The Betta Fish, "Fish", Jumping for Food

Music in this video: Imogen Heap - "Headlock"

The Betta Fish, "Fish", Jumping for Food sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Betta 18 years ago 193,991 views

Music in this video: Imogen Heap - "Headlock"

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Most popular comments
for The Betta Fish, "Fish", Jumping for Food

Joelle Bailey
Joelle Bailey - 11 years ago
My betta jumps for for food as well !! I have a vid on my page ^.^
Tinwelende - 11 years ago
Yes, they prefer the water to be heated and no, you can't keep more than one male per tank. You can keep several females together, though.
UmBongo1967 - 11 years ago
do you need a tropical water heater to keep these fish ? and can you keep more than 1 in a tank without them killing eachother ?
Victor Martin
Victor Martin - 12 years ago
Whats what I love about Betas, they are fish with attitude and with their own personality. And lets through in smart in to that mix.
SurprizdArv'n - 12 years ago
Thanks a lot for your help! I'have had two fighter fish before, one dying after almost a year and the other after three weeks.....I made the mistake of keeping them in a 1.5 litre tank...............................(1/2 US gallon)
Tinwelende - 12 years ago
Yes, I think so. And many plants to hide beneath and between. ;)
SurprizdArv'n - 12 years ago
Okay, thanks a lot! But, ten litres isn't REALLY that small, but it still is a tiny bit small compared to other tanks some people have, but, if it had a few ornaments to keep it entertained, will it be fine? Thanks a lot for the info!
Tinwelende - 12 years ago
It's 19 litres (5 gallons). I'd say that ten litres would be ok, but I am still one of those who argue that bettas should have quite large tanks. Fish are smarter than we think and I believe they get bored in too small tanks. Though, the filter shuldn't be very powerful, since they can get exhausted pretty easily from swimming in a constant current and they can even die because of that. So a large tank and a very slow water flow through it is something that I believe will keep them happy.
SurprizdArv'n - 12 years ago
how many litres/galloms is that? Is ten litres good for a fighter fish?

10. comment for The Betta Fish, "Fish", Jumping for Food

lolboysz - 12 years ago
So cool love his colors my Betta is a female and she follows my finger and jumps aswell without food lol I love her
Leelee Alexandria
Leelee Alexandria - 12 years ago
Awww your beta reminds me of mine that died a while ago. He used to let me pet him :) you should try it :) if your beta loves you, he'll show it by letting you pet him and fluttering around your finger :) it' might take a few tries to get used to it but it'll work out eventually :)
Elushka29 - 12 years ago
My one would hide every time I get close to the tank !!! Wow impressed
Tinwelende - 13 years ago
@robbiou They are live plants. Live plants are always better for the water quality, so you should always get live ones if you can. ;)
Tinwelende - 13 years ago
Yes, they could, if you train them. ;)
Arya Putra
Arya Putra - 13 years ago
@Tinwelende are halfmoon doing the same?
Aj castro
Aj castro - 13 years ago
Watch my two betta fish videos by typing in Castrozombieslayers at search and you can look for my two videos on my betta fish
Tinwelende - 13 years ago
It's 5 gallons with a filter and a small heater. The animal on the bottom is a bristlenosed catfish.
reininghorses57 - 13 years ago
My fish does this too! she is rlly fat lol, i used to have a betta called Fish Head, he was rlly cool :)
bowiechaser - 13 years ago
@balloonladies Those paddies are usually MASSIVE. Only puddles during short times. Do your research, please. Fishless cycle that new tank BEFORE you buy fish!

20. comment for The Betta Fish, "Fish", Jumping for Food

William Henzler
William Henzler - 13 years ago
@Ispoil4yuN1 Oh my bad
World of Paper
World of Paper - 13 years ago
@subtleserveyor thts what they call the blue rocks on the bottom of the aquarium
William Henzler
William Henzler - 13 years ago
@Ispoil4yuN1 Rock is alive?
William Henzler
William Henzler - 13 years ago
@Tinwelende Did you have to train him or just after a while of feeding him he recognizes the food and wants it?
World of Paper
World of Paper - 13 years ago
for fish tanks do you have to replace the live rock?
lolliman21 - 13 years ago
why dont you go breed him an would be positive get some female attetnion
Mason Dee
Mason Dee - 13 years ago
is it good to make them jump for food? I make mine jump for food everytime and should I stop from time to time? just put it in there once in awhile?
balloon ladies
balloon ladies - 13 years ago
Oh yeah he is a handsome fish
balloon ladies
balloon ladies - 13 years ago
Usually bettas do not need to wait past new tank syndrome. They naturally live in paddies that are full of stagnant water and decaying vegetation. They "breathe" to get their oxygen
Mikey Machado
Mikey Machado - 13 years ago
@ThePikachuProject911 hahahaahahaha shut up

30. comment for The Betta Fish, "Fish", Jumping for Food

Tinwelende - 13 years ago
Regular flake food.
JeffreyAlanLOTTO - 13 years ago
What is it that you are feeding him?
Tinwelende - 13 years ago
Ok, ya, I know. And I know the process. I just didn't know the English name for it. Thanks for letting me know. :)
James Orr
James Orr - 13 years ago
@Tinwelende when you get a new tank with new gravel and plants and filter and sutch there is ammonia created in the tank by fish waste and uneaten fish food and just on its own without the fish... so for the first month or so the tank has to built the good bacteria that will help eat and kill the ammonia. since even the smallest amount of ammonia can be very dangerous and harmful to fish.
ThePikachuProject911 - 13 years ago
Thanks for telling me because I'm thinking on getting one
Tinwelende - 13 years ago
I'm not teasing it. It's stimulation for him to get to try to catch his food. They do the same thing in nature, so it's natural to him.
ThePikachuProject911 - 13 years ago
Don't tease it
Tinwelende - 13 years ago
What's new tank syndrome?
James Orr
James Orr - 13 years ago
@DARKrusty5371 you would have too... i diddnt and mine died from new tank syndrome.
James Orr
James Orr - 13 years ago
@Tinwelende you would have too... i diddnt and mine died from new tank syndrome.
Tinwelende - 13 years ago
I did, but probably wouldn't have had to. But I wanted to keep it as fresh as possible.
Kebren - 13 years ago
@bhall181 You don't know how your fish feels. do you think dolphins smile? Do you believe a fish is happy in a small tank? ...
Tinwelende - 13 years ago
You don't need it, but they will absolutely live a longer, happier life if you do have a heater and a very gentle filter that doesn't stir the water around too much, since bettas don't like flowing water. But a heater and fresh, filtrated water is better than no heater and still, unfiltrated water. And one should strive for as good animal welfare as one possibly can,
Leafyr Oakfyst
Leafyr Oakfyst - 14 years ago
@Tinwelende lol dude I just bot a 5 galllon tank and some stuff for mine. gonna try breeding an sharing the little fry. :) I got mine jumping a bit too. :D
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
(I don't have the tank anymore)
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
It's a 5 gallon tank and I had a filter, but no heater, unfortunately.
Yash Arora
Yash Arora - 14 years ago
how big is your tank and do you have a filter haeter or air pump?
Skyler Stutzman
Skyler Stutzman - 14 years ago
@sushilover606 I totally agree. I bought my betta from Petsmart near me, and the little guy looked diseased when i put him in his own tank. like the entire topside of his body was gray and looked as if it was decaying. He's doing better now though.
LJPV777 - 14 years ago
same thing I named my Betta.....then he died of fin rot
Tasha G
Tasha G - 14 years ago
I did that. I freaked lol. I love my betta. He follows my every move and when I come up to the tank he swim up so fast and just look. I love him lol

50. comment for The Betta Fish, "Fish", Jumping for Food

MrSUPERrandomkid123 - 14 years ago
@Tinwelende nice i also have a normal ancistrus in my main tank.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
That's cool. I've had a golden nugget, too. I really like them. In this tank I just had a normal Ancistrus sp., though.
MrSUPERrandomkid123 - 14 years ago
what kind of pleco is with the betta, i got a gold nugget pleco with mine.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
So try only to replace one third of the water at the time (never all of it) and do it every three days or something like that. The bigger the tank you have, the easier it will be to maintain good water contitions. Try not to over feed. The food is never allowed to sink to the bottom - it should be eaten within only a couple of seconds. Good luck with your betta! :)
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
So the bettas are not given a very good start in life. As for your betta, I think that you should try not to replace all the water in the tank when you clean it. Bettas can survive in low oxygen levels by breathing by the surface and they easily get exhausted by flowing/running water. Though they need good water conditions. If you replace it all, you will also take out all the good bacteria that takes care of the bettas excrements, which will in turn make the water poisonous for the betta.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
I doubt that the little jars get cleaned when needed, since the bottom of most jars were full of faeces. They are stacked closely together, so that the highly territorial males feel threatened constantly. Plus the fact that customers can pick the jars up as they please, which also adds stress to the fish. These are a few of the things that made me really upset about seeing the bettas in the American pet stores...
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Ya, I live in Sweden, but I went to L.A. both last summer and the summer before, and I visited both PetSmart and PetCo. The conditions in which the bettas there live are horrible and the first time I saw it, it actually brought tears to my eyes and I had to leave the store... First off, they've got nothing to do in their little jars, second off, I doubt that they get fed every day...
Ana R
Ana R - 14 years ago
We've only had him for a week. I thought pump/fliter was not needed for bettas but I have a gallon tank and cleaned it yesterday w/conditioned water. The bettas is from Petsmart. I think Petsmart buys the bettas that are not breeded well. I used to work at a main stream pet store (pet supplies plus) and the animals that came in were not healthy or well cared for.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
He doesn't seem to feel good... Do you have a pump/filter in your tank? How often do you clean the tank and how much water do you replace when you do?
Ana R
Ana R - 14 years ago
@Tinwelende if he can wait over the weekend, I would buy the different foods but he also is behaving stangely, like he likes to dig his head between the glass stones and sleep upside down. I think he is dead all the time!
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
What about blood worms and other frozen foods?
Ana R
Ana R - 14 years ago
@Tinwelende betta pellets, I've tired everything even betta-safe fruit. He just wont eat so we are just going to watch him untill he passes. I really love betts but I have bad fish luck (i get the crazy fish) so I might order my next betta online from a breeder. I like the half-moon bettas.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
That's normal. He's resting a little, cause it's straining for him to work that much.
TheHermitcrab101 - 14 years ago
my fish is making a bubble nest right now.... but he keeps on falling a sleep in the middle then waking back up
Amanda Clark
Amanda Clark - 14 years ago
he reminds me of my betta mine gets super excited around food time also excited when i come to the tank he dashes all across the tank pushing bubbles (not a nest) but hes so far been traind to go to the feed ring and is in process of learning to jump its so great
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
I bought him at a pet store. What food do you feed him?
Ana R
Ana R - 14 years ago
wow your betta is pretty,where did you get him Also can anyone tell me why my betta does not like his food?
stevefromPA2 - 14 years ago
nice aquatic plants..
TheBlondebabe19 - 14 years ago
He jumps too lol
TheBlondebabe19 - 14 years ago
That's my betts fish's name. :). H
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Flaring is an aggressive state of mind, where the betta is trying to look as big as possible to other males. It's actually quite stressful for them, being threatened, having to flare. So when your betta doesn't flare, he's actually much happier. Putting other males in tanks next to a male betta or putting mirrors infront of him is therefore just something that causes negative stress.
TheBlondebabe19 - 14 years ago
That's my bettas name. :)
JETSTA916 - 14 years ago
@123codfan i think a just a bit toooo big for any betta, even a 20 is big i would say, i think they stay best at around 10 gal tanks, but thats just me.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Sad part? This way he gets to work for his food, just like in nature. Any kind of activation and stimulation a fish could get is good, as long as it's not giving it negative stress. Flaring is to me an aggressive behavior that results in negative stress for the fish.
Arcitrix Dee
Arcitrix Dee - 14 years ago
Well your tank and its place is nice, but the sad part is..Instead of training it to jump for its food, why not exercise him to flare, its fins would spread and make him more healthy.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Katri K.M Videos
Katri K.M Videos - 14 years ago
Good trick, Is that a little ancistrus swimming around the bottom
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
No, the betta will most likely bite the gold fish fins off. The opposite is also possible, so don't mix them.
Ss Cc
Ss Cc - 14 years ago
i have goldfish in my tank and i want to put my betta with them is that good and btw the tank is 50 gallons
Teresa Sixberry
Teresa Sixberry - 14 years ago
NIVE BETTA! Love the jumping I have one that does that I never thought abou usin food to intice!
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
A bigger tank is also way easier to maintain and the risk for cloudy water like this is much smaller.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Having the bacteria helps breaking down ammonia from the bettas poop and rottening plants. If you don't clean properly with certain intervals, if you feed too much or if you don't have enough bacteria, then algae will thrive. Something like that is probably what's happened. Don't put the algae killer in, though, cause it will affect the plant, too. Bettas need more than a gallon, though. They get bored if they are contained in only a gallon and that's not animal welfare.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
They don't need a filter, but the water quality will be better if you do. Just make sure it doesn't make that water too fluent, since the betta like calm or still waters. The cloudy water is most likely algae. Try replacing half of it and save the other half. Do the same procedure again after 2 days. Never switch out all of the water at the same time. There are natural, nice bacteria in there that grows over time and you'll get rid of all of them if you pour everything out.
IGenesis - 14 years ago
@Tinwelende oh.....i thought shrimps or sth
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
IGenesis - 14 years ago
@Tinwelende oh...tkx btw,what do they eat in the wild in rice paddy?
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Thanks. If you're american, I usually expect you to say "It's way too big for a betta". No offense. :P Try giving him special betta pellets and blood worms. Flakes contains a lot of vegetables and bettas are carnivores. Good luck!
IGenesis - 14 years ago
@Tinwelende pls help!my betta dosent eat s flake food?why?BTW,you tank is wayyyy too beautiful!you expect me to say wayy tooo small or sth right?
jhead529 - 14 years ago
cool betta, mine will eat goldfish flakes too, and even cucumbers.
joshua gomez
joshua gomez - 14 years ago
i just almost kiled my betta fish. i put cold water from the fridge cuz i have a bretta container and wanted to make sure the water was extra fresh. he was buging out and like just stood in the floor not moving. lucky i just got some tap water from the sink and just quickly tossed him in there andhe slowy got back up. that was scary. i bet he's like YOU MOTHER FUCKER IM NOT A PIGWIN!!! lol but yea i know better now.
Rapunzzel07 - 14 years ago
That website also details the best and worst living conditions/tank sizes for bettas. That way if you can't afford to go the best, you know the next best options. It also says what to NOT do under ANY circumstances.
Rapunzzel07 - 14 years ago
What a lovely betta. :) Word to anyone arguing about tank size and whatnot...if you have only owned bettas for a short time, be willing to take instruction on how to care for them. If you've been doing the "worst" in taking care of them but your betta has managed to live for over 2 years, it's an unusual betta. I just got my betta today and I read up on all of that on a great website wwwbettatalkcom which is written by a person who has raised and bred 100s of bettas in GOOD conditions.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
What could be even better is to give him frozen blood worms or brine shrimp. Just ask your local pet store if they have that. They usually like it, but it might take a few days before they get the hang of the fact that they're sinking and not floating around on the surface as much as the flakes do. But blood worms and brine shrimp are perfect for bettas to add to their diet, since they are animalic. ;)
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Yes, just normal flake food, but bettas are carnivores, so they should eat mainly animalic foods.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Not gold fish, cause the betta will most likely bit the fins of any fish with long fins, but it could work with really nice, calm fish with short fins, that won't attack the betta either. Neons have always worked for me, but I know that some bettas have attacked neons, too.
ZZgS - 14 years ago
that is a beautiful betta. its like rainbow. i am gonna get a blue one soon
cheryl4967 - 14 years ago
@LilBrunetta244 keeping any living creature in 1/2 gallon of water is animal cruelty ... educate yourself on what a betta needs and that is not an unheated, unfiltered 1/2 gallon bowl ... and i highly doubt your fish swim around happily like this betta did in the video and to hear you are getting another one, poor fish to have you as an owner
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
The ones that are in my latest fish-video. But I don't have the big one left either. I took that one down, too, like a month ago. Now I don't have any fish anymore.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
No, I didn't. I decided my betta period was over, and settled with only keeping my big tank.
MissWho100 - 14 years ago
I just got a betta fish about a week ago. I named him Sparta. He also does the jumping trick, but it's usually cause he's trying to eat a scratch in his bowl just above the water. :P This may seem kinda weird, but I have this same song on my phone and whenever I play it, he seems to dance with the music :D

100. comment for The Betta Fish, "Fish", Jumping for Food

Tinwelende - 14 years ago
No, he died like a year ago, at 5 years of age.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Hahahaa! He's not trying to scare me away, he's learned how to do this, through practice. If he would've seen me as a threat, I would've been way to big for him to fight, so he would've hid.
Zing Christpher
Zing Christpher - 14 years ago
good video
lololollll - 14 years ago
@Tinwelende Thanks
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
"Headlock" - Imogen Heap
lololollll - 14 years ago
Love song and video 10/10 ;) What the song ? Thanks
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Betta pellets, flake food (minimal amount, since they're carnivores) and blood worms, mainly.
Bebo1Tyme - 14 years ago
Lol nice song 2 go along with da "betta" good job
alana voechting
alana voechting - 14 years ago
what a lovely fish!
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
In Sweden where I live it's not. Recommended tank size for a betta here is 9 gallons. This is a 5 gallon tank. But compared to what's common to keep them in in the U.S., this is probably a mansion. :P But the more space they have, the more area to explore and the better welfare they'll have. ;)
lyss - 14 years ago
That's a huge tank for a betta :D
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@Thedutchfish Considering that 90% of people keep their Bettas in a tiny bowl this small tank is wonderful. It has plenty of room and is planted. A good example to set for current and future Betta owners. Oh and the jumping inst a problem as long as in the end the fish gets fed. There is no flake food in the wild, they would have to make an effort to hunt for insects. This is similar.
Tinwelende - 14 years ago
Recommended tank size for a betta is at least 4 gallons. This one is 5. Jumping for food is something that activates him, making him fight a little for his food, just like he would in nature. In nature they take insects from the surface and such, too. So jumping is not anything unnatural. The ancistrus was moved to one of my bigger tanks when he reached 2 inches. My betta lived for four years. Anything else?
XxBubbleBearXx - 14 years ago
Wow he is so beautiful... yeah i try to play with my fish by them following my finger or them nibbiling on my finger to get the food.. XD They are always hungry lol. :D
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Trick him? I always let him get it.
Shuayeb Ahmed
Shuayeb Ahmed - 15 years ago
It's cruel, but bettas look better in a smallish container. One of the reasons people opt for bettas is that they dont need to maintain a large aquarium, also bettas are gorgeous. But most importantly these are amazingly resilient at small containers while other fishes die, because they have a lungs-like thing named 'labyrinth organ' that allows them to breathe air.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Bristlenose catfish
Chaveli Miles
Chaveli Miles - 15 years ago
my brother loves this song coolness i getting one do they like this as like a game is there any other way to interact with them
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
It might be cause they're not used to it. All oscars I've seen have eaten frozen foods. But fish meat is at least ok for the betta. Just try to see if you can get the oscars to eat something else anyways, for the sake of the gold fish, but other than that, it should be fine. ;)
Mark Legaspi
Mark Legaspi - 15 years ago
well... it seems that the oscars dont like frozen dead food they want something alive cuz i use to feed it frozen brine shrimp and now im trying to feed it frozen dried brine shrimp but he would rather eat gold fish .... plus i had 2 betta fish and the other one got eaten by the 8 incher oscar :(
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
They tear apart a gold fish but not a betta? Wow... Ok... Well, eating gold fish is ok, but I don't think you should feed the oscars live food when there are other alternatives. The gold fish can feel pain and stress, so it's actually really cruel to him. Why not just feed all of them frozen foods like turkey heart, brine shrimp and blood worms and such?
Mark Legaspi
Mark Legaspi - 15 years ago
no the fish gold fish not the goldfish food the fish itself... i have 1 7-8 inch oscar and a 3 inch oscar with a betta fish so when they tear apart the gold fish it feeds on the half body of it... is that ok? cuz when i put in the pellets the gold fish eats it
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Gold fish food? Those foods are only vegetarian. Bettas are carnivores, so you should switch to betta pellets and also give frozen foods, like blood worms and such in between.
Mark Legaspi
Mark Legaspi - 15 years ago
i feed my fish gold fish is that a good idea?
Alex Ross
Alex Ross - 15 years ago
I've fed thawed (previously frozen) peas to fish before, like our Pleco. I don't think it's necessary to cook the frozen ones since they're soft.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
No, why?
Ramone Smith
Ramone Smith - 15 years ago
does your fish have fungus????
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Did you just buy him? Bettas can be a little slow the very first days. What do you feed him?
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
I know that 5 gallons is enough and I know to stay away from flakes.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
What would you recommend, then, if not bloodworms? The tank is 5 gallons.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
First off, it's "stimulate", not "simulate", which is a completely different word. Second off, I want it in captivity and I stimulate him as much as I can there, so that he's still happy. This betta is bred in captivity and would most likely die in the wild. Would that be good stimulation for him?
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
A little piece is probably not harmful, but I've never heard of wild bettas having a need to cleanse their system, so I doubt that you really have to give peas to them in captivity. But it won't kill him if you do. ;)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Bettas are carnivores, so it's better to feed them blood worms and brine shrimp and such things, that you can buy at the pet store. Their intestines are not made for digesting fruit.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
It's ok. ;)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
It's Imogen Heap with "Headlock". :) All her songs are pretty original. I love them. :)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
The usually get along well. I've never seen a betta bug a bristlenose or the vice versa, so you should not have to worry. ;)
Myles Prower
Myles Prower - 15 years ago
How does he go with the bristlenose? I will be getting one soonish, if he hates the bristlenose i have a spare tank for the bristle (2x bigger) which will become home for some other fish aswell. I have a blue crown betta, he is beautiful.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Bristlenosed catfish.
dogsareamazing - 15 years ago
O thats sounds kinda cute and funny.
dogsareamazing - 15 years ago
Oh that's awesome! My Betta loooks just like a regular betta would.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Thank you! I got him from a normal pet store. I have never seen one like him since the time I bought him, though. But I doubt the fact that his color is very rare...
dogsareamazing - 15 years ago
wow! your betta fish is pretty! ive never seen one like that before! whered you gett him?
fawkUtube - 15 years ago
yea , but on the other hand most people who have these fish never play with them and they sit bored in 1 spot all day .... this is the happiest beta ive seen in a long time....he is very curious... get a clue
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
It's not the same thing. In nature fish need to fight for their food. This is just simple stimulation, making them work just like they would in nature, where things are not served right infront of their noses and where it actually takes time for them to forage. It's in their genes to work for their food. The ones who don't stimulate their pets are the assholes.
twicksisted - 15 years ago
cute fish and lush looking plants :)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
As working for their food, I believe. They have to do the same in nature. In captivity, food just falls down to them. So activating them like this is actually good for them. ;)
Sapphiryeonz - 15 years ago
That was awesome and inspiring! Awesome tank and music too!
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Thank you! :) They can survive in small tanks like that, cause they snap oxygen from the surface, but fish are smart and will be really bored in a small tank like that with nothing to do all day. I'm glad you appreciate the previous comments. :) Good luck with your betta!
HereKitty07 - 15 years ago
There is so much great info in the comments. I had been thinking all along that betas were happy in those tiny tanks (only because that's what they tell u in the pet stores). All beta people should read your posts and watch your videos to be better informed.
Rexie Rump
Rexie Rump - 15 years ago
That's cute! :D
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Java fern.
Ray Ilas
Ray Ilas - 15 years ago
is that java fern or amazon sword?
kingsfan222 - 15 years ago
I used to make my bettas jump for their food or at least grab it from my fingers, but I found a major drawback is that it trains some of them to be jumpers and they would sometimes jump out of their tanks when they got excited.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Not two males in the same tank, no, they would fight. But you can keep females with a male. And under the right conditions, they might breed.
Mr. Lithium
Mr. Lithium - 15 years ago
nice betta
ebolaoutkast - 15 years ago
I agree
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
No problem. ;) And keep fighting! ;)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Exactly, it's always just about money, which is really sad. :( In Sweden it's even illegal now to keep fish in fish bowls. You have to have a proper tank. We have some of the most strict laws about how to keep animals in the whole world, as far as I've heard. I just hope it will spread, but I do know that it does already. Animal welfare is something that is becoming more and more of a subject that people get aware of and care about. We just have to speed that process up. ;)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
I very much agree with you. I live in Sweden, but actually went to the U.S. for the first time in my life only a month ago. I went to both PetCo and PetSmart and I seriously got tears in my eyes at PetSmart. I'm a biologist and an ethologist (animal behaviourist) and I don't understand how not everyone can tell that these bettas (and many of the other animals) are suffering. It's so obvious, the way they're acting in those little containers. I really hope these stores will listen.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Just hold the finger over the food that is floating around on the surface (kind of just point at the food). Hold very still and just wait for it to grab the food. Do this a couple of times and eventually you should be able to hold the flake or whatever you're feeding it with, halfway down through the surface. Eventually he'll understand that your finger is there every time he gets fed and that it's not dangerous.
Sandra Karen
Sandra Karen - 15 years ago
thank you very much! ^^
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
They can eat all kinds of animalic frozen things that you can buy in the pet store. Artemia (brine shrimp) is usually very appreciated, too (another frozen food). ;) And a variation in their diet is a good thing, so try to buy a few different frozen foods and see what he likes. ;)
Sandra Karen
Sandra Karen - 15 years ago
okey thank you ^^ I wont do it again then :P Ill go and but some bloodworms.. what else is good for them to eat other then bloodworms?
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
That's a very beautiful betta! Wow! :) And the tank is a pretty ok size for it, too. Good job and good luck! :)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
When you pick up stuff from outside you never know what they will contain (toxic substances, parasites etc.), so I wouldn't recommend you to pick up bugs outside and give him. It's best to buy special betta food. ;)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
You can feed him one or two times per day, but only two or three flakes at the time. It's always better to feed too little than too much, since the more you feed, the more pressure you put on the water quality. Blood worms that you keep in the freezer are always the best to feed bettas with, though, since they're carnivores. Otherwise there are certain betta pellets you can give him, too. Normal flake food typically contains too much vegetables, which is usually why they won't like them anyways.
Sandra Karen
Sandra Karen - 15 years ago
okey I just bought a betta today and i have no idea of how he works.. :/.. how manytimes a day should I feed him and what should I feed him :/ I already gave him flake food but he doesnt like it.. he eats a bit of it but not all.. can I maybe go outside and pick up some larvae bugs or worms ?
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
No, a betta can not be happy in a 1/2 gallon tank at all, in my opinion. Fish are much more aware than one might think and a betta in a 1/2 gallon tank will be very, very bored, which affects his welfare negatively. It should be kept at least in a five gallon tank, with floating plants to hide under. The change of color might come from a change in food. There might also be other reasons, like stress or just a natural color change going on.
Jason Chen
Jason Chen - 15 years ago
i got 2 questions.. can a betta be happy in an 1/2 gallon tank? cuz my mom believes the pet store and won't get me a 10 gallon tank.. and why does my betta fish change colors? i got it when its body was all red, but now its like red, blue,green, and purple..
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Bristlenosed catfish (Ancistrus sp.).
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Don't feed them more than that. Fish will always try to eat as much as fits in them, but it's actually better to feed too little than too much, cause the more you feed them, the more pressure you put on the tank. One or two in the morning and one or two at night should be enough. ;)
Metalheadrocknroller - 15 years ago
Usually 2 a day, one earlier and one later because i was told that they don't need to eat that much. and thats how much i feed my bettas and they seem happy.
Sue Zhang
Sue Zhang - 15 years ago
wut csn you feed bettas beside flakes and pellets? im taking care of my friends for the summer. ive never had bettas before i only have goldfish and guppies lol
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
I only have these two. I've always wanted a big salt water tank! They're so fascinating. I'm definately gonna have one later in life. Since bettas naturally go up to the surface to get air, I think it's easier with them. I started off by just keeping my finger tip at the flake, floating around in the tank. Then I held it between my finger tips, so that half of it still touched the surface, and then I held it right above the surface and went from there, heightwise. Good luck!
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Thank you! :) The plants are real, though. It's a 5 gallon tank, and the Ancistrus sp. was small enough to be kept in that tank at the time of the video. It's almost 5 inches long now and lives in my 25 gallon tank. ;)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
An ancistrus sp. Also called a bristlenosed catfish.
crush40fan101 - 15 years ago
Lol I love how betta's can do this. 5/5 nice fish and cool bowl he looks really happy.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Thanks. :) I just bought mine at the pet store. I have no idea what kind it is or what the color is called. :P Blood worms is a favorite for my fish, too.
Samantha Panchèvre
Samantha Panchèvre - 15 years ago
well, my! you did a magnificent job of hiding it!!
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
A heater costs around 25-40 bucks, I guess. I live in Sweden, so I don't know how expensive they are in the U.S. and it also depends on how stong you need it to be. But I guess somewhere around 25-40 dollars. You should put it somewhere where the water is flowing well, so the heat spreads in the tank. Bettas are carnivores, so it should eat blood worms and other frozen foods like that and special betta pellets. Good luck! :)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Yes, it does, and there is a filtration system in the tank, in the right end of it. ;)
Samantha Panchèvre
Samantha Panchèvre - 15 years ago
but doesn't the pleco need filtration?? and oxygen?? i know the beta doesn't because bettas are labyrinth fishes....
Samantha Panchèvre
Samantha Panchèvre - 15 years ago
wow. well it's really nice!!
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Thank you! :) I'm just using some black sand I bought in a pet store. I think it was called crystal black- something. ;)
Samantha Panchèvre
Samantha Panchèvre - 15 years ago
that's a really nice set up, what are you using for the soil??
JackieFuckingChan - 15 years ago
Mine also does this. Can jump a lot higher than yours, though. :P Sometimes he bites my fingers.
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Thanks. :) Yes, the plants are real.
pockey1558 - 15 years ago
I agree. Great tank. Are the plans real?
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
It's a normal bristlenosed catfish (Ancistrus sp.)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Wow, thank you! :)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
I don't keep fish in this tank anymore, but it used to stand in the kitchen, where the temp was around 68 degrees F. But I know bettas like 77-86 F the best. I fed it blood worms, mostly, but also turkey heart and flake food. ;)
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Thank you! :) It's a 5 gallon tank.
neodorkiss - 15 years ago
im going to try that with my betta lol
Tinwelende - 15 years ago
Yes, they are real. :)
WINDHAMMAN - 16 years ago
bravo,excellent job.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It's just regular black sand. Kind of with a shiny tone to it. Called crystal black or something, I think... It's not a plec, it's an ancistrus sp.. They only grow to five inches or something. But I can't remember if this one died or if I've still got it in my big community tank.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
I would do it that way, yes, and just hope they won't fight. Keep an eye on them and take the male out if they stress each other out too much. Good luck! :)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
They's carnivores, so the best food for them is special betta pellets, blood worms and artemia and such. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thank you! :) Usually when you put a male and a female together, the male will chase the female. It's better to keep two or three females with one male, so he doesn't concentrate on only one female, which is stressful for the females. Also put in quite a lot of plants, so the females have somewhere to hide. Another problem is that when you get too many females, they tend to toughen up against the male instead. So it can be quite tricky to keep them together, but I think you should try. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thank you. :) It breaks my heart to see bettas in those tiny cups. It's not natural for them at all and no one seems to get it. Thanks for your comment. :)
abi7611 - 16 years ago
Oh, thanks for telling me I have never heard of one of those before By the way, your betta is very pretty! =]
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It's a bristlenosed catfish. (Ancistrus sp.)
abi7611 - 16 years ago
What is that brown animal thing that ran really fast at the bottom of the tank? =]
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
A 20 gallon tank is too small to even only hold a turtle. At least not one that is the size of your hand or bigger, and most species get bigger than that. Turtles and fish should not be kept together at all, though. Turtles might hurt them (especially bettas with their long fins), but most of all there's a risk of diseases spreading between the two species. Good luck!
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
He's just a bitch. ;) They usually go very well together, but it all comes down to their personality, of course, not two individuals are alike. Plus the fact that the bigger the tank, the less likely it is for them to bump into each other.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Yes, they're pretty much the most common bottomfeeder that you can get, apart from the plecos, and they're usually very easy to keep and doesn't usually cost more than a gold fish does or something. Look for them at your local pet store, but read up on them before you buy one, to make sure you'll look after it the best way possible. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It's a bristlenosed catfish. (Ancistrus sp.)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Yes, they totally can, but I keep a glass lid on my tank when it's not feeding time, so he's safe. ;)
echoskybound - 16 years ago
I kept a beta and catfish in a 4 gallon tank and the beta ended up loving the sinking food I was giving the catfish.. which is weird. He thinks he's a bottom feeder, lol.
BlueDiamondSaver - 16 years ago
5g, betta food at the store.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
For the welfare and wellbeing of the fish, a 10 gallon tank or more is preferred, even though people tend to keep them in tanks way smaller than that, which is bad. Bettas are carnivores, so bloodworms and other frozen foods like that is great to give them. Also dried artemia and special betta pellets is good for them. ;)
lmnelson26 - 16 years ago
I have Microworm Cultures for sale, a very important part of raising Betta Fry. microwormcultures(dot)com
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thank you! :) I normally keep a glass lid on top of the tank. I just took it off during feeding. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
..., so the food is probably not going to be that much of a problem. Bettas won't die from eating flake food once in a while, even though you should try to give the vegetable food only to the goldfish. The goldfish wants a temperature of 68 to 77 degrees (F), and the betta wants 77 to 86, which is why you should try to keep the heat in your tank on 77 degrees. But I would still recommend you not to keep these two fish together, even though it could work. Good luck, no matter what you decide. :)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
You can keep your betta with pretty much any friendly little fish, who has the same kinds of requirements as a betta when it comes to water quality and such. Just avoid fish with long fins, since the betta sometimes may think that those fish are other male bettas. So bettas are usually firendly towards all other fish, but not neccecarily towards a gold fish's long fins, which is why I don't think you should keep them together. A goldfish can eat bloodworms and such, just like the betta...
Christopher Santiago
Christopher Santiago - 16 years ago
what are some tips to keeping betta in a tank with other fish? like what kinds of fish to keep them with and how would you feed them if you have them mixed cause i know that for example goldfish need different food than a betta. thanks
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It's a bristlenosed catfish. (Ancistrus sp.)
America Aguado
America Aguado - 16 years ago
whts the thing at the bottom ?
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
That's why you should have it. It increases their welfare, which is something you should always strive for.
locker627 - 16 years ago
U dont need a water heater or filter but they are much healthier/comfortable with 1
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
I would recommend you to have both a filter and a heater. Bettas get extra oxygen from snapping around at the surface but the filter also distributes the heat from the heater better in the water. Optimal temperatures for bettas are between 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit. A filter also helps you maintain a good water quality. Google "betta fish care" or something and you'll get lots of additional info! For his welfare, the tank should be at least 10 gallons and have some floating plants too. Good luck!
jbjy - 16 years ago
nice betta, im getting one, but do i need a heater or filter? what is the water temp? thnx !
Querida0323 - 16 years ago
For picky bettas: you can try having him not eat for a day or two, and then try feeding one bloodworm. NO, it's not gonna die for not eating for 1-2 days, and that is NOT cruel due to the fact that it's part of the steps one has to take when shipping them. I have 13 bettas (all living in seperate bowls and around my house)and I've met picky betta's and cured such habits as soon as I got them. I also advise to feed them Hikari products for mand prof. betta breeders/competitors use it. :)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
I'm sorry, but I don't know much at all about the different types of betta fish. But I'm sure you can find help determining what type yours is if you just google it. There are plenty of sites about betta fish and the different types and their colors and such. Good luck! :)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Do you have a pump and filter for it? Usually they seem to move around more if the water is moving. The water holds a better quality with a pump and a filter, which is better for the betta. Usually they also start eating more easily if the surface (and the food) is moving.
Mon Lee
Mon Lee - 16 years ago
well sorry if i offended some people it was just a comment not like f fact gee so serious
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It's a really good way to activate them and let them use their brains. They are smart enough not to jump into the glass lid of the tank when it's laying on top.
Mon Lee
Mon Lee - 16 years ago
you should not train your better to jump or any fish to jump because it will one day jump out of the tank when your are not here yea you cover tanki know but it will still get hert yes betta jumo in the wild but this fish is raied in cative it does not neet to jump
Danielle S
Danielle S - 16 years ago
I really like your tank. It's nice to know that there are people out there who know enough to get a decent sized tank, because the last video I was on seriously had a divided 5 gallon tank with two fully grown bettas in it.
1EyedWonder - 16 years ago
i had a little white female betta that liked to jump dangerously high if she ever thought i might drop food. i eventually nicknamed her 'the jumping bean' lol.
lynsey T
lynsey T - 16 years ago
how cute is this video lol
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
I know they're carnivores. I fed him bloodworms, turkey heart and artemia every day, as well.
jllouie - 16 years ago
it's not good to feed betta's flakes if they aren't formulated specifically for bettas. I recommend betta pellets.
Rafael Bocorny
Rafael Bocorny - 16 years ago
My betta also jumps for food all the time!! I think they like to do it... I've gotten a video of my betta too, take a look afterwards!
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It was an Ancistrus dolichopterus, or commonly called a Bristlenosed Catfish.
stefx337 - 16 years ago
what type of fish was at the bottom?
kamojamo - 16 years ago
Imogen Heap - Headlock :) I love it too
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
No problem. ;) You've got a really nice tank. It requires some time getting them to jump. Try to hold your fingertip almost right on the food, floating around, in the beginning, so he associates your finger tip with food. Then you try to hold the flake half way through the surface of the water, then higher and higher. Make sure your finger tip is wet, so that the flake sticks to your finger, then wiggle the fingertip slightly so he sees it better. Most fish can be taught tricks. Good luck! :)
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
I tried to make my betta do this as a result of watching this video the other day. He wouldn't jump, haha. Thanks for accepting my video response, btw :)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Haha, ok...? Thanks for taking the time to comment. :)
Balraj Sidhu
Balraj Sidhu - 16 years ago
GAY bitch
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Haha. :P Yes, my tank was unheated, but it had a glas lid with a lamp over, which heated up the water a little. Bettas need a temperature between 77 and 86 F to thrive, so a heater is recommended. ;) And make sure your tank is at least a 10 gallon one! The bigger the better. ;)
Jallenbah - 16 years ago
He lived happily ever after until the next feeding time... You killed him!? I'm kidding :D Thinking of trying a Betta. Is that tank unheated?
Dall5000 - 16 years ago
Thank you. That helped me greatly.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Use plant fertilizer regularely and don't use any algae control products together with the fertilizer, since they just take out the effects of each other. Mix slow growing plants with fast growing plants. Some great slow growing ones are the anubias and the jawa ferns. The fast growing ones should be planted in the brighter areas of the tank. Plant their roots as straight down into the sand as possible, and pull the plant slightly up after planting, to prevent the sand from being too compact. ;)
Dall5000 - 16 years ago
Can you give me any advice on using live plants?
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
I have no idea. I'm from Sweden and we don't have Petsmart or Petco here, but I'm sure you can buy them in any pet store that sell fish. They're the most common bottom feeders of all. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Ya, they don't care about each other.
bowiechaser - 16 years ago
TOTALLY adorable. I love Bettas - they're my favorite fish!
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It's a bristlenosed catfish. ;)
Victoria - 16 years ago
Aw, thats good then. n___n I <3 bristlenose.
YoMecanica - 16 years ago
Beautiful color, Fish!
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It's a 5 gallon tank. And yes, it's a bristlenose pleco, who now lives in a 26 gallon tank with a female. They've had babies two times already and seem to thrive.
Victoria - 16 years ago
Is that a 2gal or a 5gal? I can't tell from the video. Very pretty tank and fish, though. Also, is that a bristlenose pleco I see? I hope you moved him to something bigger.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thanks! Yes, I trained him to jump like that. :) You could have a couple of females together with a male, or only females together. Though, you should try to keep them in a tank instead of a bowl. Bowls are used only because they always have been, but for the welfare of the fish, a tank would be much better. So a couple of females in a tank would work. :) If you keep only one female with a male, chances are that the male will chase her too much and wear her out because of that. Good luck! :)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
The black sand is as safe as any sand for the betta and you clean it just like you clean all sands in fish tanks. I use salt in the tank, since it's heathy for all fish, but in this small tank it's not even a tea spoon of salt that is needed.
funcola123 - 16 years ago
thx for ur advice, my fish can jump!
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Ya, all those fish sound like quite a lot in only a 53 litre tank. You should absolutely not buy any more than that, at least. And the clown loach will eventually require a bigger tank. But the different types of fish that you've got (or are planning to get?) are ok to keep together with each other, so that should be fine. :) Just remember that the more fish you've got, the harder it is to keep up a good water quality and such. Good luck! :)
bread315 - 16 years ago
i tried this..... but she looked (my female betta) at me like, "give me the fucking food or u die."
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Ok, that's good. :) Has the betta started eating yet?
funcola123 - 16 years ago
i also want to know betta's IQ :D
funcola123 - 16 years ago
thx for the information :D! btw, ur betta looks awesomer than mine :D
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Ya, I have a glass lid. It keeps the betta from jumping out of the tank and it prevents some of the water from evaporating. But two corners of the glass lid are cut off to enable feeding and ventilation to the tank, so some of the water always evaporates, of course. I just fill it up by pouring in a glass of water every now and then. But then I clean the sand and replace 1/3 of the water every two weeks as well, of course. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
My betta was always eager to get fed, so he wasn't really afraid of my finger. So I just tried one day to hold my finger above the food as he grabbed it. The next time I held the flake right on the surface of the water, so that it still touched the water. The next time I held it right above the surface, and then higher and higher and so on. I guess not all betta fish knows what to do, or wants to do it. But good luck! :)
funcola123 - 16 years ago
my betta doesnt jump and he's affrid of my finger T^T how do you get it jump :D pls respond
Josh Norgren
Josh Norgren - 16 years ago
do you have a hood for your tank? how do you keep the water evaporation under control? do you just add water constantly
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
You wait. Bettas might take a few days before they understand that they're supposed to eat whatever you feed them. Give as little food (preferrably bloodworms) as possible when you feed them now before they've understood what's happening, since the water otherwise will be too dirty from all the food laying around. And by "they", I hope you mean you've got either one male and several females, or some males is separate tanks where they can't even see each other? Good luck! :)
A Secret Fan
A Secret Fan - 16 years ago
He's so pretty! I wonder if I can train mine to jump? He almost jumps when it's feeding time.
Jaudine Delute
Jaudine Delute - 16 years ago
mine does that to...a lot!! it jumps higher though
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It's just some kind of black sand I found at the pet store. It's a bit shiny and not as rough as many of the normal sands are. It might have been called "Galaxy"-something, but I'm not sure. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Yes, they have, but I've never neither seen or felt the teeth myself, so it doens't hurt you at all as he jumps up to grab the food. At least it never did to me. I don't think the landing (if that's what you're thinking about) hurts the fish as it splashes back into the water. If it did, he probably wouldn't jump up to grab the food as eagerly as he does. ;)
Gyroz9 - 16 years ago
Ha, that's a happy Betta. I've only had mine for a few weeks, but this vid has my mind made up. I've gotta get him a bigger tank, and maybe someday I can get him to do this. Pretty colors on yours too.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thanks. :) Probably a couple of years in this vid.
datlilrssnboy - 16 years ago
wow its very beautiful.. i'll do that next time i feed mine.. how old is yours?
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
How big is your tank? If they're not happy with the tank size, they usually don't swim around that much.
aeropostale - 16 years ago
mine isnt half as active as urs.. i'm afraid for his life...
aeropostale - 16 years ago
so many pretty colors
Buffycs - 16 years ago
nice to see a decent sized tank for your betta :D
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Like fish babies? You can crush the flake food between your fingers as you sprinkle it into the water. Otherwise frozen Artemia is great to make them grow well. If you go to the closest pet store, I'm sure they'll have special food for fish babies, too. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
No probs. ;) Good luck. :)
Johnny Depe
Johnny Depe - 16 years ago
sweet, thanks for the info man.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Clean it once every two weeks, the sand and everything except the filter (which you clean in between the two weeks), but don't replace more than 1/3 of the water, since you need to keep some of the good bacteria that will take care of stuff that otherwise turns into poison - That algae thrive from. Don't keep it in direct sunlight, don't keep the light on for more than 12 hours a day, don't put too many fish in there and don't feed to much. If you follow all this, you'll get a lot less algae. ;)
Johnny Depe
Johnny Depe - 16 years ago
how do you keep your tank so clean? and how often do you change the water? sorry im a fish noob
Karla Penney
Karla Penney - 16 years ago
oow, mine's do that.. unfortunately he dies along time ago u_u
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Flake food and frozen blood worms.
hadla - 16 years ago
heh im trying to get mine to jump for food. i usually hold the dropper with blackworms over the water and he tries really hard to get them
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
It's a bristlenosed catfish.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
I'm not very good at the different breeds, but it looks like the normal "veil tail" betta. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Ok. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
You only have ONE piranha!? They should be at least five in a shoal in order to be happy. But, yes, the betta would most likely get eaten by your piranha.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Did you tell that to me, or did you answer someone elses comment?
Alejandro Rivera
Alejandro Rivera - 16 years ago
mine doesnt do that
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Sometimes "The Fish". ;) :P I've had more than two hundred fish in my life. In the beginning I even named all my cardinals. These days they're all just called "Fish", or maybe the name of their species. It's more convenient that way. ;)
thetoxicsoul - 16 years ago
Too cute!
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Yes, the best thing is to have a filter. Good bacteria live in the filter and take care of toxins and such, so it definately helps improving the quality of the water. You should clean the tank once every two weeks by cleaning the sand, but not change more than 1/3 of the water and not clean the filter on the same week, since you would want to save some of the good bacteria in the tank. Bettas and Ancistruses go great together, but you still have to clean the tank as often as before. ;)
CelestialTennyo - 16 years ago
So is it alright to have a filter with the tank? = D how often would you clean the tank if there was a filter? And does the Ancistrus and betta get along? :P b/c that is a good idea to clean the tank and such thanks for your help =3 I had bettas before but they're gone now. Im planning to get another one since I miss looking at the betta swim around b/c its so relaxing to watch
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Haha, that's so cool. :P Good luck with further training! :D
studioskim3 - 16 years ago
hehe... after i saw this vid... i trained my three bettas to jump when they see my fingers... hehe. one of them got lucky and bit me too hahahaha... funniest feeling ever
Rohan4basu - 16 years ago
please read i need help can anyone tell me what petstore i can buy a halfmoon betta at?I live in canada(GTA)
Carlos Santos
Carlos Santos - 16 years ago
happy dad day!
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Mosquito larvae. Pet stores that sell aquarium fish typically have them. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
No, it's an Ancistrus. ;)
Stephen Molnar
Stephen Molnar - 16 years ago
that's a nice looking tank!
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thanks for commenting. :) Yes, they would be healthier and feel better if you fed them blood worms, since bettas are carnivores. A big tank (doesn't have to be very deep, but as wide and long as possible) with lots of vegetation is ideal for them. But, yes, if you feed them blood worms at least every second day, you'll have three very happy little bettas. Good luck! :)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
At the pet store. ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Cool! Then try feeding him frozen food as often as possible and you'll have a beautiful betta! Good luck. :D
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
For a betta, I'd say it's not better, since flake foods are usually only vegetarian. Bettas are carnivores and need blood worms and such to stay in good health. I guess there are certain pellets containing animal proteins, but the absolute best thing would be to give him frozen food like the blood worms and artemia and such, just to be sure he gets the proteins he needs. ;) Good luck and thanks for commenting! :)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Well, that's actually better for them, though, since they are carnivores. So blood worms are perfect. ;)
b3tt4fi5h - 16 years ago
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thank you! :) The tank is only 5 gallons.
strickenxd - 16 years ago
dude i love my bette fish probably just as much as you do
prettyLola Tsheej
prettyLola Tsheej - 16 years ago
use dry blood worm its better food for em and makes em mad for fighting
