Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size

http://amzn.to/2hBvoUE - The most popular aquarium for Betta fish is the Fluval Spec! It’s the ultimate setup. It has a filter, light and everything needed. Fluval Spec: http://amzn.to/2hBvoU What size tank should I buy for my betta fish? Got sent this question and I'm answering it here. It's always cool to see people actually researching this topic because these fish deserve bigger tanks then small vases. I'm at a loss what to do... I have a dwarf gourami who appears to be suffering from multiple illnesses. Right now I've moved him/her into the quarantine aquarium and have been treating the water with melafix and pimafix with no signs of improvement. My gourami is still eating somewhat but has very stringy like feces. From it's appearance it looks to be suffering from fin rot, a red wound on it's side and a large red sore on it's face... From the day my boyfriend picked up this gourami it always appeared to have split fins which I now realize was fin rot from the start. I've already lost the healthy appearing gourami that was bought with this ill one and I'd really like to try everything I can to save it. If you have any advice please share. I'm desperate. So I've got this gourami with this spiky thing growing out of his rectum and has been defecating for 3 days straight...can anyone tell me what this might be from? And how I could cure it? I've included a picture and hope it's good enough quality for anyone to see. added a few new additions to our community tank, a few female mollies 1 chocolate, 1 dalmatian, 1 ice and fire dwarf gourami & a powder blue dwarf gourami. the next step is to start planting some plants in the back. http://bettafishcaretaker.com/bowl-setup/ I have a couple new gourami's and the smallest ones are picking on the bigger gourami's and even killed one of my African leaf. I got one of them trying to pick on my other African leaf so I have him in a net but I can't keep him in there all day. What can I do to keep my fish safe from the nippers till tomorrow to return them? Safe Water for Betta Fish? Tap Water?https://youtu.be/xbPF89aLunc I just got interrupted while on the phone by the croaking sounds of my sparkling gourami fish mating. This was a thrilling experience! Then you realize maybe Ive become way too nerdy . I was thankful for my friend on the other line. She understood. She likes Horses. Animal biology here we go. Those little fish sure do give a loud mating call. Just setup a 40 Breeder for my mother to view and enjoy! Here are some statistics about the tank. Plants: Amazon Sword Ludwigia Repens Broad Rotala Rotundifolia Myrio Red Fish: 2 Bosemani Rainbowfish (Breeding Pair) 2 Angelfish (Breeding Pair) 2 Electric Blue Rams (Breeding Pair) 2 Otocinculus Catfish 1 Albino Cory Catfish 1 Dwarf Neon Gourami 1 Rainbow Shark 1 Reticulated Hillstream Loach I'll be adding more Corydoras to the tank, I am aware they need a school of five. I'll also be adding two more Otocinculus. Bettas tank size bowl for betta fish vase size betta fish tank size betta

Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size sentiment_very_dissatisfied 129

Betta 11 years ago 82,304 views

http://amzn.to/2hBvoUE - The most popular aquarium for Betta fish is the Fluval Spec! It’s the ultimate setup. It has a filter, light and everything needed. Fluval Spec: http://amzn.to/2hBvoU What size tank should I buy for my betta fish? Got sent this question and I'm answering it here. It's always cool to see people actually researching this topic because these fish deserve bigger tanks then small vases. I'm at a loss what to do... I have a dwarf gourami who appears to be suffering from multiple illnesses. Right now I've moved him/her into the quarantine aquarium and have been treating the water with melafix and pimafix with no signs of improvement. My gourami is still eating somewhat but has very stringy like feces. From it's appearance it looks to be suffering from fin rot, a red wound on it's side and a large red sore on it's face... From the day my boyfriend picked up this gourami it always appeared to have split fins which I now realize was fin rot from the start. I've already lost the healthy appearing gourami that was bought with this ill one and I'd really like to try everything I can to save it. If you have any advice please share. I'm desperate. So I've got this gourami with this spiky thing growing out of his rectum and has been defecating for 3 days straight...can anyone tell me what this might be from? And how I could cure it? I've included a picture and hope it's good enough quality for anyone to see. added a few new additions to our community tank, a few female mollies 1 chocolate, 1 dalmatian, 1 ice and fire dwarf gourami & a powder blue dwarf gourami. the next step is to start planting some plants in the back. http://bettafishcaretaker.com/bowl-setup/ I have a couple new gourami's and the smallest ones are picking on the bigger gourami's and even killed one of my African leaf. I got one of them trying to pick on my other African leaf so I have him in a net but I can't keep him in there all day. What can I do to keep my fish safe from the nippers till tomorrow to return them? Safe Water for Betta Fish? Tap Water?https://youtu.be/xbPF89aLunc I just got interrupted while on the phone by the croaking sounds of my sparkling gourami fish mating. This was a thrilling experience! Then you realize maybe Ive become way too nerdy . I was thankful for my friend on the other line. She understood. She likes Horses. Animal biology here we go. Those little fish sure do give a loud mating call. Just setup a 40 Breeder for my mother to view and enjoy! Here are some statistics about the tank. Plants: Amazon Sword Ludwigia Repens Broad Rotala Rotundifolia Myrio Red Fish: 2 Bosemani Rainbowfish (Breeding Pair) 2 Angelfish (Breeding Pair) 2 Electric Blue Rams (Breeding Pair) 2 Otocinculus Catfish 1 Albino Cory Catfish 1 Dwarf Neon Gourami 1 Rainbow Shark 1 Reticulated Hillstream Loach I'll be adding more Corydoras to the tank, I am aware they need a school of five. I'll also be adding two more Otocinculus. Bettas tank size bowl for betta fish vase size betta fish tank size betta

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Most popular comments
for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size

