The Friendliest Betta Fish

This is one of a kind betta/fighter fish. The friendliest betta fish I have ever seen in my life. The fish that you can pet and it likes to have his belly and sides rubbed lightly.

The Friendliest Betta Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 228

Betta 18 years ago 73,850 views

This is one of a kind betta/fighter fish. The friendliest betta fish I have ever seen in my life. The fish that you can pet and it likes to have his belly and sides rubbed lightly.

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Most popular comments
for The Friendliest Betta Fish

George Frizzell
George Frizzell - 9 years ago
Tell me your dumbass why you keep you fresh in their you supposed to have a 15.5 gallon that's my 5.5 down morning you know how you like having a big house and sing me to sleep on the floor
Ricky Cooke
Ricky Cooke - 10 years ago
seriosly that tank is to small, i do a min of 5 ltres for a betta. ive got my males and females in a 70ltre tank - when i go to buy them i pick a handfull and ask the staff to stick them in the same tank and any that dont fight i take these tend to be the ones that are mellowed out kinda like some people on weeed
Nathalie Cabrera
Nathalie Cabrera - 11 years ago
Poor fish !!!!!! It's needs 2 to three gallons of water !!! Smh
Nathalie Cabrera
Nathalie Cabrera - 11 years ago
You need more water for your fish !!!!
Yavuz Mintaş
Yavuz Mintaş - 11 years ago
Very good :D
Abnormalityable1 - 11 years ago
Simon Bezz
Simon Bezz - 11 years ago
dont take this personally but personally youre a bitch eh a tiny container no heater no decorations 2-3 gallons of water? where are they huh?
xhmOngSouLjax - 11 years ago
That's too small of a container for that betta to be living in. He'll be too stressed out and eventually his fins will start to rot away from cotton wool's disease.
Nicky - 12 years ago
Check out my betta on my channel and see the difference

10. comment for The Friendliest Betta Fish

Kerigan Brown
Kerigan Brown - 12 years ago
Don't listen to the mean comments I have a betta to:) at least it don't live in that little bowl u bought it in
Kat Scho
Kat Scho - 12 years ago
Betta harassment
Natwara Bhi
Natwara Bhi - 12 years ago
poor betta.... if i were the fish i'd rather jump outside and die.
bilal isakovic
bilal isakovic - 12 years ago
This is sad to see I feel bad for him and I feel sad for you stupid ass go git a biger tank or bowel or some thing that wont even live long
Taylor - 12 years ago
Your stupid hes not being friendly he thinks your stupid finger is another fish
intheirtanks - 12 years ago
Jacob Petit
Jacob Petit - 12 years ago
It was proven that bettas dont have 3 second Memories as you can train them using the R3 fish school.
zofyzofyzofy - 13 years ago
i would have bitten you if i was put in such a tiny container!!!!!
Bandet - 13 years ago
For those of you complaining about lack of decoration in tanks... realize that these fish have about a 3 second attention span. Its like... Oh look, a wall, that is neat. *Turns around* Oh look, a wall, that is neat. *Turns around* Oh look, a wall, that is neat. *Turns around* Oh look, a wall, that is neat. *Turns around* Oh look, a wall, that is neat. *Turns around* Oh look, a wall, that is neat. *Turns around* Oh look, a wall, that is neat. *Turns around* So no, they aren't bored.
juliespore - 13 years ago
um.. is it me or is it living in a botle of vodka

20. comment for The Friendliest Betta Fish

Jessica Guzman
Jessica Guzman - 13 years ago
if he is one of a kind treat him like one of kind fish should be treated at least enough room for him to move
DeathBringer 4049
DeathBringer 4049 - 13 years ago
the oils on ure hand actually hurt the fish!!!!!
RamJim9697 - 13 years ago
@blackbriar246 i know right? thank you.
RamJim9697 - 13 years ago
you have your fish in a cup!? thats how people drink there fish! they dont properly give it a tank or space!
Pippa D
Pippa D - 13 years ago
He isn't being friendly he is flaring his gills he is scared... I wouldn't do that anymore if I were you...
blackbriar246 - 13 years ago
1) That isn't even a bowl. It's a cup. It's not big enough. He needs at least two gallons. 2) He has no decorations or anything to hide behind. 3) He's flaring, a sign of stress and anger. 4) The only reason you're able to 'pet' him is because he has nowhere to run to. He's not friendly and loving, he's stressed and terrified. People these days....
Mason Dee
Mason Dee - 13 years ago
@harrowrudeboy Dude. We put them in the tanks and they have been alive for 2 weeks now. Wow.
JtothaR - 13 years ago
@MimitchiTamaTalk why are you buying fish before the tank is ready? too many fish are cruelly being killed slowly because of amateurs not understanding the basics
Budget Shooter
Budget Shooter - 13 years ago
At least put it in an actuall fucking cup, or even a fish bowl!
graphicmangagrrl - 13 years ago
Also you are poking and prodding him! He's flaring at you!!!

