Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp

this tank i picked up at petsmart. It has 2 female bettas and 2 ghost shrimp. Ive added a few things to it as well.

Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp sentiment_very_dissatisfied 200

Betta 13 years ago 125,692 views

this tank i picked up at petsmart. It has 2 female bettas and 2 ghost shrimp. Ive added a few things to it as well.

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Most popular comments
for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp

alexfros1 - 6 years ago
What filter is that ?
Cat Murillo
Cat Murillo - 6 years ago
You're lucky if your betta and ghost shrimp can live together, my female ghost shrimp got eaten by my betta, not sure if it was because my betta could smell the babies she was carrying or just decided to eat the shrimps bell.
Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson - 6 years ago
ughhhhhhhhhhhh this video
Leslie Hernandez
Leslie Hernandez - 6 years ago
Not that I disagree, but you know what the most boring comment on the internet is? "That tank is too small/ over crowded . You need at least blah blah blah gallons for one betta.
DDoD SX - 6 years ago
What could you put in a 1.5 gallon tank
juniper kiwi
juniper kiwi - 7 years ago
Everything is wrong
Nagy Ákos
Nagy Ákos - 7 years ago
its animal cruelty
Udit Bhandari
Udit Bhandari - 7 years ago
Betta not attacking those shrimps?
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
This is stupid. Female betta can be just as or even more aggressive than male bettas. That is why 10 gallons is minimum for 2 female bettas. If the females think the tank is too small they will fight to the death for space. So please UPGRADE THE TANK!!!

10. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp

Annaliese Johnson
Annaliese Johnson - 7 years ago
How did you make your pvc thing?
Fried Cow
Fried Cow - 7 years ago
Im getting a koi beta with two really really pretty goldfish in a 5 gallon led lights
turcanewyork - 7 years ago
The hammock should be placed higher
Erin Glumb
Erin Glumb - 7 years ago
The shrimp can continue living in that tank if you turn it into a cycled well planted tank (live plants) and do weekly 25 percent water changes! If you don't know what cycling your tank means please reed up on the nitrate cycle, thank you.
TimmyME - 7 years ago
Horrible way to keep pets.
Dim Sum Nilsson
Dim Sum Nilsson - 7 years ago
Looks bad.
Jake 07
Jake 07 - 7 years ago
Way to small one betta needs at Least 2.5 gallons
Angel Baby
Angel Baby - 7 years ago
Rip to your fish
Rickey Fernandez
Rickey Fernandez - 7 years ago
Nononono please just don't do this to the fish
Get Roasted
Get Roasted - 8 years ago
A male and a female??

20. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp

April Jasmine
April Jasmine - 8 years ago
My mom and her boyfriend got me a 1.5 gallon tank and a betta fish, I've had him for a while now and I'm researching and probably going to get a 2.5 gallon tank or a 3 gallon tank.
Dori123196 - 8 years ago
That's way too small for even one betta. Get a bigger tank.
Chaboii Leopold
Chaboii Leopold - 8 years ago
Does the filter vibrate? Mine does. Do bettas dislike the vibration? I'm just concerned because I just don't want to stress my lil fishie out if I can avoid it
de_regen - 8 years ago
Sit it on a towel
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
Way to overstocked.
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
way too small., 2.5 gal minimum but highly recommend 5.5 and over
Novasterling - 7 years ago
Funny, I put my healthy, happy betta who was in a 1.5 gallon into a 5 gallon tank and he died a week later.
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
+animal addict ones
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
+Fish Fan778 my betta has a 6 gal and looks so much happier than the one on the video
Fish Fan778
Fish Fan778 - 8 years ago
animal addict agreed
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
This is way to small for 2 bettas they need at least 2.5 gallons per fish
Madison Cormier
Madison Cormier - 8 years ago
OMG I have been looking for good ghost shrimp vids because I'm getting one tomorrow and I have the same tank and I was so excited to see this cuz I need to know if its a good tank and now Im the most happy person alive Im not overreacting OK dont judge me :(
ReviewCam - 6 years ago
Perfect for ghost shrimps, get more than one though
Faith Gawain
Faith Gawain - 7 years ago
Please dont get bettas though. A ghost shrimp colony would be plenty. And the shrimp are very entertaining as well.
Angelo Vazquez
Angelo Vazquez - 8 years ago
same I'm getting my ghost shrimp tommorow !!!!!!!!
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 8 years ago
thats pretty sweet but i think it could use more fish. i mean im running the gallon bucket witha pool filter and can keeping a school of 23 goldfish. it was 24 till i ate one. Im hoping they have intercourse so i can have another bucket of them. any suggestions?
LexisClark - 8 years ago
+dedclownsRfunny Didn't realize. Sorry!
dedclownsRfunny - 8 years ago
LexisClark - 8 years ago
uh, hell no. He shouldn't even have ONE betta in a one gallon tank. To have a sorority you need atleast a ten gallon. if those bettas aren't already dead, they're probably stressed horribly.
Morgan Boyer
Morgan Boyer - 9 years ago
It's probably extremely late for this but if you get female bettas and plan on keeping them in the same tank, they should each have at least a 2.5 gallons to themselves and thats with plenty of hiding spaces. Female bettas also need to be kept in groups more than three to ensure a safe pecking order... your tank was very poor judgment and I hope you have learned better.
Faith Gawain
Faith Gawain - 7 years ago
Morgan Boyer keeping any bettas, yes even females, is an extremely bad idea. Many people have sororities, but even then, it's unnecessarily stressful. Bettas are territorial and its always safer to keep them alone.
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 9 years ago
This tank is overstocked. The two betta's inside are stressed. At least one is from what I can tell. One of them has clamped fins. Each betta should have at least 1 gallon for themselves.
Faith Gawain
Faith Gawain - 7 years ago
2.5 at least I'd say. Especially for females because they can swim much moree than long finned males
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
yes u are right i have a male in a five gallon with 3 ghost shrimp

30. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp

SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
guapo - 9 years ago
Wouldit be safe to put a betta (m or f) in a 1 gallon tank with a heater and filter with one ghost shrimp? I am new to this whole fish thing and i do not want to have a shrimp or betta killed.
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
If your betta makes a bubble nest it doesn't mean it's happy. It means it is ready to mate.
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+Jacob Temple Well that's cruel.  They deserve better living conditions.
Jacob Temple
Jacob Temple - 9 years ago
+OverlordSheepie you don't need a heater. It's recommended but I've had several bettas live 5+ years without a heater in a 1 gallon tank with bubble nest.
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+TheSpyt67 No. You need a minimum tank size of 2.5 with a heater (filter isn't required, but really cuts down on the amount of water changes required to keep the ammonia levels down). Betta fish need room to swim around and stretch their fins! :P
LBH Productions
LBH Productions - 9 years ago
2 bettas?
Faith Gawain
Faith Gawain - 7 years ago
Also known as, bad idea. Don't house bettas together, it's safer. (Even in large tanks)
LBH Productions
LBH Productions - 9 years ago
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+MexicoHerps Bodyguardjoe No problem.
LBH Productions
LBH Productions - 9 years ago
+OverlordSheepie ok, thx
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+MexicoHerps Bodyguardjoe I think they're both females.
Plague Gaming
Plague Gaming - 9 years ago
i have a 5 gallon tank you should get 1 too
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
Plague Gaming I have a 2.5, gonna get a 5 soon and put two females in it, maybe some snail or shrimp
Karen Kelleher
Karen Kelleher - 8 years ago
A nearby Wally World had a lot of Bettas in cups with about 1.5-2.0 inches of water. They all had (all but one) what appeared to be a black "outline"of their guills and mouth and to other gill. all black there. I have a Betta I keep in Texas, and he does not have a black mouth or gill area, neither do I recall any I have seen on the internet, or in stores. I assumed this was a fungus, bacteria, some kind of disease for sure. I picked one with the least amount of dark color in that area.
His fins looked raggedy, and one had a white spot on it where they feather out. Not like the ICH, just one very bright white area.I am sure it was something, because it went away with the treatment. After treating his water he started to look and feel better. Three days later he had a nice healthy appetite. it's been a month and his mouth looks normal, his fins started growing, HE started growing, (he WAS very small) Hewas looking very handsome. Then....I left for eleven days. He had a competent caregiver, but when I came home he looked the same except now, there are the bright whit spots on three fins where they feather out. Any suggestions? I hate to keep treating his water continually and make him sicker or something, that cannot be good, right?

 First timer here with a sick one. I was lucky enough to buy a healthy one at Pet Smart in Texas. I did see more at another Pet Smart yesterday that were 15-30 dollars and were quite gorgeous, but lacked some personality, I guess I mean, they were not sweet and nice like mine. They were agitated and snappy, and, well, arrogant, really.

My little fella loves me, lets me pet him, makes me bubble nests, watches everything I do. He watches me paint, cook, wash dishes, do laundry, etc.
Yes, I take him from room to room with me. and no I am not one of those crazy cat ladys turned fish lover. I just happen to recognize intelligence in any animal, and encourage it. I have him in a 1.5 gallon flip top jar. I flip it closed and away we go, then flip it up when we get there for air. I really want to get a tank, but, I cannot carry him around then. I think that would make him sad...
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 8 years ago
I recently rescued a boy from a local store and he has some fin rot going on but I'm hoping he'll be ok. Sorry about your fish. Many say we shouldn't try to save them because we encourage the bad treatment but...i don't know, I don't think that's true. Anyways, I do agree that a 1.5 gallon is better than the darn cups at the petstore.
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 8 years ago
You're right I was a jerk, I hate it when people put Bettas in one gal tanks but that's no excuse. Most people can't keep a 1.5 gallon stable, so that's another reason I don't recommend it. I actually don't usually go around being mean to people on YT or anywhere else for that matter and now I remember why, it's not cool. It is weird that you had Bettas in 5 gallons but still think it's acceptable to keep them in one gallon of water. Anyways sorry for being a jerk, you're totally right about that, I may not agree on much else, but I'm with you on that one.
ETA: Thanks for sobering me up with that last reply, I totally deserved it.
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 8 years ago
There's an "a" in there that I missed, no idea how that happened. I stand by the idea that a 1.5 gal is a lousy home for any fish. Just go on Betta forums and talk to people who have kept bettas for years and know what they're talking about. Except for breeders, no actual fish lover who knows better will keep their Betta in a gallon of water. I actually laughed when you said your Betta "Darted around". If I ever find the time I'll show you my Bettas in their 4 and 7 gal tanks so you can see what a Betta darting around actually looks like.
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 8 years ago
 Nope, it's "your" the pronoun actually. You're is short for you are. Also it's lots not lot's(what is that??). Now I really hope you are 14 or under.
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 8 years ago
Lot's of people spend their whole lives in a 1 bedroom home and they are fine.

Are you serious with this statement? The people who live in a one bedroom(which btw includes a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen and even a balcony sometimes) LEAVE said home every day to go to school/work/out and about. How old are you? You don't have to answer but wow, this type of thinking I expect from a 14 year old tops. And actually it is less than 1 gallon of usable water for the fish. Pretty sure it is known that these fish live less than those who are kept in 2.5 gals and more. If you're older than 14 my faith in humanity is lost, seriously.
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 8 years ago
 I suppose. For me the beauty of keeping fish comes from watching them zoom around. All they can do in  less than 1 G(because once you put in filter, heater, gravel, decor it will be less than 1G of water left, I promise you) is sit. Move a bit to the left then sit some more. I guess I just don't see the fun in that. Sure you could live in a 1 bedroom your whole life but your life would be cut in half most likely and you would not develop correctly. Can he? Yes. Should he? No.
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 8 years ago
+kelseythestarwarsfan Well then those people should abstain from buying fish. Two bettas crammed in a 1.5 gallon(the actual water volume is probably less than a gallon) is dumb. He may as well just get plastic fish, they'll be just as active as the live ones. Those bettas can barely move.
melancholy - 9 years ago
What plants could be put in this tank?
Also, I have one male betta, could I add anymore fish?
Tania Abby
Tania Abby - 9 years ago
+Weekly CLAY that's great, aslong as the cory isn't very colorful you'll be fine.
the shrimp will need a filter unless they are feaders.
i had a f betta with 5 ghost shrimp and a guppy and platy, they were fine until the guppy began to chase my platy. NEVER,and no matter what they say, put a platy and guppy together. lol.
melancholy - 9 years ago
+Tania Abby Thnx, I have a 5 gallon also, and I'm planning on getting Corys for that, I am going to put ghost
shrimp in my 1.5 gallon
Tania Abby
Tania Abby - 9 years ago
+Weekly CLAY is your betta male or female? it depends on the personality of your betta, but I recommend getting a ghost shrimp ($0.35) or mystery snails. if you insist on fish then maybe get a cory or pleco.But I recommend the tank to be atleast a 5 gallon.
Cory - 9 years ago
What's with people and wanting to have to smallest tank possible for beta fish.
ReviewCam - 6 years ago
Still 100-percent better than the cup, where they can't even move, also the tank is very clean and well filtered. But yes, two females together in a small tank isn't the best. Still better than a tiny cup, and probably a great relief for them to be able to move.
Rachel S
Rachel S - 9 years ago
I think he misunderstood 5 gallons...
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 9 years ago
+Cory your crazy 55 gallons!
ReviewCam - 9 years ago

