Tankmates For Betta Fish

A brief look at species of fish that are compatible with betta fish.

Tankmates For Betta Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 57

Betta 13 years ago 139,631 views

A brief look at species of fish that are compatible with betta fish.

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for Tankmates For Betta Fish

Bettaholic! - 7 years ago
I have 2 "couples" in separate tanks and they are perfectly fine together. One of the females had her babies about a month and a half ago (still growing). All mine are pretty mellow. I guess I got lucky! The neon tetras are great with the bettas too.
Duh_itz_gabby__ - 7 years ago
molly fish can be with betta and Ps molly love warm water
Platinum Falls
Platinum Falls - 7 years ago
I have had my male albino halfmoon betta in a planted 30 gallon long with, 1 mystery snail, 5 Platties, and 6 panda corydoras.
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 7 years ago
1:51 what type is that platy? my headphones are rekt so..
Wolfy Riwaj
Wolfy Riwaj - 7 years ago
can we keep with molles or gouramis
Fionaclark1092 Clark
Fionaclark1092 Clark - 8 years ago
my three female betta do much better with neon tetra,few other smaller fish.
Fionaclark1092 Clark
Fionaclark1092 Clark - 8 years ago
just averted disaster last night,put three female bettas in my 195 gallon tank,so we could get l male betta for the 30 litre tank,luckily i watched the females for an hour and had to put them back in he 30 litre tank as other fish were torpoedoeing them
24casfur - 7 years ago
Fionaclark1092 Clark maybe try to introduce the beta fish in a breeding box, so they can get to know them a little before adding them straight into the tank.
TheChakwow - 8 years ago
I'm seasick watching this.
M Tabler
M Tabler - 8 years ago
I had a gouromie and ballon Molly's with my Betta fish in a 10 gallon tank
Pork Ball
Pork Ball - 8 years ago
owo never seen a gourami with a betta fish before poor betta must of been horribly stressed out with a gourami in such a small tank

10. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish

Kaiya Welch
Kaiya Welch - 8 years ago
What's your tank stock?
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
platies dont need to be in group 1 can live alone...they are socal fish not schooling fish.
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
So i have a divided tank with 2 females,1 is aggressive but the other is very peaceful and never try to attack my other betta.can I put neon tetras with the peaceful one?
Kristof McKenna
Kristof McKenna - 8 years ago
kawaii cupcakes productions yes
Cullan Zenden
Cullan Zenden - 8 years ago
if I get a small not so colourful fish will it attack?
Emily Foley
Emily Foley - 8 years ago
It depends on the type of fish
Mario - 8 years ago
guys i have tetras and i wanted to put a betta fish,is there gonna be a problem for pin nipping??
Mario - 8 years ago
thanks now I have galaxy rasboras with a betta and some red cherry shrimps they get along very well!!
Aiden Meredith
Aiden Meredith - 8 years ago
not all tetras, some are nippy such as:
Diamond Tetra
Red Eye Tetra
Blue Tetra
Serpae Tetra
Black Skirt Tetra
Silvertip Tetra
Colombian Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra
ozza lowes
ozza lowes - 8 years ago
no tetras will be fine for sure
Nilz Chery
Nilz Chery - 8 years ago
next time plz put your cam in one position or try to use a steady cam stand.
Kristof McKenna
Kristof McKenna - 8 years ago
Nilz Chery fu
Rowan magic
Rowan magic - 8 years ago
I had my peaceful female beta with guppies and she ripped off his dorsal fish and killed him
Rick Barg
Rick Barg - 8 years ago
Amy Curtis
Amy Curtis - 9 years ago
My gentle peaceful betta fish just ripped a red cherry shrimp in half. Its brutal...... I'd say shrimps don't make good tank mates.
I Rate Your Comments
I Rate Your Comments - 8 years ago
+Angelina C try a larger shrimp, like a bamboo shrimp.
Gabriel DeStellano
Gabriel DeStellano - 9 years ago
thank you, very helpful!

20. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish

Ammar Badri
Ammar Badri - 9 years ago
are ghost shrimp compatible? i just got 2 for my betta tank today and they seem to be getting along great there was a little chase at first where the betta chased one of the shrimp but ive been watching them and he just swims right past them
Ammar Badri
Ammar Badri - 9 years ago
yea xD i had a bunch of fish a long time ago when i was younger and i won a fish in a fair but i didnt know i had to leave them out of the tank for a while to check for diseases so i just put them in a couple of days later they all got sick and died and i left my fish tank in the garage for a while then sold it then a couple of years later bought a new one :D 
Leo Eaton
Leo Eaton - 9 years ago
Sorry to hear that but sometimes fish keeping is annoying
Ammar Badri
Ammar Badri - 9 years ago
Welp one of the shrimps got killed and the other disappeared so yea im going to scrap that ;-;
Leo Eaton
Leo Eaton - 9 years ago
+Ammar Badri Yeah, Ghost Shrimp are compatible but it completely depends on the betta's personality, some bettas may be friendly whilst others could eat them, these are the only shrimp that should be housed with bettas because they are a bit more aggressive unlike red cherry shrimp
Gabriella Davis
Gabriella Davis - 9 years ago
male betas can live together (AS LONG AS THE TANK IS A OVER 50 GALLONS) because in a large tank, they can have their own territories but in something less then 50 gallons, theres not enough rooms for territories they'll kill each other
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
What if it's 40.5 :P
Corrin Jessen
Corrin Jessen - 9 years ago
Sid Sid
Sid Sid - 9 years ago
So can I keep 2 female bettas and three platys together in a ten gallon tank
Corrin Jessen
Corrin Jessen - 9 years ago
+Erickson Neithann Ruaro No you need 5. Any less and they wont form a sorority my nap attacking each other. Do some research.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
+Corrin Jessen no you need 3
Corrin Jessen
Corrin Jessen - 9 years ago
No you need 5 or more females
Molly C
Molly C - 9 years ago
My Female bettas are peacful because i put three together and they are fine
pilotSnowden - 9 years ago
I'm thinking of getting some algae eaters for my tank, will they be good with betta fish?
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 9 years ago
Nice platties
Skye Fuego
Skye Fuego - 10 years ago
Do snails eat live plants?
Ayanna LR Katt
Ayanna LR Katt - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover that's good
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Ayanna Rodriguez
That's what I do but the fish see it and instead of eating the flakes they go straight to the wafer. But it's fine, I have tons of them, I break them into quarters.
Ayanna LR Katt
Ayanna LR Katt - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover you should feed your fish flakes instead and while doing that drop the wafers in to feed the bottom feeders
+Skyefuego that's good
Skye Fuego
Skye Fuego - 9 years ago
Its not cloudy anymore. Found out it was the drift wood I had in there. Its Cristal clear
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Ayanna Rodriguez
I only have one Pleco but I have a bunch of snails. Sometimes I would put in more that one because my fish like to eat the wafers and they don't give my Pleco a chance.
Ayanna LR Katt
Ayanna LR Katt - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover it really depends on what wafers you get or how many you drop in your tank, I drop more then one in so my bottom feeders are happy and won't fight over one
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Ayanna Rodriguez
My wafers never get my tank fogged up.
Ayanna LR Katt
Ayanna LR Katt - 9 years ago
Your tank is cloudy? That's normal for most tanks, what usually causes cloudy tanks is certain foods (foods like wafers and other singable bottom feeder pellets) my tank is cloudy but doesn't harm my fish or snails. I tried Changing foods but my snails missed the wafers so I kept them. If your tank is still cloudy don't worry it's normal and won't do harm to your fish or snails but it is important to change the water every 2 weeks. If you don't like the fogginess I would recommend a better filter for your tank.
Skye Fuego
Skye Fuego - 9 years ago
But it's still cloudy. I'm freaking out
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Skyefuego That's good.
Skye Fuego
Skye Fuego - 9 years ago
Yes I did one last Wednesday and and did a 20% change on Saturday. I had my water tested and it high ammonia. I bought the treatment and a water clarifier.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
Did you do water changes?
Skye Fuego
Skye Fuego - 9 years ago
No, gravel.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Skyefuego Do you have sand?
Skye Fuego
Skye Fuego - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info. I bought some live plants but the problem I have it made my tank cloudy. I'm trying to find a solution.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Skyefuego They snack on them sometimes. But be careful if you have snails, freshwater snails can carry a deadly disease that can kill humans.
JenAndShellsAreAwesome - 10 years ago
What kind of Platy do you have?
Michael Guarnieri
Michael Guarnieri - 10 years ago
Can I say something I have two pearl gouramis with my male betta and he's absolutely fine
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Michael Guarnieri I had two Gouramis. A Red And Blue Dwarf Gourami and a Pearl Gourami and my Betta Fish did fine.
Yilmaz Sahinkaya
Yilmaz Sahinkaya - 10 years ago
what is the ideal temperature you set yours at. nice tank

30. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish

Spencer D.
Spencer D. - 10 years ago
That little ball of moss, what is that??
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Spencer D. It's a Marimo Moss Ball. It's great for freshwater tanks because it acts as a natural filter. You can unfold them and put them as a blanket of grass. That's what I did with mine.
Katie Mac Arts
Katie Mac Arts - 9 years ago
It's a marimo moss ball, marimo reffers to the actual type of algae it's made up of. They help absorb icky stuff from the tank, keep the water clean and are nice decorative items. They also grow really slow, so you wouldn't have to worry about them getting humongous in a few weeks :)
jhxpes - 10 years ago
I think is a marimo moss ball
bubbles n booze
bubbles n booze - 10 years ago
also on facebook peeps join WORLDWIDE Siamese fighting fish club for real info on the best type of fish ever an you can get info off real expert fishkeepers from all around the world..our aim? to compare the worlds bettas an see different bettas from all around the world an see what where missing out on an whats popular we dont care what sort of betta you put on our page....WE LL TAKE ANY ! BE INFORMED...
Elpinacate - 10 years ago
i think bettas can be with another  speciees of fish BUT  the secret is the size of the tank  , 20 to 30 gallons is perfect  ,  i find some videos of bettas  with other fish in 2 to 5 galons tanks ,  thats  is  inaceptable
AnimalLover - 8 years ago
No problem.
PedoDennis - 8 years ago
+AnimalLover​ Thanks AnimalLover
AnimalLover - 8 years ago
Yeah, even a 10 gallon is fine. But if you put a beta in a ten gallon with other fish, I would recommend not putting so many fish in the tank with it. And try to find the youngest betta at the store, the older bettas are more aggressive than the younger ones.
PedoDennis - 8 years ago
is 18 okay for betta
Ayanna LR Katt
Ayanna LR Katt - 9 years ago
I have a 5 gallon tank and my betta lives with 2 other fish (use to be three but one died during a move) I have 2 albino catfish that my betta doesn't mind having around and I've never once seen him attack them but I do agree, the larger the tank the better.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+jenruchito76 Yes you need at least a twenty gallon aquarium if you are going to hold any other fish with them.
Brando_In _The_Bando
Brando_In _The_Bando - 10 years ago
Are cory catfish okay?
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Ayanna Rodriguez
I actually have a lot of colored fish, it really depends on the Betta Fish itself.
Ayanna LR Katt
Ayanna LR Katt - 9 years ago
I would recommend any fish that doesn't have to much color (I've learned from experience that colored fish with a beta can be a mistake) albino fish are great tank mates as long as it's not aggressive
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Brandon Woodcock Any fish is OK with Betta Fish as long as the Betta Fish is OK with other fish, a lot of Bettas aren't good with other fish so be careful.
J Lizaso
J Lizaso - 10 years ago
i have 3 female betta fish in a 5 gallon tank. They fought for 2 days but after that were fine. Im gonna upload a video of them soon so subscribe if you guys are interested on how they look
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+John Lizaso I meant other fish not fish like Shrimp and Snails.
J Lizaso
J Lizaso - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover Well currently i have a betta, ADF, and mystery snail in 5 gallon tank. Its been 3 months and they have been living together very nicely!