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Just a normal bristlenosed catfish. -A bottom feeder. ;) Also called ancistrus male, which comes from it's latin name Ancistrus dolichopterus.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Just normal flake food.
tcbio - 16 years ago
what are you feeding him?
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
No, this is only Imogen Heap herself, from the album "Speak for Yourself". ;)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thank you! :)
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Just do it in small steps, basically. I think I told someone how I did it somewhere else in the comments, maybe you can read that. ;) But to do it in small steps is the key. ;)
Swampy Wilkinson
Swampy Wilkinson - 16 years ago
WoW!! amazing coulors on that betta, mine is neon blue and black with white fins
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thank you! :D
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Thank you! Yes, it's just so stupid to think that they'll be happy in a small tank. Good luck with yours! :D
okoy mclennon
okoy mclennon - 16 years ago
makes me feel happy if i see beta fish in a big fish tank, i hate it when i see dem in a small tank...cute fish..i have a beta fish 2
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
No, a bristlesnosed catfish.
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Mike's Pets
Mike's Pets - 17 years ago
5 gallon?
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Haha, I didn't even care to answer him back on that one. One can wonder where the hell he's heard that. :P Maybe he thought they died from stress when he put a betta into a tank with clown fish, when what actually happened was that it was slowly being dehydrated to death because of the salinity... :P First class research...
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Imogen Heap - "Headlock"
MisterMysterious - 17 years ago
Bettas are the best pet aquatic fish to have, IMO. They let no one fuck with them.
Emily Kristina
Emily Kristina - 17 years ago
how is that little! It is HUGE for a Beta!
Confused Kain
Confused Kain - 17 years ago
My beta used to do that too :D used to jump up and get his pellets right off my finger tip ^^!
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
He usually jumped better than this, though. And he usually managed to grab the food from my finger in one try. I think I made it harder for him since I couldn't fully concentrate because I was holding the camera, too.
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
I've had quite a few, yes. Don't have it anymore, though.
Sidrick Dacquel
Sidrick Dacquel - 17 years ago
lol i bought a seperator tank for the female and the male. the sick is still sick! do u have gold fish?
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
I hope you don't keep them in the tank! The males will fight each other (but I guess you know that already) and the disease is still in the water so you would have to restart the whole tank: Clean out everything, let it dry up and then fill it up with new water and wait at least a week until you add the new fish to it). The betta may survive many days without food. It usually finds small particles in the water to eat anyways. Good luck with the new ones!
Sidrick Dacquel
Sidrick Dacquel - 17 years ago
Hey my betta has died yet and this is the 4th day without food u know but my mom but me A crowntail and a female one to well they are pretty cool
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Oh, ok, I'm sorry to hear that. :( There are medicines for many types of diseases. Though if he's stopped eating, it might be kinda late for that. I hope he'll be alright, though! Good luck!
Sidrick Dacquel
Sidrick Dacquel - 17 years ago
im not sure but i was reading this chart that had regualar betta behavior and sick betta behavior... and my betta was doing all the stuff the sick betta would do. =( Sad
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
If he's that sick, then I guess there's nothing for you to do. If he's not eating because of the disease, then it's gone far already, I'm afraid. Do you know what kind of disease it is?
Sidrick Dacquel
Sidrick Dacquel - 17 years ago
omg i just reasearched and found out my betta is really sick and hes going to die soon! what should i do!
Sidrick Dacquel
Sidrick Dacquel - 17 years ago
hey i finnaly got bloodworms! but it seems like he has no interest in it... is he trying to kill himself? And i'll try to research!
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Depends on what they look like. Might be the whitespot disease itself, or some kind of fungus or a wound or... anything, really. Might even just be his pigmentation. Try to look up diseases in fish online and see what you can find. ;) Good luck!
Sidrick Dacquel
Sidrick Dacquel - 17 years ago
um wasnt able to get blood worms today and he seems to have white spots on his back? what is it?
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
They normally don't, but I'm thinking that he might, if the pellets are too hard for him to eat. Try to break them up into smaller pieces if that's possible and then go buy bloodworms as soon as you can. Bloodworms are better in general anyways. ;)
Sidrick Dacquel
Sidrick Dacquel - 17 years ago
so bettta fish do just get bored with being fed the same food everyday? I will buy Blood worms soon and what if i crush the pellets? will that have any effect? well thanks for replying! And please help me again ok?
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
First of all, he won't die from not eating for one day. Though you might want to try giving him bloodworms and flakefood instead. (Preferrably mainly bloodworms) Maybe the pellets are too hard for him to eat and he's bored of them because of that.
Sidrick Dacquel
Sidrick Dacquel - 17 years ago
Um hello I need help with my Betta fish... Every time i try to feed it (Pellets) it seems to just put it in his mouth and spit it out. And hes been doing that since yesterday... so yea he hasn't ate a single thing the whole day yesterday "COULD ANYONE HELP!"
Kellie  Hennessey
Kellie Hennessey - 17 years ago
very healthy and happy little dude
Sara S
Sara S - 17 years ago
So cute =D I named my betta Samuri (Sam for short) he's adorable!
xdragon573 - 17 years ago
ive trained mine so whenever i tap its tank it comes up for food its pretty cool and when i flick my finger it jumps for food
Wombatius123 - 17 years ago
Sorry for your loss, FZeton. :( It's nice you gave your little guy a proper send off, and that you loved him for the two years you had him. When my betta died about ten years ago, I took him to the beach at night and buried him in the sand. The tide took him to the sea not too much later. Take care, FZeton. :)
Jay Marshall
Jay Marshall - 17 years ago
Your Betta eats out of your mouth?!? OMG... 0_o
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Hmmm, that sounds like it should work, yes. Tell me how it went, when/if you try it! ;)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Thank you! :) I hate it when bettas are kept in... jars, basically. That's just tragical. Thanks for commenting!
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
I have a glass lid that I use. ;)
Elysian - 17 years ago
its so cute but if i were you i woukldt put so much water in the tank cuz when i did that my betta jumps out for some reason and i lowerd it i was so sad when it hit so i picked it up put it in water and fed for not dyinng and siad good boy*
aznboi156 - 17 years ago
i like how u keep a big tank for him :) ur a nice guy.
jackie - 17 years ago
my fish does the same thing
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
"Headlock" - Imogen Heap. ;)
Stephen Rong
Stephen Rong - 17 years ago
what song is this? I like it a lot
okwah2aqua - 17 years ago
what should i do?!?! how can i make him eat other things??
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Most places should have it. The ones we sell at the pet shop I work in (in Sweden) come from San Fransisco. :P So they should be all over the world. :) Just ask at your local pet store. Good luck. :)
okwah2aqua - 17 years ago
thank you soo much! but can you get Artemia at any pet store or do you have to order it??
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Yep. ...As long as they eat them. :P I know they can be a bit picky at times. Though they usually do eat "frozen" food, like the bloodworms, artemia, turkey heart, moina and such... As long as it's made of other animals, it's good for them. ;)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Maybe you could try giving him Artemia, then, instead. Artemia are little shrimps basically, smaller than the bloodworms. Even though the bloodworms are best for him, Artemia are still animals too, and the betta fish is a carnivore. So give it a try. ;)
okwah2aqua - 17 years ago
can you help me betta fish owner to another? well, my fish wont eat bloodworms! the only thing he'll eat is betta pellets! i want him to eat the worms though! i tried feeding him flakes too and he wont eat that either!! i wanna give him something other than pellets
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
:P :)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
First of all, I'm no guy. Second of all, he's dead. Third, I would never stress him up by bringing him outside the house. And fourth, we don't even have Walmart in Sweden. :P Oh, and fifth, he did have a female once, but he chased her to death. ;)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
I know he was skinny there, but that's because I had just bought him. And yes, I did feed him flake food, but I gave him bloodworms, too. I know they're actually carnivores... ;)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
That's an Ancistrus (Ancistrus dolichopterus), or "Bristlenosed Catfish". ;)
Dot 2018
Dot 2018 - 17 years ago
Everyone should get ONE of these wonderful fish..Gotta love em....
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
That's an Ancistrus (Ancistrus dolichopterus), or "Bristlenosed Catfish". ;)
tifosiman68 - 17 years ago
thank you
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
I don't remember the name of the sand, it's just some black, kinda shiny, sand. Bought it in the pet store. I think the brand might be chinese... The filter came with a "Deco Art - Aqua Vase". So it's actually a bit too small for this tank, but it works well anyways, since I only have two fish in it.
tifosiman68 - 17 years ago
what kind of sand and filter do you use?