Chi Lee
Chi Lee - 7 years ago
Betta bowls are big enough, why do you think they made them , as long you do your w/c, your good to go
Astro Wolf
Astro Wolf - 7 years ago
Mason jar aquariums ??
GearzMC - 7 years ago
As the dominant species of this planet, fish are looked upon as a being which will turn into a sushi roll.
NaeNae kappa
NaeNae kappa - 7 years ago
2.5 gallons is the aquiruim size for Bettas but it's always better to get a bigger sized aquiruim
Dahlia Man
Dahlia Man - 7 years ago
Did I hear him use the phrase 'not too big', which has me wondering now 'is it possible to have that is too big for a male betta'?  I ask because I literally bought my first betta  today and he is a stunning colour of royal blue with a little red on his .  At present I have him in my 64 litre community tank (60Lx30Wx43H) with 5 Rosy Tetras and 6 Silverfin Tetras, and soon to be Nerite snails currently on order, and in a weeks time I am planning on buying 3 or 4 smaller type Corycats (possibly Orange) to go in that tank.  The tank has a mix of hiding places with several live plants plus decorations, and I have purposely replaced a couple of the plastic plants with cloth ones as I read that these plastic can potentially damage betta's fins if they 'snag'.  Also I have a Interpet filter and a JBL air pump (air pump flow is reduced and quite gentle so he is not fighting against the current).  As I write I have witnessed no aggression either from the betta or directed at the betta, indeed the tetras and betta seem to ignore each other (both tetra types do group together in an informal manner).  Having seen betta's in aquarist shops and in general pet shops I assumed they would be all be 'move move move'  from side to side, up and down, etc.  However, my betta seems very serene in his manner, and really quite laid back, so hopefully this is because of the ample room and that he is just exploring his surroundings and maybe a little shy.  So, my questions are - is a 64 litre community tank 'too big', and can I feed my betta on NT Labs probiotic pellets of 1mm size (I feed this to the tetras, plus tiger barbs; honey tiger barbs; cherry barbs; and is taken up by my panda and swarzi cory cats) and frozen food a couple times per week?  Any replies welcome.
Linda I. Brown
Linda I. Brown - 7 years ago
Ok, so I recycled a 3 gallon tank for 1 month before I placed the male Betta in its new home. I'm seeing the evidence of not a happy fish. I have a 10 gallon tank that I can prepare and transfer the Betta. Do I need to recycle for a month? What's the best way to do this new home transfer?
Mika Chan
Mika Chan - 7 years ago
hey should i put my betta in the same tank my other died i cleaned and washed out everything 100% water change and clean the filters do i need to get spike my new fish a whole new environment? or is it ok to keep him in the same tank my last fish was in.
Luis Mario Lopez Monzon
Luis Mario Lopez Monzon - 7 years ago
it feels like living on a box
Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson - 7 years ago
I think 5 gallons is okay for a Betta even 8 gallons is ok. there are so many types of thanks out there some 5 gallons look bigger than others I've had a five gallon once that has looked like a 8 gallon it depends on what your preference is personally I think a five to 8 gallon is okay for a Betta fish just remember if your going to keep a Betta make sure the filter has low air flow they are not the best swimmers so try to get the least amount of flow but still get them a filter I a good filter that I have on my Molly tank right now is called the tetra 2-10i internal filter I got this with my ten gallon it has small air flow and it is great and it's also a quiet they are not big waste producers either but that doesent mean they can be kept in a bowl please keep them in an ideal tank I think a five gallon is okay because your only going to have your Betta in there for his or her whole life (because betta's are agressive and they need to be kept alone) to me if I was a Betta I would just be thankful that I'm in a 5 gallon then in that bowl that I came in originally

10. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size

Just Chloe
Just Chloe - 8 years ago
my betta has a 5 gallon tank he loves it a minimum for a betta would be 2.5 gallons 10 gallons may be your preference but I tried having a 10 gallon and it was too big for him he loves his 5 gallon tank the best
Neil Maharaj
Neil Maharaj - 8 years ago
This man is right you guys should actually have feelings for fish and stop being cheap about it
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
I have a 6 gallon tank:) my aunt is filthy rich she got it for me
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 8 years ago
I once saw a bow front betta "tank" that was maybe 3 1/2 inches tall and maybe 2 1/2 inches wide and like 2 1/2 inched long. (estimated sizes) I literally got as far away from the fish section in that petstore to avoid exploding
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 8 years ago
I have a betta prone to sbd so I keep him in a smaller aquarium.
Dog 1017
Dog 1017 - 8 years ago
Mine is a 2 gallon tank
Natalie Atkins
Natalie Atkins - 8 years ago
This gives a lot of information thanks
Kristin - 8 years ago
look it up bettas live in rice puddles.
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 8 years ago
Hmmm...for keeping a single male betta fish 3-5 gallons is absolutely okay already. I do have an 8 gallon. You were talking about water polution but ehr, Bettas really produce a really small amount of waste (also due to breathing air), so even maintaining a small tank isn't hard with them. A 10 gallon would actually already be about the maximum size for a single betta for me, because everything above will make the fish swim and kinda 'control' their tank constantly(it's what males always do, protect Ing their teritory), shortening their lives due to putting a whole lot of swimming everyday. I am not saying that bettas don't like to swim, but seriously 3-5 gallons are fine. 5-10 are even better of course.
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
lol no the bigger the better, 10 gallons is the best.
kushinmysw1sher - 8 years ago
21 gallon for mine. Hes in a community tank

20. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size

Bronzesnake - 8 years ago
I've had my male beta in my 55 gallon community tank for almost two years now and he loves it.
Sparrow - 8 years ago
I put my betta in a one gallon bowl when I brought him home and he was not enjoying it one bit so I put him in a 2 gallon bowl and he has been happy there for a year now. I went and got another betta and put her in a 3 gallon which I'd have put my male in but my boy jumps when he's excited so he needs the 2 gallon because it has a lid.
Toxic gamer
Toxic gamer - 8 years ago
I have a 2.5 gallon tank for my new Delta tail betta
Toxic gamer
Toxic gamer - 8 years ago
I have a 2.5 gallon tank for my Betta fish
Brandon Cooney
Brandon Cooney - 8 years ago
Holy fuck throw it in your pool for fuck sake. How big is too big? I'll put it in a 3 gallon tank call PITA if you don't like it.
Nineteen-Eighty two Rampage
Nineteen-Eighty two Rampage - 8 years ago
55 gallons for mine.
kingdemon89 - 7 years ago
Efficientlion !
Efficientlion ! - 8 years ago
5 gal is the least
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 8 years ago
Efficientlion ! unless the fish is special needs
heather gentry
heather gentry - 8 years ago
My daughter just started school and I noticed they have a beta fish today it's been a month and just the school year and I saw the beta fish they said they've had the fish almost 3 years now. I think the beta fish is sick it has a tendency to be on one side and to have trouble getting to the surface they do not have it in a big tank it is not even 1 gallon.how do you help the fish get better
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 8 years ago
Kristof McKenna pervert
Kristof McKenna
Kristof McKenna - 8 years ago
heather gentry have sex with it
Av_cali - 8 years ago
my betta fish is in a 0.9 gallon cube tank and he is happy. Always making a bubble nest. I change the water every 2 days, and it looks great in my room
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Av_cali Mine builds bubble nests too
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 8 years ago
0.9?! Oh god let's see for how long he'll be building his little nests...poor guy
Allosaurus RCA
Allosaurus RCA - 8 years ago
The Beta Masters u

U spelled Betta wrong
Typical Ruthie
Typical Ruthie - 8 years ago
Av_cali I had my old betta in a 1 gallon cube and she lasted days and died I would really get at least a 2.5 gallon tank with some pebbles and a small plant it will be much more happy the cheapest price they get is 10$
Allosaurus RCA
Allosaurus RCA - 8 years ago
Bubble nests don't mean there happy at all. They do it naturally so it can happen whenever. NO WAY ur fish can be happy in a small cube. Imagine if u were in that.
TURTLEBOY188 - 8 years ago
Ur fish is not happy
Jake J
Jake J - 8 years ago
Dude he has no were to move
Andrew Mercado
Andrew Mercado - 8 years ago
that nigga lonely af
Anuraag Yarramreddy
Anuraag Yarramreddy - 8 years ago
bubble nest is just a breeding behavior not a sign that he is happy
Lorna Allen
Lorna Allen - 8 years ago
How do you know he's happy if he's never actually had another tank though?
Jordana Pérez
Jordana Pérez - 8 years ago
My betta is in a 2.5 and i got all the equirements he loves but i think a 10 gallon is too big for 1 betta and for a 2.5 Its preety big and hes happy.

30. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size

Luna Midnight
Luna Midnight - 8 years ago
Thanks my idiot friend put her beta in a 3 gallon tank and I'm trying to get her to at least move it in a five gallon cause she put her fish in a fucking vase
kingdemon89 - 7 years ago
call your friend an idiot because of a fish, what a fucking good friend you are, fucking trash
TheLivingTank - 7 years ago
Luna Midnight 2,5 is actually the minimum so her tank was big enough!
Broofy AO
Broofy AO - 7 years ago
The minimum tank size needed for a betta fish is actually a 2.5 gallon tank, I admittedly don't believe in giving any fish such a small tank, so I put my bettas in at least a 5, but usually a 5.5 gallon tank. 10 gallon tanks, while excellent for one spoiled betta, can also be used to house two relatively peaceful betta by using a divider. This way, each fish will have a good amount of space to move around.
Bill Crimson
Bill Crimson - 8 years ago
Luna dont be so butthurt.
Kristof's Exotics
Kristof's Exotics - 8 years ago
Sparrow 2.5 is small. They live in rice fields in the wild
Sparrow - 8 years ago
Minimum size for a betta should technically be 2.5 so 3 doesn't make your friend an idiot.
Kristin - 8 years ago
a betta does not need a 5 gallon or more because it can kill them. 2 gallon to 4 gallons is fine. remember bettas live in puddles in the wild.
Kristin - 8 years ago
i will make a video soon on the truths and myths of bettas.
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 8 years ago
Ruxack ;! OH hell no one of those people who use 'gay' as an insult. Pathetic man
Clementine - 8 years ago
Kristin ur gay for saying that they live in puddles.
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 8 years ago
Just briefly dropping this here. 3-5 gallons are good, 8-10 is even better. I wouldn't keep a single Betta in a tank bigger than that but I think too big is still better than too small.
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
mines in a 5 gallon and is much happier than in a 2.5. I'm planning on putting him in a 10gal soon, and he's probably going to love it. The main way they'd get stressed and die in big tanks is current, other fish if they don't like them, and dirty water/getting accumulated wrong
Rynn Tinn
Rynn Tinn - 8 years ago
Bettas definitely don't live in puddles. That's a myth.
CorgiPlush - 8 years ago
They dont live in Puddles, A 5 gallon or more is perfect!! How can a size kill the fish? These fish roam for miles in there so called " puddles "
Debby Louis Hardy
Debby Louis Hardy - 8 years ago
U r correct about needs. They need shaded (but still natural light), with lots of real plants. And water that isn't constantly running thru a filter. Natural habitat is dark tea colour stained water with plants in stagnant water. Soooo . Obviously not a cup, but they don't need a huge tank. Mine is in a 10 gallon with only 5 gallons of water. Keeping it low
Noelle Price
Noelle Price - 8 years ago
I have a beta in a 3 gallon quarantine tank and he is actually really happy in it he will be there for a month or two then he will be in a ten gallon community tank.
Love animals
Love animals - 8 years ago
you are great
Katie Ayers
Katie Ayers - 8 years ago
i have no space at all for a 5 gallon tank. mine has a 3 gallon with a filter and ligt, 2 little plants and a hide away. my fish is super small.
Doughnut number 9
Doughnut number 9 - 8 years ago
no an average size betta should have a 2.5 you betta should be happy in a 3 gallon
Sylvia Bond
Sylvia Bond - 8 years ago
what size is this in gaollins 21 1/2 by 16 1/2?
Donovan Gaming403
Donovan Gaming403 - 8 years ago
mine is in a 6.5 gallon
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 8 years ago
That's actually already ideal
M3RK MOE FO - 8 years ago
I have mine in my beta tank that's what it's called
Samantha Piekarski
Samantha Piekarski - 8 years ago
I have my fish in 2.5 gallon, and i think thats fine. Some of them have 3.5 or 5 gallons. I dont think they really need 10 gallon tanks. i would say a 5 gallon is big for a betta. i would never have anything smaller than a 2.5 gallon, though.
LylaLuu - 8 years ago
is a 20 gallon tank too big?
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 8 years ago
Alissa Michaela That is wrong...while you could argue about 20 gallons for one Betta being too much...for a fish with a big tail I'd say it is, for a short tailed male probably not, because he has to put less effort in swimming through the entire tank. I actually prefer Bettas being kept on their own but.. I think 20 gallon especially for a long tail type is unneeded and will eventually just shorten it's life. (because of the effort it puts into swimming a lot). An 8-10 gallon tank would be much more ideal.
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
neon tetras need to be in groups of 6+

I'd put a bristlenose pleco if the filter is strong enough, and possibly neons could work too
Alissa Michaela
Alissa Michaela - 8 years ago
Nope! The bigger the better! You can add some neon tetras ( 1-2) in with him in that size tank
brax likes
brax likes - 8 years ago
Mines in a 10 gallon
Ariana Silva-Oyola
Ariana Silva-Oyola - 8 years ago
how big at minimum should my tank be for 3 female Betta
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
I have my betta in a 7.5 gallon. He's happy!
creepersops 2
creepersops 2 - 8 years ago
Mine lives in his 5 gallon :) i had him in a .7 gallon but thanks to the internet hees happy :)
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 8 years ago
5 gallons is a 50 pounds
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
2 or 3 gallons are good??? They told me that's good
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
Nvm 10 gallons for the lucky Betta!
Shadey - 8 years ago
how about a 2.5 gallon tank
Lynn Little
Lynn Little - 8 years ago
+Salem Ross ya like what he said smaller tank faster pollution. ammonia can spike up overnight.
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
+Lynn Little that's ridiculous
Lynn Little
Lynn Little - 8 years ago
That's minimum but 5 gallon or more is better since cycling it is easier. took me 15 weeks to cycle my 2.5
Water Dragon
Water Dragon - 8 years ago
You can actually overwhelm your fish with a 5 gallon tank to 2.5 gallons are perfect for a beta
Water Dragon
Water Dragon - 8 years ago
You will have no problome getting 1 2 gallon tank because betas live in the little putles in Japan
Rafi Bueno
Rafi Bueno - 8 years ago
Mine is 5 gallon is that good.
Rafi Bueno
Rafi Bueno - 8 years ago
+Salem Ross okay thank you
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Ferious Thunder1234
Ferious Thunder1234 - 8 years ago
Mine is between 1 and 2 gallons, is this a good size tank for one fish
Curtis Krone
Curtis Krone - 8 years ago
+Tardis52 official 2 to 1 gallon for 1 Betta fish is fine they will live but no thrive and some people don't have anough money to buy them big tanks
Curtis Krone
Curtis Krone - 8 years ago
Fun with Katie
Fun with Katie - 8 years ago
of course
Sam - 8 years ago

50. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size

Go to my other channel this one is old
Go to my other channel this one is old - 8 years ago
Can bettafish have 20 leater tanks?
Kristof McKenna
Kristof McKenna - 8 years ago
Go to my other channel this one is old yes it's better the bigger
TicTac123 Cait
TicTac123 Cait - 8 years ago
Is a 3.5 gallon ok ? My betta has been building bubble nests which means it happy ? Anyway was dose my water keep getting cloudy ? To much water conditioner ? Bad filter ?
Jake J
Jake J - 8 years ago
Well I believe spaces should be larger and don't be lazy
Alissa Michaela
Alissa Michaela - 8 years ago
How often do you do water changes? Try doing them once or twice a week. Don't over feed your betta, never use soap when cleaning your tank. And yes, 3.5 gallons is good!
Samantha Piekarski
Samantha Piekarski - 8 years ago
that size is fine this video isnt really truthful.
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
+Nahomi Echeverria you're wrong! It certainly means they're happy!
Nahomi Echeverria
Nahomi Echeverria - 8 years ago
actually if a betta builds a bubble nest it doesn't necessarily mean it's happy that's just a myth :p
geometry dash dragon
geometry dash dragon - 8 years ago
I keep my betta fish in a 10 gallon
random person
random person - 8 years ago
tiana gaulbert
tiana gaulbert - 8 years ago
Beta fish come from Thailand they can be found in puddles or even footprints with minimal water, you got no clue what your talking about
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 8 years ago
You the one that got no clue asshole
Seaside Kitty Co
Seaside Kitty Co - 8 years ago
Actually, that's a common misconception. They actually live in rice paddies and river basins. While these can be relatively shallow, they stretch, giving Bettas tons of room to swim and explore. Their natural habitats are also generally thick with vegetation ;-)
Corrin Jessen
Corrin Jessen - 9 years ago
uh dude.. Walmart does not sell a 10 gallon tank for a few bucks. believe me.. if they did I would have 20 fish tanks lol
Corrin Jessen
Corrin Jessen - 8 years ago
+KiweeGaming Serisouly I would.
kimmie m
kimmie m - 9 years ago
what i have 2.5 mini bow and my fish is happy
syscocar - 9 years ago
how much more longer will my Betta last it's been four year and he was small when I got him.
syscocar - 9 years ago
thank you! see you learn something everyday I've had my Betta for 4 years and still learning from him.
Kitaku - 9 years ago
will it be comfortable on one of those big fish bowls? Im going to get one tomorrow and i want to know what size to buy
Ray1624 - 9 years ago
Betta VS filter, look that up, just gonna leave it at that
Medek c:
Medek c: - 9 years ago
Fish bowls are bad no matter what size it is.And you need to cycle your tank before you get the fish.Learn something about bettas before you get one, okay?
Jimbo Jack
Jimbo Jack - 9 years ago
is a 3 gallion tank ok
emielyy - 8 years ago
ginger ocampo
ginger ocampo - 9 years ago
what's good, vertical or horizontal
skadi - 9 years ago
Horizontal. In nature, Betta's live in relatively shallow rice paddies that stretch for miles. They also need to come to the surface to breathe.
The best tank for a Betta is one that is longer rather than taller.
Ceasar Garcia
Ceasar Garcia - 9 years ago
I just switched my betta to a 10 gallon aquarium from a 1 gallon aquarium and he is way more active and healthy right after I put him in the tank for 2 days. I would recommend a 10 gallon tank.
Medek c:
Medek c: - 8 years ago
So why would you buy a fucking fish if you haven't got money?
fanofmusicandsports1765 - 9 years ago
Money doesn't grow on trees you know
jasmine wong
jasmine wong - 9 years ago
is this guy stupid or if Ialways change me Water its gonna be okay no matter how small
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 8 years ago
jasmine wong no, they need at least a 5 gallon
jasmine wong
jasmine wong - 8 years ago
So I'm a Betta breeder each spawn has about 300 fish I currently have 4 spawn now do I need a 1200 gallon each with seperate filters???
Samantha Piekarski
Samantha Piekarski - 8 years ago
not really. you cant have them in a cup.
Ray1624 - 9 years ago
You still have to be careful because bettas HATE filters, their tails get stuck to them and get torn up, even with sponge filters it happens, that's why most people go with under gravel filters with bettas
hlbatesjr - 9 years ago
I'm glad to hear that you change the water often but your fish really does need more room than a little so called betta tank. If you would, pls think of yourself just living in a room the size of a normal bathroom, for the rest of your life. You wouldn't be to happy about it. So the point is that a betta fish would be much happier in a larger tank.
Meme beaner
Meme beaner - 9 years ago
+jasmine wong Get a 5 gallon with a heater and filter. That's hands down the best way to do it.
syscocar - 9 years ago
can i put 1 male and 1 female betta together in a 5gal tank?
skadi - 9 years ago
+Liyah_83 Male and Female Betta will fight each other as well. Betta are highly territorial and only come together to breed. Some even fight rather than breed! If the female does successfully lay eggs, she needs to be separated immediately or she'll kill the babies and fight the male.
Females also are more likely to win in that fight, because they are much faster swimmers and don't have large flowy tails dragging them down like males do.
Hotteok Power
Hotteok Power - 9 years ago
I'm not a pro but I believe if you put 2 MALES in they will fight I'm don't believe so for a male and a female but if one thing is true:
If you do you can expect babies...
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith - 9 years ago
+syscocar No, don't put bettas together they will fight
Advil Queen
Advil Queen - 9 years ago
Currently, my betta is living in a 2.5 gallon tank and he is as happy as can be pretty much. He is a very intelligent fish and swims around all day. He also knows my face and voice. But I wouldn't reccomend anything under 2.5-3 gallons. I'm no fish expert per se , but I do pay close attention to my fish's behaviour.
blackp322 - 9 years ago
these fish in the wild live in a small hole the size of the container they come in for their whole life
BlueRiolu - 9 years ago
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
Actually, that's a myth. Betta fish would only live in an area that small in a severe drought. They actually live in big ponds. Sure, they can survive in areas that small, but they will not be happy and they will not live for very long.
officially awesome
officially awesome - 9 years ago
I have a 2.5 Gallon for 1 Betta is it enough?
emielyy - 8 years ago
Yes. That's the minimum size for a happy betta :) I would very much recommend a 5 gallon, though. But a 2.5 gallon is just fine, yes.
shynnelle - 9 years ago
How precious to hear someone speak for what cannot with such compassion
Maia Kubick
Maia Kubick - 9 years ago
I have a 30 gallon tank, is this ok for a betta??
TheInfernoGamer - 9 years ago
is that ok?! it's more than enough and it's great!
ThatsSoRepti - 9 years ago
Jennifer Gomez
Jennifer Gomez - 9 years ago
is a 20 gallón ok??
ThatsSoRepti - 9 years ago
Madi Bendy
Madi Bendy - 9 years ago
I want to get want two females and start a sorority. I want to get a 10 gallon
fanofmusicandsports1765 - 9 years ago
Don't put Bettas together or they will fight each other to the death.
Madi Bendy
Madi Bendy - 9 years ago
Verdigriseous. Thanks for the advice. I instead got a snail and named him Lincoln  and my Betta wasn't very happy about him but she is coping. 
skadi - 9 years ago
+Miriam Cakir no you can't. A female and male will fight each other. Male and Female Betta only come together to mate, and immediately need to be separated after the female has laid her eggs.
There is a high chance the female will kill the male because she doesn't have those big heavy fins dragging her down and can attack him while he is unable to swim away.
Madi Bendy
Madi Bendy - 9 years ago
Yeah. I think I am going to get a male. Thinking of naming him Lincoln and my girl is name Skye.
Miriam Cakir
Miriam Cakir - 9 years ago
+Madi Bendy you can get a male or female with her
Madi Bendy
Madi Bendy - 9 years ago
+Miriam Cakir Thanks for the suggestion. I have a small baby betta female. she's Beautiful. If I happened to get another betta though I'd put him in a seperate tank.
Miriam Cakir
Miriam Cakir - 9 years ago
+Madi Bendy you can have to females to males is not good but getting a male and female is good to but don't put two males together
VolleySoftBaller88 - 9 years ago
Awesome choice!!! Your welcome
Madi Bendy
Madi Bendy - 9 years ago
I decided just to get one female. Thanks for the suggestion though!
VolleySoftBaller88 - 9 years ago
If you just get two they will fight, get the minimum of 5 for their pecking order
papijelly - 9 years ago
I will like to know whats better an in water filter or an outside filter. Money is non issue.
John RandomYT
John RandomYT - 9 years ago
Bettas don't need that much room
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
That should be fine :)
John RandomYT
John RandomYT - 9 years ago
+Claire Rosa o i have my in a 2.5
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
They need at least 2.5 gallons, but larger is better! I used to keep my betta in a 1.5 gallon, but now he is in a 5.5 gallon and he likes it much better and he is way happier!
Olivia M
Olivia M - 9 years ago
Thx nerd man
Cherries. Tho
Cherries. Tho - 9 years ago
No not really they will kill each other sometimes a male and a female will get along in mating season but after that most of the time the male will kill the female but if you have a divider for them to each be separted (glass isn't really a good idea cuz they'll see each other) then yes you can have them in the tank
nigel tan
nigel tan - 9 years ago
they should not be in tanks !
fanofmusicandsports1765 - 9 years ago
Where else are they supposed to live (don't say fish bowls because that's worse).
Annie Quinn
Annie Quinn - 9 years ago
I really love you, subscribe
Imadogethatshootsdragonsoutaitseyes Cuzimdankbruh
Imadogethatshootsdragonsoutaitseyes Cuzimdankbruh - 9 years ago
Imadogethatshootsdragonsoutaitseyes Cuzimdankbruh
Imadogethatshootsdragonsoutaitseyes Cuzimdankbruh - 9 years ago
my tank is 1.9 gallons, almost 2. and my fish is showing all the signs of happy. and he's very active, soon
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 9 years ago
My first fish was a female Betta that I got from someone who kept her in a mason jar.... A freaking MASON JAR. When I got her home I got the largest think I could find, which was a cylindrical vase and it held roughly over 2 gallons. I put a filter in their and she stayed in that awhile but after I ended up buying the 2.5 mini bow, then upgrading again to a 10 gallon that I made a community tank. Now I've got a 37 gallon, two 10g, a 5g and the very same 2.5 lol.
Kayla Freckleton
Kayla Freckleton - 9 years ago
shut up!!! what the heck!!! a five gallon is not too smalll (
Joe N.
Joe N. - 8 years ago
+SeveringVoid Let me reiterate, however, that if you get a heater for the tank, you have to be very careful which ones you buy. Make sure you know what to expect, and importantly, read reviews!!! The last thing you want is to buy a heater that would kill your fish(es). 
Joe N.
Joe N. - 8 years ago
+KiweeGaming Great point. 
True Savage
True Savage - 8 years ago
+KiweeGaming true but its not impossible to keep them in 5 gallons. imo only guppies or something like that can be kept in bowls
SeveringVoid - 9 years ago
+Kayla Freckleton I keep it in 1.5 with a cory. Nitrite seem to have elevated slightly over the week. Maybe adding decoration/plants and gravel will help house more bacterias. I don't use a heater either. The over heating filter is keeping it over 20C. Wish my landlord would turn on the god dam heat though. I keep a bluegill in 5gallon. I don't see problem with these fish. Except I kinda messed up the gill's top fin when I netted him out to remove anchor worms.
Joe N.
Joe N. - 9 years ago
+Kayla Freckleton I have a 2 gallon and I know it is kind of small. If I was offered a 5 gallon, even a 10 gallon tank, I'd be happy to take it and take care of it. Fish need a proper recreation of their natural habitat. From what I've learned, a <2 gallon tank with a lack of foliage will probably not satisfy their needs for long. On top of that, it is a good idea to have a filter and nano heater (I do NOT recommend the ones that always stay on!), as well. You may be able to hold off on the heater for a while, like I did, but for your and your fish's sake, since they are cold-blooded, having water at a proper temperature (Bettas like 78*F - 82*F, to my understanding) will help them to be more active and maintain proper bodily functions.

