UNBALANCED - Aquariums

Daily Dustin Video 035. In today's daily video, I go over mistakes in the past that I have made with unbalanced aquariums. Hope you enjoy these tips ;) Support Your Boy, check out our website! https://dustinsfishtanks.com/ Subscribe https://goo.gl/8Sa20Z Most Recent Video https://goo.gl/p4EUdq Most Popular Video https://goo.gl/ZU6YdC Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: https://goo.gl/Bmmm4G Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VDOnZdGE2A&list=PLnw3D5LLGih10emjTgmqODUG8LUfiRyTO SMALL FISH TANK SERIES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih2Of_h9-bSFkA9LU9XfVjJl TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK6Oirg39x0&index=2&list=PLnw3D5LLGih14KD64PUgEp2JiFOZ1-kZL No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV6qqzZ7e3I&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ry49t00hLjsktfBV-hG6f Sunday Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&list=PLnw3D5LLGih0Wdi2wtp_CVsfd7QiSr6Gv Aquarium TIPS and Tricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFd0_zyrVP0&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1KEuNq_Ir6US8Q7A2Fdu3S: aquascaping Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IneqJdh82UY&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1_R4_q_U2nTRfIWjOp_q0v INSANE German Fish Store https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXZXJYzp71o&list=PLnw3D5LLGih04oeax4uTCfc6buTlsh9aJ Koi and Pond Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_5HcRFLxfk&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ynaEMqIpJ4d7r8hmM78JI SPECIES SUNDAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpAdLaqqCn4&list=PL2F4BE1931D73538C Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DustinsFishtanks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dustinsfishtanks/

UNBALANCED - Aquariums sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Betta 7 years ago 8,518 views

Daily Dustin Video 035. In today's daily video, I go over mistakes in the past that I have made with unbalanced aquariums. Hope you enjoy these tips ;) Support Your Boy, check out our website! https://dustinsfishtanks.com/ Subscribe https://goo.gl/8Sa20Z Most Recent Video https://goo.gl/p4EUdq Most Popular Video https://goo.gl/ZU6YdC Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: https://goo.gl/Bmmm4G Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VDOnZdGE2A&list=PLnw3D5LLGih10emjTgmqODUG8LUfiRyTO SMALL FISH TANK SERIES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih2Of_h9-bSFkA9LU9XfVjJl TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK6Oirg39x0&index=2&list=PLnw3D5LLGih14KD64PUgEp2JiFOZ1-kZL No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV6qqzZ7e3I&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ry49t00hLjsktfBV-hG6f Sunday Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&list=PLnw3D5LLGih0Wdi2wtp_CVsfd7QiSr6Gv Aquarium TIPS and Tricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFd0_zyrVP0&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1KEuNq_Ir6US8Q7A2Fdu3S: aquascaping Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IneqJdh82UY&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1_R4_q_U2nTRfIWjOp_q0v INSANE German Fish Store https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXZXJYzp71o&list=PLnw3D5LLGih04oeax4uTCfc6buTlsh9aJ Koi and Pond Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_5HcRFLxfk&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ynaEMqIpJ4d7r8hmM78JI SPECIES SUNDAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpAdLaqqCn4&list=PL2F4BE1931D73538C Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DustinsFishtanks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dustinsfishtanks/

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Most popular comments
for UNBALANCED - Aquariums

Roberto Abarca
Roberto Abarca - 7 years ago
Just got back into the hobby after a 8 year break due to college & life and I'm glad to see you still thriving out here OG, keep it up! I keep things balanced with a good amount of frogbit and water lettuce and of course a heavily planted tank. I recently removed a lot of the floaters to give the carpeting plants some relief and all algae hell broke loose to where my algae crew couldn't keep up so I had H202 step in. The mosses take a little beating but that's a last ditch effort if manual isn't enough.
Andrea Shelton
Andrea Shelton - 7 years ago
Congratulations on your win! Fly Eagles!
Garry Mcgrath
Garry Mcgrath - 7 years ago
Just let algae sort it's salve out . It's nature's why of eliminating nitrates/ phosphates as long as your not adding to much thru dosing ,to many
Fish or feeding to much
John2891 - 7 years ago
as I've been following the growth of this "high maintenance" tank, it seems like the plants never grow...
i don't know if you put dirt in it, but it doesn't look like it.
tank might have been more stable with dirt to help increase the plant load.. maybe not a lot of dirt, but like a half inch.

after the first 2 months of heavy water changes (which is why you probably avoided putting dirt in the tank in the first place) my 29dirted was almost self sustained, no ferts nor co2, just a filter that i clean like once every 3 months, and water top offs.
I've got 20 tetras
and probably 800 trumpet snails :/

p.s. thanks for giving me the knowledge and courage to dirt a tank for the first time!
David's Fish Tanks
David's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
great info thanks for sharing I gave you a thumbs up cheers !
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
FISH TANK FAILS - Top 5 what the heck were they thinking?!
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
go birds
Ashley Nicole
Ashley Nicole - 7 years ago
Wow I wish I had tanks like this! I'm just starting this hobby and I love your videos! Hopefully I won't kill any fish in the process.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago

10. comment for UNBALANCED - Aquariums

Blake Sherman
Blake Sherman - 7 years ago
The saga continues.......
John Kelley
John Kelley - 7 years ago
Duck weed and mini water lettuce are my balance. I only remove 10% every other week or I get a algae bloom.
cichlid wrestling man Vessie
cichlid wrestling man Vessie - 7 years ago
Brock Burch
Brock Burch - 7 years ago
On my home tanks (29g, 10g, 2.75g) I plant every bare patch of substrate with something, keep duckweed and frogbit in everything, run my lights on a timer for 8 hours a day, and do a 50% water change once a week. All of my tanks also have Amano shrimp and snails.

On my work tank (20g High) I run two filters with sponges over the intakes, one with ceramic rings and the other with pothos, keep the lighting dim because it's by the storefront windows, add a ton of floating plants, and give it a 25% water change once weekly.
Speedy Outdoors fun fish tank fun
Speedy Outdoors fun fish tank fun - 7 years ago
i am from Ohio too the browns will win a super bowl when hell freezes over lol every so ofeten i get bored on a day with no school and do almost 100% water change after doing nothing for about 2 weeks luckly my fish are hardy
Heather - Varuna Aquatics
Heather - Varuna Aquatics - 7 years ago
Loving it!
Patrick Gallana
Patrick Gallana - 7 years ago
Heavy load of easy to grow plants in good plant substrate with algae eating shrimps first. Set the light timer to 6 hours of light daily. Break up the lighting schedule to 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours at night so you don't give algae the chance to complete its growth cycle. Do a 20 percent water change once every two weeks to allow the beneficial bacteria to grow. Don't add any liquid fertilizer in the early stages of your tank, unless you want algae, let the plant substrate supply the nutrients and let the plants adjust and grow in its environment. Then a month later, add some algae eating fish. After another month slowly add the fish you want. As the tanks bio load increases, you must also increase the percentage of your water change.
044 Aquatics
044 Aquatics - 7 years ago
I use a lot of pathos plant in my aquarium I just hang it in the corner
Freddy Got Fished
Freddy Got Fished - 7 years ago
What's up fish taco people!
Blayde - 7 years ago
Why did my oscar eat my neon tetras?
Blayde - 7 years ago
lol k oscars dont even get big
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Your oscar went oscar
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
Blayde Because he is a predator fish... and he got hungry.

20. comment for UNBALANCED - Aquariums

Kevin Mobley
Kevin Mobley - 7 years ago
Heavy planted and I run bio home in my fx6, aqua tops cf400 uv two of them and. One aquatop c.f. 500 uv..on a 150gal tank. Finnex plus 24/7. Oh and no water changes.... To help I have 9 otocatfish..I know not the right spelling..
Kekistani Freedom Fighter 01
Kekistani Freedom Fighter 01 - 7 years ago
i have a planted tank thats over stocked but i let it be. Recently had BB algae hit my gravel. I didn't like my gravel anyway so 3 days ago i dumped pool sand all over the BBA and dosed hydrogen peroxide. two birds with one stone.
Miguel Rodriguez
Miguel Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Hwavy plant load, 2 bristle nose plecos, unknown number of red cherry shrimp, 4 albino corys, guppies, pinapple sword tails, and 4 dwarf neon blue gouramis. All in a 55 gallon with over filtration. And I still have a managable lot bba growing.
Normal Day With Charlie!!!
Normal Day With Charlie!!! - 7 years ago
Dustin...if you had to make a setup with a under gravel filter, how would you do it...???
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium - 7 years ago
Love the old school
Rick W
Rick W - 7 years ago
Pats fan here on Cape Cod. Gotta hand it to the Eagles they had a BALANCED attack (see what I did there?).
JESSE Weimer
JESSE Weimer - 7 years ago
I float water sprite or plant some anacharis. I've also added a pot with a lotus bulb because they grow so fast and use up nutrients.
Forx_o - 7 years ago
Lots of plants from Dustin
Fantasmamuerto - 7 years ago
too much platys man, they repdroduce like hell.
Jizzy Jay
Jizzy Jay - 7 years ago
Dustin just believen your browns. Im a niners fan i feel your pain but aye look at our qb now