30. comment for The Friendliest Betta Fish

graphicmangagrrl - 13 years ago
That's suicide you're pushing the poor Betta around ! The only reason he's not reacting is that ur finger is bigger than him!! He's going to die from fright! You're like pulling on it's tail!
Olive aka Olivia the lupus patient!
Olive aka Olivia the lupus patient! - 13 years ago
You are taking away his slim coat.
Mason Dee
Mason Dee - 13 years ago
Wow. Haters stop hatin. this video is adorable! My bettas are still in the cups from the store (ive had them for a day) because the tanks arent ready and they still enjoy being in those for the time being! I put them next to a table lamp and put the plants outside the cup cause 1,we havent put them in the tank yet and 2,they like looking at it.
Maura D
Maura D - 13 years ago
@brightviolence omg i just laughed out loud. baahaha
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
@megabrontes123 not always
Mr. Morrowind
Mr. Morrowind - 13 years ago
@missrobtch no we are the intelligent ones
Glenn McBride
Glenn McBride - 13 years ago
dude i will send you 20 bucks for a 5 gallon tank and some fake plants poor betta, stuck in that tiny little tank
Alvin Vang
Alvin Vang - 13 years ago
@Muhnazer im pretty sure they can thrive in it. my betta is in a small container rite now and it looks pretty damn happy!
Muhnazer - 13 years ago
@plakatlover They can SURVIVE in those type of habitats, that does not mean they THRIVE in them.
Alvin Vang
Alvin Vang - 13 years ago
@Muhnazer Bettas can live anywhere. Their natural habitat is not rice puddles. They came from small streams in thailand. Bettas can live in small puddles or big rice puddle.
Muhnazer - 13 years ago
@GigglesxMcGee If you did YOUR research, you'd know that a betta's natural habitat is not comparable to a puddle. They live in rice paddies filled with thousands of gallons of shallow water that is naturally filtered and heated by the environment. Google search "rice paddy" and tell me if that looks like a puddle. Bettas thrive in large fish aquariums with a low current.
missrobtch - 13 years ago
your all just a bunch of jealous haters!!
Brendan Millea
Brendan Millea - 7 years ago
missrobtch shut up idiot
Oρμlεɳ૮ε Pɦσεɳเא
Oρμlεɳ૮ε Pɦσεɳเא - 13 years ago
I wonder if this fishie is still alive after such trauma!
kingofallsaiyans123 - 13 years ago
ur stupid a cup really with rocks
SiloNova25 - 13 years ago
Clean your underpants people. This video was made in 2007. No need to be deflating your anger over a fish. Yes this "tank" is a little on the small side. No that does not mean you can preach about it 4 years later.
Kevster012 - 13 years ago
Also I hate this animal cruelty. Look how angry it is, its flaring its gills cus hes angry... Btw only reason it lets you touch it cus it cant get away in that lame excuse for a house. I cant keep watching this animal cruelty.
Kevster012 - 13 years ago
I hate people that put these fish in cups thinking they like it, and the pet store gives people like this the idea its fine.
98Shuriken - 13 years ago
Do You Not See Him Flaring At You For Keeping Him In A Tight Space
kalisea - 13 years ago
Michael Prophet
Michael Prophet - 13 years ago
his gills are flared, hes not being friendly, hes actually pissed off at u....and like people have said..get a bigger tank, a heater, air and filtration you dumb idiot