2.5 and up. Also, this tank has great filtration but no heater, and these are tropical fish.
simtitan1 - 9 years ago
+Pooop Man... if a betta had 55 gallons all to himself, he would be in heaven. A bit lost, but in heaven. :P Get your betta a map of the tank so he doesn't get lost. ;)
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+Pooop that's crazy, 2.5 and above
Cory - 9 years ago
+gustina242 they are very aggressive
Cory - 9 years ago
+gustina242 You are clearly do not know anything about betta fish. betta needs atleast 55 gallons, however a betta to be happy needs about 80 - 90 gallons with no other fish 
gustina242 - 9 years ago
maybe if there were multiple betta in one tank... but one betta doesn't need 55 fucking gallons
gustina242 - 9 years ago
+Pooop betta fish grow to be 3 inches long you dumb fuck
gustina242 - 9 years ago
+Pooop Bull fucking shit
Cory - 9 years ago
+gustina242 You are stupid, beta fish need at least 55 gallons
gustina242 - 9 years ago
go to walmart, you will see shitty ass little cube things that is barely bigger than my hand that says for beta fish, so you're wrong scrub lord. This is a overstocked tank though.
abcdLeeXY - 9 years ago
I was at petsmart felt so bad for the beautiful beta in a cup
Shelly - 9 years ago
Okay there is no way there both females.. They would be fighting and the one with the red fins is a male the other is a female. Males have pretty tales females are small and the fins are short as well.
Faith Gawain
Faith Gawain - 7 years ago
Also, to add on, male vs. female isn't based on tail length. A kind I personally love, is plakats. They have short tails and sooo many have incredible coloration.
Faith Gawain
Faith Gawain - 7 years ago
Okay, I'm here to hopefully clear some things up. Any betta can be vibrant, even females. (Mine is a lovely full white with bright iridescent red fins). And bettas should be kept alone, as even females are territorial and will likely fight.
Crystal  Thomas
Crystal Thomas - 9 years ago
They can't b male betas at least 1 would b dead by now
J Shapiro
J Shapiro - 9 years ago
They're clearly both females... are you confused?
Turbogeek 21
Turbogeek 21 - 9 years ago
Nice little tank :)
Kayla Freckleton
Kayla Freckleton - 9 years ago
poor betta
anna rigney
anna rigney - 9 years ago
Where did u get it and how much was it?
Uk Skills
Uk Skills - 9 years ago
Is two common gold fish ok in a 3 gallon tank with filter. ?
Uk Skills
Uk Skills - 9 years ago
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+Uk Skills Common goldfish need 29 gallons of space.
spacebug30 - 9 years ago
25yrs is actually pretty young, goldfish easily can live up to 40yrs
Uk Skills
Uk Skills - 9 years ago
k thx my dad has kept a comman gold fish for 25 years in a small tank and its all fine 
spacebug30 - 9 years ago
+Uk Skills No, common goldfish need at least 50gallons each, though I would never put one in anything smaller than 75gallon. They are also schooling fish and you'll need at least 3 to have them happy. They will grow up to 15" when kept in proper conditions, if they don't, they aren't kept in good conditions and are unfortunately stunted, which means their body has stopped growing ("goldfish don't grow larger than your tank"-shit), but their insides don't, they keep growing until all organs are so big that they just break and the fish will die of internal bleedings. Another cause is ammonia poisoning, in a 3g tank, you will need to do waterchanges about every 15 minutes to keep the ammonia at on okay level. Goldfish are no good pets and can only live in a pond (unless you have the room to have a 200gallon tank in your house with just 3 fish in)
Techie Champion
Techie Champion - 9 years ago
He saved two fish from living in a cup, what is better, a cup of poop water or a 1.5 gallon tank?
maya shilling
maya shilling - 6 years ago
I recommend a 5 gallon with filter and heater so you can give your betta more places to swim and explore and is easier to control the ammonia. For a community tank I recommend a 10 gallon and for a female sorority of 5 females I recommend a 20 gallon aquarium. You can't have less than 5 females without them all bullying each other to death. More than 5 females or a larger community tank would need a 45-gallon tank or larger. I understand if you never had any issues with those two together in that tank, but you will realize it will be an issue sooner than later. I have never met an aquarist who kept to female bettas successfully in a small tank for more than a few weeks to a month.
Juan van der Berg
Juan van der Berg - 6 years ago
ReviewCam - 7 years ago
Just get a simple plain 2.5 gallon tank at Petsmart or Petco, add a heater and you'll have a very happy betta.
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
That nothing. 1 betta is okay but 2 is just bad. This is only for ONE betta not two.
Cooper Reilly
Cooper Reilly - 7 years ago
Kettoxxi female betta fish do fight they are just generally not as aggressive and territorial they will still fight, I have a male twin tail half moon in that exact tank and only him and he loves it. Only 1 betta can go in that tank no other species except possible plants
david dior
david dior - 7 years ago
Techie Champion absolutely agree with your opinion
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+kb_starwarsfan Yup.  Us fish-keepers love to nitpick.  :3
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+kb_starwarsfan Okay.  Like you said, it's a matter of opinion.  :)
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+kb_starwarsfan Yes.  But I still think the minimum tank size for a betta is 2.5 gallons.  They need some mental stimulation.
Kettoxxi - 9 years ago
+star and fox actually a fancy tailed is a long tail
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+Techie Champion It's not about what's "better", a cup or a cup. If you aren't going to provide an animal with adequate care, then you shouldn't get one. You should always strive for excellent care with any living creature.
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+Techie Champion True. I remember when I bought my first male betta. I knew zero about them so I purchased a 1/2 gallon tank. He seemed so delighted and instantly built a bubble nest. I bought a 2.5 gallon a couple of weeks later, and he was even happier--especially with the filter--so yep. A 1.5 will make the fish much happier than the cup.
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
+Fish Tank Pro
in that small of tank they'll fight even females need their space.just not as much as the males.also you shouldn't keep any long finned fish with bettas and bettas have died of stress from being constantly nipped at.I don't think I said with fancy tail fish though.
Kettoxxi - 9 years ago
+star and fox actually female bettas do not fight and bettas can be put with other fish who aren't fin nippers and that don't have fancy tails so his tank is okay ,but it is a little to small
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
well they're going to kill each other.also the amount of living things in that small of a tank means even more ammonia poisoning just now there's another betta to compete with in a tiny space.so a tiny cup would slightly be better but then again those cups aren't meant to be temporary until someone buys the fish and puts it in a proper tank.
Justin Jones
Justin Jones - 10 years ago
I used my 1.5 for baby fry. I kept the Original filter but instead of just putting gravel down I lifted up the bottom tray and modified it by putting a carbon filter bag under there. I also didn't like the filter. But after I did that it worked much better.
are you serious
are you serious - 10 years ago
Are you ever worried that the ghost shrimp will attack the bettas?
are you serious
are you serious - 9 years ago
Well that explains a lot.
ShyHalo - 9 years ago
they will not attack big fish. If you have baby fish, they will grab them and eat them tho :( ... If the fish is sick/dying then that might be an issue, but i havent had any experience with that (thankfully)! 
A Dose of Dork
A Dose of Dork - 10 years ago
So is it ok to keep two females in a small-ish tank like this? I have been doing some research but I am still not sure
SunsetGuardian - 9 years ago
Yes, ammonia is quite deadly and is a very common cause of die offs in new aquariums. If you're having problems with ammonia in your aquarium do a 50% water change immediatly and read up on fish in cycling.
ShyHalo - 9 years ago
+SunsetGuardian I did not say but two fish in a 1.5 gallon tank, i wouldnt reccomend that size tank for any fish to live in. It would do fine for temporary hospital or perhaps temporary breeder tank. I also said there are many people who successfully have community aquariums with bettas, this means a large (20+ gallon) aquarium. You can view some people here on youtube. My first statement (reply) was saying that yes it is okay to house female betta together. I do not in anyway condone having them in a small tank. Or any fish without a labyrinth lung.  I have many critters here, all well taken care of. I currently have 3 established aquariums 10 gal, 20gal and 50gal. I also have a small aquarium like this (in the case of a sick fish, I will be able to separate and medicate without having to remove carbon from my filter. Thankfully, I havent had to use it, and I hope I dont because small tanks are harder to maintain than larger tanks. 
SunsetGuardian - 9 years ago
+ShyHalo Fish stores are notorious for giving out false information and peta is not accurate about anything, they're a complete and utter joke. They kill more animals than they save. 10 gallons per betta? Seriously? A cycled 2.5 gallon with a filter and a heater is fine for one betta, though 5 gallons is preferred. I am a fish keeper and two females bettas can not be kept together in anything less than a heavily planted 55+ gallon tank. 5+ females can live in a heavily planted 10+ gallon (20 is better) tank together because the aggression is spread fairly evenly but 2 females could not, why? The dominant female will bully the weaker one and possibly kill her. A 55 gallon allows the weaker fish to avoid the more dominant female and they could probably live together with minor aggression. But even then, some bettas are just too aggressive and will hunt down the other to the ends of the earth.I hang out quite a lot on fish forums and do you realize how many people have one or both of their females get injured or killed because they housed them together? A lot of people will twist the information you give them to suit themselves, if I told someone "You can keep two females in a 55+ gallon, but its something only experienced fish keepers should attempt" they'll think "Oh, I'm going to get two girl bettas and put them in a 5 gallon tank because they aren't mean like the males!111!!!" so thats why its best to just say bettas cannot be housed together, because people are idiots. Also, I know bettas can live with other fish as I used to have a betta in a 20 gallon community.
ShyHalo - 9 years ago
+SunsetGuardian actually i know people who have successfully housed female betta together. that being said the more fish and the larger the fish, you will need to increase the size of the tank. even my LFS says that two females are okay together. They are not as aggressive as males, there are many aggressive fish species out there who are successfully housed together. If you have an appropriate tank size, this is not a problem. Now as with people each fish has a different personality so there may be some that are more docile and some that are more aggressive. Also, more docile males can be placed in "community" tanks as long as they are the only betta in the tank. ..This website has some ACCURATE betta fish facts.... http://www.peta.org/issues/companion-animal-issues/cruel-practices/betta-fish/ 
SunsetGuardian - 9 years ago
Two females are absolutely not okay. Female bettas are just as aggressive as males and they will kill each other. Please don't spread false information like this, this is how people end up with dead fish.
ShyHalo - 9 years ago
two females are okay, female and male not ok, two males not k=ok
A Dose of Dork
A Dose of Dork - 10 years ago
+SunsetGuardian Ok thanks!
SunsetGuardian - 10 years ago
No problem! If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.
A Dose of Dork
A Dose of Dork - 10 years ago
+SunsetGuardian Ok Thanks!
SunsetGuardian - 10 years ago
No, they'll end up killing each other. In order to keep female bettas together, you need a very heavily planted 10 gallon aquarium with a minimum of 5 females. With 5 females the aggression is evenly spread out between the girls. If you have less than 5, the weakest fish will be bullied to death. In fact, one of the fish in the video has clamped fins (clamped fins indicate stress) and its probably caused by the other betta bullying her.
TheGreenwyvern - 10 years ago
When I was in Vietnam I saw these fish in their natural condition.  Not at all as colorful as these captives.  Rather ugly little fish that lived in muddy ditches and rice paddies. The locals would have "fish fights" (the way some have cock fights).  A lot of money changed hands...some of it mine.  Cruel but interesting.  There is a site for the fights at Vietnambetta.com.  When I saw them in the 60's they were not using the beautiful fish you see there...but the ugly little brown fish they caught in the wild and trained. I hate to see someone using them for that purpose but I guess it is also cruel to make them agitated by putting a mirror near them to show friends how they flare out.  In the wild they sure didn't need much room to survive rather well so I thing 3 to 5 gal. tanks are fine.  They seem to be happy in smaller ones but anything under 1 gal. is a little cruel I think. Just my two cents.  Spend it as you wish.
emilhoov06 aj
emilhoov06 aj - 10 years ago
Guys really?! It's not like we need a 5 gallon tank for one angel fish or gold fish, so we don't need one 2.5 gallon for one betta. A 1.5 gallon is enough, I wouldn't go any smaller though. I have my betta in a 2.5 gallon and I have to go out soon and buy a few neon tetras because he is lonely, I'm also going to get 3 ghost shrimp and a moss ball. My other rescued betta is in a 1.5 gallon and is much happier now than before I rescued him. Do some research on how bettas live in the wild before you go around telling people what to do.
Faith Gawain
Faith Gawain - 7 years ago
Also, to add on to the previous comment, bettas DO NOT get lonely. They are perfectly happy living alone, in fact, probably better.
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+emilhoov06 aj Bettas live in rice paddies that span a couple of miles in the wild. The absolute minimum tank size that a Betta should be kept in is a 2.5 gallon tank with a heater. Angel fish and Goldfish grow large, and I believe require 29 gallons for each. (Angel fish might just require 10 gallons if housed alone, but I'm not an expert on Angelfish)
oddsource - 10 years ago
how did you keep the beta from eating the ghost shrimp?
ShyHalo - 9 years ago
unless they are babies, the ghost shrimp will be too large for a betta's mouth... I have many ghost shrimp in my aquariums and while they are young (from larvae stage up to 3 or 4 weeks when they look like real shrimp) i keep them in a seperate tank, once they are big enough they get moved into my other tanks, to help keep them clean. My fish do not bother them.  
Fusion Pieri
Fusion Pieri - 10 years ago
they need more room so they can stretch, more room, they will swim and do more entertaining, in more room.

50. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp

Emyt Sorba
Emyt Sorba - 10 years ago
it's preference how big of a tank you have for a betta really.
If you do proper water changes, then it's fine. i like the set up of this tank, unlike smaller pint sized tanks. and in fact breeders keep betta's in smaller than 1 gallon tanks a lot of the time.
Switch Life
Switch Life - 6 years ago
BluewaterBoof but fish are not human
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 9 years ago
I didn't say I agreed with my cousin, and btw ive always had bettas and a 2- 2 1/2 is plenty and a 5 is even better, in the bettas natural habitat they live in grassy shallow... I guess you could call them swamps, anyways a local fish store will not look at you " in horror" if you have th in anything less then a 5, a 2 gallon is just fine, and I like this kids set up it works fine ( I currently have a betta in a 5 gallon. But he was in a 2 1/2 and was fine) +crazybastard82
BluewaterBoof - 9 years ago
That's really sad. Try living in a small bathroom for 3 years. As others have said, surviving is different than thriving. There is no reason to have tanks that small for any fish. Larger tanks are better for the fish, look better visually, and are easier to care for. Small tanks are pushed by large retail stores like Petsmart/Petco/Walmart. You walk into a normal pet shop or local fish store and they will look at you in horror if you talk about cramming a betta into anything less than a five gallon. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 9 years ago
My cousin had a betta for 3 years in a half gallon tank
Vy Canis Majoris
Vy Canis Majoris - 9 years ago
+Megan Warner I had a betta that lived almost four years, older than the lifespan. I kept him in a tank like this. He showed no signs of stress. But lately I wish that I could have paid the extra 5 dollars and got him a 5 gallon kit. But, it's to late now ;c R.I.P Milo.
Megan Warner
Megan Warner - 10 years ago
It's not exactly a preference. Yes the fish can survive in a smaller tank of you change the water regularly however it's not enough room for it to swim and it will no live as long because it will most likely die of stress and live a unhappy life. The only reason breeders keep them on tanks smaller than one gallons is because they have so many bettas to tasks care of and those are just temporary homes until the bettas get sold
ms.booji chrissy
ms.booji chrissy - 10 years ago
Ok I have a tank similar to that one but mines is a Lil bigger I think like a 2 1/2 to a 3 I believe and I wanted to know how many drops of tetra water solution to put in it? I put 7 drops is that too many or what
Megsaroni - 10 years ago
that isn't enough. I don't remember the brand, but mine needs 21 drops for my 3 gallon
Miles Sharp
Miles Sharp - 10 years ago
This tank is too small and highly overstocked! Also female bettas need to live in groups of even numbers!
Angel Villafranca
Angel Villafranca - 10 years ago
Whats that other fish that's with your betta
Angel Villafranca
Angel Villafranca - 10 years ago
Whats that other fish that's with your betta
Katie Armstrong
Katie Armstrong - 10 years ago
You need at least a 2.5 gallon tank for one Betta. I have 2 female Bettas in a 2.5 because they get along and 1 of my females is a adult and she is a very small female so she doesn't take much space. But for 2 regular sized Bettas you need a 5 gallon so they each have 2.5 gallons of space or they can share the 5 gallon. 
Nomadic Vegetable
Nomadic Vegetable - 10 years ago
+Sydney P It's really not. This may be surprising but it's actually recommended that a single male betta have at least a 5 gallon aquarium. 2.5 being the bare minimum. 
Sydney P
Sydney P - 10 years ago
2.5 for ONE betta? I can understand if it's a big betta, but for an average size one? That's a bit too big, I think.
TheXboxMW3Guy - 10 years ago
That's the tank I've been looking for
Kaveen Patel
Kaveen Patel - 10 years ago
i have a crayfish with my betta hehe
DerpsyDaisy - 10 years ago
Note the clamped fins and poor color on one of the fish. It is already not doing well in this video. In a video a couple months later they have already been replaced. I for one would not try to house more than one betta in this aquarium and even then would require frequent water changes, which I would tire of quickly. I'd just go ahead and get a five gallon.
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
+BudgetPhoenix   Have to be very careful with males they can get very aggressive towards shrimp and baby guppies.   
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
Male betta are so comical. Mine stands on his head to scope things at the bottom of his tank. This is very cute tank, i hope to get mine in a bigger one soon , maybe with some  bamboo and Swords. Shall see.                   :)
Meddler Mangler
Meddler Mangler - 10 years ago
Awesome video. Love how he put it in the tryharder faces about 1.5 gal being too small for a fish. 
Sydney P
Sydney P - 10 years ago
I have mine in the same type as this one. He's doing very well, and has actually grown since then. I don't use the filter. I had one fish in a half gallon for 4 years without heater or filter. Kirk (the betta in question) was originally in a .75 gal bowl. I thought it looked small, and he was acting sluggish, so I upgraded him to his current 1.5. He perked right up!
ClownLoachMaster - 10 years ago
Anyone want a 1 gallon fish tank! There is a a deal on Aquabid just go to this link: http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?aquariums005&1396625181
angelfacemoma - 10 years ago
Aquarium is not at all over crowded. The little fishes need friends.
Juan van der Berg
Juan van der Berg - 6 years ago
thats not the point if they want tank mates get a 10 gallon for 2 bettas or more is even better the only people that think this is ok dont know anything about fish FISH ABUSE!!!!!!!!
Jackalope 212
Jackalope 212 - 8 years ago
True. I have an adult male betta in a tank with a ghost shrimp, 2 ADFs, a nerite snail and a single neon tetra and they get along fine. My betta has little to no interest in living things and only flares his fins at me when I haven't fed him yet (he hasn't been aggressive at all with his tank mates).
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+angelfacemoma Bettas are unique when it comes to tank mates and can kill certain fish like guppies. Ghost shrimp can be good tank mates, along with neon tetras.
Sydney P
Sydney P - 10 years ago
+Evan Hodge
have mine in a 1.5, and he's thriving. Got a leaf hammock, a little swim through cave, and a log. He's actually grown more fin since moving him in there from a .75.
Abe Gonzalez
Abe Gonzalez - 10 years ago
+Evan Hodge i agree 
Evan Hodge
Evan Hodge - 10 years ago
Yes it is. Bettas especially shouldn't be kept in anything less than 2 gallons, and should never be kept with another, because they'll kill eachother.
Jennifer Benzenhafer
Jennifer Benzenhafer - 11 years ago
hello i just got two baby female bettas and i put them in a ten gallon tank my question to you is how were and are your girls now? any advice you can give me?
Christian Osuna
Christian Osuna - 11 years ago
I like your fish tank it's just tht it is to small
ScribbleScribble - 11 years ago
WAY over crowded!!! Just one Betta needs a 2.5 gallon +
Lesliee - 6 years ago
Sydney P If you can afford it then don't buy
sebssavagery - 7 years ago
If you have good enough filtration you should be good with a 1.5
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 7 years ago
Cooper Reilly You better be joking, 2.5 is enough but is still too small for the tank to start the nitrogen cycle smh.
Cooper Reilly
Cooper Reilly - 7 years ago
2sorrelpaints not true females need 1 gallon with filter and male needs 1.5 gallon with filter, though 2.5 is nice
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
GSD Lover sorry I meant I have two bettas in two different tanks that are 2.5 each, I phrased that last one wrong for sure, I'm thinking of getting a 5-7.5 gallon soon and putting them together though
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 7 years ago
Eric Mezenberg post a video? I don't believe that. You're most likely stressing out your fish
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
Two small female bettas are good in a 2.5, mine are healthy and happy like that.
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 7 years ago
IceFyre Gaming 10 gallons for 10$? What a steal...
IceFyre Gaming
IceFyre Gaming - 8 years ago
You can't pay $10 for a 10 gallon tank?
Vaidas Bancevicius
Vaidas Bancevicius - 10 years ago
2.5gallon tank very minimum while 5 gallon tank would be perfect. i never keep bettas in tanks under 5G :)
Ashley paul
Ashley paul - 10 years ago
I agree. I got a white half moon betta yesterday and i have him in a 3 gallon 360 view tank.
Sydney P
Sydney P - 10 years ago
The biggest I can afford is a 1.5. And he's doing very well. :)
5oloGamers - 11 years ago
Crule way too small for them
Sydney P
Sydney P - 10 years ago
I'm able to clean his tank once a week, and I feed him every other day, kinda like how it would be in the wild. I use water conditioner to help with stress and so forth. I'm thinking that may be why he's doing so well. I feed him brine shrimp too. <3
Sydney P
Sydney P - 10 years ago
I seriously doubt that one little fish needs 10 gallons. Look, I have a betta in a 1.5, and he's doing very well. His fins have grown some, and he's very energetic.  
Sydney P
Sydney P - 10 years ago
How is that cruel? 1-2 gallons is plenty for one betta.
meneope - 11 years ago
amazingly clean!
Elbon Nanin
Elbon Nanin - 11 years ago
Good one! But if possible install a bit bigger filter. I had similar filter but I had to keep cleaning the media every now n then...
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 11 years ago
thats a good enough tank its only 2 female bettas and 2 ghost shrimp i dont get y everyone think its too small or not suitable everyone at first kept one of these in a tiny ass bowl with no filter or heater or even decors and i bet half of those people are the ones complaining at least he started of better than you!!! and at least the fish have a filter and tank not a damn bowl
Faith Gawain
Faith Gawain - 7 years ago
Well, to buy a fish you are implying you already have the minimum requirements for the animal to live a full, decent life. And 2 bettas (male or female, doesn't matter) is definitely not adequate. This puts the fish under uneccesary stress. Having them in the little cups is yes, not good either, but it can't be considered a rescue if you aren't saving them from a bad situation.
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
His two aren't fighting, therefore he doesn't need a sorority. Since it's cycled, this size tank is fine - if it were a bowl without a pump, I would agree that would not be suitable for two Bettas.
Muse Betta
Muse Betta - 11 years ago
three month late reply) I apologize,I accidentally typed 100% everyday but a 1.5gallon should have two 50% and 1 100% or 2 100% water changes each week. If you mean 25-50% two times a week that will not get rid of all the ammonia. Only a 100% can rid all ammonia unless the tank is cycled with beneficial bacteria, which is very difficult to impossible for a 1.5 gallon.
hannah arnold
hannah arnold - 11 years ago
Too small, I would suggest moving the bettas to a bigger tank, maybe a 10 gal. you can get them for pretty cheap at petsmart! In this tank you could keep those shrimp of yours happily! c:
Robert Thompson
Robert Thompson - 11 years ago
His aquatic inhabitants seem to be doing just fine.
Robert Thompson
Robert Thompson - 11 years ago
Always rinse your new cartridge before putting it in your filter.
Jc Francisco
Jc Francisco - 11 years ago
i have a question. i just bought the exact same tank. when i ran the whisper filter with the cartridge for the first time, black pebble/powder stuff came out of the top with the water. I was afraid there was something wrong with the filter or catridge. I dont know alot about tanks and filters so i don't know if that is normal. I didnt put my fish in the tank yet because im scared if it will harm the fish. If anyone can help me shed some light into my situation I will be very thankful. Thank you.
Patrick Riley
Patrick Riley - 11 years ago
You can't even cycle a tank that small dude ..... Tanks under 10 do not really cycle fun fact
Musica20009 - 11 years ago
I've only ever bought ghost shrimp once for 6 had tem for over a year
meroko15701 - 11 years ago
Water should be changed 100% everyday? I'm sorry but I disagree with this. Water should be changed maybe 2 times a week for a tank this size, and it's okay to only change about 25-50% of the water at a time.
Muse Betta
Muse Betta - 11 years ago
Mad* If you want a sorority you should have 4 female betta in a tank at least 10 gallons. If that is a filter in the back of your tank it should be removed unless it is a sponge filter or it does not cause much water disturbance. The ammonia from the shrimp and bettas will spike dangerously and the water should be changed 100% every day. I recommend you either get a sponge filter or get rid of that one. You should also invest in getting a bigger tank or return one of your bettas.
Muse Betta
Muse Betta - 11 years ago
Sorry double post, typing like made
Muse Betta
Muse Betta - 11 years ago
A sorority should have 4 female betas at the l
Lilah Bodhi
Lilah Bodhi - 11 years ago
Too small dude, ignorant.
Chris Ritter
Chris Ritter - 11 years ago
Ive had tremendous success w/ Bettas by using Aged water, w/ a lil salt, Betta fix (antiseptic) and drop of prime, it softens the water, also Bettas LOVE (freeze dried) worms, not pellets or flakes.78* or so is good.. still water..Also some fluffy floating plants they like to rest on. a happy well cared for Betta can live up to 4-6 years tho the average is 2 years or so..
livelaughride1000 - 11 years ago
Way to small of a tank
Anthony Ortez
Anthony Ortez - 11 years ago
Is your tank heated?
domi - 12 years ago
Why the fish in it? Its much too small for them. Please put them into a bigger one.
Roham - 12 years ago
I put a piece of bog wood in its path to divert/slow the flow if I'm not able to just point the filter down.
mdp8167 - 12 years ago
Not one, but TWO fish in the smallest tank ever
giannie renee
giannie renee - 12 years ago
@giannie renee
giannie renee
giannie renee - 12 years ago
omg my fish had babies .......ah ewwwwwwwww
Antonio Ayala
Antonio Ayala - 12 years ago
I have 4 females in a 10 gallon tank. 1 in a bowl long story & 1 male in a 10 gallon tank as well.
Harleen saran
Harleen saran - 12 years ago
he has heater but yeah he needs way bigger tank ihave one in 5 gallon
Popol Baker
Popol Baker - 12 years ago
This is good for male bettas not females... Even though some males like plakats need more place. I believe those bettas are dead. Or one of them because it always lasts this way in a tank that small.
Frappelychee - 12 years ago
I'd like to suggest to everyone who has a 10 or less gallon fish tank to look into getting the Marina Betta Fish Syringe waste remover. It's the best thing (so far) they could have ever added to pet stores :'D lol. Siphons are just a pain in the butt -__-
Hacklemesh C
Hacklemesh C - 12 years ago
I admire the effort put into the technical aspects of this miniscule tank but its grossly exceeded the amount of creatures that should be in it. Two bettas should not be kept together for an extended period of time no matter male or female. If they are females you can have multiple but you need at the VERY least 3 which is even risky, they need to establish a hierarchy. You need a much bigger tank for that, rule - 1 gallon per 1 inch of fish at least.
Jesse Rhee
Jesse Rhee - 12 years ago
its a good thing they dont fight
Brent Bailey
Brent Bailey - 12 years ago
has your females fought any?

