 8 years ago
Any good books you can recommend on how to treat fish?
ShatSlanger SP
ShatSlanger SP - 8 years ago
if this happened to any of my betta I would die
Caroline Jeffries
Caroline Jeffries - 8 years ago
how do you treat a fish (specifically bettas) that's constipated?
s r
s r - 8 years ago
Caroline Jeffries dont feed him for 2 days
Naerwyn - 8 years ago
Try feeding him an unsalted, deshelled, blanched pea.
Star Bettas
Star Bettas - 8 years ago
You can try flaring exercises and feeding frozen daphnia, but you can also try epsom salt (0.5tsp/gallon for a max of 2 days)
sujan gurung
sujan gurung - 8 years ago
have a fintastic weeek lolololol!!!
Hassanim Mohammed
Hassanim Mohammed - 8 years ago
does fish diseases in tank infect humans in any ways?
s r
s r - 8 years ago
Hassanim Mohammed yha TB can
Naerwyn - 8 years ago
Fish Tuberculosis can.
LeafVillage UchihaClan
LeafVillage UchihaClan - 8 years ago
You gotta have so much passion for this kind of work. Thumbs up for you.
Gianluca Solari
Gianluca Solari - 8 years ago
Dr., I have a question. My goldfish seems to have a tumor and it has grown quite big. Do you do surgical procedures for other people's fish as well?
Naerwyn - 8 years ago
Goldfish and koi very commonly get tumours. Do a search for aquatic vets in your area~
ÖZLEM G. - 8 years ago
Doctor, Is it possible making a surgery for the betta fish' s tail tumor ?
annamaezingmeow - 8 years ago
what was the tumour called? iridal foroma?
annamaezingmeow - 8 years ago
The Fish Doctor thank you! :)
The Fish Doctor
The Fish Doctor - 8 years ago
annamaezingmeow iridophoroma
tomer levi
tomer levi - 8 years ago
???Do you care for a saltwater fish
The Fish Doctor
The Fish Doctor - 8 years ago
tomer levi yes, I work with public aquaria and food-fish aquaculture too.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 8 years ago
Never thought there would be like Fish Surgeons because in all cases we just buy another fish over trying to save the old one.
Denise  Pollitt
Denise Pollitt - 6 years ago
ALT KNIGHT . Wow this thread got rowdy fast. Thank you for this comment, I was about to write the same thing myself.
This is ALL chin was trying to say. I wish I'd been here a year ago to back them up. Thank God somebody is living in the real world.
Vern Chuan
Vern Chuan - 7 years ago
Chin Nation does have a point, people who own fish replace their fish once it's dead. It's kinda difficult to do that with any other animal.

Chin isn't implying that he'd kill his fish to buy another one, it's just that most people replace fish easily.

You wouldn't be surprised if a 12 yr old Johnny's goldfish in his small bowl died and he wouldn't replace it.

Chins not even implying that the fishes life doesn't matter, but the fact that you can buy fish for really cheap and that there's a lot of them means that people are gonna replace their fish eventually and that's the truth.