50. comment for The Friendliest Betta Fish

Kelvin Chen
Kelvin Chen - 13 years ago
man that is a such a small cup and i agree with fitrider420
tim bromme
tim bromme - 13 years ago
I am just going to tell you that he's flaring which means he's pissed off, and touching domestic fish will rub their slime coat off, which will make him vulnerable to disease, and in a small tank ate the high rate you probably feed him, the waste build up will probably kill him, so have fun.
John Dubaldi
John Dubaldi - 14 years ago
Your not even supposed to pet a fish
XSyntax - 14 years ago
the saddest betta fish =(
John Dubaldi
John Dubaldi - 14 years ago
This dude is a fucking idiot
hxcbrittnyhxc - 14 years ago
Ive heard its not a good idea to touch your fish because you can wipe off their protective slime coat.. is this true?
Ava Marie
Ava Marie - 14 years ago
wth put it in A BIG TANK . ITS NOT HAPPY.
Karina Lenartowicz
Karina Lenartowicz - 14 years ago
='( that poor fish.
HelloMidnightChaos - 14 years ago
He is trying to intimidate your finger. He thinks this is a fight.
Luimeril - 14 years ago
uuhh... you're possibly ruining his slime coat. and, that CUP has less water than he probably came in! he's got no where to hide from you, or anything. how long did he last in that tiny, cramped space, i wonder? :/
iJacksFishTanks - 14 years ago
Do you just have him in this (CUP) just to do this video? Because i sure do hope so.
Scoots1293 - 14 years ago
that is one pissed of betta
everythinggirl1000 - 14 years ago
oh yeah, and when the betta fish spreads his tail and other stuff really wide, i think he is flaring or something
Mike's Pets
Mike's Pets - 14 years ago
I hope you got at least a little bit bigger tank.
Wjypro - 14 years ago
OMG.....its flaring at u...u didnt notice?
txw8065 - 14 years ago
i know right if you really love him spend the twenty to get him some breathing space. jerk. lol j/k but he really does need a bigger tank you'll see a huge difference in his personality.
Heero Miketta
Heero Miketta - 14 years ago
Great. Small place, Betta fish in terror and anger, and you are giggling. Why the hell do you have to be so stupid? Go buy him a bigger tank or better give the fish to someone who is less selfish and cares.
junjun ja vier
junjun ja vier - 14 years ago
Guys Give The Guy A Break! Ok? Now princebingo,Do whats Best For The Poor Fish!!
Brendan Wu
Brendan Wu - 14 years ago
That fish gonna chomp on ur hand cause he pissed off cause he's flaring at u
LadyDizcordia - 14 years ago
@Furby1369 and if you think THIS tank size is fine, you should not own fish.
LadyDizcordia - 14 years ago
@Furby1369 the bigger the surface of the tank the more they can breathe. And a bigger tank is just fine as long as it is not too high because they do need to swim to the surface.
Furby1369 - 14 years ago
@LiesnSuch2 that would be a bad ideal thier an air breather and live in very small ponds in the wild bigger tank would be kind of mean
Ash Ketchum
Ash Ketchum - 14 years ago
@OZoneGrl they cant jump that high , maximum they cant jump is about 3 inches
Adrian J
Adrian J - 14 years ago
he needs a bigger tank and he's not happy... When he opens up his gills he's angry.
Brendan Wu
Brendan Wu - 14 years ago
u need a bigger tank and omgharajuku is right that hes flaring and your making him mad
redwolfofdarkness - 14 years ago
u can at least give him a goldfish bowl so he can swim around more and he is flaring and is clearly not happy
everythinggirl1000 - 14 years ago
um..... i don't know if if the fish is enjoying it, well, he's coming up to u when u put ur finger in there, but ur laugh is annnnoooooyyyiiiiinnnnngg....... and that cup is toooooo small!!!!! actually smaller than the cup the bettas are in when the pet store is selling them
Morgan Glover
Morgan Glover - 14 years ago
and how did you discover that he wouldn't bite your finger off?
Becca Hahn
Becca Hahn - 14 years ago
aww that is soo cute, id say that if he enjoyed it. first of all, that tank is horable. it is soo small he can barley even swim. my betta lives very happily in a 5.5 gallon tank with many plants. petting can irratate there scales. he was under stress. cant you see.
ParanoidToaster - 14 years ago
IFY your fish doesn't know what the fuck "Up" is. :l Also, I think he hates you.
Matt De Luna
Matt De Luna - 14 years ago
you are a moron hes not being friendly hes telling you fuck off and get me outta this cup of water
Elpinacate - 14 years ago
for sure , that betta is dead by now .... betttas lives around 3 years , that red betta was pretty , and yes poor fish those guys doesn't know nothing about fishes care , bettas neded at least 5 gallon per fish , i had one in a 10 gallon tank he was very happy all tthe times .. fishes are not toys there feel pain and get stresed , they has feelings too
typalexandra - 14 years ago
@yurnette - your absolutely right about that. the fish is irritable and shows tipically self defense. the bowl is the fish territory, and sure, they like small spaces, but not TOO small! 1 litre is the smallest space you should give a betta. they normally want lower surface, like 15 cm, but they like a wider aquarium.
Faris Joraimi
Faris Joraimi - 14 years ago
This is cruel.
KirbyGotShot - 14 years ago
Such a retard hes flaring at u and u should give him more space ur so cruel
buddhas know best
buddhas know best - 14 years ago
that is the most angriest betta I've seen. Stop harassing him, please!
fmshrey - 14 years ago, you put your fish in a cup..with is that? they need more space than that. AT LEAST a 2-3 gallon tank. dam nyou are stupid
bryant - 14 years ago
idiot, it probably died that's why the maker of this video isn't responding.
cooltess37 - 14 years ago
If your Betta flares like that he's pissed. It's gonna kill him of stress. your a bad Betta owner
Verarscht Michnicht
Verarscht Michnicht - 14 years ago
even though betta fish live in puddles, this tank is too f*cking small + u need to give it something where it can hide, sth like a root.
santahchrist - 14 years ago
give him a bigger bowl if he's still alive you inbred retards
Fishaholic - 14 years ago
if i was that betta i would rip your face off! thats so cruel!!! its a pity such an elegant fish could go with such an idiot owner! im sorry but do right by the fish and give him back to the pet shop or give him the right conditions!
Tiff’s Fish
Tiff’s Fish - 14 years ago
XxBubbleBearXx - 14 years ago
Aww How sad! He doesn't like it. If i were you i would at least get him a tank!! poor thing :( (he'll live a longer lifetime, too.)
AliveInChrist7 - 14 years ago
That's interesting that he lets you do that :) FYI he really should be in a bigger tank though. Bettas can live in those little containers, but to thrive they really should be in at least a one gallon tank. And if you really want him to live long, go with a 2.5 gallon tank with a heater with a filter :)
gensoyuuki86 - 14 years ago
the fish is flaring.......he doesnt want to be touched.......and its better to transfer the poor betta in a bigger tank...
Deli Bedri
Deli Bedri - 14 years ago
what is this for a little please for this fish bitches
Globex Ave
Globex Ave - 14 years ago
My betta is king of 10 gal tank LOL all by him self ill be buy other so it's not to lonely any one have a clue where to buy female betta for low price cause i have gone to every store and they don't have any only male
buddhas know best
buddhas know best - 15 years ago
The betta fish doesn't like that. But the human is too stupid to understand.
LadyDizcordia - 15 years ago
poor guy, hes flaring, which means he's angry....get him a bigger tank!!! jeez...

