Three male bettas in same Tank

two male japanese Fish living together

Three male bettas in same Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Betta 14 years ago 20,498 views

two male japanese Fish living together

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Most popular comments
for Three male bettas in same Tank

Zoe Scoville
Zoe Scoville - 7 years ago
I've done this before, but mine never had that much flaring in the two years i had male and females in a forty gallon tank
Alyssa The Alyssum Vlogs
Alyssa The Alyssum Vlogs - 7 years ago
i could do this becuase my betta mushu loves the top water my other betta cheese loves the bottom
Lilly Prince
Lilly Prince - 8 years ago
The male beta in the separated tank is still stressed out, though! That's going to impact his happiness and life span.
3drhodes - 9 years ago
Why do people say you can only have one betta per tank. Don't they live together in the wild. Think people.
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
Think 3drhodes think !
Stephen Ericson
Stephen Ericson - 7 years ago
You must be poorly informed on the Betta's natural habitat... lol.
Lilly Prince
Lilly Prince - 8 years ago
Exactly. The WILD! Where they have virtually an infinite amount of space to set up their own territories.
TEHFUZZEHONEZ - 8 years ago
if they have a large enough territory they will not fight. I'm surprised these two are happy enough in such a relatively small tank tho. Then again, I used to have a male and female betta that ended up jumping the dividers and they never fought or even flared at eachother.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
Yeah but they rarely come into contact with others. They also have an opportunity to avoid a fight but in a tank they are both trapped together and a tank is only big enough for one fishes territory and the other is seen as a constant invader so fights are likley.
Karl Donatella
Karl Donatella - 10 years ago
What's the large breeder box called?
Werner John
Werner John - 10 years ago
Oh my gosh! Bettas are not supposed to live together (males)!
That's so cool. How do they not fight???????
RightWingReefer - 10 years ago
Don't do this the 2 white ones are flaring at each other.
Escarlanie Fajardo
Escarlanie Fajardo - 10 years ago
how do you do that?
Stunna - 11 years ago
Bettas are sort of like cichlids. The larger they are( crowntails) the more violent. Yet if you put them in with larger fish they should be fine together.

10. comment for Three male bettas in same Tank

Kelly Brooks
Kelly Brooks - 11 years ago
I think the reason the two male bettas can live together is because they are similar colors. They have no reason to be jealous of each other. :)
Deviously Lila
Deviously Lila - 11 years ago
They look like they're totally exhausted. They're flaring constantly and are obviously too exhausted to fight it out.
XDRUNK WOLFX - 11 years ago
i have had my two males and 7 females together in a 40 gal for 15 months with no attacks or missing fins. i also have 1 striped raph. and 2 plecos. dont listen to non believers. bettas are great.
dianavntura_ - 11 years ago
aww they are so pretty! It's amazing that they don't fight :O
Daniel Azri
Daniel Azri - 11 years ago
are forreal?? people keep saying male betta can't be together in a tank. I'm currently trying to put two betta (delta and veiltail) along with 4 guppy in a tank. The veiltail flares at everyone but the delta seems to look ok with everyone.
bakedwithrealchez - 12 years ago
You are all wrong! The two are brothers and the blue one is adopted. Obviously god!
Luimeril - 12 years ago
i've talked to many breeders of domesticated bettas. they were bred to be MUCH more aggressive than other betta species, and it's VERY hard to keep more than one in a tank. even a sorority of 5+ females can be fine for months, then all of them but one dead in one night. i've only seen a male living with other bettas happen twice. one was with decades of breeding and housing them together, the other was with a blind male living in a sorority of females. but even then, you got nipping and fights.
boston6781 - 12 years ago
Wrong. Research species of bettas. In betta splendid, what speciesyour talking about you at least need 5 females for a male. But in betta simplex, unlike other bettas you should have more males than females.
boston6781 - 12 years ago
Thaat their nickname. Betta is not a species. They are a semi agressive betta species called betta splendid. Also im betta simplex you should have more males then females because the females will breed the males to death.
Corey Craft
Corey Craft - 12 years ago
You are wrong and have obviously never done it. It does work, depending on the size of your tank and the number of betas. Also each beta is an individual and different, but in general, this can be done. I have noticed that specifically Crowntail betas do not work. They are too aggressive, but all other types have worked for me.

20. comment for Three male bettas in same Tank

Corey Craft
Corey Craft - 12 years ago
I have introduced male betas before. First off you need at least 2-3 female betas. They make kind of a hiram. The females will kind of protect each other from the male too. After the females have been in the tank for about a day or so, add the male. He may flare a little at first, but he should be good. Just keep an eye on them for about 24 hours to make sure, but I have done this 3 or 4 times and it always works when you introduce the beta last.
Corey Craft
Corey Craft - 12 years ago
I don't have betas together, but I am thinking about it. Everyone told me I couldn't put my beta with any other fish. I added 3 mollies to the tank. At first the beta was in the 10 gallon tank, then I added the mollies. That did not work, so I tool the beta out for a day and then re-introducted him, and everything was perfect. One happy family ever since. I now want to add another beta. I agree about the crown tails though. I think they are so in bred that their aggression is worse.
Nate Hermit
Nate Hermit - 12 years ago
i had a female that i put in with my old male crown tail i came back from the bathroom 3/4 of her fins were gone i seprated her. then i got a platinum delta tail and i put the female with him after her fins restored he flared up at her but didnt attack they got along really well but im not takig the risk.there in seperated tanks
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
No you cannot. It is practically impossible to house 1 male with females permanently let alone 2 males and 5 females! What if one of the males pairs with a female and they try breeding? The other male would get very very aggressive towards him and attack and possibly kill him. I'm sorry but everyone who is keeping males together/males and females together is just short of being sadistic as they WILL fight eventually. All may be calm for months and then suddenly you'll wake with a dead fish.
Zoe Scoville
Zoe Scoville - 7 years ago
overall i had the setup twice withing four years
Zoe Scoville
Zoe Scoville - 7 years ago
AcidicAngel666 i have had 12 females in a 40 breeder with three males. the most I'd get of aggressive behavior from them was a flare every few hours.
i did this twice. i just got a very calm male betta for that same 40 gallon. i had this tank going for two years and only once had a fight from a female who would pick on the smaller females. she was taken out and I didn't have any issues again
Jake Vang
Jake Vang - 12 years ago
They are supposed to stay aggressive. It's in their genes. They shouldn't be calm
Arita - 13 years ago
they are not from japan
Toledough - 13 years ago
How are the fish? are they still doing fine? BTW You have Beautiful Bettas, can never seem to find any white ones in my area
XSyntax - 14 years ago
HOW!!!!!!!?????? i would love to know =D
Luimeril - 14 years ago
they're beautiful fish! but, males can NOT live together. just because they're peaceful now, doesn't mean they'll stay that way. i saw the Veiltail flaring at the crowntail, meaning he's not happy with the other one being in his space. if you want them in the same tank, you should buy or make a divider, and divide the tank up. you're stressing them out, keeping them in the same tank, and that makes them more likely to get sick and/or die.

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