In summary, fish need AND deserve more attention than many people think, but that is by no means a bad thing.
VolleySoftBaller88 - 9 years ago
Ikr SMALL???????
Cherries. Tho
Cherries. Tho - 9 years ago
Not to come off rude or anything but a 5 gal. Is small especially to people who own larger tanks
Annie Quinn
Annie Quinn - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage u really don't... good thing I will be making videos soon-showing off my deltas ;)along with proper care
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Annie Quinn I do
Annie Quinn
Annie Quinn - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage go ahead neglect your fish, you don't know one thing about betta care!
Annie Quinn
Annie Quinn - 9 years ago
+Kayla Freckleton Yes it is
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Kayla Freckleton sure
Kayla Freckleton
Kayla Freckleton - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage thank you could u subscribe to my channle
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Kayla Freckleton not even 1.5 or a 2.5
pilotSnowden - 9 years ago
I have a 3 gallon tank, my betta fish loves it.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
when I went to petco, i swear I was about to dump a Betta into one of each of the tanks and trust me their was barley anything in the tanks.. i just did not do it cause I did not want to get caught and kicked from the store cause...well My frogs needed crikets
Lily Osuch
Lily Osuch - 9 years ago
Is an 8.5 gallon aquarium okay?
Osama Likes men
Osama Likes men - 9 years ago
Do I need a heater for a 5 gallon tank
Annie Quinn
Annie Quinn - 9 years ago
+slam bolts you need a heater for any size tank you have
Gavin Falcon
Gavin Falcon - 9 years ago
ChiefParadox - 9 years ago
Ive had my betta 2 years and it lives in a 10 gallon tank And it still lives til this day
Terran Henry
Terran Henry - 10 years ago
My betta tank is a 125 gallon and my Oscar fish tank is 1000 gallons
skadi - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover they live in shallow water, yes, but their territories are very wide. yards.
FlyingCustoms - 9 years ago
Why you always lying mmmmmmmmmmmmmohhmygod stop f*ckn lying. Plus your betta must be in hell. On top of that my 525 for my freshwater stingrays takes up a whole room so why lie?
Timbo McEver
Timbo McEver - 9 years ago
+Terran Henry My betta lives at the lake.
Kayla Freckleton
Kayla Freckleton - 9 years ago
your rich!!
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Crafty Kendal
Betta Fish have territories, probably the Betta only goes in a certain spot. In the wild Bettas don't live in water that is two inches long.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
That must be Heaven for your Betta.
Randomyou101 - 10 years ago
Help quick I was messing around(stupid idea I know) with my bettas and tried breading them coz I thought why not? What could go wrong. We'll apparently a lot of things. I was stupid and didn't do research first and a couple days after they're rough s** the baby's hatched. Now I have them all in a 6 gallon tank and am worried of how the hell am I going to keep a shit ton of fishes in 2-5 gallon tanks each. That's gonna take up a huge amount of space.