100. comment for The Friendliest Betta Fish

Akshay Ramrekha
Akshay Ramrekha - 15 years ago
He is right this guy needs more a comfortable place!!!
N Zaman
N Zaman - 15 years ago
His sides are spread .. he's angry.
Popkidd - 15 years ago
when the tings under his chin comes out that means he be threatened...dats bad. i has 10 gallon for my red tailed shark and my Betta. dats to cramped for the little guy.
Art Reyes
Art Reyes - 15 years ago
that vase is fine, do ur research, just dont hurt him
Em Fox
Em Fox - 15 years ago
he has no room to swim :(
Pierfrancesco D'Andria
Pierfrancesco D'Andria - 15 years ago
are you playin at spyro the dragon? o_o (dleeeen....dleeen)
beaum1cah - 15 years ago
beaum1cah - 15 years ago
bigger bowl?
beaum1cah - 15 years ago
alittle overboard
jarkkofan - 15 years ago
I hope thats not he's actual.. ''home'' ..
lizvandort666 - 15 years ago
at least humans can walk out of their small homes
lizvandort666 - 15 years ago
maybe because he's wants a bigger home to live in and wants to escape his prison cell!! you obviously dont know anything about fish.
lizvandort666 - 15 years ago
your fish does not want you pet him!! he's trying to scare you away, please put him in a bigger tank, preferbly square, and lots of water for him to swim in, if you're worried about him jumping out use a mesh cover/ tank with a lid with airholes so that oxygen is allowed into his tank... his tank is too small!!!
RamblingDude - 15 years ago
I pray someone puts u in a cup, with gravel, and tries to pet your brainless head.
omgharajuku - 15 years ago
Um dude...I don't know if you're retarded or something, but your fish is flaring at you. You're pissing him off. Plus you should put him in a jar that is at least a half gallon.
thesamedison - 15 years ago
You fucking animal abuser....... Don't dare to buy fish, if you don't know how to treat that...... That poor betta fish should have lived much better off in pet store cups than your fucking half watered tea cup...........
Jeffreyfbr88 - 15 years ago
Yeah right. Thats why animal criminality still is around. Thinking of living beings as material property.
Jeffreyfbr88 - 15 years ago
No they don't.... ouch.
Jeffreyfbr88 - 15 years ago
Well you ain't the smartest one around here. This is a typical agressive defense position. He doesn't like to be tought so het spreads his fins en put up his collar. Oh yeah, next time you buy living things. Make sure you place the in a tank that has any space. You don't either want to spend the rest of your life in a room the size of a toiletroom.
Andrew Panteli
Andrew Panteli - 15 years ago
if u can aford the fish u must have a fiver to get a bigger tank the only reason ure even geting to touch the poor fish is cas its got nowhere to move u beter get a bigger tank cas its going to fukn die of stress
Patricia Ngan
Patricia Ngan - 15 years ago
Pandurs - 15 years ago
god.. ok... im not going to say anything that has been said, but you should really take this vid down because all the betta fans here are right. by keeping your betta in a small space he's stressed out enough, now by adding your finger into the mix, you're not only stressing him out further but you're also invading his territory. bettas are very territorial, especially the males, which is what you have. get him a bigger tank and let him build trust with you, then he'll be happy and friendly.
Tyler Wilson
Tyler Wilson - 15 years ago
cant u see his tail is flaring?! that means he wants to fight and get him a tank that he can swim freely in
Designs and crafts by Tova
Designs and crafts by Tova - 15 years ago
Someone should lock you in the bathroom and poke you with a stick through the window. "O look she likes it" Maybe you didn't know, I'm not saying you are a bad person, but you need to get your fish a decent tank with some space for him to swim. Even a human can live a long (but terriby boring) life in a prisoncell.
TheWalf999 - 15 years ago
gues ur right =/
JCMoney - 15 years ago
And it is sad that all humans don't live in mansions... Get over yourself.
Edward Sinclair
Edward Sinclair - 15 years ago
i used to have 3 betta fish.. in my country.. it is called "ikan laga" which means fighting fish...
TheWalf999 - 15 years ago
it just sad to let betta live in small cup sad...
TheMIssingSock - 15 years ago
My betta enjoys being petted too!!!
Thanh Ong
Thanh Ong - 15 years ago
lol, I like how you presumed the fish's though...
allyssinoodle - 15 years ago
you need to get him a tank. that is pathetic. there is a difference between surviving and thriving!
NoName21234 - 15 years ago
please get it a bigger tank, that one is just sad...
Ashraf Farid
Ashraf Farid - 15 years ago
I'm sorry. What kind of fish did it?
Ashraf Farid
Ashraf Farid - 15 years ago
Get a container at LEAST 1 gallon or don't bother keeping a fish at all. To keep a fish yhey need not just to survive but to THRIVE. It is, simply put, cruel to the extreme.
TheWalf999 - 15 years ago
get ur betta fish a bigger tank
Tiara Marie
Tiara Marie - 15 years ago
yeah i agree with everybody on here he's not happy at all he is puffing up his giills which i a sign of aggression and you need to get BIGGER BOWL that is a cruel little ass bowl he harldy has any room too move.
recon345 - 15 years ago
wtf it aint happy its stinking mad at your finger!!
????????????? - 15 years ago
u dumb cow its flarin at ur finger
sven forier
sven forier - 15 years ago
that fish needs a bigger bowl poor fish
DM23100 - 15 years ago
cheap bich aford a bowl poor fish
xxuncexx - 15 years ago
mine flares it when its about to eat a pellet
