Tank Setup! | How to Set Up the Tetra 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium
Betta 8 years ago 59,575 views
Today's video is the setup my betta Campbell's 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon aquarium. He spent a night in a 1 gallon hospital/quarantine tank, and now he is getting the upgrade he needs to be a happy & healthy betta fish. I have a detailed unboxing of this tank on my channel for those interested. My female betta Journey uses the exact the same tank, and has since late March (2016). The unboxing process in today's video was brief as the video was already quite long, and as I have unboxed this tank in the past in full detail, I thought I wouldn't show the whole process again. Here is the link to the full unboxing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha0_EuJ0e6s I repurchased this tank because my overall opinion of it was good. It's affordable and convenient (how it comes in a set) and I have no issues with the filter or air stone being dangerously strong. Also, I'm familiar with it, making tank setup and maintenance easy. Another point towards the repurchase of this tank was I liked how the tank was tall- so I could let future live plants grow up with less weekly pruning. Campbell's tank is set up on the small Hemnes bedside table from IKEA. Here is the link to the table: http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/70121230/ It works perfectly as a aquarium stand for tanks between 2.5 and 3 gallons. I wouldn't recommend it for tanks over 3.5 gallons, though, as it may not be strong enough. Any more questions? Ask below! Journey's 1 Year Adoptiversary is this coming Monday! (8/22/16) A special video dedicated to her will be uploaded next Thursday. New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by Bensound.com All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.
10. comment for Tank Setup! | How to Set Up the Tetra 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium
20. comment for Tank Setup! | How to Set Up the Tetra 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium
30. comment for Tank Setup! | How to Set Up the Tetra 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium
50. comment for Tank Setup! | How to Set Up the Tetra 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium
I've been keeping and breeding fish successfully, long before you was even born or thought of, dealt with Ich once and didn't lose a single fish to it (which the fish i bought came with it btw) just once in all the years of keeping fish, never had a fish with fin rot, bloat, popeye, dropsy or any other disease i see so regularly on these videos and do you know why? probably not BC your another ignorant asshat who isn't willing to learn or do the research that's needed to keep fish successfully, from learning basic knowledge which is so important especially on nitrogen cycle and water parameters which cannot be steadily controlled in less than 10g of water, all the way up to suitable tank sizes. When you ignore the basics you set yourself up for failure, not only do you fail but you also fail your fish by making it die a slow unnecessary death.
Like i said I'm done, take it or leave it it's not my fish your killing or that keeps dying.
Prove a Betta thrives in 3g
I think you'll find that they just survive in a 3g, survive and thrive are completely the opposite.
I get that your trying to assist people and many people are dickheads. But the way you state your facts is really Similar too how I've seen feminists do so, no need to be a dick about it.
No I ain't a feminazi or a sjw, I was trying to get the right information around so bettas stop being put in tiny tanks enduring a slow death.
Are you a feminist?
I feel like you are by the way you act.
It's ok to admit you was wrong! once you do that you will notice that you learnt a valuable lesson by you're mistake.
There's a hundred ways to encourage other people into larger tanks. This isn't one of them. Bitch.
So instead of me wasting my time and effort trying to educate your ignorant ass, I'll leave you some links to educate you on the matter.
Nitrogen cycle http://fins.actwin.com/mirror/begin-cycling.html
Importance of a cycle http://aquariuminfo.org/cycling.html
Myths vs reality Bettas http://bettacare101.com/mythvsreality3/
Aeration purposes for Bettas http://www.bettafish.info/aeration_and_filtering.php
Don't bother to reply back, with that information you have no argument against it, stop being ignorant and educate yourself and rectify where you've gone wrong before you make any more Bettas suffer in your care.
Next you're going to give me shit for buying a 5.5 gallon tank so my betta could follow two corys around to keep him entertained instead of a twenty gallon tank to satisfy your fishy elitism.