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Then, after a week, I took the fern out of the pot and placed it back at the same spot, with the roots as straight down into the sand as possible. And I use fertilizer once a week. Though I think water quality in general is important. As well as the flow of the water, light and the kind of sand you use. ;)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Thank you! I left it in the pot that it came in, for a week after I bought it, so I just placed it in the aquarium with the pot and everything. This was to let the nourishment in the pot spread out in the sand around it.
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
No, an ancistrus. ;)
yeahfinewhatever - 17 years ago
so cute :)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Basically, yes. Very, very close to the surface at first, until he grasps that the food is no longer on the surface, but above, so he needs to raise himself a bit above the surface to get it. Just remember not to feed him more than usual because of this! Good luck!
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Ok, ya, I agree with you there. Well, I like your idea of activating your fish more. ;) Good luck! :)
Sarah Churro
Sarah Churro - 17 years ago
well, like, if i'll say anything nice or make up a good idea i usually get shot down by rude ppl, so i like that somebody actually doesnt bully evry1
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
The idea of what? Making him jump for his food?
Sarah Churro
Sarah Churro - 17 years ago
:D thanks, most ppl would put down my idea, it's nice that sum1's being nice for a change...
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Most of them learn quickly, so go for it! It activates him in a good way. ;) And since you have such a small tank, it's a good way to make him move more, if you don't want to switch to a bigger tank for some reason. Good luck!
Sarah Churro
Sarah Churro - 17 years ago
ur welcome.. i realkly like ur betta fish too, the colors, and he's really talented! maybe i should try that with my betta...
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Ya, that was a small ancistrus. Thanks for commenting!
Sarah Churro
Sarah Churro - 17 years ago
woow, i like ur betta fish's aquarium, myne is only a little one gallon but it has a filter so yea... but uhm whats that thing scuttling around at the bottom/ was it an algae eater?
AMIR - 17 years ago
I feel sory for my male betta fish I had him for two years I put him in a nale box I burred him about 4 hours ago he Died
Nancy Lopez
Nancy Lopez - 17 years ago
that is so adorable! my late betta did the same thing
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Fresh water! Wow, you need to read a lot about bettas before you're getting one! Good luck. ;)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Imogen Heap - "Headlock". ;)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Haha, ya, this color is quite common as far as I know. :P
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Nope, tried, but he killed all his wives. Chased them until they died from exhaustion, so I stopped trying. :P
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Imogen Heap - Headlock ;)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Thank you! That tank was only 5 gallons, so for Gouramis you would have to use a larger one. But good luck! I think you're gonna get a really nice tank! Gouramis are nice fish. :)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Thank you! The fish at the bottom is an Ancistrus (Ancistrus dolichopterus), or Bristlenosed Catfish, which is the common name of it. ;) Just a normal algae eater. Thanks for your comment!
gunfire12321 - 17 years ago
My short fin fighter use to do that he would jumped the full length of his body out of the water. I was so proud of him :D
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Hahaha, suitable name. Though "Fish" is also quite suitable I think. :P Would be bad to rename him and confuse him with that now... :P Haha. Plus he won't get any more wives to kill anyways. Thanks for your suggestion, though. :P
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Chased them to death. And I have no idea why. It's not like it's very logical. But I guess maybe it was because he just wasn't used to having other fish around.
Alejandro Lujan
Alejandro Lujan - 17 years ago
how did he do that? well thats not good, why do you think he did that?
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
He's a couple of years, I think. And no, he just killed all his females. ...Not a very good husband. :P
Alejandro Lujan
Alejandro Lujan - 17 years ago
yes,like an ox,how old is he? is he a dad yet?
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
I guess he's in good condition, yes. ;)
Alejandro Lujan
Alejandro Lujan - 17 years ago
your fish must be buff,you know strong. he could left a big small rock.
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Alejandro Lujan
Alejandro Lujan - 17 years ago
so buff is he? his fins must big!
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Thanks! I'll consider that. ;)
Alejandro Lujan
Alejandro Lujan - 17 years ago
may be you sould buy it a hamster wheel,so it can go in cercils Os.
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
I've read a lot of research on the subject. ;) Thanks for caring, though. I just do what I think is the best for my fish anyways, and in my opinion, that is activating him. ;)
Alejandro Lujan
Alejandro Lujan - 17 years ago
how do you know,so it's fine? well i was just consernd for the health of the fish thats all.
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
It keeps him activated. One more thing for him to do during the day than just swim around. Fish are more aware than what you might think.
Alejandro Lujan
Alejandro Lujan - 17 years ago
just feed the fish man that fucked up,makeing it jump for food.
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
"Headlock" by Imogen Heap. ;)
Naivox - 17 years ago
i know because it has to be in a small tank [check my vid out]
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Thanks. Haha, well, I wasn't comparing. Not completely at least. I just meant, that I can tell a differance in "preparation of the jump", so to speak. ;) Haha. Thanks for commenting!
jallen285 - 17 years ago
lol, non a betta has the same characteristics of a hunting cat?! whatever though a cool video
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Umm... No. Cause when he grabs the food that is actually floating on top of the water, he doesn't jump at all that high. And you can also see, when he's preparing a "high jump", his tailfin flickers back and forth, just like a cat's tail, when the cat is prepared to attack. He doesn't do this when he grabs floating flakes. ;)
jallen285 - 17 years ago
hes not jumping for food as the video implies (that he'll jump out the water for food) he thinks the food is floating at the top of the water, only to be fooled because the food is actually in someones hand who seems amused... haha
DanyCBR83 - 17 years ago
HELLO i have un male and two female, the male has never jump but the female, in special one of them, i have in the aquarium a box with recently born guppys, ¡ HE LOVES JUMP INTO THE BOX FOR FEED IT!!! i ha ve close the box on tehe top, has eat 6
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Thanks! The song is called "Headlock", by Imogen Heap. ;)
sou saephanh
sou saephanh - 17 years ago
Nice video what is the song to this clip?
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Ooo, I just found it. It is bloodworms. So, yes, midge fly. ;)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
Might be. I couldn't find it in Swedish even though I searched on Chironomidae (latin name of the midge fly). But they look the same, at least. So it's something like it. I use that, and artemia. So I think he should be ok. Thanks again for commenting. :)
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
That's what I do. Highest quality food I can get hold of, and supplemental frozen food. I'm not sure whether bloodworms are the same as red mosquito larves, though, since english isn't my native language, I'm sorry. But I do feed him with supplemental food along with the flake food. Thanks for commenting!
Tinwelende - 17 years ago
The opinions differ. I have a high-quality flake food, and occationally he gets frozen mosquito larvaes or artemia as well.
GOBbluthagain - 17 years ago
suggest gettin rid of that flake food crap...and get better food..
Tinwelende - 18 years ago
Hey. :) I know many bettas don't eat it, but he just had to. Hehe. I think a good flake food is the best you can give, if you don't want your water to get filthy too fast. And feeding him this way helps even more. ;) Thanks for commenting!
Tinwelende - 18 years ago
Thanx! Yeah, it's so sad seing those videos on here where the fish are kept in small jars almost... I'm trying to keep my fish occupied with stuff. You never know how aware they might actually be. :) So better give them a happy life. Thanks once again for your comment! :)
Michael kue
Michael kue - 18 years ago
lol thats sooo cool i want to teach mine to jump tooo hey can u plz tell me the artist and song title for this song u have on it! i really like it =]
Tinwelende - 18 years ago
Thanks for the comment! (Sending you PM's because of a lot of text) :)
schnackomat2006 - 18 years ago
I don´t wanna be a smartass by saying this, but I also didnt know that before. U can look in my latest fish vid. The betta likes plants above, but ur aquarium looks like it´s only a few months old (?), so the Limnophila indica (like mine there) should grow fast. Have fun with ur beautiful fish
schnackomat2006 - 18 years ago
Hi, that´s very cool, I tested it out with my blue betta and he also does this! Your aquarium looks as big as my current one (20Litre) (??) - I also have an ancistrus and that is too small! Shops didnt tell me (same as that he needs a root for digestion). I even have more fish in it and I alrerady bought a bigger aquarium
Tinwelende - 18 years ago
Haha, thanks! =) Yes, betta fish are really funny, and they get quite a personality, too. (By the way, me and my friend have made a 10 minute movie with The Sims 2 and Movie Maker, that we hoped to be able to post on YouTube... But we can't manage to save it as a "movie", cause it says some original files are missing... But we're working on it. Hopefully we'll get it right some day... So more movies are hopefully on the way... :S)

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The "The Betta Fish, "Fish", Jumping for Food" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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