The International Betta Competition - magnificent fighting fish on show
Betta 12 years ago 6,002,785 views
During the "Aqua-Fisch" presented the International Betta Competition. is a chapter of the International Betta Congress (IBC). At the show over 300 beautiful bettas were exhibited and auctioned to a thrilled audience. The president of the IBC Joe Becerra talks about his impressions of this high-caliber event. A lot of bettas are shown in the gallery inside the video.
10. comment for The International Betta Competition - magnificent fighting fish on show
20. comment for The International Betta Competition - magnificent fighting fish on show
best here, indonesian betta (y)
30. comment for The International Betta Competition - magnificent fighting fish on show
50. comment for The International Betta Competition - magnificent fighting fish on show
((I need more i only have two ;0;))
100. comment for The International Betta Competition - magnificent fighting fish on show
Beta fish
Woah! I've never seen a betta fish like that!
I'm not sure why people keep saying that their betta looks bad in comparison... They are all beautiful fish, they are just often mistreated (not intentionally for the most part, people are lead to believe lies). These fish in the video are in perfect and pristine conditions, happier fish will display their fins like that more readily, its the same for all species.
They aren't usually happy in betta bowls and especially not in the cups they are kept in at places like wall-mart and petstores. Just because they can survive in those water conditions does not mean they should, and they can't be expected to look their best in conditions they aren't happy in.
For a betta to be healthy and look as good as they can they should have at absolute minimum a 1 gallon tank though it really should be bigger - at least 2 - 3 gallons
> The temperature should be between 24-27°C (76-82°F) (they are tropical fish)
> They don't need a filter though you should regularly clean the tank water to remove excess waste/food and to prevent ammonia build up among other things. Look up how often you should clean the tank out (it is based on size and the amount of water.
If yours isn't displaying it's fins it could just be because it's not happy, sick, old or stressed.
his name is Orion and HE'S SO DARN CUUUUTE
his nickname is Mr. GrumpyGillsIM SO EXCITED
Hope he survives.
Pass this on.
They don't make them fight if that's what you're thinking. It's a beauty competition for betta.
from, simarpreet singh , DHM
Poor fish flaring and swimming frantically for much for beauty.
And don't put them with fish much bigger then themselves or else the betta might be eaten
The general rule for keeping a betta is 1 gallon per inch of fin and typically you can keep either one male or one female or more then two females in the same tank without fighting
omg that's the truest thing i have ever read hahahhaha
I kept my saltwater fish in for about a year then we sold the fish. Can i keep my female betta's in it if i rinse it really well??
Either you have a major undiagnosed case autism or you're a troll. And I REALLY hope it's the latter. Go jack off to your fish, and learn some new words son. Ok son? Yeah son, grow a brain son.
That's weird. Must be different for every store.
a sense of lunatics lollololol
lol i just saw that
thank you :)
who makes a good point?
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ke care of them , no betta is poop . buy one take care of it and i promise it will surprise you .
Lol I used to show it pics of other fighting fish to watch it flare I the only one?
I wish I could do that too!
I have two, one's a Cambodian betta who is pink on his body and has purple fins that's tipped with magenta then the other one is a quite small crown tail betta who is mainly pink and purple and has blue tipped fins. One's from Petco and the other is from PetSmart.
"SCIENTISTS" in one way or another, and I feel sorry for them...for while their creations are BEAUTIFUL....especially the GOLD one....what is it's LIFE SPAN compared to a Natural Betta??? WHEN did we become the Creationalists??? So sad, Indeed!!! I LOVE the guy who wrote his fish died of Cancer.... GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!! LOLOL!!!! Is all this "Sudden Interest" because of the "MY FUN FISH" THING, because, if so, lemme tell you, It's a HUGE LIE AND A RIP-OFF!!! My Lucy and Ethel lived for over 5 years in separate glass vases with Peace Lillies thriving (I changed the water once or twice a month and rinsed and trimmed the plant roots-it WAS sorta Gross and smelly, and when I introduced the male who cost like $6 over 12 years ago, I found out out that Lucy and Ethel were PROBABLY Ricky and Fred....So HMMMMM.....