100. comment for Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp

AndrewX1096 - 12 years ago
Nice tank it looks good I like bettas I have 2 male bettas in a 5 gallon and nice work on your tank
Luke Townsend
Luke Townsend - 12 years ago
I have a qestion about betta's will females do well with any other fish? besides ghost shrimp because i would want a longer living fish.
wingedproportion555 - 12 years ago
Omg. This is terrible...
Tanner Duve
Tanner Duve - 12 years ago
A male will breed with her IF he has a bubble nest. But then he will kill her.
Dave Lowery
Dave Lowery - 12 years ago
Actually they aren't.. He has a male and a female in there.. They will breed and then eat the babies.. :(
Tanner Duve
Tanner Duve - 12 years ago
No animal except for a plastic one can live in a 1.5 gallon "tank"
Joaquin Arango
Joaquin Arango - 12 years ago
Cool tank. But I'm not trying chastise or any thing but a good rule of thumb is 2 gallons if water for 1 betta. O keep my elephant ear male Betta in a five gallon with some neon tetras and 3 ghost shrimp
akalegs - 12 years ago
Great tips and advice.
Tanner Duve
Tanner Duve - 12 years ago
Those bettas are going to kill eachother.
Lizzie McVeigh
Lizzie McVeigh - 12 years ago
I have a 2.5 gal. tank... with gravel and decor I'm down to 2 gal. I keep 1 betta fish. No filter and no heater. My kit did come with an air pump. I used to keep 2 ghost shrimps... until my betta ate them both within a couple of days. Not to say it was funny or anything but 1 of the ghost shrimps held the dead body of the other. So now I keep him solo. I might get a filter... I really don't want to keep changing the water each week.
Krista2882 - 12 years ago
If you want to keep female bettas together you have to have at least 5 or 6. Otherwise they will fight too much. Also, that tank is too small for two bettas. They need at least 1 gallon each.
Joshua Miller
Joshua Miller - 12 years ago
I think you have to many fish in that small tank. Your supposed to have a minimum of 2.5 gallons of water per betta. I had one male betta and a algae eater in a 3 gallon 360 view tank from Aquarius. I recently upgraded to a 6 gallon from the same company and I might add a few ghost shrimp IDK.
weapondrift - 12 years ago
big question and I hope you can respond. I want to buy ghost shrimp for my 1gallon betta tank but im concerned about two things. 1) how do you clean the tank without accidentally draining the shrimp out of the aquarium when its time 2) How do you feed the shrimp? Can they eat the scraps of "debris" and waste left behind by the beta?
Zheni Stefanova
Zheni Stefanova - 12 years ago
Thank you. I had the same one but I wasn't satisfied by the level of noise and the filtration itself. I think my current one is better. It's still noisy but it is making the water clear in few seconds. The flow however is very strong so I should stop it from time to time :)
CatEyedFancy - 12 years ago
I haven't even read any of the other comments associated with this but I just wanted to say (without calling anyone dumb or something silly like that lol) that the belief that fish only grow to their environment is false. It actually stunts their growth, eventually damaging their internal organs. Even goldfish.
Iceman - 12 years ago
You are an idiot my friend. A comet can grow to a foot long and black moors also need AT LEAST 20 gallons. Another thing, guppies prefer warm water while goldfish need cold water. Do some research before you buy LIVING CREATURES. None of these fish will last very long. I can almost guarantee it.
Iceman - 12 years ago
I agree with everything you said except for the 5+ gallons part. Now that is NOT true.
Aeronwen Kline
Aeronwen Kline - 12 years ago
those are just short fin not female
50210mac - 12 years ago
those bettas still alive???
peggylycious - 12 years ago
I have the same tank but the filter that came with it stopped working. How did you detach it from the tank? The light and the filter are both powered by one plug
Spidertetra42 - 12 years ago
i need one of these for my betta! subbed!
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
i know ur not talking to me but i do have the filter. [or so i think] but i have a filter its called a whisper by tetra. its VERY quiet but that really wasnt a problem for me cuz i dont really care if it makes a noise or not. it cleans the tank really well and filter cartlidges are very cheap and good. i only have to change it about once evry 3 weeks [so about once a month] bc its really great. its also flows gently so my betta wont get caught in the current or get sucked in and die.
tekphnx - 12 years ago
This tank is too small for even one betta, much less two. It is overstocked and also females cannot be safely housed together in such close quarters. It has been 10 months since this video and if these fish remained in this tank then at least one if not both are dead.
Zheni Stefanova
Zheni Stefanova - 12 years ago
how is the filter called and is it quite?
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
idk it looks like its fighting the current.
Babee217 - 12 years ago
awsome i have a 60litre biorb tank with weather loches rosy barb and goldfish im thinking of getting shrimp when some of my fish die
Tony Mesa
Tony Mesa - 12 years ago
I love the set up but I was wondering if you can sell one of your home bio filters? thanks in advance. :)
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
It's only 1.5 gallons but I keep it clean tho lol
Ricky Cortes
Ricky Cortes - 12 years ago
how much was the tank
fishtechforbeginners - 12 years ago
thanks for the support.
Asianleful - 12 years ago
Look at you, going out for a run to try to flame people for a tank that is perfectly fine for the fish. Calm your face, this isn't animal cruelty, animal cruelty is negligence and abusing your pet. Learn some terms.
TheCoolfez - 12 years ago
To be honest, a 1.5 gallon is way too small for 2 bettas.
fishtechforbeginners - 12 years ago
@TheArmin997 no my filter is just fine. it have a flow regulator on it.
fishtechforbeginners - 12 years ago
@venusflytrap99 most plants wont do well in a small tanks because its hard to give them what they need to grow. i would just use some type of moss. they are easy to grow and keep in small tanks. also i did get the moss ball at petsmart. they are around $6-$8.
Shoumega - 12 years ago
I really love your setup i currently have a 1 gallon tank looks just like yours and planning on added some ghost shrimp, small moss ball and some plants just like yours :D
MegaTimebomb098 - 13 years ago
@BudgetPhoenix i dont blame him, shrimp is tasty!!
CherubHorse - 13 years ago
Some people on the Betta Fish forum had posted about betta sororities... they said that females should ALWAYS be kept in groups of 6 or more, in a 15 gallon tank or larger. Your bettas might spar and nip at each other, and die early because of the stress of being in a pair in such a small tank.
BudgetPhoenix - 13 years ago
My betta ate 2 of my ghost shrimp today. Just suddenly attacked them then swallowed them WHOLE. It was swimming around with a shrimp head and antenna sticking out it it was ridiculous!
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 13 years ago
nice little tank
Eridan Ampora
Eridan Ampora - 13 years ago
I like bettas because they don't really need much. I had a betta named Bob and we had him for 3 years without a filter or pump or heater. We kept him in a vase like bowl, and cleaned it frequently. He was a good fish :D .
fishtechforbeginners - 13 years ago
@air142009 some fish do need a heater. you just need to look up the fish to see what temp range it needs. i do know of a fish that likes to live in cooler water. the white cloud fish r great for a no hearter tank. they r cheap, good for beginners, and are small so u can put them in smaller tanks. most pet stores sell them so i recommend looking at them.
air142009 - 13 years ago
Does the fish need a heater to survive?
air142009 - 13 years ago
Do you know of the fish can survive w out a heater? Pls respond
fishtechforbeginners - 13 years ago
@jordguy40 ive just posted the bio filter video. also you should check out my cycling video. it might help you out with your tank.
fishtechforbeginners - 13 years ago
@MrRodrigoGtz i will be making a video soon on how to make it

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5 Gallon Betta Neon Community Fish Tank

895 likes 270,488 views 15 years ago

5 Gallon Community Fish Tank CrownTail Betta 7 Neon Tetras 4 Ghost Shrimp This Video was Promoted on Fireviews.com:...


Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse...

376 likes 119,555 views 16 years ago

Here is Culligan, my first betta fish (well, first fish, period). I got him as a gift from my boyfriend about two...



2,057 likes 91,999 views 7 years ago

I added another Giraffe Catfish I got from a customer to the 800 gallon aquarium. Sign up for our Deals Newsletter:...


Sorority Tank- Female bettas!

704 likes 88,518 views 10 years ago

FAQs: 31 Female Bettas in a 20 Gallon Tank. Yes, we bent the rules because we're good on conditioning the ladies...

About Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp

The "Tetra 1.5 gallon tank with bettas and ghost shrimp" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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