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+John Lizaso A five gallon is too small to hold other fish with one Betta, either get a few guppies or a few platies if you want to have community tank or just hold one Betta, you need at least a twenty gallon to hold other fish with Betta fish, a fifteen shouldn't be that bad though.
julianamercy - 10 years ago
I have a 5 gallon
J Lizaso
J Lizaso - 10 years ago
+julianamercy oh wow. how big is your tank?
julianamercy - 10 years ago
I got 4 betta chicks 2 months ago. One of them died, because she got stuck under the filter (I noticed too late). The other started fighting 1 week after their arrival... They do seem to get on each others nerves, but they all also have their own hiding places, so they only fight every once in a while, and very quickly. 
J Lizaso
J Lizaso - 10 years ago
+julianamercy i take everything back i was wrong. One of em died.
Jayden Wall
Jayden Wall - 10 years ago
I have a male and female betta together a danio, cory catfish, two guppies and two swordfish
julianamercy - 10 years ago
Im very interested! Because I also have a 5 gallon tank, and I wanna put 3 betta girls in there!
Andy Ward
Andy Ward - 10 years ago
Av got a female betta tank and putting platys, guppies etc in there is a big no, they get eat by them. I only have zebra snails in with them and they keep me tank glass and ornaments clean from algae. I just stick to the female bettas in there because there a lovely fish and come in some gorgeous colours
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Andy Ward Then they don't do good with other fish.
Andy Ward
Andy Ward - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover had 50 odd females they would kill anything what a put in there even 15 corys
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Andy Ward I've housed my Betta Fish with platies, guppies, etc. and he did perfectly fine. Not all Betta Fish do well with other fish so you might have gotten one that wasn't good with fish. It also depends on the size of aquarium you have, anything smaller than a twenty will not do good, but a fifteen shouldn't be that bad.
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
what about those neon glow fish?
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Talia Rojo I saw a guy house them with his Betta Fish and he did fine, any fish will do OK with Betta Fish as long as the Betta Fish is OK with them, not all Betta Fish do good with other fish. Just make sure it's at least a twenty gallon, though a fifteen shouldn't be that bad.
Katie Mac Arts
Katie Mac Arts - 9 years ago
You don't want to put brightly coloured fish along with a betta, because your betta will see them as a threat.
Zed Zul Zorander
Zed Zul Zorander - 10 years ago
+Katelyn B No, they said neon glow fish.
Katelyn B
Katelyn B - 10 years ago
Neon tetras?
Paul To
Paul To - 11 years ago
Can goldfish go with betta?
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Paul To No they can't.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Paul To No they can't.
Paul To
Paul To - 10 years ago
How many gallons is your tank?
William Beard
William Beard - 10 years ago
no they are different environment fish different PH, different temp, one will die or be very out of place
Kayti VT
Kayti VT - 10 years ago
Goldfish and bettas really shouldn't be tankmates. Not because they can't get along, but because they thrive best at completely different temperatures.

Goldfish originated in cooler regions of Asia and need cold water because cold water carries more oxygen than warm water. Ever seen your goldie gulping at the water's surface? They do that a lot less when the water is cold and oxygen-rich.

Bettas are from the hot, humid regions of Thailand and live in hot, shallow and oxygen-poor puddles and pools. This is part of why they can tolerate so many unfavorable water conditions and still thrive.