Pretending that all animals lives are the same won't change anything.
KoiBoi 1113
KoiBoi 1113 - 7 years ago
I understand what you are saying, one must do their best, within their means, to help the pet. This must have been quite expensive. In that case I would have likely just let the fish take a natural course, knowing I would not be able to do the procedure.
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 7 years ago
Chin Nation Like honestly, if you hate animals so much, why would you even click on a video about an animal being saved? Just so you can be immature and make some stupid comment on it? Or were you hoping to see the animal suffer? Really, Grow. Up. Such a heartless disgusting child.
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 7 years ago
Chin Nation People like you are truly disgusting. Loved pets are like family members. They are not something you just throw away and go get a new one of when it gets sick. I'm dealing with a sick betta right now who's on his road to recovery. I've spent a lot of time and money treating him, and it's finally paying off because he's recovering nicely. My betta cost me $150 with $95 shipping from Thailand to America. So not only would it be too expensive to just replace, but I love him way to much to even have that as an option. There are people who love animals and will take care of their pets, then there's disgusting psychopaths who will just let their pets die, like you. No heart. I hope you never own any pets, or even kids for that matter. Children are replaceable too you know. Kill one, have another! Your way of thinking is disgusting. Grow up.
Splendid Betta
Splendid Betta - 7 years ago
Chin Nation
I get your point. Other people may disagree but I think it's just their love for the fish. I'm honestly one of the people who would search for a fish surgeon. (Mostly because the fish I got lately are so expensive ;-;
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
Mr. Purple Ok here we go again. When I say most people it's literally most people. Die hard fish lovers are small percentages, but you guys are loud tho like the vegans. You have to ask yourself this, do you think most people will go to such length to try saving that dying fish? And hope you don't accidentally messed up in the progress. Buying all the equipments and Fish Vetting Medicines...Idk how much it cost or if it's easily available.

Because honestly I do not think so. It's just won't make sense because the world is much crueler than that.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 7 years ago
Offense is always taken Never given We didn't miss the point at all... if you see the first post he says that "most people" would just get another fish over trying to save the other one. That just shows how little he cares, and if you have a pet you shouldn't think of said pet like that. You don't need to go to a vet but you shouldn't just go out and buy a new fish and let the other die.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 7 years ago
Chin Nation Chin Nation I'm not misinterpreting anything. You're either using poor word choice or aren't understand what you are typing.

Yes all animals are physically "replaceable" (not the same being but the same species) I had assumed you meant emotionally replaceable because you talked about how dogs and cats weren't.

Also nobody should "dump their old pets" and you don't need to travel to a fish surgeon but actively attempt to medicate them and save them.

You also don't have enough knowledge of fish keeping to say they don't show signs of sickness because they do.

Simply because there are many fish available doesn't mean you can treat them badly. It should matter to you what happens to those fish and if it doesn't matter to you there isn't any point continuing this "debate"
ALT KNIGHT - 7 years ago
Wow people I'm a fish keeper but you missed the original point chin was making. MOST people wouldn't take their fish to a specialised vet. You and I know that is the truth whether you do or think people should is another matter.

Let's be honest, I was more upset when my dogs and cats in my life have passed way then my fish and this is coming from someone that just lost his favourite fish, a Oscar because it decided to commit suicide by jumping out of his tank. Yeah I'm upset he died but not on the same level as my mammal pets if that makes sense.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
Mr. Purple I think I came to this conclusion that we're probably thinking in different terms here. Fishes are replaceable...Physically, but the "Attachment" you Fish/Animal Lovers have for them yes is irreplaceable. However, some can still argue that with time it can be, but i'm not going into that.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
Mr. Purple Let me summarize all my points because you miss interpreted everything I've tried to get across. First, I said most people will end up dumping the old fish than trying to save it by traveling miles in hope for the fish Surgeons. That's inevitable as you can see.

Then I end up arguing that fish are different from Dogs/Cats because they can drop hints when they're sick and there's veterinarians more widely available than fish surgeons. Later, we move to fish being replaceable. There's dollar gold fishes everywhere and I made a point of how you just buy them easily and no one will care what will happened to them. I remember going to a festival where we can scope out fishes for fun and keep as pet and I seen many people throwing it away.

