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The "Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp
20. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp
30. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp
His fins looked raggedy, and one had a white spot on it where they feather out. Not like the ICH, just one very bright white area.I am sure it was something, because it went away with the treatment. After treating his water he started to look and feel better. Three days later he had a nice healthy appetite. it's been a month and his mouth looks normal, his fins started growing, HE started growing, (he WAS very small) Hewas looking very handsome. Then....I left for eleven days. He had a competent caregiver, but when I came home he looked the same except now, there are the bright whit spots on three fins where they feather out. Any suggestions? I hate to keep treating his water continually and make him sicker or something, that cannot be good, right?
First timer here with a sick one. I was lucky enough to buy a healthy one at Pet Smart in Texas. I did see more at another Pet Smart yesterday that were 15-30 dollars and were quite gorgeous, but lacked some personality, I guess I mean, they were not sweet and nice like mine. They were agitated and snappy, and, well, arrogant, really.
My little fella loves me, lets me pet him, makes me bubble nests, watches everything I do. He watches me paint, cook, wash dishes, do laundry, etc.
Yes, I take him from room to room with me. and no I am not one of those crazy cat ladys turned fish lover. I just happen to recognize intelligence in any animal, and encourage it. I have him in a 1.5 gallon flip top jar. I flip it closed and away we go, then flip it up when we get there for air. I really want to get a tank, but, I cannot carry him around then. I think that would make him sad...
I recently rescued a boy from a local store and he has some fin rot going on but I'm hoping he'll be ok. Sorry about your fish. Many say we shouldn't try to save them because we encourage the bad treatment but...i don't know, I don't think that's true. Anyways, I do agree that a 1.5 gallon is better than the darn cups at the petstore.
You're right I was a jerk, I hate it when people put Bettas in one gal tanks but that's no excuse. Most people can't keep a 1.5 gallon stable, so that's another reason I don't recommend it. I actually don't usually go around being mean to people on YT or anywhere else for that matter and now I remember why, it's not cool. It is weird that you had Bettas in 5 gallons but still think it's acceptable to keep them in one gallon of water. Anyways sorry for being a jerk, you're totally right about that, I may not agree on much else, but I'm with you on that one.
ETA: Thanks for sobering me up with that last reply, I totally deserved it.
There's an "a" in there that I missed, no idea how that happened. I stand by the idea that a 1.5 gal is a lousy home for any fish. Just go on Betta forums and talk to people who have kept bettas for years and know what they're talking about. Except for breeders, no actual fish lover who knows better will keep their Betta in a gallon of water. I actually laughed when you said your Betta "Darted around". If I ever find the time I'll show you my Bettas in their 4 and 7 gal tanks so you can see what a Betta darting around actually looks like.
Nope, it's "your" the pronoun actually. You're is short for you are. Also it's lots not lot's(what is that??). Now I really hope you are 14 or under.
Lot's of people spend their whole lives in a 1 bedroom home and they are fine.
Are you serious with this statement? The people who live in a one bedroom(which btw includes a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen and even a balcony sometimes) LEAVE said home every day to go to school/work/out and about. How old are you? You don't have to answer but wow, this type of thinking I expect from a 14 year old tops. And actually it is less than 1 gallon of usable water for the fish. Pretty sure it is known that these fish live less than those who are kept in 2.5 gals and more. If you're older than 14 my faith in humanity is lost, seriously.
I suppose. For me the beauty of keeping fish comes from watching them zoom around. All they can do in less than 1 G(because once you put in filter, heater, gravel, decor it will be less than 1G of water left, I promise you) is sit. Move a bit to the left then sit some more. I guess I just don't see the fun in that. Sure you could live in a 1 bedroom your whole life but your life would be cut in half most likely and you would not develop correctly. Can he? Yes. Should he? No.
Also, I have one male betta, could I add anymore fish?
the shrimp will need a filter unless they are feaders.
i had a f betta with 5 ghost shrimp and a guppy and platy, they were fine until the guppy began to chase my platy. NEVER,and no matter what they say, put a platy and guppy together. lol.
shrimp in my 1.5 gallon
2.5 and up. Also, this tank has great filtration but no heater, and these are tropical fish.
in that small of tank they'll fight even females need their space.just not as much as the males.also you shouldn't keep any long finned fish with bettas and bettas have died of stress from being constantly nipped at.I don't think I said with fancy tail fish though.
Yes, ammonia is quite deadly and is a very common cause of die offs in new aquariums. If you're having problems with ammonia in your aquarium do a 50% water change immediatly and read up on fish in cycling.
Two females are absolutely not okay. Female bettas are just as aggressive as males and they will kill each other. Please don't spread false information like this, this is how people end up with dead fish.
50. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp
If you do proper water changes, then it's fine. i like the set up of this tank, unlike smaller pint sized tanks. and in fact breeders keep betta's in smaller than 1 gallon tanks a lot of the time.
have mine in a 1.5, and he's thriving. Got a leaf hammock, a little swim through cave, and a log. He's actually grown more fin since moving him in there from a .75.
I'm able to clean his tank once a week, and I feed him every other day, kinda like how it would be in the wild. I use water conditioner to help with stress and so forth. I'm thinking that may be why he's doing so well. I feed him brine shrimp too. <3
I seriously doubt that one little fish needs 10 gallons. Look, I have a betta in a 1.5, and he's doing very well. His fins have grown some, and he's very energetic.
100. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp