Top 4 Betta Tank Mates
Betta 6 years ago 113,266 views
Top 4 Betta Tank Mates. We get asked a lot in the store what can I put in my Betta tank? These work with almost any size tank but we find 5 gallons and 10 gallons or larger to the best suited for adding more tank mates to your betta. Support us by buying from our online store: Support us on Patreon: Some items I endorse but don't sell online: Aquaclear Filters: Eco Complete:
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10. comment for Top 4 Betta Tank Mates
Both tanks are well planted and long running cycled habitats. Love seeing all my happy, active fish!
20. comment for Top 4 Betta Tank Mates
30. comment for Top 4 Betta Tank Mates
I keep 1 male betta, 5 small molly. 3 tetra and 1 apple snail. They all get along pretty well.
I have a 20 gallon tank btw, fairly tall, has some plants - real and fake - but those are more off to the side and it's mostly open water from the middle to top. The other fish i have are some ghost shrimp, a bristlenose pleco, a mystery snail, and a sparkling gourami (planning on getting three more of them). The betta will be the last addition to the tank. It'd really help me if anyone could give me good information, don't want to cause fights between my fish :)
50. comment for Top 4 Betta Tank Mates
11 cardinal tetras
7 giant valisneria plants
2 marimo moss balls
2patches of baby dwarf tears
2 plants I bought from Petco ( dont remember the names)
The betta will chase the cardinals they quickly outswim him
I'm also looking for kuhli loaches I'm thinking 5 and 1 clown pleco,but I can't find any near me
'nippy" should be kept away from bettas as they have no defense against other fish. i love the ones you suggested.
Not letting a Kuhli filter feed is like Keeping a Greyhound in a small apartment.
and my 30gal filter
100. comment for Top 4 Betta Tank Mates
He never lived in anything smaller than a 10 gallon, and he was a great buddy.
I used to have them in a 2.5 and they seemed to tolerate each other, but The snail is getting pretty big and is quite messy so it was difficult to control water quality.
I would have gotten a bigger tank, but didn’t have the space so I try to keep up with water changes to avoid getting too much gunk in the tank.
I've never really had problems with my bettas being aggressive towards other inhabitants. That being said, there was one time I got a female and she was insanely aggressive towards everything. She did horribly with all my other girls. She did great with flirting with males, showed all the right signs... then after a good week or two of flirting and I let them meet she'd go back to her usual self and get aggressive and try to kill my males or chase them off to a corner then flare in the center of the tank. She only did well by herself (all snails were fine) until I put her in an aggressive tank. I have a 95 gallon that I just put the aggressive fish in when they can't be housed with everyone else and she did fine in there even though she is the smallest one.
At first I doubt about the corys but he just inspectioned them and realized they weren't not a threat.
When you choose a companion for your betta choose a fish that don't swim on the top, don't have long tails or/and bright colors
Can I have a beta with some serpae tetra and black tetra ?
Sorry for the long drawn-out story. XP
10 gal with 1 male betta,
10 gal with 1 female betta.
I was buying dog food at a big box store and rounded the wrong corner.... Male betta sitting off to the side in a half-full cup certainly headed for the trash? color and sad. I left with a 10 gal set up and Finnegan the now devastatingly gorgeous crowntail betta. Happy St. Patricks Day to me.
The female betta was delivered to me by Petco four days accident!!! I ordered food and they sent a live fish in 38-degree weather! I just kept saying "are you kidding me!?!?! to no one in the room. I thought maybe the box just said "live tropical fish" She is tiny, alive, and a crowntail as well. She doesn't have a name yet. I am taking suggestions.
Everyone in the fish hobby knows by now, if you are still reading this... the 75 gal will now house fish. I am hooked. Pun intended.
Adding stem plants greatly reduces the amount of aggression in a beta aquarium. IMO
greeting axel
In the tropical community tank, I treated the Betta as a high school bully, as in if you put him in the tank first, he'll try to claim the entire thing as "his" territory and treat all the others fish as intruders. I found that if you put the Betta in LAST, it is like transferring the bully to a new school, and he tends not to try to boss the others around as much. As always, your Betta may vary.
Cory, thanks for the loach and snail ideas. I've been wanting to add to my current Betta set-up , 5g and just him, so a snail as you suggest would be perfect.
8 cardinal tetras
2 swordtails
1 silver marble molly
2 Corydoras
1 Betta
Had the tank for about 4 months and everything is great
5 gal aquarium
1 betta
2 cory catfish
Works great for me
No problems.
He did harass the young zebras and the young mollies because they were so small, but he lost his interest once he realized how fast they were. So far, everything has been going great and its a beautiful community to watch with the lone bright red and blue sheriff patroling the tank.