Now to the question, can I keep those little guys in 2 litre bottles? Until I can sell them all? Or will I need to fill my entire room with tanks?
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's fine as long as you don't make it their temporary home. And make sure the new owner will give them a good sized tank and not a bowl or a vase or something.
Betta life
Betta life - 10 years ago
Is a three gallon tank good?
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 10 years ago
I have my betta in a 10 gallon heated to 82 degrees and filtered and fully cycled. I have the tank divided so that the filter heater and air stone are away from the fish without any current.
papijelly - 9 years ago
How long have u had it like that? I also have a 10 galon thank but tough it might have been to much for him. So I've been hesitant.
Flike - 10 years ago
A minimum of 10 gallons?!? I have had Bettas for 15 years and I keep mine in 2-2.5 gallon homes. Something as large as 10 gallons actually stresses a Betts out. Ironically, the longest living Betta I've had (5 years) was in a 1 gallon bowl. I don't recommend one that small, though.
Volume UpFTW
Volume UpFTW - 7 years ago
Flike ill buy one witch is about 2 gallons but my main aquarium is about 15 gallon and i have a clown fish and a lot guppies and a couple of algae eaters and l have 1 tank that is about 12-13 gallons and l have 4 goldfishes but they are special kind they don't need any warmers or filters they do it all l had one aquarium about 10 gallons in which l had guppies but l transferred them to my 15 gallon aquarium and now ill buy a beta fish I'm 14 and none of my fish died except ones that were to old
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 8 years ago
Flike not true. Ten is ideal
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+Flike How do they stress out?
Puffin On Rubber Smoke
Puffin On Rubber Smoke - 9 years ago
That's what the cover is for. Often a lot of live plants.
SeveringVoid - 9 years ago
+SuperDj Wasabi
I know they can be kept in community cause I have my betta with a cory without problem but the betta is constantly running the side of the tank watching for other bettas(possibbly it's reflection). Wouldn't they be running the whole tank many laps and become really stressed and exhausted if the tanks are bigger?
Puffin On Rubber Smoke
Puffin On Rubber Smoke - 9 years ago
No, not necissarily. If you do a large tank, you would just need a lot of cover for them to feel safe. You can actually keep them with community fish very successfully without the betta killing them. As long as the other fish do not have long or flashy fins. +SeveringVoid​
SeveringVoid - 9 years ago
+SuperDj Wasabi Don't they have to defend the whole tank if you give them more space?
Puffin On Rubber Smoke
Puffin On Rubber Smoke - 10 years ago
No. They do not get stressed out from too big of a tank. You can keep one in a 100 gallon tank with minimal stress
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Not really, I kept a Betta in a 3.5 gallon and he was so happy, I had never seen him so active like that when he was in a cup, he was dying of stress in there, he literally couldn't BREATHE in there, the bigger, the better actually.
Tye Mone't
Tye Mone't - 10 years ago
I know right!
Flike - 10 years ago
+JennieIsForMe7 I have three 2 gallon bowls and two 2.5 gallon aquariums. I believe they benefit from the .5 gallon more, so when I clean them every few days I alternate them so they have a little more freedom.
BenSonRichie - 10 years ago
EVERYONE WHO IS SAYING IN ASIA HEY LIVED IN PUDDLES. NO THEY DID NOT. In Thailnd, they lived in rice pAddies, not puddles. Paddies are a TON of galons.
kingdemon89 - 7 years ago
those that live in rice paddies are wild bettas, these are not wild betta, these fishes are always kept in small containers in Asia, so shut the fuck up
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Yes, and at least they had a lot of room to swim around.
Cooz Petz
Cooz Petz - 10 years ago
For 1 betta fish you keep them in a glass bowl aquarium that is around 5 gallon not one gallon for more than one I suggest 10 gallon tank :)
Tillie Lopez
Tillie Lopez - 10 years ago
Tillie Lopez
Tillie Lopez - 10 years ago

living fine ....
Gustavo Holloway de Souza
Gustavo Holloway de Souza - 10 years ago
They are surviving not living!
MikasLife !!!
MikasLife !!! - 10 years ago
Should I get a moss ball for my Betta??
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Definitely yes.
K Grzyb
K Grzyb - 10 years ago
I can't get a bigger one
K Grzyb
K Grzyb - 10 years ago
would a 6 gal tank be ok for a betta fish?
K Grzyb
K Grzyb - 10 years ago
ok thanks
IMUNNORMALXD - 10 years ago
Yeah that would be really good it's a perfect size
IMUNNORMALXD - 10 years ago
IMUNNORMALXD - 10 years ago
Can bettas live with goldfish
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Brianna Harter
Oh OK.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
they are opportunistic omnivores.while normally they mainly eat algae and plant matter.any small fish that fits in it's mouth and swims to close to it's mouth will be eaten.

it's actually quite common to confuse some omnivore animals as herbivorous or carnivores cause of them eating more plant or animal.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Brianna Harter
Aren't goldfish herbivorous?
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
a full grown gold fish is any where from 6 to 12 inches depending on which kind it is.so a full grown goldfish can eat a betta and they have been know to eat anything that fits in their mouths so no.
Cate D
Cate D - 10 years ago
Most of the time betta and goldfish won't fight, BUT they come from very different parts of the world and need different water temperatures and conditions.
Cate D
Cate D - 10 years ago
No, they cannot.
5K VENOM - 10 years ago
I have a 23 gallon tank I have 7 gold fish and 1 betta and they love it and they don't fight like what people think bettas do but if you do that be carfull
USA best breeder Yang
USA best breeder Yang - 9 years ago
+Nasty Snipes sut up team gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
5K VENOM - 10 years ago
i have them all in differnent tanks now and a new that SO SUT UP
SocialDemon09 - 10 years ago
You do realize that goldfish grow as big as 12 inches, right? a tank that small would only hinder their growth. They are also cold water fish while bettas prefer warmer waters... so I'd say both aren't very happy, but hey, to each their own I suppose. Just thought I'd offer you a friendly advice :) lol
Vaidas Bancevicius
Vaidas Bancevicius - 10 years ago
7 goldfish in small tank with betta wow. you will have problems sooner or later due to stunted growth, temperature difference and water pollution . these fish wont live long :/

100. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size

papercandles - 10 years ago
What other fish can you put in a 10 gallon tank along with a betta? 
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+papercandles Neon tetras, and cory catfish.
SeveringVoid - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover I kept my betta with a cory and it punks the cory out of the pellets but they are perfectly fine out side of feeding time.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Technically none, if it's a male, females are fine but males are territorial, If you are thinking of putting in fish definitely add the Betta last, it's most likely that your Betta will kill them, so if I were you I wouldn't keep my hopes too high.  
Cow Schleich
Cow Schleich - 10 years ago
Review cam, I would add the Betta last
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
Neon tetras, white clouds, platy usually, least killifish, just to name a few
RockerKitty - 10 years ago
I've got mine in a 1 gallon bowl and he is very happy. I was told by a worker at Pet Smart that Betta's don't like big tanks because they need to breath air and it's harder for them to get to the top in a deep tank. I have some rocks and 2 small plants in my bowl and he still has a lot of room to move around.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
never trust a pet store period.owes research before you buy.find every source and information possible on the pet you want.
not everything is wrong at pet smart if you ever read their pamphlets and tags with a little grain of salt some of the information is correct.just some of the information is out dated in the parts that are wrong(late 80's and early 90's information is often used and a lot has changed since those times).
also sometimes nick names and names are used inter changeably for pets like hamsters,ghost cat fish,plants and so much more.so having researched the animal before hand may keep you from being screwed by over priced pets.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
They need wide not tall, there are plenty of tanks that are wide at a pet store. And PetSmart workers have literally NO experience with fish, I trusted every PetSmart worker at PetSmart and what I did that they told me made things WORSE. I prefer Petco, they don't lie as much as PetSmart, but private fish stores are top notch BEST. And plus, has that PetSmart clerk ever been a fish before? I don't think so, I had my Betta in a tall tank and he did just fine. Take note, NEVER trust a PetSmart clerk EVER.
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
A lot of the time the workers at chain stores don't know what they are
talking about. The just want to make money. I keep i bettas in ten gallons
with other fish. I know people that had them in 20highs, 55s, 20longs,
40breeders, they hight is a problem unless it really really really deep
like 3and a half feet +. Is you betta mature? If you put them in a bigger
tank they will use the extra space. They are very personable if given the
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
+Riley Bradford
that's why they do it.to sell the tank and make people think their getting a good deal.but often times they cost as much if not more then a full 5 or even 10 gallon starter kit.
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
Yes I realize that but it makes people think it's ok to put that many fish in a tank
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
actually the pictures on tanks are often Photoshopped in.it's often easy to tell cause the fish are more often then not smaller then what they'd normally be to make the tank look like a nice big place for the fish to live.
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
Also they pictures on tanks are usually waaaaaay overstocked. Like putting a elephant in a small closet overstocked!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
yeah pet stores aren't the best place to get info on animals.you don't go to a grocery store and ask for dieting tips because their just there to sell and they often have no clue what they're talking about.heck sometimes what the employs say doesn't match up with the information on the tanks and the informational guides.
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
They should have filters. Even a sponge filter
ItzaNikkiHere - 10 years ago
simtitan1 - 10 years ago
They do best with filters.
ItzaNikkiHere - 10 years ago
They don't need Filters.....
simtitan1 - 10 years ago
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but workers at petco, petsmart, ect will say anything to get you to buy a fish. The bowl might work, and the betta may seem happy, but please, trust me when I say if you get him even a 2.5 gallon tank w heater, he will be happier, have even more stunning fins, a better personality, and a longer life. Another reason I don't like bowls is that they distort my view of the fish, but thats just me. Personally, I have a betta in a 10 gallon tank, and he is so happy. But whatever you do, good luck with your fishy! Bettas are so amazing. No two are alike, and trust me when I say you can't just have one. I started out with one, but now I have 5 betta tanks. :)
huntingisforgirls - 10 years ago
my betta seems perfectly happy in a 5 gal
LittleMissPiggyQueen - 10 years ago
I hate you
The Fish Guy
The Fish Guy - 10 years ago
fuck you bettas are good in tiny bowls in aisa they lived in puddles
Fans and More
Fans and More - 10 years ago
I have a 3 gallon with filter and heater for mine.
ktmuchmusic - 10 years ago
Spencer Mcfield Sheppard John
Spencer Mcfield Sheppard John - 10 years ago
i have my betta fish in a bowl and hes happy would that be okay??? 0_0
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
No they need at
East 2.5gal BARE MINIMUM
Connor Burgess
Connor Burgess - 10 years ago
I have been keeping fish for 9 years and what I have found is that your beta will thrive in a five gal. If you have a good filter and know how much to feed it thank you for speaking up for betas
Tara Lynn
Tara Lynn - 10 years ago
Walmart does not sell them for 12$
papercandles - 10 years ago
They do. I think you are thinking of the full aquariums tank kits which cost much more.  Walmart sells the 10 gallon tank for around $13 and change. That's just the tank though! No filter, no hood, nothing but the glass box tank. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Basic-Aquarium-empty-10-gallon-Fish-Aquatic-Pets/10312733 The 10 gallon aquarium kit has the tank, hood, light, filter. The 10 gallon kit costs about $30.  
Jennifer Horek
Jennifer Horek - 10 years ago
I use 1.5 gallons for ALL my bettas and they are all SUPER roomy and the fish even do laps, so I'd say anywhere from 1 to 5.5 gallon tanks would be okay...
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
Males and females are the same size. Male just have bigger fins. 2.5male or female minimum size!
Grace Murschel
Grace Murschel - 10 years ago
i'm getting a new tank whatever size i want i'm hoping for 10 but i dunno i think i might get 5 but yay right now Steve my male blue CrownTail is in a large area :)
Nitro GamePlay
Nitro GamePlay - 10 years ago
We originally had our betta fish is a small vase that we had bought at a dollar store and later on we found and 2.5 gallon tank at a good will store for five bucks with an air pump and a light and we decided that the fish didn't have a life in the vase and my mom wasn't cleaning the vase and the water was horribly disgusting we decided to put him in the new 2.5 gallon tank he's much happier and the water is as clear as ever I now clean it every 2 months and feed him once a day.
Tara Lynn
Tara Lynn - 10 years ago
Would a 2.5 gallon tank be okay
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 10 years ago
Yes. That is considered the BARE minimum. A 5 gallon would be better. And since a 2.5 gallon is 100% stocking, you CANNOT get any tank-mates.
CL0WN FAC3 - 10 years ago