30. comment for UNBALANCED - Aquariums

Power - 7 years ago
I just kept adding java moss until all my problems went away. It worked
Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 7 years ago
Yay, Karen, Sharon and their brother Darren.
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
Common sense stuff we all forget. Nice vid
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 7 years ago
Water changes lots of 2ater motion feed 1x a day
I have platys blue ones they are multiplying like rabbits
Aggressive feeders too
InitialDrifterZ - 7 years ago
Wooo! Go Eagles!!! That was one hell of a game! I can't wait for the parade!!! Don't worry Dustin! The Browns won't be bad forever. Honestly, I think they're on the verge of becoming something. They play too hard to lose that much. Plus, I heard Cleveland is a football town just like Philly! Patience! Hypothetical question, how would you react if the Browns traded the #4 pick for Foles???
FishNerdVlogs - 7 years ago
I legit dont want the browns to get foles because im worried that as long as we have this coaching staff, we'd ruin his career xD :''(
Russell The Fish Guy
Russell The Fish Guy - 7 years ago
I bomb automatically
Kevin V
Kevin V - 7 years ago
Like the Brady joke
Jean Abarca
Jean Abarca - 7 years ago
I have a golden pothos growing out of the tank, it’s always growing so balance is easy, 35% water change every 2 weeks.
Plants are the key to success.
Yo D, thanks as always brother
osiris nunez-morillo
osiris nunez-morillo - 7 years ago
Hey man I just started a DSM PLANTED WITH dual t5 fixture, It’s a 55 gallon my DWH (dwarf hair grass) is turning brown n yellow I cut most of them , dosing flourish scheme I got al of them please help and thx for always teaching me new things
Dominik Figueroa
Dominik Figueroa - 7 years ago
I just got my plants in the mail, thanks Dustin, getting ready to throw them in now
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Love it- sorry it took so long with usps
bosnakedisniksic - 7 years ago
Heavy plant load, fasts, over filtering,50% water changes weekly, and wait a year.
laattardo - 7 years ago
I'm only a year back in and honestly I watched a lot of videos and have gotten lucky I think. I have a 20 with guppies. A ten with brass tetras. And now I am getting ready to setup a 54!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
There ya go!
Mac 78
Mac 78 - 7 years ago
My tank is balanced by a big plant mass with Nymphea zenkeri (tiger lotus) and Heteranthera zosterifolia (star grass) and two eheim 2080 filters on a 100 gallon tank. Also I do two 50% water changes a week in a routine that never changes to promote stability and consistency.
Mac 78
Mac 78 - 7 years ago
It's a real popular plant where I am in the UK so most LFS sell it or lots of Internet sellers always have it in stock.
Whitney Benne
Whitney Benne - 7 years ago
where did you get ur stargrass? I cant find it anywhere
MsLinanator - 7 years ago
Eagles did it. Home boy, Justin Timberlake crushed half time show!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
You know I love Justin Timberlake
MsLinanator - 7 years ago
Great video, Dusty!
Baby Tear Gardens
Baby Tear Gardens - 7 years ago
What's up green house people?
Preston Shearer
Preston Shearer - 7 years ago
How I balance ALL my tanks....
A ridiculous plant load! And not just alot of plants, but 90% heavy feeding plants. My best is a 60 gallon tank, 50 Neon Tetra, 2 cories, and 2 Yoyo. 40% water changes once a week. Lights are on 13 hours.
Not a single spot of algae!
Gamerszone Bruh
Gamerszone Bruh - 7 years ago
Dustin need a way to communicate with you plz and thank you for your amazing videos keep up the good work
FishNerdVlogs - 7 years ago
watch all his videos bro! Thats what we run fish channels for
Gamerszone Bruh
Gamerszone Bruh - 7 years ago
I got a tank and I'm kinda new to the natural plants so I really want a little bit of help since you have alot of experience
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Gamerszone Bruh yo
Fabian Szabo
Fabian Szabo - 7 years ago
How I balance my tanks:
1. Plants
2. More plants
3. Even more plants and regular water changes
J S - 7 years ago
I do that, plus snails and shrimp. Brainless success.
On my "nice" tank, I maintain the plant load as high as my cheap lights can support, and use the lowest level of ferts I can get away with - watching for plant signs of distress. I'm at maybe 25% recommended fert dosage, with good health all around.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Fabian Szabo there ya go! Good recipe!!
Monrad - 7 years ago
Lot's of plants and lot's of love for them
FishNerdVlogs - 7 years ago
dude the dustin daily videos are KILLING it! loving the uploads bro
FishNerdVlogs - 7 years ago
yeah man. I get stressed out just thinking about the workload. hey if you ever need a quest host you know where to find me ;D xD
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
FishNerdVlogs thanks man, it's a bunch of work- but I think people are enjoying it ;)

50. comment for UNBALANCED - Aquariums

HeWhohasNOname !
HeWhohasNOname ! - 7 years ago
Dustin. Eagles won the fuxking super bowl. We did ittt. We did itttttttttttttt!!!!!!! Yessssssssssssss

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