NeverMindtheSquirrel - 15 years ago
lol, I've seen them do that when they want to push the "invader" away from them. Flared gills are usually an indication of aggression or anger, but mine flare up when I'm about to feed them... I guess that means they want me to hurry up and give them food. ^_^
IGenesis - 15 years ago
i know after they died!
thesituasian - 15 years ago
the flared gills means that it's trying to fight. i wouldn't exactly call that friendly.
tcbio - 15 years ago
Well you shouldnt put males together, regarldess the tank size. It is their instinct to fight.
IGenesis - 15 years ago
no need for sorry n i dint make them kill each other jus for fun i put them togetther in a big tank n after 1 week then................
tcbio - 15 years ago
I know it is completetly different in asia, but I do not agree that fighting and getting animals hurt for fun. I believe it is wrong. I'm sorry
IGenesis - 15 years ago
ya i have but dead already XD
tcbio - 15 years ago
You have fighting plakats?
IGenesis - 15 years ago
mine fight to death XD
tcbio - 15 years ago
IGenesis - 15 years ago
look at the is flaring,preparing to fight
IGenesis - 15 years ago
u are rite,it is flaring
tcbio - 15 years ago
he is flaring at you, he things your compotetion lol. cute. i would try if you can, just to give him a littel bigger tank. but as long as he gets good water changes, he should be OKAY
habbito12 - 15 years ago
he is attacking your finger! if gills are flared means, attack! xd
Thomas55Pham - 15 years ago
well. bettas doesnt need a filter. the breath air. but just change water every day
shax - 15 years ago
Why the did you buy a fish when you don´t have a tank? Its not a item u know.
Olive aka Olivia the lupus patient!
Olive aka Olivia the lupus patient! - 15 years ago
I agree. at least a 4 gallon tank or bigger.
Thomas55Pham - 15 years ago
why not get a tank, instead of a stupid cup...
King Jotun
King Jotun - 15 years ago
Depends on the fake plant, really. I have a fake plant that's blunt and doesn't tear up my betta.
King Jotun
King Jotun - 15 years ago
Actually, bettas do better with a couple of gallons. A betta kept in a glass like that won't live nearly as long as one in a better tank or even a fishbowl.
King Jotun
King Jotun - 15 years ago
I think any fish person here has told you to get another tank, so I'm just gonna say that you should get him a fake plant or something if he does get the alleged bigger tank.
Nick Amos
Nick Amos - 15 years ago
You really dont need a filter or heater. See you have your facts wrong. Betta's live a Asia, causing them to have a labyrinth organ and allows them to take O2 out of the air not the water. They live in rice fields that have almost no O2 from the night when plants need to take O2 when there not taking in CO2 for photosynthesis. The rice fields are very cramped and have small spaces to swim in. Also, the rice fields do not have filtration and can be polluted with different things.
AccordingToRoman - 15 years ago
i keep mine in a very tall vase that is like 1 and a half gallons and he blows tons of mini bubble nests.but really that is not cruel just he needs more space lol i will submit
MAMW93 - 15 years ago
That's fuckin terrible. Can't you put her into a larger tank?? At least a couple of gallons. It's cruel to keep them in these tiny bottles.
Foxiez - 15 years ago
You can keep all sorts of things with bettas
vichita2 - 15 years ago
he looks pissed
Catherine - 15 years ago
shangrilasfan2006; i went to the petstore just yesterday to see if i could get a few neon tetras to keep with my betta but the lady said not to do it. :( i was so sad... do they get along okay? how many tetras? and did you keep them together since they were all young because i hear thats a factor that plays a big role on whether they get along.
Da Zigbert Klaus
Da Zigbert Klaus - 15 years ago
neodorkiss - 15 years ago
yeah ur right, it might kill them
NikkiRowCoxx - 15 years ago
He's pretty!
farley pants
farley pants - 16 years ago
XDD he's trying to mate with you!
Reinara - 16 years ago
I never said it needed a filter. :| I just think he needs plant life and a bigger area to swim in. Other than that he looks like a happy fish.
SoundIllustrations - 16 years ago
Betas do not like filters- they perfer stiller water. As long as you clean 25% of the water ever 3-4 days, the fish should be fine. I do agree you need to have at least 5 gallons. A heater is not also needed as long as the water is room temperature (72-75 degrees F). Anyone saying a beta needs a filter for a beta in a bowl 5 (or small) gallons is an idiot and never breeds fish.
Reinara - 16 years ago
I know it can survive but that doesn't mean it's happy where it is...It'd be much happier in at least a 5 gallon tank where it has fresh, clean, heated water and lots of plants to swim around with! Poor thing lives in a cup :(
Reinara - 16 years ago
If you can't give the fish a bigger tank, at least put some silk leaves in it or something it can hide in....the poor thing has NOTHING!!! :(
shumebute - 16 years ago
he is so cute.... i have 28 bettas but thay are all unfriendly...
MarRilYunTidManJes - 16 years ago
btw he doesnt like it and its easy 2 tell if u watch this video enough times
MarRilYunTidManJes - 16 years ago
dude... try not having a betta living in a glass cup they need space to swim
locker627 - 16 years ago
the only reason u can pet him is cuz hes living in a cup
syhr0 - 16 years ago
is the dood stoneD? LOL hu hu hu! :D
SailorSaturnCelestia - 16 years ago