It is, but harder to maintain. I would recommend getting a 10 gallon fish tank at Petco when they have their dollar-per-gallon-sale, or get one on Graig'sList.
AnnPeek - 10 years ago
I had my Beta in a "vase" with a plant for over 2 years. I re-homed him when I moved out of state.
What is there for a beta to do in a small tank? The same thing it does in a large tank: swim, eat, poop,  It's not going to write a book or compose music if you put him in a large tank. 
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
Plus, most bettas available today have never been in the wild, they were born/bred in tanks
Lindsey M
Lindsey M - 10 years ago
 bettas are naitive to thialand, unless you lived there you wouldn't see them in the wild anyway. with that being said there are many species of bettas, however betta splendens, the ones we see in stores no longer exist in the wild.
Tara Lynn
Tara Lynn - 10 years ago
You are totally right. They do exactly the same thing over and over again.
CL0WN FAC3 - 10 years ago
+Octet Fan It's not being lazy, It's about providing a stable environment for your fish to live in, which happens to turn out to be a larger tank, and less water changes. Getting a larger space to swim in will also mean places to explore, rest, hide, etc.. instead of just eating, pooping, and sleeping.  
Harper Birozy
Harper Birozy - 10 years ago
I think what he is trying to say is that it's not a big deal for them to be in a small enclosure but, bigger is always better. Would you rather live in your bedroom or your whole house. +MysteryArtist01  is just looking out for the fish no need to start an argument he/she can do what they want and you can to what you want. Hope this helped!!! :)
AnnPeek - 10 years ago
+MysteryArtist01 I am not saying I am too busy to clean it. The presenter said that a tank with filters and whatnot is better because you have to clean it less. That is being lazy. 
ForeverShouka - 10 years ago
For one betta, a 10 gallon is outstanding. Though, like I said, 2.5 gallon is the BARE MINIMUM you should have. And if you're too busy to personally clean it, which in some cases can cause your fish to stress and maybe shorten its lifespan, use a light filter. For 1 betta, a 5 gallon tank would be a nice choice. It's a good amount of space for your betta, and can be quite cheap and not too space consuming depending on where you get it. From now on, I will not continue to respond because arguing over the internet is plain immature. Again, I did not intend. I was just /trying/ to give a little advice, so next time your fish may live a longer and happier life.
AnnPeek - 10 years ago
+MysteryArtist01 Is it a nice small bathroom and a nice house? Is it a dingy small bathroom and a dingy house?  Are people gong to care for it better in a small vase or a large tank (One of the reasons I heard for not keeping your fish in a bowl was that you don't have to clean the tank so often. If the caretaker is lazy, then maybe the tank is a better option because the caretaker is lazy, not because it's a better environment.) Because lazy people don't clean the fishes toilet/house. If you keep on top of things, then why not keep the fish in a bowl/vase and make sure that it is kept in pristine condition. The other thing I'm noticing is that the presenter doesn't have "a betta in a take". He has several fish in a tank. I'm not going to buy a ten gallon tank for one betta. I might if I were thinking of breeding, but not for one fish.
ForeverShouka - 10 years ago
I did not intend to start up an argument. Though, sure, it's their natural habitat. But, think for a second, how did they get in canals in the first place {that is if theres no stream connected}. Yeah, it's how they normally live. But again, would you rather live in a small dirty canal with most of the time not anywhere to go, or a large spacious river? And plus, I don't know if its just my state, but I don't see bettas in the wild anymore. So, would you rather live in a small room with no toilet and no regular cleaning system? Or would you rather live in a large space with a toilet and a nice regular cleaning system? Just please, next time at least consider getting a 2.5 gallon bin, tub, tank, or even a large bowl with a small and simple bubble filter. 
AnnPeek - 10 years ago
+MysteryArtist01 The betta's natural habitat is a canals, rice paddies, rivers half way across the world. By your reasoning, taking them out of their natural habitat to live in a 10 gallon tank in your living room is also cruel. You're welcome. 
ForeverShouka - 10 years ago
If you couldn't talk, would you be okay with living in a bathroom for the rest of your life? Or would you rather just be put in a large house without saying it? I know they don't show emotions and do the same things, but have a little respect for them, and any animal in general. Thank you. :)
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
you know exactly what you are talking about. good job!
Eli Cichocki
Eli Cichocki - 10 years ago
Its good to see people who actually know how to take care of their fish. Kudos to you, sir.
Blenny Boy
Blenny Boy - 10 years ago
Where I got my bettas they had them in 20 gallon tanks
Hayley Adams
Hayley Adams - 10 years ago
The smallest tank recommended is actually a 2.5 gallon, even for a female betta. You can get heaters and filters for that size tank.
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
They do need a filter just get one with low flow, or even a sponge filter
IMUNNORMALXD - 10 years ago
They don't like filters because they blow em across the tank (nearly said cage lol) because of their fins Catch the flow and so they prefer not to have it on so what u should do take out the filter and then clean him/her out like once every two to three days DONT MAKE IT A CHORE it's not as bad as having to tidy a bedroom or something
BeardedDragon354 - 10 years ago
For a betta fish you can start it in a half gallon tank and have it grow into a 5 gallon tank but for an adult, if you want to have a really small tank, it will survive in a 1-2 gallon tank.
BäumPalast - 11 years ago
My dad and I are big into fish. He has a 75 gallon cichlids tank and I have a 40 gallon community tank. We've both had them around 1 year. So I wanted to set up a Betta aquarium on my desk. My dad wanted me to get something out of this so he made me save up 100$ so I can make a planted aquarium. We had a 15 gallon high tank in the garage. I figured I could use that but The problem is I don't know if a 15 gallon high aquarium would be good for a Betta. Is it to high? Please respond thank you.
wolverine1865 - 10 years ago
That will be fine. I've kept a betta in a 30 gallon and a 55 gallon
CL0WN FAC3 - 10 years ago
What are the measurements?
David Minor
David Minor - 11 years ago
You idiots! Do research before buying any pet. How would you like it if your parents locked you in a cage and fed you food you were allergic to?
Shayla Kinniburgh
Shayla Kinniburgh - 11 years ago
awesome video, im getting a betta fish just so it can have more room to swim
Palmer Fish Cave
Palmer Fish Cave - 11 years ago
why a sixteen gallon tank and not a 20? Probably much easier to find. Look for your Petco's deal on 'one dollar per gallon' deal on aquariums. That way it is twenty dollars.
Seaweed Witch
Seaweed Witch - 11 years ago
Hi, I've been looking at a 16 gallon tank which I'd like to put 2 in, but was wondering if 3 would get too crowded? Thanks!
upcountrygirl123 - 11 years ago
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
Just one betta fish? Did you already buy a 1 gallon tank?
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
Just one betta fish? Did you already buy a 1 gallon tank?
upcountrygirl123 - 11 years ago
is one gallon to small for one betta?
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
a three gallon aquarium will work just fine I just always advise larger in hopes that it works =D

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