Finally, I argue having priorities are better. It makes life easier, you can't care for everyone and you can't save everyone. I'm just stating what's happening in the world and you people let emotions take the better of your judgement. One more thing, spare me lecture of it's your responsibility if you took that fish in. Again, I don't know how you came to the conclusion that I will waste my money to go get myself fish pets.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 7 years ago
Chin Nation I'm arguing so obviously people (with hearts) do care. You said that fish are replaceable. My point is that they aren't. You said things such as how you shouldn't bother to care for your fish when you can just buy another one. That isn't a way to look at any pet, you took that pet under your responsibility, they had no say. So you have an obligation to treat that pet as best as you possibly can. If you don't care about what happens to your pet don't get a pet.
Luna Dragneel
Luna Dragneel - 7 years ago
No life is worth more then another, but yeah we'll never have the same views towards life. Bye.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
Maddie Heartfilia- Dragneel And you said you're not an Animal activist, do you need to announce that you're vegan too? lol. Anyway, lovely speech there. Yes, We are all part of the animal kingdom, but we are definitely not the same. Some lives worth more than others. And leave as that, we can agree to disagree.
Luna Dragneel
Luna Dragneel - 7 years ago
Human's are animals, and no life is any less then another, I value all life the same, to be human's are equal to ants, fish, dogs, cats, cows, all other life, we're no better then anything else with a heartbeat, and if people actually cared about the other life on this planet other then themselves humans would be less selfish and cruel. No life is replaceable, you'll never get the same fish that you had, they'd have different personalities, different markings, etc. no two lifeforms are the same and therefore no two lifeforms are 'replaceable'. Just please never be a pet owner if you have those horrible views towards life.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
Mr. Purple Ohh you're different because the people before you are pissed. Have you read the previous comments? I'm just stating the obvious and they're all up my shit. Now the mistreatment of animal, I don't know how you came to this conclusion that i'm doing this on my spare time. I only said you can buy all the fishes and throw them out to prove a point that rest of the world don't care. All this pointless argument easily label me as the bad guy, but i'm sure you're smart enough to know this just misunderstand between you and I.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 7 years ago
Chin Nation and no we aren't getting angry at someone who's pointing out the obvious, we're getting angry at someone who believes that you can treat any animal however you want because humans are better than them.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 7 years ago
Chin Nation where they "rank" as you put it, doesn't matter. If you're going to be taking an animal, a living life, as a pet. You should be treating said pet as best as you can. The fact that you think your life is less important than theirs doesn't justify mistreating them.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
Mr. Purple you don't need to know much about fish to realize fish fucking die a pointless death like insects. In this world there's this priorities. I'm sure fish rank lower than dogs/cats that is why they're different. And animal rank lower than Humans. Some people yes you guys think animals above everything else, so be it. But if you're going cry for every single animal do it somewhere else. Y'all getting angry on someone who's pointing on what inevitably happens to these animal everyday.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
Maddie Heartfilia- Dragneel "Not Trigger" and literally the next line "I'm Pissed off" let that sink in for a bit Hahahahaha. Ohh you have heart, good for you i'm sure it'll save all those poor dead fishes.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 7 years ago
Chin Nation You obviously know nothing about fish which is why you decided to make these comments. And yes you can go out to the store and buy a bunch of fish and kill them, but you could essentially do that with any other animal, although it's obviously not moral and very cruel to do that. Your main point is a disgusting way to think. You don't think of animals as replaceable, they are just as irreplaceable as every other living being on the earth. They aren't toys, they're lives. Every life has value however short.
Luna Dragneel
Luna Dragneel - 7 years ago
I'm not a fucking animal activist, I just have a heart, something you obviously don't, I actually care about things, seriously I'm not "Triggered" I'm just pissed off that there's people like you out there, not a single caring nature about ya.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
Maddie Heartfilia- Dragneel oh man, go cry me a fucking ocean maybe you'll create a new home for the fishes to live in. Free from us evil humans. You'll be a hero.

