Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size
Betta 11 years ago 82,304 views
http://amzn.to/2hBvoUE - The most popular aquarium for Betta fish is the Fluval Spec! It’s the ultimate setup. It has a filter, light and everything needed. Fluval Spec: http://amzn.to/2hBvoU What size tank should I buy for my betta fish? Got sent this question and I'm answering it here. It's always cool to see people actually researching this topic because these fish deserve bigger tanks then small vases. I'm at a loss what to do... I have a dwarf gourami who appears to be suffering from multiple illnesses. Right now I've moved him/her into the quarantine aquarium and have been treating the water with melafix and pimafix with no signs of improvement. My gourami is still eating somewhat but has very stringy like feces. From it's appearance it looks to be suffering from fin rot, a red wound on it's side and a large red sore on it's face... From the day my boyfriend picked up this gourami it always appeared to have split fins which I now realize was fin rot from the start. I've already lost the healthy appearing gourami that was bought with this ill one and I'd really like to try everything I can to save it. If you have any advice please share. I'm desperate. So I've got this gourami with this spiky thing growing out of his rectum and has been defecating for 3 days straight...can anyone tell me what this might be from? And how I could cure it? I've included a picture and hope it's good enough quality for anyone to see. added a few new additions to our community tank, a few female mollies 1 chocolate, 1 dalmatian, 1 ice and fire dwarf gourami & a powder blue dwarf gourami. the next step is to start planting some plants in the back. http://bettafishcaretaker.com/bowl-setup/ I have a couple new gourami's and the smallest ones are picking on the bigger gourami's and even killed one of my African leaf. I got one of them trying to pick on my other African leaf so I have him in a net but I can't keep him in there all day. What can I do to keep my fish safe from the nippers till tomorrow to return them? Safe Water for Betta Fish? Tap Water?https://youtu.be/xbPF89aLunc I just got interrupted while on the phone by the croaking sounds of my sparkling gourami fish mating. This was a thrilling experience! Then you realize maybe Ive become way too nerdy . I was thankful for my friend on the other line. She understood. She likes Horses. Animal biology here we go. Those little fish sure do give a loud mating call. Just setup a 40 Breeder for my mother to view and enjoy! Here are some statistics about the tank. Plants: Amazon Sword Ludwigia Repens Broad Rotala Rotundifolia Myrio Red Fish: 2 Bosemani Rainbowfish (Breeding Pair) 2 Angelfish (Breeding Pair) 2 Electric Blue Rams (Breeding Pair) 2 Otocinculus Catfish 1 Albino Cory Catfish 1 Dwarf Neon Gourami 1 Rainbow Shark 1 Reticulated Hillstream Loach I'll be adding more Corydoras to the tank, I am aware they need a school of five. I'll also be adding two more Otocinculus. Bettas tank size bowl for betta fish vase size betta fish tank size betta
my new fisha whole new environment? or is it ok to keep him in the same tank my last fish was in.10. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size
20. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size
U spelled Betta wrong
30. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size
I'd put a bristlenose pleco if the filter is strong enough, and possibly neons could work too
50. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size
The best tank for a Betta is one that is longer rather than taller.
Females also are more likely to win in that fight, because they are much faster swimmers and don't have large flowy tails dragging them down like males do.
If you do you can expect babies...
There is a high chance the female will kill the male because she doesn't have those big heavy fins dragging her down and can attack him while he is unable to swim away.
In summary, fish need AND deserve more attention than many people think, but that is by no means a bad thing.
Betta Fish have territories, probably the Betta only goes in a certain spot. In the wild Bettas don't live in water that is two inches long.
Now to the question, can I keep those little guys in 2 litre bottles? Until I can sell them all? Or will I need to fill my entire room with tanks?
I know they can be kept in community cause I have my betta with a cory without problem but the betta is constantly running the side of the tank watching for other bettas(possibbly it's reflection). Wouldn't they be running the whole tank many laps and become really stressed and exhausted if the tanks are bigger?
living fine ....
Oh OK.
it's actually quite common to confuse some omnivore animals as herbivorous or carnivores cause of them eating more plant or animal.
Aren't goldfish herbivorous?
100. comment for Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size
not everything is wrong at pet smart if you ever read their pamphlets and tags with a little grain of salt some of the information is correct.just some of the information is out dated in the parts that are wrong(late 80's and early 90's information is often used and a lot has changed since those times).
also sometimes nick names and names are used inter changeably for pets like hamsters,ghost cat fish,plants and so much more.so having researched the animal before hand may keep you from being screwed by over priced pets.
talking about. The just want to make money. I keep i bettas in ten gallons
with other fish. I know people that had them in 20highs, 55s, 20longs,
40breeders, they hight is a problem unless it really really really deep
like 3and a half feet +. Is you betta mature? If you put them in a bigger
tank they will use the extra space. They are very personable if given the
that's why they do it.to sell the tank and make people think their getting a good deal.but often times they cost as much if not more then a full 5 or even 10 gallon starter kit.
East 2.5gal BARE MINIMUM
What is there for a beta to do in a small tank? The same thing it does in a large tank: swim, eat, poop, It's not going to write a book or compose music if you put him in a large tank.
bettas are naitive to thialand, unless you lived there you wouldn't see them in the wild anyway. with that being said there are many species of bettas, however betta splendens, the ones we see in stores no longer exist in the wild.