One would think that the betta is stressed, but I haven't seen signs of stress from my betta. He still flares at the thermometer (its so weird xD) and eats, and will occasionally attempt to nip at my mollies and platys but they are too fast for him so he is active and happy :)
Hes now in a 4 ft tank with glass catfish, kuhlis, bristlenose, panda and sterbai corys and praecox rainbows and one guppy i cant catch. Think ill be popping in a boesmani or two next once i sort my plants out as theyre dying off at the moment.
For example: Otocinclus/Plecos for algae cleaning, Rummy-nose tetra for ammonia detection (they lose the redness in their face when ammonia is high in a tank), Dojo Loach for weather prediction. Stuff like that, I want to put together a tank where it's like every fish in the tank has role to play and they aren't there just for show.
10 gallon Betta and too many endlers lol planted Malaysian driftwood
5.5 gallon Betta, cherry shrimp breefing like crazy planted, rock mounds Malaysian drift would capatopa leaves.
Tank has been awesome minimal aggression. This betta is thriving and colored up nicely
Dragon (the betta) is the large and lazy queen; no one chases her, but she will take a notion to whip everyone up every now and then just to remind them who's boss. I used to have a male plakat and he was a little more active, but definitely more playful than anything else. He liked to scatter the tetras for the hell of it. Like, he'd pop up in the middle of them in a full flare, watch them scramble away then, zip back down into the plants - wouldn't chase any of 'em. Eventually the tetras figured out he wasn't going to get them so they wouldn't scatter anymore. He stopped doing it after that - got boring, I guess.
Espei Rasboras
Harlequin Rasboras
Purple Harlequin Rasboras
Glass Cats
Nerite Snails
Ghost shrimp
In another ten: One betta and some sort of mixture of rasboras -- they're hets and espeis, I THINK. They all school together. Also one bladder snail that got in there and we've named Turbo. 7 rasboras, total.
In the past I've done a betta with black neon tetras, which looks great in a ten.
What I found didn't work was a betta in with mollies in a bigger community 20+ gallons. Not because it was aggressive, but because they were too food aggressive and it was hard to feed the betta while everyone was crowding.
At first nt tried to nip betta little bit...but my betta teach them a lesson by ripping off 1 of nt all they live peacefully :D
a Betta with Ember Tetra, some Dwarf or Harli Rasbora's then something else (Panda or Pygmy Cory's or Kuhli Loach)
just not sure on how many fish to get (8-10 each of the tetra's/rasbora's and 4-6 of the corys/loach's?
would that be too many fish in a 34G?
Long story short, this betta did not like his neon tetra tank mates. Not one bit. But the corys worked out great.
Also 10 white cloud minnows
6 golden tetras
3 glass cats
3 albino bristle nose pleco's
6 or more Armano shrimp
1 upside down cat
I see the upside down cat more then the glass cats, which in. A way is a bummer. In another way I know where to find them and they have a good home so it's all good
8 Golden White Clouds
9 Neon Tetras
4 Ghost Shrimp
I seem to have a SUPER mild Betta, has no interest in any of it's tank mates (who often school close to him). I have 8 Golden White Clouds, 9 Neon Tetras and 4 Ghost Shrimp (though the day I introduced the Betta he did try to go for the biggest shrimp, who was having NONE of it. Gotta see the shrimp biff the Betta in the nose and he's never bothered the shrimp again).
I added the female betta as soon as I thought lots of baby guppies were big enough, but she proved me wrong and ate around 30 3 week old guppies in around 2 days!
5 gallon tank with one dumbo halfmoon male betta, three kubotai rasboras, one endler guppy, three horned nirite snails, some cherry and ghost shrimp, and a bunch of malaysian trumpet snails, bladder snails, and ramshorn snails (and plants!)
5 gallon tank with one veil tail male betta and three small horned nirite snails, and plants. Planning on putting some ghost shrimp and maybe an african dwarf frog in there too.
I test the water every week and do the appropriate water changes to keep levels down, I've had them all for a few years now and all doing well!
Then again, female bettas are more peacefu.
In 50L+ tanks (slightly bigger than a 10gal) neons are a great choice. I’ve found that most bettas will restrict the neons’ space too much in anything smaller, which leads to them fighting amongst themselves.
Definitely agree with the ember tetras though!
Most will be fine with any bottom dweller, provided you have the space and hides for them.
Guppies are often successful in 10gal+ tanks, but again I’d go larger.
Chilli Rasboras, and endlers are also good options for nano tanks.
Overall, if you provide enough hides and plants for them to inspect and hide amongst, they’ll be great with other fish