Fish needs a bigger tank with silk plants and hiding space! My betta Carson loves to be petted! He has a great environment and is a happy fish while yours is not!
KHALABEBE - 16 years ago
lol the fish is a one of a kind..(discription) and its living in that tiny shit
disturbedme5 - 16 years ago
that poor fish need something bigger than that tiny cup.
Querida0323 - 16 years ago
I guess they don't NEED them.. but with my bettas, they've shown a liking to resting on the leaves of the plants along with hiding themselves in the decoration if they want some "me time." Then again, mine are DEFINITELY not living in this popsqueak habitat this guy has him in.. and I'm not taking off the slime coat off of mine either by touching them.. can't people just enjoy watching fish rather than having such a need to touch them?
Myles Ash
Myles Ash - 16 years ago
Yup I agree, it hates you. Dont take it personally tho it just that type of fish. They r loners.
frubiafan - 16 years ago
I don't think it likes you. it's flaring and mine does that when I change it's water to much/ move it to much (like when I was moving I of course had to take him but he kept flaring at me when I came near him. then he learned that when I was holding food not to flare.)
Mark Le
Mark Le - 16 years ago
do u even have a tank for the little fish
Paul D
Paul D - 16 years ago
very cool i hope mine will do that he already responds to the finger as food and i was wondering why he was puffing/spreading his gills but then lets you touch him
Rhys Davies
Rhys Davies - 16 years ago
do u need a heater for a betta
blaine200 - 16 years ago
aparrently they dont know jack. it is high reccommend that you get a 3 gallon tank for a betta or if you cant afford it a 1 gallon bowl. do some research and youll see im right.
blaine200 - 16 years ago
poor fish. put it in a 1 gallon bowl atleast!! plz! if you really care about your fish!
SHAHIDMAFIA - 16 years ago
he`s probably sayin...get me the fu*k out this small tank!! ...:)
pinkangel729 - 16 years ago
sigh, another poor fish kept in a tiny tank People know nothing about how these fish should be looked after
71exodus - 16 years ago
Poor fish..... :(((
Dall5000 - 16 years ago
They like to be alone. I don't think the size matters, infact I think they prefer smaller spaces. A gallon will work too.
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
and it is changed...very often...and I will NEVER think about saltwater, unless I am at the beach....on a related note, have you ever taken water from one coast and brought it to the other?
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
Paraphrase??? EXcuse me?! that was not any "paraphrase"...Do you even know the meaning of the word?!
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
please people, even IF you are a pro aquarist, just chill!
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
who the bloody hell are you relpying to??? I've never really seen fins curl...nice betta from petco....I've never, ever, ever seen a different strain (or breed, or subspecies...etc) anywhere I've looked...what general area do you reside??
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
yes, I AM lazy :) which is why I have a filter so I don't need weekly water changes...and also why I like dogs better than fish as pets anyway
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
what are suppressors?!!
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago must have been a pain least it is for me!
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
hmm did you have a filter...cuz if you didn't, you must've changed the water A LOT!!! Yes, SpitRyma, what is the evidence? (I now hold fish supreme court!!)
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
like, a plain 15 gallon? surely w/subsrate right?...well, technically, you don't need decorations...but sometimes the betta really get attached to it...they are territorial
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
I really think we should...there are currently 238 total comments, not including this one...maybe we should have a youtube conversation and try to get the comments to, like, 300!! I'm very glad we agree.
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
I concur...
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
yes, the vast majority of betta owners keep them in ridiculously small containers with no cover and don't change the water practically at all, andyes I am now agreeing with your original statement to some extent...Not totatlly because the way you put it was incredibly patronizing, and I was TRYING to make you more human. That is, less proud. And of course, I meant that my betta came form tiny containers and were sooooo thrilled to be put in a good, big tank that they were in awe. So....yeah.
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
Hey hey be nice, your tone is rather condesending and nobody likes that...actually I DO have plants, and caves and such, and I also meant when I first put them in there that they were weirded out only because they were bought in a small container.
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
I swim corrected...I am sorry...Though my bettas get REALLY overwhelmed in my 10-gallon...probly b/c of where they came from
QuietCommentator - 16 years ago
he is FINE! look up aisian rice patties and see that small is for the bettas
subydude2 - 16 years ago
he probably doesn't mind the petting because after enough petting the slime coat starts to deteriorate which leads him to getting parasites, etc. so you're probably scratching a parasite!
bogeymanF1 - 16 years ago