Yes cats, dogs, and people die too. And you can buy all of them. Is that what you want me to say? Now I wait until the next trigger animal activist.
Luna Dragneel
Luna Dragneel - 7 years ago
Oh Yeah fish are replaceable, they die you can easily buy another.. hmm just like a dog or cat, they die you can buy another, they:re just as "Replaceable" honestly, some people actually love their fish just as much as a dog or cat owner love their dogs, I'm both a dog and fish owner, and I love all of them equally, I'd cry just as much when my fish dies as I will when my dog dies, they're not just objects for show in your living room, they're life, they have a heart, just because they're small and have a fairly short life doesn't make them some replaceable object. The reason why this world is so "Cold" is because there's dipshits like you out there.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
+Lindsey Badder Lol, getting angry here? I can say same thing to you. I disagree, so your opinion is shitty too right? Fish is REPLACEABLE sweetheart. What's there to stop me from going to varieties of stores, buy them fishes and toss it out? The stores don't give a fuck, they made their money. There's no system in place to verify the person is an expert fish care. Haha, do yourself a favor and realize it's a cold world out there for both humans and animals.
Lindsey Badder
Lindsey Badder - 7 years ago
that's the problem with're stating your shitty opinion as fact...which it's not. There are a bunch of people on here proving that to them fish aren't just replaceable and yet you're still trying to say that your opinion is "right". Do us all a favor and don't own animals.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
+Kathy Sonen We've already conclude that. I agreed that all deaths have a reason if you can recall that or check back if you must. The real question is how is this related to my main point.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
+Kathy Sonen
You think I'm spreading misinformation? On what? Pointing out the reality of what happens to a poor dying fish in most cases? The reality that most people won't bother wasting resources on trying to save a dying fish over getting a new one? You're here arguing a different point on preventing future fish deaths or fish died because the water is bad.

I'm sorry that other hardcore fish keepers come and see this comment that most fishes don't get live happily like theirs. And then they try to argue otherwise, although it's pointless because those fishes out there died anyway.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
+Kathy Sonen Alright, all deaths have a reason I got it. I'm sure your info is useful, but not here because I don't have fishes anyway, well not in my responsibility at least.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 7 years ago
+Kathy Sonen And if google Fish die out of nowhere you'll get many reports in this case. Yes, these people follow all the step you just listed and everything goes well. It only takes one short night of a tiny thing that went wrong and they all DIE. Yes yes, all these expert steps to prevent fish deaths, I don't know why we're even arguing about this anyway. It's kind of unrelated to my main point. Y'all just need to accept fishes die all the time and most if not all are replaceable. It's a cold hard truth, if not then go and try to save the entire Ocean because you're not going to convince me.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 8 years ago
+Mr. Purple I disagree, they are not the same. At least Cats and Dogs can give you hints if their sick...Fishes they just straight up die out of nowhere. Yes maybe you hardcore fish experts can immediately tell what's wrong. And even you manage to tell what's wrong, Fish Surgeons aren't widely available like Cats/Dogs vets.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
Chin Nation yes pets die, that's unavoidable, but they are not disposable. I don't understand your logic here and you can't compare dogs and cats to fish because they are essentially the same, go to a shelter and see all the dogs and cats available to you, just as easy to get as a fish. There is no excuse to treating any animal that you take home as a pet badly. If said fish is sick, treat them as best as you can and if it's fatal, humanely euthanize. But you shouldn't not care because it's easy to get another fish. If you didn't care for your fish then you shouldn't have gotten a pet at all.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 8 years ago
+Lindsey Badder You're describing very situational case here. Thousands dollar fish then maybe it's worth driving 50-100 miles to the possible nearest fish surgeon and pay for their fees.

