10,412 likes 6,002,798 views 12 years ago
During the "Aqua-Fisch" Kampffischfreunde.de presented the International Betta Competition. Kampffischfreunde.de is a...
40,028 likes 3,448,270 views 8 years ago
Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...
7,142 likes 2,397,132 views 13 years ago
5,848 likes 1,287,948 views 10 years ago
Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...
17,930 likes 1,131,009 views 8 years ago
I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...
3,342 likes 1,081,447 views 12 years ago
http://www.thegrommet.com/noclean-aquariums The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...
10,412 likes 6,002,798 views 12 years ago
During the "Aqua-Fisch" Kampffischfreunde.de presented the International Betta Competition. Kampffischfreunde.de is a...
40,028 likes 3,448,270 views 8 years ago
Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...
7,142 likes 2,397,132 views 13 years ago
5,848 likes 1,287,948 views 10 years ago
Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...
17,930 likes 1,131,009 views 8 years ago
I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...
3,342 likes 1,081,447 views 12 years ago
http://www.thegrommet.com/noclean-aquariums The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...
The "Tankmates For Betta Fish" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish
Diamond Tetra
Red Eye Tetra
Blue Tetra
Serpae Tetra
Black Skirt Tetra
Silvertip Tetra
Colombian Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra
20. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish
That's what I do but the fish see it and instead of eating the flakes they go straight to the wafer. But it's fine, I have tons of them, I break them into quarters.
+Skyefuego that's good
I only have one Pleco but I have a bunch of snails. Sometimes I would put in more that one because my fish like to eat the wafers and they don't give my Pleco a chance.
My wafers never get my tank fogged up.
Did you do water changes?
30. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish
No problem.
Yeah, even a 10 gallon is fine. But if you put a beta in a ten gallon with other fish, I would recommend not putting so many fish in the tank with it. And try to find the youngest betta at the store, the older bettas are more aggressive than the younger ones.
I actually have a lot of colored fish, it really depends on the Betta Fish itself.
Goldfish originated in cooler regions of Asia and need cold water because cold water carries more oxygen than warm water. Ever seen your goldie gulping at the water's surface? They do that a
lotless when the water is cold and oxygen-rich.Bettas are from the hot, humid regions of Thailand and live in hot, shallow and oxygen-poor puddles and pools. This is part of why they can tolerate so many unfavorable water conditions and still thrive.
Since you cannot really give one the best living conditions without being detrimental to the other, it becomes a question of ethics and good pet care. Can you have them in the same tank? Yes. Is it truly fair to either species to do so? That is the actual question and it is one you have to make as a responsible pet owner.
50. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish
100. comment for Tankmates For Betta Fish