i think hes begging you to make a bigger tank...poor betta
AndrewAJT - 16 years ago
The females can usually get along fine.
bread315 - 16 years ago
wow your cruel to da fish
robdawg300 - 16 years ago
xEleanorxRigbyx - 16 years ago
Poor fish. He's got nowhere to go, and he's trying to avoid the finger. Their gills flare when they don't like something, and his are flared! Please get him a five gallon tank.
oldspeedsi - 16 years ago
Dude pass that shit man I see you
king6188 - 16 years ago
u soudn like a fucking idiot..i wish i can keep u in a fucking closet and wait till u die
Daisha Blaylock
Daisha Blaylock - 16 years ago
you need a bigger tank for that poor little fish...kk....but it is a cutie
seargentkong - 16 years ago
Miller3492 - 16 years ago
is u rinse ur hands 1st and dont touch them to much they will be fine, petting them wipes the slim off the scalls, but hes not doing it enough to hurt it
Travis Klein
Travis Klein - 16 years ago
You PETA fucks need to get a life...
Leo M
Leo M - 16 years ago
I agree. how can you say thats 'plenty' big enough..? oo yess, I think Ill live in r oom about 5 times the size of my body for THE REST OF MY LIFE.
Leo M
Leo M - 16 years ago
ok. your being really silly here. humans are animals for one thing, we have sex like animals, we eat like animals..I know there isn't as much advancement in the animal kingdonm as in humans.. but they still come close! also: why are you talking about zebras and lions? 2.5 gallons is a supposed minimum. you can keep a fish in whatever size. pronounce 'betta'..? how would you know?ever met the people who writes these comments? I bet you don't even know the species name.
Leo M
Leo M - 16 years ago
strange how Im not able to see a fruit fly in this video isn't it?
Alexifish - 16 years ago
Lol... well, it's not actually a friendly betta fish. It's fighting you. Notice its tail and cheeks flaring out? It's defending its territory against your finger, lol. It's a good thought, though.
Querida0323 - 16 years ago
before making insipid comments like the one you just posted, please check your spelling. It makes you look ridiculous. what makes you look even more ridiculous is the fact that just because they're in a small cup means that they're ok with that cup. go read a book or even look at betta fish sites...
Querida0323 - 16 years ago
yes, because stores have a misconception on betta fish sometimes. if you noticed that sometimes their tanks have floating fish due to lack of intelligence to maintain them.
Querida0323 - 16 years ago
That is a terrible misconception. Sure it's shallow, but they have massive space to swim around. rice paddys people
Querida0323 - 16 years ago
aha wow. Sorry that there are fish lovers commenting a betta fish video. Respect others beliefs unless it'll hurt somebody. Idiot
George Payman
George Payman - 16 years ago
I hope thats temporary, you should set up a simple tank like mine for it, then it wouldnt be so pissed off all the time. Besides he can get sick if you didnt wash your hands
BetWinston - 17 years ago
i don't want to be an asshole but it's not that great to touch your fish. they ave a protective slime around them that keeps away alot of diseases. You could touch the betta from time to time but not constatly. The slime is really important for a fish's health. But the video and all is really cool, cute fish.
DominiqueCollins - 17 years ago
Jw. did you teach your fish how to do this, or did you just figure he could??
MonokuroBooHokKan - 17 years ago
David Mortiz
David Mortiz - 17 years ago
i don't have a job. :( but i do have money. :)
MonokuroBooHokKan - 17 years ago
It's okay, as long as you work hard, even being ripped off is okay since you can get money back from working hard.
David Mortiz
David Mortiz - 17 years ago
dude,my fish is living in the most elaborate beta kingdom in all the land. i have all different medicines , water treatment additives,plants, filtration,heater,thermometer,several different foods,a cave,nice white gravel, three different lighting options,and his tank is awesome. don't be a dick. also don't worry about how i'm living. i got it man.
MonokuroBooHokKan - 17 years ago
Have fun being ripped off for the rest of your life dumb shit.
David Mortiz
David Mortiz - 17 years ago
ill give you your mouth punk.
MonokuroBooHokKan - 17 years ago
You're stupid if you're gunna spend 80 bucks on a fighting fish. I only spent 20 and he's living in a 10 gallon with a female.
David Mortiz
David Mortiz - 17 years ago
they sell them that way because they want people to think that is all they need to buy,, like it is a chep pet...then you read up on it to find out that you need at least 2 gallons 80 degrees and a filtration system. 5.99 just turned into 80.00...but you have a healthy thriving fish,and he will love you forever.
David Mortiz
David Mortiz - 17 years ago
1 gallon per inch
Dennise P.
Dennise P. - 17 years ago
it looks angry and i dont think it likes it very much they are not the pedding kind they are a lovely beautiful fish but i dont think pedding them is such a great idea!
ratwhisker - 17 years ago
this is painful to watch. i get so sick of people who don't do a little RESEARCH before acquiring a living creature. that betta is NOT being "friendly" - he is displaying clear signs of anger. it is generally okay to -gently- pet a betta -every once in a while-, but only if you let him come to you, and only if he enjoys it. this is an idiot incessantly chasing a poor frightened pissed off fish around, and then painfully rubbing off its protective slime coat. people are stupid.