Since you cannot really give one the best living conditions without being detrimental to the other, it becomes a question of ethics and good pet care. Can you have them in the same tank? Yes. Is it truly fair to either species to do so? That is the actual question and it is one you have to make as a responsible pet owner.
Carol S
Carol S - 11 years ago
Addling on to my comment.  They were housed in 15 gal tank, if anything, it was under stocked which also could have contributed to them getting along, everyone had enough space. 
Carol S
Carol S - 11 years ago
I  kept a male betta with gold fish for quite some time and they all did quite well, no fighting, they just left each other alone.  The gold fish were larger than the betta, I don't know if that made a difference or not, I just know they all got along.
Aarin Alexander
Aarin Alexander - 11 years ago
Most of what you said is correct, except for the Cory Catfish. Cory Catfishes are not a schooling fish the are a social fish, having 2 in the tank is enough since they are cleaner fish. Also they are NOT algae eater, Snails and Plecos are however, but if you keep more then 1 of both you risk not having enough algae in the tank and they might starve. Your Blue Platy is actually known as a "Micky Mouse" due to the coloration on the tail, it's supposed to resemble the cartoon characters ears.
Aarin Alexander
Aarin Alexander - 11 years ago
If you get a male Betta as a baby not full grown, you can put him in a Live Bearing fish net nursery thing and in about 4 months you can then let him into the tank.And for future questions I suggest investing into a half dozen or so Fresh Water Tropical Fish books to learn about what fish can and can't be put together. Hatchet Fish look the way they do due to a specialized muscle in their bodies to assist them with leaping out of the water for various reasons, one would be escape.
Aarin Alexander
Aarin Alexander - 11 years ago
Not all Mollies and Betta's get along. They are both a very territorial species of fish, Generally only the females get along with their own kind, putting both together results in the Betta being beat up on. I don't even suggest putting 1 male Betta in with a tank of females either. While you can have Goldfish and other Tropical fresh water fish together, you need a great filter system since Goldfish produce a lot more ammonia and waste due to the fact that they have no stomach.
Betta Boy
Betta Boy - 11 years ago
My water temps range from 77-79
Betta Boy
Betta Boy - 11 years ago
And would they be ok with swordtails and Mollie's I've put them in before but only for like 10 minutes because my mom started freaking out but they got along fine. PS I have a 20 gallon
Betta Boy
Betta Boy - 11 years ago
Would hatchet fish be aggressive to a male betta fish or would it be the other way around
Heidi LeWren
Heidi LeWren - 11 years ago
Cory Cats need to eat the shrimp wafers, not the algae ones. Because the shrimp wafers have the nutrition they need. I've heard neon tetra's are fine. I stick with calm fish, ones that don't nip fins and aren't brightly colored. Nice looking tank! :)
Zerspy Eleven
Zerspy Eleven - 11 years ago
docwilkey - 11 years ago
Thanks for the info.
Shannon Doherty
Shannon Doherty - 11 years ago
Lol I tried keeping ADF and catfish in the same tank and my frog slapped my betta and my betta attacked any catfish
untold44 - 11 years ago
Dont listen to this girl please.
Kerryanne Lockett
Kerryanne Lockett - 11 years ago
im sad and crying becuase my betta died and im only 5 OK

50. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish

MISTERMAN772 - 11 years ago
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
like my grandma with a light brooklyn accent says pizza as peetzer
Caroline Hudspeth
Caroline Hudspeth - 11 years ago
I have the same gravel as you!
PedroThePie - 11 years ago
I've had two male bettas in a 3 gallon tank, no divider. It shocked me, they were both red bettas, if I tired putting the blue betta with either one they got very aggressive! Never thought fish could be racist! xD
Bobscookies12345 - 11 years ago
I had two male bettas in my 80 gallon tank (with other bigger fish) and they NEVER fought! They swam side by side, never flared nor nipped at each other. And after 4 years the oldest died, and then his buddy died the next day. We joked he was heart broken. ;) It was truly amazing. After 12 years of owning MANY fish, fresh and salt, I honestly believe each fish has their own personality- and if you're lucky, you can find two male bettas that will get along. ^u^ (But I don't recommend!)
MISTERMAN772 - 11 years ago
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
eh, tomato tomahto
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
female bettas with angels are perfect just have more angels than bettas but only put girl bettas in
reininghorses57 - 11 years ago
I keep my male halfmoon betta in a 10 gallon with a loach, and 3 mollies. They all get along fine and haven't had any problems
tweak114 - 11 years ago
are pumps not good for bettas i put my betta in a big tank to give him freedom but he seems to get pissed when i turn it on ... also hes just hangin out at the top of the tank not swimming around is he ok ?
MISTERMAN772 - 11 years ago
its pronounced betta,not bayta
Brian Olivo
Brian Olivo - 11 years ago
I got 2 male bettas in a 30 gallon tank. They never fight...well that's because one usually runs away.
Kevin Velasquez
Kevin Velasquez - 11 years ago
I have 1male bettas 3female bettas 1 angelfish 4neon tetras in 10glln tank havent had and problems nor aggressiveness in there.
Logan tim
Logan tim - 11 years ago
If my neon tetras have babyies will my betta eat it
Vipstephen - 11 years ago
I don't think it's fair that you switched the betta out for the blue platy. The betta was there first, you should've returned the platy if it didn't work out. Where'd you end up putting him?
Betta Fish
Betta Fish - 11 years ago
I have kept a male betta with a female betta (both dragon crowntails) and they are in with anglefish. the key is to have at least 15 gallons because anglefish are only aggresive when they feel cornered
Janssen Garcia Santos
Janssen Garcia Santos - 11 years ago
can these be kept with platies mollies and guppies
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 11 years ago
That's NOT COMMON SENSE. I own a 10 gal for my betta because it expands his life span, his happiness and his HEALTH! Just like caring for any pet you want to be sure they are happy and healthy, paddies consist of 120-1,000 gallons of water in Thailand and in warm temperatures. My fish will live a great life in its proper care...
Bradley The Explorer
Bradley The Explorer - 11 years ago
I have seen mollies work. And I have seen tetras work (in groups) and guppies are snacks for bettas in my opinion. I recommend Cory's as she said. Or anything at the bottom of the tank
SideSwipeNinja - 12 years ago
would you recommend mollies with a female betta?
TheProJectXPR - 12 years ago
I Have 2 Females And A Male Betta In One Tank And In Getting 3 More Females
cowspot - 12 years ago
No, they aren't, and do you have any proof that someone did find a Betta in Japan? No, not unless someone just happened to feel like dropping one in there. Why don't you own up to this goldfish thing? Your goldfish is in a tiny tank with bad water conditions. Or, of course, your betta is in a decently sized tank with a fish that it should NOT be house with, with water cold enough to shorten it's lifespan. Do some research and stop trying to sound smart, you're not.
megaconure - 12 years ago
whatever. its not like YOU make mistakes:) EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES SO HA!
hami7303 - 12 years ago
To add more, the ones you found in JAPANESE puddles are not native to Japan, it’s probably an introduced species, like someone have releases them and they breed or something, so chill.... if you want to really know about betta, come to Thailand, I’m happy to show you around our country since we’re are the largest exporter, breeding place, developer of the “nowadays” betta you see in pet store. If I understand you wrong, then I apologize but I don’t think that you need to be so rude.
hami7303 - 12 years ago
Hey, I wasn’t rude to you, there’s no need to fire up at me. and I’m Thai, living in Bangkok Thailand, I do know that bettas are also found in Cambodia and other reign of Laos, and Malaysia as well. In Thailand, the wild ones are caught usually in the Northeast reign อีสาน and Mahachai reign มหาชัย others ones, are caught near the Malaysian border. Now, I don’t know if you’re talking whether, where are they ORIGINATED from... because they’re usually found in the Mekong Delta region of SE Asia.
megaconure - 12 years ago
bettas are....: SIAMESE fighting fish. did u see that? it says......:SIAMESE. NOT Japanese. SIAMESE
gtariman03 - 12 years ago
Bettas didn't came from Japan -_- Wow dude do research for hours.
boston6781 - 12 years ago
Betta fish live in large rice puddies to fast moving streams to ponds and wet lands.
David Moore
David Moore - 12 years ago