I'm talking about your everyday owner like 90% other people who are not super crazy about expensive fish. You guys all need face reality here, pets die just like people.
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 8 years ago
+liger0yger Read the sentence again, if you're still having trouble understanding. I can explain it for the small minded like you.
Naerwyn - 8 years ago
Chin Nation what do you mean there are no fish surgeons? you are commenting on a video featuring one right now. You're either ignorant, stupid, or a troll. Byee~
Lindsey Badder
Lindsey Badder - 8 years ago
We just care about our pets, whether its a dog, bird, fish, whatever. And some bettas go for hundreds of dollars, so yea they would want to save it, same with thousand dollar koi. But it's not crazy to want people to treat animals humanely no matter how small. Luckily there are videos like this so fish owners can attempt to save their little buddy's lives
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 8 years ago
Then we got you, who's overrating on a comment that 90% would happen in these scenarios. There's no Fish surgeons around like there's for other pet vets. I can see a dog or cat lover going crazy, but Fish people too.  You Peta guys never cease to amaze me. 
Chin Nation
Chin Nation - 8 years ago
They are fishes, yes they are very easily replaceable like it or not lol. There not like Dogs or Cats.
AB W - 8 years ago
Got that right. I literally got into a fist fight, as in I actually punched my own sister in the face, over a dispute that began because of her treatment of my niece's betta fish. Not proud that it ended in phys. altercation...but I'm an unapologetic, militant vegetarian, and I won't stand for anyone (family included) treating animals as disposable. If you aren't willing to do prior research BEFORE trying to care for a pet, well, then perhaps you don't need one in the first place. Fish (bettas included) need cycled tanks BEFORE they come home w/you. And if you can't afford a master water test kit, well, then you can't afford to have a fish. Period.
Naerwyn - 8 years ago
You should care more about your pets, if you really think they are so replaceable.
Dark knight
Dark knight - 8 years ago
fish need AAirr!!?????
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
Yes actually, either they have special lungs and still either way they need oxygen through microscopic bubbles in the water
jewelscorp19 - 7 years ago
Bettas have specialised labyrinth organs which allows them to take in oxygen from the air. So when they're recovering from the anesthesia, you can't always count on them to breathe by themselves so you have like "back-up" sources of O2. Same when a dog/cat is recovering from anesthesia, they're always connected to an oxygen machine until they're capable of breathing by themselves. Hope that helps :)
Alexis Graystorm
Alexis Graystorm - 7 years ago
Naerwyn all fish need air idk where you got your information from lmfao
s r
s r - 8 years ago
Dark Knight slayer yes,every living being need oxygen
Naerwyn - 8 years ago
Only fish with a specialised lung.
fishlaw1 - 8 years ago
Another great video, Doc. . . I predict this channel will grow very fast ! ! !
baby girl
baby girl - 8 years ago
I'm very happy with what you do. Fish have always had a place in my heart and I've always owned pet fish throughout my life. there aren't too many fish vets around, but seeing you do your work makes me very happy for the fish getting help (:
Ian Roughley
Ian Roughley - 8 years ago
I guess a lot of us wish you where based in the UK :(
Bones ss
Bones ss - 6 years ago
The Fish Doctor
The Fish Doctor - 8 years ago
cesar pablo
cesar pablo - 8 years ago
si alguien pidiera traducir tus videos te lo agradeceria
Yisus - 8 years ago
cesar pablo mejor intenta aprender inglés, le sacarás más partido y no es muy difícil, has de tener paciencia y constancia. Te lo dice uno que empezó con 26 años
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 8 years ago
how much does it cost for a treatment like this?
rickybobbychuva - 7 years ago
Actually, I'm sure it definitely cost less than 1500 USD. Cost really depends on the time taken as well as the equipment and the supplies used to diagnose and treat. Of course, many people wouldn't pay a professional so much money for their fish. The best thing most people can do is to look online and talk to aquatic hobbyists with lots of experience.
s r
s r - 8 years ago
John Nguyen you can do it by your self
Justin Soquila
Justin Soquila - 8 years ago
John Nguyen between $10000 to $15000
Jason M
Jason M - 8 years ago
Thank you for your videos, great job
REVOisMYname - 8 years ago
3 is getting old for a betta, glad the owners treat him do well in spite of the short lifespan and replaceability
AB W - 8 years ago
My thoughts exactly. Despite age, they truly do care about his well-being. I wish all betta owners would be so responsible.
MSteveYang - 8 years ago
good job dr. loh. what can I do to become your assistant and learn from you?

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