Cam Pepper
Cam Pepper - 17 years ago
MonokuroBooHokKan - 17 years ago
You're stupid.
nihilistheaven - 17 years ago
actually betta fish dont like big spaces. so thats why they sell them in such small tanks. they prefer confined spaces. these people should look up how to care for betta fishes specifically because they are wrong about that. not about the petting though. NEVER PET YOUR FISH!
yeahfinewhatever - 17 years ago
i think he likes it. i can see him smiling :)
doctortwyla - 17 years ago
yeah those gills are giving you the naff off but you have a very pretty fish. shouldn't touch him unless you have to but cos of his stress coat. get him some plant and he'll make bubbles.
Mel W
Mel W - 17 years ago
mine is in a ten gallon tank :) I wish I could save them all, I wish the betas could live together
fallenkarasu - 17 years ago
that fish was pissed the fuck off he was waiting for you to make the first move 0.o
Koolboy111111 - 17 years ago
PrinceLinkOfDragona - 17 years ago
I've seen smaller tanks, this one is an ok size for your average betta, BUt then again, I'm not the one to talk.
overtime2005 - 17 years ago
for the record betta males flare even while mating mate..^)
laurenlucia - 17 years ago
i hope you know the fish hates that. it hurts them when you hit their scales like that and will eventually result in loss of scales and bacterial infection.
Du/dx - 17 years ago
ur a fucking dumbass, they put the bettas in there because the pet store don't care you retard
Du/dx - 17 years ago
you're a dumbass. First of all I don't think 4 cups of water is enough for your betta fish. Second, why the fuck would you "pet" a fish? where's your brain?
CtrlFormula - 17 years ago
Yeah When The Fish Flares His Gill Covers And Raises His Fins It Means He Is Pissed Off Not Happy
Katie Davis
Katie Davis - 17 years ago
he is showing agression not happiness
serenaf63 - 17 years ago
you are so meaaaaannnnn
NCheno - 17 years ago
that fish is pissed. not friendly. look at its gills.
Plexi Kyudo
Plexi Kyudo - 17 years ago
All mine do the same, because they see their reflection in the lens. Also I have one that flares up at me everytime I come near his tank. He's so adorable. He's a CT as well
The Reader's Athenaeum
The Reader's Athenaeum - 17 years ago
Flaring is good for them, but excess flaring can arm their fins and rip them. I'm more worried about the vase you keep him in. Would you like to be kept in a vase? I didn't think so. They need a tank (yes, tank) of at least 4 Gallons. Not a lot, but they do need the simple basics such as a filter and heater to keep them thriving.
Delightra Cardeanne
Delightra Cardeanne - 17 years ago
HA HA HA, he's trying to attack your finger, AHHH HAAA HAAA HAAA!!!
Katzyn - 17 years ago
You angry people are dumb. If you have bettas and take pics of them at all, you'd know they (or at least all of mine do!) flare at the camera and anything that comes around when you have a camera in your hand. He's adorable! I have one (a CT) who -almost- lets me touch him. I hope your fish isn't always in that small container, though. =3 It kinda looks like it -is- his regular home. =< You should move him into something bigger...
porsche911girl - 17 years ago
wow you guys are harsh. The guy puts a vid up of him petting his betta, and you rip him to shreds. Grow up! And btw, I do have bettas, and I do know that when they flare up with their gills it means they're showing their dominance/pissed off.
Jeremy Bedsole
Jeremy Bedsole - 17 years ago
im not gonna be mean to you but when he sticks his gills out like that that is 1.)a female attracting device and ur not a female so it is 2.) he is displaying his dominance so you will leave him alone. please dont kill him
mandron - 17 years ago
They live in rice paddies in Thailand, where the water may not be very deep but it's miles across.
misty helto
misty helto - 17 years ago
I work in a pet store, we get our bettas from Tailand, their found in litte pools of water, barely enoguh to cover them, so the "sad" little bowls we put them in are more then enough water. and poor people collect them just to make money so we are helping them and the fish!
ddubtoille - 17 years ago
are you seriouse, its trying to fight you bettas arent that agressive to begine with the only reason you cant put them w/ other fish(except for a types of really docile fish) is because they will get killed the only fish bettas will kill other than another betta is a guppie because they look like bettas everything else will kill bettas if you want an agressive fish the betta is one of the wost fish to get even a gold fish is more agressive than a betta
FuzzyDragon09 - 17 years ago
My fish at home used to let me do that but now he is scared of me (And he's a Carnivore). I should have conditioned him from the start. My mom is scared of him biting her with his little teeth but he is a complete coward.
coleapolis - 17 years ago
Not to party poop, but that betta is flaring at you, but being submissive. its cool tho.
jsdhfuos - 17 years ago
my sister's a zoologist, and she says that your fish is trying to fight you not be nice. Flared fins things in front of its gills (operculum) and stiff fins are agnostic (aggressive) behaviours. Those are his battle cries essentially. So are side to side motions and any mouth gaping. He is making pre-fight attempts at psyching out the other guy. Sometimes that's enough and no fight is necessary.
mandron - 18 years ago
That is way too small for your betta. You need a larger tank.

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