Sounds like a fantastic home for a betta :) If they're getting along fine now, you shouldn't have much trouble later. Cool thing is that bettas, angels, and discus all like the same water conditions - very warm, acidic water with low ph.
David Moore
David Moore - 12 years ago
I'd pick up a used 10gal tank from craigslist ($20 or so usually - make sure a light hood and heater/filter is included), and set up a walstad tank. All you have to do is put a 1" layer of organic potting soil at the bottom, put plants of your choice in the soil (water wisteria,dwarf sagittaria,and ludwigia work great), and cover it with 1" of gravel. Put 2 10w daylight cfl's in the light hood, fill 'er up, set your heater to 75-80 degrees, and watch the plants go crazy! your betta will love it!
David Moore
David Moore - 12 years ago
I've had it work for me, but it can be tricky - angelfish can get somewhat aggressive once they hit the 4" mark or so, and can get nasty toward other fish once they decide to spawn. If you have a decent sized tank (40gal or larger) with decent plant cover and hiding spots, you should be ok keeping them together long term. Female bettas are pretty easy-going compared to males, and will rarely harass another fish aside from another female betta, or perhaps a gourami (their close relative).
KEVIN GARCIA - 12 years ago
actually hes semi right bettas have adapted in the wild to jump from puddle to puddle to get to a deep enough puddle since the paddies do dry out.now the cups you should not have them in cups!the water gets too dirty too fast making them sick if you do not change the water very often i found a very nice analogy online :a puppy can live in a big crate all its life but it doesnt at all mean you should nor is it healthy and smokenlark great vid
RoMayDrako - 12 years ago
Don't put guppies with betas period for one reason. They are tail biters and they will eventually get sick and tired of it and make it a dead guppie.
lonewolf2545 - 12 years ago
A common goldfish needs at least 20 gallons.
jamal peerbocus
jamal peerbocus - 12 years ago
wow simply amazing the setup , the decoration and the fishes are just fabulous dear by the way what's the size of ur aquarium
Pamfilo22 - 12 years ago
I bought a house for my betta and the snails seemed to move in and conquered it :P haha
Spencer10246 - 12 years ago
The rule of thumb is one inch of fish per gallon. So If you have a Betta fish that will grow to 2.5 inches its best to get a 2.5-3 gallon minimum tank.
Jake Gerardy
Jake Gerardy - 12 years ago
Angel fish swim ALOT faster than bettas so a betta would have a hard time attacking it and it would eventually give up.
hardboiled89 - 12 years ago
males and females are fine together. Just as long as theres more females and only one male. ALSO, they my try to breed, but betta fishes are one of the hardest fishes to rear as fry. (even though they are also one of the easiest fishes to start the breeding process besides guppies). If they breed, the fry will not survive.
Jack Bennett
Jack Bennett - 12 years ago
My betta hated white cloud mountain minnows but got along with a pleco and a goldfish 3 times his size.
jessica56786789 - 12 years ago
lmao you fail kid
robinhoodman2 - 12 years ago
i don't think you'd have to worry about the angel's fins, even though they are probably the most calm cichlid, they would still put a whoopin on betta.
jimmy bob
jimmy bob - 12 years ago
never keep a male and a female together? wtf!
hami7303 - 12 years ago
yes, Bettas are from Thailand, hence, siamese fighting fish, siamese comes form “siam” which is the old name of Thailand. It annoys me so much when people say they’re from Japan... that just shows how little they actually know about fish, hahaha, and I would know this, I’m Thai, and they don’t live in puddles.
BubbleHeadAquaLungs - 12 years ago
omg he already told you they dont, bettas arent from japan you twit, try around vietnam, korea, places like that, they dont live in puddles, and frankly idc where you've been, learn to realize when you're wrong and when someone is trying to help you, btw mollies aren't goldfish, they're mollies, and they're also brackish, unlike goldfish and betta spendens, goldfish are carp, and are cold water fish (to an extent) while bettas are tropical and generally accept 74 to 86, so you're wrong again....
SmokeNLark - 12 years ago
Yes all male bettas are aggressive. It just depends on the individual and the tank as to what he can get along with. And a molly and a goldfish are totally different species.... You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Mollys do require higher temps, like bettas. And I'm pretty sure I don't have to go to Japan to know how bettas live. Partially because you can learn things without going there, but mostly because bettas are from Thailand...
Coolnicknameguy - 12 years ago
sunfire platie, i youst to have a few there realy bright and tend to be less agressive then the mickiemouseplaties from what ive seen
Coolnicknameguy - 12 years ago
i found if i have a tank of platies and add a betta theres no problems but if i have betta and ad platies he gets agro, or i can have 5 platies ad a betta and its fine i get a 6th platie and he attacks only the new 1, think when makeing a comunity tank with a betta put the betta in last for best results, they tend to be territoral, but seem to be ok with what was there 1st but hate anything new, just my $00.02 hope it helps guys
Coolnicknameguy - 12 years ago
ya i keep telling people that think bettas shouldnt live in a cup to google ricepaddies, there like the size of a walmart or few football fields not puddel lol

100. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish

MomentsInMaking - 12 years ago
What are those yellow fish called you got in there?
SmokeNLark - 12 years ago
It's not a matter of not getting along. Goldfish and betta need different temps and 10 gallons is too small for a goldfish. And no, bettas don't live in puddles, that's a myth. They live in rice paddies. Those are huge, not anywhere close to a puddle. And just because bettas can survive a short time in cups in pet stores doesn't mean that they do well in something that small for their whole life. Learn to research.
Vinny Trevino
Vinny Trevino - 12 years ago
glow fish are the devil
rim rod
rim rod - 12 years ago
My friend has a really nice tank set up and hes got two male bettas and they dont fight not all males will its all about the fishs personallty
SmokeNLark - 12 years ago
I wouldn't. Bettas can only be with non aggressive, generally not colorful, short finned fish. Angels can be quite aggressive. Plus their long fins are a good target for bettas. Females can be just as aggressive as males can.
Asianleful - 12 years ago
Then why are there mechanical filters designed specifically to keep your water clean?
art6897 - 12 years ago
Bettas wont breed in a tank like that, and even if they did if you left the female in there she would eat the babies, and if they did survive for some reason, they would all die from lack of food because they are to small to eat normal food, and if you have several females with a male he will be fine.
SmokeNLark - 13 years ago
@Winterlong12 In this tank I have an aquaclear filter. And yes, the plants in this video are real. Also, about filters, they don't "clean" your water. They provide a place for beneficial bacteria to live. This breaks down waste. Sponge filters do great at this since you do not change the media. If your water isn't clean, you're not changing the water enough. That's not the filter's job, it's yours.
Lee Smith
Lee Smith - 13 years ago
@SmokeNLark They've been together for over 3 years, really, they are fine! it DOES depend on the betta.
SmokeNLark - 13 years ago
@catboyy Only in a large tank with many hiding places and a very experienced betta keeper is that ok. Under ALL other circumstances, it is absolutely the wrong thing to do. They may be ok now, but one day there WILL be a problem. I have seen males become aggresive with non betta tankmates after a long time and even sorrorities fall apart after months or years. So please, DO NOT house males with other bettas, male or female!
Lee Smith
Lee Smith - 13 years ago
It does depend on the betta, I house a male with 3 females and theres nothing wrong with that! :) hes fine and so are they!

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