Look, I heard this shit when I owned rats. The average life span is about two years, but you can get them up to three, even four sometimes. And there's a breeding line that can live up to five. But that doesn't change the average lifespan. They're considered geriatric after one year. No amount of yelping changes the breeding quality of an animal unless it's directed at the breeders.. with some legal force behind it.
Give a betta minimum, it's life will also be minimum.
But my problem is with people who constantly up the 'minimum' for no better reason than what appears to be virtue signalling. I see larger and larger numbers the more I look into other tanks but the reasoning is always flimsy. Does a Betta actually do better in a ten gallon tank or is that people feel better about keeping one in a ten gallon tank? Some don't seem to see the difference.
Please explain to me how oxygenation of the water helps a fish that breaths air. I have a low flow carbon filtration system and I do 1/2 water changes a week with a siphon to get the gunk out of the gravel to take care of the ammonia build up, with a set up like that there's no need for full changes. After a while, if you're regular, the Betta figures out what's up and stops freaking out so much. All mine have eventually stopped having fits when the tube comes down.. they realize it's not dangerous. It means they're less stressed by it.
And you know what? The filter itself doesn't take up much room at all because modern filter designs have become more compact and it was designed for the volume of the tank in mind.
I think you're confusing Bettas for goldfish, which do need more volume and a larger tank to take care of multiple air quality factors. But Bettas don't need oxygenated water, they just need the shit cleaned out on a regular basis and I've seen plenty of Bettas live for several years on that basis alone.
A well kept tank of three gallons like the video poster has is fine, it's actually great. It's not a 1/4 gallon prison cell. And neither is my tank.
What's your next step in your own cycle to demand bigger and bigger bare minimums? Insisting Bettas all be released back in the wild because a tank of any size as become too cruel for your taste? Because that's where constantly upping the minimum leads.
TL;DR Realism dear, you're going to have to deal with it. In any animal keeping community you're going to find a lot of people that disagree with whatever high minded ideas you've got on what is best. Just like everyone else.
Anything less than a 5gallon you cannot establish a proper nitrogen cycle, you will get heat fluctuations (if you provide heat which will then take away volume of water) adding a filter which is NEEDED for gas exchange, filtration to convert ammonia, filter particles, build up of beneficial bacteria, oxygenation etc etc, internal filters leaves them less water volume, more water changes are needed which then stresses the Betta leaving them with a lowered immune system which then leaves them susceptible to illness, disease and death.
So if you want your Betta to just survive for a year or two, go ahead! A betta should be thriving and living a healthy happy life up to 8-10 years. Why else do you think there's a big misconception that bettas only live a short life? Bc they're kept in tiny volumes of water with less than minimum requirements which allows them to thrive. I could go on but its up to you to do your own homework and research to stop this ludicrous cruel way of keeping just for your own selfish enjoyment.
This idea that bigger tank always equals better is nonsense and getting way out of hand with the demands I hear people come up with. Every time I turn around someone has tacked another gallon onto what they think is best for a Betta. Yeah, the fish has to be able to do more than turn around on itself all the time but you can't expect everyone who gets a Betta to go for a 5.5 gallon tank when a well designed and cared for 2 gallon tank is fine.
100. comment for Tank Setup! | How to Set Up the Tetra 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium
So I just recently got my betta a few weeks ago and my "job" is babysitting my neighbor and I get paid $20. I'm only 13 and I've bought everything (except the tank cus we already had one, also the water pump which was only $10 at my local Walmart.) Yes this is the most inexpensive pet ever (that I know of) so if your looking to spend maybe $30-$60ish then go for it!
(Just read the date this was put up
2.5 gallon tank with filter around 20-40 dollars (could get smaller if u r planning on upgrading him when you have the money.
Heater around $10.00
Decor depends on what floats your boat
Betta 5-30 (yes my petstore does sell 30 dollar bettas)
Substrate may or may not be necessary but should be pretty cheap
(This is all from the top of my head)