UNBALANCED - Aquariums
Betta 7 years ago 8,518 views
Daily Dustin Video 035. In today's daily video, I go over mistakes in the past that I have made with unbalanced aquariums. Hope you enjoy these tips ;) Support Your Boy, check out our website! https://dustinsfishtanks.com/ Subscribe https://goo.gl/8Sa20Z Most Recent Video https://goo.gl/p4EUdq Most Popular Video https://goo.gl/ZU6YdC Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: https://goo.gl/Bmmm4G Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VDOnZdGE2A&list=PLnw3D5LLGih10emjTgmqODUG8LUfiRyTO SMALL FISH TANK SERIES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih2Of_h9-bSFkA9LU9XfVjJl TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK6Oirg39x0&index=2&list=PLnw3D5LLGih14KD64PUgEp2JiFOZ1-kZL No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV6qqzZ7e3I&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ry49t00hLjsktfBV-hG6f Sunday Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&list=PLnw3D5LLGih0Wdi2wtp_CVsfd7QiSr6Gv Aquarium TIPS and Tricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFd0_zyrVP0&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1KEuNq_Ir6US8Q7A2Fdu3S: aquascaping Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IneqJdh82UY&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1_R4_q_U2nTRfIWjOp_q0v INSANE German Fish Store https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXZXJYzp71o&list=PLnw3D5LLGih04oeax4uTCfc6buTlsh9aJ Koi and Pond Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_5HcRFLxfk&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ynaEMqIpJ4d7r8hmM78JI SPECIES SUNDAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpAdLaqqCn4&list=PL2F4BE1931D73538C Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DustinsFishtanks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dustinsfishtanks/
Fish or feeding to much
i don't know if you put dirt in it, but it doesn't look like it.
tank might have been more stable with dirt to help increase the plant load.. maybe not a lot of dirt, but like a half inch.
after the first 2 months of heavy water changes (which is why you probably avoided putting dirt in the tank in the first place) my 29dirted was almost self sustained, no ferts nor co2, just a filter that i clean like once every 3 months, and water top offs.
I've got 20 tetras
and probably 800 trumpet snails :/
p.s. thanks for giving me the knowledge and courage to dirt a tank for the first time!
10. comment for UNBALANCED - Aquariums
On my work tank (20g High) I run two filters with sponges over the intakes, one with ceramic rings and the other with pothos, keep the lighting dim because it's by the storefront windows, add a ton of floating plants, and give it a 25% water change once weekly.
20. comment for UNBALANCED - Aquariums
30. comment for UNBALANCED - Aquariums
I have platys blue ones they are multiplying like rabbits
Aggressive feeders too
Plants are the key to success.
Yo D, thanks as always brother
A ridiculous plant load! And not just alot of plants, but 90% heavy feeding plants. My best is a 60 gallon tank, 50 Neon Tetra, 2 cories, and 2 Yoyo. 40% water changes once a week. Lights are on 13 hours.
Not a single spot of algae!
1. Plants
2. More plants
3. Even more plants and regular water changes
On my "nice" tank, I maintain the plant load as high as my cheap lights can support, and use the lowest level of ferts I can get away with - watching for plant signs of distress. I'm at maybe 25% recommended fert dosage, with good health all around.
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